3 iPhone questions

I'm thinking of going from a Treo to an iPhone and have a few questions.
1. Is the iPhone under warranty (for the two years it's under contract)? I hear that AT&T doesn't insure the iPhoen (or offer insurance) like their other phones. How do you handle an iPhone that breaks or is lost or stolen during the two year contract period (short of buying a new one)?
2. How do you do memos, tasks (to do) lists?
3. Can you use the MP3 player part wihtout using cover flow (use a list view of songs like in iTunes or on the old iPod mini)? I have a lot of songs without the cover art and would rather just select from a text list than move through the basic default album cover images in cover flow.

I went from my treo 700w to my iphone and i couldnt be happier. Apple customer service is the best. Dont worry about phone insurance though ATT. Just make sure you get a case with the phone because scratches are the only thing you really need to worry about. If anything else goes wrong with it, Apple will take care of it. There is only a 1 year warranty on it though. I believe you can add a year or 2 for around 50 bucks.
As far as the memos and tasks, its really great. Its so simple, my grandma could figure it out. There are different icons on the home page, and you just push "notes" to add notes. If you want to add an event, just go to the calendar and add a new event. You will get it the first time, its really simple.
And yes, you dont need to use cover flow. I actually never use it. Its only good for showing off to people, and there is really no benefit to it at all.

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    IPhone question:  Im trying to update applications on my iphone.  When I do it I'm as for password from a different Apple ID from what I have in Itunes.  How do I change so that both are the same?

    All apps are tied to the apple id that it was used to purchase or download the app.
    did you use a different id to buy the app?
    you can change id, settings - appstore - apple id - log out and log in with correct id.

  • [iPhone] OpenGL IPhone Question

    Greetings, I am new to programming on the iPhone and Objective-C so I hope you will excuse me if I ask a stupid question. I am experienced at Java (having worked with it for 14 years professionally) and I have some background in C and C++ that I have half forgotten but not completely.
    I am trying to learn OpenGL programming on the iPhone and I have encountered a problem. In my test application I want to draw a icosahedron and I am having trouble with several sides completely missing. I was hoping someone could lead me in the right direction. Pasted below are the relevant sections of code based off the template for the OpenGL template.
    It draws a good portion of the icosahedron but there appear to be sides missing and that causes odd things. I have been fiddling with this for hours and im out of ideas. I assume it must be something simple.
    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    #import <OpenGLES/EAGL.h>
    #import <OpenGLES/ES1/gl.h>
    #import <OpenGLES/ES1/glext.h>
    #import "GameBead.h"
    This class wraps the CAEAGLLayer from CoreAnimation into a convenient UIView subclass.
    The view content is basically an EAGL surface you render your OpenGL scene into.
    Note that setting the view non-opaque will only work if the EAGL surface has an alpha channel.
    @interface EAGLGameView : UIView {
    GLint backingWidth;
    GLint backingHeight;
    EAGLContext *context;
    GLuint viewRenderbuffer, viewFramebuffer;
    GLuint depthRenderbuffer;
    GameBead* bead;
    - (void)drawWithRotationX:(GLfloat)rotX Y:(GLfloat)rotY;
    #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
    #import <OpenGLES/EAGLDrawable.h>
    #import "EAGLGameView.h"
    #define USEDEPTHBUFFER 0
    @interface EAGLGameView ()
    @property (nonatomic, retain) EAGLContext *context;
    - (BOOL) createFramebuffer;
    - (void) destroyFramebuffer;
    @implementation EAGLGameView
    @synthesize context;
    // You must implement this
    + (Class)layerClass {
    return [CAEAGLLayer class];
    //The GL view is stored in the nib file. When it's unarchived it's sent -initWithCoder:
    - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)coder {
    bead = [[GameBead alloc] init];
    if ((self = [super initWithCoder:coder])) {
    // Get the layer
    CAEAGLLayer *eaglLayer = (CAEAGLLayer *)self.layer;
    eaglLayer.opaque = YES;
    eaglLayer.drawableProperties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
    [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking, kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8, kEAGLDrawablePropertyColorFormat, nil];
    context = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES1];
    if (!context || ![EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context]) {
    [self release];
    return nil;
    return self;
    - (void)drawWithRotationX:(GLfloat)rotX Y:(GLfloat)rotY {
    [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context];
    glBindFramebufferOES(GLFRAMEBUFFEROES, viewFramebuffer);
    glViewport(0, 0, backingWidth, backingHeight);
    glOrthof(-2.0f, 2.0f, -3.0f, 3.0f, -2.0f, 2.0f);
    glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    GLfloat rotZ = 0.0f;
    [bead drawWithRotationX: rotX Y: rotY Z:rotZ];
    glBindRenderbufferOES(GLRENDERBUFFEROES, viewRenderbuffer);
    [context presentRenderbuffer:GLRENDERBUFFEROES];
    - (void)layoutSubviews {
    [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context];
    [self destroyFramebuffer];
    [self createFramebuffer];
    [self drawWithRotationX: 0.0f Y:0.0f];
    - (BOOL)createFramebuffer {
    glGenFramebuffersOES(1, &viewFramebuffer);
    glGenRenderbuffersOES(1, &viewRenderbuffer);
    glBindFramebufferOES(GLFRAMEBUFFEROES, viewFramebuffer);
    glBindRenderbufferOES(GLRENDERBUFFEROES, viewRenderbuffer);
    [context renderbufferStorage:GLRENDERBUFFEROES fromDrawable:(CAEAGLLayer*)self.layer];
    glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES(GLRENDERBUFFEROES, GLRENDERBUFFER_WIDTHOES, &backingWidth);
    glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES(GLRENDERBUFFEROES, GLRENDERBUFFER_HEIGHTOES, &backingHeight);
    glGenRenderbuffersOES(1, &depthRenderbuffer);
    glBindRenderbufferOES(GLRENDERBUFFEROES, depthRenderbuffer);
    glRenderbufferStorageOES(GLRENDERBUFFEROES, GLDEPTH_COMPONENT16OES, backingWidth, backingHeight);
    NSLog(@"failed to make complete framebuffer object %x", glCheckFramebufferStatusOES(GLFRAMEBUFFEROES));
    return NO;
    // -- set up the lighting.
    GLfloat mat_specular[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
    GLfloat mat_shininess[] = { 50.0 };
    GLfloat light_position[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
    GLfloat matambdiff[] = { 0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 1.0 };
    glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH);
    glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, mat_specular);
    glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, mat_shininess);
    glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GLAMBIENT_ANDDIFFUSE, matambdiff);
    glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position);
    // -- done
    return YES;
    - (void)destroyFramebuffer {
    glDeleteFramebuffersOES(1, &viewFramebuffer);
    viewFramebuffer = 0;
    glDeleteRenderbuffersOES(1, &viewRenderbuffer);
    viewRenderbuffer = 0;
    if(depthRenderbuffer) {
    glDeleteRenderbuffersOES(1, &depthRenderbuffer);
    depthRenderbuffer = 0;
    - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
    CGPoint now = [touch locationInView:self];
    CGPoint old = [touch previousLocationInView:self];
    CGFloat rotX = now.x - old.x * 1.0f;
    CGFloat rotY = now.y - old.y * 1.0f;
    [self drawWithRotationX:rotX Y:rotY];
    - (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
    - (void)dealloc {
    if ([EAGLContext currentContext] == context) {
    [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:nil];
    [context release];
    [bead release];
    [super dealloc];
    #import <OpenGLES/EAGL.h>
    #import <OpenGLES/ES1/gl.h>
    #import <OpenGLES/ES1/glext.h>
    @interface GameBead : NSObject {
    GLfloat vertexData[20 * 3 * 3];
    -(void)drawWithRotationX:(GLfloat)xrot Y:(GLfloat)yrot Z:(GLfloat)zrot;
    #import "GameBead.h"
    @implementation GameBead
    - (id)init {
    // ---- The data that makes up a unit Icosahedron. ----
    // References:
    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio
    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_rectangle
    const uint sideCount = 20;
    const GLfloat x = 0.525731112119133606f;
    const GLfloat z = 0.850650808352039932f;
    const GLfloat ico_vertices[12][3] = {
    {-x, 0.0, z}, {x, 0.0, z}, {-x, 0.0, -z}, {x, 0.0, -z},
    {0.0, z, x}, {0.0, z, -x}, {0.0, -z, x}, {0.0, -z, -x},
    {z, x, 0.0}, {-z, x, 0.0}, {z, -x, 0.0}, {-z, -x, 0.0}
    const GLuint ico_triangles[20][3] = {
    {0,4,1}, {0,9,4}, {9,5,4}, {4,5,8}, {4,8,1},
    {8,10,1}, {8,3,10}, {5,3,8}, {5,2,3}, {2,7,3},
    {7,10,3}, {7,6,10}, {7,11,6}, {11,0,6}, {0,1,6},
    {6,1,10}, {9,0,11}, {9,11,2}, {9,2,5}, {7,2,11}
    uint idx, vidx;
    [super init];
    for (idx = 0; idx < sideCount; idx++) {
    for (vidx = 0; vidx < 3; vidx++) {
    vertexData[(idx * 9) + (vidx * 3) + 0] = icovertices[icotriangles[idx][vidx]][0];
    vertexData[(idx * 9) + (vidx * 3) + 1] = icovertices[icotriangles[idx][vidx]][1];
    vertexData[(idx * 9) + (vidx * 3) + 2] = icovertices[icotriangles[idx][vidx]][2];
    return self;
    - (void)drawWithRotationX:(GLfloat)rotX Y:(GLfloat)rotY Z:(GLfloat)rotZ {
    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertexData);
    glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, vertexData);
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 180);
    glRotatef(rotX, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // x rotation is about y axis
    glRotatef(rotY, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // y rotation is about x axis
    glRotatef(rotZ, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // z rotation is about z axis
    - (void) normalizeVertex:(GLfloat*)vertex {
    GLfloat d = sqrt((vertex[0]vertex[0])(vertex[0]*vertex[0])(vertex[0]vertex[0]));
    // guarantee that the vector isnt zero length
    if (d == 0.0) {
    NSException* ex = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"Bad Arguments" reason:@"Arguments resulted in a zero length vector." userInfo:nil];
    @throw ex;
    vertex[0] /= d; vertex[1] /= d; vertex[2] /= d;
    - (void)dealloc {
    [super dealloc];

    hausy wrote:
    have you skype ? we can learn from each other
    Im sorry, I cant give out personal information like that on an open forum. Especially when you arent willing to state your reasons. That would just be stupid.
    -- Robert

  • A big list of "Pre-buying-my-iPhone" questions...

    ...so, tomorrow will be taking me to the nearest city in search of an iPhone.
    But to save me bugging the poor sales guy for a few hours on end, can anyone answer me this (rather long) list of questions please...?
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    -e) facebook support (in an app, not over m.facebook.com)?
    -f) google talk support?
    -g) slingplayer?
    -h) flickr upload capabilities?
    -i) pacman?
    -j) an rss reader?
    -k) ability to sync to and from google calendar?
    -l) ability to sync to and from MULTIPLE google calendars, and differenciate between them?
    -m) ssl in web browsing (the ability to use secure web pages)
    -n) a speakerphone? is it loud?
    -o) a vibrate function?
    -p) the ability to read pdf's that i get emailed?
    -q) the ability to download photos from my pc onto it?
    -r) the ability to upload photos from it to my pc?
    -s) a video playback function? what formats will it play?
    -t) flight mode?
    2. if i buy it on the £45 plan (and get the 8gb for free), can i drop my plan to the £35 after a certain length of time? how long? are there any penalties or charges for doing so?
    3. if i buy it in an apple store, and it goes wrong, can i take it back to an o2 or carphone warehouse store for help (and repairs if necessary)?
    4. if i buy it in an o2 store, can i take it back to another o2 store (not the one i buy it from) if theres a problem?
    5. if i buy it, is there a "change your mind" period if i don't get along with it, if i buy it in...
    -a) an apple store
    -b) an o2 shop
    -c) carphone warehouse
    6. if i want to bring a number from another network, do i need the pac code when i buy the phone, or can i call through the pac code next week (and presumably be connected on a temporary mobile number in the meantime)?
    7. when i near the end of my 18 month contract, how long before the end of the contract can i upgrade my phone? can i opt to pay a fee to do it ultra-early?
    8. apart from crippled bluetooth and a lack of mms, are there any big downsides to the iphone?
    9. if i set up my gmail on the phone, does it check automatically every (x) minutes, or do i need to manually check to see if i have new mail?
    10. whats the average battery life of a 3g iphone in real everyday use?
    11. can i set my own mp3s as ringtones?
    12. does it support video ringtones?
    13. can you get msn messenger on it? and does it keep you signed in even when youre not using it?
    14. do you HAVE to use itunes to get music onto the iphone? is there an alternative?
    15. is there a way to put photos onto the iphone from the pc, without "syncing" a whole folder of photos through itunes?
    16. can you just move stuff (like photos, videos) to and/or from the iphone like you would do with a usb memory stick drive, or do you have to use the program?
    17. do the iphone tariffs include bills sent through the post? are they itemised? or do you have to view your bills online?
    Thankyou if you've got this far, you've been a great help

    billbennett wrote:
    -c) a memopad?
    There is a note pad plus a ton of different memo apps in the App Store
    -d) an alarm? and can you customise the alarm sound to one of your own mp3s?
    You cannot customize alarm sounds.
    -e) facebook support (in an app, not over m.facebook.com)?
    Check out the App Store
    -f) google talk support?
    Check out Google App
    -i) pacman?
    Check the App Store
    -m) ssl in web browsing (the ability to use secure web pages)
    -n) a speakerphone? is it loud?
    Works fine for me. Try one in the store and see if it is adequate for you.
    -o) a vibrate function?
    -q) the ability to download photos from my pc onto it?
    You can save photos to the iPhone but they will be optimized for the iPhone
    -r) the ability to upload photos from it to my pc?
    -s) a video playback function? what formats will it play?
    Read the spec page on Apple's website
    -t) flight mode?
    8. apart from crippled bluetooth and a lack of mms, are there any big downsides to the iphone?
    Play with one and decide for yourself. Personally, I don't care about bluetooth or MMS but if those are big deals to you, the iPhone is not the phone for you.
    9. if i set up my gmail on the phone, does it check automatically every (x) minutes, or do i need to manually check to see if i have new mail?
    That's your option.
    10. whats the average battery life of a 3g iphone in real everyday use?
    It depends on how you use it.
    11. can i set my own mp3s as ringtones?
    If you use the search box in the upper right, you can find lots of threads on how to create your own ringtones.
    12. does it support video ringtones?
    13. can you get msn messenger on it? and does it keep you signed in even when youre not using it?
    Look in the app store. If you're not using it, it shuts down.
    14. do you HAVE to use itunes to get music onto the iphone? is there an alternative?
    You have to use iTunes.
    16. can you just move stuff (like photos, videos) to and/or from the iphone like you would do with a usb memory stick drive, or do you have to use the program?
    You have to use iTunes and whatever photo software you have. It does not have a disk mode.

  • Hard drive failure! New hard drive/Time machine backup/iPhone questions

    I have a 2011 MacBook Pro who's hard drive failed (rather acutely too, I do use disk utility to check it's health regularly) and I bought a replacement to install (SSD!). I have a bunch of questions but have only found partial answers in searches. Maybe it's best to list them:
    1. I'd like to do a fresh install of the OS X using OS X Recovery because I'm concerned my Time Machine backup is partly corrupted. I hadn't updated to Mavericks, will I be able to install Mountain Lion? If not: will this be a problem with my backup files?
    2. Say the OS X Recovery works, how do I use Time Machine to restore things like my iTunes library/iMessages/email/iPhoto library etc? In other words: just the data I can't get any other way (I hope it's not too corrupted). And/or should I use my iCloud backup on a few of these (iMessages/contacts)?
    3. Do I need to set up the new OS X install with the same account names/home disk name etc. for the restored backup files to function?
    4. Is this going to f'up iCloud or vice versa?
    5. Finally, how do I sync my iPhone to the "new" computer without erasing the iPhone (which had an iOS update since my last backup to Time Machine). Or do I have to restore the iPhone too. 
    6. How come Apple doesn't have a mobile theme for their website yet?
    Any help would be much appreciated,

    Do you still have the original System Reinstall DVD set that came with your Mac?
    If you created that Lion external drive you have from YOUR Mac, when Lion was installed on it, and it also contains a Recovery HD partition you can use that to boot to the Recovery HD and reinstall Lion on the new drive. And or Clone that external to the new internal drive you installed.
    Right since your Mac came with Snow Leopard you can't use the Online Internet Recovery system to reinstall Lion, as your system didn't originally come with Lion, but you should still be able to boot to it to do diagnosic things like using Disk Utility, going to the Net to get help and even Restoring the system from a Time Machine backup. But you will get an error if you select Reinstall Mac OS X. The firmware update is usually applied with system updates.
    If you created a New Time Machine Backup when any of the Download Only version of OS X were installed on your internal drive Time Machine, the system, Copies over the files needed to boot the system from that backup drive. If it was a care over backup from when Snow Leopard was installed is might or might not be bootable. Only way to tell is to connect it and at startup hold down the Option key to get the Boot selection screen, IE The Boot Manager screen, and see if it shows up as a Boot Source. If it does thenn it contains the files needed to get to the Mac OS X Utilities, IE the Recovery HD files.
    What you should do is Boot the system from either the Time Machine backup, if it is bootable, or your External that has Lion on it, The Recovery HD if that drive contains a Recovery HD, or your Original Snow Leopard reinstall DVD that came with your Mac and then try to Restore from your Time Machine backup drive.
    If that fails to restore your system properly then nyou should reinstall Snow Leopard and the iLife Apps from the Original Discs then upgrade to Mt Lion which will be in the Mac App Store under your Purchases area. Then maybe you can restore your files from that Time Machine backup.
    scardanelli wrote:
    I've had a bunch of issues with my computer (you can look at some of my other questions on these forums) which, to my mind anyway, seemed to be finally given a diagnosis when my HD crashed. It may be paranoia but there have been enough problems that I'd rather do a clean install to be on the safe side.
    I have an early 2011, shipped with Snow Leopard.
    I was under the impression that Time Machine can't be used as a boot drive and the OS X Recovery is a firmware update (on my computer) or hard wired in (on later computers).  I might be wrong. I was planning on using the internet recovery, the HD failed right after I got some password protected files unencrypted and onto an external drive (was that necessary?) but wasn't sure if it's a problem if it installs Mavericks.
    So Setup Assistant will configure my accounts the same and I don't need to worry about that? That's a relief.
    Thanks for the lengthy response.

  • A few "technical" iPhone questions

    Believe it or not, I'm not going to complain about the price drop!
    Instead, I've owned my iPhone for a couple of days now, and have a few burning questions:
    1) Does the iPhone have the ability to keep nagging me that I missed a call?
    2) Many times, when I make or receive a call, either I cannot hear the other end, or the other end cannot hear me. It's like mute is on, but it isn't. Has anyone else had this problem? (It not just between iPhones, either, it's happened with me calling a Verizon number).
    3) Is there any way to have the contacts screen display the records my the way Outlook says to display (file as) a contact? If I have Jim Jones at Acme Computer, I'd like the contact on the iPhone to be under Acme Computer, not Jim Jones. If I have 10 people at Acme Computer in my contacts, doesn't it make sense to have them grouped together instead of spread all over the alphabet?
    4) Is there any way to put some of the "nested" funtions on the main iPhone page? In other words, under PHONE, there is RECENT and VOICEMAIL. Is there a way to put those as icon on the main icon menu screen instead of having to touch, touch, touch to get to them? It sure would be nice, while driving, to just have to touch one button to get to where I want instead of having to take my eyes off the road to navigate a bunch of screens...
    Thanks for your input.

    Darryl Mylrea wrote:
    1) Does the iPhone have the ability to keep nagging me that I missed a call?
    No. Not at this time. I haven't had a phone that does though.
    2) Many times, when I make or receive a call, either I cannot hear the other end, or the other end cannot hear me. It's like mute is on, but it isn't. Has anyone else had this problem? (It not just between iPhones, either, it's happened with me calling a Verizon number).
    During the two months plus I've had it, this has happened a few times. I just call them back and it's fine. This did happen occasionally with my old phone as well.
    3) Is there any way to have the contacts screen display the records my the way Outlook says to display (file as) a contact? If I have Jim Jones at Acme Computer, I'd like the contact on the iPhone to be under Acme Computer, not Jim Jones. If I have 10 people at Acme Computer in my contacts, doesn't it make sense to have them grouped together instead of spread all over the alphabet?
    I use Apple Address Book which has a check box to designate the contact as a business instead of an individual. The listing is then alphabetized by the business name instead. Is there anything in Outlook to do this same thing? I'm not sure what would happen with more than one listing from the same business. One way I've gotten around it in Address Book is to add multiple phone numbers under the business (or household for friends/families with more than one phone number) and then create a custom phone type for each person (ie. Jim Jones cell, Jim Jones home, etc.). One other thing to keep in mind is to use Groups. If you find that your contact list is getting too crowded, create some groups in Outlook and then sync the groups to your iPhone. You could create a group that had all your contacts from "Acme Computer".
    4) Is there any way to put some of the "nested" funtions on the main iPhone page? In other words, under PHONE, there is RECENT and VOICEMAIL. Is there a way to put those as icon on the main icon menu screen instead of having to touch, touch, touch to get to them? It sure would be nice, while driving, to just have to touch one button to get to where I want instead of having to take my eyes off the road to navigate a bunch of screens...
    So far the only keys that you can change are in the iPod portion. Give it a few more days. Navigating the screens will become second nature. I have no trouble in the car.
    Good luck and enjoy your new iPhone!

  • Getting iphone, Questions about Family Plan. NEED HELP!

    So right  now I am on a family plan with my Dad and mother and we all have old phones that are basic basic. Our family plan has no Data plan at all, and in fact the plan is so old that it does not exist anymore. However I am moving away soon and I want to upgrade to an iphone. My question is this, If I upgrade, will I have to get my own plan? Or will I be able to just upgrade my phone and add the data charges just to my phone without making my parents upgrade their phones as well?
    Any help will be awesome. I don't want to go into the store and talk to a sales person because they are motivated by commission so it would be in their best interest to upgrade all or them. So if I can go in there educated about the specifics of upgrading it would help.

    Steveo15317 wrote:
    So right  now I am on a family plan with my Dad and mother and we all have old phones that are basic basic. Our family plan has no Data plan at all, and in fact the plan is so old that it does not exist anymore. However I am moving away soon and I want to upgrade to an iphone. My question is this, If I upgrade, will I have to get my own plan? Or will I be able to just upgrade my phone and add the data charges just to my phone without making my parents upgrade their phones as well?
    Any help will be awesome. I don't want to go into the store and talk to a sales person because they are motivated by commission so it would be in their best interest to upgrade all or them. So if I can go in there educated about the specifics of upgrading it would help.
    Thanks to our forum member for the great information!
    In addition, please note that you will most likely be able to keep your current calling plan when you upgrade your line to an iPhone 4; however, if the iPhone 4 is not compatible with your current calling plan you will be notified when you process your order online if you login to your My Verizon account and you will be presented with your new calling plan options.
    If your calling plan is compatible with the iPhone 4, you will be able to simple upgrade to the iPhone 4 device and add the data plan to your line. This does not affect your parents calling plan in any way. You can also separate your line from the family calling plan and have an individual calling plan for your line and have your parents lines stay with their family share plan.
    If you do not feel comfortable ordering your upgrade phone online or at a store, you can also order your upgrade from the comfort of your home if you dial 1-800-922-0204 to contact our customer service department.

  • Backup iPhone question

    When I bought my iPhones and also bought a backup iPhone. It's still in the box unopened. I always buy a backup because I only have a cell phone. So I buy a backup of the phone I am using at the time. If my cell dies at 11pm, I can just put my SIM into my backup. Been doing this for years.
    So. The unopened iPhone. I wanted to connect it up and update it to the latest software. Then put it back in storage for backup.
    The question is:
    Is it possible to take an iPhone, update it and then go back to my main iPhone? My iPhone is an 8 gig version. The backup is a 4 gig.
    Do I have to activate the backup iPhone if I connect it to iTunes to update? Will this screw up my ATT account?
    Can an iPhone user go back and forth between iPhones?
    All other cell phones I've owned over the years I could just swap out the SIMS. The network didn't care and activation was a non-issue.
    Anyone see any problems with my iPhone scenario?

    This should not be a problem but you must activate this iPhone with AT&T and iTunes to be able to use it and/or update it with any available Apple updates but this will or should be an abbreviated iPhone activation process of the original since you are using an existing AT&T SIM card that is already activated. This will have no affect on your AT&T account. If an iPhone is lost or stolen, the same applies.
    Once this new iPhone is activated with AT&T and iTunes, you can switch the SIM card between iPhones and you can use your iPhone's SIM card with another AT&T provided phone or an unlocked GSM phone.

  • Wet iPhone Question and Applecare Issue

    Hello! Sorry to post another topic about a wet iPhone, but I have a specific question.
    Yesterday while fishing, I bent over to get something and my iPhone fell out of my pocket into the lake. I grabbed it out right away. It spent the night in a back of rice ... it works 90%. The home button is a little finicky (doesn't always want to click back to the next screen), Facebook updates are popping up, and I can call out an hear the other person - but they can't hear me. Is there hope if I leave it in a bag of rice for the weekend? Any other ideas?
    The main reason I am mad is that I stopped at the AT&T store yesterday right after it happened. I was informed that the Applecare plan I purchased doesn't cover water damage. But I am 99% sure when I bought the plan that I was told it DID cover water damage. When I decided to purchase the extra coverage I used the example of a couple years ago when I unfortunately ran a Blackberry through the washing machine and asked if that would be covered. I KNOW he said that would be covered ... or in the least, strongly led me to believe it would be covered to the point where I decided to purchase the Applecare plan. Do I have any recourse if I feel I was mislead into buying the Applecare coverage???
    Thanks for any advice! Kris

    Don't let those replies get to you .... I find these the Apple forums very rude.
    I have no doubt that the AT&T person led you to believe that water damage would be covered. Best case scenario, they were simply uneducated about the plan and accidently gave you misleading verbal information. More likely, they wanted the commission.
    I live in Canada, and when I called Bell for satellite TV, I specifically asked twice if I would be locked into a contract and I was told no, twice. I called back and the second person ran around the issue, but finally admitted yes there was a two year contract. Moral of the story and despite the rude reply, gdgmacguy is right ... read it for yourself in writing before committing.
    Did you happen to pay for the iPhone with a credit card? A lot of credit cards have built in insurance that includes extended warranties accidental loss or breakage?
    As for the rice, try the weekend or even a week. I have dropped a cell phone in the water before (not an iPhone). I ended up replacing it, but took it apart and let it dry anyway. After I dropped my replacement in the water (I know shut up) I reassembled the first one and it worked. Using the iPhone while still wet inside may damage it further. Give it a very good chance to dry before trying again.
    Message was edited by: Aconite

  • AT&T and new iPhone Question

    Hey everyone, I had a quick question I was hoping someone could help me answer regarding upgrading to the new iPhone. I currently have a family talk plan with AT&T and have unlimited data. I am the only one on my account who plans on upgrading to the new iPhone. Because it seems like the new iPhone will have LTE what does this mean for my data plan? Will I now have to make the switch to the shared data plans and lose my grandfathered unlimited data plan? Is there any way to avoid this? Thanks in advance for the help.

    What I'm trying to tell you is that for all practical purposes, you're now paying $30 a month for 3GB's of data. What you need to do is compare that to AT&T's new offerings. As an example, when iOS 6.0 is released, it will enable FaceTime over 3G. However, AT&T has already announced that only customers on their new "Shared Data" plans will be able to FaceTime over 3G on AT&T's network. Shared Data also enables Personal Hotspot..."unlimited data" plans do not.
    You really need to compare apples to apples & get this "unlimited data" out of your mind, because the fact is you really don't have such. So, you pay $30 a month for 3GB's of data with no FaceTime over 3G & no Personal Hotspot. Now compare that to AT&T's new offerings & make your decision.

  • Google Maps on Iphone Question

    Hey everyone, got a question here. I heard that Google Maps can send traffic reports, as in when I start a route it could tell me which roads are jammed and offer alternative routes. Is this true? If so how do I do it and is it available to do on a UK Iphone?

    If it is always grey, then the area you are looking at doesn't have traffic data available from Google Maps.
    For example of how it looks, try searching for San Francisco, CA, and turning it on.
    Even for areas that have traffic data available it will be primarily for the major thoroughfares.
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

  • Handful of iPhone questions

    I need to see if this phone is something that will help me.
    1. Playing music through Airport Express, is this doable yet? If not, any way to do this? Any hope?
    2. Playing music via car stereo? Is this doable? Any hope?
    3. Organizing phonebook? I want to be able to put john, bob and joe under "business" category.... but put mom, sister brother under "family" category. etc. Is this doable with the iphone?
    4. Does this fully work with Entourage?
    5. If I make calendar reminders on Entourage (and sync to iphone) will my iPhone CHIME or have an alarm go off to remind me?
    +I heard that some new sort of thing is coming out allowing people to write software for iPhones in order to make a lot of non-apple programs to put on there. What's with this?+

    1. Playing music through Airport Express, is this doable yet? If not, any way to do this? Any hope?
    This is not supported and I'm not sure there is any hope for this.
    2. Playing music via car stereo? Is this doable? Any hope?
    Yes - there are a number of alternatives available - just like with an iPod.
    3. Organizing phonebook? I want to be able to put john, bob and joe under "business" category.... but put mom, sister brother under "family" category. etc. Is this doable with the iphone?
    This is possible when syncing with the Address Book application on a Mac - by creating Address Book Groups, which are synced/available on the iPhone.
    4. Does this fully work with Entourage?
    Depends on what you mean by fully. Syncing with Entourage is actually done thru the Address Book application and with iCal. Entourage is synced with the Address Book and iCal which the iPhone syncs with on a Mac.
    5. If I make calendar reminders on Entourage (and sync to iphone) will my iPhone CHIME or have an alarm go off to remind me?
    I'm not sure about this one, but alarms or alerts should be transferred. Someone who syncs with Entourage can answer this question for certain.
    I heard that some new sort of thing is coming out allowing people to write software for iPhones in order to make a lot of non-apple programs to put on there. What's with this?
    The iPhone/iPod Touch SDK - software developers kit.

  • Unlocked iPhone questions that need to be clarified please!

    Hi! I have read different questions and responses, however I am still really confused/need more information.
    I just purchased an unlocked iPhone 5 (not Verizon branded) from Apple. My contract with Verizon ends mid October. I want to switch to T-mobile ($70.00 per month) so that I can use my new unlocked iPhone with a SIM card. I intend on only being in the US for a year and then I am going back abroad to work. This is why I need to have an unlocked phone. In the long run this will save me money from having to find an unlocked phone wherever I go.
    From my understanding Verizon can unlock a Verizon branded iPhone but there are certain requirements. What are they?
    I would be able to use this on GSM networks worldwide right?
    And is the phone completely unlocked or are there some things that are still locked (like access to LTE)?
    I know that Verizon only works on CDMA so if a Verizon iPhone is unlocked then how will it work on GSM?
    So my overall question is what is a better deal when I am working abroad: Keeping my factory unlocked iPhone and switching to another network provider or getting a new Verizon branded iPhone and staying with Verizon?

        Hi lanarj,
    Great questions! Verizon Wireless branded iPhone 5 is already unlocked for international use on GSM networks, simply change the SIM card when your are abroad and your phone should work. LTE technology may have some differences in other countries and we cannot guarantee that it will connect to LTE. Keep in mind that it may only work in our network when in the United States. If you have any issues while abroad please contact our Global Support team http://bit.ly/UAy184 at your convenience. Bon Voyage!
    Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/VZWSupport

  • VOIP on iPhone question

    Hi all,
    Using the latest v3.1.2 OS on my iPhone 3GS and have a question.
    Does anyone know of any good SIP client or other VOIP client that wil work over 3G or are all VOIP clients limited to Wifi?
    Many thanks!

    Ok... This thing is a bit more complicated than just that.
    It's true AT&T has changed its stance regarding VOIP over 3G. It is however also true that a lot of other carriers with whom Apple has distribution contracts are not that happy about VOIP over 3G. Up until april or may this year there were a few applications that allowed VOIP over 3G (Truephone, for example) but than Apple, following demands from carriers, has asked these applications to be modified.
    I suppose right now a lot of diplomacy is in action to make it possible to "roll-back" the veto. It's going to take time, however. One solution Truephone has found to the problem is called "Truephone anywhere": http://www.truphone.com/applications/pricing/truphone_anywhere.html
    I would also suggest you'd think a bit about using VOIP over 3G and possible downsides of such a use. Firstly 3G data network is not really as fast as your home broadband connection both in terms of bandwidth and in terms of round-trip times. Now – a decent quality VOIP call requires not as much bandwidth (64KBit/sec is enough) as it requires *short roundtrip* to prevent something that is called latency. And that's something 3G network can hardly offer. A usual roundtrip on a 3G network is of 500-600ms. Add to this switching latency and we're somewhere around 1 second of latency in best case. If the conditions are not perfect, we can go towards 2-3 seconds of latency and that's no good as two problems would present:
    1) Echo
    2) Latency glitches
    The first problem is that annoying hearing your own voice from the other side a few seconds late. When the latency is too much for echo-cancellation to cut it out you start getting plenty of that stuff.
    The second problem is really annoying as it prevents you from conversing normally. The pauses in the conversation become longer and it gets really hard to carry on a normal discourse.
    So basically I'd say that to see real good VOIP quality on a cellular network we'd have to wait for 4G network to kick in. Given it is going to be a fully featured IP network, the phones are going to be fully featured VOIP terminals with the possibility to keep several lines (including lines from different operators and countries) on a single mobile phone and all the rest. But that's something we're going to see in a couple of years from now...

  • Time Capsule and iPhone question

    I recently replaced my Airport Extreme (802.1b/g) with a Time Capsule and went through the standard installation and setup procedure - no problems. I assumed that the TC was operating in 802.11N mode - there did not seem to be an option to set during the installation process. I must admit that I did not notice a marked improvement in my network speed but assumed all was well. Now some weeks lated I bought an iPhone - it immediately connected to my network. I did not even think about the N vs b/g issue. Now reading this forum I noticed that iPhones are b/g so does this mean my network automatically "downgraded" from N to b/g or has it always been running in b/g. Note I before I installed my T/C I turned-off my old AE.
    I cannot figure out how to determine what mode my network / TC is running in. Can I easily swap back and forth when I need to have my iPhone connected.
    I have read the thread on this forum on how to have 2 bridged networks - one with N and one with b/g (might be a good way to put my old AE and Airport Express to some use) - since I'm no network wizzard I like to keep things simple - by doing so I seem to avoid many of the issues I read about on the forum
    Thanks for any advice.

    Hi Pat, I have an iPhone too and I'm quite disappointed that my nice new N router will be running at much lower speeds. When I'm at home I use both my MBP and my phone and switching back and forth doesnt sound appealing.
    Anyway, to answer your question, open up the Airport Utility and click Manual Setup at bottom right. Then click on Wireless from the 4 tabs you'll see and choose the appropriate setting from the Radio Mode drop down menu.
    Hope this helps!

  • General iPhone Questions

    Hello! I'm new, and I have a few questions about my new iPhone 3G. I'm hoping that this is the best place to ask them. A lot of these are shot-in-the-dark "Do they have this feature?" questions. Please answer whichever questions you can, and I'll try to figure out how to work this forum's points system and repay you!
    Is there a way to turn off the Safari browser history? I turned off the Google search engine history and I know how to clear my Safari browser history, but I don't know how or if you can disable it completely. I also know about the "Broswer" app, but it doesn't save history at the expense of not saving passwords either.
    Is there any way to set up a randomized wallpaper that changes each time you start your phone? Is there a way to set up a different wallpaper for each page of apps?
    I see you can make grey background app folders, and you can fit a max of 16 apps/folders per page and 4 more at the bottom. Is that the default?
    Is there any way to add a passcode lock to individual apps? I would love if, when you enter your start-up passcode to enter your iPhone, a certain password unlocks your phone normally while another password could enter a "guest" version without personal contacts or other personal data - but I doubt that's possible.
    Is there a way to make Google as a homepage that opens by default when I open my Safari browser?
    What exactly is airplane mode? I saw on a site that it blocks calls and texts? Is that right? Do you still get a general notification is someone calls or texts you?
    The upper-left button on the side of the iPhone mutes it and turn vibrate off, right? How do you set your phone to vibrate only when you receive a call or text?
    Is there a way to do a complete phone backup so I wouldn't lose any data if I lost my phone and then purchased a new one?
    How to I transfer the iTunes music I've purchased on my iPhone into the music library on iTunes on my computer?
    Thanks in advance!

    Tim iPhone Fan wrote:
    Hello! I'm new, and I have a few questions about my new iPhone 3G. I'm hoping that this is the best place to ask them. A lot of these are shot-in-the-dark "Do they have this feature?" questions. Please answer whichever questions you can, and I'll try to figure out how to work this forum's points system and repay you!
    Is there a way to turn off the Safari browser history? I turned off the Google search engine history and I know how to clear my Safari browser history, but I don't know how or if you can disable it completely. I also know about the "Broswer" app, but it doesn't save history at the expense of not saving passwords either.
    Is there any way to set up a randomized wallpaper that changes each time you start your phone? Is there a way to set up a different wallpaper for each page of apps?
    I see you can make grey background app folders, and you can fit a max of 16 apps/folders per page and 4 more at the bottom. Is that the default?
    Is there any way to add a passcode lock to individual apps? I would love if, when you enter your start-up passcode to enter your iPhone, a certain password unlocks your phone normally while another password could enter a "guest" version without personal contacts or other personal data - but I doubt that's possible.
    Not that I am aware, Yu can check the manual. There may be 3rd party apps that allow password protection.
    Is there a way to make Google as a homepage that opens by default when I open my Safari browser?
    What exactly is airplane mode? I saw on a site that it blocks calls and texts? Is that right? Do you still get a general notification is someone calls or texts you?
    You do not get notifications.
    Page 184 of the manual:
    "Airplane Mode
    Airplane mode disables the wireless features of iPhone to reduce potential
    interference with aircraft operation and other electrical equipment"
    one mutes it and turn vibrate off, right? How do you set your phone to vibrate only when you receive a call or text?
    Is there a way to do a complete phone backup so I wouldn't lose any data if I lost my phone and then purchased a new one?
    How to I transfer the iTunes music I've purchased on my iPhone into the music library on iTunes on my computer?
    File>Transfer Purchases
    Thanks in advance!
    A look at the manual should answer most questions.

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