9205 FPGA configuration mode différentiel

je travaille actuellement sur un projet à base de sbrio-9602 et de modules d'acquisition ni-9205.
Dans le but d'acquérir 32 voies analogiques en différentiel, j'ai donc acheté deux modules ni-9205. Cependant, j'ai un doute sur la phase de configuration pour le FPGA:
Les valeurs de la voie 0 par exemple, sont le différentiel entre la borne AI0 et AI8. Il faut donc que je récupère la voie 0 uniquement (logiciellement) ou bien que je fasse logiciellement la différence AI0-AI8?
J'espère être clair,
merci d'avance
Go to Solution.

Pour tout ce qui est du cablage ici :
Pour tout ce qui utilisation du cRIO ici:
Pour trouver ces liens vous pouvez sur ni.com tappez 9205, ensuite vous trouverez votre module (3eme lien), après avoir selectionné ce lien vous allez trouver un onglet ressource qui contient des aides sur l'utilisation de ce module.
Nacer M. | Certified LabVIEW Architecte

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    Use the Toshiba recovery disk or the Toshiba HDD recovery option.
    If you dont have the Toshiba Recovery disk try the HDD recovery:
    This works only if the recovery image files from Toshiba are still on the HDD:
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    Message was edited by: mahesh parmar
    Message was edited by: mahesh parmar

    Actually the ASA lets you insert a lot of command what ever mode you are under.
    In the output you posted is a very important thing to notice
    configure mode commands/options:
      WORD  Specify the interface name
    As you can see, the output lists only one option and before that it mentions that this is a "configure mode" command
    So even if you entered the command under the interface configuration mode, it would still be entered as a global/configure command mode.
    Take the following thing for example
    I want to check what configuration options I have with the command "failover"
    So I enter the following to my ASA
    ASA(config)# failover ?
    configure mode commands/options:
      interface              Configure the IP address to be used for failover and/or
                                  stateful update information
      interface-policy    Set the policy for failover due to interface failures
      key                       Configure the failover shared secret or key
      lan                       Specify the unit as primary or secondary or configure the
                                   interface and vlan to be used for failover communication
      mac                      Specify the virtual mac address for a dynamic interface
      polltime                Configure failover poll interval
      timeout                 Specify the failover reconnect timeout value for
                                   asymmetrically routed sessions
    exec mode commands/options:
      active          Make this system to be the active unit of the failover pair
      exec            Execute command on the designated unit
      reload-standby  Force standby unit to reboot
      reset           Force a unit or failover group to an unfailed state
    As you can see, the ASA tells us that there are different additional command parameters after the "failover" command that can be used. Some of them can be used either in Exec or Configuration mode.
    - Jouni

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    In the business role definition you have assigned a authorization profile.
    When you access CRM web client, system verifies the business roles you are assigned in PPOMA_CRM or via parameter in SU01.
    Besides this the authorizations are verified, so here the authorization profiles from your user in SU01 are verified and the tool is displayed according to your authorization profile.
    Susana Messias

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    I had learned that the free DVD sets that Oracle ships are always for 64-bit systems. Owners of 32-bit systems will have to either download from http://edelivery.oracle.com or copy a distribution DVD from a friend. The 32-bit media can also be ordered from the http://oraclestore.oracle.com site for about $20USD.
    Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

  • Global Configuration Mode (Aironet 2600i)

    Hello to all,
    It's my first time in the forum, I thank any help possible. I bought a Cisco Wireless AIR-CAP2602i-E-K9 and have some practice on Cisco routers, but can not log in "Global Configuration Mode", not existe the command "Configure". How active configuration? Thank you for your attention.
    Helio Viegas

    Hello Helio,
    As per your query i can suggest you the following solution-
    Cisco IOS Command Modes
    The Cisco IOS user interface is divided into many different modes. The commands available to you depend on which mode you are currently in. Enter a question mark (?) at the system prompt to obtain a list of commands available for each command mode.
    When you start a session on the access point, you begin in user mode, often called user EXEC mode. Only a limited subset of the commands are available in user EXEC mode. For example, most of the user EXEC commands are one-time commands, such as show commands, which show the current configuration status, and clear commands, which clear counters or interfaces. The user EXEC commands are not saved when the access point reboots.
    To have access to all commands, you must enter privileged EXEC mode. Normally, you must enter a password to enter privileged EXEC mode. From this mode, you must enter privileged EXEC mode before you can enter the global configuration mode.
    Using the configuration modes (global, interface, and line), you can make changes to the running configuration. If you save the configuration, these commands are stored and used when the access point reboots. To access the various configuration modes, you must start at global configuration mode. From global configuration mode, you can enter interface configuration mode and line configuration mode.
    For more information please refer to the link-
    Hope this will help you.

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    Thanks ,

    The user needs to be assigned to the authorization object CRMCONFMOD, and you must have activated the UI configuration mode on the central personalization page.
    You can find detailed information in the sap help site.

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    Hi Peter,
    Yes you can create and name and vlan in global config mode.
    Please check the link which will give you a command reference as how to do that
    HTH, if yes please rate the post.

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    Can someone from Apple advise - can I 'configure' as 'New iPad' and then restore or sync to recover my Apps and data etc? OR if I 'Restore' from iTunes 'Summary' tab, will I still be able to Sync to restore the iPad Apps and data?
    I'm seeing a lot of frustrated Apple users online, hoping that a fix for this problem will help a few of us!! An iOS upgrade should not cause this much pain and wasted effort.

    You might already have tried all of these, but just in case:
    1. Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes.
    2. If you're on a Windows PC, consider uninstalling iTunes and Quicktime, restarting the PC, then reinstalling. This sometimes fixes oddities.
    3. Make sure you have no firewall or anti-virus running/active.
    4. Try different USB cable; if you're using a cable via a hub, try connecting without the hub. On desktop PCs, the direct (non-internal-hub) USB sockets are usually at the back.
    5. If yoiu haven't already done so, download the iOS5 update via the direct links I posted above
    6. If using Update doesn't work, use Restore. Option-click (Mac) or Shift-Click (Windows) the Restore button in itunes.
    7. Before you to the Restore, right-lick the entry for your device in iTunes and choose Backup from the drop-down menu. You may need this backup later.
    If you're srtuck in recovery mode:
    - There are some tips here for Windows users
    - If your device is stuck in Recovery mode, you can try putting it into DFU mode, from which iTunes should be able to Restore, as above. Details here:
    - This link points to a utility that can help (Windows and Mac)
    http://runningblind.com/post/2800674985/ipad-stuck-in-recovery-mode-for-no-reaso n
    I hope something here helps

  • Fpga: dynamic mode vs type def for FPGA ref

    What are the differences for dynamic mode and type def for FPGA referenece?  When should I use which?  Is there a scenerio when I should use neither?
    Kudos and Accepted as Solution are welcome!

    So, you can still create a Type Def of a Dynamic Interface Refnum... That sounds confusing I know. Basically, my design flow is generally as follows:
    Develop initial FPGA code.
    Create a Control or Type Def with the FPGA Interface control configured for my FPGA VI.
    Develop my host, and use the Type Def in all of my subVIs.
    If I need to edit my FPGA code, now I only have to update the control in the typedef to propagate my interface changes to all of my subVIs
    Basically, every project I do has a FPGA Reference typedef for use in my host VI.
    Attached, you can find a (incomplete) sample project of mine that does this.
    TJ G
    Sample Project.zip ‏233 KB

  • DAC output without using DAC configure mode

    I am using NI-5640R and labview 8.2.
    Is it possible to send out anything without using DAC configure (single or quadrature) mode?
    Actually, what I am trying to do is to send out to DAC whatever comes in, like attachment
    ADC to DAC (FPGA).JPG ‏36 KB

    Hi there:
    I am also using the the NI PCI-5640R and I've been "studying" the program: "Frequency Translation", my intention is to modify it and produce a  closed-loop between I and O. 
    I am also interested in transferring what i am reading through the
    input port, directly to the output port but filtered and with a
    phase-shift (final Objective: Q-Control). 
    I need to visualize the signal in the HOST, so I need both FIFOS (DMA FIFO and  Local FIFO), and the "Quadrature Mode DAC Configure"
    I would like to know:
    1. How can I directly transfer the data acquired through the ADC port into the DAC?  (it is unclear due to the Event structure in the "Frequency Translation" example)
    2. How can I configure the "Quadrature Mode DAC Configure.vi" for it to bandpass-filter the signal comming from the ADC at a given frequency and BW, specified by the user in the HOST?
    3. Is it possible to configure the "Quadrature Mode DAC Configure.vi" to produce a phase-shifted signal (phase shift also specified by user in the host)
    I've been working for almost 2 months trying to program the 5640R, doing examples, and modifying them.  After playing with different examples I've come up to the conclusion that the "Frequency Translation" example is the one that best-suites my application.  My problem now is that I AM LOST because i need more information regarding the configuration parameters of ALL the different VI's inside the NI-5640R VI Tree  to exploit them correctly, specially the "Quadrature Mode DAC Configure.vi".
    Can anyone please help me?
    Cheers, Antonio

  • Http server to configure mod plsql for creating DAD required by Workflow

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    Actually, I am working on Oracle Workflow 2.6.3, which need the Oracle HTTP server to configure the DAD.
    I have already installed Oracle HTTP server (which called Apache Standalone using the Oracle Database10g Companion Products CD on my Windows 2000 SP4.
    At the end of the installation, it refers to http://<computer_name>:7777
    to open the HTTP server page.
    It seems work fine that it showed the Welcome page of HTTP Server.
    But I could'nt do anything of using the mod_plsql components nor another
    Modules (mods) which showed in the welcome page
    since there is no link to such things.
    BTW, I have experienced with the HTTP server previously on Oracle9i
    When I open the HTTP server page, it showed links to some Modules (mods)
    components such as mod_plsql, etc.
    Does it need to be configured or anything else to use the links like in Oracle9i?
    Or the new Oracle HTTP server does not support for this thing?
    Please, can anybody help me to solve this problem.

    look at
    hope this helps

  • No Global Configuration Mode?

    I'm sure this has something to do the RAM or Flash memory.  This is an access point that's been sitting on the shelf and as far as I knew it was working.  However, I can enter privileged mode but there is no "conf t" or configure terminal option.  I tried holding down the Mode button on reboot but it didn't seem to change anything.  I'm just trying to gain access to the gui.  I see the IP address from an IP scanner I have but am not able to access it via web browser.  This is all I'm seeing from priveledged mode.
     cd               Change current directory
      clear            Reset functions
      clock            Manage the system clock
      crypto           Encryption related commands.
      debug            Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
      delete           Delete a file
      dir              List files on a filesystem
      disable          Turn off privileged commands
      enable           Turn on privileged commands
      exit             Exit from the EXEC
      fsck             Fsck a filesystem
      help             Description of the interactive help system
      led              LED functions
      lock             Lock the terminal
      login            Log in as a particular user
      logout           Exit from the EXEC
      mkdir            Create new directory
      more             Display the contents of a file
      name-connection  Name an existing network connection
      no               Disable debugging functions
      ping             Send echo messages
      pwd              Display current working directory
      release          Release a resource
      reload           Halt and perform a cold restart
      rename           Rename a file
      renew            Renew a resource
      rmdir            Remove existing directory
      save             Start to save raise_interrupt_level stack
      send             Send a message to other tty lines
      set              Set system parameter (not config)
      show             Show running system information
      systat           Display information about terminal lines
      terminal         Set terminal line parameters
      test             Test subsystems, memory, and interfaces
      traceroute       Trace route to destination
      undebug          Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
      upgrade          Upgrade software
      verify           Verify a file
      where            List active connections
    Thanks for the help.

    Yes, here is the output:
    AP001e.f7ee.4d02#show version
    Cisco IOS Software, C1130 Software (C1130-RCVK9W8-M), Version 12.3(7)JX9, RELEAS                                                                                        E SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
    Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Tue 17-Jul-07 00:40 by tinhuang
    ROM: Bootstrap program is C1130 boot loader
    BOOTLDR: C1130 Boot Loader (C1130-BOOT-M) Version 12.3(8)JEA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (                                                                                        fc2)
    AP001e.f7ee.4d02 uptime is 22 hours, 6 minutes
    System returned to ROM by power-on
    System image file is "flash:/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx"
    cisco AIR-AP1131AG-A-K9    (PowerPCElvis) processor (revision A0) with 24566K/81                                                                                        92K bytes of memory.
    Processor board ID FTX1224T0LZ
    PowerPCElvis CPU at 262Mhz, revision number 0x0950
    Last reset from power-on
    1 FastEthernet interface
    32K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.
    Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:1E:F7:EE:4D:02
    Part Number                          : 73-8962-12
    PCA Assembly Number                  : 800-24818-11
    PCA Revision Number                  : B0
    PCB Serial Number                    : FOC12225C3J
    Top Assembly Part Number             : 800-29230-01
    Top Assembly Serial Number           : FTX1224T0LZ
    Top Revision Number                  : A0
    Product/Model Number                 : AIR-AP1131AG-A-K9
    Configuration register is 0xF

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