64 bit itunes upgrade

Just upgraded to the new version for Windows & 64 bit.
Now I cannot access the iTunes store.
Any advice?
[email protected]

Close your iTunes,
Go to command Prompt -
(Win 7/Vista) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES, right mouse click "Command Prompt", choose "Run as Administrator".
(Win XP SP2 & above) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/Command Prompt
In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
netsh winsock reset
Hit "ENTER" key
Restart your computer.
If you do get a prompt after restart windows to remap LSP, just click NO.
Now launch your iTunes, and see if it is working now.
If you are still having these type of problems after trying the winsock reset, refer to this article to identify which software in your system is inserting LSP:
iTunes 10.5 for Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store

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    Many thanks.
    Can you check something for me please?
    Restart your PC. after the PC restarts, bring up your Task manager, and go to the "Processes" tab. Click "Image name" to sort the processes alphabetically.
    Now try to launch iTunes.
    Does an itunes.exe process appear? If so, does it vanish after a second or so, or does it persist in the Processes tab (even though iTunes itself never shows up)?

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    Your QT may work fine but is it the most current v7.1.3? This is not to say that this will resolve your problem. You might try to d/l the 10.4.6 combo update and reinstall the upgrade to the system. That might resolve the problem.
    I would wait until the new year and then upgrade to iLife07. No sense in buying 06 if 07 is around the corner.
    You can downgrade to an earlier version of an app. To downgrade iTunes you would need to remove the receipt from HD>Library>Receipts>iTunesX.pkg. You will also need the .dmg of the version you want to reinstall. Old iTune versions are avalable at http://www.oldapps.com/downloadiTunesmac.php
    You can get old iPhoto at http://www.oldapps.com/iPhoto.php - instructions here http://www.oldapps.com/forum/showthread.php?p=545
    To downgrade your OS you will need to reload the original OS from the system disks that you have then upgrade to the level that you want.
    As always b/u before proceeding.

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    You can make a smart playlist, that will update
    Ok, how?
    You can sort an existing playlist by clicking on the
    column heading. For example clicking on the words
    "Release Date". Click on "Name" changes the sort to
    name. Some columns when you click on them will sort
    in different ways. For example Album, when clicked
    on can become "Album by Artist".
    Right, the playlists can be sorted by the following:
    Last Played
    You then right-click and bring up the following:
    Album Artist
    Beats Per Minute
    Bit Rate
    Date Added
    Date Modified
    Disc Number
    Epidose ID
    Last Skipped
    My Rating
    Play Count
    Sample Rate
    Skip Count
    Track Number
    However it doesn't have a column for "Release Date", which tends to allow it to sort by the original order it was downloaded. That's what I'm hoping for, otherwise I have to delete the Playlist name and re-add it.
    If a particular column heading you want is not
    visible, right click on one of the column headings
    that is there, and you will get a list of possible
    column headings.
    Which feature are you missing?
    I'm hoping for "Release Date".

  • ITunes upgraded without asking me.

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    You can restore much of the look & feel of the previous version with these shortcuts:
    ALT to temporarily display the menu bar
    CTRL+B to show or hide the menu bar
    CTRL+S to show or hide the sidebar
    CTRL+/ to show or hide the status bar (won't hide for me on Win XP)
    Click the magnifying glass top right and untick Search Entire Library to restore the old search behaviour
    Use View > Hide <Media Kind> in the cloud or Edit > Preferences > Store and untick Show iTunes in the cloud purchases to hide the cloud items. The second method eliminates the cloud status column (and may let iTunes start up more quickly)
    If you don't like having different coloured background & text in the Album view use Edit > Preferences > General and untick Use custom colours for open albums, movies, etc.
    If you still feel the need to roll back to iTunes 10.7 first download a copy of the 32 bit installer or 64 bit installer as appropriate, uninstall iTunes and supporting software, i.e. Apple Application Support & Apple Mobile Device Support. Reboot. Restore the pre-upgrade version of your library database as per the diagram below, then install iTunes 10.7.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to scan the media folder and catch up with any changes made since the backup file was created.

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    Scraping a 32-bit iTunes out of a 64-bit system can be tricky.
    Perhaps let's first try this. Download and install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from Microsoft:
    Now run the utility ("Start > All programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove".
    Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC, and try another iTunes (64-bit) install. Does it go through properly this time?
    (If you get another error message on the reinstall attempt, let us know what that one says too.)

  • TS1453 after itunes upgraded to latest apple tv (1st gen)does not show up anywhere in itunes

    After Itunes upgraded to latest version Apple TV (1st gen) does not show up anywhere in Itunes

    I have the same problem. It was working fine up until the last update for iTunes 11.0.2
    Here's the details:
    I have an Apple TV - first Gen and up until a couple of weeks ago, was regularly playing sync'd iTunes music and videos through it on a daily basis.
    I see other devicess showing up in the "Devices" list in the left panel of iTunes (such as iPad, iPhone, etc.)
    AppleTV used to be there consistently, then disappeared upon update to 11.0.2
    Apple TV also does not show up in the devices tab under the Preferences window.
    I have tried multiple suggestions on the support forum but none have worked.
    Apple TV is able to access the network, is on the same network as the iMac with iTunes library connected. Both are connected to network via ethernet cable (not wifi). Both are able to access the internet (apple tv plays movie prieviews and gets updates). Using the Terminal app, I am able to ping the apple TV's IP number from the iMac and get a successful return. 
    Both have latest software downloads.
    I have tried cold-booting the apple TV, resetting the router, and verified in the router device list that both imac and appleTV are listed as active, un-blocked connections.
    I don't intend to buy an Apple TV 2nd gen or later (since I bought this one and it's not working now due to software update, what guarantee that a later model won't generate the same problem later.
    One last wrinkle, I have a 2 year old and a 5 year old who are jonesing hard for their "dance party" fix.
    Have you ever wronged a two year old?
    It is NOT pretty.
    Help me Apple-wan-kenobi...I can't take the screaming!

  • Outlook 2013 64 Bit - iTunes 12 64 Bit - No Calendar or Contact Sync

    Current System Setup
    Microsoft Office 2013 Standard Edition - 64 Bit
    iTunes - 64 Bit
    Windows 8.1 Professional Edition - 64 Bit
    Current Issue:
    Outlook Calendar and Contacts stopped syncing several weeks ago.  When it stopped the computer was setup with and had been setup like this for a very long time with no issues.
    Microsoft Office 2010 Standard Edition - 64 Bit
    iTunes 11.x - 64 Bit
    Windows 8.1 Professional Edition - 64 Bit
    Went to the local Apple Store.  The tech blew away iTunes completely, even taking out the library xlm, and all supporting Apple apps.  Nothing worked.
    Went to the Microsoft Store at the same mall right after the Apple Store.  He blew away the C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\ folder and all of the subfolders.  FYI...That folder was 10GB in size.  Still no luck.
    I updated the computer to Office 2013 Standard Edition - 64 Bit.  No luck.
    I read multiple articles with people having similar issues with different degrees of success.  I checked everything from the PST file default, Firewall Settings, Outlook Trust Center, etc, etc.
    The one thing I see missing in Outlook is the "iTunes Outlook Add-In".  It is not listed in the COM-Addins section at all.  I have not found any reference to how to bring back this COM-Addin to Outlook for iTunes or if it is necessary for this version of Outlook and iTunes.
    Any assistance would be appreciated.

    Hmm, have you looked at Troubleshooting Sync Services on Windows with Microsoft Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, or Outlook 2010 - Apple Support yet?
    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
    The further information area has direct links to the current and recent builds in case you have problems downloading, need to revert to an older version or want to try the iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) release as a workaround for installation or performance issues, or compatibility with QuickTime or third party software.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there are also links to backup and recovery advice should it be needed.

  • Windows 7, 64 bit, iTunes 10.3. Nothing works anymore! I keep getting error 7, 14001 along with a side by side app error. I've tried wiping out all apple programs and re-installing a 100 times, nothing works. I've been messing with this 2 weeks!

    I've searched the net , and I've noticed a lot of people seem to b having this same problem. I've tried everything I can think of. I'm out of options and getting rather annoyed with apple. Please help me!  I think I've given all the info needed about my operating system. Windows 7, 64 bit, iTunes 10.3. I've erased everything re-installed it, no joy; removed again and downloaded QuickTime and iTunes separately, no good; I've removed and re-installed numerous different ways, numerous times and nothing works. All of the apple programs that are installed with iTunes have this same error.  Ive been messing with this for over 2 weeks! Any help would be appreciated, especially if it works!!!!

    I've searched the net , and I've noticed a lot of people seem to b having this same problem. I've tried everything I can think of. I'm out of options and getting rather annoyed with apple. Please help me!  I think I've given all the info needed about my operating system. Windows 7, 64 bit, iTunes 10.3. I've erased everything re-installed it, no joy; removed again and downloaded QuickTime and iTunes separately, no good; I've removed and re-installed numerous different ways, numerous times and nothing works. All of the apple programs that are installed with iTunes have this same error.  Ive been messing with this for over 2 weeks! Any help would be appreciated, especially if it works!!!!

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