About this record in headstart 6

I created to audit columns with the utility,
and for automatic update/insert the tapi.
But, when requesting the audit information via Help,
it says: qms-00085, no change history available, while
looking in sqlplus, it is definitely there.
Is this what in qmslib50 says about not directly querying
from the table but through a package?

Hi Jessica,
did you use the Headstart naming convention for the auditing columns?
We didn't and got the same message you mentioned. We had to change a setting somewhere (registry or Headstart library) to make headstart use our auditing columns.
If you want, i can find out where you can set the auditing columns in Headstart.
succes, Bart

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  • Alerting about new records in to the database (in perticular table).

    Dear membsers,
    Alerting about new records in to the database (in perticular table).
    i have a sample application like this.
    A form based on purchase_requisitions, the data being entered from a network computer by a user with datanetry privileges. let's say the columns are
    req_id,req_date,red-from_dept,req_from_emp,req_item_req_qty,req_status. (initially by default req_status is 'NEW').
    i have a form based on Pending_requisitions_view for the managers who approves the requisitions, the columns are just req_date,req_from_dept,req_from_emp. all the pending requisitions will come here every 5 minitues it gets refreshed by a timer. and it is a multi record block. from here the manager selects the record and he changes the status to APPROVED or DENIED. this is common scenario.
    here is the main problem, the manager has to keep open his form all the time, or if he is working on any other things/forms, it is not possible for him to see requisiotns unless he has to open that form and timer re-freshes the records then only he can see. and again when the application in minimised state we cant see any updates/new entries into requissitions.
    im trying to make a full pledges online system. im using Oracle 8i,forms 6i under win 2000.
    is there any possibility if there is any new records gets into that table we can have alerts like Yahoo messenger it changes color to Blue when it gets new message if it is minimised state.
    Please im keen to get this type of environment.
    Thanks in advance

    i tested like this,
    create a table-1 with tow coumns
    table-2 clone to table-1, on table-1 i put on-insert trigger insert into table-2. so far it is good, table-2 is getting values.
    on table-2 i wrote a database trigger like this
    CREATE.. ON INSERT on each row..
    END IF;
    now the data not at all getting inserted into any table raising_application_error, so i could not proceed into further..
    please advise me..
    Thanks a lot

  • Implicit Fact Column - am I thinking about this the right way?

    My exploration of the Implicit Fact Column is below. Let me know if you think this is the intended usage.
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    T36001.PROGRAM_NAME as c2
    DIM_PROGRAMS T36001,
    SomeRandomFactTable T41210
    order by c1, c2
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    select distinct T289.CHANNEL_NAME as c1,
    T36001.PROGRAM_NAME as c2,
    T35832.DIM_SITE_KEY /* this is the implicit fact column */
    DIM_PROGRAMS T36001,
    AFactTableMappedToFactColumn T35832
    order by c1, c2
    I was happy that I could predict what Fact table was being used, but now the results are wrong as I get a duplicate set of records for every DIM_SITE_KEY / Channel / Program combination. I decided to play a little Algebra trick. Knowing that the DIM_SITE_KEY was a numeric value, I defined the Implicit fact column as DIM_SITE_KEY / DIM_SITE_KEY which will always result in a value of 1. Now I get queries that look like:
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    T36001.PROGRAM_NAME as c2,
    T35832.DIM_SITE_KEY / nullif( T35832.DIM_SITE_KEY, 0) as c3
    DIM_PROGRAMS T36001,
    AFactTableMappedToFactColumn T35832
    order by c1, c2
    Since DIM_SITE_KEY / DIM_SITE_KEY is always equal to 1, I only get one set of Program / Channel combinations. I get the added bonus of knowing which set of Fact tables are going to be used to satisfy the request.

    Perfect Analysis, But one important note is when using implicit fact table, Always select measure( Which has some aggregation) as a implicit fact column. So that will allows the query will eliminate duplicate rows by doing a group by operation.
    Other note is make sure performance is good. When we don't have a good model for fact tables, when the tables contains large set of data, make sure performance is good by doing indexes or caching to load the prompts.
    - Madan

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    Cheers, puzzled_me

    Kappy, may thanks. No difference, Get Info for the folders returns same data size as About This Mac > Storage
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  • Any comments about this code regaarding naming conventions and flow and e

    /* Description : This procedure will start the process step for moving
    data from staging to live table for Append and Replace paradigms
    /**************** Change History ***********************************/
    /* Date Version Author Description */
    -- Global Specifications.
    package_name_in VARCHAR2(50) :='ODS_APPEND_REPLACE';
    v_location INTEGER := 10;
    v_cntl_schema VARCHAR2(20):= 'SCNTL02';
    -- Procedure Specifications.
    schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    bch_dte_in IN DATE,
    fl_nbr_in IN VARCHAR2,
    verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
    pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
    error_code_1_in IN VARCHAR2,
    ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
    proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
    sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2);
    schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    bch_dte_in IN DATE,
    data_grp_cde_in IN VARCHAR2,
    verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
    pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
    ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
    proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
    sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2);
    schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    bch_dte_in IN DATE,
    fl_nbr_in IN VARCHAR2,
    verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
    pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
    error_code_1_in IN VARCHAR2,
    ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
    proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
    sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2)
    /* Local Variables Declaration*/
    v_curr_date DATE := CURRENT_DATE;
    v_procedure_name VARCHAR2(100):= 'APPEND_REPLACE_INSERT';
    v_stg_tbl VARCHAR2(100);
    v_act_tbl VARCHAR2(100);
    v_whr_clause_out VARCHAR2(1000);
    option_in VARCHAR2(30);
    v_common_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_stg_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_act_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_thrshld_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_actl_inpt_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_proc_step_stat_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_error_msg_in VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_part_val_out INTEGER;
    v_row_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_cmit_nbr NUMBER(10);
    v_actl_inpt_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_rec_inserted_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_rec_errored_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_thrshld_nbr NUMBER(10);
    v_data_grp_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_data_grp_cde VARCHAR2(30);
    v_proc_step_upd_out NUMBER(1);
    proc_step_start_out NUMBER(1);
    proc_step_status VARCHAR2(30);
    handled_exception EXCEPTION;
    /* Enable the logging if verbose log flag is 0*/
    IF verbose_log_flag_in = 0 THEN
    END IF;
    /* Start the Append/Replace Update process step after all the predecessor process steps are complete */
    ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.PROC_STEP_START( proc_cd_in => proc_cd_in,
    proc_step_cd_in => proc_step_cd_in,
    ibd_id_in => ibd_id_in,
    bch_dte_in => bch_dte_in,
    job_name_in => job_name_in,
    verbose_log_flag_in => verbose_log_flag_in,
    pred_chk_reqd_in => pred_check_req_in,
    proc_step_stat_out => proc_step_start_out,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF proc_step_start_out = 0 THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('Process Step '|| proc_step_cd_in ||' started for Process '||proc_cd_in);
    /*If process step is successfully started then get the active and stage table names */
    ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.GET_TABLE_NAME( proc_cd_in => proc_cd_in,
    proc_step_in => proc_step_cd_in,
    ibd_id_in => ibd_id_in,
    actv_tbl_out => v_act_tbl,
    stg_tbl_out => v_stg_tbl,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF v_act_tbl IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Active table name is null. Please check the parameters passed';
    option_in := 'others';
    RAISE handled_exception;
    /* If Active table is not null then get the active partition of the table*/
    dbms_output.put_line('Active table name is : '||v_act_tbl);
    v_data_grp_query := 'SELECT data_grp_cde
    FROM '||v_cntl_schema ||'.proc
    WHERE proc_id = '||chr(39)||proc_cd_in ||chr(39)||
    ' AND ibd_id = '||ibd_id_in;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_data_grp_query INTO v_data_grp_cde;
    ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.GET_ACT_PART(tbl_name_in => v_act_tbl,
    data_grp_cde_in => v_data_grp_cde,
    meta_data_in => 'VIEW DYN METADATA',
    part_val_out => v_part_val_out,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF v_part_val_out IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Incorrect table name ' || v_act_tbl;
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 20;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Active partition for the table '|| v_act_tbl ||' is : '||v_part_val_out);
    /*Get the list of active table columns*/
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
    table_name_in => v_act_tbl,
    col_name_out => v_act_col_list,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    v_act_col_list := SUBSTR(v_act_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_act_col_list)-1);
    IF v_act_col_list IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_act_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 30;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    /*Get the list of active table columns and concatenate the columns with 'stg_array(i)' */
    dbms_output.put_line('Active Table Columns List: '||v_act_col_list);
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
    table_name_in => v_act_tbl,
    identifier_name_in => 'stg_array(i)',
    col_name_out => v_common_col_list,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    v_common_col_list := SUBSTR(v_common_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_common_col_list)-1);
    IF v_common_col_list IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_act_tbl || ' and get concatenated with ' || 'STTG_ARRAY' ||'. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 40;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
    table_name_in => v_stg_tbl,
    col_name_out => v_stg_col_list,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    v_stg_col_list := SUBSTR(v_stg_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_stg_col_list)-1);
    IF v_stg_col_list IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_stg_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 50;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    /* Form the WHERE clause on the primary key columns to update the proc_flag
    column of appropriate record in stage table */
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_WHERE_CLAUSE( schema_nme_in => schema_name_in,
    tbl_nme_in => v_stg_tbl,
    trg_id => 'stg_array(i)',
    whr_clause_out => v_whr_clause_out,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF v_whr_clause_out IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'No columns fetched for ' || v_stg_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 60;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    dbms_output.put_line('Where Clause is : ' || v_whr_clause_out );
    v_thrshld_query := 'SELECT proc_step_thrshld_nbr FROM '|| v_cntl_schema ||'.proc_step
    WHERE proc_id = '|| chr(39) ||proc_cd_in|| chr(39) ||
    ' AND proc_step_cde = '|| chr(39) ||proc_step_cd_in|| chr(39) ||
    ' AND ibd_id = ' || ibd_id_in;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_thrshld_query INTO v_thrshld_nbr;
    dbms_output.put_line('Threshold number for the process step '||proc_step_cd_in||' is '||v_thrshld_nbr||' for the process '||proc_cd_in);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    v_query := 'SELECT proc_cmit_nbr FROM '||v_cntl_schema||'.proc
    WHERE proc_id = '|| chr(39) || proc_cd_in || chr(39) ||
    ' AND ibd_id = '|| ibd_id_in;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query INTO v_cmit_nbr;
    IF v_part_val_out = 999 THEN
    /* Execute the dynamic pl/sql block to append the data to the active table*/
    dbms_output.put_line('Executing Dynamic Insert Block for Append Paradigm');
    v_location := 80;
    v_rec_inserted_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
    error_msg_in VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_dyn_proc_step_upd_out NUMBER(1);
    v_rec_updt_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
    v_actl_inpt_cnt NUMBER(10):=0;
    v_rec_errored_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
    v_dyn_option_in VARCHAR2(30);
    v_dyn_sp_hier VARCHAR2(30);
    v_dyn_handled_exception EXCEPTION;
    v_dyn_verbose_flag NUMBER(1):=0;
    SELECT }' || v_stg_col_list ||
    ' FROM ' || v_stg_tbl ||
    ' WHERE fl_nbr = ' || fl_nbr_in ||
    ' AND proc_flag = ' || chr(39) || 'N' || chr(39) ||
    ' AND to_date(bch_dte,'||CHR(39)||'DD-MON-YY'||CHR(39)||') <= '||CHR(39)|| bch_dte_in || CHR(39)||q'{;
    stg_array array;
    /* Enable the logging if verbose log flag is 0*/
    IF v_dyn_verbose_flag = }' || verbose_log_flag_in || q'{ THEN
    END IF;
    OPEN c;
    FETCH c BULK COLLECT INTO stg_array LIMIT }'|| v_cmit_nbr ||q'{;
    FOR i IN 1..stg_array.COUNT LOOP
    INSERT INTO }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}'|| v_act_tbl || q'{( }'|| v_act_col_list ||q'{,crte_pgm, updt_pgm, crte_tstp, updt_tstp, expsd_rec_ind) VALUES }' || q'{ ( }' || v_common_col_list || q'{,'}' || job_name_in || q'{','}' || job_name_in ||q'{','}' || v_curr_date ||q'{','}' || v_curr_date||q'{','N' );}' ||
    v_rec_inserted_cnt_in := v_rec_inserted_cnt_in + 1 ;
    v_actl_inpt_cnt := v_actl_inpt_cnt + 1 ;
    error_msg_in := 'Error in updating PROC_STAT as inserted';
    UPDATE }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}' || v_stg_tbl || q'{
    SET proc_flag = 'I' ,
    updt_pgm = '}' || job_name_in || q'{',
    updt_tstp = '}' || v_curr_date || q'{'
    WHERE }'|| v_whr_clause_out ||q'{;
    error_msg_in := 'Record duplicated';
    v_actl_inpt_cnt := v_actl_inpt_cnt + 1 ;
    v_rec_errored_cnt_in := v_rec_errored_cnt_in + 1;
    IF v_rec_errored_cnt_in >}' || v_thrshld_nbr || q'{ THEN
    error_msg_in := 'Threshold limit }' || v_thrshld_nbr || q'{ Reached';
    v_dyn_option_in := 'proc_step';
    RAISE v_dyn_handled_exception;
    error_msg_in := 'Error in updating PROC_STAT as error';
    UPDATE }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}' || v_stg_tbl || q'{
    SET proc_flag = 'E',
    -- err_code = }' || error_code_1_in || q'{, --need to uncomment once the err_code column is created in stage table
    updt_pgm = '}' || job_name_in || q'{',
    updt_tstp = '}' || v_curr_date || q'{'
    WHERE }'|| v_whr_clause_out ||q'{;
    END IF;
    CLOSE c;

    Any suggestions about this program to improve performance and effective cod

  • Workflow process does not complete for 3500 but works for about 10 records

    Hi Gurus,
    I am a novice in workflow. Pls bear if the questions are very basic.
    We have a old custom workflow process which is inistaed by a PL/SQL procedure
    WF_ENGINE.CreateProcess ---
    WF_ENGINE.StartProcess ---
    COMMIT; ---
    Now this process has run for over 6-7 years but has always processed max upto 8 or 10 records at a time. Now we had about 4000 records in a table and the process was running for more than 4 days now and it has been termiinated.
    I could not see any new item_keys. Is it because we have a commit only at the end.
    This process has 3 sub processes. they are connected by 'AND' and then we have an 'End' node.
    The first sub-process is simple and we can see a record in wf_items .
    Howver no records are there in wf_items for the 2nd and 3rd sub processes.
    How can we check the point where it has hanged. Querying Status monitor just gives the first sub-process that has completed. How to debug for these cases.
    This has always worked for small volumes. Now we have about 4000 records and we face this problem
    The process actually checks data from the table and based on some conditions , it send 5 different notifications to 5 different mail groups. So we expect about 4000*5 mails to be sent.
    Any help is welcome.
    Edited by: 901929 on 20-Jul-2012 01:38
    Edited by: 901929 on 20-Jul-2012 01:39

    Please check the following:
    1. Since this is pure PLSQL you can have a SQL script where you enable a database event to get a trace and then run tkprof on the output to spot any performance problem. You can use something like:
    alter session set tracefile_identifier='Background' max_dump_file_size='unlimited' events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
    alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';
    select fnd_debug_util.get_trace_file_name() tracefile from dual;
    2. Do you happen to know if WF runtime tables are being purged regularly? If this is not done you can expect serious performance problems. If this is WF Apps embedded you need to clean data using the concurrent request Purge Obsolete Workflow runtime data, if not then you can use the APIs in package WF_PURGE.
    3. You will only find one record in WF_ITEMS for this process if those sub-processes belong to the same item type
    4. About the notifications, make sure you are not running into this design problem: https://blogs.oracle.com/oracleworkflow/entry/looping_within_a_workflow_process

  • I have just rented a film through my Apple TV (2) which I cannot play, The screen says "HDCP is not supported by your HDMI connection". What am I supposed to do about this?

    I have just rented a film through my Apple TV (2) which I cannot play. The screen says "HDCP is not supported by your HDMI connection." What am I supposed to do about this? Thanks in anticipation.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    HDCP is copy protection built into iTunes video content, the Apple TV requires all devices to be HDCP compatible before it will send HDCP content to them. In simplistic terms the Apple TV asks the TV if the signal it will send can be recorded, if it gets the right answer it will send the signal, if it doesn't receive a reply it won't.
    Your problem may be one of unsupported equipment or may simply be an error. You could start by checking if your TV is HDCP compliant. If it is the problem might be cabling or another device (such as a receiver) between the Apple TV and TV, it may also just be a glitch which might be resolved by a simple restart.

  • BB 9520 What is Blackberry doing about this?

    When i first purchased BB i looked up to it as i heard all the good stuff about it and was really happy about actually getting one.
    However, now after using this for a year i am very disappointed with Blackberry in general and would like to voice this out on behalf not only of myself but also over a dozen of my friends that are extremely frustrated with BB so far.
    I am using BB 9520 Vodafone and there is a major lack of support from BB in terms of fixing present pressing issues. I have all the latest updates and versions installed via desktop software provided.
    Why is there no new OS for BB 9520? All the other models have OS 6.0 while 9520 is still running on 5? OS 5 is far from perfect for 9520.
    Touchscreen issue. Occasionally the screen refuses to respond to any pressing, no matter what and where you press on the screen it does one and one thing only - exits to home screen, the only way to overcome this - have to spam the menu button about 20-30 times to get the screen to respond again.
    There is a constant issue with BBM - occasionally after receiving a BBM msg from someone you are unable to open the chat at all, even if you delete the chat you are still unable to BBM that individual, the only way to overcome it - reboot the phone.
    Hang up / answer call buttons refusing to work occasionally, this really isn't funny when you're receiving an important business call and listening to your phone ring in your face while spamming the answer button or the touchscreen answer button to no avail until the call ends, the only way to overcome this issue is once again after you've missed the call spam the menu button until the keys decide to start functioning again.
    Unbelievable, this issue has been reported first time nearly 3 years ago and until today there is no fix from BB?!?!?!?!? Sync with gmail. When you sync with gmail all your contacts are no longer "all" contacts, they are now contacts in "[email protected]" contact list. The best part is - if you change your gmail account or wish to sync with another account - you can't move those "[email protected]" contact list - the new sync is a new contact list.
    Right now i have my contact list in a state that  i can no longer comprehend - sync is on for the new email account and all my contacts are in that email's contact list, however, BB refuses to sync them and the option in the contact list properties is "not available", while in the email settings - it's all turned on and looking good... The lengthy solution that BB presented via wiping the phone is .... wiping the phone? Seriously?
    Reception, full bar drops to zero in a split second any time
    Videos recorded are apparently in "unrecognized format" once in a while
    The list goes on.
    This model has been out in the market for a long enough time for any company to hotfix the issues, what is BB doing about this? From the RESULT that i have seen in the last year - nothing.
    This isn't my personal issue - if you would like to check around it is nearly impossible to sell off this phone to even a second hand shop, they won't offer you more than 30-50 USD for this model for the simple fact - it is this bad and everyone knows it.
    As much as i would like to keep my faith in BB - i am beyond disappointed now and have no choice but to switch to either android or iphone simply because this is the only model from BB that has big touchscreen without wasting space for those tiny keys.

    Blackend wrote:
    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    i first purchased BB i looked up to it as i heard all the good stuff
    about it and was really happy about actually getting one.
    now after using this for a year i am very disappointed with Blackberry
    in general and would like to voice this out on behalf not only of myself
    but also over a dozen of my friends that are extremely frustrated with
    BB so far.
    I am using BB 9520 Vodafone and there is a
    major lack of support from BB in terms of fixing present pressing
    issues. I have all the latest updates and versions installed via desktop
    software provided.
    Why is there no new
    OS for BB 9520? All the other models have OS 6.0 while 9520 is still
    running on 5? OS 5 is far from perfect for 9520.
    only  information I trust when it comes to new device OS releases is 2
    weeks after I have installed it and I know it works!  The carriers are
    provided the device OS by RIM. The carrier decides when or if it will be released. My
    carrier is Verizon Wireless according to every article I have read VZW
    tested it and decided not to release it. This was in July i beleive. I
    wouldn't be surprised if they released it tommorrow.
    issue. Occasionally the screen refuses to respond to any pressing, no
    matter what and where you press on the screen it does one and one thing
    only - exits to home screen, the only way to overcome this - have to
    spam the menu button about 20-30 times to get the screen to respond
    I have the 9530 and the
    9550 I have seen the problembut very rarely. Personally I would pull the
    battey rather than keep hammering at a key.
    is a constant issue with BBM - occasionally after receiving a BBM msg
    from someone you are unable to open the chat at all, even if you delete
    the chat you are still unable to BBM that individual, the only way to
    overcome it - reboot the phone.
    Please post back and tell us what version of BB messenger you have installed and what version of device OS you are running.
    up / answer call buttons refusing to work occasionally, this really
    isn't funny when you're receiving an important business call and
    listening to your phone ring in your face while spamming the answer
    button or the touchscreen answer button to no avail until the call ends,
    the only way to overcome this issue is once again after you've missed
    the call spam the menu button until the keys decide to start functioning
    It's begging to sound
    like your device may be periodically low on memory. I will attach a link
    at the bottom that will give you some great tips on maximizing your
    memory usage. Four of the most basic and easiest ways to save memory is
    to exit applications correclty. 1) Every program has a
    menu>close>exit option. Users who use the escape key or the red
    key leave applicatons open.
    2) Using a
    media card for storing files. Device memory is flash or dynamic,
    allocated where needed. Using device memory  to store files means you
    have less dynamic memory to allocate and have perfomance issues as a
    result. 3) Make a daily habit of cleaning the browser cache
    how many users don't ever do this. 4) I recommend highly a battery pull
    at least once a  day. It's simply the best way to reset the device.
    this issue has been reported first time nearly 3 years ago and until
    today there is no fix from BB?!?!?!?!? Sync with gmail. When you sync
    with gmail all your contacts are no longer "all" contacts, they are now
    contacts in "[email protected]" contact list. The best part is - if you
    change your gmail account or wish to sync with another account - you
    can't move those "[email protected]" contact list - the new sync is a new
    contact list.
    I got bit by that dog as well!  I will attach links for disablig the contacts and calendar sync.
    now i have my contact list in a state that  i can no longer comprehend -
    sync is on for the new email account and all my contacts are in that
    email's contact list, however, BB refuses to sync them and the option in
    the contact list properties is "not available", while in the email
    settings - it's all turned on and looking good... The lengthy solution
    that BB presented via wiping the phone is .... wiping the phone?
    I didn't wipe my device I
    deleted the contacts data base and did a one way sync from Outlook to
    the device. I'll see if I can find a couple of post on it. I found a
    "down and dirty" workaround before i learned how to prevent it. You can
    set your Gmail account to you can "point" to group that you want to sync
    contacts with. You then wittle away with some filters to narrow it
    down. I have 2 Gmail accounts by using the groups and filters all they
    looked for was each other!
    Reception, full bar drops to zero in a split second any time
    my left is a window where I can see a cell tower. I swivle my deskk
    chair to the right and lose a bar immediately, for about 4 seconds. I
    think it's the nature of the beast, not much to do there.
    Videos recorded are apparently in "unrecognized format" once in a while
    have had this happen several times, and have read posts about it as
    well. In my case it "operator error" for the most part. I wasn't being
    patient when saving and replaying the video.
    One of the main causes I see is the video file isbeing saved to the device rather than the media card.
    The list goes on.
    model has been out in the market for a long enough time for any company
    to hotfix the issues, what is BB doing about this? From the RESULT that
    i have seen in the last year - nothing.
    This isn't my
    personal issue - if you would like to check around it is nearly
    impossible to sell off this phone to even a second hand shop, they won't
    offer you more than 30-50 USD for this model for the simple fact - it
    is this bad and everyone knows it.
    $30-$50 really?  How many can you get your hands on I'll pay the shjipping from my end....
    I'm sorry, lost my train of thought there, Now where were we? :smileyvery-happy:
    much as i would like to keep my faith in BB - i am beyond disappointed
    now and have no choice but to switch to either android or iphone simply
    because this is the only model from BB that has big touchscreen without
    wasting space for those tiny keys.
    isn't just knickname, it's a condtion! The reason the 9550 is perfect
    for me is I can see the screen and the keyboard clearly. Have you seen
    the ads for the Monaco (Storm 3)? Looks pretty promising bigger screen,
    faster processor running OS 6.0. and maybe the trackpad will  fall off in the design phase.
    Please give the links a read and if we can help let us know.
    (I'm going to login to Verizon and see if OS 6.0 snuck out.....:smileyvery-happy:
    KB19271How to disable Google Mail contact synchronization
    KB24205How to disable calendar synchronization with Gmail
    KB23767 Unable to play back a YouTube video on the BlackBerry smartphone using a Wi-Fi connection
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

  • Is there any function module about same record with a time phase?

    Dear Expert,
    I am developing a program to upload time data into SAP and I was asked to delete the records which coming within 5 mintues and upload the last one into SAP.
    Is there any function module about this?
    BR Wang Yichao

    HI ajay,
    1. If i am not wrong, this infotype hrp1005,
       is maintained using PP01.
    2. One method is
    amit m.

  • If I download a video from my video camera to a new (current 1/12) iMac 21 inch, how can I burn it to a DVD using the computer itself. Is this possible? Do I need to buy additional software. Two salespeople at the Apple were a little confused about this.

    If I download a video from my video camera to a new (current 1/12) iMac 21 inch, how can I burn it to a DVD using the computer itself. Is this possible? Do I need to buy additional software. Two salespeople at the Apple were a little confused about this. Thank you.

    The DVD recorder I'm referring to is one I've use for years. It is not attached to my aging iMac in any way. I simply play the video from my camcorder (mini-dv tape based Canon HV20)  into the DVD recorder and create a DVD that can be played in any DVD player. I can only do minimum editing so what goes in is what I get. This has been fine for creating dupes of the various things I shoot.
    If I buy a new iMac (21 inch), I'd like to be able to download the video to the iMac through iMovie, work with it to whatever degree I wish, and burn it to a DVD that can also be played in any DVD player -- or to use as a master to dupe copies.
    What I'm understanding from you and others is that this would be possible if Apple had included iDVD in the software that comes with the iMac, or if I purchase the iLife Family Pack, or buy the correct version of Toast. I'm hoping I can persuade Apple to sell me an iMac with iDVD installed.
    Essentially I want to move from a basic process of creating DVD copies to the more sophisticated process of creating one from an iMac.
    Thank you again for your help and wisdom.

  • I have problem with my I PHONE 4S  Always its time out then i must restart my I phone please any help about this case ??

    i have problem with my I PHONE 4S  Always its time out then i must restart my I phone please any help about this case ??

    Hello Pllumb,
    It sounds like you are unable to turn on Wi-Fi because the option is grayed out in Settings. Use these steps from the following article named:
    iOS: Wi-Fi settings grayed out or dim
    Restart your iOS device.
    Make sure that airplane mode is off by tapping Settings > Airplane Mode.
    Reset the network settings by tapping Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
    This will reset all network settings, including Bluetooth pairing records, Wi-Fi passwords, VPN, and APN settings.
    Make sure that your device is using the latest software. To do so, connect your device to your computer and check for updates in iTunes.
    If you still can't turn Wi-Fi on, please contact Apple for support and service options. If you can turn Wi-Fi on but are experiencing other issues with Wi-Fi, please see these steps.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

  • I've clicked 'forget about this site', can I undo this by running the 'system restore' feature to recover my history?

    I accidentally clicked 'forget about this site' and I'm looking for a way to undo this. I've heard there is no way to recover the history from a particular site once it has been deleted, but surely it leaves some kind of record in the system? I read an article that suggested running the 'system restore' feature which gives me the option of 'restoring my computer to an earlier time' before certain changes were made. Would this work?

    no, updating the browser won't have an impact on your history - all your personal data will remain.
    a general tip if you want to avoid data loss/highly depend on this data, is to back-up your firefox profile regularly: [[Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles]]

  • Should we be concerned about this?

    We were reading about this virus that effects 10.5.6 here.
    Should we be concerned about it? How real is it? Thanks.

    No viruses that can attack OS X have so far been detected 'in the wild', i.e. in anything other than laboratory conditions.
    It is possible, however, to pass on a Windows virus to another Windows user, for example through an email attachment. To prevent this all you need is the free anti-virus utility ClamXav, which you can download from:
    However, the appearance of Trojans and other malware that can possibly infect a Mac seems to be growing, but is a completely different issue to viruses.
    If you allow a Trojan to be installed, the user's DNS records can be modified, redirecting incoming internet traffic through the attacker's servers, where it can be hijacked and injected with malicious websites and pornographic advertisements. The trojan also installs a watchdog process that ensures the victim's (that's you!) DNS records stay modified on a minute-by-minute basis.
    You can read more about how, for example, the OSX/DNSChanger Trojan works here:
    SecureMac has introduced a free Trojan Detection Tool for Mac OS X. It's available here:
    The DNSChanger Removal Tool detects and removes spyware targeting Mac OS X and allows users to check to see if the trojan has been installed on their computer; if it has, the software helps to identify and remove the offending file. After a system reboot, the users' DNS records will be repaired.
    (Note that a 30 day trial version of MacScan can be downloaded free of charge from:
    and this can perform a complete scan of your entire hard disk. After 30 days the cost is $29.99. The full version permits you to scan selected files and folders only, as well as the entire hard disk. It will detect (and delete if you ask it to) all 'tracker cookies' that switch you to web sites you did not want to go to.)
    A white paper has recently been published on the subject of Trojans by SubRosaSoft, available here:
    Also, beware of MacSweeper:
    MacSweeper is malware that misleads users by exaggerating reports about spyware, adware or viruses on their computer. It is the first known "rogue" application for the Mac OS X operating system. The software was discovered by F-Secure, a Finland based computer security software company on January 17, 2008
    On June 23, 2008 this news reached Mac users:
    More information on Mac security can be found here:
    The MacScan application can be downloaded from here:
    You can download a 30 day trail copy which enables you to do a full scan of your hard disk. After that it costs $29.95.
    More on Trojans on the Mac here:
    This was published on July 25, 2008:
    Attack code that exploits flaws in the net's addressing system are starting to circulate online, say security experts.
    The code could be a boon to phishing gangs who redirect web users to fake bank sites and steal login details.
    In light of the news net firms are being urged to apply a fix for the loop-hole before attacks by hi-tech criminals become widespread.
    Net security groups say there is anecdotal evidence that small scale attacks are already happening.
    Further details here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7525206.stm
    A further development was the Koobface malware that can be picked up from Facebook (already a notorious site for malware, like many other 'social networking' sites), as reported here on December 9, 2008:
    You can keep up to date, particularly about malware present in some downloadable pirated software, at the Securemac site:
    There may be other ways of guarding against Trojans, viruses and general malware affecting the Mac, and alternatives will probably appear in the future. In the meantime the advice is: be careful where you go on the web and what you download!
    As to the current 'Conficker furore' affecting Intel-powered computers, MacWorld recently had this to say:
    Although any content that you download has the possibility of containing malicious software, practising a bit of care will generally keep you free from the consequences of anything like the DNSChanger trojan.
    1. Avoid going to suspect and untrusted Web sites, especially *********** sites.
    2. Check out what you are downloading. Mac OS X asks you for you administrator password to install applications for a reason! Only download media and applications from well-known and trusted Web sites. If you think you may have downloaded suspicious files, read the installer packages and make sure they are legit. If you cannot determine if the program you downloaded is infected, do a quick Internet search and see if any other users reported issues after installing a particular program.
    3. Use an antivirus program like ClamXav. If you are in the habit of downloading a lot of media and other files, it may be well worth your while to run those files through an AV application.
    4. Use Mac OS X's built-in Firewalls and other security features.
    5. Stop using LimeWire. LimeWire (and other peer-to-peer sharing applications) are hotbeds of potential software issues waiting to happen to your Mac. Everything from changing permissions to downloading trojans and other malicious software can be acquired from using these applications.

  • Deleted stuff became a backup in 'About This Mac'

    Hi all,
    I deleted about 60GB worth of stuff off my laptop to free up some space. After deleting it I went back and had a look under 'about this mac', there wasn't any backups showing there before - as there shouldn't be - but now I have 109GB showing as a backup. Is this anything to do with deleting things? I have emptied trash so there's nothing there - I actually use 'Clean My Mac 2' as it's quicker.
    So basically, can anyone suggest how to find these so called backups and free up some space? As I have less than when I started clearing things of my laptop.
    My mac seems to be getting slower recently so I'm wondering whether to start again but I really didn't want to have to reformat it.
    Any advice would be appreciated

    Do not use any so-called "cleaning" programs to do anything in particular. Like many ill-conceived "cleaning" utilities, CleanMyMac is capable of corrupting a Mac to the point that erasing it completely is the only practicable means of recovery.
    Cache files exist to increase performance and should not be deleted without justification.
    I really didn't want to have to reformat it.
    If you used CleanMyMac or similarly ill-conceived utility to alter your Mac's file system, that action may be required. Write back if you would like detailed recovery instructions.
    ... how do I get rid of crap on my macbook pro?
    First, make no assumption that lack of available disk space is the cause of poor performance. Your Mac will work perfectly fine until the available space becomes almost literally zero. When the boot volume approaches capacity, OS X will inform the user with a descriptive dialog. If it appears, it should not be ignored.
    To reclaim disk space read OS X Yosemite: Increase disk space.
    If your Mac is still performing poorly, don't prematurely conclude the underlying cause. Describe what's happening and when. You may be able to use Console to correlate the slowdowns to actions caused by poorly implemented or incompatible software as well as certain hardware failures. To do that follow these instructions:
    Launch the Console app - it is in your Utilities folder. You can find it by selecting Utilities from the Finder's Go menu.
    If the log list column on the left is not already displayed, show the log list by selecting Show Log List from Console's View menu. Select Show Toolbar if it is not already shown.
    Locate system.log in the list and select it. Many date and time-stamped entries will appear, hundreds of them, and you must find the entries relevant to your Mac's problem.
    To do that click the Clear Display button in the Toolbar. All previously displayed log entries will be disappear.
    Next: Perform whatever actions cause the Mac to exhibit the slow behavior. If the problem is caused by errors logged by the system, the Console window will show them being recorded in system.log.
    One or more of them, along with their time stamps, may reveal the reason for the problem you describe.
    Copy and paste those log entries in a reply. If hundreds of the same repetitive messages appear, please edit them before posting. There should be no need for more than a few log entries.
    Most of the entries will be cryptic but will contain information you might consider personal such as your Mac's name. If you do not want that information to appear, delete or obscure it when posting your reply. Leave enough information so that the entries can be deciphered.

  • Notes about Your Recording

    Is there anywhere in GB that you can make notes (not musical notes) about your recording? I often make complex, multi-track recordings and sometimes forget exactly what I played in a certain part. Or maybe I am collaborating with someone and I want to share the chord changes, etc. It would be great if I could jot down some notes, for example "This song is Open G tuning, Guitar 3 should pan left at 3 minute marker," etc.

    Track notes and project notes exist in Logic Express and Pro 9.
    There is another way:
    http://www.mountainstorm.co.uk/photography/AudioNotes/AudioNotes-Overview/AudioN otes-Overview.html
    Read about it on macprovideo.com a long time ago. Used it in Logic 8 before the notes feature was built in. I guess it will work in GB as a standard plugin.

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