6680 X on signal bar

i wanted to find if it is ok for a 6680 to have a 'x' on the signal bar when the phone is ofline.(when there is no sim in side the fone)

if there is no sim in the phone then you cant get a signal.
the x represents this fact.

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    Eric72 wrote:
    I am unable to get past 2 signal bars in Woodland, Cal. 95776.  If I go to Sacramento, Cal. I get full bars.. Consequently I have poor reception in the house. also their regulatory charge fee that they strictly control.  I don't want to pay the ETF, I want out of my contract,  they are unable to give me full signal bars in this town. if they cannot fix this issue complaints will be filed with FTC, BBB and Consumer Complaints.org. Now give me a valid answer.
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    I bought 3 Apple Airports, 1 x Extreme and 2 x Express (1 as a hard wired AP, 1 as an extender) for my other house (Brick construction 1930's)
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    Happy hunting!

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    Hi there,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps below helpful.
    iPhone: Troubleshooting No Service
    -Griff W.

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    I've been experiencing with the same problem lately. Have you tried getting a new sim card?
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    2 to 3 bars is a very usable signal.   Are you having problems? Sugar Land certainly has multiple cell towers so as you move around your signal will certainly vary, which is normal.   What is more important in getting signal into buildings is the frequency, and Verizon's main signals are in the lower frequencies to get better building penetration.  How is the function in the malls and stores you visit? That is the real test, not number of bars.  

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    Location                : Pusat Perubatan University Malaya, Lembah Pantai Kuala Lumpur
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    Using Same DIGI simcard
                                                     Iphone 5s             Samsung Note 3              Alcatel magic
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    2. Signal Ranging                     Inconsistent          Ranging 4-5 bar               4-5 bar     
                                                     Always moving
                                                     and most of the
                                                      time 1-Bar.
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    Okay, got my phone back from the store I originally bought it at (the Swedish equivalent to Best Buy), and they had tried charging it with an iPhone-charger with no results. However, when they tested with an off-brand charger, it started working again. I wonder why that is.
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    Hi karls86,
    If you are having issues with making and receiving phone calls on your iPhone, then take a look at the article below to make sure the settings are correct for you iPhone as well as checking with you carrier to ensure that nothing is wrong on there end.  
    If you can't make or receive calls on your iPhone
    Let me know if this helps or if you need further assistance,
    -Norm G. 

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    Do a reset (Hold Sleep/Wake and Home buttons about 10 secs or more till Apple logo appears)

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    Did you ever fixed the problem? i have the same issue with my 4s!

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