Access Home Computer with MacBook remotely?

I remember an application called apple remote access that worked for this. Is there something similar now, other than apple remote desktop. It seems like more than I need. What I'd like to be able to do is get files from my work computer in my office while traveling with my MacBook. Is there a simple way to do this via an internet connection?

if all you want is access to your files then i would use sftp, just go to System Prefs->sharing->services, and enable remote login, then to access the files you can use an application such as Cyberduck, that can connect and access your files using SFTP
you will also need to setup up your home router to forward port TCP 22 to your home computer, your external IP will also most likely change as do most consumer lines do, so i would recommend getting a client and name from
with all that setup you can just enter the domain your got from into cyberduck selecting SFTP and enter your username/pass and you will just be able to access every file on your home computer from anywhere with no IP to remember
BTW SFTP is like FTP, but everything is encrypted and it uses only one port (TCP 22) so is easier to setup your firewall/router

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    thank you very much for your answers.
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    Of course it's not.  For what silly reason would anyone thing that signing into iTunes causes media to magically appear?
    Media is only where the user puts it.
    Copy the ENTIRE iTunes folder from the old computer or the backup of the old computer to the new computer.

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    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    What Wolf said is partially correct.
    You do have to do some down/dirty stuff to make it work sometime, I didn't check the link, but I trust Jake posted a good one.
    The only problem I've ever had with sharing files between my 7 machine and my Xp machine was setting it so that it didn't prompt for a password.
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    So share the internet, you'll just need a wireless router. Note : You will also be able to share files over the WiFi connection as well.
    If you like my post, or solution to your issue/question, go ahead and click on the little star by my name and/or accept the post as the Solution. It makes me happy.
    I'm NOT an employee of Best Buy, or Geek Squad, though I did work as an Agent for a year 5 years ago. None of my posts are to be taken as the official stance that Best Buy will take on your situation. My advice is just that, advice.
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