8.5.1 CAD Install time exceeds Downtime Window

                   My upgrade to from 5.x to 8.5.1 has failed due to length of time required to download and install the CAD from the UCCX server.  I have about 30 desktops that need to have the old CAD removed and the new installed at a site remote from the UCCX server.  The link is about 3mb, however the size of the download for the CAD requires (on average) 30 minutes or more at each desktop.  We have had to roll back the install because there is not enough time to complete the upgrade before the center is open again.  I have not experienced a problem like this in my previous installs.  The Cisco documentation mentions an alternative method:  
The desktop applications can be "pushed" to the Agent Desktops using an automated package distribution tool.
Can anyone enlighten me as to how to accomplish this?  Is there way to capture the MSI and take it from desktop to desktop rather than having to go through the lengthy download x30?

That should work!  Here are the instructions for anyone else:
To run the Preconfiguration tool:
1.On the CAD 8.5 installation DVD, navigate to the Installer folder.
2.Copy the Installer folder and all its contents to any location on a Windows PC.
3.In the Installer folder, double-click ConfigureMsi.exe. The Preconfiguration tool starts.
4.When prompted, provide the following information:Language of the contact center
IP address of the primary Unified CCX server (server 1)
IP address of the backup Unified CCX server (server 2)
(or 'none' if the system is not high availability)
Unified Communications Manager type (CM or CME)
License type (Standard, Enhanced, or Premium)
5.The Preconfiguration tool runs and puts the configured MSI files in the Installer folder. The files created are:
Cisco Agent Desktop.msi
Cisco Supervisor Desktop.msi Cisco Desktop Administrator.msiThe files are now ready to be used to install the CAD desktop client applications.

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    You are running two different networks.. you cannot do that unless you know exactly how to set it up.
    The TC has to belong to the existing network otherwise you have dual gateways and everything falls apart.
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    That will allow you to access the TC on the network without issues.
    Your problems are then purely windows.
    And for that I left being a computer technician when vista came out.. as it is a heap of smelly substance... and took up Mac. So it is the bugbear of my life that it doesn't just go away.
    The TC will work fine with windows.. if you have further issues, get a computer technician.. who can still stand it.

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    Best Regards
    Danny Joergensen
    University of Aalborg Denmark
    MAXscreenshot.png ‏265 KB
    device.png ‏320 KB

    How are you communicating? GPIB? Are you sure you have the correct address. Can you send an IDN command with MAX? Does MAX see the instrument?
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

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    u201CIRP maximum work process hold time exceed. This may be caused by network problems or slow front-end-systems.u201D
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    This error message means that the SAP server (a workprocess) wanted to send data to the frontend (SAPGUI) but the frontend didn't either confirm that the data could be sent or the data didn'T reach the frontend at all.
    As already specified in the error message itself this can be caused by a slow (swapping) frontend or by network problems.
    Another reason can be local firewalls or firewalls between the server and the frontend.

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    Check note: Note 25528 - Parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time and also consult your BASIS team.
    Syed Hussain.

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    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    /var/log ▹ install.log
    from the hierarchical list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar. Then select the messages from the last installation or update attempt, starting from the time when you initiated it. If you're not sure when that was, start over and note the time. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Edit it out by search-and-replace in a text editor before posting.

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    You passed the links on the main forum page on the way here. All software is here:
    You need AirPort Utility for Windows
    All Setup Manuals and other documentation is here:

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    Kappy, how'd you get so smart. On further investigation I discovered that I had already downloaded and installed that update. I will follow your advice in the future, not risking showing off as a fool.

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    Message was edited by: dante46

    dante46 wrote:
    Many thanks, Nero. All activity ceased after about an hour and a half. I couldn't do anything but shut off the power . . . which I did. Then I was able to restart in Apple and get rid of the Windows partition. I guess I'll need to start over from the beginning. Again, I appreciate your help. At least I'll have a better idea of what to expect, time-wise, next time.
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  • Scheduled Install Time or AU Scheduled Install Time

    Hello Everybody:
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    a reboot.  I have created device collections based on my OUs in AD.  Then created the appropriate ADRs which then these auto created the deployment packages, and software update groups alike.  Under my SUP shows two groups I created both deployed,
    both downloaded and 100% compliant.  Looks great.  However on my schedule install on the ADR is simply never installs updates.  After tons of reading I figured it was a setting with my GPO which I have been toying with as I had a WSUS deployment
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    -Configure Automatic Update - Auto download and schedule the install 2am
    -Allow signed updates from an intranet microsoft update service location
    **The specify intranet microsoft update service location is enabled, by local group policy, courtesy of SCCM
    However still not working.  I am seeing this in the windowsupdatelog on the downstream agents.
    * Network state: Connected
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    Report CWERReporter::Init succeeded
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    Agent ***********  Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent  ***********
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    Agent ***********  Agent: Initializing global settings cache  ***********
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    Agent  * WSUS server: http://SERVER-SCCM.aaw.local:8530
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    Agent  * WSUS status server: http://SERVER-SCCM.aaw.local:8530
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    Agent  * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    Agent  * Windows Update access disabled: No
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    AU ###########  AU: Initializing Automatic Updates  ###########
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    AU  # WSUS server: http://SERVER-SCCM.aaw.local:8530
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    AU  # Detection frequency: 22
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    AU  # Approval type: Scheduled (Policy)
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    AU  # Scheduled install day/time: Sunday at 2:00
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    AU  # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    AU  # Will interact with non-admins (Non-admins are elevated (User preference))
    2014-01-15 11:12:11:944
    884 7e4
    AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2014-01-19 08:00:00
    I am seeing conflicting info in this log, I see the GPO applying a AU scheduled install time for 8am, which I have NO idea where that is coming from.   My evaluation schedule is set to run every Sunday at 1am, with deployment schedule
    ASAP on both settings with user experience deadline behavior check boxes both checked and commit changes at deadline checked.  
    Can anyone let me know what I am missing.  I also created a maintenance windows on the device collections for 11pm - 5am every Sunday so the updates could be applied.  I am just so confused and my google results have just ran thin.
    Any help would be greattttly appreciated.

    I posted the above screenshot in regards to the post from Jorgen ( Have you configured a deadline?
    The bottom line all I am trying to do is get it working, simple as that.  I was told that configuration manager can replace WSUS and I have been working to get it working smoothly for days.  What mechanism then controls the WU Client Agent that you
    are referring to.  Sorry for all the questions, just trying my hardest to get the ADRs to work as they should.

  • Solaris 8 x86 doesn't ask for default route at install time

    The Solaris 8 installation program doesn't ask what the machine's default route should be. This means that when you configure DNS servers later on that aren't on the same subnet as the machine you get error messages.
    Anyone know a work around?

    Re: Solaris 8 x86 doesn't ask for default route at install time
    I had the same problem.
    I was wondering why something so essential is missing for the GUI Install, it would be possilbe a patch to correct this?, instead of configuring nsswitch, and another files.
    The easier the install and admin, more users solaris will have on Intel Platform.
    P.D. Sorry for my english.
    05-sep-00 : 0:51 :GavinCam
    The Solaris 8 installation program doesn't ask what the machine's default route should be. This means that when you configure DNS servers later on that aren't on the same subnet as the machine you get error messages.
    Anyone know a work around?

  • After installing Time Capsule internet connection slow

    Since I installed Time Capsule on my Mac, my internet connection started acting up. The web browsing is VERY SLOW, and applications that are web-based no longer work properly. For instance, I have an EyeFi Wireless Explore SD card and the related EyeFi Manager software that allows me to wirelessly transfer my photos on the eyefi card to the eyefi website, as well as my photo service (Kodak Gallery or Flickr) and also transfers the photos to my Mac. Before I set up my Time Capsule, the eyefi system worked flawlessly. Now the uploads hang up and do not complete. I also have very slow progress trying to use my webmail, or loading webpages in general. I use the Safari browser.
    My Time Capsule is set up as a separate wireless network, so I access the internet thru my original home wireless network. Is anyone having the same issues after installing Time Capsule, and does anyone have a solution?

    Try doing a Safe Mode reboot by holding down the Shift key when you hear the start-up tone. When the progress bar appears you can release the key. A Safe Reboot will clear some of the caches, it's possible one became corrupt. If that doesn't work do both a SMC and PRAM reset, you may need to do each 2-3x.
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and all peripherals.
    Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.
    Release the power button.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Press the power button to turn on the computer.
    Shut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.

  • T-code CJ30,system gives an error of maximum time exceeds

    Dear Sir
    When we are executing T-code CJ30,system gives an error of maximum time
    exceeds and some time the report is coming,we have exceeded the time
    also but no outcome,since our project builder is not so
    huge.Particulary we are facing in one project and rest of the project
    takes lots of time.
    Kunal Joshi

    Kindly write in the order of steps you have performed in the system.
    with what you have written i got this:
    You don't have big projects.
    When you run CJ30, it gives time out error.
    is this you want to say?
    Edited by: Harsh Saxena on Sep 10, 2010 2:40 PM

  • Cannot locate lost work or install time machine

    Is the only way to retrieve "lost" information via time machine? If not, please let me know how, and if so I cannot install time machine on my computer as it keeps coming up saying "Airport Utility cannot find a wireless device installed"-do I need another device to keep this information and cannot just keep it on the hard drive?

    toothmom wrote:
    Is the only way to retrieve "lost" information via time machine? If not, please let me know how, and if so I cannot install time machine on my computer as it keeps coming up saying "Airport Utility cannot find a wireless device installed"-do I need another device to keep this information and cannot just keep it on the hard drive?
    Welcome to Apple Discussions:
    If by "lost" you mean deleted, there is no way to recover the data, especially if other files have been created since the original was deleted. The area on the HD has been overwritten.
    TM does not backup to a wireless device unless that wireless device is TimeCapsule
    You need an external HardDrive that is 3 to 4 times as large as your internal drive connected directly to your computer.

Maybe you are looking for

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