Mobile app with CF

I am trying to figure out how to build a mobile app using Jquery Mobile on the client side and Coldfusion and MySQL on the server side.  It seems very difficult to find a basic example.  Can someone please show me a tutorial that shows how to insert data and then read the data and display it?  All on a mobile phone?  I know this has to be possible but I can't find any documentation.

suppose you had the following form:
you could post it to a remote server by adding a click handler to the button that calls:
            url: "",
            type: "POST",
            data: "method=yourMethod&" + $("#mainForm").serialize(),
            success: function(data)

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    PhoneGap builds mobile apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You cannot use a server-side language, such as PHP, with PhoneGap.
    Presumably, you want to connect with a MySQL database on a remote server. To do so, you would need to use Ajax to send and receive data from the MySQL database. You can use jQuery to send and receive data as JSON. PHP has JSON functions that decode and encode data as JSON strings.
    How difficult or easy you would find setting this up depends on your knowledge of jQuery and PHP. I don't know of any tutorials that show how to pull everything together for PhoneGap, but it shouldn't be too difficult to find tutorials for using jQuery Ajax to communicate with MySQL.

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    PhoneGap builds mobile apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You cannot use a server-side language, such as PHP, with PhoneGap.
    Presumably, you want to connect with a MySQL database on a remote server. To do so, you would need to use Ajax to send and receive data from the MySQL database. You can use jQuery to send and receive data as JSON. PHP has JSON functions that decode and encode data as JSON strings.
    How difficult or easy you would find setting this up depends on your knowledge of jQuery and PHP. I don't know of any tutorials that show how to pull everything together for PhoneGap, but it shouldn't be too difficult to find tutorials for using jQuery Ajax to communicate with MySQL.

  • How to use OneDrive for Business mobile app with SharePoint 2013 on-premise?

    Hi All,
    I have a SharePoint 2013 (with latest December updates) that host a dedicated personal web site for users.
    The OneDrive portal works fine and users are able to sync their files with the OneDrive client for Windows.
    Now I want to test the OneDrive for Business mobile app on Android, but there is no option to specify the "personal" portal URL.
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    I can confirm that with iOS you can connect to your SharePoint server through the advanced options.
    But the very strange thing is that the OneDrive version for Windows Phone 8.1 is limited as the Android version.
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  • Dreamweaver CS5.5 Mobile Apps with PHP and MYSQL?

    I don't have Dreamweaver CS5.5 yet and I've been trying to search for information on this but I couldn't find any. I've been learning PHP and been developing with MYSQL with Dreamweaver CS5 but I wanted to know if I can use the same tags and everything if I would to build a Mobile App using the new Dreamweaver CS5.5 ( pages/). I overlooked at the video and it seems pretty easy building an app. So is PHP and MYSQL easily integratable? Are there any examples that I might be able to check out?

    No. PHP is a server-side scripting language that requires a server (or server-like environment) to run.
    An iPhone (or Android) application does not allow for a "built-in" server (which is resource intensive and has scary security implications). You just can't build an application with PHP/MySQL for a mobile device. Instead you can build a web service that your HTML/JavaScript mobile application can then communicate with. This is the only supported way you can use PHP/MySQL in a mobile app. Again: the PHP/MySQL should reside on a server and your HTML/JS mobile app can then communicate with that web service. That's what instapaper and other applications do.
    Frankly, just make a web application that's mobile device friendly and you'll:
    1) Avoid all the messiness of the app stores
    2) Have greater control over what your web app can do (don't have to tow the Apple/Google line)
    3) Have a web app that can work across mulitple mobile devices as well as standard web browsers (i.e. more audience = more $).
    4) Future proof your application (pushing updates to your server and everyone using your web app is updated)
    Otherwise, read-up on Adobe AIR and what it supports and remember, the best apps are written natively for the platform (i.e. want to write an app for an iPhone? Learn Objective-C and use xCode on a Mac. Want to write an app for Motorola Xoom? Learn the Android SDK and use inteliJ).

  • How to build database driven mobile apps with dreamweaver and phonegap?

    Hi all,
    I'm searching the easiest way to implement a simple database in my app.
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    Is there a tutorial that explains the basic of database for mobile in dreamweaver?
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    What about forms and data validation?
    TIA for any help.

    @idesdema: Have a look at this tutorial:
    It includes a demo as well as a download link to the source files.
    Also, if you want to take it a step further, you can create & manage a 'local database' without having to access anything remotely - basically handling everything at the client's end.
    There's a tutorial for that here:
    Good luck.

  • Introduction to PhoneGap Build - Building your first app | Building Mobile Apps with PhoneGap Build | Adobe TV

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    Mobile Services uses SQL Database, nothing special on that SQL Database, its just like any other  "normal" SQL Database.
    Mobile Services provides "back-end services" that simplifies accessing SQL Database, Notification services, authentication, etc...
    Let's assume you don't use Mobile Services, to use SQL Database, you would need your app (both mobile and web) to connect to the database. In practice, you will not want to expose your SQL database directly, so you'd end-up writing some kind of a "facade"
    that your app will access instead of directly connecting to the database.
    Instead of writing that "facade", Mobile services provides that for you (you still have to write code though, but less than what you need to write if you're rolling your own).
    Both your web app and mobile apps can share the same SQL database (pay attention to the mobile service schema).
    To help you decide, ask yourself what other features will your mobile app require? Authentication? Notification? etc... are you prepared to write those on your own or use various libraries instead of one?

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    To compile your mobile app for Android, iPhone, etc... go directly to PhoneGap Build
    Nancy O.

  • Unresolved std lib methods when packaging mobile app with ANE ios7, mavericks, air sdk 3.9

    After converting from ios6.1 / mountain lion to ios 7 / mavericks, my Flash builder mobile actionscript application gets the following unresolved std lib methods when it tries to package the appluication for my ios7 device.  These symbols come from code written from within my native extension (ane) that was created and added in the properties configuration.
    This packaged and ran fine on ios6.1 / mountain there some way that I need to link in the standard library in this scenario (that I didn't have to do before)?
    Error occurred while packaging the application:
    Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
      "__ZNSt3__115basic_streambufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE6setbufEPci", referenced from:
          __ZTVNSt3__115basic_stringbufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE E in libcom.dddnativespinterface.a(yyy.o)
      "__ZNSt3__115basic_streambufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE9showmanycEv", referenced from:
          __ZTVNSt3__115basic_stringbufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE E in libcom.ddd.nativespinterface.a(yyy.o)
          __ZTVNSt3__113basic_filebufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE in libcom.ddd.nativespinterface.a(yyy.o)
      "__ZNSt3__112__next_primeEm", referenced from:
          __ZNSt3__112__hash_tableINS_4pairINS_12basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEEP14TrafficManagerEENS_22__u nordered_map_hasherIS7_S9_NS_4hashIS7_EELb1EEENS_21__unordered_map_equ alIS7_S9_NS_8equal_toIS7_EELb1EEENS5_ISA_EEE6rehashEm in libcom.ddd.nativespinterface.a(zzz.o)
      "__ZNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEED1Ev", referenced from:
          __ZTCNSt3__118basic_stringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIc EEEE8_NS_13basic_ostreamIcS2_EE in libcom.ddd.nativespinterface.a(PremiereSoftphoneAirBridge_v7.o)
          __ZTCNSt3__114basic_ofstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE0_NS_13basic_ostr eamIcS2_EE in libcom.ddd.nativespinterface.a(xxx.o)

    I solved my issue by setting the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. (Note: there are two underscores)
    I added the following line to my .bash_profile:
    export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
    Now everytime a Java program is launched from the command line, I see the following message:
    Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
    And my application packaging runs just fine now.
    I still have an issue though: this trick solved the problem for packaging the app from the command line, but the _JAVA_OPTIONS are not picked up when packaging from Flash Builder, so it still crashes there.
    Note that my Adobe Flash Builder 4.6.ini contains the following options:
    1676m is the highest number I can put before Flash Builder refuses to launch. I'm not sure if these parameters are actually passed to the VM that runs de dx.jar program, or if it's just for the ActionScript compiler. But anyway my app packaging still crashes in Flash Builder.
    If someone knows a way to force Flash Builder to pickup the _JAVA_OPTIONS set in the command line, let me know :-)

  • Lync 2013 mobile app does not work internally, SIP domain is Different than users UPN. not sure if that matters.

    using the lync client connectivity tester on a pc on the same lan as my mobile client everything is green and it says its ready for use.
    using my android galaxy s5 client on wifi on the same lan i get a screen with waiting to sign in spinning and an error at the top "we cant connect to the server check your network connection and server address, and try again."
    i have uploaded the full client log files
    here: client log file
    some errors that stand out from this log file are:
    1. ERROR HttpEngine: Certificate check fails: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
    2. <h2>401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.</h2>
      <h3>You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.</h3>
    i am using the correct creds, same creds i used on the analyzer tool.
    in the analyzer tool i did have to fill in the username field because my sip domain is different then my users UPN. which from what ive read its required to use the username field.
    i also filled in the username field in the mobile app with domain\username
    3. ERROR LYNC: ERROR TRANSPORT /Volumes/ServerHD2/buildagent/workspace/200604/tps/ucmp/platform/networkapis/privateandroid/CHttpConnection.cpp/295:CHttpConnection exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
    Jan 14, 2015 8:40:49 AM INFO LYNC: INFO TRANSPORT /Volumes/ServerHD2/buildagent/workspace/200604/tps/ucmp/ucmp/transport/requestprocessor/private/CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/173:Received response of request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) with status = 0x22020001
    Jan 14, 2015 8:40:49 AM INFO LYNC: INFO TRANSPORT /Volumes/ServerHD2/buildagent/workspace/200604/tps/ucmp/ucmp/transport/requestprocessor/private/CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/201:Request UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest resulted in E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1). The retry
    counter is: 0
    4. Jan 14, 2015 8:40:50 AM ERROR LYNC: ERROR TRANSPORT /Volumes/ServerHD2/buildagent/workspace/200604/tps/ucmp/ucmp/transport/authenticationresolver/private/CAuthenticationResolver.cpp/431:Failing the original request as we weren't able to get the token
    this is the same type of error i was getting in the lync connectivity analyzer until i filled in the username field. but its filled in, in my client.
    again you can see the full log file is `HERE
    thank you in advance for any help. im trying to get internal working before i try external.

    I am trying to configure a reverseproxy on my netscaler which is in a 2 arm mode(dmz/internal) but I keep getting an error when configuring the monitor.
    i used this guide to configure it
    but continue to get this error in the netscaler monitor "Failure - TCP connection successful, but application timed out"
    so the virtual server is never up, thinking about just changing it to tcp as a monitor so it stays up and i can at lesat get the vip up.
    Also your link to the diagram shows it going to the reverse  proxy but the one im using has it going directly to the front end servers.
    I'm guessing Microsoft's is the correct one but wonder why the config differential?
    I see that your diagram says "mobility url", what is the mobility url? i though that was the
    current setup is
    2 fe servers on internal
    1 edge server on dmz
    1 almost done reverse proxy netscaler load balancer.
    also this ms link i used to configure dns entries, along with the pdf linked above.
    i currently have these external dns entries and they all point to the edge server on the dmz.
    the internal dns links point to 1 of the front end servers
    thanks again for your help.

  • Creating a Simple IOS / Android APP with web pages?

    Hi all,
    Recently I created a simple backend database driven website for a clients customers to see their info. The client wants to have his own "Company App", primarily for the marketing aspects. I was thinking that it might be possible to have a super simple basic app just showing/using the web pages that we already have.
    I already made some pages with custom tailored css to iphone and could expand this concept to other models - android etc.
    I have never tried to make an ios or andriod app before, but...
    Q: Would it be possible to create a simple app DEMO that can display/use the css iphone page I already made? If I wanted to look more into this (and even work with other dev's) where would I start?

    Mobile Apps are standalone pieces of mobile software that you design, compile with Phone Gap and then upload to Google Play or Apple's App store.  From there mobile users can purchase (most are free) download & install apps on their device.   Apps include just about everything from GPS & traffic info, to sports, games, entertainment, health & fitness tracking. You name it, it's probably out there.   A mobile app is not a web site, although the app may indeed be tied to the creator's web site so he can sell more apps.   But an app is just an app.  A web site is a web site.  2 different things.
    If you want to explore Mobile App development, I recommend this introductory tutorial
    Create & package Mobile app with DW, jQuery Mobile & PhoneGap
    Nancy O.

  • Error creating mobile application with dreamweaver cs5.5

    I was just looking at the mobile phone application tools in Dreamweaver CS5.5.
    I have a new mac, downloaded and installed Dreamweaver CS5.5, installed an update for it, then installed iOS Xcode, and within Dreamweaver attempted to install the Android SDK  (this failed using the easy install, so I had to install it manually.
    I then followed the tutorial here .html
    but when I try to package the app, I get the same error every time.
    The log produces a lot of information, but I think this is the part that shows the error
    /Users/Pat/Documents/DW_NAF/PhoneGapLib/build/ -c /Users/Pat/Documents/DW_NAF/PhoneGapLib/Classes/Camera.m -o /Users/Pat/Documents/DW_NAF/PhoneGapLib/build/
    /Users/Pat/Documents/DW_NAF/PhoneGapLib/Classes/Camera.m:178:13: error: type of property 'returnType' ('unsigned int') does not match type of ivar 'returnType' ('enum DestinationType') [3]  @synthesize returnType;
    /Users/Pat/Documents/DW_NAF/PhoneGapLib/Classes/Camera.h:25:23: note: ivar is declared here [3]
             enum DestinationType returnType;
    1 error generated.
    operation completed
          emptySelectCount =  9
          readCount = 310
    I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask for help, so please forgive me if it is the wrong place.
    Any suggestion would really be appreciated.
    many thanks

    For the kind of money that Adobe charges, my expectation is that the Adobe software should be of the highest caliber. Wish I had known. I would not have  saved for months in order to buy 5.5. I bought Dreamweaver specifically for the mobile piece. I'm disappointed to say the least. I think there is something VERY wrong when users have to supply the fixes and/or search for days or months for help. This is inexcuseable from a software company as well known as Adobe. When I purchase a product that is this costly, I just expect it to work.
    Currently, thanks to a fellow Dreamweaver user, I managed to get the Adroid sdk and emulator working early this morning. This after days of searching and thinking that I must be doing something wrong. It had to be me. It couldn't be Adobe.
    Come on, having to tweek an internal xml file in order to get the Android emulator to work from Dreamweaver? How many of us could find this fix ourselves?
    Xcode is still in limbo giving me the error messages mentioned in this thread. Now it appears that we as users are expected to go in and tweek .h camera files in hopes the fix will work? This is ridiculous. Where is the adobe support and updates to deal with all of this? Seems a little like false advertising to say that mobile apps with compile to code. Steamed? You bet.

  • Creating a mobile app using Captivate as a base

    Hi All
    I am looking for some advice on a project I have been tasked with.
    I am interested in making a stand alone mobile app. The idea is to create individual courses in Captivate, publish them to HTML5, and then include them in this app. A user may choose which Captivate course to take, click into it, and once completed return to the main app.
    So far I can run the individual courses on the mobile devices using Phonegap.
    My question is, can / should a Captivate project be used as the base for the actual mobile app. It should be able to...
    1) Open other Captivate projects and be returned to once completed. Preferabbly being able to open to a specific slide in the project.
    2) Record the results of the Captivate projects.
    3) Provide a menu interface for selection of these individual courses.
    Has anyone had any experience creating mobile apps with Captivate? Or should I build the actual app in some other way, and just link to the Captivate projects?
    How might I record the results from a Captivate project when I am not using a system which already has the functionality (e.g. Moodle)?
    Thank you for any help and insights you may offer.
    Lewis Carey

    Hi All
    I am looking for some advice on a project I have been tasked with.
    I am interested in making a stand alone mobile app. The idea is to create individual courses in Captivate, publish them to HTML5, and then include them in this app. A user may choose which Captivate course to take, click into it, and once completed return to the main app.
    So far I can run the individual courses on the mobile devices using Phonegap.
    My question is, can / should a Captivate project be used as the base for the actual mobile app. It should be able to...
    1) Open other Captivate projects and be returned to once completed. Preferabbly being able to open to a specific slide in the project.
    2) Record the results of the Captivate projects.
    3) Provide a menu interface for selection of these individual courses.
    Has anyone had any experience creating mobile apps with Captivate? Or should I build the actual app in some other way, and just link to the Captivate projects?
    How might I record the results from a Captivate project when I am not using a system which already has the functionality (e.g. Moodle)?
    Thank you for any help and insights you may offer.
    Lewis Carey

  • Google mobile problem with 3G S

    When I use the Google mobile app with the 3G S, it doesn't always activate the voice search when I put it up to my face. I don't recall having that problem with my original iPhone. Anyone else having this problem?

    I find it has to be a definite move to your ear. Move too smoothly and it won't trigger the voice search.
    Also, check the Google app settings (the button at the bottom right). "Screen Rotation" is supposed to be set to OFF. "Turning on Screen Rotation disables motion sensing for voice search."

Maybe you are looking for

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