Dear All,
I  am using  BADI -AC_DOCUMENT
Can u please tell me how to add two more line item in the accounting  document while creating MB1B Tranction code .
Kunwar Verma

Hi Kunwar,
               Try using control break statement for this purpose.I hope it will solve the issue you facing in BAPI,Usage of control break statement will let you enter the line itemes for repeated entry of the header item.
Have a best day ahead.

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    How can I know where the BADI is called in ABAP program ?
    Thanks for your help.

    Check that for which condition the message is triggering.
    Try to check the condition.

  • BAdI - AC_DOCUMENT / data passing for nested structures

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    I need your help for this scenario:  
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    For this one option was:  BAdI AC_DOCUMENT
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    Check that for which condition the message is triggering.
    Try to check the condition.

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    DATA: ex_item type ACCIT,
          wa_ex_item type ACCIT_SUB.
    LOOP AT im_document-item INTO ex_item.
    wa_ex_item-mandt = ex_item-mandt.
    wa_ex_item-awtyp = ex_item-awtyp.
    wa_ex_item-awref = ex_item-awref.
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    Check that for which condition the message is triggering.
    Try to check the condition.

  • Implement BAdI AC_DOCUMENT

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    hi satish
    plz send these doc. on my emai id
       [email protected]

  • Badi AC_DOCUMENT-----Method change_initial

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    when I run the mir7 transaction , it run perfectly for the normal PO bu in case of contract where i have the outline ageement field ekko-konnr pouplated i can not perform checks on my custom field added.

  • AC_Document BADI Implementation

    Hi Experts,
    I am implemented BADI AC_Document to change Document type field of an Accounting Document.
    As Document Type (BLART) is not available in the structure used in the BADI, I have used Append structure to add the field in the header segment of ex_document (Exporting paramenter of the Badi).
    Now I am changing the Document Type based on certain conditions in Change_After_Check Method of the BADI, but the field is not modified in the result.
    I have used the following code:
    LOOP AT im_document-item INTO l_document.
        IF  l_document- = '2029'.
          IF l_document-mwskz = 'V1' OR l_document-mwskz = 'V2' OR l_document-mwskz = 'V3'.
            l_wa_hd-zzblart = 'RD'.
      ex_document-header-zzblart = l_wa_hd-zzblart.
    Am i missing something here?
    Please help me.

    hi satish
    plz send these doc. on my emai id
       [email protected]

  • BADI - ac_document for Non Business Area updation in MIRO - Manual entry

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    In our Production system, one of the end user has generated a MIRO document in reference to a PO. In actual Invoice there were miscellaneous charges added by the party (Vendor), but not mentioned those in PO. End User has adjusted those charges by debiting the required tax G/L  - u201CAP-CG Deduct-VATu201D account (In G/L Tab - in MIRO) and crediting the same amount to Material (In material tab of MIRO) that was used in PO.
    While debiting the amount to G/L u2013 u201CAP-CG Deduct-VATu201D account, End User has not put the Business Area (In G/L Tab u2013 MIRO) which in turn result into entry in "Non Business Area" for the "G/L - AP-CG Deduct-VAT" irrespective of BADI was active in the system to update the business Area.
    Could anybody suggest me the possibilities of non-picking up the Business Area in the line item of manual entry (In G/L tab of MIRO) entered in MIRO.
    FI document is getting generated properly with updation of Business Area in all other scenarios (i.e. MIRO & SD Billing generation).
    Points will be assigned to proper answer.
    Shridhar Sawant

    Closing the issue from my side since there was inconsistancy in coding at our end.

  • Changing the field content of 'wrbtr' in accounting document during Post Goods Issue in VL02N

    Hi Experts,
         I have requirement ,where I need to  change the 'amount in document currency value (wrbtr)' in line item of a accounting document, which is created as part Post Goods issue through VL02N.
              I have already check BADI's below as follows:-.
    1) LE_SHP_GOODSMOVEMENT- No accounting document information flows in this BADI.
    2) AC_DOCUMENT - Field 'WRBTR' is not available in substitutable fields list.
    3) BTE-1050 - This BTE is not getting triggered while doing PGI.
            Please suggest any other possibilities to make the change.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Kartik,
                I have checked the enhancement you specified, but it didn't trigger during PGI. Can u please let me know is there any other possibilities to make the change.

  • Enhancement for MB1C/MB1A before creation of an Accounting Document

    Hello everyone,
    Actually I want to get the material document number(MBLNR) before the creation of an accounting document when using the transaction MB1C or MB1A.
    I will have to use the value 'MBLNR' to update a field during the creation of an accounting document(the field SGTXT should be updated with the MBLNR).
    I have already tested the following BADI's which provide me the value of the material document number:
    - MB_DOCUMENT_BADI  (BAdIs During Creation of a Material Document)
    - MB_DOCUMENT_BADI_SAP (BADI for Creation and Changing of a Material Document)
    and I am using the BaDi 'AC_DOCUMENT' to update the required field with the material document number(MBLNR).
    The problem is that the BADI's 'MB_DOCUMENT_BADI ' and 'MB_DOCUMENT_BADI SAP' are call after the creation of the accouting document(after the BADI 'ACDOCUMENT') meaning that I can't used these BADI's as the value MBLNR is not available before.
    My idea was to export the value to memory ID before the creation of accounting document and import the value in memory ID in the BADI's 'AC_DOCUMENT' to update the field SGTXT.
    I am currently looking for other enhancements or BADI's which can help me to solve this issue.
    After much research on the internet, I did not succeed in finding a suitable hint which can help me.
    I would be grateful if someone could guide me(even a small hint will help me a lot as am I am new in the world of BADI's) on how to find a suitable way to get the document number(MBLNR) before the creation of an accounting document(before calling the BADI 'AC_DOCUMENT').
    Thanks a lot in advance for you help.
    Kind Regards,

    I had a look through the program and found an enhancement spot ES_SAPMM07M available through out. Sadly i am not able to create a material document in my system some master data issue but there are various enhancement points in this enahcmenet and you need to debug on save and find the right enhancement point to export the value.
    Put a break point in the following includes which have only one subroutine in them
    MM07MFF9_F_SEGMENTE_ERSTELLEN---> In this accounting item are created. If stops here and in debugger change the value if it works then there are various enhancement spot for the same.
    Hope it helps
    Edited by: nabheetmadan09 on Feb 1, 2012 3:49 PM

  • New GL and Special GL- possible to repost to the correct profit center?

    The scenario that I have is advance payment to vendor. The mandatory splitting characteristic is Profit Center (PC). The scenario is this:
    (1) create down payment    :                
          Dr Advance Payment (special GL to vendor account): $12K,
            Cr Bank  $12K  (PC: 101)
    In GL view, both lines will have PC: 101
    (2) create vendor open line item :     
             Dr Domestic Travel expense (PC: 105): $7K
             Dr Insurance expense (PC: 104): $5K
                 Cr Vendor: $12K
    In GL view, Vendor line will be split with $7K under PC: 105 and $5K under PC: 104
    (3) clear down payment     :                  
         Dr Vendor: $12K
            Cr Advance Payment (special GL to vendor account): $12K
    In GL view, Vendor line will be split with $7K under PC: 105 and $5K under PC: 104.
    Advance Payment line's PC remains as 101 as per step 1.
    My question is at the 3rd step, is it possible to reverse the bank posting in step 1 and repost the bank line to split into PC: 104 and 105 since we now know the advance payment is for PC: 104 and 105? This is so that we can identify outgoing cashflow is for which PC.
    Any help is much appreciated. I am open to all ideas, even coding for document splitting rule if it works.
    Thank you.

    It would not be possible in std. But you can look at writing your code through BADI AC_DOCUMENT
    Sanil Bhandari

  • Update material doc.num in assignment field of GR/IR line item of a/c doc

    HI Experts,
    please tell me the solution for my problem
    My requirement : Transaction is : MIGO
    Before posting of material document, update material document number in assignment field of GR/IR line item of accounting document (WE) at number commitment stage
    Update MKPF-MBLNR (Material Document Number) in BSEG-ZUONR
    but already i tried AC_DOCUMENT i got a problem .
    What i did,
    first use MB_DOCUMENT_BADI with method
    here i tried to get the material document and export into memory
    after use AC_DOCUMENT With method
    here Import the material document doc num and pass it to Assignment field in
    but it is not working
    when i debug first trigger the AC_DOCUMENT And then it goes to MB_DOCUMENT_BADI
    Plese help me regarding this.
    Moderator message: please open only one thread per issue.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Feb 9, 2012

    Thanks, I will check the same. Well, I will be clearing the documents with reference to MIGO number itself. When I do my delivery chrgs migo, that number I need to be populated in my line item's assignment field. Not only that but I the same number should get populated in the delivery charges miro. Since my miro is with ref to PO it becomes difficult to fetch the field.
    Plz let me know if you can help me on this as well.

  • Substitute G/L Account when posting Accounting Document

    Hello Everyone,
    I am an ABAP consultant.
    I want to know if there is any way to substitute a G/L account which is already determined by the system.
    When we post MIRO, when there is a price variance with GR, then a material price variance account will be determined and the variance gets posted to the material price variance account. Something like below.
    Credit  Vendor Account
    Debit   GR/IR  Clearing Account
    Debit   Material Price Variance Account
    I want to replace the Material Price Variance Account for certain scenario.
    I tried with
    1. BADI AC_DOCUMENT - But G/L account cannot be replaced with this
    2. BTE - Able to change the G/L account, but it gives error "Internal error: Entry in COKA-Buffer not found". I found a SAP note for this. It seems G/L account and Fiscal year data gets transferred to COKA buffer and if there are any changes it does not allow to proceed.
    I also found enhancement spots where i can make changes, but i want to know if this can be achieved in a standard way (Either Exits, BADI or FI Substitutions)

       Why don't you change your MM config , it would be better to have this defaulted by MM account determination. but if you still want to do this, then you can try MM exit that instead of changing the account, reduce the amount to zero in the "wrong" account, and insert a line with the "right" account.
    Substitution GBB1 might not work here which can also induce MM/FI consistency issues. Hence find an MM exit and refer to the BADI's in note 1156325.
    I hope it will help you.

  • Trigger WF  when user Parks document from FB60 non-po invoice

    I need to trigger an approval workflow when the user parks a document using FB60.
    Here is what i have tried and it does not seem to work!!! (I might be missing something  here ..  )
    In the Triggering tab of the workflow i entered the Buisness object BUS2081 and event as parked.
    Then tried to park via FB60 does not work.
    I have never really done triggering this way before so i dont know what to do...
    Am i using the correct buisness object , do i need to create some kind of linking here ?
    WHile i am here another question.. the user will park for the first time and the workflow will trigger , what happens when the user parks it again. Do we need to handle this situation again ? How do we handle this.
    Thanks for ur responses...  i am pretty deep in this so anyone who throws a rope to me will be thanked to the maximum...

    Once you complete the customizing are you sure you are creating the invoice more than the amount you have specified in the customizing? If yes then this should work.
    I am not sure as to why you are not being able to get it right.
    The last option for you would be to find for a BADI which is called before or after the document gets committed to the database.
    Following are the BADIs that the code <b>might</b> call... No gaurantess given
    Create an implementation and then put a break point in each of them to find out if the code calls the BADI. This is pure luck if you find one. Then you can raise the event via the function module SWE_EVENT_CREATE. Do not put a commit in the BADI initially. Only if the event does not get raised even after running the Function module then you can put in a commit. The system usually does a commit.
    Hope this helps,
    Message was edited by:
            Sudhindra Chandrashekar

  • Post freight cost to a different a GL account during 411-K for consignment PO Process

    We are planning to implement PO consignment for one of the client.
    The scenario is, client pays the freight cost to the supplier in advance upon receipt of consignment stock .When consignment stock is moved to own stock (411k), during the movement of the stock we need to create two accounting entries one for the material cost and the other for freight cost such that the freight can be adjusted with advance paid freight cost. Freight cost can be settled manually with another PO but the requirement is moving average price of the material should include the  cost of material  and freight cost .
    For an example if the material cost is $100(PB00) and freight cost is $10(FAR1 - 10%), during 411k it  should create  two entries one for material cost($100) and the other for freight cost($10) which can be adjusted manually.
    We tried by adding freight condition (FRA1) in consignment info record along with PB00 –Gross price and in this case during 411k it is summing both the prices($110) and posting to one GL account and the same settles during MRKO  but what we are looking for is how we can split this into $100 and $10 .
    I know standard SAP does not support this this during 411k.
    I want to know if there is any User exit, pricing procedure, routines, etc...  Or any other way that can be used to achieve this requirement. Appreciate more detailed answer

       As you know, currently the delivery cost are not supported in consignment and pipeline settlement. The system design is explained in the note: 208555 - MB11 Delivery costs for pipeline and consignment.
       If you want delivery cost in consignment, you have to go for development. There should be additional entry for delivery costs in RKWA table. I am not sure about the feasibility, but still would like to share the below points:
       For creating additional entry in the accounting document while doing MB1B / MB11, you may check the BADI AC_DOCUMENT.
       You may refer the note: 165647 - Documentation: Enhancement RMVKON00 (MM-IV) which explains some enhancements related to consignment settlement.

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