2gb ipod nano, songs

I have a 2 GB ipod nano and it says it can only fit 500 songs it. On the bottom of the itunes screen it says that the 2 GB isn't all filled up. Can I get more than 500 songs on it?

One way to work out how much you can get on the nano is to use a Smart Playlist:
I have a 4gb nano and set the playlist to have 'Limit to' 2900 MB selected by 'least often played'.
You can play around with the size 2900 MB until you exceed the capacity then you will get an idea of what will fit.
Hope this helps.
Colin R.

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    Well the 2GB nano is ESTIMATED to hold 500 songs based on
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    Songs encoded in another format, are longer that 4 min, are at a higher bitrate, have artwork ect ect will cut into how much songs the nano can hold.
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    Hello there, bmarkinson9.
    To begin you will need to sync your content from the iPod nano to your computer. The following Knowledge Base article lays out those steps:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
    Once it's in your iTunes Library, you can then sync it to your other iPod:
    iTunes: Syncing media content to iPod
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    Make sure that the Music files are compressed formats if you want to get the m ost out of the cpacity of your iPod. When the iPod is "advertised" as "500 songs" or what have you, it is based on circumstance that the song is an AAC format (.m4a) and I think an average of 4minutes long.
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    Hi Dawn,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    If it's full then the problem is with the conversion bit rate used when loading the CD into iTunes.
    iTunes gives you the ability to convert music files from one file format to another. You can also convert a file to the same format, but use different options. For example, you can convert some high-bitrate MP3 files to a lower bitrate to fit more of them on an MP3 CD. Note that music purchased from the iTunes Music Store can't be converted.
    Search iTunes help for Convert to find instructions on how to change the bit rate to a lower setting.
    Full instructions from Apple here iTunes: About the Add to Library, Import, and Convert functions
    Colin R.

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    yeah, you could re-rip the song. Does it play ok on iTunes, just not on your Nano?
    Also, check the options on the song.
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    - File -> Get Info
    - Select the Options tab
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    Check out KB Article:  How to use your iPod to move your music to a new computer 

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    First thing to do is a RESTORE on the iPod which will reformat it and put it back to factory default conditions. See if that frees up space.
    Second, what format do you encode your songs in and at what bit rate? The "500" number is only an estimate based on 128kpbs AAC files. If you use other formats and/or higher bit rates you may get less or a LOT less than 500 songs.

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    Check these out:
    Songs That Skip On iPod
    iPod Does Not Play Content from iTunes Music Store
    I hope this helps!

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    As to the eq, the iPod will playback songs with the eq setting assigned to them in iTunes as long as you have the eq on the iPod set to "flat".
    As to gapless playback, see this.

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