Ability to customize sans-serif, serif and monospace?

Firefox and Chrome provide the ability for users to customize sans-serif, serif and monospace to their favorite font. However the customized font in preference only works when no font-family is specified. Could the dev team consider adding this or similar
feature in the future release? Thanks!

Post feature requests to the IE Team at http://connect.microsoft.com/ie.
these are Community forums... this one's for
Questions regarding Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 and Internet Explorer 11 for the IT Pro Audience. Topics covered are: Installation, Deployment, Configuration, Security, Group Policy, Management questions. If you are a consumer looking for answers or to
raise a question, it's highly recommended you head on over to http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us
Internet Options>General tab,
the 'Accessibility' button, check "Ignore font styles specified on web pages"
use userStylesheet - specify your font-family rule in here with the !important directive.
the 'fonts' button - choose a different default font family for the web pages' language default font.

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    Something in /etc/fonts/conf.d, no? BTW, this directory is empty, in my case.
    I did this, experimentally:
    $ sudo ln -s /etc/fonts/conf.avail/49-sansserif.conf 49-sansserif.conf
    $ fc-cache -fv
    Nothing changed. What's the correct approach to the problem?
    Last edited by Llama (2011-07-21 15:37:12)

    brebs wrote:What app are you using, that wants a "Sans Serif" alias? I think it should be "Sans" and "Serif"
    KDE calls it "Sans Serif", Xfce just "Sans".
    Thank you very much, brebs! At least, I can document the problem now:
    $ fc-match "Sans"                                                                                                                     
    Ubuntu-M.ttf: "Ubuntu" "Medium"                                                                                                                           
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    Ubuntu-M.ttf: "Ubuntu" "Medium"
    Last edited by Llama (2011-07-21 15:46:47)

  • MS Sans Serif font missing

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    When I open it with Pages I get a warning that MS Sans Serif is missing, and I replace it with Microsoft Sans Serif.
    But, neither before or after replacing it, is the pagination as the author intended. It is not the same as when opened in LibreOffice for example.
    Is there any way I can download MS Sans Serif and have Pages use it?
    Or any other way round this problem for Pages? or do I have to use LibreOffice

    fruhulda wrote:
    It might or might not get the pagination wrong. It depends on which features used when creating the document.
    My strong view is that the Sender has the obligation to make sure everyone who he/she wants to read the bulletin, should use a format or supply with alternatives, to make sure it can be read. The reader shouldn't be the one to adjust to the senders restricted view on which  format or font to use. You have to ask for a pdf version at least. You can open in Preview, PC user have to get Adobe reader but they usually already have it on their computers.
    I can't see it a a defeat on your part. Maybe I can see it on the senders part thoguh.
    You are right of course, in this day and age PDFs and Adobe Reader should be the norm.
    But this is a voluntary organisation where a lot of work is done unpaid by a few people. Neither the sender nor the members are particularly computer literate. I don't feel it is appropriate to tell them about their obligations!
    I call it a defeat because my Macs can't handle such a document without third party software or requesting the sender to do something which all the Windows members don't need. This is the kind of problem which helps put people off Macs.
    However, you said that there is a possibility that Pages would get the pagination right if it had the correct font, so can I ask again if it is possible to download MS Sans Serif? There are other Microsoft fonts in OSX, so why not this one? I have googled for it without success.
    It isn't a big deal to use LibreOffice, but my tidy mind would like Pages to handle it if possible.
    Thanks for helping

  • Sans, serif, monospace and newspaper fonts are overridden by ZawgyiOne

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    It override Sans, Serif, Monospace and Newspaper fonts in my Arch+ratpoison.
    If I remove that ZawgyiOne2008.ttf and run fc-cache -vf , then fonts back to normal.
    How can I get it back to normal with ZawgyiOne2008.ttf installed.
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    But end up in same problem.

    sounds to me like the problem is inside the font itself.
    grab fontforge and edit the font's properties.

  • Horizontal menu bar shows serif type font in Live View and Preview but sans serif is in css file

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    Add this to your embedded styles:
    body {
        background-color: #999;
    font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    using, of course, the font list you want.
    All those styles that rely on the 'default' font will now default to the Trebuchet font list (or to your chosen list).

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    Thanks in advance!!

    I called a friend of mine who walked me through this so I will post the instructions for anyone else who may be having this problem...
    1. Open the PDF with the form fields in a recent version of Acrobat.
    2. Click on the Toolls tab.
    3. Under Forms, click Edit.
    4. Now you will see your fields listed under "Field" > "Sort by"...  "Text Field 1"...  etc.
    5. Holding "control" click where it says "Text Field 1" and some options will pop up.
    6. Click on "Properties".
    7. A "Text Fields Properties" window will pop up.
    8. Click on the "Appearance" tab.
    9. Here you can change your fonts and font sizes.
    Good luck!

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    What about using Microsoft Sans Serif? It is included in Mac OS X 10.5.

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  • Weird rectangular box replaced the white-space for san serif

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    please help me.

    I meant to say InDesign and not pdf. The pdf output of the indesign long ago does not have any square boxes but if I try to export the same indesign into pdf, it has the square things showing up on the pdf as well.  Anyways, the sansserif might have already existed, but my actual use of the sanserif came along with an already made CS2 template (I have CS3)from my instructor which was using the font. Everything was fine and normal (as in no square boxes) until recently when I opened the file again.
    I checked the font folders in my windows system, and it has SansSerif, SansSerif Bold, SansSerif Bold Oblique, and SansSerif Oblique in truetype font just like any other font files in there.
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    could it be that I've installed new fonts to my system since that time?

  • Setting sans-serif font in TextFormat?

    Is there a way to set a generic sans-serif device font when setting the font property of the TextFormat?
    Or does the font property have to be a specific font name?
    For example, it would be nice to set the font property similar to how you set the font family within a stylesheet: i.e.
    "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
    Instead it appears that you can only set an actual name of a font (i.e. "Arial") and if the user's computer does not have that particular font, then the font face is set to Times New Roman.
    Please let me know if there is a way to set a generic font family rather than setting a specific single font family.
    thanks in advance!

    What about using Microsoft Sans Serif? It is included in Mac OS X 10.5.

  • Value Error : font-family 14px is not a font-family value : italic 14px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif

    This is supposedly the last error in my CSS according to CSS validation service at Jigsaw.w3.org. But I have not been able to figure out how to fix this. I just some times make text updates to my site, there is someone that actually runs our site but I do not have the $$$ to pay her to do everything.
    Value Error : font-family 14px is not a font-family value : italic 14px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif
    That is the error, I just don't know how to fix it.
    My Computer:
    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit
    Processor: AMD Phenom II Quad Core Processer
    Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6450
    RAM: 8.00 GB

    If you are talking about www.lodgeonlakeclear.com you still have html errors that could be creating DW display issues.
    On a "bad form, not technically an error note" the use of dozens of keyword metatags for individual keywords is completely unnecessary. All of the keywords should be in one tag separated by comas for the couple of search engines out there that still use them. NOTE: None of the major browsers (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc) use the keywords meta any longer, it is completely ignored by them.
    Looking through your code without the validator, I see a few other issues. Anywhere in your text where you use the & symbol, you need to switch it to & in the source code. Those, coupled with the following error can cause issues.
    Line 237 you use a - (minus sign) instead of a = (equals sign) for id="current"
    Run the validator again: http://validator.w3.org/
    Once all 18 errors and 11 warnings are gone from your HTML, post back if it is still not showing up in DW.

  • Minion vs Lucida grande: a unicode (sans) serif problem

    Have a book composed in Minion but some references demand Unicode letters (0289) for example.
    Fortunately Lucida Grande has the solution but it is sans serif und very invasive.
    Could not find it in Adobe Folio a serif font for a best solution neither information in a web search...

    You can use the Glyphs panel -- awkwardly, admittedly -- to check if the currently applied font has the glyph you're after. The Glyphs are in Unicode order (which are in hexadecimal, which adds to the fun), and if you hover the mouse over them, a little info window will tell you the unicode of the character under the pointer. If you start by selecting the 0289 Glyph in Lucida Grande, you can go back to the document, change the font of the selected text, go back to the Glyphs panel and see if there's an equivalent Glyph in each of the other fonts you've got, one by one. If there is one, it should appear selected in the Glyph panel.
    A quick check shows that there are several sans-serif fonts that have the glyph you want (including Lucida Grande, as you know, and Arial Unicode), but none of the really nice Adobe text fonts that come with Indesign (Garamond Premiere Pro, Minion Pro, Warnock Pro, Chaparral Pro). But Times New Roman does (at least, the version I've got on my Mac).
    And while Times New Roman is not a great match for Minion, it's better than Lucida Grande. At least it has serifs. If you can find a better one, do so.
    Here's an easy way to fix the missing characters while keeping Minion as your main font. First, set up a character style that specifies the font Times New Roman. Then create a GREP Style in your text paragraph style that applies your new character style to any occurrence of \x{0289}. Each 0289 character will change to Times New Roman throughout the document. Set up a similar GREP style for each other unicode character you have, changing it to a font in which that character exists.

  • How can I get the TOC to display ALWAYS in a Sans-Serif Font in Linux/Firefox.

    I've created my help project in RH9.  When it displays in Linux/Firefox, the fonts in the topics are fine, but the TOC displays in Times New Roman.  Is there a setting in RH9 that I need to use to keep this from happening?

    Did you change the setting in the skin? What font have you set for the TOC? Perhaps you set a font that is not available on linux so make sure that you use a web safe font.  For more information on web safe fonts, see http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_websafe_fonts.asp
    You can also tinker with your output files. In whthost.js, you can amend the CSS that RoboHelp uses for the TOC. you can add a rule for a sans-serif font the browser can fall back on. See http://www.wvanweelden.eu/webhelp_output_files/whthostjs for more information on the whthost.js file.

  • Pourquoi le rendu du 'sans-serif' est-il gras ?

    Depuis quelques jours tous les rendus de polices 'sans-serif' et 'arial' sont en gras.
    Ainsi, lorsque l'on consulte une page Wikipédia ou Google, tous les corps de texte ont une police (font) grasse (bold).
    J'ai essayé avec deux nouveaux profils complètement vierges et j'ai les mêmes résultats.
    Par exemple, ce champs d'insertion de texte (textarea#id_content) a un rendu de texte gras.
    Bien que je sois passé de Firefox v14.0.0.1 à la mise à jour v15.0, le problème n'est pas résolu.

    Indeed, When I disabled the box : "Use hardware acceleration when available". The font render was OK : No more "bold" effect.
    But I don't understand that, because before 2 days, the render was OK too.
    Here my Firefox information, with a screenshot :
    Paramètres de base de l'application
    Agent utilisateur
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0
    Dossier de profil
    Ouvrir le dossier correspondant
    Plugins activés
    Configuration de compilation
    Rapports de plantage
    Utilisation mémoire
    Adobe Acrobat - Create PDF
    [email protected]
    Adobe Contribute Toolbar
    Skype Click to Call
    Préférences modifiées importantes
    Accélération graphique
    Description de la carte
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 335M
    ID du vendeur
    ID du périphérique
    RAM de la carte
    Pilotes de la carte
    nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    Version du pilote
    Date du pilote
    Direct2D activé
    DirectWrite activé
    true (6.1.7601.17789)
    Paramètres ClearType
    Gamma: 2200 Pixel Structure: RGB ClearType Level: 100 Enhanced Contrast: 50
    Rendu WebGL
    Google Inc. -- ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GT 335M ) -- OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE
    Fenêtres avec accélération graphique
    1/1 Direct3D 10
    Ramasse-miettes incrémental
    Versions des bibliothèques
    Version minimale attendue
    Version utilisée
    NSS Basic ECC Basic ECC
    NSS Util
    NSS SSL Basic ECC Basic ECC
    NSS S/MIME Basic ECC Basic ECC

  • I have lost the ability to change fonts,use color and size and when I try to write anyone,I cannot see my mailing list and there is no send button.

    A few months ago my ability to use different fonts, colors and sizes suddenly disappeared. These choices were always available when looking at my email and I used them regularly . No one I asked ever heard of such a thing happening. I left it alone until I found someone to help. Then, a few days ago, when I clicked "write" , two things happened. First, I could not forward, reply or even see my collected email addresses. Second, there was no longer a place that said "send". My email page filled the entire screen and when I scaled it down, there was still no way to see my list or to send. I am a novice when it comes to fixes and terms but, I have asked people who have some experience with PC's they were stumped. I contacted Fairpoint and they said it must be a Thunderbird problem. Most of the people I asked said they didn't know Thunderbird. One suggested that I reinstall T.bird but, said I also might lose everything on my PC. I would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks, Jim

    When you click Write and open the new message editor, press Alt to show the Menu Bar, then enable all the toolbars under View/Toolbars. Plus, press F9 to show the Contacts sidebar.

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