Academic ID

Sono un'associazione che effettua corsi a professionisti ed ho acquistato un pacchetto di Adobe Acrobat Professional 11.
Ho difficoltà ad ottenere un Academic ID.
Come posso fare ?

Teacher software | Adobe

Similar Messages

  • Academic version 3 question

    how many times can you install the academic version of fcp 3 with the same serial numbers. its not working now and i think it may be because its been installed to the max. anyone know?

    I would suggest you call the Applestore and order FCP 5.1. When three was written, os10 didn't even have a big cat name yet. I've been told that there are problems with it and 10.4.8
    You should be aware that multiple installs on different machines is very illegal and apple can fall all over you if it wants to. Posting such info on Apple's website is just plain stupid. But hey, whatever.

  • Logic Pro academic version

    Hey guys, I just purchased the logic studio and wanted to see how many times I can install it to my computers. I have a macbook and was planning to get a desktop which would be the primary user of the studio. I just don't want to put it on my macbook and not be able to put it on my desktop.
    Thanks for your help

    I just purchased the logic studio and wanted to see how many times I can install it to my computers.
    Two if one is a laptop and the other is a desktop, or one otherwise. It doesn't matter whether it's a regular or academic package.

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    I just purchased a new mac 8-core, went on installing Logic studio upgrade, but when it asks for the xskey it says 'this xskey is not elegible, please see upgrade requirements'. i've been using that key for many years and I don't understand whuy it's not working...Could anyone help me, please? I can't even find a support mail where to send my question to...

    If it's an academic version, or a not-for-resale version, then these are not upgradable - ie, to move to the next full version of Logic, you can't just buy the upgrade, you have to buy the full version.
    It's common knowledge that Academic versions of Apple's ProApps are not upgradable.
    If in doubt, contact Apple.

  • How can I tell if my Logic 7 is academic

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    There are no academic upgrades. But the easiest way of telling is starting the program, if it is academic, the Logic logo will read Academic.

  • Submitting academic proof for Adobe Creative Cloud Student and Teacher Edition

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    Thank you! This page helped.
    I also read through another thread (Where to submit proof? No submit proof button) that provided a link where I could send proof.

  • Error while creating Academic calendar

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    While creating the academic year getting the below error please suggest how to resolve this.
    Prashanti Swain

    HI Bharath,
    First delete the holiday(which u want to delete ) in the list of holidays calender ID.
    Than Create the same in the holidays than again assign the to your Holiday calender ID.
    Hope this will help you

  • Final Cut Studio 2 (Academic Version)

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    Thanks in Advance

    Does it have all of the other features that regular Final Cut Studio has?

  • Procedure of purchasing academic license

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    I am planning to purchase aftereffects CS 4 academic version, which the university uses for educational purpose.
    Though the end user is a universityin Japan. But the computer they use is a English OS, therefore they need a
    English version of adobe product.
    In that case, when I called Adobe on the phone, they told me that, we are not sure that a university in Japan will
    satisfy the requirements, though all you need is to purchase online and let the end user go through the examination.
    Actually I'm not sure that the enduser can understand all the instructions written in English which tell them about the
    requierd documents to send to Adobe or whatever they have to do to  go through the examination.
    Can I find a website in which I could examine the procedure which the university should do when
    purchasing a academic version?

  • Safari 2.0.4/Blackboard Academic Suite

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    I have searched for information, and it appears that Safari does not support iframes at all, but wanted to see if anyone had references to a solution.
    Thank you for your help.
    mac mini/macbook/imac   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    1. You wrote: "all Safari files in the Library are gone."Can you be more specific? Which files? Which Library directory (there are several directories with the name Library).
    2. Are you running any Safari add-ons? BY this I mean third-party applications which are designed to add functions to Safari or expose hidden functions in Safari?
    3. Using Get Info, verify that you are the Owner and have Access of Read & Write on the following folders:
    • Your Home > Library folder.
    • Your Home > Library > Cookies folder.
    • Your Home > Library > Preferences folder.
    Check the Details sub-panel of the Ownership & Permissions panel of the Get Info window for each of the folders above. If you find you are either not the Owner, or do not have Access of Read & Write on those folders, make changes accordingly using the pop-up menus in the Details sub-panel,
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • I'm trying to upgrade 9.0 academic version to 9.1.7 to use on a new MacBook pro.  When I try to do incremental upgrades to 9.0.1 or 9.0. it says I don't need them.  When I try to upgrade to 9.1.7 it says there is no version eligible to upgrade.

    I'm trying to upgrade Logoc Pro 9.0 academic version to 9.1.7 to use on a new MacBook pro.  When I try to do incremental upgrades to 9.0.1 or 9.0.2 it says I don't need them.  When I try to upgrade to 9.1.7 it says there is no version eligible to upgrade. This all on the older MacBook currentlu running 9.0.  But I need to upgrade to 9.1.7 to transfer it over tp the new MacBook w/ Retina display.

    I think I just got it.  I had the actual Logic in a folder called Logic Pro inside the applications folder.  When I moved the actual app out of the folder and into applications it worked.  I am in the process of updating now.  However it seems a little strange because that's how it installed from the discs - into a folder named Logic Pro within the applications folder.  I would never have figured that out on my own.  So thanks for those who posted solutions to other users similar requests. 

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    You need to buy a Mac-Version off Adobe Photoshop!
    Maybe you might also consider to start using a newer version off Photoshop!
    It is not possible to run Windows applications on a Mac and vise versa!
    The .dmg files are image files! Just like a .iso file on a PC. Most of the applications are packaged in these images. By double clinking on them OSX will mount them on your desktop. Then you can drag-and-drop the application to the Application folder on the Macintosh HD to install them. After installing you can unmount the image and delete the .dmg file. You can see them like virtual installation disk's! Disk Utility is just the application which handles the mounting and unmounting off the .dmg file's!
    Hopefully this is helpfull or solved your problem. Consider rewarding some points!
    Please see the "helpfull" and "solved" button's on top off this message! Apple: Why reward points?

  • Firefox 3.6.9 will not upload photos to Blackboard 8 Academic Suite, Blackboard's solution is to use Firefox I need to use a more recent version of firefox. Any ideas?

    I have windows 7 professional. My son is taking an online class (digital photography) which uses Blackboard 8 Academic Suite. Last week photos stopped uploading successfully. Blackboard's solution is to use Firefox I had to uninstall Firfoz 3.6.9, and install the earlier version from a link provided by Blackboard. It worked, however Firefox popped up a message saying that this version is no longer supported and that I should update to 3.6

    Depending upon which version of WebCT your school is using, you will have to use Firefox 3.5.x, Firefox 3.0.x, or Firefox when accessing the Blackboard site.
    My advice is to install the Firefox Portable version that you need for Blackboard on your computer, and use that installation only for Blackboard. Continue to use 3.6 for all other web browsing.
    FP 3.5.8 is here:
    FP 3.0.18 is here:
    FP is here:
    [ Firefox, P.E. Legacy/Firefox_Portable_2.0.0.20_en-us.paf.exe]

  • Academic Version of Aperature

    I ran the check up for upgrading Aperture 1.5 to 2.0 and computer passed so I went to Apple store and bought update. When I went to install my 1.5 serial number came back as invalid. I then realized I had the academic version. When I looked at email receipt from store it says no open box returns. I feel they are obligated to take return since their software check said ok. Nothing on box indicated you could not update from academic version. Earlier I had checked education site and there is no special academic price on 2.0. Am I stuck?
    I really think since I bought my aperture last year there should be disclaimers or warnings on web site and spelled out specifically in what you need to upgrade. Is Apple getting like Adobe and rest of PC world? I now have converted from PC world and have 2 Macs. Maybe I made a mistake.
    Should I abandon Aperture now and stay with Light room. Spend another 100 dollars if Apple takes back upgrade and buy full version or spend $200 to get CS3 for the mac (have PC version)?
    This situation is just down right tacky!!

    I had the same problem today; bought the Academic (for $250 in Jan. '06), and tried to install the 2.0 upgrade, and we stopped when I entered my original serial number.
    Call to tech support today gave result that Academic 1.x isn't eligible for upgrade, must now buy full version. Called sales dept. to return the 2.0 Upgrade version, explained situation, and asked for some consideration - which was given in the form of $50 off the full version.
    End result for me is I received $50 off 1.0 (when I was honestly eligible to buy Academic), and paid $150 for 2.0; I'm happy enough. Life's too short to rant about this kind of stuff; it's cool product.
    It is messed up that a college student could buy 1.0 for $250 in Jan. 2006 and (if they wanted to) but had graduated would have to buy 2.0 for $200, ($450 total), but would get full 1.0 in Jan. '06 for $300 plus 2.0 upgrade now for $100, a $50 overall savings.

  • I just installed logic studio (academic version) and it will not open, quits right away, how can i fix this? running lion

    I am  having trouble with my newly installed logic studio ( academic version ). it will not open, quites immediately. any suggestions?

    Have a read here
    Seems that you have to update Logic to the latest version (9.0.15) to get it to work in Lion.

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