1 I Pod Mounts, another will not

I Have two I Pods. I Had some work done on my desktop. After Which my I Pod video (60) worke fine. But my other I Pod (20 gig dock mount) will not be recognized. I am not trying mount them simultaneously. To make things even more curious, They will both mount on my laptop, Any Ideas?. I have tried restarting with the 20 and it starts to recognize, but then fails.

Hi, Well if the ipod is not turning on then try the troubleshooting steps. You will find many of them at apple.com/support. Well as the ipod is not turning on, toggle the hold switch on the ipod for 8 times and then make sure that the orange colour at the hold switch is hidden and then press the 'menu' and 'centre' button together till you see an Apple logo appearing on the screen. Try pressing the buttons together for atleast 1 min to see if you see an Apple logo and once you see an Apple logo release the buttons and the ipod should be back up and will work fine...
If that does not work then try connecting the ipod with the computer. Make sure you connect the ipod to the back of the computer and then follow the steps provided above...

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    Thanks, JoJoJim

    Try these.
    My iPod won't turn on.
    My iPod has no power.
    My iPod won't wake up.
    If you've tried those and they don't help, get it serviced or exchanged.
    You can arrange online service here.
    Service request.
    Or if an Apple store is near you, take it there and have them check your iPod.
    You can make an appointment by using this link.
    Genius Bar Appointments.

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    Lots of accessories are designed for Firewire based iPods. The new iPods are USB based. While this obviously effects the connector you are using to connect it to your computer, it also effects the power that is being sent to the unit. So, a firewire accessorie (like your iTrip) will not charge the USB IPods.

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    thanks very much.

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    Four USB (Universal Serial Bus) 2.0 ports
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    Please help!

    have you tried updating the fix version or the iTunes 9.1? they say it can recognize the 1st gen.

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    If you have an iBook G4, (PPC) you can't do much.
    But if that is a MacBook (intel) you may be able to
    upgrade the OS X, if the hardware is up to it...
    Since there were about nine different build models
    of MacBook (not powerpc iBook) to identify what
    one you have would be the first step to knowing
    what OS X and RAM upgrades it could use.
    If the computer is not already at OS X 10.6.8,
    it can't go online to get or use OS X 10.7.5. So,
    when you more accurately describe the 'Book,
    detailed information is available.
    When you find the serial number, there is a web
    page that can be used to identify by serial no.
    That'd be a first step. Or even the Model number
    which should be visible on the outer case by hinge.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    The same thing happened to my daughter on her Mac the other day. It turned out that the program she'd downloaded wasn't compatible with her OS. Did you make sure you'd downloaded a version that is compatible with Tiger?

  • Another WILL NOT POST Threads :/

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    I'm regretting to change the damn HSF in the first place, I am guessing that maybe the CPU is gone?  
    I'm extremely annoyed and have no idea on what I should do, if anyone has any suggestions that would be of help it would be appreciated.
    Thanks for whoever had the the time and patience to read my silly story.

    I would have thought the new mobo was tested, so I would check the pins on the CPU, has one got bent? Make sure the paste has not caused a short on pins or components. Check CPU and heatsink are making good contact, there is a ledge on H/S make sure it not interfering with components or CPU

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    I can't find any solution for this, you can try to call Apple or visit an Apple Store / Premium Reseller.

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    I think you have the accessibility VoiceOver feature turned on.
    Triple click the home button and try going to Settings>General>Accessibility and turn VoiceOver off. You may have to use three fingers to scroll the screen to get there. If problems see the following for how to turn off via iTunes:
      iPhone: Configuring accessibility features (including VoiceOver and Zoom)

  • Another 'will not boot' - revisit...

    Hi all,
    I posted this awhile back and got some helpful replys - old topic here; http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2233372&tstart=0
    after all that it has been fine since. however it has now started doing it again. Well, not booting. it just hangs on a grey screen.
    I booted onto the osx install cd & ran the disc utility repair on the HD - it found loads of errors & repaired them. I the restarted it and it booted into osx - I took this opportunity to backup all the old files from the mac. Then about an hour later it froze up. I restarted it and again-hanging on a grey screen. I can boot into the osx CD but now when you go to disc utility the 'emac' section of the HD isn't there & it cant verify the HD either. Nothing apart from the OSX install CD and network drive appear in the boot menu either.
    The mac serial isn't within those listed under the faulty capacitors,
    is this just a case of a dead HD or do we think we are back to the capacitors?
    any help greatly received.

    Hello again,
    Just to hopefully rule it out, so we can move on... Did you end up checking the capacitors under the RAM door? If not, can you unplug everything and flip the eMac onto a towel and unscrew the door on the base of the computer. Inside, you'll see 2 RAM sticks, a battery, and 2 capacitors about 1" tall. If those capacitors are leaking white/brown stuff, and/or are bulging out of shape (even if just the top of the capacitor is bowed upwards - like a can of coke left in the freezer - then they are bad.
    Otherwise... If you turn the computer on, and hold down the OPTION key, does it find the internal hard drive?

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    Hi KristaU,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    You may find these articles helpful for troubleshooting calendar syncing on  your PC:
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Calendar
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Troubleshooting contact and calendar syncing via USB on Windows
    All the best,

  • I pod touch will not start or reset

    I have an I pod touch which will not start at all. I have tried 2 different chargers and to no avail. The screen does nothing at all.........just black.
    I cannot reset it as the red band does not appear.
    As far as I know, the battery is probably discharged, although I have tried to charge it up in an attempt to get it to turn on.
    I would appreciate any help as I am reluctant to just throw away a piece of kit that is barely 2 years old!
    Thanks all.

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable
    - Try on another computer                            
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                     

  • TS1372 I-Pod classic 120GB just will not sync with tmy i-tunes.....I-tunes reports error 1415, 1417, 1418, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1436 or 1439......No idea what that all means. Ipod is very tempermental about saving my tunes, anyone no what to do?

    I-pod classic 120GB will not sync with my i tunes errors reported 1415, 1517, 1418, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1436 or 1439, completely unsure what any this means? Is my I-pod for the bin seems strange as its only about 2 years old? It finds it very difficult to sync with any of my tunes at all, can anyone help with what to do please. Thanks

    Read this thread. Post back your hard drive stats...

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