AD user profile location

We have an Intel Xserve with Mac OSX Server 10.5.4 configured as Open Directory Master as well as SMB enabled running Primary Domain Controller. The three harddrives are running RAID 5 and partitioned in two drives, one for the System and one for Data. However, we can logon perfectly from an AD user and the Profile data is saved in the default User/Profiles path on the System partition. The question is, how do we configure the AD logon to save the user profiles on the Data partition. We have tried to add a path to the "User Profile Path" in the Windows User Environment Path in Workgroup Manager, pointing to the Data partition but we get an error when logging on to the domain account saying: "The server copy of the global profile was not found" ?
Can anyone give us a hint to solve this problem ?

Same problem here,
anyone resolved this?

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  • The oracle user profile......

    Hi, All.
    I would like install oracle 10g on the Solaris 9. but I was create the /oracle file system during install Solaris system. can I set the groups and user by following??
    1. login as root
    2. # groupadd oinstall
    3. # groupadd dba
    4. # useradd -g oinstall -G dba -s /usr/bin/bash oracle
    5. # chown oracle /oracle
    6. # chgrp oinstall /oracle
    7. # usermod -m -d /oracle oracle
    but I can't find the user profile at oracle's home directory ( /oracle ), what should I do? thanks a lot!!!

    don't worry about the OS user home directory location.
    just use the OS default location and then make sure where and
    which is the user profile you need to edit for ORACLE_HOME,
    ORACLE_BASE, PATH,etc. (user profile location refer your OS administrator guide) when you done, you can get correct return when you enter
    echo $ORACLE_HOME and echo $PATH.
    then you can use sqlplus to connect DATABASE..

  • Move Users from one OU to other on AD based on the OIM user profile attrs

    Hi All
    I am currently pre-populating AD User OU attribute based on the OIM User profile Location attribute. This is working as expected.
    Now when the location changes, I wanted to move the user from the current OU to a different one based on the location provided. Here I am kind of stuck.
    I think I can use access policies / User triggers to get this done, but is there any other approach / additional configuration for pre-populate.
    Are pre-populate only for the first time User Provisioning?

    Hi Martin
    For the above requirement we have used lookups and could accomplish the task.
    However, I need a minor clarification here.
    I have OU dependent on Location Code & I also have Users Home Directory[on AD process form] dependent on Location Code.
    How should I use the User triggers to trigger both Change HomeDir and Change OU process tasks on AD User?
    I will create a dummy task with name "*Trigger Location Dependents*" and always return a "TRUE" response in the integrated adapter.
    Now upon true I will generate Change HomeDir & Change OU process tasks.
    I will provide Trigger Location Dependents name aganist USR_UDF_LOCATION code in the triggers lookup.
    Should this work or do u have any suggestion..Please
    Edited by: user12841694 on Dec 23, 2010 6:59 AM

  • I would like to change the destination location for the urlcassifier3.sqlite file, so it saves to the computer instead of the user profile. How?

    urlclassifier3.sqlite is huge and eats up my profile space on my user account. Is there anyway to change the location this file saves to?

    Unless you are using a non-default Profile location, that file isn't even in your actual Profile folder. It is in a secondary "profile" folder under Local Settings\App Data, instead App Data\Roaming. ''Or something like that, I use WinXP on my Windows partition.'' If you have relocated your Profile folder, all the files from "Local Settings" will end up in the relocated Profile folder.
    As far as moving it - sorry, the developers didn't provide a preference that can be modified to be able to move that specific file; there isn't a pref to move anything but the Cache in any version above Firefox 2.0.0.x.
    The way I see it you have two options: <br />
    # Turn off the '''''Block reported'' attack sites''' and '''web forgeries''' preferences in the Security tab in options, that service is disabled altogether, and delete that file.
    # Or delete that file periodically so that is doesn't get too large, like when it reaches like maybe 35 to 40,000Kb , and let Firefox rebuild that file.
    Depending on the security suite or A-V application you are using, you may have a second anti-phishing / web forgery application installed, and don't really need the default service that comes with Firefox.
    ''I hate that damn file - I have over 40 Profiles which I use to test different add-on configurations and because I have 12 different versions of Firefox installed. I routinely turn those prefs off and delete that file in the Profiles that I rarely use for "surfing".'' I do have those prefs enabled on the 8 Profiles that I use on a semi-regular basis, though. My A-V program is a free version without the bells & whistles that come with the "paid" versions.

  • PowerShell Script to Clean User Profiles File Location

    I have been searching around to accomplish what I am trying to do. It is pretty basic so I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I want to write a powershell script to clean out two locations in all the user profiles on a Citrix server.
    Here are the steps I'd like to accomplish.
    1. Find all user profiles on the Citrix server
    2. Delete all the files from these two locations; "\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\*.*" and "\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\OneNote\*.*"
    This will run on a weekly basis via a scheduled task. A nice to have would be to add any profile over 60 days old.
    I have a pretty good start, but I am still learning PowerShell, so any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!
    Thanks, Jeremy

    Hello mbwc,
    how about showing us what you got so far and detail where you have trouble?
    That way, we can help you understand your problems and find the solution yourself (= good for learning), instead of having one of us simply provide the solution (= bad for learning).
    There's no place like

  • Can't change Window User's Profile Location

    I would like to change the Window User's Profile Location. I've followed the instructions on page 85 of User Management Apple's document unsuccussefully.
    In the Windows tab of Group Management, I have enter my new SMB sharepoint :
    User Profile Path : \\servername\sharename\folder\usershortname
    The Window Client's computer is recocgnized by the OD / PDC Leopard server, I can login without any problem, but at the end of the Window XP session's, the profile is still saved at //ODMasterServer/Users/Profiles/.
    The strangest is that in XP I perfectly reach \\servername\sharename\folder\ and can write what I want within.
    I think that the Leopard PDC doesn't send the correct information to the client for the profile folder path's.
    Where can I verify or change it ?
    A solution would be to write a login script for the client, any idea of a short script ?

    I solve partialy my problem.
    I use a Windows Server 2003 with file sharing.
    1) Add the server the same way you add an XP client computer in the OD domain.
    2) Create a file sharing using the server admin console (DO NOT USE the file sharing on the properties of the file) choosing full access for admin and read/write access for users
    3) In the security of the shared directory add the OD admistrator's (be careful domainnamedomainadmin not only domain_admin) and give him full access.
    So apparently the PDC and the SMB doesn't work correctly in Leopard Server apart for the file /Users/Profiles.
    It works more or less fine.
    Now, I want to hide the home's and profil's file to the other users (mac or windows).

  • HT1926 when i try to download itunes 11 my computer stops the download and displays the message could not access network location #user profile%\start menu\programs\startup\

    when i try to download itunes 11.1 or any updates i get the message could not access network location #user profile%\start menu\programs\startup\. any help

    Let's try the fixit from the following Microsoft document with that one:
    Fix problems with programs that can't be installed or uninstalled

  • Web - What is easiest way to implement User Security and User Profiles

    Hi, I am new to these forums and kind of new to Java. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum!
    Bit of background to my experience with java
    I have been playing about with java for a number of years and have created a few basic programs such as a screen shot tool that allows you to capture to default locations and look at previews first etc. I am now venturing into web related stuff. I work in IT doing systems testing and have done bits of basic development on various things.
    What I've done so far
    I am using Netbeans IDE 6.7 and MySQL 5.0
    I am trying to learn more complex java and have decided to try build a basic web / database system that basically implements adding / amending / deleting data from a MySQL database through web pages. I am now trying to implement basic user access and profiles. I have so far got the following:
    - MySQL table with user info - username / password
    - JSP page with usual login stuff
    - Servlet that validates the username and password - if correct forwards to main menu page.
    Its as simple as that - there is nothing stopping you just typing in the URL of the main menu page and going from there.
    What I want
    I am wanting to eventually get the following:
    - User authentication so that you have to logon before you can access anything else
    - User profiles that determine what each user can or can't do, restricting the pages / services / options available (i.e. normal user can't delete etc)
    - Would it need some sort of session manager to allow multiple users etc?
    I appreciate this is a fairly open question but what is the easiest way to start implementing this? Not after specific code as I would prefer to try figger things out myself, but a point in the right direction would be great. It doesn't have to be extremely secure as this is just for me at the minute.
    I have spent all day looking at things like session data / url rewriting / security settings in web.xml / bespoke servlets and am now in java overload!

    Hi everyone,
    I've now actually gone back to the tutorial that I linked to above and implemented that using form login and j_security_check.
    Agree with Saish, and although I don't know enough about the other options to give a good reason, using realms and j_security_check just seems to be a bit cluncky and messy. I would also prefer something a bit more generic, that doesn't rely on setting users in glassfish, hence why I started with my own user table.
    Anyway, I will leave it as is for now and maybe come back and try one of the other options.
    The only problem I can see now is that to add users i will need to go through all the steps of adding users in glassfish and web.xml... Is there a way to do this through a servlet or something so I can have a jsp page to add users that also creats all the other bits for it to work?
    Thanks everyone for your help

  • User profile synchronization service wont start after SharePoint Service pack SP2

    -Using SharePoint 2010 with 1 appserver and 2 frontend webservers on Service Pack2. (ms server 2008r2, SQLServer2008r2).
    -Farmaccount has been set to local admin on all sp servers.
    -Firstly, the User Profile Service Application runs fine and is started. Dont mix it with the User profile synchronization Service.
    Prior to installing SP2 User profile service application and user profile synchronization service were running fine.
    The first thing I did after the installation of SP2 was running the:
    -psconfig -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait
    As SharePoint setup user (spadmin).
    This ran fine on the 2 front end web servers.
    However i got one fault on the Appserver:
    I have also tried:
    PSConfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures
    which led to same resulting error.
    So I tried to start the Use profile synchronization service as suggested manually by logging on with the Farmaccount, starting the user profile synchronization service through Central Administration. This led to Stuck on Starting status. 
    The windows services Forefront had status starting, then stopped.
    One question:
    Prior to starting the User profile synchronization service through Central Administration. What account and startup status should the 2 Forefront Windows Services have? (Automatic and local system?) or (Automatic and Farmaccount?) or (Disabled and Local
    system?) or (Disabled and farmaccount?). Because i know that SharePoint UPA will provision these services though Central Administration. However what is the default state prior to starting the Synchronization service?
    So i continue...
    Since it was stuck on starting i stopped it with:
    stop-SPServiceInstance -identity <upaSyncguid>
    which gave me:
    Stop-SPServiceInstance : An object of the type Microsoft.SharePoint.Administrat
    ion.SPServiceInstanceJobDefinition named "job-service-instance-36bdf2ef-58f2-45
    e5-8f78-ab75f646611a" already exists under the parent Microsoft.SharePoint.Admi
    nistration.SPTimerService named "SPTimerV4". Rename your object or delete the
    and i could fix with:
    #Stop the stopping:
    stsadm -o provisionservice -action stop -servicetype "Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.ProfileSynchronizationService, Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles,
    Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" -servicename FIMSynchronizationService
    I also removed the forefront certificate from personal - certificate store, as this is provisioned when user profile synchronization service is provisioned.
    That set the Central Administration Status on the User profile synchronization Service to disabled. Fine.
    Everytime i tried to start the user profile synchronization service (logged on as farmaccount), left it for 10-15 min and did iisreset and restart sharepoint timer service, and also tried rebooting the appserver. No change.
    A thought, is it important to restart timer service and do iisreset on the two frontend servers after trying to start the user profile synchronization service on the appserver?
    I'm getting to the point were i just want to delete the whole service application and set it up anew...
    any tips will be greatly appreaciated.

    You're very welcome, hope it helped, if not the I suggest you clear the configuration cache as follows.
    The config cache is where config settings are stored locally on the Microsoft SharePoint server, so a SQL call isn’t required.
    To clear the cache:
    Stop the SP Timer service. To do this, follow these steps:
    Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click
    Right-click SharePoint 2010 Timer, and then click Stop.
    Close the Services console.
    On the computer that is running Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and on which the Central Administration site is hosted, click
    Start, click Run, type explorer, and then press ENTER.
    In Windows Explorer, locate and then double-click the following folder:
    The %SystemDrive% system variable specifies the letter of the drive on which Windows is installed. By default, Windows is installed on drive C.
    The GUID placeholder specifies the GUID folder. There may be more than one of these.
    The ProgramData folder may be hidden. To view the hidden folder, follow these steps:
    On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
    Click the View tab.
    In the Advanced settings list, click Show hidden files and folders under
    Hidden files and folders, and then click OK.
    You can also simply type this directly in the path if you do not want to show hidden files and folders.
    Back up the Cache.ini file. (Make a copy of it. DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE, Only the XML files in the next step)
    Delete all the XML configuration files in the GUID folder (DO NOTE DELETE THE FOLDER). Do this so that you can verify that the GUID folders content is replaced by new XML configuration files when the cache is rebuilt.
    Note When you empty the configuration cache in the GUID folder, make sure that you
    do NOT delete the GUID folder and the Cache.ini file that is located in the GUID folder.
    Double-click the Cache.ini file.
    On the Edit menu, click Select All.
    On the Edit menu, click Delete.
    Type 1, and then click Save on the
    File menu. (Basically when you are done, the only text in the config.ini file should be the number 1)
    On the File menu, click Exit.
    Start the Timer service. To do this, follow these steps:
    Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click
    Right-click SharePoint 2010 Timer, and then click Start.
    Close the Services console.
    Note The file system cache is re-created after you perform this procedure. Make sure that you perform this procedure on all servers in the server farm.
    Make sure that the Cache.ini file in the GUID folder now contains its previous value. For example, make sure that the value of the Cache.ini file is not 1.
    Check in the GUID folder to make sure that the xml files are repopulating. This may take a bit of time.

  • Customized User Profiles not loading for Network Users

    I manage Macs in public computer labs and classrooms at a university. My general set up is as follows:
    Clients are running 10.8.5, OD Masters are running 10.7.5. Open Directory Master to manage client preferences for Login window and screen saver. Clients bind to Active Directory for authentication purposes only. Networked users home directories are stored locally then deleted at log out. Using Deploy Studio to image and restore clients.
    My customized user profiles are stored in /User Templates/Non_Localized.lproj.(I also update English.lproj for any local users that may need to be created for various reasons).
    Recently I have come across a situation where, randomly, my customized user profile does not load at Login, and I am given the out-of-the-box default Apple profile. This is happening in 11 of my 14 labs. I have three labs that seem to not be affected by this.
    On some labs I manage the DHCP, some labs I do not, and rely on our Networking group to supply DHCP and DNS. Because of this setup I have six different DNS server that may be in the mix. Two are Unix boxes, the other four are the Active Directory Domain Control servers. I did create a spreadsheet of all the AD/OD settings for each lab to see if I could find some kind of pattern, but don't see a way to upload it.
    The one thing I do notice is that when I do a mass login using a shell script via Apple Remote Desktop, when the profile fails to build correctly, the user login is quick, much quicker than when the correct profile loads. Almost as if a packet is sent the the OD server, it's rejected, and bam, Apple's default profile loads.
    I have flushed the DNS cache of the local clients using killall --HUP mDNSResponder
    I've got one week to figure this out before classes start, so if you have a clue as to what's going on, I sure would be grateful.
    Here are logs from both the admin's account and the user's account when the default profile fails to build:
    ADMIN log:
    8/20/14 1:31:03.366 PM  CVMServer[109]  Check-in to the service failed. This is likely because you have either unloaded the job or the MachService has the ResetAtClose attribute specified in the launchd.plist. If present, this attribute should be removed.
    8/20/14 1:31:03.389 PM  loginwindow[44] Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    8/20/14 1:31:03.491 PM  loginwindow[44] USER_PROCESS: 44 console
    8/20/14 1:31:04.084 PM  WindowServer[75]    **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
    8/20/14 1:31:06.307 PM  locationd[563]  NOTICE,Location icon should now be in state 0
    8/20/14 1:31:06.478 PM  coreaudiod[560] Enabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is inactive
    8/20/14 1:31:06.621 PM  UserEventAgent[548] cannot find fw daemon port 1102
    8/20/14 1:31:08.530 PM  WindowServer[75]    Display 0x04280480: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "iMac"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    8/20/14 1:31:09.707 PM  NetworkBrowserAgent[591]    Starting NetworkBrowserAgent
    8/20/14 1:31:10.393 PM  apsd[593]   Certificate doesn't match host
    8/20/14 1:31:11.499 PM[15]    Session 100010 created
    8/20/14 1:31:13.561 PM  genatsdb[608]   ########## genatsdb Sandboxed. ##########
    8/20/14 1:31:13.562 PM  apsd[593]   Certificate doesn't match host
    8/20/14 1:31:13.740 PM[548] Interval maximum value is 946100000 seconds (specified value: 9223372036854775807).
    8/20/14 1:31:14.555 PM  apsd[593]   Certificate doesn't match host
    8/20/14 1:31:45.040 PM  genatsdb[608]   *GENATSDB* FontObjects generated = 1113
    8/20/14 1:31:55.663 PM[548] Interval maximum value is 946100000 seconds (specified value: 9223372036854775807).
    8/20/14 1:32:20.627 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.627 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.627 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.627 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.628 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.628 PM  WindowServer[75]    dict count after removing entry for window 0x2a is 0
    8/20/14 1:32:20.641 PM[1]    ([628]) Could not terminate job: 3: No such process
    8/20/14 1:32:20.641 PM[1]    ([628]) Using fallback option to terminate job...
    8/20/14 1:32:20.645 PM  coreservicesd[65]   SendFlattenedData, got error #268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=188
    8/20/14 1:32:20.647 PM  coreservicesd[65]   SendFlattenedData, got error #268435460 (ipc/send) timed out from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=147
    8/20/14 1:32:20.647 PM  coreservicesd[65]   SendFlattenedData, got error #268435460 (ipc/send) timed out from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=194
    8/20/14 1:32:20.648 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.648 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.648 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.648 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.648 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.716 PM  loginwindow[44] DEAD_PROCESS: 44 console
    8/20/14 1:32:20.891 PM[548] Interval maximum value is 946100000 seconds (specified value: 9223372036854775807).
    8/20/14 1:32:20.929 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.929 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.929 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.929 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.929 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 32023
    8/20/14 1:32:20.930 PM  coreservicesd[65]   SendFlattenedData, got error #268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=158
    8/20/14 1:32:22.259 PM  WindowServer[75]    CGXRestartSessionWorkspace: session workspace exited for session 256 (on console)
    8/20/14 1:32:22.259 PM  WindowServer[75]    Session 256 released (1 references)
    8/20/14 1:32:22.259 PM  WindowServer[75]    Session 256 released (0 references)
    8/20/14 1:32:22.259 PM  WindowServer[75]    loginwindow connection closed; closing server.
    8/20/14 1:32:22.268 PM  apsd[593]   CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1102)
    8/20/14 1:32:22.285 PM  loginwindow[653]    Login Window Application Started
    8/20/14 1:32:22.299 PM  UserEventAgent[11]  Captive: [UserAgentDied:139] User Agent @port=45319 Died
    8/20/14 1:32:22.310 PM  ARDAgent[574]   CGSGetNextEventRecord (Inline) connection 0xb903, 16384 bytes
    8/20/14 1:32:22.310 PM  ARDAgent[574]   CGSShutdownServerConnections: Detaching application from window server
    8/20/14 1:32:22.310 PM  ARDAgent[574]   CGSDisplayServerShutdown: Detaching display subsystem from window server
    8/20/14 1:32:22.311 PM  blued[58]   -[CBManager init] init returning self:0x7ff6a3b04990
    8/20/14 1:32:22.329 PM  WindowServer[654]   Server is starting up
    8/20/14 1:32:22.330 PM  WindowServer[654]   Session 256 retained (2 references)
    8/20/14 1:32:22.330 PM  WindowServer[654]   Session 256 released (1 references)
    8/20/14 1:32:22.333 PM  WindowServer[654]   Session 256 retained (2 references)
    8/20/14 1:32:22.333 PM  WindowServer[654]   init_page_flip: page flip mode is on
    8/20/14 1:32:22.357 PM  WindowServer[654]   mux_initialize: Couldn't find any matches
    8/20/14 1:32:22.367 PM  WindowServer[654]   GLCompositor enabled for tile size [256 x 256]
    8/20/14 1:32:22.367 PM  WindowServer[654]   CGXGLInitMipMap: mip map mode is on
    8/20/14 1:32:22.424 PM  WindowServer[654]   WSMachineUsesNewStyleMirroring: true
    8/20/14 1:32:22.425 PM  WindowServer[654]   Display 0x04280480: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 30 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model a012, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0x000006100000a0120000000004280480
    8/20/14 1:32:22.425 PM  WindowServer[654]   Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff003f003e
    8/20/14 1:32:22.425 PM  WindowServer[654]   Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff003f003d
    8/20/14 1:32:22.429 PM  WindowServer[654]   Created shield window 0x4 for display 0x04280480
    8/20/14 1:32:22.429 PM  WindowServer[654]   Created shield window 0x5 for display 0x003f003e
    8/20/14 1:32:22.429 PM  WindowServer[654]   Created shield window 0x6 for display 0x003f003d
    8/20/14 1:32:22.431 PM  WindowServer[654]   Display 0x04280480: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 30 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model a012, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0x000006100000a0120000000004280480
    8/20/14 1:32:22.431 PM  WindowServer[654]   Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (2944, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff003f003e
    8/20/14 1:32:22.431 PM  WindowServer[654]   Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (2945, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff003f003d
    8/20/14 1:32:22.431 PM  WindowServer[654]   CGXPerformInitialDisplayConfiguration
    8/20/14 1:32:22.431 PM  WindowServer[654]     Display 0x04280480: MappedDisplay Unit 0; Vendor 0x610 Model 0xa012 S/N 0 Dimensions 18.70 x 10.51; online enabled built-in, Bounds (0,0)[1920 x 1080], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    8/20/14 1:32:22.431 PM  WindowServer[654]     Display 0x003f003e: MappedDisplay Unit 2; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2944,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    8/20/14 1:32:22.431 PM  WindowServer[654]     Display 0x003f003d: MappedDisplay Unit 1; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2945,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    8/20/14 1:32:22.522 PM  WindowServer[654]   GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022647, GL mask 0x00000007, accelerator 0x00003fab, unit 0, caps QEX|QGL|MIPMAP, vram 512 MB
    8/20/14 1:32:22.527 PM  WindowServer[654]   GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022647, GL mask 0x00000007, texture units 8, texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
    8/20/14 1:32:22.530 PM  loginwindow[653]    **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
    8/20/14 1:32:22.557 PM  WindowServer[654]   Created shield window 0x7 for display 0x04280480
    8/20/14 1:32:22.557 PM  WindowServer[654]   Display 0x04280480: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "iMac"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    8/20/14 1:32:22.609 PM  launchctl[657] Already loaded
    8/20/14 1:32:22.613 PM  hidd[49]    CGSShutdownServerConnections: Detaching application from window server
    8/20/14 1:32:22.613 PM  hidd[49]    CGSDisplayServerShutdown: Detaching display subsystem from window server
    8/20/14 1:32:22.621 PM[15]    Session 100012 created
    8/20/14 1:32:22.622 PM  loginwindow[653]    Login Window Started Security Agent
    8/20/14 1:32:22.666 PM[644]   Our bootstrap port disappeared out from under us: 0x1507 { urefs = 32774, rights = 0x1507: dead name }
    8/20/14 1:32:22.667 PM[644]   Bug: 12F45: libxpc.dylib + 36100 [70BC645B-6952-3264-930C-C835010CCEF9]: 0x10000003
    8/20/14 1:32:22.681 PM  UserEventAgent[659] cannot find useragent 1102
    8/20/14 1:32:22.686 PM[644]   Check-in to the service failed. This is likely because you have either unloaded the job or the MachService has the ResetAtClose attribute specified in the launchd.plist. If present, this attribute should be removed.
    8/20/14 1:32:22.693 PM  SecurityAgent[665]  MacBuddy was run = 0
    8/20/14 1:32:22.695 PM[644]   CGSGetNextEventRecord (Inline) connection 0xc917, 16384 bytes
    8/20/14 1:32:22.695 PM[644]   CGSShutdownServerConnections: Detaching application from window server
    8/20/14 1:32:22.695 PM[644]   CGSReleaseShmem : Cannot release shared memory
    8/20/14 1:32:22.695 PM[644]   CGSDisplayServerShutdown: Detaching display subsystem from window server
    8/20/14 1:32:22.696 PM[644]   Our bootstrap port disappeared out from under us: 0x1507 { urefs = 32774, rights = 0x1507: dead name }
    8/20/14 1:32:22.696 PM[644]   Bug: 12F45: libxpc.dylib + 36100 [70BC645B-6952-3264-930C-C835010CCEF9]: 0x10000003
    8/20/14 1:32:22.696 PM[644]   [Warning] Bad response from daemon for setup info
    8/20/14 1:32:22.704 PM  WindowServer[654]   MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x04280480 device: 0x106d8d110  isBackBuffered: 1 numComp: 3 numDisp: 3
    8/20/14 1:32:24.429 PM  WindowServer[654]   **DMPROXY** (2) Found /System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
    8/20/14 1:32:24.459 PM  WindowServer[654]   Display 0x04280480: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "iMac"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    8/20/14 1:32:24.500 PM  WindowServer[654]   Display 0x04280480: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "iMac"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    8/20/14 1:32:24.695 PM[644]   Our bootstrap port disappeared out from under us: 0x1507 { urefs = 32774, rights = 0x1507: dead name }
    8/20/14 1:32:24.696 PM[644]   Bug: 12F45: libxpc.dylib + 36100 [70BC645B-6952-3264-930C-C835010CCEF9]: 0x10000003
    8/20/14 1:32:24.696 PM[644]   [Warning] Bad response from daemon for setup info
    8/20/14 1:32:40.928 PM[1]    ([644]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
    8/20/14 1:32:40.928 PM  coreservicesd[65]   SendFlattenedData, got error #268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=202
    8/20/14 1:33:35.215 PM  SecurityAgent[665]  User info context values set for jsuny
    8/20/14 1:33:35.297 PM  SecurityAgent[665]  Login Window login proceeding
    8/20/14 1:33:36.387 PM  loginwindow[653]    Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    8/20/14 1:33:36.000 PM  kernel[0]   Sandbox: kcm(695) deny mach-lookup
    8/20/14 1:33:36.453 PM  loginwindow[653]    USER_PROCESS: 653 console
    8/20/14 1:33:37.052 PM  locationd[708]  NOTICE,Location icon should now be in state 0
    8/20/14 1:33:37.107 PM  UserEventAgent[700] cannot find fw daemon port 1102
    8/20/14 1:33:37.683 PM  xpcd[611]   MiniLauncher[711]: registration request failed: (0x12, 0xd) process failed sandbox check
    8/20/14 1:33:37.907 PM  WindowServer[654]   **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
    8/20/14 1:33:38.011 PM  coreservicesd[65]   SendFlattenedData, got error #268435460 (ipc/send) timed out from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationReady to notificationID=237
    8/20/14 1:33:38.114 PM  WindowServer[654]   Display 0x04280480: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "iMac"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    8/20/14 1:33:38.395 PM  imagent[737]    [Warning] Setting up a new messages database.
    8/20/14 1:33:38.428 PM  NetworkBrowserAgent[747]    Starting NetworkBrowserAgent
    8/20/14 1:33:40.068 PM[700] Interval maximum value is 946100000 seconds (specified value: 9223372036854775807).
    8/20/14 1:33:40.069 PM[700] Interval maximum value is 946100000 seconds (specified value: 9223372036854775807).
    8/20/14 1:33:43.910 PM  netbiosd[89]    name servers down?
    8/20/14 1:33:56.635 PM  netbiosd[89]    notify name "self.mdns.disconnection" has been registered 20 times - this may be a leak
    8/20/14 1:33:56.639 PM  netbiosd[89]    notify name "self.mdns.disconnection" has been registered 40 times - this may be a leak
    8/20/14 1:34:49.927 PM  netbiosd[89]    name servers down?
    8/20/14 1:35:54.977 PM  netbiosd[89]    name servers down?
    8/20/14 1:31:03.956 PM[536]   ( Ignored this key: UserName
    8/20/14 1:31:03.956 PM[536]   ( Ignored this key: GroupName
    8/20/14 1:31:03.957 PM[536]   ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
    8/20/14 1:31:03.961 PM  loginwindow[44] Connection with distnoted server was invalidated
    8/20/14 1:31:04.013 PM  distnoted[549]  # distnote server agent  absolute time: 799.097924175   civil time: Wed Aug 20 13:31:04 2014   pid: 549 uid: 1467285364  root: no
    8/20/14 1:31:08.954 PM[536]   ([588]) Job failed to exec(3). Setting up event to tell us when to try again: 2: No such file or directory
    8/20/14 1:31:08.955 PM[536]   ([588]) Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 2
    8/20/14 1:31:08.958 PM[536]   ([590]) Job failed to exec(3). Setting up event to tell us when to try again: 2: No such file or directory
    8/20/14 1:31:08.958 PM[536]   ([590]) Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 2
    8/20/14 1:31:12.394 PM[536]   ([578]) Exited with code: 255
    8/20/14 1:31:15.132 PM  SystemUIServer[557] Could not load menu extra NSBundle </System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/> (loaded) for Class AppleUser
    8/20/14 1:32:20.642 PM[536]   ([626]) Exited: Killed: 9
    8/20/14 1:32:20.647 PM[536]   ([641]) Exited: Killed: 9
    8/20/14 1:32:20.647 PM[536]   ([635]) Exited: Killed: 9
    8/20/14 1:32:20.783 PM  Dock[556]   could not open iterator, -43, for directory <ECDirectory: 0x7fd8ac846970> {path=/Users/jsuny/Documents/} (directory changed)
    8/20/14 1:32:20.783 PM  Dock[556]   problem iterating directory, -43, for directory <ECDirectory: 0x7fd8ac846970> {path=/Users/jsuny/Documents/} (directory changed)
    8/20/14 1:32:22.310 PM  ARDAgent[574]   HIToolbox: received notification of WindowServer event port death.
    8/20/14 1:32:22.311 PM  ARDAgent[574]   port matched the WindowServer port created in BindCGSToRunLoop
    8/20/14 1:32:22.694 PM[644]   HIToolbox: received notification of WindowServer event port death.
    8/20/14 1:32:22.694 PM[644]   port matched the WindowServer port created in BindCGSToRunLoop
    8/20/14 1:33:36.504 PM[536]   ( Ignored this key: UserName
    8/20/14 1:33:36.504 PM[536]   ( Ignored this key: GroupName
    8/20/14 1:33:36.505 PM[536]   ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
    8/20/14 1:33:36.517 PM  loginwindow[653]    Connection with distnoted server was invalidated
    8/20/14 1:33:37.429 PM  MiniLauncher[711]   Skipping Setup Assistant for user 1467285364
    8/20/14 1:33:37.464 PM  transition[714] INFO: Not signed into MobileMe, nothing to do. Reason: 3
    8/20/14 1:33:37.506 PM  MiniLauncher[711]   INFO: MMAccountMgr_Private: finishedSetup called.
    8/20/14 1:33:38.180 PM[536]   ([744]) Job failed to exec(3). Setting up event to tell us when to try again: 2: No such file or directory
    8/20/14 1:33:38.180 PM[536]   ([744]) Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 2
    8/20/14 1:33:38.489 PM  CalendarAgent[741]  Could not find Meta Data for persistent Store
    8/20/14 1:33:38.877 PM  fontd[716]  FontWorker failed to return directory info (IPC failure?) for file://localhost/Users/jsuny/Library/Fonts/
    8/20/14 1:34:48.723 PM  migCacheCleanup[719]    Cache cleanup: cleanup for user 1467285364 took 0.43 seconds
    8/20/14 1:37:15.114 PM  Dock[723]   no information back from LS about running process

    Check these out:

  • How do I move all my files from one User Profile (account) into another? I needed to create a new account and want all of my files accessible in the new one.

    How do I move all my files from one User Profile (account) into another?
    I needed to create a new account and want all of my files accessible in the new one.

    ok, what you're learning right now is 101 unix, which is good. Unix is a good thing
    now: the way unix works, and macos (which uses unix underneath) the files and folders work like a hierarchy.
    the start of that tree is /
    so, if you were to do:
    cd /
    (cd means change directory)
    it will bring you at the highest branch of the file system.
    cd /Users
    will bring you to where all the users are.
    to see whats in /Users you can use your friend ls command
    ls means list files/directories
    cd /Users
    ls -la
    (the -la here means show all (even hidden) and long format (very verbose))  this flag is very optional.
    you will see
    for example.
    if you want to see the desktop of user2 you would change directory to it then list the files.
    for example:
    cd /Users/user2/Desktop
    Note that the files and directory are case sensitive, so, desktop is NOT the same as Desktop, or DESKTOP
    ls -la
    you should then be able to see everything in users2 desktop
    you could have done as well the same thing in smaller steps, for example:
    cd /
    cd Users
    cd user2
    cd Desktop
    this is the equivalent of cd /Users/user2/Desktop
    So, for your file, i don't know where it was, but know that if you log in as user2, it will directly put you in
    which most likely the file you had created from the other user was in /Users/user1
    if you copied all the files from /Users/original_user to /Users/secondUser
    most likely yes, all your mail, bookmarks etc would be copied over.
    so in your case.
    sudo chown -R seconduser:staff /Users/secondUser
    should work
    Remember that if you start a path with the character /  it means start from the root of the file system, at the highest top you can ever get.
    cd /Users/fred
    is not the same as
    cd Users/fred
    unless you were in / already
    i know it may be confusing at first but it's actually very logical if you play with it.
    to simplify, think of it that / means C:\  on windows
    you can't go any higher than C:\  (in a way)
    if you're unsure which directory you're currently in, you can always type:
    it will tell you where you are.
    for example:
    cd /
    this shows  /
    cd Users
    this now shows /Users
    cd /System/Library
    pwd will show /System/Library
    cd /
    cd /Users
    cd fred
    cd Library
    pwd will show /Users/fred/Library
    unix can look very scary but it's actually vital and very necessary to do tasks sometimes that would take for ever to do via the windows. This is good learning.
    so for the myfile you had created, i can't tell you where it is, at the time you created, if you can do a pwd command you'll know the path,
    ls -la  (this shows all the files where you are)
    if you see myfile in the list
    do a pwd
    whatever is return, the real location of the file would be:
    whatever pwd returned / myfile
    I hope that makes sense.

  • Server 2012 R2 user profile disks and outlook search not working

    I`m having a problem with my setup for quite some time now with Windows Search and indexing the outlook OST files.
    I`m using user profile disks in my setup but it seems that Windows Search can`t index the user profile disks, hence when i`m searching in outlook (the OST file is located in the user profile disk) with windows search enabled i`m not getting any results because
    it can`t index the OST file.
    If I don`t use the disks then windows search works fine but because i`m using clustered TS servers I need the profile disks and I don`t want to go back to redirects if possible..
    At the moment I`ve disabled Windows Search which forces outlook to search online, it works but is slow..

    Next issue that popped up, after the user logs off it will deleted the indexed data and start over the next time the user logs on..
    Any fix for that?
    There are three other Technet threads describing the same exact problem about indexing data being deleted when a user logs off from RDS. I'm experiencing this bug also and haven't found anything to fix it yet.
    my PC Techs

  • W7: User Profile Service service failed at log on: Apparently W7 is no longer creating any user profile data other than username and picture.

    First time poster, but I think I've done my homework on this issue.
    This issue has similar symptoms to a problem with vista:
    However, it is definitely not the same issue (see further).
    Current Config:
    HP dv7-1450.
    W7 RC 7100 x64
    Last update (up to date as of 8/31/09) installed succesfully 8/26/09 and should be unrelated to this issue (not verified yet by a pre-update restore).
    Running with Admin account while diagnosing/troubleshooting.
    Currently have two working accounts, one standard, one admin.
    New user accounts cannot be logged into.  On an attempted login to the new account, the following information is displayed on the login screen:  "The User Profile Service service failed the logon.  User profile cannot be loaded."  Windows then logs off the operator and returns to the initial user selection screen.  All other aspects of use are normal.
    Current Diagnostics:
    First attempts to resolve this problem were to recreate the new account.  This was attempted when logged in as both Standard and Admin.  This was also attempted under safe mode.  This has been attempted with virus protection disabled.  All to no difference in the symptom.
    The similarity to the Vista issue (linked above) caused me to check the registry entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\ for the new profile (as suggested by that link).  Unlike that issue, there simply is no entry for the new user.  Examination of the new log entries from creation of account to attempted log in provides the following entries:
    Level Date and Time Source Event ID Task Category
    Information 8/31/2009 12:34:31 PM Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon 6000 None The winlogon notification subscriber <SessionEnv> was unavailable to handle a notification event.
    Warning 8/31/2009 12:34:11 PM Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon 6001 None The winlogon notification subscriber <Profiles> failed a notification event.
    Information 8/31/2009 12:34:11 PM Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon 6000 None The winlogon notification subscriber <SessionEnv> was unavailable to handle a notification event.
    Warning 8/31/2009 12:34:11 PM Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon 6001 None The winlogon notification subscriber <Sens> failed a notification event.
    Error 8/31/2009 12:34:10 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1500 None "Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be loaded. Check that you are connected to the network, and that your network is functioning correctly.
    DETAIL - Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.
    Warning 8/31/2009 12:34:10 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles General 1509 None "Windows cannot copy file C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApi\SqmData720896_00.sqm to location C:\Users\TEMP\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApi\SqmData720896_00.sqm. This error may be caused by network problems or insufficient security rights.
    DETAIL - Access is denied.
    Error 8/31/2009 12:34:09 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1511 None Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when you log off.
    Warning 8/31/2009 12:34:09 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles General 1509 None "Windows cannot copy file C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApi\SqmData720896_00.sqm to location C:\Users\{New Username}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApi\SqmData720896_00.sqm. This error may be caused by network problems or insufficient security rights.
    DETAIL - Access is denied.
    Naturally I started with the earliest error first, and decided to look to see what is going on.  The file that is trying to be copied is there, but the destination folder does not exist.  As near as I can tell, whatever process (the User Profiles General Service?) is trying to perform the copy does not have sufficient access to perform the operation.  Specifically I suspect it may not be able to create the appropriate folders before performing the copy.  Interestingly, it appears that when windows attempts to open/create a temporary account profile, the same issue occurs.  Since there is no registry entry either, I suspect that the issue also extends to the creation of registry keys, but I am not familiar enough with the sequence of events in the creation of a user profile to determine if this would come before or after a user profile's first login.
    I attempted to find more information, and was able to investigate the UPS diagnostic event log (for a different, but identical attempt at creating and using the new profile).  The following two (unhelpful to me) log entries were generated.
    Level Date and Time Source Event ID Task Category
    Information 8/31/2009 12:34:10 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1002 (1001) "The description for Event ID 1002 from source Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
    The message id for the desired message could not be found
    Information 8/31/2009 12:34:09 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1001 (1001) "The description for Event ID 1001 from source Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    It seems to imply that the User Profiles Service may be corrupted, but this may also be unrelated.  I do not know how to specifically repair this service anyway (but am open to try it if someone can walk me through it a bit).
    There's the info.  I'd like to figure out how to watch the account creation process in more detail to see if I gleen more, but I don't have the experience to know what to do to enable such a log.  I will not perform a reinstall and am loath to do a restore, instead looking more for a cause and effect repair: something that would actually help MS fix the problem rather than have the customer fix the symptom.
    Thanks in advance to responders!

    First time poster, but I think I've done my homework on this issue.
    This issue has similar symptoms to a problem with vista:
    However, it is definitely not the same issue (see further).
    Current Config:
    HP dv7-1450.
    W7 RC 7100 x64
    Last update (up to date as of 8/31/09) installed succesfully 8/26/09 and should be unrelated to this issue (not verified yet by a pre-update restore).
    Running with Admin account while diagnosing/troubleshooting.
    Currently have two working accounts, one standard, one admin.
    New user accounts cannot be logged into.  On an attempted login to the new account, the following information is displayed on the login screen:  "The User Profile Service service failed the logon.  User profile cannot be loaded."  Windows then logs off the operator and returns to the initial user selection screen.  All other aspects of use are normal.
    Current Diagnostics:
    First attempts to resolve this problem were to recreate the new account.  This was attempted when logged in as both Standard and Admin.  This was also attempted under safe mode.  This has been attempted with virus protection disabled.  All to no difference in the symptom.
    The similarity to the Vista issue (linked above) caused me to check the registry entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\ for the new profile (as suggested by that link).  Unlike that issue, there simply is no entry for the new user.  Examination of the new log entries from creation of account to attempted log in provides the following entries:
    Level Date and Time Source Event ID Task Category
    Information 8/31/2009 12:34:31 PM Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon 6000 None The winlogon notification subscriber <SessionEnv> was unavailable to handle a notification event.
    Warning 8/31/2009 12:34:11 PM Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon 6001 None The winlogon notification subscriber <Profiles> failed a notification event.
    Information 8/31/2009 12:34:11 PM Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon 6000 None The winlogon notification subscriber <SessionEnv> was unavailable to handle a notification event.
    Warning 8/31/2009 12:34:11 PM Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon 6001 None The winlogon notification subscriber <Sens> failed a notification event.
    Error 8/31/2009 12:34:10 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1500 None "Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be loaded. Check that you are connected to the network, and that your network is functioning correctly.
    DETAIL - Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.
    Warning 8/31/2009 12:34:10 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles General 1509 None "Windows cannot copy file C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApi\SqmData720896_00.sqm to location C:\Users\TEMP\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApi\SqmData720896_00.sqm. This error may be caused by network problems or insufficient security rights.
    DETAIL - Access is denied.
    Error 8/31/2009 12:34:09 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1511 None Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when you log off.
    Warning 8/31/2009 12:34:09 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles General 1509 None "Windows cannot copy file C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApi\SqmData720896_00.sqm to location C:\Users\{New Username}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApi\SqmData720896_00.sqm. This error may be caused by network problems or insufficient security rights.
    DETAIL - Access is denied.
    Naturally I started with the earliest error first, and decided to look to see what is going on.  The file that is trying to be copied is there, but the destination folder does not exist.  As near as I can tell, whatever process (the User Profiles General Service?) is trying to perform the copy does not have sufficient access to perform the operation.  Specifically I suspect it may not be able to create the appropriate folders before performing the copy.  Interestingly, it appears that when windows attempts to open/create a temporary account profile, the same issue occurs.  Since there is no registry entry either, I suspect that the issue also extends to the creation of registry keys, but I am not familiar enough with the sequence of events in the creation of a user profile to determine if this would come before or after a user profile's first login.
    I attempted to find more information, and was able to investigate the UPS diagnostic event log (for a different, but identical attempt at creating and using the new profile).  The following two (unhelpful to me) log entries were generated.
    Level Date and Time Source Event ID Task Category
    Information 8/31/2009 12:34:10 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1002 (1001) "The description for Event ID 1002 from source Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
    The message id for the desired message could not be found
    Information 8/31/2009 12:34:09 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1001 (1001) "The description for Event ID 1001 from source Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    It seems to imply that the User Profiles Service may be corrupted, but this may also be unrelated.  I do not know how to specifically repair this service anyway (but am open to try it if someone can walk me through it a bit).
    There's the info.  I'd like to figure out how to watch the account creation process in more detail to see if I gleen more, but I don't have the experience to know what to do to enable such a log.  I will not perform a reinstall and am loath to do a restore, instead looking more for a cause and effect repair: something that would actually help MS fix the problem rather than have the customer fix the symptom.
    Thanks in advance to responders!
    To resolve this issue, I suggst you delete the file C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApi\SqmData720896_00.sqm.Arthur Xie - MSFT

  • Error when trying to Manage 'User Profile Service Application'

    I'm recently facing an issue two issues
    1. User Profile Service Application: when I goto manage user profile service application I get an error windows and when I look into the logs following is the error with given correlation id "ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915"
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.53  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Logging Correlation Data       xmnv Medium   Name=Request (GET:http://gcdwinamzanl002:8081/_layouts/15/ManageUserProfileServiceApplication.aspx?ApplicationID=9826b245%2D1d65%2D408f%2Db252%2D058b3809225f) ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.75  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     General                        6t8h High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:27.50, Original
    Level: Verbose] {0} ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.75  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Database                       8acb High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: VerboseEx] Reverting to process
    identity ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.75  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 Web Content Management       
     Publishing Cache               f6s5 Medium   ObjectCache size is set to 100 megs. ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.75  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 Web Content Management       
     Publishing                     8zug Medium   PublishingHttpModule.Init() calling AppDomainUnloadListener.Register() ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.75  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 Web Content Management       
     Publishing                     8x0a Medium   AppDomainUnloadListener.RegisterSelf() entered lock(this=38386177) ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.75  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 Web Content Management       
     Publishing                     8x0b Medium   AppDomainUnloadListener.RegisterSelf() about to call HostingEnvironment.RegisterObject(this=38386177) ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.82  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Asp Runtime                    aj1kp High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] SPRequestModule.PreSendRequestHeaders ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.88  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     General                        6t8h High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:27.83, Original
    Level: Verbose] {0} ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.88  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Database                       8acb High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: VerboseEx] Reverting to process
    identity ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.91  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Monitoring                     b4ly Medium   Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://gcdwinamzanl002:8081/_layouts/15/ManageUserProfileServiceApplication.aspx?ApplicationID=9826b245%2D1d65%2D408f%2Db252%2D058b3809225f)).
    Execution Time=427.452048 ef9fb09c-ae28-1072-b404-c887d61ed915
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.98  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Monitoring                     nasq Medium   Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:http://gcdwinamzanl002:8081/_layouts/15/ManageUserProfileServiceApplication.aspx?ApplicationID=9826b245%2D1d65%2D408f%2Db252%2D058b3809225f)).
    Parent No 
    08/21/2014 09:07:27.98  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Logging Correlation Data       xmnv Medium   Name=Request (GET:http://gcdwinamzanl002:8081/_layouts/15/ManageUserProfileServiceApplication.aspx?ApplicationID=9826b245%2D1d65%2D408f%2Db252%2D058b3809225f) ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.35  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     General                        6t8h High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:27.98, Original
    Level: Verbose] {0} ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.35  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Authentication Authorization   agb9s Medium   Non-OAuth request. IsAuthenticated=True, UserIdentityName=, ClaimsCount=0 ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.39  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (PostAuthenticateRequestHandler). Execution Time=27.712976 ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.49  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Monitoring                     nass High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:28.39, Original Level: Verbose]
    ____{0}={1} ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.49  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Asp Runtime                    aj1kr High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] SPRequestModule.PostAuthorizeRequestHandler ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.68  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (PublishingHttpModule: PostAuthorizeRequestHandler). Execution
    Time=178.76496 ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.85  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Asp Runtime                    aj1km High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:28.72, Original Level: Verbose]
    SPRequestModule.PostResolveRequestCacheHandler ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.85  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Asp Runtime                    aj1kn High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] SPRequestModule.AcquireRequestStateHandler ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.88  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Logging Correlation Data       xmnv Medium   Site=/ ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.94  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Database                       ahjqp High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:28.90, Original
    Level: Verbose] SQL connection time: 0.050592 ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:28.94  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Database                       8acb High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: VerboseEx] Reverting to process
    identity ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.22  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0968)                    0x3744 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                   
     aeh57 Medium   Sql Ring buffer status eventsPerSec = ,processingTime=0,totalEventsProcessed=0,eventCount=0,droppedCount=0,memoryUsed=0 
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.53  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Database                       ahjqp High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:28.95, Original
    Level: Verbose] SQL connection time: 0.027536 ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.53  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     General                        6t8b High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] Looking up {0}
    site {1} in the farm {2} ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.59  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       umbj High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:29.54, Original
    Level: Verbose] Deserializing the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.59  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       ahg9p High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] Completed deserializing
    the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.65  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       ahg9p High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:29.64, Original
    Level: Verbose] Completed deserializing the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.65  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       umbj High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] Deserializing the
    type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.71  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448                              
     0x6FB700D                      ahg9p High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:29.68, Original Level:
    Verbose] Completed deserializing the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.71  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 Access Services              
     Administration                 ackn7 High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] Tried to obtain setting {0} from Conversion Service
    Application, but it didn't exist. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.80  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       umbj High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:29.76, Original
    Level: Verbose] Deserializing the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.80  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       ahg9p High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] Completed deserializing
    the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.86  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       ahg9p High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:29.85, Original
    Level: Verbose] Completed deserializing the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.86  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       umbj High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] Deserializing the
    type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.91  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       ahg9p High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] Completed deserializing
    the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.96  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       umbj High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:29.91, Original
    Level: Verbose] Deserializing the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:29.96  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       ahg9p High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] Completed deserializing
    the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:30.06  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       umbj High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:30.01, Original
    Level: Verbose] Deserializing the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:30.06  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       ahg9p High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] Completed deserializing
    the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:30.12  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       ahg9p High     [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 08/21/2014 09:07:30.11, Original
    Level: Verbose] Completed deserializing the type named {0} and with id {1}. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:30.12  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Configuration                  a16e High     SPAce PrincipalName found  account renamed to NULL SID. Using new name. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:30.12  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Configuration                  a16e High     SPAce PrincipalName found  account renamed to NULL SID. Using new name. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:30.14  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Server            
     General                        ahjnd Medium   Constructed a new async cache named Profile Property Cache ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:30.15  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Portal Server       User
    Profiles                  ajk4d Medium   UserProfileProperty_WCFLogging::Begin ProfilePropertyServiceClient.ExecuteOnChannel ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:30.15  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Portal Server       User
    Profiles                  ajk35 Medium   MossClientBase_WCFLogging::Begin MossClientBase.ExecuteOnChannel ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:30.18  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Portal Server       User
    Profiles                  ajk36 Medium   MossClientBase_WCFLogging:: MossClientBase.ExecuteOnChannel -  Executing codeblock on channel ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:31.27  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Claims Authentication          aeax6 High     [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] SPSecurityContext: The SecurityTokenServiceBehavior is attached to the AsymmetricTrustChannel. ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:31.94  w3wp.exe (0x2BB8)                        0x2448 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       aeayb Medium   SecurityTokenServiceSendRequest: RemoteAddress: 'http://localhost:32843/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/securitytoken.svc/actas'
    Channel: 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust.IWSTrustChannelContract' Action: '' MessageId: 'urn:uuid:3c1f10be-67f6-4335-9245-0af94c65f814' ef9fb09c-fe46-1072-b404-c5bccdc9dc59
    08/21/2014 09:07:34.09  NodeRunnerContent1-ac7a63c6-80a (0x1A00) 0x32DC Search                         Search Platform Services     
     ajhlg Medium   NerioCluster : Got valid (Primary) lease until 2014-08-21T09:10:11.0915676Z/0 for net.tcp://gcdwinamzanl002/C62BA9/AdminComponent1/Services/InvokerService  
    08/21/2014 09:07:34.29  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0968)                    0x3744 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                   
     aeh57 Medium   Sql Ring buffer status eventsPerSec = ,processingTime=0,totalEventsProcessed=0,eventCount=0,droppedCount=0,memoryUsed=0 
    08/21/2014 09:07:35.72  w3wp.exe (0x0C0C)                        0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation        
     Unified Logging Service        b8fx High     ULS Init Completed (w3wp.exe, onetnative.dll) 
    08/21/2014 09:07:35.86  w3wp.exe (0x0C0C)                        0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation        
     Topology                       2myf Medium   Disabling the configuration filesystem and memory caches.
    Abhishek Madan

    Hi Abhishek,
    According to your description, my understanding is that the User Profile Synchronization service stuck on ‘Starting’ or ‘Stopping’.
    Please check whether you installed SQL 2012 Native Client (Pre-requisites) on SharePoint server. If yes, download and install SQL 2008 R2 Native Client from the below location:
    From the SharePoint server ->control panel -> add/Remove programs , please confirm that the SQL 2008 Native Client is listed.
    Make sure that the farm account is a member of the Administrators group on the server on which you are trying to start the User Profile Synchronization service, then restart the SharePoint Timer Service.
    Set the FIM services to "Local System" before starting the service.
    There is a troubleshooting for User Profile Synchronization Service start issues, please have a look at:
    Here are some similar posts for you to take a look at:
    Best Regards,
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error while running User Profile Import - Stopped-extension-dll-load

    Hi guys,
    I'm receiving below error message in event viewer while running user profile import for the first time with event ID 6166:
    The management agent "MOSS-" failed on run profile "MOSS_EXPORT_". The run step stopped because a configured extension for this management agent could not be loaded.
    User Action
    Verify that the extension is located in the Extensions directory. If the extension is present, confirm that the version of the .NET framework  that can run the extension is installed on the server and that a supportedRuntimes  entry in the configuration
    files specifies that version. The synchronization  engine will not be able to load an extension that is built with a newer version  of the .NET framework than the version of the .NET runtime it is hosting.
    At the same time , in miisclient "stopped-extension-dll-load" message for MOSS_EXPORT,MOSS_FULLSYNC, MOSS_DELTASYNC. Can any help to let me understand what will be causing this issue?
     Farm version: 14.0.6137.5000

    Hi Sarath,
    For this issue, I recommend verify the things below:
    Check if the connection name of the Synchronization Connections created in User Profile Service Application has more than 55 characters. If yes, please rename the connection with less than or equal to 55 characters.
    Check if the length of the full path to the dll called “Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.ManagementAgent” is
     greater than 160. If yes, then we can move the extension Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.ManagementAgent.dll to the folder c:\windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL and then do an IISRESET.
    If above cannot work, please check ULS log for more detailed error message.
    Best regards,
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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