Add Video Question

Hey everyone,
I have a documentary that is authored already on dvd media (video is in a Video_TS folder).
I've created a simple text disclaimer in FCP and exported it as a .mov file.
How can I add this 30 second disclaimer to play before the documentary without ripping/re-encoding etc...?

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    Wierd. When you say it doesn't show up in the Video category, you mean "movies" category, right? Because there is no "video" category.
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    When you started in Dreamweaver, you should have created a testing server. This testing server has the root folder defined on your computer:
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    Hi, Brian. This is the Photoshop Elements forum. You'll probably get a faster answer if you ask your question in the Premiere Elements forum:

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    That is with the Emoji keyboard.
    Add it with Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard > Emoji
    Once added, you will get a Globe icon to the left of the Spacebar when typing.  Tap that to switch between keyboards.
    While using the Emoji keyboard you have categories of Emoji on the bottom you can select from and pages within each category you can swipe between, indicated by the dots above them.
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    "H.264 video: 720 by 576 pixels, 30 frames per second; Baseline, Main, and High-Profile level 3.0 with AAC-LC audio up to 256 Kbps; 48kHz; stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
    MPEG-4 video: up to 2.5 Mbps, 720 by 576 pixels, 30 frames per second; Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 256 Kbps; 48kHz; stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats"
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    Hi there Engy Hossam,
    You may find the information in the article below helpful.
    iTunes: Videos may be unable to sync to iPhone, iPad, or iPod
    -Griff W. 

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    iCloud: Shared Photo Streams FAQ
    iCloud Photo Sharing FAQ
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Photo Sharing and Shared Photo Streams
    To save photos/video from the photo stream to your camera roll, select it, click the share button, and select "save to camera roll". It will remain in the photo stream as well, until you delete it.
    How to Shared photo streams ams.html

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    I am not able to add videos to itunes. So I am not able to sync them with my IPhone4s.
    I ve tried:
    dragging to itunes,
    minimize file name of mp4,
    adding by file/folder, but still not adding.
    WHY? Please help.

    This is very serious. Your computer got infected with ransom malware, Cryptowall.
    Go here for further info.
    CryptoWall 2.0 Anything Good about Buying you Keys? - General Security
    CryptoWall and DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION Ransomware Information Guide and FAQ

  • Can't add videos to itunes

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    out of 24 videos that i converted, when i tried adding them by directory, only 4 of them were added.
    i use itunes 6

    i tried shortening the title names, no go, only the files that could be added before were added again.
    all my files are mp4, i'll try using theo ne at though
    also, they wont be added to my itunes at all, forget trying to upload thme to my ipod
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