Accurate preview of gradients in EPS objects

I hope I can explain this properly... our company has been using a primarily Quark-based workflow for as long as I've been here. We would take individual layouts, save them as EPS, and then import them into a master layout (which was the size of our plates), and those layouts were printed directly from Quark. This has been buggy, as you can imagine, but has worked for us for the most part.
We are now in the process of adding PDF to the workflow (master Quark layout now exported as PDF, then dropped to a hot folder), and I've had a number of issues crop up (mostly due to the limitations of our new plate processor). The biggest issue is that we cannot control the preview size on the RIP server, which makes it near impossible to find errors. Obviously, the answer to that is to preview it in Acrobat before releasing. Enter the major issue...
Some of our ads arrive (or are built) as Illustrator EPS files, and some of them have a black to white gradient over a darker background (typically- but not always- red). When those files are imported into Quark, they look fine. When they are output as EPS, JPG, or PDF files for proofing, they look fine. In short, they look fine at every step of the process except the final output- they simply do not RIP properly. The gradient completely drops out, and I am left with a gradient-shaped hole. The solution has always been to put a white box behind that object (since no combination of overprint, trapping, etc. seems to affect it), which I don't mind continuing except for the problem of not having the means to review the document and catch it before the file is sent to print. We have 30+ artists, and while they have been instructed to add that box and look for those problems themselves, issues are going to creep through.
What I need, I guess, is some way to either catch this problem in Quark before the layout is exported to EPS, or a way to see an accurate preview in Acrobat so that it is caught before the document is printed. I've tried Advanced > Print Production > Output Preview > toggle Simulate Overprinting, but no dice. Any other suggestions?
Please forgive me if this doesn't make sense. I'm blaming a sinus infection. :-/
Thanks in advance!
P.S. Please note that changing the software I use isn't an option. I'd love to go all-Adobe, but with 30+ artists, that's not happening any time soon. Any other suggestions on how to fix this process, however, I'm all ears.

Thanks - but that's NOT it. Somewhere - there's a setting that allows you to view the vector in 72. 150 or 300 dpi. And depending on which one you select the bitmapping gets more refined as you zoom in on the artwork (in my case a logo). I know its there because I did it a couple of months ago - but stupidly I did not note where that setting is or whose blog I saw the answer on.

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    var docRef = activeDocument;
    for(var i=docRef.inkList.length-1;i>=0;i--){
      var inkRef=docRef.inkList[i];
    Thanks for looking into this.

  • Problem with Rounded Corners on EPS object in Illustrator CS3

    I'm using Illustrator CS3 and I have an EPS object which has rounded corners. When I export  the object and save it as a JPG the exported image takes on the shape of  the artboard (which is a square) rather than the shape of the EPS  object which is a square with rounded corners. I've placed the exported  JPG into my blog but when I look at it I can see a little bit of white  in each of the four corners. What can I do to stop this from happening?  In other words, I want my exported JPG image to have rounded corners  without the white. Please provide me  with as much detail as you can as I'm fairly new to Illustrator and I'm still finding my way. Thank you.

    Hi Graccon,
    The JPG format does not support transaprency. Either save as a gif or as a png. Or choose a matte color which matches your page background for the jpg.

  • Two gradients on one object?

    Is it possible to apply to Linear gradients on one object? For example one LinearGradient from left to right, another from top to bottom?

    No, the fill variable accepts only one Paint (Color, LinearGradient, RadialGradient) object.
    Now, you can do your own [Custom Paints|]...
    Or just use a fast workaround, by superposing two rectangles with transparent gradient:
    var group: Group = Group {
      content: [
        Rectangle {
            x: 0 y: 0 width: 100 height: 100
            fill: LinearGradient {
                startX: 0.0, startY: 0.0, endX: 1.0, endY: 0.0
                proportional: true
                stops: [ Stop { offset: 0.0 color: Color.ORANGE },
                         Stop { offset: 1.0 color: Color.RED } ]
      onMousePressed: function (evt: MouseEvent): Void
          Rectangle {
              x: 0 y: 0 width: 100 height: 100
              fill: LinearGradient {
                  startX: 0.0, startY: 0.0, endX: 0.0, endY: 1.0
                  proportional: true
                  stops: [ Stop { offset: 0.0 color: Color.rgb(0, 0, 0xFF, 0.5) },
                           Stop { offset: 1.0 color: Color.rgb(0, 0xFF, 0, 0.5) } ]
        into group.content;
    }(partially re-using Gradient reference's example).

  • Distribute eps objects with file list and quantity

    Hello everyone,
    Here's a script i wrote so I share it for the contribution.
    Here's my purpose. Every year, for a customer of our company, we have to print several description plates for their products. They give us about 30 or more texts, traduced in about 7 languages, and an excel file with quantities that each retail seller of each country do want to receive.
    We print these aluminium plates on a uv cured ink printing machine which have a table dimension of about 60x40cm. Preparing manually every files of 60x42cm to print was way too much time devouring, so i wrote that script.
    Before running this script you have to create a folder with your text files in eps, and create a new document with the dimension you want.
    Don't hesitate if you want more precisions with the process.
    #target illustrator
    #targetengine session
    This script allows you to import EPS files as linked files. It distributes them and centers the all according to the dimension of the artboard of your document, then it saves the file.
    You can define everything in the start list : target folder, basename of the destination files, how much objects per sheet you want, the roation if necessary, spacing between each objects, number of culumn for the distribution.
    If you want to distribute a number of objects that is bigger thant the limit of objects per sheet, the script reports the remaining in a new sheet after saving the previous one.
    The first 2 arrays contains the filenames to use in the source folder and their respective quantity.
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    doc.rulerOrigin = [0,0];
    var xtimes = 0;
    var countName;
    var folder;
    var folder2;
    //var folder = 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrateur\\Bureau\\BBB\\';
    // array for filenames
    var listEx=new Array (
    // array for quantity for each filenames
    var listqte=new Array (
    //-------------UI CODE------------
    var win = new Window ("dialog");
    win.alignChildren = "left";
    // ------Folders selection panel
    var foldPanel = win.add("panel");
    foldPanel.alignChildren = "right";
    // source folder for files
    var panelGrp1 = foldPanel.add("group");
    var btnSource = panelGrp1.add("button",undefined,"Source Folder :");
    var txtSource = panelGrp1.add("edittext",undefined);
    txtSource.characters = 40;
    btnSource.onClick = function()
        folder2 = Folder.selectDialog ("Select Source folder..."); // get the source folder
        txtSource.text = folder2.fsName; // show the file Path here
    // destination folder
    var panelGrp2 = foldPanel.add("group");
    var btnSave = panelGrp2.add("button",undefined,"Save Folder :");
    var txtSave = panelGrp2.add("edittext",undefined);
    txtSave.characters = 40;
    btnSave.onClick = function()
        folder = Folder.selectDialog ("Select Destination folder..."); // get the source folder
        txtSave.text = folder.fsName; // show the file Path here
    // Base name for destination files
    var panelGrp3 = foldPanel.add("group");
    panelGrp3.alignment = "left";
    var bfn = panelGrp3.add("statictext",undefined,"Basename of target file :");
    var txtbfn = panelGrp3.add("edittext",undefined,"Description plates - UK");
    txtbfn.characters = 20;
            // other parameters
            var grp = win.add("group");
            grp.alignChildren = "left";
            grp.orientation = "column";
            // counter
            var wincount = grp.add("group");
            var textcount = wincount.add("edittext",undefined,0);
            wincount.add("statictext",undefined,"Start count");
            //Limit number of placeditems to distribute in one file
            var winlimit = grp.add("group");
            var textlimit = winlimit.add("edittext",undefined,0);
            //number of Columns for the distribution
            var wincolon = grp.add("group");
            var textcolon = wincolon.add("edittext",undefined,0);
            wincolon.add("statictext",undefined,"Nb of columns");
            // Spacing values between each objects in mm
            var winspace = grp.add("panel",undefined,"Spacing in mm");
            winspace.orientation = "row";
            var Xspace=winspace.add("edittext",undefined,0);
            var Yspace=winspace.add("edittext");
            // rotation angle
            var winrotate = grp.add("group");
            var textangle = winrotate.add("edittext",undefined,0);
            winrotate.add("statictext",undefined,"Rotation in °");
    // Dropdownlist of presets   
    var winPreset =grp.add ("dropdownlist", undefined, [ "Description plates","Trapezes plates","-","Perso"]);
    winPreset.onChange = function ()
        switch (winPreset.selection.text)
                    case "Description plates":
                    case "Trapezes plates":
                    case "Perso":
    var runBT=grp.add("button",undefined,"Run !");
    runBT.onClick = function()
    //--------------------End of UI CODE----------------
    //---------------------------------fonction  Placement of objects
    function place()
        var paddingx = parseFloat(Xspace.text)*2.834;        //spacing in mm between each column (for a value in points just suppress the *2.834)
        var paddingy = parseFloat(Yspace.text)*2.834;        //spacing in mm between each line
        var gridCols = textcolon.text;                            // number of columns
        var newGroup = doc.groupItems.add();
        var sel = doc.placedItems;
        // set the position of the first element, assuming that the group of all elements are centered  in X and Y  in the artboard
        var originX = (doc.width - ((doc.width - ((sel[0].width * gridCols) + (paddingx) * (gridCols-1)))/2))-sel[0].width
        var originY =((doc.height - (( sel[0].height * (textlimit.text/gridCols) ) +  (  paddingy*( (textlimit.text/gridCols)-1 )  )))/2)+sel[0].height
        var currentX= originX
        var currentY = originY
        for(var e=0, slen=sel.length;e<slen;e++)       
                //   :::SET POSITIONS:::
                sel[e].top = currentY;
                sel[e].left = currentX;
                //  :::DEFINE X POSITION:::
                currentX += -(sel[e].width + paddingx);
                if((e % gridCols) == (gridCols - 1))
                        currentX =  originX
                        //  :::DEFINE Y POSITION:::
                        currentY  += sel[e].height+paddingy;
                // ::Add to group
                sel[e].moveToBeginning (newGroup );
    //----------------------function Save
    function sauve()
        var fich =  txtbfn.text;    //Basename of the destination file
        // embed elements (for my case these are eps placeditem files)   
        for (var i = doc.placedItems.length-1; i >= 0; i-- )
        // draw a rectangle with the dimensions of the artboard and centered to it, with no fill color neither stroke color
        doc.rulerOrigin = [0,0];  // rulers to the origin
        var artboardRef = doc.artboards[0];
        // read dimensions oh the artboard to position therectangle
        var top=artboardRef.artboardRect[1] ;
        var left=artboardRef.artboardRect[0];
        var width=artboardRef.artboardRect[2]-artboardRef.artboardRect[0];
        var height=artboardRef.artboardRect[1]-artboardRef.artboardRect[3];
        var rect = doc.pathItems.rectangle (top, left, width, height);   
        rect.stroked = false;
        rect.filled = false;
        countName ++;
        // when several files are saved, the ten first files are numbered like this : 01, 02, 03... instead of 1,2,3
        var countName2 = countName;
        if (countName<=9) { countName2 = ("0" + countName)};
        if (xtimes != 0) // saves in eps, basename of file + number of times to repeat if necessary (it's to avoid to save several but identical files. For ex. if i have an object to print 100 times and i place 50 objects per file, the mention "2 times" will be mentionned in the name of the destination file )
                var dest= new File(folder + '/' + fich + ' ' + countName2 + ' - ' + xtimes + ' times' + '.eps');
                var dest= new File(folder+ '/' + fich + ' ' + countName2 + '.eps') ;
        var options = new EPSSaveOptions();
        options.preview  = EPSPreview.None;
        //options.compatibility = Compatibility.ILLUSTRATOR14;
        //options.overprint = PDFOverprint.DISCARDPDFOVERPRINT
        //options.embedAllFonts = false;
        //options.includeDocumentThumbnails = false
        doc.saveAs(dest, options);
    //-------------------- function moteur
    function moteur()
        var limite = textlimit.text;            // max number of objects to distribute in one sheet
        var couchangl = textangle.text;    // rotation angle of the element
        //--------------Searches and signals if there is missing files in the source folder. If so, the script stops and displays which files are missing
        var miss=new Array();
        for (var i=0,len1=listEx.length;i<len1;i++)
            var myfile = new File(folder2+'/'+listEx[i]);
            if (myfile.exists==false)
        if (miss.length != 0)
                alert (miss.length+" missing files : "+"\r"+miss.join(", "+"\r")+"\r"+"\r"+" Please correct and try again");
        //--------------end of  verification
    var start = new Date();        // starts chrono
    countName = textcount.text;    // start of the counter to number the name of the file to save
        //-------------disctribution of the object on the sheet
        for (var i=0,howmuch = 0,len1=listEx.length;i<len1;i++)
            for (var j =0; j<listqte[i];j++)
                    if (howmuch==0)
                            if ((listqte[i]-j)/limite>=2) //activate "xtimes" if quantity is twice or more bigger than "limit"
                                    xtimes = parseInt ((listqte[i]-j)/limite);
                                    j += limite*(xtimes-1);
                    myfile = new File(folder2+'/'+listEx[i]);
                    var  thisPlacedItem = doc.placedItems.add();
                    thisPlacedItem.file = myfile;
                    // rotate if necessary
                    if (couchangl !=0) thisPlacedItem.rotate(couchangl);
                    howmuch ++;
                    if (howmuch == limite)
                            howmuch = 0;
                            xtimes = 0;
    alert("time spent : "+((new Date() - start)/1000)+" secondes");

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  • No preview in illustrator 10 .eps

    I create a drawing in Illustrator When I do a 'save as' as .eps and try to open the eps file through Illustrator I get no preview. Why? thanks.

    If you need to do this then you can do one of two things there is a plug in or you can use the Bridge

  • Preview won't open eps, ps

    I used to be able to double-click on an eps file, and Preview would say "Converting Postscript file to pdf" and it would open in a new Preview window. Now I always get the error message "File error. Couldn't open the file" after it starts the conversion process. This happens with any and all eps/ps files. If I click OK in the error dialog box, a blank pdf file opens (i.e., it is just a gray window). Any ideas? This used to work fine, and was extremely useful.

    I spent about 4 hours on this. Here is what I found.
    1) This EPS opening issue if it existz causes problems in Preview, Mail, and even ColorSync when trying to open EPS file.
    2) The same machine can have problems in one user account, but be fine in another.
    3) Creating a new account usually creates an account that will open EPS files fine. (see strange notes below)
    4) Even when you copy all the contents of the old home folder were the EPS files were not working into the the new home folder, eps files will still open fine. (You can do this by copying the old home folder to the root fo the drive. Log off. Go to the new account and change the permissions on all the files to map to the new account as owner. Delete the content of the current home folder. Copy these into the new home folder. Log off and back on.)
    BUT HERE IS WHERE IT GETS VERY VERY VERY STRANGE. I copied by entire problematic home folder to a BACKUP drive. Then I logged off and logged in as a different admin. I deleted the problematic account - erasing the entire contents of the account. Then I restarted. If I created an account with a NEW name and short name, then EPS files worked. BUT IF I CREATED A CLEAN BRAND NEW ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME NAME AS THE ACCOUNT THAT DID NOT WORK BEFORE - IT WOULD NOT WORK AGAIN. This is a brand new clean account, that just happens to have the same name as the account that did not work before. Again, the home folder is CLEAN. But when I tried to open EPS on this account, they would hang. I could create another account with different name, and EPS would open fine.
    So this makes no sense to me. Something in the OS is different based on account OUTSIDE of the home folder.
    So anyway, if you are having this problem here is the SOLUTION:
    1) Create a new user account with a different name and short name.
    2) Copy the contents of your current home folder to this new account. (following the steps above.)
    3) Use the new account.
    This seems crazy, but it seems to work. Let me know if you have this issue too.
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Gradient Across Multiple Objects?

    I have a few dozen paint stroke objects that I'm wanting to apply a gradient to so the outlines fade from one color to another, but over all the lines as a whole rather than individually.  I've tried a number of approaches but none have been successful.  Does anybody have some good ideas on how to achieve this?  Thanks.

    Motion is likely to not allow grouping several objects if those objects contain various filters, or a mixture of groups with other objects... and ... the disclosure triangles are dialed down. If you collapse all the items you select, then grouping of multiple objects works.
    It is possible to create  image masks for each "stroke" (without the need for grouping the stroke objects together.) You can add as many Image Masks as you need. It's usually just more convenient to group all the objects together and use a single mask with the group.

  • Changing color stop gradients by eyedropping objects on art board

    I'd like to be able to change a single color stop on a gradient by picking a color of an object on the art board. I know you can make custom swatches then pull them onto the gradient, but that doesnt work when you just want to add a color on the fly. Also if you want to change a color stop using the color picker it should come up with the color that the stop currently is, not something else. Thanks!

    When the color stop in the gradient is selected, take the eyedropper, press shift and click on the color you want applied to the stop.
    Pressing shift means sometimes that colors will be converted through color management though. For example when clicking on a placed photo.

  • Applying a gradient to my object results in a tiled pattern.

    I'm not sure how to explain this, and have had trouble trying to find help because I don't really know how to describe what's happening.
    I created a diagonal gradient that I applied to a rectangle with rounded corners. I added the gradient to the swatches pallet. I then created another rectangle which was immediately filled with the gradient swatch. However, the gradient created was shaped like the rectangle and did not line up with the object, thus creating a tiled pattern of the swatch inside the rectangle. Attached image "gradient.jpg" shows the first (normal) gradient and the second (tiled) gradient.
    I moved the rectangle and observed that the gradient did not move with the object. It's like the gradient is stuck to the page and so the tiling pattern changes depending on where I move the rectangle.
    Does anyone know what is going on and how I can get rid of it? I just want a rectangle with a regular gradient across the fill.
    I'm using Illustrator CS4 win.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Thanks for the quick reply, Wade.
    Fantastic - it worked just fine. The only thing I noticed is that the swatch doesn't retain the -45 degree angle. Is this something I have to specify in the gradient pallet each time I apply the swatch? Actually I just tested it and worked out that a graphic style contains both the gradient information and the angle.
    Thanks again for your help.
    BTW, were you able to view the image I attached? When I view my post, it has the word QUEUED after it and I can't select it. Sorry, first time I've attached an image... Actually, just worked out there's an 'insert image' button in the editor, so I'll use that from now on. Cheers.

  • Preview hangs on opening EPS files

    I have posted this question several times now, and I still hope to solve the problem. When I open an eps file Preview tells me that it will convert it to a pdf. It does that for ever or until I quit Preview.
    I have already checked my fonts with Font book, but that didn't help.
    I would really like to write my PhD thesis in LaTeX using eps graphics.
    In the hope of a good answer thanks in advance,
    12 PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    IF you control-click on the file you want to open,
    you can pick which application will be used to open
    the file with.
    This doesn't help?
    I've gone into the .eps file's Get Info window and changed things so that all .eps files open in TeXShop. Right-clicking an .eps file gives me four choices: Preview, ColorSync, OpenOffice, and TeXShop. Preview and ColorSync hang, and OpenOffice doesn't display the figure properly. TeXShop is the only one that displays it correctly.
    This raises two questions in my mind:
    1) Which apps DO correctly render .eps files?
    2) Is the hanging in ColorSync related to the hanging in Preview? ColorSync renders .pdf files correctly.
    1.6GHz G5, 1.4GHz Mini, 1.2GHz eMac, 400MHz TiBook    

  • Flash Builder Design Preview Not Working With Catalyst Objects On Stage

    Hi there,
    I'm working with a flash catalyst component from a flex project library, and it will not preview in desing mode. Anyone ever run into this? It seems that it may be a memory issue as the custom components themselves will preview, but now a bunch of custom components all displayed in a view.
    Any insight would be greatly appreciated! For now I'm back to guessing x & y coords...

    Going to answer my own thread here. This issue doesn't seem to be with Flash Builder, I think the issue lies in the browser not being able to register the button modes, namely Firefox 4. I've seen it happen in other browsers too, like Chrome, where the fix is to embed the swf as param.wmode = "window". Hope this helps someone out.

  • Why am I not getting the accurate preview in Dreamweaver?

    When I am working in Dreamweaver, my preview in firefox is completely different than when I actually go to browser and type in the website. So, if I want to see the final version of my page, I need to publish to see any of the changes it's going to make.

    You may not be getting the option to flatten because the document is protected or possibly reader-enabled.  If you send the document in question to [email protected], I can look into it.
    Also note that sending an unflattened document DOES include the modifications.  What you are observing is a limitation in Apple's PDF Reader that is used by the iOS Mail app.  Apple's PDF Reader doesn't show interactive content, like form field input, even though it is there.  For example, if you fill an interactive form, and then email that filled form to your Desktop computer, and open it with Adobe Reader, you will see that your form field input is intact (even though it looked as though it was unfilled in the iOS Mail app).
    Flattening is a way to work around limitations in PDF Readers that do not show interactive content.

  • Howto Poster (Preview) Frame on CS3 VideoPlayer object

    I am new at this. DW-CS3. I have the DW Video Player
    (progressive) which I enabled from the INSERT menu on the Index
    page (the opening page) on my website. The Player is now a BLACK
    rectangle on the webpage with a control bar at the bottom. This
    BLACK rectangle is very UGLY and turns people off when they first
    log on to my website.
    I would grateful if an experienced person to advised me how I
    can use whatever commands on DWCS3 (perhaps in the INSERT menU) to
    cause a static image to appear on top of the video player so that
    when a visitor click on it the video begins to stream and enjoy the
    movie at that point.
    I have search and have seen some comments but nothing that I
    understand. Nothing as straight forward as a couple of menu clicks
    and pointing to a *.jpg file for example. And also from the
    comments I have read I do not know if they are talking about MX
    2400 or CS3 and besides the explanations were way over my head.
    To see an example of what I would like to "happen" in the CS3
    video player, go here:

    Transparency flattening REQUIRES having access to the high-resolution images to get good results. One of the slogans I teach printers is "Fatten before you flatten." Meaning, replace the low-res images with high-res images.

  • How do I preview objects that are outside of artboard.

    When I placed an illustrator file in Indesign, I would select command+D > select "Show Import Options" and we have a preview of the image. On some occasions, the preview will include all extraneous objects that are outside of the artboard and other times, it will display only the image within the artboard or bounding box. (Please see attached samples)
    Does anyone know the reason behind this?

    The only way I can reproduce what you are experiencing is if I save out as an .eps and am not mindful of the Artboard check box on the save dialog. If you deselect this check box you will get all of the file content, if you select this check box you will only get the designated Artboard bounding area. But you never said what file format your are saving or what version of Illustrator you are using. I have to assume you are in CS4.

Maybe you are looking for