5.1 FCP/DVD crisis

I am trying to do a 5.1 video with FCP, Logic, Compressor and DVD Pro.  I can't seem to be able to add the 5.1 audio as an option to the 2.0 audio attached to the video.  What am I doing wrong?

First under the Window menu, go to Configurations and make sure Advanced is selected.
Then in the Outline Palette select your Track. Now on the Track tab you will see a number of rows labeled V1, A1, A2, S1, etc. Drag your AC3 file from your Assets tab over to A2.
There is also a tutorial on how to set up a Audio selection menu here;

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    The media contained on those DVDs are using a low-resolution Quicktime codec called Photo-JPEG. So the picture quality will be really bad when playing on a large screen, or any screen for that matter. So it's normal, there's nothing wrong with your DVDs.

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    Many listed here...some free/on-line, some for fee/DVD
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    export sa a selfcontained quicktime with sequence settings (you don't have to make it selfcontained, but it's a short piece and if you have the disk space it can save you trouble down the road if you try and open the file and the referenced media has been deleted). Bring into compressor and apply the appropriate DVD setting. This will generate 3 files, an m2v file (video) and an aiff file (uncompressed audio) and an ac3 file (compressed audio). Bring these files into dvdsp and author away. It's generally recommended that you use an ac3 audio file rather than an aiff file as it will play smoother on marginal systems. The settings in DVDSP are pretty simple. Just drag video and audio into track, make the track intial play and the end jump the track.

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    Thanks in advance.
    Power MAC G5   Mac OS X (10.4)   Decklink HD Extreme - Video Card

    One of the interesting and clever things about OSX is that data is not necessarily written to disk when you think it is - it first goes into a buffer and the buffer is written to disk at times of the OS's choosing. This allows the OS to handle multiple tasks etc. 'at the same time' - it stores things up and then milliseconds or perhaps seconds later writes them to disk. Remember that this includes all processes - and when OSX is running there might easily be literally hundreds of separate little OS-level programs running, all needing to do this or that with files on disk, not just the programmes you think you have running, like FCP or Safari.
    The net result of this is that you have no control over when the disk is needed by the OS - and although this isn't a problem normally if you're using Safari or Word or something, when you are handling streaming media like video, it can be a very big problem. If you are playing a piece of video (which must maintain a constant data rate) and the system absolutely HAS to do something to or from disk, your video playback can take a hit, skipping a few frames. If this happened on a long playout to client it would be uncomfortable, but if it happened on your delivery master it could be horrendous.
    If you keep your media on a separate disk, the problem disappears, as OSX can do whatever it needs without interrupting the flow of video off the other drive.
    So don't so it, it's just waiting to bite you in the a55.

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    The ONE upgrade Patrick speaks of is the Final Cut Studio package - the individual apps (FCP, DVD-SP, SoundTrack Pro, etc) are no longer available separately.
    here's the link for information on Apple's crossgrade offer: http://www.apple.com/universal/crossgrade/

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    Use DVDxDV or MPEG Streamclip to convert the VOB files into Quicktime.
    Export the audio as aif 48khz/16 bit using QT Pro.
    Perhaps the programs listed above will allow you to simply convert the audio portion, I don't know, never used them that way.
    FWIW, These programs will not work on protected disks.

  • HELP!  DVD Studio pro shows a 3GB movie as 88GB!

    I am realy in deep troubles!
    Doing a (volentary) documentation about my city, the final doc movie will be shown at 7.januar 2006.
    Since 1 1/2 year i am working on DVD projekt and nearly finished.Suddenly DVD Studio pro goes crazy.
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    Just have upgraded to the newest Production Studio pro Version and same result.
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    In DVD Studio pro you can say how much motion you have.
    small, meduim,often i guess (have it in german)
    This setting worked and i could one time burn a DVD.
    I can say the quality was better, better color and less noise or moire.
    I changed it back, but no success.
    I have seen in the forum discussion about audio which might
    doe troubles and some advises using a.peak tool.
    I have checked the aiff files and there are terrible big!
    350 MB the biggest. I am totaly confiused because it worked bevor. Have checked the sequenzes from FCP which still works.
    What would you suggest first befor i jump out of the window.
    Many thanks for any helping hand

    Finaly i have solved my problem!
    The forum and the helpers did guide me in the right direction.It was not logicaly to me why it work again.
    With FCP i could view the sequenz correct.
    Then i used compressor-2 with DVD Best Quality, 90min 2 Pass 90min. Best motion. GOP closed.
    The output i imported into DVDStudio pro.The import was about 4 minute while bevor it was a few seconds!
    I did "clean up" DVDStudio Pro removoed the dvdstudio....plist file -> same result
    I did start a new FCP projekt with a new Sequenz, imported all the work i have done befor (lot of work)
    and used compressor again.
    Then i imported with DVD Studio Pro the compressor files
    (this time dolby ac3 audio file) and the import was done very quick.
    I could burn the dvd (2.3gb instead of 88GB) and a first quick look this (very early) morning was good!
    I chosed this way because i am not sure does working with multiple projekts (not sequenzes) can disturbes the other projekts if they use the same movie. So i will continue with a Projekt, finish them, and start the next from scratch. Hope have no problems like this again ...

  • Tough, quirky, hard to figure sync problem with FCP / compressor /  DVDSP

    OK, where to begin?
    I have a dvdsp project. Everything started in FCP. The video, because of poor results in compressor, has been compressed using bitvice. This results in an mpeg2 that is slightly longer than the original, because of the way bitvice handles 24p material (intersting aside, once the track is in dvdsp, its back to the original length)
    So, in final cut pro, I took the audio tracks and put them at a speed of 99.9% to make them match. Then the audio went to compressor to make an ac3. The files that compressor output match up with the video, as far as length goes, just fine.
    Here's where it gets a little wierd. Out of two tracks, one appears to be just fine on the very first pass through compressor... in sync, proper length etc...
    In the other track, I got a delay, in the surround speaker tracks, that got longer as the track went on. I examined the fcp sequences that the individual sound files were exported from... same settings. I looked at the self contained quicktime files that were exported from FCP... all the exact same length. Yet, listening to the tracks separately, I could tell that indeed, a couple tracks drifted later (but still didnt add any length on to the end of the track). The only difference in the workflow for those tracks was that some were exported individually and some were batch exported. (dont ask me how/ why/ if that made the difference). There was also a wierd dropout of audio on some tracks, so I figured maybe just a fly in the ointment, try again.
    So then I very methodically started over with the sound and repeated the process. I couldnt repeat the whole batch export making a difference thing. The resulting ac3 was in sync within itself, and matched up in length with the video, but the entire audio track drifted late, out of sync with the video.
    My solution has been to encode the audio at 100% which is now in sync, but is actually shorter in length in dvdsp and now ends almost 2 seconds earlier on the timeline (but yet doesnt lose sync).
    So, one track worked as expected and one threw me a bunch of curveballs resulting in a fix the doesnt make sense but kind of works. The material in both tracks as far as source, settings etc.. is identical.
    Can anyone help me wrap my head around some of this so I can have confidence in a workflow moving forward?
    sorry for the lengthy post
    powermac g4 933    

    Audio/video timing accuracy is never better than the tool you are measuring it with. Therefore, you can't always trust time measurements based on SMPTE time code with your life, especially when 2:3 pulldown is involved. If you end up with a MPEG-2 multiplex that stays in sync on a set-top DVD player, then you are safe, regardless of what FCP, DVD SP or any other software tool think of it.
    Why is that? Because the timing accuracy in MPEG-2 is at least 3000 times as accurate as any SMPTE time code. It is true that MPEG-2 video may contain SMPTE time code information, but it is only optional and even when present it is never used for anything time critical, such as A/V sychronization. It just wouldn't work.
    Assuming that I have correctly interpreted your post, that the length of the movie is about 33 minutes and that no further info is required to solve your puzzle, this is my 2 cents guess:
    In your paragraph beginning with "My solution" I suspect that that the AC-3 file might have been slowed down by 0.01% even though it "ends almost 2 seconds earlier" according to the DVD SP timeline. Alternatively, the video time code might have been misinterpreted, DF versus NDF, suggesting it being longer or shorter than it really is. This cannot happen in a real DVD decoder, since it does not rely the SMPTE time code at all.
    In the BitVice log you can read exactly how many frames there were in your 24p movie. Divide that by 23.976 to get a reliable duration, in seconds, for the encoded file. Note that if you get a reminder (meaning extra split seconds) it represents 1 to 23 extra frames. Roughly, every extra 41.7 ms means an extra frame.
    You don't want to go by the 29.97 frame rate, because then (due to the 2:3 pulldown) odd frames will last for 33,37ms but even frames last for 50.05ms.;-)
    As you have noticed yourself, different tools like DVD SP, FCP, QT player et.c, may report different lengths of a MPEG-2 video file. But, given the frame count, from the BitVice log, you can always calculate the exact duration, +/- 10 microseconds, because it is controlled by a 90 kHz clock derived from the 27MHz crystal in the DVD player. This clock makes
    3003 ticks for every NTSC/29.97fps frame,
    3600 ticks for every PAL/25fps frame or
    3750 ticks during a 24fps frame.
    In comparison, due to its error prone and ambiguous nature, the SMPTE time code system is not even reliable enough to be frame accurate, unfortunately.
    Roger Andersson / Innobits AB, makers of BitVice MPEG-2 encoder for Mac.

  • 24p footage shown as 29.97 in DVD Studio Pro

    I shot footage in DVCPRO HD codec with the HVX200 camera using the 24pN (native) recording format.
    I edit everything in FCP 5 and when exporting to Compressor using the output DVD 90min best quality 16:9 everything is still OK. The video file (when opened in QT) shows that it's a 23.97 fps file as it should be.
    BUT after importing it as asset in DVD Studio Pro 4, it shows as 29.97!! WHY? The video is smooth though, but why does it not show as 24p footage?
    PS: everything is in NTSC (camera, FCP, DVD Studio Pro)
    Thanks for any quick help,

    Do not know if you have DVD Demystified, but page 9-34 says what you are saying. (Wanted to double check to make sure I said it right and I was starting to get a bit lost here also. Too late at night LOL )
    DVD-Video supports 525/60 (NTSC 29.97 interlaced fps) and 625/50 (PAL/SECAM 25 interlaced fps) In the case of 24 fps the MPEG Encoder adds repeat first field flags to perform 2-3 pulldown fo 60 displays, for PAL a 4% increase in speed.
    Also this thread from awhile back

  • Audio clip in FCP to STP

    I'm following both the FCP DVD tutorial & Larry Jordans tutorials. Both show that in FCP you can select a single audio clip and "send to " STP Audio File Project for repair. However, this option is Not available (not highlighted). Only Multitrack & Pro script are highlighted. What is the deal?

    Hi Lecover,
    The media that you send to STP as an Audio File Project has to come from a single source media file. If you have more than one source media file, then you need to send to STP as a multitrack project.
    See this for more info: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=302805
    I hope that helps.

  • How to make a DVD without menu, just tracks

    I don't know where to put this question, under which forum, so I'll try it at DVD SP.
    A friend of mine is working as a DVD VJ, using videoclips and music. He uses Music-DVD's with videoclips on it but most DVD's have a menu to start with, in which you can't skip forward or continue. So I ripped the DVD in chapters (the tracks) and now I would like to have them burned again on a DVD. In toaster it creates, after burning, 12 different tracks but you have to go to 'menu' first before getting to another track. I would like to be able to go from track to track as on a CD. Does anyone know how to do that?
    I have FCP, DVD SP, Compressor, Toaster

    I've tried to make the different clips into track 1 with end jumps, or into 4 tracks with end jumps and having one First play. It works in playing and skipping the tracks from 1 to 2 to 3 and to 4, but I can't skip back then or forward again. And being a DVD DJ my friend needs to be able to skip to track 4, and back to 1, or 2...without having to go to the menu. So this options is not working.
    Someone has other options?

  • Adding pictures to a theme, but not in the drop zones...

    I don't know if this is a really noob ou really tricky question, but here it goes : )
    I'd like to add a/some picture(s) to a iDVD theme, but not in the drop zones. I'd like my pictures to appear as layers, choose whoch one goes in front, and so on...
    Is there any way to do that?
    Thx, and happy new year ; )
    iMac 24' 2,16GHz CodeDuo2 GeForce 7300 GT 1Gh DDR   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    In that case you would need to prepare the background as a QT movie exactly the way you want to display it as a background movie and then drag and drop that prepared QT file to iDVD.
    I've never done this type of movie in iLife apps alone but I have with FCP & DVD SP which offers these additional video editing options for sizing pip and frames in an existing movie / menu.
    Also check the help Menu for iDVD6 (and iMovie) if you haven't already. I did a search for you and here's what I came up with:
    Changing the background image of a DVD menu
    You can replace the background image in a menu with your own image. Images in menu backgrounds are cropped to fit the standard DVD window size, but the aspect ratio of the original image is preserved. If you want your image to fit the DVD window exactly, first use an image-editing application to resize the image to 640 x 480 for standard video and 854 x 480 for widescreen.
    When you replace a background image, you can also choose to keep the drop zones or remove them completely.
    Here are ways to change the background image:
    Drag a picture file from the Finder or the Media pane to a DVD menu background, outside a drop zone. Before you drop the picture, press the Command key and choose "Replace background" or "Replace background and drop zones" from the contextual menu that appears (shown above). Then release the mouse button.
    Click the Menu button and drag a picture file from the Finder to the background well in the Menu pane. If your theme has drop zones, the drop zones disappear.
    Click the Media button, then click Photos. Drag a photo from your iPhoto library or another folder to your DVD menu. If your theme has drop zones, the drop zones are retained.
    Choose File > Import > Image, locate and select an image, and click Import. If your theme has drop zones, the drop zones are retained.
    To remove a background image and return to the default image for the theme, click the Menu button and drag the image out of the background well (shown above).
    Hope this answers your question/s.

  • Loop/Repeat on continuous

    hey all,
    I want to Loop/Repeat a audio track on continuous play. I've tried something like Audacity which would create the track 200 times and it would be 13hrs long (which would be generally how long I'd want the track to last in a loop) but this was too awkward because it would end up being about 7-8 GB file...which wasn't what I wanted, because I need it to go on a audio cd and played off a cd player/dvd player.
    What I want.:
    Audio track looped.
    Track NOT massive in size.
    To play on a cd/dvd.
    If anybody knows a way that I could do it through something like FCP/DvD Studio Pro or other video editing suites, and then burn to dvd - that would also be a great solution!

    I don't think there's anyway around it. To burn a disc you need an audio file. The audio file is necessarily going to be big.
    Perhaps you can find a cd player with a loop function.

Maybe you are looking for