6100 Old Timer Questions

Hi All, I still am really liking my old 6100. Theres a number of factors making this the best phone for me. Small, light, PC sync, email, buoyant spares market to name a few.
I have some info on firmware revisions and also note that phones have a hardware revision.
Mine is a 2003 with fw:5.16 - I know that there is at least a fw:6.01 and I _think_ these where last made in 2006. The latest firmware appears to be 6.31 released in early 2006.
Does anyone know about the hardware revisions? I would be interested in getting dates etc. I missed out on an 2006 version (ebay) but am still searching. What effect would getting the latest revision of fw have and is it worth updating on an 2003 version phone or should I wait until I can source a later phone.
btw: I have car kit, desk stands and hands free so you wont convince me to chance models.

Hi cpcnw,
I am surprised there's another crazy man like me who still uses old 6100. I fully understand why, have it too and if it has it bluetooth and woudnt be broken I'd use it forever. I bought 6300 and I'd like to move content from 6100 to 6300 but unfortunately latest PC Suite does not recognise phone/SIM memory.
Do you by any change have original version of PC Suite CD which was attached to 6100 in box? I simply cannot find mine and as I remember original PC Suite recognized phone and SIM memory.
To your question... never heard about HW revision but I expect if there is any it needs to backward compatible.
Thank you very much for help.

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    Peruse Pondini's TM FAQs, for information.

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    What I'm looking for is a simple explanation for how to set up my new TC to replace my old one.  The manual isn't clear on this and I can't find a clear thread on the discussion that mirrors my situation.
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    - deactivate time machine then copy the sparsebundles to the new TC
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    Many thanks for your time in responding!

    Alot of your steps depend on the first one which is wrong.. sorry.. you cannot use the TC as external HD.. it is now and forever a network drive.
    That being the case.. let me suggest the following order.
    - deactivate TM.. yes that stops messy things happening.
    - setup the new TC to do all the functions of the existing one. The easiest way to do this is simply pull the old one out the network and install the new one.. otherwise you are trying to make two network connections to the two TC which will by default have the same IP. This will depend though on if you normally use ethernet. Do you?? I will suggest it another way if that is the case.
    - Factory reset the old TC.. and then set it in bridge mode and plug it into the new TC by ethernet.
    - Make sure all the network connections are full gigabit speed. If you are going to copy the old TM across this is going to take maybe a day or more.. assuming you have the 1TB drive full. TC cannot copy from one to the other direct.. it has to go.. TC1-Computer-TC2. which halves the speed.
    Do you really need these old backups.. IMHO it is better.. much better.. to start a fresh TM backup. You can get a USB drive to offload the existing backups using the direct archive method.. although you will need the old 5.6 utility to do it.
    - Copying sparsebundles is not hard.. just time consuming. See Q18 with every combo of doing this.
    - Then you can erase the old TC and load your media on it.. remembering that the TC has no way to back itself up.. and TM cannot backup a network drive.. so if you store itunes library for instance on it.. and access it by wireless.. except that at some stage it will corrupt itself. Count on it. Make sure you have a backup.
    - reactivate TM if you did indeed move the old sparsebundle.. and point it to the right target disk.

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    So, I am wondering if the remainder of the drive - approx 140GB is an old Time Machine backup from either Lion or Snow Leopard.
    Time Machine can not see the files nor can I access them via Finder.  I only have Mountain Lion on my machine at present, but could partition my Boot SSD drive to add Lion or Snow Leopard on to it.
    Is there any reason why I can't access these TM files if they do existing, or could there be other reasons why this is happening.
    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry, I think it's the way I replied to your last question.
    TM remains switched off from doing last clean install and have not used it this time.  I now use an SSD for my boot drive and all my important files I use as and when needed are stored on other hard drives.
    TM at the moment is swtiched off, but with the paddlock open it is asking me to Select Backup Disk - is this what you meant in your last post?  Just wanted to clarify - thanks

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    I have a new time capsule (replace my old time capsule).  I want to erase my old one.  My computer does not see the old one anymore, how do I connect it (the old TC is not connected to modem).  I want to erase it and then use it as either a second hard drive (sired/sirelesly?) or as a hard drive/bridge.  So,
    1.  why doesn't my cmputer see the old TC
    2  once i have solved that, how do I erase the old one
    3.  Can I use the old one as a supplemental hard drive
         a.  wired?
         b. wirelessly?
    4.  Can I use the old one as a range extender?
    I know .. a lot of questions but I would appreciate any help.

    sgetraer wrote:
    I have a new time capsule (replace my old time capsule).  I want to erase my old one.  My computer does not see the old one anymore, how do I connect it (the old TC is not connected to modem).  I want to erase it and then use it as either a second hard drive (sired/sirelesly?) or as a hard drive/bridge.  So,
    1.  why doesn't my cmputer see the old TC
    2  once i have solved that, how do I erase the old one
    3.  Can I use the old one as a supplemental hard drive
         a.  wired?
         b. wirelessly?
    4.  Can I use the old one as a range extender?
    I know .. a lot of questions but I would appreciate any help.
    1. Because it is either the same IP as the new one or hidden by being plugged in as a second router.
    To access it, isolate one computer from the existing network and plug it directly by ethernet to a lan port of the TC. Use the erase function in the TC to remove all the content of the hard disk.
    Then go to the internet tab, connection sharing and select off bridged. You can then reconnect the TC to the network.. and the computer as well. The TC will act as bridged device.. getting IP from the main router and should then appear correctly in Airport utility.
    2. I covered in 1. But you just go in airport utility manual setup. disk, and you will see the erase function. You can also set it to bridge and leave the erase until you put it back in the network.. but be careful you erase the right one.
    3. You can use the old TC via wired or wireless.. although I would always stick to wired connection if possible. Speed on wireless is 10x worse than wired.
    Also note the reliability goes down dramatically after 2 years.. a series 1 3 years old or more is ebay fodder unless you want to repair it. Do not trust vital data to it.. when it dies you will have issues recovering it.
    4. Yes, all apple routers will function as wireless extenders. when you do that the ethernet ports turn off so it becomes a purely wireless device.. strange apple decision on what you want to use your TC for.

  • Abap-hr real time questions

    hi friends
    kindly send me ABAP-HR REAL TIME QUESTION to my mail [email protected]

    Logical database
    A logical database is a special ABAP/4 program which combines the contents of certain database tables. Using logical databases facilitates the process of reading database tables.
    HR Logical Database is PNP
    Main Functions of the logical database PNP:
    Standard Selection screen
    Data Retrieval
    Authorization check 
    To use logical database PNP in your program, specify in your program attributes.
    Standard Selection Screen
    Date selection
    Date selection delimits the time period for which data is evaluated. GET PERNR retrieves all records of the relevant infotypes from the database.  When you enter a date selection period, the PROVIDE loop retrieves the infotype records whose validity period overlaps with at least one day of this period.
    Person selection
    Person selection is the 'true' selection of choosing a group of employees for whom the report is to run.
    Sorting Data
    · The standard sort sequence lists personnel numbers in ascending order.
    · SORT function allows you to sort the report data otherwise. All the sorting fields are from infotype 0001.
    Report Class
    · You can suppress input fields which are not used on the selection screen by assigning a report class to your program.
    · If SAP standard delivered report classes do not satisfy your requirements, you can create your own report class through the IMG.
    Data Retrieval from LDB
    1. Create data structures for infotypes.
                            0002, "PERSONAL DATA
                            0008. "BASIC PAY
    2. Fill data structures with the infotype records.
             GET PERNR.
        Read Master Data
    Infotype structures (after GET PERNR) are internal tables loaded with data.
    The infotype records (selected within the period) are processed sequentially by the PROVIDE - ENDPROVIDE loop.
              GET PERNR.
                        If Pnnnn-XXXX = ' '. write:/ Pnnnn-XXXX. endif.
    Period-Related Data
    All infotype records are time stamped.
    IT0006 (Address infotype)
    01/01/1990   12/31/9999  present
              Which record to be read depends on the date selection period specified on the
              selection screen. PN/BEGDA PN/ENDDA.
    Current Data
    IT0006 Address  -  01/01/1990 12/31/9999   present
    RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST retrieves the record which is valid in the data selection period.
    For example, pn/begda = '19990931'    pn/endda = '99991231'
    IT0006 subtype 1 is resident address
    Process Infotypes
    RMAC Modules - RMAC module as referred to Macro, is a special construct of ABAP/4 codes. Normally, the program code of these modules is stored in table 'TRMAC'. The table key combines the program code under a given name. It can also be defined in programs.The RMAC defined in the TRMAC can be used in all Reports. When an RMAC is changed, the report has to be regenerated manually to reflect the change.
    Reading Infotypes - by using RMAC (macro) RP-READ-INFOTYPE
              REPORT ZHR00001.
              INFOTYPE: 0002.
              RP-READ-INFOTYPE PERNR 0002 P0002 .
              PROVIDE * FROM P0002
                  if ... then ...endif.
    Changing Infotypes - by using RMAC (macro) RP-READ-INFOTYPE. 
    · Three steps are involved in changing infotypes:
    1. Select the infotype records to be changed;
    2. Make the required changes and store the records in an alternative table;
    3. Save this table to the database;
    The RP-UPDATE macro updates the database. The parameters of this macro are the OLD internal table containing the unchanged records and the NEW internal table containing the changed records. You cannot create or delete data. Only modification is possible.
    Pnnnn NAME NEW.
               WHERE .... = ... "Change old record
               *Save old record in alternate table
               NEW = OLD.
        RP-UPDATE OLD NEW. "Update changed record
    Infotype with repeat structures
    · How to identify repeat structures.
    a. On infotype entry screen, data is entered in table form.
        IT0005, IT0008, IT0041, etc.
    b. In the infotype structure, fields are grouped by the same name followed by sequence number.
        P0005-UARnn P0005-UANnn P0005-UBEnn
        P0005-UENnn P0005-UABnn
    Repeat Structures
    · Data is entered on the infotype screen in table format but stored on the database in a linear  
    · Each row of the table is stored in the same record on the database.
    · When evaluating a repeat structure, you must define the starting point, the increment and the
      work area which contains the complete field group definition.
    Repeat Structures Evaluation (I)
    · To evaluate the repeat structures
       a. Define work area.
           The work area is a field string. Its structure is identical to that of the field group.
       b. Use a DO LOOP to divide the repeat structure into segments and make it available for  
           processing in the work area, one field group (block) at a time.
    Repeat Structures Evaluation(II)
    Define work area
                  UAR LIKE P0005-UAR01, "Leave type
                  UAN LIKE P0005-UAN01, "Leave entitlement
                  UBE LIKE P0005-UBE01, "Start date
                  UEN LIKE P0005-UEN01, "End date
                  UAB LIKE P0005-UAB01, "Leave accounted
               END OF VACATION.
                 FROM P0005-UAR01 "Starting point
                     NEXT P0005-UAR02. "Increment
                 If p0005-xyz then ... endif.
    Processing 'Time Data'.
    · Dependence of time data on validity period
    · Importing time data
    · Processing time data using internal tables
    Time Data and Validity Period
    · Time data always applies to a specific validity period.
    · The validity periods of different types of time data are not always the same as the date selection period specified in the selection screen.
    Date selection period |----
    Leave |----
    · PROVIDE in this case is therefore not used for time infotypes.
    Importing Time Data
    · GET PERNR reads all time infotypes from the lowest to highest system data, not only those within the date selection period.
    · To prevent memory overload, add MODE N to the infotype declaration. This prevents the logical database from importing all data into infotype tables at GET PERNR.
    · Use macro RP-READ-ALL-TIME-ITY to fill infotype table.
        LOOP AT P0021.
             If P0021-XYZ = ' '. A=B. Endif.
    Processing Time Data
    · Once data is imported into infotype tables, you can use an internal table to process the interested data.
                  BUKRS LIKE P0001-BUKRS, "COMPANY
                  WERKS LIKE P0001-WERKS, "PERSONNEL AREA
                  AWART LIKE P2001-AWART, "ABS./ATTEND. TYPE
                  ASWTG LIKE P2001-ASWTG, "ABS./ATTEND. DAYS
               END OF ITAB.
    LOOP AT P2001.
          ITAB-AWART = P2001-AWART. ITAB-ASWTG = P2001-ASWTG.
    Database Tables in HR
    ·  Personnel Administration (PA) - master and time data infotype tables (transparent tables).
       PAnnnn: e.g. PA0001 for infotype 0001
    ·  Personnel Development (PD) - Org Unit, Job, Position, etc. (transparent tables).
       HRPnnnn: e.g. HRP1000 for infotype 1000
    ·  Time/Travel expense/Payroll/Applicant Tracking data/HR work areas/Documents (cluster  
       PCLn: e.g. PCL2 for time/payroll results.
    Cluster Table
    · Cluster tables combine the data from several tables with identical (or almost identical) keys
      into one physical record on the database.
    . Data is written to a database in compressed form.
    · Retrieval of data is very fast if the primary key is known.
    · Cluster tables are defined in the data dictionary as transparent tables.
    · External programs can NOT interpret the data in a cluster table.
    · Special language elements EXPORT TO DATABASE, IMPORT TO DATABASE and DELETE
      FROM DATABASE are used to process data in the cluster tables.
    PCL1 - Database for HR work area;
    PCL2 - Accounting Results (time, travel expense and payroll);
    PCL3 - Applicant tracking data;
    PCL4 - Documents, Payroll year-end Tax data
    Database Tables PCLn
    · PCLn database tables are divided into subareas known as data clusters.
    · Data Clusters are identified by a two-character code. e.g RU for US payroll result, B2 for
      time evaluation result...
    · Each HR subarea has its own cluster.
    · Each subarea has its own key.
    Database Table PCL1
    · The database table PCL1 contains the following data areas:
      B1 time events/PDC
      G1 group incentive wages
      L1 individual incentive wages
      PC personal calendar
      TE travel expenses/payroll results
      TS travel expenses/master data
      TX infotype texts
      ZI PDC interface -> cost account
    Database Table PCL2
    · The database table PCL2 contains the following data areas:
      B2 time accounting results
      CD cluster directory of the CD manager
      PS generated schemas
      PT texts for generated schemas
      RX payroll accounting results/international
      Rn payroll accounting results/country-specific ( n = HR country indicator )
      ZL personal work schedule
    Database Table PCL3
    · The database table PCL3 contains the following data areas:
      AP action log / time schedule
      TY texts for applicant data infotypes
    Data Management of PCLn
    · The ABAP commands IMPORT and EXPORT are used for management of read/write to
      database tables PCLn.
    · A unique key has to be used when reading data from or writing data to the PCLn.
      Field Name KEY Length Text
      MANDT X 3 Client
      RELID X 2 Relation ID (RU,B2..)
      SRTFD X 40 Work Area Key
      SRTF2 X 4 Sort key for dup. key
    Cluster Definition
    · The data definition of a work area for PCLn is specified in separate programs which comply  
       with fixed naming conventions.
    · They are defined as INCLUDE programs (RPCnxxy0). The following naming convention applies:
       n = 1 or 2 (PCL1 or PCL2)
       xx = Relation ID (e.g. RX)
       y = 0 for international clusters or country indicator (T500L) for different country cluster
    Exporting Data (I)
    · The EXPORT command causes one or more 'xy' KEY data objects to be written to cluster xy.
    · The cluster definition is integrated with the INCLUDE statement.
    INCLUDE: RPCnxxy0. "Cluster definition
    Fill cluster KEY
    xy-key-field = .
    Fill data object
    Export record
       IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.
           WRITE: / 'Update successful'.
    Exporting Data (II)
    . Export data using macro RP-EXP-Cn-xy.
    · When data records are exported using macro, they are not written to the database but to a  
      main memory buffer.
    · To save data, use the PREPARE_UPDATE routine with the USING parameter 'V'.
    *Buffer definition
    INCLUDE RPPPXD00. INCLUDE RPPPXM00. "Buffer management
    Importing Data (I)
    · The IMPORT command causes data objects with the specified key values to be read from
    · If the import is successful, SY-SUBRC is 0; if not, it is 4.
    INCLUDE RPCnxxy0. "Cluster definition
    Fill cluster Key
    Import record
       IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.
    Display data object
    Importing data (II)
    · Import data using macro RP-IMP-Cn-xy.
    · Check return code SY-SUBRC. If 0, it is successful. If 4, error.
    · Need include buffer management routines RPPPXM00
    *Buffer definition
    *import data to buffer
    *Buffer management routines
    Cluster Authorization
    · Simple EXPORT/IMPORT statement does not check for cluster authorization.
    · Use EXPORT/IMPORT via buffer, the buffer management routines check for cluster
    Payroll Results (I)
    · Payroll results are stored in cluster Rn of PCL2 as field string and internal tables.
      n - country identifier.
    · Standard reports read the results from cluster Rn. Report RPCLSTRn lists all payroll results;
      report RPCEDTn0 lists the results on a payroll form.
    Payroll Results (II)
    · The cluster definition of payroll results is stored in two INLCUDE reports:
      include: rpc2rx09. "Definition Cluster Ru (I)
      include: rpc2ruu0. "Definition Cluster Ru (II)
    The first INCLUDE defines the country-independent part; The second INCLUDE defines the country-specific part (US).
    · The cluster key is stored in the field string RX-KEY.
    Payroll Results (III)
    · All the field string and internal tables stored in PCL2 are defined in the ABAP/4 dictionary. This
      allows you to use the same structures in different definitions and nonetheless maintain data
    · The structures for cluster definition comply with the name convention PCnnn. Unfortunately, 
       'nnn' can be any set of alphanumeric characters.
    *Key definition
    *Payroll directory
    Payroll Cluster Directory
    · To read payroll results, you need two keys: pernr and seqno
    . You can get SEQNO by importing the cluster directory (CD) first.
    INLCUDE: rpc2cd09. "definition cluster CD
    *Import cluster Directory
       CHECK SY-SUBRC = 0.
       *Import data from PCL2
    Function Module (I)
    · After importing the payroll directory, which record to read is up to the programmer.
    · Each payroll result has a status.
      'P' - previous result
      'A' - current (actual) result
      'O' - old result
    · Function module CD_EVALUATION_PERIODS will restore the payroll result status for a period
       when that payroll is initially run. It also will select all the relevant periods to be evaluated.
    Function Module (II)
    call function 'CD_EVALUATION_PERIODS'
              bonus_date = ref_periods-bondt
              inper_modif = pn-permo
              inper = ref_periods-inper
              pay_type = ref_periods-payty
              pay_ident = ref_periods-payid
              rgdir = rgdir
              evpdir = evp
              iabkrs = pnpabkrs
              no_record_found = 1.
    Authorization Check
       Authorization for Persons
    ·  In the authorization check for persons, the system determines whether the user has the 
       authorizations required for the organizational features of the employees selected with
       GET PERNR.
    ·  Employees for which the user has no authorization are skipped and appear in a list at the end
       of the report.
    ·  Authorization object: 'HR: Master data'
    Authorization for Data
    · In the authorization check for data, the system determines whether the user is authorized to
      read the infotypes specified in the report.
    · If the authorization for a particular infotype is missing, the evaluation is terminated and an error
      message is displayed.
    Deactivating the Authorization Check
    · In certain reports, it may be useful to deactivate the authorization check in order to improve
      performance. (e.g. when running payroll)
    · You can store this information in the object 'HR: Reporting'.
    these are the main areas they ask q?

  • Move old time machine data

    Hi all
    I want to move a large amount (about 150GB) of old time machine data from one external hard drive to another so I can use the hard drive for other things. The time machine data is not part of my current time machine backup but an old one (from the same computer) that might come in handy one day
    When I try to copy it tells me that I have 13 hours to go. I would like some ways to copy/move the data so that it the copy is interrupted I can resume at the same place.
    Any ideas

    soccerdad0071 wrote:
    Hi all
    I want to move a large amount (about 150GB) of old time machine data from one external hard drive to another so I can use the hard drive for other things. The time machine data is not part of my current time machine backup but an old one (from the same computer) that might come in handy one day
    When I try to copy it tells me that I have 13 hours to go.
    That sounds terribly long, depending on the speed and connection of the drives involved. If they're daisy-chained, or both on the same USB hub, try connecting them separately (and both directly, if at all possible). If either is USB, be sure it's connected directly to your Mac, not a port on a keyboard.
    Also exclude the drive you're copying TO from Spotlight indexing (System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy), and both from any anti-virus scanning.
    I would like some ways to copy/move the data so that it the copy is interrupted I can resume at the same place.
    No way. A set of Time Machine backups is like a database -- the backups are all intricately linked together, so can't be copied in stages.
    Do you really need all the backups, or just the final one? If just the final one, try restoring it (to the new drive instead of your Mac's internal HD), per #14 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.

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    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_QMcgpB21Y …
    (Please stop deleting this post. It relates to using Element in AE.  As a MVP for Adobe I think its valid to share and answer any questions that relate to using this plugin. If you disagree lets talk with Todd K. about this so it can be resolved in a reasonable manner. Thank you.}

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    I see it as just targeting different groups of users. If there are no over riding legal concerns, I would hope to be able to communicate with all the various folks I have been in contact with for the last several years in this manner.

  • Help. I hit 'Restore All' in an old Time Machine backup

    I fully realize I made a terrible mistake. I had an iphoto library on my imac that i haven't backed up at all. I was playing around with an old time machine backup and i pressed restore all thinking it would warn me that i was going to overwrite my existing library. well, now i have lost a years worth of photos without having backed them up. my question is, is there anyway to retrieve them? the trash holds nothing. there is no backup save my iphone. when i hook that up it only shows 2 photos. hide already imported photos is NOT checked. i imagine i can pull them off. i'm wondering if they will be the full resolution however. i would like to UNDO the restore first if there is a way. if not i guess i have to do it with the iphone which i'm not sure if it had all the photos from my previous library anyways. please advise and i will love you forever.

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. About the only recourse is to use a file recovery application like SubrosaSoft FileSalvage. You can run it in demo mode to verify that you can recover the photos you want before you have to pay for it.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Note: There's now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

  • Remounting an old time Capsule and accessing prior  backups

    I was using a Time Capsule but it filled up.  I decided to move my Time Machine to an external hard drive and keep the Time Capsul as an archive.
    Now I would like to retreive a file frorm the archive. However when I redirect Time Machine to the old Time Capsule if is creating new backups but is not seeing the old ones.  The disk is still full so I believe that they are still theere.
    Question - how do I get Time Machine to let me access the old backups?

    Try a right-click on the Time Machine icon on the dock, and then click Browse Other Time Machine Disks to see if  your backups are there.
    To return to your current backup set, click the Time Machine clock icon at the top of the computer screen. Click Time Machine Preferences and then click Select Disk to highlght your Time Capsule drive and then click Use for Backup. This will get your regular backups going again.

  • Defrag an old Time Machine backup to save space for archiving?

    I'm aware of all the reasons not to defragment an OSX volume, as well as Time Machine volumes, but hear me out on this one...
    I bought a new iMac and will be starting a brand new Time Machine backup. I would like to keep the old Time Machine backup around just in case I need access to some old files. I will not be adding anything further to this old backup, and I will not be using this old backup to restore any system. I will only be browsing and restoring files from this backup, but only rarely. I have removed (via the Time Machine interface's "Delete all backups of...") a number of large files and unecessary directories to reduce the backup size. I then ran the hdiutil compact command to reclaim free space from the sparsebundle.
    I read, however, that the hdiutil compact command will only delete unused bands of the sparsebundle, and that defragmenting the contents of a sparsebundle will likely produce more "empty" bands that can be removed with another run of compact to further free up space.
    Will it be okay to defragment the sparsebundle under these circumstances?

    I've looked over Pondini's site and it's an awesome resource. I've learned a lot from it over the years. But my specific question isn't answered there.
    The Time Machine software is complex and I understand that there's a lot of things to know to keep it running smoothly. However, my particular situation isn't commonly discussed. In scenarios not involving Time Machine, defragging a sparsebundle before running hdiutil compact is known to help free up more disk space by creating more unused bands within the sparsebundle that can be removed by compact. Makes sense. Why would this affect Time Machine's process? And could it be that it won't cause a problem for a sparsebundle that will only be used to browse and restore files? ... As opposed to a sparsebundle that one intends to continue backing up to? Are there defregmenting options that I should avoid, or be sure to use?

  • What should I do with my old time capsule since I just upgraded to 2tb?

    I just bought a 2tb time capsule and now I am wondering what I should do with my old 500gb (still works great) one?  Can I keep large, old files that aren't really used but would like to store on my old time capsule?  If so, how do I set it up so I can access both at the same time?  If I can't do that, then how do I erase all data on the old time capsule so I can sell it?  Actually, answers to both questions (in case I find I don't need all that space) would be much appreciated!  Thanks!

    Erase via the airport utility in the disk section.
    I recommend you sell it, they are not reliable after 3 years.

  • Old Time Capsule uses.

    We're a big family with four young kids, and I'm realizing that we're starting to outgrow our infrastructure.  We have a 2008 era 20" iMac w/ 320 GB that is full (lots of itunes movies and pictures mostly).  Our 500 GB 2nd Generation Time Capsule was also full.  Earlier this week I bought a new 2 TB Time Capsule.  It's now set up and running well wirelessly backing up both our iMac and my Macbook Air and doing our wifi (much better range now).  I didn't transfer over the data from the old Time Capsule, I just started fresh with the new one.  Eventually we'll probably buy a new iMac with a bigger HD and transition the current one to be a kids computer.  I'd like to put that off for a year or two if possible, though.  I was thinking I could use the old Time Capsule as an external HD to solve my full iMac problem and buy me some time. I don't think there would be a reason to use the wifi capabilities or have the old TC accesible from other computers (is there?).  So questions:
    1. Process for turning the old TC into an external HD.  Is this doable?  Is it wise to simply erase my old TC backups now that i have new backups on the new TC. If so how do I do it? Should I connect it wireless or use ethernet cable to the iMac?  How do I turn off the network/wifi stuff in the old TC so it doesn't mess with my wifi network (or do I not want to do this)?  I saw some post that talked about conecting two TC's together with an ethernet cable- is this a better way? 
    2.  What to put on the old TC/External HD if the above is figured out.  I've never used an external HD before.  It seems like the biggest bang for the buck would be to put our entire itunes library on the external if it can still function like it does now (primarily streaming movies/photos to ATV and streaming music to wireless speakers set up in the kitchen on an airport express).   Would still want the data on the old TC/external to be backed up automatically to the new TC via Time Machine.
    That's probably enough to get started.  Sorry if it's too many questions all at once.  Thanks for any advice.

    Our 500 GB 2nd Generation Time Capsule was also full.  Earlier this week I bought a new 2 TB Time Capsule.  It's now set up and running well wirelessly backing up both our iMac and my Macbook Air and doing our wifi (much better range now).  I didn't transfer over the data from the old Time Capsule, I just started fresh with the new one. 
    This is IMHO the right way to go. Fresh new backups as long as there is nothing in the old backup you want then indeed erase the old TC.
    I was thinking I could use the old Time Capsule as an external HD to solve my full iMac problem and buy me some time. I don't think there would be a reason to use the wifi capabilities or have the old TC accesible from other computers (is there?).  So questions:
    IMHO this is the wrong way to go. Old TC power supply could be on the edge right now.. they have a service life of 3years and 3days. You won.. you got 4years out of it. Don't press your luck. Many died at 18months due to power supply failure.. and the hard disk also may die.
    If you want an external HD.. buy one. USB3 drives are backwards compatible to USB2. You can get 2TB for less than $100. It will be faster, more reliable by far and work better as a data store. TM can then backup the files.. TM cannot backup files on the TC or any network drive. The TC cannot even back itself up.. other than a single archive of the whole disk manually initiated.
    Let me make these clear in particular.
    Big mistake moving itunes to the TC.. because it cannot be backed up.. because it is designed as data drive not streaming device.. it is slow to start the disk.. quick to spin it down. And did I mention no backup. Don't do this in particular. if you want to move itunes.. definitely go for the external drive.. and use best possible interface.. On an old 2008 imac that would be FW800, which is far superior to usb2. It is a dying standard but look at OWC etc for a FW800 case and put a 2TB drive in it.. cost a bit more than USB2 but for file storage and particularly fast access you will do much better.
    The TC should be erased.. Just go to the airport utility on any computer and look at the erase option there.. do a one pass erase... so your data cannot be recovered and then I would just ebay it.
    If you really want to set it up as external drive yes, but remember it is always a network drive.. you cannot plug in via USB.. it is tricky to setup unless you just bridge it and plug it by ethernet into the current Gen4 TC. You will then increase network traffic loading files onto it.
    To use as independent external disk read the instructions at the bottom of this thread.. I have done screen shots to make it all clear there.
    But I hope you won't do it.

  • I am trying to get space on an external hard drive which has some old time machine back up files that I do not need but can not eliminate, even by going into the time machine, clicking on the backup file to be eliminated and using the drop down eliminate

    I am trying to get space on an external hard drive which has some old time machine back up files that I do not need but can not eliminate, even by going into the time machine, clicking on the backup file to be eliminated and using the drop down menu with the gear box symbol to eliminate

    I cannot find this 300GB "Backup" in the Finder, only in the Storage info when I check "About This Mac".
    You are probably using Time Machine to backup your MacBook Pro, right? Then the additional 300 GB could be local Time Machine snapshots.  Time Machine will write the hourly backups to the free space on your hard disk, if the backup drive is temporarily not connected. You do not see these local backups in the Finder, and MacOS will delete them, when you make a regular backup to Time Machine, or when you need the space for other data.
    See Pondini's page for more explanation:   What are Local Snapshots?   http://pondini.org/TM/FAQ.html
    I have restarted my computer, but the information remains the same. How do I reclaim the use of the 300GB? Why is it showing up as "Backups" when it used to indicate "Photos"? Are my photos safe on the external drive?
    You have tested the library on the external drive, and so your photos are save there.  
    The local TimeMachine snapshot probably now contains a backup of the moved library.  Try, if connecting your Time Machine drive will reduce the size of your local Time Machine snapshots.

  • I am having trouble answering my old security questions for my itunes account and it is creating a problem because I am not able to purchase apps/songs on my new IPAD. What phone number/email adress should I call to get a quick response to my issue?

    I have recently bought an IPAD 2 for my girlfriend and have encountered a problem with purchasing apps through my itunes account. It is requesting that I not only enter my pasword (which I know) but answer my old account questions, which I have forgotten the answers to. It had since locked me out of changing my questions for eight hours. Is there any number I can call to prove that I am the real owner of my itunes account so my girlfriend will be able to use her ipad to purchase new apps without having to go through the trouble of using one of my other apple devices? Random information: I believe my questions were set back in 2007 when I purchased my first ipod nano, since then I have used this same itunes account for my own ipod touch and ipad 2 and my girlfriends iphone 1st generation. I have never run into a problem regarding my questions before on any of these devices


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