AD update manager attibute by employeeID

I want to find users in AD by employeeID. and add new manager by employeeID from next row.
I found this script and i want change searching ManagerDN by sAMAccountName to
searching by employeeID
Can someone help how edit this script?
My example file
XXXXX XXXXX,xxxxxxxx,EN,XXXXXX,OXX,,X,02-672,1010OTC4,XXX,,,XXX,,,,"00000000","03203","03233",
My employeeID is "03203" my Manager employeeID is "03233"
How  to find my manager by employeeID and set his DN to manager attribute in AD ?
OPTION EXPLICIT ' Variables must be declared
' * Instructions
' Edit the variables in the "Setup" section as required.
' Run this script from a command prompt in cscript mode.
' e.g. cscript usermod.vbs
' You can also choose to output the results to a text file:
' cscript usermod.csv >> results.txt
' * Constants / Decleration
Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
Const adCmdText = &H0001
DIM strSearchAttribute
DIM strCSVHeader, strCSVFile, strCSVFolder
DIM strAttribute, userPath
DIM userChanges
DIM cn,cmd,rs
DIM objUser
DIM oldVal, newVal
DIM objField
DIM blnSearchAttributeExists
' * Setup
' The Active Directory attribute that is to be used to match rows in the CSV file to
' Active Directory user accounts. It is recommended to use unique attributes.
' e.g. sAMAccountName (Pre Windows 2000 Login) or userPrincipalName
' Other attributes can be used but are not guaranteed to be unique. If multiple user
' accounts are found, an error is returned and no update is performed.
strSearchAttribute = "sAMAccountName" 'User Name (Pre Windows 2000)
' Folder where CSV file is located
strCSVFolder = "C:\"
' Name of the CSV File
strCSVFile = "usermod.csv"
' * End Setup
' Setup ADO Connection to CSV file
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & strCSVFolder & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=""text;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited"""
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM [" & strCSVFile & "]", _
cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
' Check if search attribute exists
for each objField in rs.Fields
if UCASE(objField.Name) = UCASE(strSearchAttribute) then
end if
if blnSearchAttributeExists=false then
MsgBox "'" & strSearchAttribute & "' attribute must be specified in the CSV header." & _
VbCrLf & "The attribute is used to map the data the csv file to users in Active Directory.",vbCritical
end if
' Read CSV File
Do Until rs.EOF
' Get the ADsPath of the user by searching for a user in Active Directory on the search attribute
' specified, where the value is equal to the value in the csv file.
' e.g. LDAP://cn=user1,cn=users,dc=wisesoft,dc=co,dc=uk
userPath = getUser(strSearchAttribute,rs(strSearchAttribute))
' Check that an ADsPath was returned
if LEFT(userPath,6) = "Error:" then
wscript.echo userPath
wscript.echo userPath
' Get the user object
set objUser = getobject(userpath)
userChanges = 0
' Update each attribute in the CSV string
for each objField in rs.Fields
strAttribute = objField.Name
oldval = ""
newval = ""
' Ignore the search attribute (this is used only to search for the user account)
if UCASE(strAttribute) <> UCASE(strSearchAttribute) and UCASE(strAttribute) <> "NULL" then
newVal = rs(strAttribute) ' Get new attribute value from CSV file
if ISNULL(newval) then
newval = ""
end If
' Special handling for common-name attribute. If the new value contains
' commas they must be escaped with a forward slash.
If strAttribute = "cn" then
newVal = REPLACE(newVal,",","\,")
end If
' Read the current value before changing it
readAttribute strAttribute
' Check if the new value is different from the update value
if oldval <> newval then
wscript.echo "Change " & strAttribute & " from '" & oldVal & "' to '" & newVal & "'"
' Update attribute
writeAttribute strAttribute,newVal
' Used later to check if any changes need to be committed to AD
userChanges = userChanges + 1
end If
end If
' Check if we need to commit any updates to AD
if userChanges > 0 then
' Allow script to continue if an update fails
on error resume next
' Save Changes to AD
' Check if update succeeded/failed
if err.number <> 0 then
wscript.echo "Commit Changes: Failed. " & err.description
wscript.echo "Commit Changes: Succeeded"
end if
on error goto 0
wscript.echo "No Changes"
end if
end If
userPath = ""
' Cleanup
' * End of script
' * Functions
' Reads specified attribute and sets the value for the oldVal variable
Sub readAttribute(ByVal strAttribute)
Select Case LCASE(strAttribute)
Case "manager_samaccountname"
' special handling to allow update of manager attribute using sAMAccountName (UserName)
' instead of using the distinguished name
Dim objManager, managerDN
' Ignore error if manager is null
On Error Resume Next
managerDN = objUser.Get("manager")
On Error GoTo 0
If managerDN = "" Then
Set objManager = GetObject("LDAP://" & managerDN)
oldVal = objManager.sAMAccountName
Set objManager=Nothing
End If
Case "terminalservicesprofilepath"
'Special handling for "TerminalServicesProfilePath" attribute
Case "terminalserviceshomedirectory"
'Special handling for "TerminalServicesHomeDirectory" attribute
oldVal = objUser.TerminalServicesHomeDirectory
Case "terminalserviceshomedrive"
'Special handling for "TerminalServicesHomeDrive" attribute
Case "allowlogon"
' Special handling for "allowlogon" (Terminal Services) attribute
' e.g. 1=Allow, 0=Deny
Case "password"
' Password can't be read, just return ****
Case Else
on error resume next ' Ignore error if value is null
' Get old attribute value
oldVal = objUser.Get(strAttribute)
On Error goto 0
End Select
End Sub
' updates the specified attribute
Sub writeAttribute(ByVal strAttribute,newVal)
Select Case LCASE(strAttribute)
Case "cn" 'Special handling required for common-name attribute
DIM objContainer
set objContainer = GetObject(objUser.Parent)
on error resume Next
objContainer.MoveHere objUser.ADsPath,"cn=" & newVal
' The update might fail if a user with the same common-name exists within
' the same container (OU)
if err.number <> 0 Then
wscript.echo "Error changing common-name from '" & oldval & "' to '" & newval & _
"'. Check that the common-name is unique within the container (OU)"
End If
on Error goto 0
Case "terminalservicesprofilepath"
'Special handling for "TerminalServicesProfilePath" attribute
Case "terminalserviceshomedirectory"
'Special handling for "TerminalServicesHomeDirectory" attribute
Case "terminalserviceshomedrive"
'Special handling for "TerminalServicesHomeDrive" attribute
Case "allowlogon"
' Special handling for "allowlogon" (Terminal Services) attribute
' e.g. 1=Allow, 0=Deny
Case "password"
' Special handling for setting password
objUser.SetPassword newVal
Case "manager_samaccountname"
' special handling to allow update of manager attribute using sAMAccountName (UserName)
' instead of using the distinguished name
If newVal = "" Then
objUser.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, "manager", Null
Dim objManager, managerPath, managerDN
managerPath = GetUser("sAMAccountName",newVal)
If LEFT(managerPath,6) = "Error:" THEN
wscript.echo "Error resolving manager DN:" & managerPath
SET objManager = GetObject(managerPath)
managerDN = objManager.Get("distinguishedName")
Set objManager = Nothing
objUser.Put "manager",managerDN
End If
End If
Case ELSE ' Any other attribute
' code to update "normal" attribute
If newVal = "" then
' Special handling to clear an attribute
objUser.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, strAttribute, Null
objUser.put strAttribute,newVal
End If
End Select
End Sub
' Function to return the ADsPath of a user account by searching
' for a particular attribute value
' e.g. LDAP://cn=user1,cn=users,dc=wisesoft,dc=co,dc=uk
Function getUser(Byval strSearchAttribute,strSearchValue)
DIM objRoot
DIM getUserCn,getUserCmd,getUserRS
on error resume next
set objRoot = getobject("LDAP://RootDSE")
set getUserCn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
set getUserCmd = createobject("ADODB.Command")
set getUserRS = createobject("ADODB.Recordset") "Provider=ADsDSOObject;"
getUserCmd.commandtext="<LDAP://" & objRoot.get("defaultNamingContext") & ">;" & _
"(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(" & strSearchAttribute & "=" & strSearchValue & "));" & _
set getUserRs = getUserCmd.execute
if getUserRS.recordcount = 0 then
getUser = "Error: User account not found"
elseif getUserRS.recordcount = 1 then
getUser = getUserRs(0)
getUser = "Error: Multiple user accounts found. Expected one user account."
end if
end function
Best Regards,

This question has the same problem as this one:
This isn't a scripting question. It is a request for someone to rewrite/fix code for you.
That is not the purpose of this forum. If you need rewrite/fix, you will need to hire someone.
-- Bill Stewart [Bill_Stewart]

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    The ISO file you mentioned is the one for vCenter Server. What you need is the "VMware-VMvisor-Installer-5.1.0-799733.x86_64.iso" (or VMware-VMvisor-Installer-201210001-838463.x86_64.iso) for the ESXi host.

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    sorry for the 20-pg essay. i hope it was all clearly understood. if, not, well, clear communication is always what is needed, ask away.

    Your above posted system details show outdated plugin(s) with known security and stability risks.
    *Shockwave Flash 9.0 r999
    Update the [[Managing the Flash plugin|Flash]] plugin to the latest version.
    In Firefox 3.6 and later versions you need the Next-Generation Java™ Plug-In present in Java 6 U10 and later (Linux:; Windows: npjp2.dll).
    See also

  • Remote update manager and ausst

    I try to set up automatic updates for all creative cloud applications in our company. The AUSST is already working and a web-directory exists, but there are still some problems I cannot solve yet.
    1. Does the remote udpate manager also use the AdobeUpdater.Overrides? If not, how can I use our internal AUSST Web Server for the remote updates?
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    3. Where does the Adobe Update Manager save the .overrides-file I chose in the Adobe Update Manager? Does this file also apply for the Remote Update Manager?
    4. Is there any way to change the extended configuration parameters for a package after the installation
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Tobias,
    Please find the answers outlined below.
    1. Does the remote update manager also use the AdobeUpdater.Overrides? If not, how can I use our internal AUSST Web Server for the remote updates?
    Ans: Setup RUM with AUSST : Creative Cloud Help | Using Adobe Remote Update Manager
    2. Which option in the Creative Cloud Packager creates the folder \ProgramData\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\ ?
    Ans : Creative cloud packager doesn't create this folder. this is being created while deploying the update payloads.
    3. Where does the Adobe Update Manager save the .overrides-file I chose in the Adobe Update Manager? Does this file also apply for the Remote Update Manager?
    Ans: Override.xml is being generated manually using Adobe update server setup tool. In case you install the package without setting up an update sever under package configuration, it generates AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
    4. Is there any way to change the extended configuration parameters for a package after the installation
    Ans : Package configuration can't be changed once created once created.
    Hope this helps.
    Let me know in case you would need any further clarification.

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    Any suggestions?
    Many thanks

    Same problem here on my wife's mid-2012 Macbook Air. Really annoying.

  • Remote Update Manager with AAMEE 2.1 deployments.

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    Hi Ted,
    RUM can also be used with CS5 & CS5.5 and by the sounds of it would fit in with your current configuration very well. If user's are non admins or you do not want each client pulling in there updates automatically then we would suggest turning off client updates in AAMEE and then using RUM.
    Have you looked at setting up AUSST in your environment ? it is great to use in conjunction with RUM but you can of course just use RUM if you prefer.
    CS Enterprise Systems Engineer

  • Remote Update Manager missing exception apps

    Hi all,
    Can anyone explain to me why remote update manager or even the Update GUI does not include any of the exception deployed apps like Lightroom or Acrobat? I get users asking us to update these for us when they open the app as the pop up appears.
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    If it isn't implemented yet then I'd like it to be since we lock admin rights from our users for security reasons.

    Hi all,
    Can anyone explain to me why remote update manager or even the Update GUI does not include any of the exception deployed apps like Lightroom or Acrobat? I get users asking us to update these for us when they open the app as the pop up appears.
    We have automated all the standard apps' updates via remote update manager but the cannot include the other exception ones. Can anyone help me with this one? I want to automate all the updates.
    If it isn't implemented yet then I'd like it to be since we lock admin rights from our users for security reasons.

  • Remote Update Manager doesn't recognize applicable updates

    We have a script scheduled to run Remote Update Manager on one of our client machines. This machine is currently running OSX 10.8.5 and Adobe Creative Cloud. When looking at Creative Cloud directly, we can clearly see that there are updates available for our Adobe products. Remote Update Manager, however, does not recognize these updates and will therefore not automatically update. This prevents the user from working as they do not have access to administrative credentials used to update these applications.
    I have included an example of the returned messages by Remote Update Manager. These logs are pulled as of this morning but, as you can see, still reflect an outdated entry of 10/17/13.
    | UpdaterCore library initialized successfully.
    10/17/13 09:48:24:600 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | **************************************************
    10/17/13 09:48:24:600 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | Starting UpdaterCore CheckForUpdate...
    10/17/13 09:48:25:186 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | CheckForUpdates completed successfully.
    10/17/13 09:48:25:186 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | **************************************************
    10/17/13 09:48:25:186 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | Starting UpdaterCore DownloadUpdates...
    10/17/13 09:48:25:188 | [WARN] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | No new applicable Updates. Seems like all products are up-to-date.
    10/17/13 09:48:25:188 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | **************************************************
    10/17/13 09:48:25:189 |
    I was wondering if you had any advice on the next steps to resolve.

    Some links that may help
    -Team Installer
    - ent

  • Remote Update Manager - Acrobat Pro

    Hello everyone,
    Please review this snippit from the Remote Update Manager (RUM) documentation.
    Note: Remote Update Manager is meant only for a subsection of Adobe Desktop products. It can not be used for browser plug-ins such as Flash Player and for Adobe Reader, Acrobat Professional, and Adobe AIR application updates.
    I ask the question... WHY?
    Why, at the very least isn't Acrobat Pro part of the Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST) and RUM configuration?
    I've finally gotten my Adobe udate server working and created a Scheduled Task to run the incremental update everyday. Perfect.
    Now I'm implementing the override files on my client machines and creating a Scheduled Tasks to run the RemoteUpdateManager so that my users (as well as myself) do not have to worry about updating the Adobe programs... BUT... one of the programs that we use quite a bit, Acrobat Pro, is not part of this automated update scenario.
    So, I'm left still updating Acrobat manually which almost, but not quite, defeats the purpose of AUSST & RUM.
    Can anyone from Adobe tell me whether there are plans to add Acrobat Pro to the automated updating procedure mentioned above?
    Please say yes.
    I'm so close to being at the point where the Adobe updates are completely automated. Adding Acrobat Pro to the list would be like hitting a grand slam in the 9th inning to win the game.
    Thanks in advance.

    Markus, thank you for the information.
    First, If Acrobat is not a creative product then it shouldn't be offered in the CC collection of programs.
    Second, Things being the way they are - Acrobat being deployable with the CC programs - it should be updated the same way as the CC programs. It would just make it nice and tidy and dare I say efficient.
    I will check out the link to the tools. Great, more software to download, install and configure.

  • Remote Update Manager does not exit

    I'm trying to use Remote Update Manager to update PCs in our domain, but RemoteUpdateManager.exe does not exit, it just hangs. The log looks like this
    11/04/14 15:19:27:374 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | ##################################################
    11/04/14 15:19:27:374 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | ##################################################
    11/04/14 15:19:27:374 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | Launching the RemoteUpdateManager...
    11/04/14 15:19:27:374 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | RemoteUpdateManager version is : (BuildVersion: 1.6; BuildDate: Tue Sep 02 2014 07:02:05 )
    11/04/14 15:19:27:374 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | **************************************************
    11/04/14 15:19:27:374 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | Initializing UpdaterCore Library...
    11/04/14 15:19:27:484 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | UpdaterCore library initialized successfully.
    11/04/14 15:19:27:484 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | **************************************************
    11/04/14 15:19:27:484 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | Starting UpdaterCore CheckForUpdate...
    11/04/14 15:19:29:730 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | CheckForUpdates completed successfully.
    11/04/14 15:19:29:730 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | **************************************************
    11/04/14 15:19:29:730 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | Starting UpdaterCore DownloadUpdates...
    11/04/14 15:19:29:730 | [WARN] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | No new applicable Updates. Seems like all products are up-to-date.
    11/04/14 15:19:29:730 | [INFO] |  | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager |  |  | 2164 | **************************************************
    What I'm not getting is the "Ending the RemoteUpdateManager Return Code (0)" part.
    I'm using the latest AAMEE.
    Are there any further things I can do to see why this is happening?

    It seems to be related to the new Creative Cloud Packager (version 1.7).
    All the packs I had made with 1.5 exited correctectly.
    All the packs I have make with 1.7 dont exit.
    And it seems to be impossible to go back to 1.5 ....
    I think the problem might be with this line (from uob_csis but I get the exact same):
    RemoteUpdateManager version is : (BuildVersion: 1.6; BuildDate: Tue Sep 02 2014 07:02:05 )
    There seems to be an incoherence between the version and the buildversion.

  • Remote update manager creative cloud app

    remote update manager won't update the creative cloud app for windows. Is it intended, that we need a separate tool to update the CC-App? Are there any manuals describing how to automatically update it?
    Since users in out company don't have admin privileges, i'd like to do it with a tool such as the remote update manager - but RUM will update all other adobe applications, just not the creative cloud app...
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Ashubijalwan1,
    just to make sure there is no misunderstanding:
    All Creative Suite Apps are updated except for the app with the name "Adobe Creative Cloud".
    When I use the Creative Cloud Packager and select solely the core components, "Adobe Creative Cloud" is a part of them. The program itself shows a message saying that an update is necessary, but RUM won't update "Adobe Creative Cloud".
    Best regards,

  • New to solaris---is update manager working correctly?

    well as my subject says I am new to solaris having put it on an pc bout a week ago. as I am using the "free" verson (not open solaris) I knew I would not be entitled to certain goodies but seem to have run into an issue getting the updates I (presumably) am entitled to. simply put I open up the solaris application "update manager" which is on my desktop saying "updates available". now upon initially launching the app I specified that I was using the free version (well it let me register without a code so I assume sun knows my status), and then selected the option to put a check mark next to all available updates. well after waiting like a full day with it showing that is was still in the process up updating I eventually aborted the process. I then tried installing a couple of the updates and though it took a while it worked. so I selected 3 of 4 more and again the update manager showed that I was updating but nothing was happening (to my knowledge). after several hours I aborted the app again. so what am I doing wrong. first off I am assuming that what sun presents to me is what is actually available to me using the free unregistered version of solaris. why then would updates fail? btw I know some linux (not an expert) and I figured that behind the scenes update manager was checking for dependencies and installing what I needed from sun repos. but of course I could be way off bass here. so what gives? thanks much in advance.

    first off I am assuming that what sun presents to me is what is actually available to me using the free unregistered version of solaris.No. Update Manager will show you everything but will only allow you to install basically security and a small subset of other patches.
    When you ran through the Solaris registration GUI you had a chance to enter a support contract #. If you chose not to enter one or if you want to use it without registering then you only get access to a few of the patches.

  • Error while installing NWDS CE 7.1 during update manager stage

    I have downloaded the EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (NWDS) 7.1 setup and trying to install.
    But when the update manager is trying to download all features i get the following errors.
    Unable to complete action for feature "SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio Java EE" due to errors.
      Unable to complete action for feature "SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio Facades" due to errors.
    Execution failed! Commmand: "msiexec.exe /norestart /qb /i librfc32.msi /lvx C:\DOCUME1\tuser\Local Settings\Temp\ ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress". Exit value: "1639". Working directory: "D:\nwds\IDE\eclipse\features\". Log file: "C:\DOCUME1\tuser\Local Settings\Temp\".
        Execution failed! Commmand: "msiexec.exe /norestart /qb /i librfc32.msi /lvx C:\DOCUME1\tuser\Local Settings\Temp\ ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress". Exit value: "1639". Working directory: "D:\nwds\IDE\eclipse\features\". Log file: "C:\DOCUME1\tuser\Local Settings\Temp\".
      Unable to complete action for feature "SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio Facades" due to errors.
        Execution failed! Commmand: "msiexec.exe /norestart /qb /i librfc32.msi /lvx C:\DOCUME1\tuser\Local Settings\Temp\ ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress". Exit value: "1639". Working directory: "D:\nwds\IDE\eclipse\features\". Log file: "C:\DOCUME1\tuser\Local Settings\Temp\".
        Execution failed! Commmand: "msiexec.exe /norestart /qb /i librfc32.msi /lvx C:\DOCUME1\tuser\Local Settings\Temp\ ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress". Exit value: "1639". Working directory: "D:\nwds\IDE\eclipse\features\". Log file: "C:\DOCUME1\tuser\Local Settings\Temp\".
      Execution failed! Commmand: "msiexec.exe /norestart /qb /i librfc32.msi /lvx C:\DOCUME1\tuser\Local Settings\Temp\ ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress". Exit value: "1639". Working directory: "D:\nwds\IDE\eclipse\features\". Log file: "C:\DOCUME1\tuser\Local Settings\Temp\".
    Any clue what this is about.I have crossed the feature verification step  also. My jave environment is also as per required.

    CE EHP 7.1  NWDS knows as BPM doesn't come with installtion as with 7.0 .just double click on splash screen (inside the installation folder)
    two thing are mandatory here
    1. JDK 1.5 installed in system .
    2. In configuration file of the folder (inside the installation folder)put the address of where JDK_1.5 is installed.
    Best Regards
    Satish Kumar

  • Problem in upgrade of update manager 5.5.0 u2d

    I can't upgrade Update Manager from 5.5.0 u1 to 5.5.0 u2d (maybe it's the same that 5.5.0 u2). The installer start to install after asking the login and failed. I found in the release note of Update Manger u2 that install it on a host that have a SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 may be a problem. I also have a Backup Exec Server on this host that use a SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2. My VMware database is on SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1.
    Here what i found on the release note:
    Update Manager installer stops responding if you already have Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 SP2 database on your system
    If on the system where you are installing the Update Manager server or the UMDS there is an existing instance of Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 SP2 database, when you attempt to install the Update Manager server or the UMDS if you select the option to install the bundled database (Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express), the installer stops responding.
    Workaround: To workaround this issue, perform the following steps:
    On the machine you are installing the Update Manager server or the UMDS, open a command line interface and type the following command:
    Atempt to install the Update Manager server or the UMDS again.
    I think the workaround work for new install but do you know what i have to do for an upgrade ?

    The version of Update Manger in vSphere 5.5.0 U2d is the same that in vSphere 5.5.0 U2. The version number is

  • How do I install to JBuilder 2008 R2 using update manager.

    I am trying to install OEPE 11g to JBuilder 2008 R2 using the update manager. JBuilder is now Eclipse based. I add the install site, select OEPE to install and get the following error.
    Cannot complete the request. See the details.
    Cannot find a solution satisfying the following requirements Match
    [requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/org.objectweb.asm/[2.2.3,2.2.3]].
    I tried the individual components to narrow down the conflict. I also made sure JBuilder was current. I am new to Eclipse and do not know how to resolve this error. Suggestions?
    Trying to install:
    Oracle Database Tools -
    Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse -
    Oracle Spring ORM Tools -
    Did install:
    JSF Facelets Tools Incubator -
    Oracle Common Tools -
    Oracle WebLogic Server Tools -
    Spring IDE Core (required) 2.2.0v200809261800 (JBuilder 2008 R2 comes with newer version, 2.2.1.v200811281800)

    It seems the SpringIDE comes with JBuilder is not compatible with OEPE.
    Try download the OEPE plugins from
    and unzip it into the /dropins folder of the JBuilder Eclispe installation directory. Then restart with -clean command line option.

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