About pda screen navigation

I'm new in j2me, now i have got a problem, i need to design a pda application, i have complelte the each gui and the function for them but how make them to work together? my language may hard to understand, for example: i have enter to login ui first but when i'm input the username and pwd, how to make it go to next ui screen? can some one help me?

I'm new in j2me, now i have got a problem, i need to design a pda application, i have complelte the each gui and the function for them but how make them to work together? my language may hard to understand, for example: i have enter to login ui first but when i'm input the username and pwd, how to make it go to next ui screen? can some one help me?

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    Thank you.
    Edited by: sanu debu on Mar 29, 2009 10:51 AM
    Edited by: sanu debu on Mar 29, 2009 10:53 AM

    Hi ,
    use it this way....
    firstly set flag for each screen when you dislpay them say for the first screen you set the flag = 1 and for second u set it to 2 and so on.... then in the call function use as used below... important user_command to be passed
    i_callback_program = sy-cprog
    i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'        " this is the subroutine of your program where you control the navigations....
    i_callback_pf_status_set = 'PF_STATUS'
    it_fieldcat = it_field
    t_outtab = i_final
    program_error = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    FORM USER_command using rs_ucomm type sy-ucomm rs_selfield type slis-selfield.
       case rs_ucomm.
         when 'BACK' or 'RW' or '%EX'.
               if flag = 5.
                   flag = 4.
    "               call the subroutine which displays the fourth ALV screen or  call the FM reuse with the table used in fourth screen.
              elseif flag = 4.
                 flag = 3.
    "               call the subroutine which displays the third ALV screen or  call the FM reuse with the table used in third screen.
              elseif flag = 3.
                 flag = 2.
    "               call the subroutine which displays the second ALV screen or  call the FM reuse with the table used in second screen.
              elseif flag = 2.
                 flag = 1.
    "               call the subroutine which displays the first ALV screen or  call the FM reuse with the table used in first screen.
              elseif flag = 1.
    leave to screen 0.
    Hope this resolves the issue

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    With Firmware updates, Apple will usually offer instructions to complete the update, since they require an additional step to complete. It sounds like you haven't finished the Firmware update completely.
    Since it's your computer and investment, I wouldn't risk it and would visit your local Apple Store and let them solve the problem. In the meantime, read this link from Apple:
    ...to bring you up to date on the procedure.

  • HELP need info about drop-down navigation menu

    Hi everyone,
    I was wondering if I could get some input. I have just
    re-designed our magazine's site, www.easternsurf.com
    I used Pop-Up menu function in Fireworks 8 to generate our
    Navigator bar. For the most part everything has been working well,
    BUT we've had a couple of complaints that the navigator bar's
    pull-down menus get stuck behind the photos/banner ads/etc. instead
    of in front of them when viewing in Internet Explorer. I'm on the
    Mac platform (OSX Tiger/Macromedia Studio 8) and have seen no
    problems viewing in Safari, Firefox and Netscape. The only
    complaints have come from Internet Explorer users. A couple of
    people updated their browser to the newest version and the problem
    disappeared, however we've still had a couple of people that have
    written in that the newest version of IE is still not displaying
    Also we've got a strip of button ads running down the left
    hand side of each page and I've also seen another issue that's
    common on sites of this type...when the pulldown menu overlaps with
    a Flash element, there is a problem with the screen re-draw. I've
    seen this on several other sites and know it's a common problem,
    but does anyone know of a workaround where this won't happen? I
    just noticed that signing on to Adobe's site, there almost seems to
    be a command where the menu keeps re-drawing at a very rapid rate
    so this won't happen.
    Any input would be greatly appreciated, although I'm Mac all
    the way, we are a business and have to get this site visible for

    Read my response to your previous post.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "webmasterinflorida" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi everyone,
    > I was wondering if I could get some input. I have just
    re-designed our
    > magazine's site, www.easternsurf.com
    > I used Pop-Up menu function in Fireworks 8 to generate
    our Navigator bar.
    > For
    > the most part everything has been working well, BUT
    we've had a couple of
    > complaints that the navigator bar's pull-down menus get
    stuck behind the
    > photos/banner ads/etc. instead of in front of them when
    viewing in
    > Internet
    > Explorer. I'm on the Mac platform (OSX Tiger/Macromedia
    Studio 8) and
    > have
    > seen no problems viewing in Safari, Firefox and
    Netscape. The only
    > complaints
    > have come from Internet Explorer users. A couple of
    people updated their
    > browser to the newest version and the problem
    disappeared, however we've
    > still
    > had a couple of people that have written in that the
    newest version of IE
    > is
    > still not displaying properly.
    > Also we've got a strip of button ads running down the
    left hand side of
    > each
    > page and I've also seen another issue that's common on
    sites of this
    > type...when the pulldown menu overlaps with a Flash
    element, there is a
    > problem
    > with the screen re-draw. I've seen this on several other
    sites and know
    > it's a
    > common problem, but does anyone know of a workaround
    where this won't
    > happen?
    > I just noticed that signing on to Adobe's site, there
    almost seems to be a
    > command where the menu keeps re-drawing at a very rapid
    rate so this won't
    > happen.
    > Any input would be greatly appreciated, although I'm Mac
    all the way, we
    > are a
    > business and have to get this site visible for everyone!
    > Thanks!

  • EP About top level navigation

    We are designing that many roles are assigned to one user.
    (about 7-8 roles per user)
    When many roles are assigned to the user, tabs in top level navigation bar can not be displayed without scroll horizontally.
    We want to display all roles at once, without scroll.
    To realize the above, roles must be displayed on 2 records
    in the one top level navigation bar.
    Is ther someone who knows whether top level navigation can
    be displayed at 2 records on a bar, or not.
    Any help or information would be appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Mizuka Aoyama
    SAP Japan Netweaver Consulting.

    first, you might want to reorganize your roles and possibly have a look at the "merging" feature.
    Next, you might change the portals theme to use a smaller font for the top level tabs.
    If both options are unsuitable, you can develop your own top level navigation component by writing some java code. Then you can make it look whatever you like to (and I mean it, it's extremely flexible, I did it early in the time of EP6 SP 0 ramp-up, but definitely takes some time).

  • DSM Terminator issue -  when exiting, user sees "about blank" screen

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    ****Closing sessions... Transmission protocol, DSM Terminator v.6.060 (sync)  (long portal address)   Request PREPARED for sending via client  (Finished 1 request(s) distributed***** 
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    First off the DSM terminator window is completely normal.  This is client side javascript that closes the connection to R3.  This can be run server side if you need it to but doesn't work if the connection is done over SSL. 
    As far as the popup window, I would try and restore the defaul IE settings.

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    No offense, but please do not share speculative responses (these forums are notorious for that) I just want people who actually own a glossy screen MBP.
    Many thanks,

    I do not have a glossy screen MBP (just a matte one), but I had a glossy Toshiba prior to this. I do a lot of 3D, and I definitely prefer the matte to the glossy. The shiny screen gives me headaches after about an hour, and has no major benefits that Apple says they do (except look all shiny and new).
    I'll never buy a glossy lcd again.

  • One question about Selection screen

    Hi experts,
    I am writing a report, on the selection screen, I need to input the file path and then do the file upload.
    My question is about how to check the file path I put is correct or not? If it is incorrect, I want to get a message and the cursor still in the field and don't jump to the next page.
    How can I do like that?
    Any one has any suggestion, please help me.
    Thanks in advance.
    Chris Gu

    Hi Chris,
        do it this way: check my code after calling gui_upload what condition i am using.
      p_file type rlgrap-filename.          " File name
    *           AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST EVENT               
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_file.
      perform get_file_name.
    *                       AT SELECTION-SCREEN EVENT                    
    at selection-screen on p_file.
      perform validate_upload_file.
    *  Form  GET_FILE_NAME                                               
    form get_file_name.
      call function 'F4_FILENAME'
         program_name        = syst-cprog
         dynpro_number       = syst-dynnr
         field_name          = ' '
         file_name           = p_file.
    endform.                               " GET_FILE_NAME
    *  Form  VALIDATE_UPLOAD_FILE                                        
    form validate_upload_file.
        lw_file  type string.              " File Path
      lw_file = p_file.
      call function 'GUI_UPLOAD'
          filename                    = lw_file
          filetype                    = 'ASC'
          has_field_separator         = 'X'
          dat_mode                    = 'X'
          data_tab                    = t_final_data.
      IF sy-subrc ne 0 and t_final_data is initial. " here message if file path is wrong
        Message 'File not found' type 'E'.
      ELSEIF sy-subrc eq 0 and t_final_data is initial.
        Message 'File empty' type 'E'.
    endform.                               " VALIDATE_UPLOAD_FILE
    With luck,
    Edited by: Pritam Ghosh on May 8, 2009 8:57 AM

  • Was going to buy Numbers until I read reviews about full screen

    There's a lot of complaints about the latest version of Numbers on iTunes, mostly about Fullscreen not working...?
    Is this an issue, or not?

    Depends on what your looking to do. The full screen mode allowed you to hide all th controls and just display the info on the screen. The other thing that I really liked was the ability to highlight a random data Nd see some common calc results like sum and average displayed in a floating window.
    If you do not hav the app yet, and we're not used ot the feature, I cannot see how it would be a serious issue, as you wouldn't have it in your processes yet.
    If you were hoping to have the functionality and cannot use the entire app due to that ommition, then I would say don't buy it.

Maybe you are looking for

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