2 monitor workspace windows not working

iMac Yosemite 10.10.2
2 displays
Mission Control "Displays have separate Spaces" OFF
InDesign CC 2014 (up to date)
I keep my Palettes/Windows on 2nd monitor
Have custom Workspace (as I've had for years)
After recent InDesign, and Yosemite updates
Launched ID and the Swatches palette jumped to my main screen
Put it back where it belonged
When I go to access some functions (i.e., Color Swatch, Character Style...) I get a "Bonk" and nothing happens.
If I draw a rectangle, I can add a stroke, change thickness, but not color.
If I move the Palette/Window to the main display, everything works fine.
Tried setting up new workspace, used Adobe preset workspaces, same problem.
Anyone else???

I will keep tabs on both of them, but who should we be looking to for the fix, Apple or Adobe?

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    Hi All,
    Filter settings below:
    The filter works partially as I don't get alerts on the IPS itself.
    Firewall LOG:
    4          Feb 14 2014          15:33:22                              39715                    514          IPS requested to drop UDP packet from SOURCE_VLAN_NUMBER:/39715 to DESTINATION_VLAN_NUMBER:/514
    IPS LOG (when enabled):
    evIdsAlert: eventId=1352793300955167909  vendor=Cisco  severity=low 
        hostId: SSM02 
        appName: sensorApp 
        appInstanceId: 1192 
      time: Feb 14, 2014 15:33:22 UTC  offset=0  timeZone=GMT00:00 
      signature:   description=IP Fragment Too Small  id=1206  version=S212  type=anomaly  created=20030801 
        subsigId: 0 
        sigDetails: Too many small IP fragments in datagram 
      interfaceGroup: vs0 
      vlan: 0 
          addr: 172.x.x.x  locality=OUT 
          port: 39715 
          addr: x.x.x.x  locality=OUT 
          port: 514 
          os:   idSource=unknown  type=unknown  relevance=relevant 
      alertDetails: InterfaceAttributes:  context="single_vf" physical="Unknown" backplane="GigabitEthernet0/1" ; 
      riskRatingValue: 50  targetValueRating=medium  attackRelevanceRating=relevant 
      threatRatingValue: 50 
      interface: GigabitEthernet0/1  context=single_vf  physical=Unknown  backplane=GigabitEthernet0/1 
      protocol: udp 
    Our next step is to make a service policy exception on the firewall itself. We are also considering reloading the IPS device or at least the analysis engine.
    Thanks for all your help so far. Any more suggestions are most welcome. I'll keep you up to date.

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    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Can you plug in a remote monitor? You may have to use the Fn key with the screen icon typically along the function keys to change to the external monitor. If that works, then do what you need. You might also try putting the HD in another machine and see if it works there.

  • [SOLVED]Xmonad bitmap workspace names not working?

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    import XMonad
    import XMonad.Prompt
    import XMonad.Prompt.Shell
    import XMonad.Prompt.Man
    import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
    import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
    import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe)
    import XMonad.Util.EZConfig
    import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
    import XMonad.Layout
    import XMonad.Layout.Grid
    import XMonad.Layout.Accordion
    import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
    import XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace
    import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
    import XMonad.Layout.IM
    import XMonad.Layout.Named
    import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS
    import XMonad.Actions.MouseGestures
    import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
    import qualified Data.Map as M
    import Data.Ratio ((%))
    import Graphics.X11.Xlib
    --import XMonad.Actions.NoBorders
    import System.IO
    fgColor = "#FF0000"
    bgColor = "#000000"
    wrapBitmap bitmap = "^p(5)^i(" ++ myBitmapsPath ++ bitmap ++ ")^p(5)"
    w1 = wrapBitmap ".dzenicons/terminal.xbm"
    w2 = wrapBitmap ".dzenicons/terminal.xbm"
    w3 = wrapBitmap ".dzenicons/terminal.xbm"
    terminality = (myWorkspaces !! 0)
    internet = (myWorkspaces !! 1)
    instantmessaging = (myWorkspaces !! 2)
    myWorkspaces :: [String]
    myBitmapsPath = "/home/nfarley88/"
    myWorkspaces = clickable . (map dzenEscape) $ [ w1, w2, w3 ]
    where clickable l = [ "^ca(1,xdotool key super+" ++ show (n) ++ ")" ++ ws ++ "^ca()" |
    (i,ws) <- zip [1..] l,
    let n = i ]
    wrapBitmap bitmap = "^p(5)^i(" ++ myBitmapsPath ++ bitmap ++ ")^p(5)"
    myManageHook = composeAll
    [ className =? "Chromium" --> doShift internet
    , className =? "Firefox" --> doShift internet
    , className =? "Pidgin" --> doShift instantmessaging
    --, appName =? "Buddy List" --> doFloat
    --, manageDocks
    myLayoutHookinternet = named "Tabbed" (noBorders tabs)
    ||| noBorders Full
    ||| Mirror tiled
    ||| tiled
    tabs = tabbedBottom shrinkText oxyDarkTheme
    -- default tiling algorithm partitions the screen into two panes
    tiled = Tall nmaster delta ratio -- see how there's 3 arguments to "Tall"
    -- The default number of windows in the master pane
    nmaster = 1
    -- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
    ratio = 1/2
    -- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
    delta = 3/100
    oxyDarkTheme = defaultTheme { inactiveBorderColor = "#aaaaaa"
    , activeBorderColor = "#000000"
    , activeColor = "#000"
    , inactiveColor = "#000000"
    , inactiveTextColor = "#aaaaaa"
    , activeTextColor = "red"
    , fontName = "xft:nu-8"
    , decoHeight = 8
    , urgentColor = "#ffff00"
    , urgentTextColor = "#63b8ff"
    myLayoutHook = avoidStruts $ terminal $ www $ instantmessage $ layoutHook defaultConfig
    terminal = onWorkspace terminality ( Grid ||| Full)
    www = onWorkspace (myWorkspaces !! 1) ( avoidStruts $ myLayoutHookinternet )
    instantmessage = onWorkspace instantmessaging (withIM (1%7) sidepanel (Mirror (GridRatio (1/1))))
    sidepanel = (ClassName "Pidgin") `And` (Role "buddy_list") `And` (Not (Role "convsersation")) --(Title "Buddy List")
    myMouseBindings (XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $
    [ ((modm, button1), (\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w
    >> windows W.shiftMaster))
    , ((modm, button2), (\w -> focus w >> windows W.shiftMaster))
    , ((modm, button3), (\w -> focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w
    >> windows W.shiftMaster))
    myStatusBar = "dzen2 -x '0' -y '0' -h '16' -w '590' -ta 'l' -fg '#FFFFFF' -bg '#000000' -fn '-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'"
    conkyStatsBar = "conky -c .conkyrc_console | dzen2 -x '590' -y '0' -h '16' -w '485' -ta 'r' -fg '#FFFFFF' -bg '#000000' -fn '-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'"
    conkyClockBar = "conky -c .conkyrc_clock | dzen2 -x '1075' -y '0' -h '16' -w '120' -ta 'r' -fg '#FFFFFF' -bg '#000000' -fn '-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'"
    myLogHook h = defaultPP
    ppCurrent = wrapFgBg "#3EB5FF" "black" -- . pad
    --, ppVisible = dzenColor "white" "black" . pad
    --, ppHidden = dzenColor "white" "black" . pad
    --, ppHiddenNoWindows = dzenColor "#444444" "black" . pad
    , ppUrgent = wrapBg myUrgentWsBgColor--dzenColor "red" "yellow" -- . pad
    , ppWsSep = "^bg(" ++ myBgBgColor ++ ")^r(1,15)^bg()"
    , ppSep = " | "
    , ppTitle = (\x -> " " ++ wrapFg myTitleFgColor x) --("" ++) . dzenColor "white" "black" . dzenEscape
    , ppOutput = hPutStrLn h
    wrapFgBg fgColor bgColor content= wrap ("^fg(" ++ fgColor ++ ")^bg(" ++ bgColor ++ ")") "^fg()^bg()" content
    wrapFg color content = wrap ("^fg(" ++ color ++ ")") "^fg()" content
    wrapBg color content = wrap ("^bg(" ++ color ++ ")") "^bg()" content
    wrapBitmap bitmap = "^p(5)^i(" ++ myBitmapsPath ++ bitmap ++ ")^p(5)"
    myTitleFgColor = "#FF0000"
    myBgBgColor = "#00FF00"
    myUrgentWsBgColor = "#00FF00"
    main = do
    --xmproc <- spawnPipe "/usr/bin/xmobar /home/nfarley88/.xmobarrc"
    workspaceBar <- spawnPipe myStatusBar
    spawn conkyStatsBar
    spawn conkyClockBar
    xmonad $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $ defaultConfig
    { --workspaces = ["terminality", "internet", "IM", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"]
    workspaces = myWorkspaces
    , manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook <+> manageHook defaultConfig
    , layoutHook = myLayoutHook
    , logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ myLogHook workspaceBar
    , modMask = mod4Mask --rebind Mod to the Windows key
    , terminal = "urxvt"
    , focusedBorderColor = "#000000"
    --, mouseBindings = myMouseBindings
    } --`additionalMouseBinding`
    --[ ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, button3), mouseGesture gestures)
    [ ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_z), spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock")
    , ((controlMask, xK_Print), spawn "sleep 0.2; scrot -s")
    , ((0, xK_Print), spawn "scrot")
    , ((mod4Mask, xK_u), focusUrgent )
    , ((mod4Mask , xK_b ), sendMessage ToggleStruts)
    , ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_r), spawn "killall conky dzen2 && xmonad --recompile && xmonad --restart")
    -- Application launching keys
    , ((mod4Mask , xK_p ), spawn "dmenu_run")
    , ((mod4Mask , xK_g ), spawn "chromium")
    , ((mod4Mask , xK_f ), spawn "firefox")
    , ((mod4Mask , xK_i ), spawn "pidgin")
    ] `additionalKeysP`
    [ ("<XF86Calculator>", toggleWS)
    The conky dzen has icons working. I cannot understand why it's not working!
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    PS some of the options are a bit strange (colour choices and such); I have some odd ones so I know what affects what.
    Last edited by Rubbishbook (2011-08-20 00:15:52)

    I've fixed it! A combination of https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=108968 and http://pastebin.com/hXD9YDRW. For reference, here are the bits that changed:
    myWorkspaces :: [String]
    myBitmapsPath = "/home/nfarley88/"
    myWorkspaces = clickable $ [ " ^i(/home/nfarley88/.dzenicons/terminal.xbm) ", " ^i(/home/nfarley88/.dzenicons/internet.xbm) ", " ^i(/home/nfarley88/.dzenicons/im.xbm) " ]
    where clickable l = [ "^ca(1,xdotool key super+" ++ show (n) ++ ")" ++ ws ++ "^ca()" |
    (i,ws) <- zip [1..] l,
    let n = i ]
    wrapBitmap bitmap = "^p(5)^i(" ++ myBitmapsPath ++ bitmap ++ ")^p(5)"
    myLogHook h = defaultPP
    { ppOutput = hPutStrLn h
    , ppSep = ""
    , ppWsSep = ""
    , ppCurrent = wrap "^fg(#ffffff)^bg(#60a0c0)" "^fg()^bg()"
    , ppUrgent = wrap "^fg(#ffffff)^bg(#aff73e)" "^fg()^bg()"
    , ppVisible = wrap "^fg(#b8bcb8)^bg(#484848)" "^fg()^bg()"
    , ppHidden = wrap "^fg(#b8bcb8)^bg(#484848)" "^fg()^bg()"
    , ppHiddenNoWindows = wrap "^fg(#484848)^bg(#000000)" "^fg()^bg()"
    , ppTitle = wrap "^fg(#9d9d9d)^bg(#000000)" "^fg()^bg()" . wrap "" " ^fg(#a488d9)>^fg(#60a0c0)>^fg(#444444)>"
    , ppLayout = wrap "^fg(#60a0c0)^bg(#000000)" "^fg()^bg()"

  • EPM 11122 to 11123 upgrade issue: Links in Workspace does not work

    Hi John & All,
    We have an existing EPM installed on Linux & windows platforms. This is a planning & HFR domain. Except FDM, Dimension server, HFR all other services are out of Linux server.
    Linux - ServerA (Physical server). However we access all URLs using a different DNS alias ServerC which points to ServerA
    Windows - ServerB
    Followed  http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E40248_01/epm.1112/epm_install/frameset.htm?ch10s05.html for upgrade.
    Installation and configuration went well. We are using Embedded http server. In the final step of web server configuration
    - Did the configure web server with Embedded ( port 28080). It was successful.
    - Then in WL console changed the Listening address to ServerC for all managed servers including Admin server
    - Then using configtool ran the step "configure logical web addresses"
              - Here selected set logical addresses for services individually & then for all services running on ServerA
      (workspace/shared services/aif/aps/datasync/planning/eas/calc)
    set them to ServerC:28080 (DNS alias)
    And for services running on Windows BPMA & FDM set to ServerB:80
    This went through well.
    Started all the services. All WL services came up without issues. CAn login to Workspace & shared services. I can see the look and feel changes and can see all new EPM 11123 icons under "Navigate-->Administer". But when I click on any of the links (Dimension lib/Application lib/planning/Data management etc) all fail with similar error
    "A Not found error occured while communication with server". In show details it says for example...
    URI: http://ServerC:28080/awb/conf/AwbConfig.xml - status 404 not found"
    For each application the error is similar http://ServerC:28080/<context> - status 404 not found
    Obviously the Logical web address set to 28080 is not working. But all the below URLS work fine
    To fix this issues, tried reconfiguring Logical web address to all individual application, this time to correct respective ports where they are listening instead of 28080. As I can see only workspace is working on 28080.
    I can see this new configuration updated in registry. Bounced the domain including Admin server. But the issue persists. For each link, it is still looking for old Logical web URL "http:serverc:28080/<context> instead of picking up new Logical addresses configured.
    Please suggest ways to fix the issue.

    Issue got resolved after installing OHS instead of using embedded http server. In OHA it gives the flexibility to point to DNS alias.

  • New Browser Window not working on My Mac Intel pro

    I have set a behavior in Dreamweaver CS3 to open a new
    browser window to a set size and to only show scroll bars if
    needed. I have left all other attributes unchecked. This is not
    working for me. Can you tell me how to make a new browser window to
    my settings using the behaviors in Dreamweaver CS3? I do all the
    steps right. what do I do when I follow all the steps for setting
    up a new browser window correctly and it doesn't work!? The new
    browser window never pops up even when i use an image map. The
    Behavior is not working correctly and I even re-installed
    Dreamweaver CS3. I am on an intel based mac pro. Running Firefox
    version 3 and Safari 3.1.2 on Leopard. I have done this several
    times before and it has worked. but that was before Leopard. Here
    is my code:
    <area shape="rect" coords="4,3,78,77" href="#"
    The only way I can get it to halfway work is add it into the
    link area
    on the properties panel. The window will then open but not to
    specified size.?
    please advise as this is taking a long time to figure out!?

    Schafer Design wrote:
    > Yes site is live! However I have been able to figure out
    how to make them pop
    > up with the picture in the new window but now it will
    not fit to the size of
    > the picture? I think it is time to take it live so I can
    see how it acts on the
    > server. the site is
    Also having a rollover
    > problem on the portfolio and contact page.
    > Dreamweaver is not so dreamy to me right now!
    This is an unusual way to go about doing this. Typically you
    simply put
    the thumbnails up on the page rather than combining them into
    a collage
    and then adding imagemaps to that.
    Nevertheless, it can be done.
    You have code like this:
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,80,80" href="images/12.jpg"
    Try adding
    ;return false
    to each like this:
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,80,80" href="images/12.jpg"
    E. Michael Brandt
    Standards-compliant scripts and Dreamweaver Extensions
    JustSo PictureWindow
    JustSo PhotoAlbum, et alia

  • External display monitor suddenly is not working; power is on

    My LG external monitor display suddenly is not working today. It powers on, and it says "analog power saving mode", and it is detected by my ibook G4. When I go to preferences, and show displays, it shows that two displays are active, my laptop "Color LCD" and my external, "L1932Tq". If the external is plugged in, it indicates that that is the system in use, though the external monitor is black and unresponding (except for power light which is on). I replaced all cords - the power cord and the mini VGA cord and it's connecting cord to the monitor, and there are no changes.
    Is this monitor just suddenly broken, perhaps through it's internal connection devices??

    Dear Shankar,
    Issue is solved. It was Program Error from SAP side.
    Now All the buttons are working fine and I am able to print PDF also.
    Solution is implement the note 2031585 - SAP NWBC ABAP Runtime Patch 40.
    System Details : ECC 6.0 NetWeiver 7.4 ,
                                EHP 7 , SP-Level 06
    Thanks a lot for all your suggestions.

  • Second monitor on iMac not working with Lion

    I have a mid-2011 Thunderbolt 21.5" iMac. A secondary monitor is connected to the iMac with a Mini DisplayPort-to-HDMI cable (a single cable, not an adaptor and cable).
    When I was running Snow Leopard, the monitor worked just fine. After upgrading to Lion, the second monitor just has a black screen, and quickly goes into power save mode.
    I have already tried resetting the NVRAM (as described here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1379) and resetting the SMC (as described here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964).
    Has anyone seen this problem? Any other suggestions for solutions?

    same here, just performed the upgrade to Lion and my secondary Samsung screen (direct HDMI cable) do not work anymore (I have a mid 2011 iMac 21.5'').
    I have tried the tricks mentioned on the following discussion:
    No Signal on HDMI TV After Lion Upgrade
    ie open terminal
    cd /System/Library/Displays/Overrides/DisplayVendorID-410c/
    sudo mv DisplayProductID-0  DisplayProductID-0.old
    Reboot after entering the commands
    But it is not working, the developper clearly messed up the video output in Lion OS!!!
    Let me know if you have a solution, I am reduced  to single screen use in the meantime... and regret the upgrade...

  • Windows not working, please help me

    Hi ... I have a problem with windows 8 in my macbook pro, in the past year it happens twice, first time it was solved by itself and now happened again and take too long around tow weeks, the problem is " Whenever i turn the windows 8 it just gives me the windows 8 logo then usually gives me black screen but you can hear the computer working and some times after the windows 8 logo appears it come a blue background with message said " it looks like windows hasn't loaded correctly ", and with tow options restart ( and it dose not works with me ), and use advanced tools ... pleaaaase i need help i dont know what to do.
    Best Regards,

    Windows 8 Support

  • Batch window not working. Help,plz its urgent!!

    My batch window is not showing up stuff that I have submited from compressor, FCP still says its exporting but file does not work afterwards.
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    You might want to check this note from Apple:

  • Save as window from modal window not working

    when i try to open an excel document from modalwindow, the download window appers, asking for "save as" or "open with". but there is no name of the file to be downloaded. and nothing happens when i click ok or cancel button. but from a normal window this works fine. the problem is only with modalwindow which i am opening using the javascript code showmodaldialog. How can i solve this. please help
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened

    Although possibly not related to your problem, I will remind you that the version of Firefox you are using at the moment has been discontinued and is no longer supported. Furthermore, it has known bugs and security problems. I urge you to update to the latest version of Firefox, for maximum stability, performance, security and usability. You can get it for free, as always, at [http://www.getfirefox.com getfirefox.com].
    As for your problem, you may be having a problem with some Firefox add-on that is hindering your Firefox's normal behavior. Have you tried disabling all add-ons (just to check), to see if Firefox goes back to normal?
    Whenever you have a problem with Firefox, whatever it is, you should make sure it's not coming from one of your installed add-ons, be it an extension, a theme or a plugin. To do that easily and cleanly, run Firefox in [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe+Mode safe mode] and select ''Disable all add-ons''. If the problem disappears, you know it's from an add-on. Disable them all in normal mode, and enable them one at a time until you find the source of the problem. See [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting+extensions+and+themes this article] for information about troubleshooting extensions and theme. You can troubleshoot plugins the same way.
    If you want support for one of your add-ons, you'll need to contact its author.

  • Pavilion 23tm Monitor touch screen not working

    Hi, We bought a Pavilion 23tm Monitor today and touchscreen is not working.
    Chat to one of your tech support and he remotely access my computer and tried to get it working but failed. So he told me to go to australia website. I tried to get contact through technical support but when I get to the page to find the product it can't find the product. I've put the Product name and even the Product number but no luck.
    Can someone please help me enable the touch screen on the monitor pls. 
    I am using a laptop and connected the laptop through HDMI.  
    I have installed the cd that came with it also.

    Hello Belle07,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I understand that you are having issues getting your new HP 23tm Monitor working and are looking for Technical Support in your area. I am providing you a link to thTechnical Support Contact Page for Australia.
    I hope I have answered your question to your satisfaction. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Find out a bit more about me by checking out my profile!
    "Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong." ~ Donald Porter

  • Preview Window Not Working

    The preview window in the top right of iMovie 08 does not work. It is either checkered or black.
    Possible Solution:
    If your iMovie project is using video from an event that has a lot of video in it, split that event up. Do this via right click->Split Event Before Click.
    When I would start up iMovie '08 (7.1.4) everything worked fine until I clicked on a certain project that I had made. Then the preview window would not work--it showed a blank screen or was checkered, even though the audio would play. Weird things would continue to happen, and none of the other projects would play in the preview window, it seemed to get progressively worse.
    The project used video from an even that had a lot more video in it than other events I was using. It had 45:45 and the others less than 30min. I split the event up half way via right-clicking about half way and then selecting "Split Event Before Clip". This split the event into two events, and everything works fine now. (When you split the event, you need not worry about messing up your project, it knows that you have split the event and can still find the video.)

    Well, I just seemed to have solved the problem...at least as I was experiencing it. As mentioned, I have my Motion content on an external drive, so I decided to revisit this.
    I had installed all my Final Cut Studio content on the external drive using the "Content Installer" (after first installing the apps to my laptop). When opening Motion for the first time, it couldn't find the content so I manually typed in the appropriate path...or so I thought:
    250GB Drive : Final Cut Studio Content : Motion Content.
    Oddly enough, a few things worked this way, but not everything. It turns out I had to specifically point one folder deeper:
    250GB Drive : Final Cut Studio Content : Motion Content : Motion
    After doing this, all my content seems to preview, although there still are a few anomalies. Some things have to be clicked on more than once to preview, or sometimes I must preview something else first, then try the desired effect a second time. In some cases waiting quite a while produces something.
    I'll try moving the cursor about as Mabou suggested and see if that makes any difference.
    At least I'm getting somewhere!

  • Going to files by typing in Finder window not working

    My entire life using Mac OSX I have opened finder windows and then began typing the name of the file or folder I wanted in order to get the finder to select that file/folder.
    For example, if I have my home open I just type "Do" and the Documents folder gets selected. Then I can hit Cmd-O to open it.
    This stopped working today, and I'm perplexed and annoyed about it.
    I installed the Security Update 2006-007 last night and so I'm wondering if that broke this.
    Anyone having the same problem/know how to fix it. Not being able to do this is making using my computer significantly more annoying.
    Thanks you!
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Also, I just tried clicking on the sidebar (I tried applications, desktop, and documents) and it will not navigate away from this window. If I exit the window and open a different finder window, it works. So what is it about this particular folder?

  • Finder window not working properly

    This only just started happening, and it only seems to be happening to one or two folders...
    First of all, this is what it looks like
    as you can see, the file names look funky.
    Also, if I edit a picture or delete one, it doesn't register the change unless I exit the folder and bring it back up.
    Anyone know what's going on here and how I can fix it? This also happened when I tried to make a ringtone a few weeks back. I am running Yosemite.

    Also, I just tried clicking on the sidebar (I tried applications, desktop, and documents) and it will not navigate away from this window. If I exit the window and open a different finder window, it works. So what is it about this particular folder?

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