A few SQL related protection group Questions - DPM 2012 R2

Hi - Here is my environment: DPM 2012 R2 backing up SQL 2012 DBs. Some of the DBs are simple recovery model, some are full recovery model in the same protection group.
1) Regarding the fact that DPM only looks to the recovery model when the DB is first added to the protection group, if I ever changed the recovery model in the future, would stepping through the "Modify Protection Group" wizard without changing
anything be the solution for DPM not changing its methodology on the backing up or not backing up the log files? Or would I have to remove the affected databases from the protection group and add them back in?
2) I have disk protection configured for 30 Days, sync every 15 minutes, and application recovery points once per day. Online protection is configured for 90 Days. Does this mean my disk consumption on the DPM side for full model databases will be the full
size of the databases, plus the amount of changes observed over 30 days? OR does it mean it will keep 30 full copies of the DB? I am fairly sure the former.
3) If I do decide to reduce the retention range on the disk side of this protection group to say 14 days, are there any specific issues with changing that after the PG has been working for some time?
4) My former backup solution had an option to run consistency checks after every SQL job. Is that still considered best practice? Would the "Run a daily consistency check" be a better choice than the "Only run if a replica becomes inconsistent"
option that I currently have in place? Would there be any ramifications to enabling this now after this PG has been in place for some time?
Thanks very much!

Q1) Regarding the fact that DPM only looks to the recovery model when the DB is first added to the protection group, if I ever changed the recovery model in the future, would stepping through the "Modify Protection Group" wizard without changing
anything be the solution for DPM not changing its methodology on the backing up or not backing up the log files? Or would I have to remove the affected databases from the protection group and add them back in?
Changing the Recovery Model of a Database
To change the recovery model of a protected database to the simple recovery model
Stop protection of the database, selecting the retain replica option.
Change the recovery model on the SQL Server database.
Add the database to a protection group.
Q2) I have disk protection configured for 30 Days, sync every 15 minutes, and application recovery points once per day. Online protection is configured for 90 Days. Does this mean my disk consumption on the DPM side for full model databases will be the full
size of the databases, plus the amount of changes observed over 30 days? OR does it mean it will keep 30 full copies of the DB? I am fairly sure the former.
A2) Your disk consumption on the DPM will be for size of model databases plus the amount of changes observed over 30 days.
Q3) If I do decide to reduce the retention range on the disk side of this protection group to say 14 days, are there any specific issues with changing that after the PG has been working for some time?
A4) Not really, but to gain back the potential extra space allocated for the original 30 day retention - you can try shrinking the recovery point volume once the retention range is reduced and the older recovery points are pruned.  I would wait until
after midnight to be sure the old RP's are deleted, then try to shrink.
Q4) My former backup solution had an option to run consistency checks after every SQL job. Is that still considered best practice? Would the "Run a daily consistency check" be a better choice than the "Only run if a replica becomes inconsistent"
option that I currently have in place? Would there be any ramifications to enabling this now after this PG has been in place for some time?
A4)  A consistency check will only run if DPM detects the replica is inconsistent.  Even if you have the option selected to run nightly, if the replica is already consistent a consistency check will be skipped.
Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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    "DPM failed to apply the required policies to this protection group since the recovery point limit for this DPM server has been exceeded. (ID: 31220)"
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    to add data sources to it. I can guess that the obvious answer is "You have too many data sources or to many recovery points for the server to handle..." If that's the case, I need to figure out how to tell how many I have. As best as I can figure
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    Another DPM PowerShell script - this one allows you to delete older recovery points for a selected datasource without having to modify the PG.
    #Author : Ruud Baars
    #Date : 11/09/2008
    #Edited : 11/15/2012 By: Wilson S.
    #edited : 11/27/2012 By: Mike J.
    # NOTE: Update script to only remove recovery points on Disk. Recovery points removed will be from the oldest one up to the date
    # entered by the user while the script is running
    #deletes all recovery points before 'now' on selected data source.
    $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
    add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100
    Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.DataProtectionManager.PowerShell
    $wait=10 #seconds
    $confirmpreference = "None"
    function Show_help
    $l="=" * 79
    write-host $l -foregroundcolor magenta
    write-host -nonewline "`t<<<" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host -nonewline " DANGEROUS :: MAY DELETE MANY RECOVERY POINTS " -foregroundcolor red
    write-host ">>>" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host $l -foregroundcolor magenta
    write-host "Version: $version" -foregroundcolor cyan
    write-host "A: User Selects data source to remove recovery points for" -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "B: User enters date / time (using 24hr clock) to Delete recovery points" -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "C: User Confirms deletion after list of recovery points to be deleted is displayed." -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "Appending to log file $logfile`n" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host "User Accepts all responsibilities by entering a data source or just pressing [Enter] " -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    "**********************************" >> $logfile
    "Version $version" >> $logfile
    get-date >> $logfile
    "Selected DPM server = $DPMservername" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nConnnecting to DPM server retrieving data source list...`n" -foregroundcolor green
    $pglist = @(Get-ProtectionGroup $DPMservername) # WILSON - Created PGlist as array in case we have a single protection group.
    $count = 0
    $dscount = 0
    foreach ($count in 0..($pglist.count - 1))
    # write-host $pglist[$count].friendlyname
    $ds += @(get-datasource $pglist[$count]) # WILSON - Created DS as array in case we have a single protection group.
    # write-host $ds
    # write-host $count -foreground yellow
    if ( Get-Datasource $DPMservername -inactive) {$ds += Get-Datasource $DPMservername -inactive}
    write-host "Index Protection Group Computer Path"
    write-host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    foreach ($l in $ds)
    "[{0,3}] {1,-20} {2,-20} {3}" -f $i, $l.ProtectionGroupName, $l.psinfo.netbiosname, $l.logicalpath
    $DSname=read-host "`nEnter a data source index from list above - Note co-located datasources on same replica will be effected"
    if (!$DSname)
    write-host "No datasource selected `n" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "Aborted on Datasource name" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    if (!$DSselected)
    write-host "No datasource selected `n" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "Aborted on Datasource name" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    $rp=get-recoverypoint $DS[$dsname]
    # $DoTape=read-host "`nDo you want to remove when recovery points are on tape ? [y/N]"
    # "Remove tape recovery point = $DoTape" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nCollecting recoverypoint information for datasource $DSselected.name" -foregroundcolor green
    if ($DSselected.ShadowCopyUsedspace -gt 0)
    while ($DSSelected.TotalRecoveryPoints -eq 0)
    { # "still 0"
    #this is on disk
    $line=("Total recoverypoint usage {0} MB on DISK in {1} recovery points" -f $oldShadowUsage ,$DSselected.TotalRecoveryPoints )
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host $line`n -foregroundcolor white
    #this is on tape
    #$tp= Get-RecoveryPoint($dsselected) | where {($_.Datalocation -eq "Media")}
    #foreach ($trp in $tp) {$trptot += $trp.size }
    #if ($trptot -gt 0 )
    # $line=("Total recoverypoint usage {0} MB on TAPE in {1} recovery points" -f ($trptot/$MB) ,$DSselected.TotalRecoveryPoints )
    # $line >> $logfile
    # write-host $line`n -foregroundcolor white
    #$answer=read-host "`nDo you want to delete recovery points from the beginning [Y/n]"
    #if ($answer -eq "n" )
    # [datetime]$afterdate=read-host "Delete recovery points AFTER date [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm]"
    [datetime]$enddate=read-host "Delete ALL Disk based recovery points BEFORE and Including date/time entered [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm]"
    "Deleting recovery points until $enddate" >>$logfile
    write-host "Deleting recovery points until and $enddate" -foregroundcolor yellow
    $rp=get-recoverypoint $DSselected
    if ($DoTape -ne "y" )
    $RPselected=$rp | where {($_.representedpointintime -le $enddate) -and ($_.Isincremental -eq $FALSE) -and ($_.DataLocation -eq "Disk")}
    $RPselected=$rp | where {($_.representedpointintime -le $enddate) -and ($_.Isincremental -eq $FALSE)}
    if (!$RPselected)
    write-host "No recovery points found!" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "No recovery points found, aborting...!" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    $reselect = $enddate
    $adjustflag = $false
    foreach ($onerp in $RPselected)
    $line= "Found {0}, RP size= {1} MB (If 0 MB, co-located datasource cannot be computed), Incremental={2} "-f $rtime, $rsize,$onerp.Isincremental
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    #Get dependent rp's for data source
    foreach ($oneDrp in $allRPtbd)
    if ($oneDrp.IsIncremental -eq $FALSE) {continue}
    $line= ("`t...is dependancy for {0} size {1} `tIncremental={2}" -f $rtime, $rsize, $oneDrp.Isincremental)
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($oneDrp.representedpointintime -ge $enddate)
    #stick to latest full ($oneDrp = dependents, $onerp = full)
    $adjustflag = $true
    $reselect = $onerp.representedpointintime
    "<< Dependents newer than BEFORE date >>>" >> $logfile
    Write-Host -nonewline "`t <<< later than BEFORE date >>>" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor red
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    #Ok, include current latest incremental
    $reselect = $oneDrp.representedpointintime
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    if ($reselect -lt $oneDrp.representedpointintime)
    #we adjusted further backward than latest incremental within selection
    $reselect = $rtime
    $line = "Adjusted BEFORE date to be $reselect to include dependents to $enddate"
    $line >> $logfile
    Write-Host $line -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="Above recovery points within adjusted range will be permanently deleted !!!"
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="These RP's include dependent recovery points and may contain co-located datasource(s)"
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="Data source activity = " + $DSselected.Activity
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    while (($DoDelete -ne "N" ) -and ($DoDelete -ne "Y"))
    $line="Continue with deletion (must answer) Y/N? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    $line = $line + $DoDelete
    $line >> $logfile
    if (!$DSselected.Activity -eq "Idle")
    $line="Data source not idle, do you want to wait Y/N ? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor yellow
    $line = $line + $Y
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($Y -ieq "Y")
    Write-Host "Waiting for data source to become idle..." -foregroundcolor green
    while ($DSselected.Activity -ne "Idle")
    ("Waiting {0} seconds" -f $wait) >>$logfile
    Write-Host -NoNewline "..." -ForegroundColor blue
    start-sleep -s $wait
    if ($DoDelete -eq "Y")
    foreach ($onerp in $RPselected)
    #reselect is adjusted to safe range relative to what was requested
    #--- if adjustflag not set then all up to including else only older because we must keep the full
    if ((($onerp.representedpointintime -le $reselect) -and ($adjustflag -eq $false)) -or ($onerp.representedpointintime -lt $reselect))
    write-host `n$line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >>$logfile
    if (($onerp ) -and ($onerp.IsIncremental -eq $FALSE)) { remove-recoverypoint -RecoveryPoint $onerp -confirm:$True} # >> $logfile}
    $line =("---`nDeleting recoverypoint -> " + $rtime)
    $line >>$logfile
    "All Done!" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nAll Done!`n`n" -foregroundcolor white
    $line="Do you want to View DPMdeleteRP.LOG file Y/N ? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    $line = $line + $Y
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($Y -ieq "Y")
    Notepad DPMdeleteRP.LOG
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT] This
    posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • MMC crashes when attempting modification of a protection group in DPM 2012 SP1 RU3

    Hi All,
    I've got a problem with my DPM 2012 SP1 server for a few weeks now. It's backing up and restoring fine, but when I attempt to modify any protection group, the MMC crashes. This happens even before the modify protection group dialog is displayed, just a few
    seconds after clicking 'modify' with the protection group selected.
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    Below is the error message. Has anyone else had this or a similar problem and solved it?
      AppName: mmc  AppVer: 4.1.3313.0 ModName: mmc.exe
    ModVer: 6.2.9200.16384  StackHash: 7C18B55A
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name: DPMException
      Application Name: mmc
      Application Version: 4.1.3313.0
      Module Name: mmc.exe
      Module Version: 6.2.9200.16384
      Exception Name: System.NullReferenceException
      Exception Point: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Dpw.SelectionPage.ConstructAllServersView
      Other: 7C18B55A
      OS Version: 6.2.9200.
      Locale ID: 1043
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    I had the same problem with Sharepoint backups, there was a problem with the protection group so i removed it and added it back. since then no issues.

  • How to protect (take backups) SQL 2014 AAG databases from DPM 2012 R2 with RU2

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    SQL Servers:
    3 Servers running Windows 2008 R2 + SQL Server 2012 CU9
    Upgraded to SQL 2014 so the system databases were up to the latest level
    Removed all AlwaysOn AAG, destroyed cluster etc
    Then total reinstall of all servers with Windows 2012 R2 + fresh install of SQL 2014
    Replaced the fresh system databases with the old upgraded databases
    Upgraded SQL 2014 With CU2
    Re-setup a New cluster and AlwaysOn. All SQL Servers are running fine
    DPM 2012 R2 With RU2:
    Removed all previous backups of both AAG, Bare Metal etc related to the old servers.
    Uninstall the DPM agents 
    Reinstalled agents after the 3 new serves where ready
    Added Bare Metal backup. Works fine.
    Added SQL Server backup of databases not part of any AAGs. Works fine.
    Then comes the problem: I try to add protection of the new AAG's in DPM. I can see the new cluster and the AAG's, but when I try expand each Group, nothing shows up. It takes around 20 sec or so after I try to expand.
    Any clue about what can be wrong?

    Part 2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.519 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [000000000126FA30]  NORMAL ==>CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.520 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [000000000126FA30]  NORMAL <--CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.520 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [0000000001275B40]  NORMAL ==>CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.520 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(1110) [0000000001275B40]  NORMAL Failed to get size of [%SystemRoot%\Vss\Writers\*.xml]
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.520 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(1059) [0000000001275B40]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : hr
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.520 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(991) [0000000001275B40]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : GetFileSize(bstrFilespec, bstrPathDir, llFileSize)
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.520 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [0000000001275B40]  NORMAL <--CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.520 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [00000000034BD250]  NORMAL ==>CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(1110) [00000000034BD250]  NORMAL Failed to get size of [%SystemRoot%\System32\Prfc????.dat]
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(1059) [00000000034BD250]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : hr
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(991) [00000000034BD250]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : GetFileSize(bstrFilespec, bstrPathDir, llFileSize)
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(1110) [00000000034BD250]  NORMAL Failed to get size of [%SystemRoot%\System32\Prfd????.dat]
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(1059) [00000000034BD250]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : hr
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(991) [00000000034BD250]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : GetFileSize(bstrFilespec, bstrPathDir, llFileSize)
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(1110) [00000000034BD250]  NORMAL Failed to get size of [%SystemRoot%\System32\Prfh????.dat]
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(1059) [00000000034BD250]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : hr
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(991) [00000000034BD250]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : GetFileSize(bstrFilespec, bstrPathDir, llFileSize)
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(1110) [00000000034BD250]  NORMAL Failed to get size of [%SystemRoot%\System32\Prfi????.dat]
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(1059) [00000000034BD250]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : hr
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(991) [00000000034BD250]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : GetFileSize(bstrFilespec, bstrPathDir, llFileSize)
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [00000000034BD250]  NORMAL <--CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.521 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [00000000034BD6D0]  NORMAL ==>CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.522 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [00000000034BD6D0]  NORMAL <--CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.522 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [00000000034BD820]  NORMAL ==>CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.530 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [00000000034BD820]  NORMAL <--CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.530 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(500) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL ==>CNEApplicationNamespace::EnumerateChildren
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.539 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.539 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.542 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.542 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.545 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.545 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.547 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.547 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.548 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.548 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.549 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.549 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.552 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.552 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.555 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.555 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.555 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2250) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL InitializeSQLQueryHelper: SQL Query Helper is initialized to SQL Instance [SQL1234\TEST] from SQL Instance []
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.573 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 1, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.581 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.581 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.584 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.584 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.587 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.587 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.590 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.590 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.591 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.591 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.592 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.592 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.594 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.594 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.597 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.597 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.598 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 0, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.606 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.606 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.609 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.609 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.612 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.612 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.614 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.614 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.615 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.615 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.616 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.616 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.619 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.619 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.621 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.621 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.623 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 1, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.631 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.631 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.633 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.633 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.636 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.636 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.639 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.639 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.640 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.640 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.640 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.640 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.643 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.643 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.646 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.646 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.647 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 0, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.655 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.655 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.658 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.658 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.661 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.661 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.664 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.664 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.665 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.665 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.665 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.665 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.668 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.668 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.671 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.671 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.672 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 1, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.680 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.681 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.683 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.683 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.686 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.686 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.688 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.688 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.689 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.689 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.690 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.690 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.693 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.693 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.695 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.695 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.697 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 0, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.705 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.705 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.707 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.707 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.710 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.710 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.713 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.713 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.714 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.714 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.715 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.715 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.717 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.717 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.720 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.720 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.722 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 0, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.730 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.730 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.732 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.732 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.735 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.735 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.737 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.737 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.738 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.738 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.739 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.739 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.742 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.742 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.745 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.745 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.746 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 1, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.754 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.754 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.757 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.757 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.760 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.760 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.762 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.762 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.763 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.763 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.764 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.764 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.767 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.767 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.769 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.769 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.771 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 0, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.779 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.779 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.782 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.782 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.784 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.784 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.787 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.787 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.788 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.788 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.789 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.789 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.792 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.792 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.794 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.794 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.796 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 0, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.804 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.804 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.807 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.807 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.809 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.809 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.812 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.812 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.813 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.813 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.814 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.814 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.816 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.816 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.819 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.819 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.820 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 0, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.828 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.828 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.831 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.831 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.833 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.833 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.836 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.836 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.837 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.837 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.838 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.838 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.840 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.840 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.842 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.842 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.844 61 neapplicationnamespace.cpp(2439) [00000000034BE920]  NORMAL IsIncrementalAllowed --> countSimpleMode 0, countReadOnly 0, countLogShipPrimary 0
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.851 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.851 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.854 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG1
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.854 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.857 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.857 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.859 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG2
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.859 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.860 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.860 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.861 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG3
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.861 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.864 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.864 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for VirtualServerName
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.866 03 clusterutil.cpp(1147) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] GetStringPropertyInList failed for resource AAG4
    115C 1B84 07/14 02:06:50.866 03 clusterutil.cpp(432) [0000000003FADD00]  WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : ResUtilFindSzProperty failed for InstanceName

  • DPM 2012 R2 CU4 protecting SQL 2014 AlwaysOn AG with Failover Cluster vs. DR location

    We have a problem protecting any Database of SQL 2014 AlwaysOn Availability Group with SQL Failover Cluster Instance when moved to DR location. Everything is protected using DPM 2012 R2 CU4 from Primary location.
    - all servers are Windows Server 2012 R2
    - all servers are Virtual (except Hyper-V hosts obviously:)
    - that means virtualization is based on Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V
    - all clusters (SQL, Exchange,...) are Guest Clusters on Hyper-V
    - SQL 2014
    - DPM 2012 R2 CU4
    - Primary and DR location 
    - Primary location: SQL 2014 Guest Cluster with SQL Failover Cluster Instance using Shared VHDX disks
    - DR location: SQL 2014 Standalone using VHDX disks
    - AlwaysOn Availability Group expands between the primary and DR location.
    - Primary location: DPM 2012 R2 CU4
    - DPM 2012 R2 CU4 Agents installed on every possible SQL 2014 Server.
    - DPM is backing up all the SQL Databases normally as long as they exist on any SQL Cluster Node on Primary location.
    - As soon as any Database is moved to DR location, that Database is not backed up anymore with the following error.
    Starting synchronization on SqlServerName\DatabaseName failed:
    Error 104: An unexpected error occurred while the job was running.
    Error details: The system cannot find the path specified (0x80070003)
    Recommended action: Retry the operation.
    - Tried to modify SQL Protection Group in DPM Server while Database was active on DR location
    > error enumerating volumes or drives D:\, E:\, F:\ (I don't have exact error atm)
    > this looks like DPM is not aware that DPM is active on DR location to me
    - Checked Technet, blogs and forums; no useful information
    Is this expected or by-design behavior? Is this a bug? I am aware there were quite some issues backing up AG's from DPM 2012 SP1 ans SQL 2012 on.
    Does anybody have a lab of that kind to try it out?
    Thank you!
    Best Regards,
    Damjan Grimšič

    OK. The issue has been resolved. Issue was related to possible Disks Owners in Failover Cluster Manager Console for SQL Cluster.
    In Primary's site SQL Cluster Failover Manager Console / Storage / Disks.
    SQL Server(s) from Secondary location need(s) to be unchecked as Possible owner(s) in Advanced Policies for all relevant Volumes.

  • Move Protection Group from One DPM server to another DPM server

    Hi Mike,
    Can we move Protection Group from one DPM 2012 SP1 to another DPM 2012 R2 version? If yes then what is the steps to perform that. Also i am running DPM servers with co-located and non-colocated configuration. What would be best as per best practice? Because
    my 95% backup are SQL backups.

    There are no provisions in DPM to move protection groups or protected data sources to a new DPM server and maintain the recovery points.  The best you can do is to stop protection on DPM1 and retain the replica, then run the setdpmserver.exe on the
    protected server and point it the DPM2 server. On DPM2, run the attach-productionserver.ps1 script to establish agent communications, then make new protection groups and re-protect the same data sources.  After the retention goals are met, delete
    the replica from under inactive protection group on DPM1.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Cannot re-add SQL database to protection group

    I have a situation where my BES database was inconsistent in DPM 2012 SP1. I removed the DB from my SQL protect group and deleted the replica data from the server. When I try to re-add it back to the protection group, I am unable to see the DB in the list
    of DBs on the instance.
    BES DB is mirrored (no FS Witness)
    Principal is 2008 R2 SP1 Cluster
    Mirror is 2008 R2 SP1 Server (No Cluster)
    DPM Server is DPM 2012 SP1, version 4.1.3417.0
    Protection Group is Auto-Protection enabled
    I have stopped protection on the entire SQL Cluster (keeping data), recreating the Protection Group. I have also disabled and re-enabled Auto-Protection. No dice.
    Any ideas?

    What was the original casuse of the inconsistency to begin with - that may hold a clue why we cannot re-protect ?
    Please make sure the mirroring role has not been switched.
    Any mirrored database will be listed on the principal server only and can be selected there for protection.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • DPM 2012 Cannot modify or create protection groups after upgrading from DPM 2010

    We have recently upgraded from DPM 2010 to 2012.  Since the upgrade we have been unable to create new protection groups or add new datasources to an existing group.  Existing backups are running without errors. 
    We have tried checking the DPM sql user account permissions as described in
    this article but with no luck.  More searching has not provided any other relavent fixes.  We are now stuck on how to troubleshoot this any further.
    In the DPM console we get the following error adding a VM to an existing protection group:
    Modify protection group: Virtual Machines failed:
    Error 207: An unexpected error occurred on DPM server machine during a VSS operation.
    Error details: VssError:Shadow copying the specified volume is not supported.
    Recommended action: Retry the operation.
    Allocate Replica For \Backup Using Saved State\Cacti failed:
    Error 207: An unexpected error occurred on DPM server machine during a VSS operation.
    Error details: VssError:Shadow copying the specified volume is not supported.
    Recommended action: Retry the operation.
    In the event log we see:
    The description for Event ID 955 from source MSDPM cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
    The consistency check resulted in the following changes to SQL Server Agent schedules: Schedules added: 1 Schedules removed: 1 Schedules updated: 0.  
    Problem Details:
    <ConsistencyCheck><__System><ID>26</ID><Seq>1534</Seq><TimeCreated>23/04/2012 09:33:29</TimeCreated><Source>SchedulerImpl.cs</Source><Line>719</Line><HasError>True</HasError></__System><Tags><JobSchedule
    the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table
    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    The error 0x8004230C VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED: Shadow copying the specified volume is not supported, can only come when trying to enable shadow copies on new volumes created when trying to add new datasources to protection.   Generally speaking
    Only NTFS volumes greater that 1GB with a minimum of 300MB free space can be shadow copied, so something is going wrong with the volume creation / format process.  Please investigate that, see if two new volumes get created when protecting a new data
    source, and the sizes are greated that 1GB and also verify it's formatted NTFS.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Moving SQL servers from one Protection group to another

    We are using DPM 2012 R2 Update Rollup 4. We have started to move some SQL servers from a Protection group with 90 days of retention to a Protection group with 15 days of retention.  The recovery data is co-located on the backup device and we are using
    disk based backup.  A couple days after moving a couple of the servers, I have noticed that the number of recovery points has stayed the same and not decreased.  It would seem that when moving to a different protection group, that the SQL server
    would inherit the new retention settings instead of retaining the ones from the old protection group.  When I moved them, I stop protection of the databases and then added them to the new group.  Why is this occurring and how do I get the new retention
    settings in the new protection group to take affect?

    Thanks for the information.  DPM is really a pain when trying to move co-located data sources to different protection groups.  I do hope in future versions that this is simplified and corrected.  I am now stuck for 90 days with data that I
    don't want and I can't get rid of without getting rid of every recovery point for that group.  That is bad news when my LDM DB is almost full. 
    An important note for those who are trying to see how many extents certain data sources have when following this article
    If your DPM DB has changed from "DPMDB" to DPMDB with bunch of random characters, you will need to this line in the script for it to work. 
    $db = $srvr.Databases["DPMDB"]  
    <-- change this to your server’s DPMDB name
    Also, you will need to greatly increase the width of your command window to see the "NumberOfExtents" column which is the most important column.

  • DPM 2012: MMC crashes when working with 2 particular protection groups

    I have a problem with 2 particular protection groups that will not allow me to perform a backup to tape on them.  When I try to, the MMC crashes with the following error logged in the application event log:
    The description for Event ID 999 from source MSDPM cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event: 
    An unexpected error caused a failure for process 'mmc'.  Restart the DPM process 'mmc'.
    Problem Details:
    <FatalServiceError><__System><ID>19</ID><Seq>0</Seq><TimeCreated>9/2/2012 3:46:36 PM</TimeCreated><Source>DpmThreadPool.cs</Source><Line>163</Line><HasError>True</HasError></__System><ExceptionType>ArgumentOutOfRangeException</ExceptionType><ExceptionMessage>Index
    was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index</ExceptionMessage><ExceptionDetails>System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index
       at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
       at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.CreateRecoveryPointDialog.InitializeForTapeRecoveryPoint()
       at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.WndProc(Message&amp; m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message&amp; m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)</ExceptionDetails></FatalServiceError>
    the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table
    As this appears to be a problem with just these protection groups (I am able to take tape backups of others without a problem) I decided I would try to remove the group, retain the data and re-create it.  When I right click on the group and attempt
    to stop protection of the group or modify the protection group, the MMC crashes with the same error above.
    One protection group is backing up and Exchange 2010 Archive Database, the other, Lync 2010 SQL Databases (and covers 2 different servers).
    Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can get these protection groups behaving as they should and working again?
    DPM is 2012 RTM running on a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise physical server.  The servers being protected are running Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard, the Exchange one is virtual (running on Hyper-V), Lync, one physical, one virtual (also running
    on Hyper-V).

    First of all verify that below services are running and also check which user account is uses for running the DPM and SQL services.
    DPM Replication Agent 
    Virtual Disk Service 
    Volume Shadow Copy
    Thanks and Regards Deepak

  • DPM 2012 service crashes when creating a protection group

    DPM Server Setup:
    Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
    DPM 2012 SP1 RU3 (Version 4.1.3417.0)
    SQL Server Setup:
    Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
    SQL Server 2012 Standard (11.0.3128.0)
    DPM database is on a named instance on a custom port
    Windows firewall is completely open between DPM and SQL servers
    Whenever I create a protection group, when it gets to the stage of actually creating the group the DPM service crashes and the group isn't created. This happens whether creating from the console or the shell. The error is:
    Connection to the DPM service has been lost.
    Review the application event log for information about a possible service shutdown. Verify that the following services are not disabled:
                DPM Replication Agent
                Virtual Disk Service
                Volume Shadow Copy
    ID: 917
    The Windows error log has the following:
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSDPM
    Date:          17/10/2013 18:37:46
    Event ID:      945
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      backup.domain.local
    The description for Event ID 945 from source MSDPM cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
    Unable to connect to the DPM database because of a general database failure.  Make sure that SQL Server is running and that it is configured correctly.
    Problem Details:
    <FatalServiceError><__System><ID>19</ID><Seq>68</Seq><TimeCreated>17/10/2013 17:37:46</TimeCreated><Source>DpmThreadPool.cs</Source><Line>163</Line><HasError>True</HasError></__System><ExceptionType>SqlException</ExceptionType><ExceptionMessage>The
    specified '@owner_login_name' is invalid (valid values are returned by sp_helplogins [excluding Windows NT groups]).</ExceptionMessage><ExceptionDetails>System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The specified '@owner_login_name' is invalid (valid values
    are returned by sp_helplogins [excluding Windows NT groups]).
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.DB.SqlRetryCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Scheduler.SqlAgentHelper.AddJob(String jobName, String jobOwner, String CategoryName)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Scheduler.SqlAgentHelper.RegisterSchedule(Schedule schedule)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Scheduler.RegisterScheduleHelper.PerformDBOperation()
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Scheduler.RegisterScheduleHelper.Execute(SqlContext sqlContext)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Scheduler.SchedulerImpl.Register(SqlContext sqlContext, String scheduleXml)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ScheduleTranslator.CreateScheduleDefinition(String jobDefinitionId, RecurrenceType[] scheduleRecurrances)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ScheduleTranslator.ScheduleJobDefinition(JobTranslator jobTranslator)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ScheduleTranslator.ScheduleReplicationJob(JobTranslator jobTranslator, BackupTypeType backupType, Boolean scheduleOnlyForApplications)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ScheduleTranslator.ScheduleDeltaReplicationJob()
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ProtectedGroupTranslator.UpdateJobDefinitions()
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ProtectedGroupTranslator.TranslateGroup(IMCatalogType IMCatalogXmlPassed, String intentCatalogXml)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Engine.CIntentServices.ConfigureProtectedGroup(UInt16* bstrIMCatalogXml)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Engine.CCoreServices.ConfigureProtectedGroup(CCoreServices* , UInt16* bstrIMCatalogXml, tagSAFEARRAY** exceptionResult)</ExceptionDetails></FatalServiceError>
    the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="MSDPM" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">945</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-10-17T17:37:46.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>Unable to connect to the DPM database because of a general database failure.  Make sure that SQL Server is running and that it is configured correctly.
    Problem Details:
    &lt;FatalServiceError&gt;&lt;__System&gt;&lt;ID&gt;19&lt;/ID&gt;&lt;Seq&gt;68&lt;/Seq&gt;&lt;TimeCreated&gt;17/10/2013 17:37:46&lt;/TimeCreated&gt;&lt;Source&gt;DpmThreadPool.cs&lt;/Source&gt;&lt;Line&gt;163&lt;/Line&gt;&lt;HasError&gt;True&lt;/HasError&gt;&lt;/__System&gt;&lt;ExceptionType&gt;SqlException&lt;/ExceptionType&gt;&lt;ExceptionMessage&gt;The
    specified '@owner_login_name' is invalid (valid values are returned by sp_helplogins [excluding Windows NT groups]).&lt;/ExceptionMessage&gt;&lt;ExceptionDetails&gt;System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The specified '@owner_login_name' is invalid
    (valid values are returned by sp_helplogins [excluding Windows NT groups]).
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.DB.SqlRetryCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Scheduler.SqlAgentHelper.AddJob(String jobName, String jobOwner, String CategoryName)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Scheduler.SqlAgentHelper.RegisterSchedule(Schedule schedule)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Scheduler.RegisterScheduleHelper.PerformDBOperation()
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Scheduler.RegisterScheduleHelper.Execute(SqlContext sqlContext)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Scheduler.SchedulerImpl.Register(SqlContext sqlContext, String scheduleXml)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ScheduleTranslator.CreateScheduleDefinition(String jobDefinitionId, RecurrenceType[] scheduleRecurrances)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ScheduleTranslator.ScheduleJobDefinition(JobTranslator jobTranslator)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ScheduleTranslator.ScheduleReplicationJob(JobTranslator jobTranslator, BackupTypeType backupType, Boolean scheduleOnlyForApplications)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ScheduleTranslator.ScheduleDeltaReplicationJob()
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ProtectedGroupTranslator.UpdateJobDefinitions()
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ProtectedGroupTranslator.TranslateGroup(IMCatalogType IMCatalogXmlPassed, String intentCatalogXml)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Engine.CIntentServices.ConfigureProtectedGroup(UInt16* bstrIMCatalogXml)
       at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Engine.CCoreServices.ConfigureProtectedGroup(CCoreServices* , UInt16* bstrIMCatalogXml, tagSAFEARRAY** exceptionResult)&lt;/ExceptionDetails&gt;&lt;/FatalServiceError&gt;
    Things I have tried:
    Changing username format as detailed here:
    Reinstalling DPM 2012 SP1

    We eventually got this resolved through Microsoft support.
    The issue for us was entering the AD domain as the FQDN on install. Apparently DPM doesn't work if it is authenticating with FQDN\username.
    The fix is to change the following registry setting:
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Setup\SchedulerJobOwnerName
    To domain\username rather than domain.local\user (or [email protected], which also doesn't work). Alternatively, when you install DPM just put the netbios AD domain name rather than the FQDN.

  • DPM Console hangs when adding servers by Modify Protection Group

    Hi Guys,
    I hope you can help
    I've created several protection groups and need to add a couple more servers to each, but I'm having issues where the DPM console hangs. This is what I'm doing:
    Under Protection:
    Right Click the Protection Group and select: Modify protection group...
    Under "Select Group Members" - expand the server and select it's volume or SQL DB, etc and click Next
    Under "Select Data Protection Method", I click Next
    Now the MMC stops working. There are no error messages, no unresponsive notifications, it just doesn't do anything.
    I can't click Back, Next, Cancel, Help or change any of the other options on this page.
    I left it once and went to bed, when I came back 12 hours later, nothing had changed.
    I have to open task manager and force close the MMC and reopen but I'm unable to add any additional servers. I can create new Protection Groups but would rather avoid this.
    For reference
    OS: Server 2012 R2 64bit
    DPM: 2012 R2 UR4
    The issue occurs using local console over RDP or via the client console on Windows 7
    Does anyone have an idea how I can get around this issue?

    After further playing - It's not isolated to adding servers. I actually can't continue past the "Select Data Protection Method" page even if I don't change anything in terms of the selection lists.
    Anyone else having issues or know what the problem is?

  • DPM 2012 R2 Unable to create protection groups after Cluster Migration

    Hi Team
    we have an issue relating to DPM 2012 R2. In our environment we have a Hyper-V Cluster and we recently did a Cluster Migration since Hyper-V Cluster was upgraded to Windows Server 2012 R2.
    Before the upgrade, Windows Server 2008 R2 Cluster was protected by DPM Environment. After we upgraded we are unable to Create new protection Groups existing the new cluster and when we select VMs it's not showing up any members.
    Please let us know how we can solve this issue since the Cluster Nodes and the Cluster Name is different from previous Cluster, we were expecting that DPM would allow us to create new Protection Groups while preserving old protection groups for recovery later
    if needed. 

    you need to stop the Protection of the old HyperV Datasources
    Clear the Cache of the Protectiongroup,
    and read the new VM to Protectiongroup
    Seidl Michael | http://www.techguy.at | twitter.com/techguyat |
    facebook.com/techguyat |

  • Define a Disk destination for a specific Protection group DPM 2012 R2

    I currently have a DPM 2012 R2 Server with some protection groups created. Just recently added a new disk to the storage pool. I wanted to see if I can define a specific disk to a specific protection group? 
    I found this command:  Set-DPMDatasourceDiskAllocation and this parameter -DestinationDiskPool
    But I'm not sure if that can help me out and how to use it with and existing protection group.
    Can someone give me an example maybe or guide the correct way to do this? Do I need to create another disk pool and move the disk there? Is that even possible? I'm quite lost here, any ideas are appreciated.
    Eduardo Rojas

    I don't really recommend this, but the only way to specify a physical disk (volume) to use when protecting a new data source is to use custom volumes.
    Defining Custom Volumes
    How to Assign a Custom Volume for a Protection Group 
    There are pros and cons to either approach, but some can be partially mitigated quite easily.
    1) Using existing disk configuration – 2-disks in a hardware raid-1 – no dedicated disk for DPM.
         Pro - build in data integrity for the DPM storage pool and operating system.
         Pro – No need to buy / install / maintain additional hardware.
         Con – Using DPM Custom volumes on basic disks needs planning to get the volume sizes correct based on the retention range and data churn.
         Con – miscalculating makes it difficult to correct later because you cannot grow volumes on basic disks unless you have adjacent free space.
         Con – DPM cannot auto-grow custom volumes, so you will need to grow them manually if needed.
         How to mitigate – convert the disk to Dynamic disk so the custom volumes can be manually grown (even in discontinuous space) if you miscalculate the sizes.
    2)  Adding an additional disk so DPM can have its own dedicated storage pool disk.
          Pro – DPM can make the volumes automatically when adding data sources to protection.
          Pro- DPM can autogrow if necessary, so it’s more hands off.
          Con – Additional cost of hardware, installation and upkeep.
          Con – No data integrity should the DPM storage pool disk fail. 
    This is easily recoverable to get new disk to be used by DPM, but you will lose all backups.      
    Hope this helps frame the debate.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • DPM 2010; migrated DPM protection group to new storage pool ; data on source disk is not expiring

    I am running DPM 2010 with 4 storage pool disks. 2 are iSCSI; 1 is SAS; the fourth, also iSCSI, was recently deployed to replace the SAS storage pool disk.
    (1) iSCSI
    (2) iSCSI
    (3) SAS - Source
    (4) iSCSI - Destination
    Initially we tried to migrate the entire data source (3) to the new iSCSI storage pool disk destination (4). This failed
    Set-ProtectionGroup: The allocation of disk space for storage pool volume failed because there is not enough unallocated disk space in the storage pool (ID: 358). (Sorry, I was not allowed to attach an image).
    We believe the source disk previously created dynamic links to the long-term retention device (tape) which resulted in exceeding the available space on the new destination iSCSI storage pool disk. The source storage pool disk was totaling ~2.5TB, but needed
    ~9TB for the destination.
    Instead I've tried to migrate the DPM protection group. The migration was successful. I followed the procedure outlined here
    "Microsoft DPM 2012 Sp1 – How To Migrate Data Source using MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM by ICTtechie" (Sorry, I was not allowed to include a link).
    My understanding / expectation was that the data on the source disk would expire within 5 days (as this is our retention time set for disk replication); instead data started to expire from the other 2 iSCSI (1), (2) storage pool disks.
    What am I missing here?

    Ok - you may have bumped into this.
    WMF 3.0 is incompatible with some Microsoft products including
    DPM 2010.
    Windows Management Framework 3.0 (WMF 3.0), which
    includes PowerShell 3.0, was made available Dec. 11 on Windows Update as an
    optional update but has since been pulled.
    More information is available on http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2012/12/20/windows-management-framework-3-0-compatibility-update.aspx
    To resolve this issue, uninstall KB2506146 or KB2506143.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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