Adding transitions in iDVD?

I'm making my first dvd and am having a slight problem with it. I have a slideshow from iPhoto that is in a .mov filetype with dimensions: 720x540. I want to add a title and fade in/fade out transitions but I don't want to diminish the quality of the video. What's the most effective way to do this?
I thought I would try adding my file into iMovie and adding the transitions there, then exporting into a .dv file but I can see that the quality goes down if I do it that way. Any other ideas? Can I add transitions directly into iDVD?
Thanks in advance!

F Shippey, I just created my first slideshow using
iMovie,(I had over 100 phooto's) using your
instructions from a previous question that you had
answered. Everything worked fine, but how do I get it
to repeat itself witout having to stop it and start
it again manually?.
Select the slideshow in the map view and then select Advanced>Loop
F Shippey

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    Hi there,
    Some of the newer iDVD themes come with built-in transitions between menus. You can not create custom transitions in iDVD. Commercial DVDs are made with professional encoding software such as DVD Studio Pro.

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    thank you,

    Hello, Paula,
    I noticed that you posted to the iDVD discussions, but your problem sounds as if it occurs with your iMovie, not iDVD.
    Having a 'flash' with certain transitions has been noted in iMovie postings before. I have had that happen on occasion. The solution for many of us has been to delete the offending transition, and then play the end of the clip preceding the removed transition. You have to play it frame-by-frame, and you may see one frame of all white. Delete this one frame, redo the transition and you should be ok.
    If the video is ok, but there is still a pop/snap/buzz noise, that is also a known problem and has occurred since iMovie 4. This 'popping' noise usually occurs between a silent photo and a video clip.There is no good solution yet, but if you zoom out the timeline until you see the cross-shape of the transition, you can select 'Show volume levels' and manually adjust the volume of the transition. Sometimes I have just lowered and then raised back the volume level bar and the noise has markedly reduced.
    Hope this is helpful to you!

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    Same Issue: Added a transition and then beach ball from **** and crash. Also lost two hours of work when it restarted and reverted to the last planned quit.
    FCPX is benched until Lion and updates. Don't have time to be a beta tester on what might end up being a hobbyists toy.
    MacPro Quad 3.0, 10G RAM.

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    You might want to try using something like a Fade Out or Fade In instead of one of the transitions that add or subtract to the length of the video
    [Quoted from iMovie Help]
    Some transitions (for example, Cross Dissolve and Push) shorten your movie by a few seconds, depending on the speed of the transition. For example, if you add a transition with a speed of 2 seconds, iMovie overlaps 2 seconds from the first clip and 2 seconds from the second clip as it renders the transition. This shortens your movie by a total of 2 seconds.
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    [End quote]
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    To add transitions between clips they must have "handles", that is, additional hidden media after the first clip end point and before the second clip start point. To do that you must move the IN and OUT points of each clip before adding transitions.
    I suggest you to convert your clips to .mov (with DV-PAL or DV-NTSC codec, and audio stereo uncompressed PCM 48 kHz) before importing to FCE. You can use MPEG Streamclip (free) to do that. This doesn't add handles... but it avoids preliminary FCE rendering.

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    Try this...
    FULL will borrow frames from the photos to make the transition. The project gets shorter.
    HALF will add frames to the transition so that the project stays the same overall length.

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    I assume you are putting everything together in iDVD as an iDVD slideshow.
    The transitions in iDVD slideshows frequently cause issues  - some of them work better than others - but the basic issue is images in iDVD created slideshows are consider to be Chapters, and some set top DVD players will pause/freeze at such chapter changes.
    Your best bet is to put your presentation together as a movie using iMovie.  I personally prefer the commercial application FotoMagico Pro from Boinx, and others like Photo to Movie.

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    I have had the same thing happen. I dont know why but I have solved it two ways - save, quit and reopen. If that doesnt work delete the transition and replace it.
    15 MBP, 17 iMac, iBook 14, PM7600 G3266, IIvx   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    iDVD 4.01, G4 400 mhz 896 megs ram
    G4 Sawtooth Mac OS X (10.3.9) 896 RAM, 620 gigs HD
    G4 Sawtooth   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   896 RAM, 620 gigs HD

    Hi Rick:
    Matti Haveri (one of the top rated iLife members) has done tests on this subject. here are his results:
    Movie slideshows tend to flicker with high-frequency images while "soft" images are OK.
    So I did a quick test to see how the input image's resolution and blurring affects the output quality of those high-frequency images.
    Test material: some 2048x1536 digital camera JPG images that had a lot of very sharp edges (buildings, thin wires, construction work scenes etc -- i.e. "high-frequency" images). I converted them to TIF so that there was no lossy JPG degradation involved. I manipulated the images in Photoshop as follows:
    1. original 2048x1536
    2. original bicubically resampled to 768x576. I guess also iPhoto bicubically resamples; at least the results are very similar. On the other hand, I believe Graphic Converter does not have bicubic resampling so I haven't got as good results with it.
    3. original bicubically resampled to 640x480
    4. original with 90° (vertical) 3 pixel Motion Blur. The idea is to blur only the horizontal thin lines which flicker on an interlaced TV. The vertical lines are unaffected by this filter.
    5. original with 1 pixel Gaussian blur. This blurs horizontally approximately as much as the 3 pixel Motion blur, but it blurs the image also vertically.
    In iMovie's 4:3 PAL standard DV project (720x576) I applied to each image a) no Ken Burns and b) 1-5x zoomed 10 second Ken Burns. I did not let iMovie render the non-Ken Burns images while exporting the project to iDVD because that is a well-known source for bad quality.
    I burned the project via iDVD's Best Performance to DVD and checked the result via an interlaced 28" CRT TV.
    The results:
    #1-5 were all sharp with no Ken Burns as well as with 1x zoomed Ken Burns. But the higher resolution non-blurred input images were, in fact, TOO sharp and thus flickered on a TV:
    1. 2048x1536 flickered very badly with and without Ken Burns
    2. 768x576 flickered slightly less but also very disturbingly
    3. 640x480 flickered only little. But both #2-3 tolerated the 3-5x zoom very badly because the input resolution was so small. The zoomed-in image was too blurry and the details were lost.
    4. Vertical Motion Blur didn't flicker at all. But during the zoom there was some disturbing "living" in the vertical lines. Obviously the vertical lines must be blurred, too:
    5. Gaussian blur didn't flicker and the zooms were beautiful and peaceful. The Gaussian blur lost some fine detail in the zoomed-in image but the quality was very good. And the loss of fine detail is just a trade-off for the flickerless image.
    In fact, I have had very similar results to #5 with Photo To Movie's High Quality setting. Also Toast's slideshows are of good quality. A lot of people have also been satisfied with Still Life and PhotoMagico.
    - iMovie should blur the images so they wouldn't flicker on a TV. Applying a small Gaussian blur to the input images seems like a good workaround.
    - Using Photo To Movie, Toast, Still Life and PhotoMagico and other 3rd party utilities are good alternatives, too.
    ----end quote

  • Final cut bug, interlacing when adding transitions

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    After weeks of banging my head against the wall I managed to find out that importing quicktimes into final cut would default the field on every quicktime to upper odd, causing this problem. Changing this option to none seemed to fix the problem. In saying this, this is not ideal as if you were working with say 40 quicktimes or more you would have to manually change each field to every quicktime before you start your timeline. Not good.
    Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so have you found a better way around it?

    Same Issue: Added a transition and then beach ball from **** and crash. Also lost two hours of work when it restarted and reverted to the last planned quit.
    FCPX is benched until Lion and updates. Don't have time to be a beta tester on what might end up being a hobbyists toy.
    MacPro Quad 3.0, 10G RAM.

  • Adding transitions after-the-fact

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    Any help's appreciated.

    VJK, I couldn't agree with you more about "Im making this way too complicated," however I've been doing exactly as you instructed: The cursor does become the two parallel bars where the transition/still meet indicating that I should be able to drag that end of the transition to the right to lengthen it (or at the other end to the left)---however, the iMac won't allow it. That's what is so perplexing. I can't find any difference between these two stills to which I've added a slow "zoom in" and another other two stills with the same "zoom in" or "pan" added where the transition worked as it should have. The stills are five to eight seconds in length so there shouldn't be a problem there. Yet, the last three transitions I've tried to lay in vary from one frame to eight frames. I've repeatedly tried several techniques and none allows me to expand them to one second.

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    Flash, and I have one question: I've added a transition effect
    between 3 videos, and when I play the swf file, the audio is
    missing in the 3 video's.
    Is it so that audio automaticly dissapear when I add
    Thanks for any answer...

    My actionscript is below, if that helps anyone. I don't know
    if this is a stupid question with an obvious answer, if so please
    let me know:-)

  • Transition from iDVD 4 to 5

    I'm in the middle of an ongoing project on iDVD 4. If I move up to iDVD 5, will my project make the transition seamlessly? Would I be better off completing the project in iDVD 4?

    If you're in the middle of a project that has yet to be burned to disk I'd stick with iDVD 4. Once you've finished that disc and ready to start a new project for a new disk then move up to V5. If you've put a lot of work into a project it would be better to stay on the safe side. If it's a situation where you could start fresh with the same source material then go for it.

  • Adding transitions in Premier Pro CS4

    When I edit a movie clip and add it to my project, all seems well. If I then add a transition effect such as a roll out or page turn between clips, extra frames are added that I had intended to cut out. I have one clip that is just right for the project but the last few frames show someone walking into shot. After I edit this out, the shot is perfect but when I then add a transition effect between this clip and the next, those extra frames are added back in. The two clips need some form of transition between them to flow properly otherwise I would just do without. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Support for these programs is almost as important as the software content, especially when you are just starting off.
    I agree completely. In the "good old days," I always suggested a couple of complete reads of the manual. They are now out of favor, and Help Files have taken over. From where I sit, there are both good and bad with the electronic/on-line files, but we will not go there.
    I also strongly recommend the Adobe Classroom in a Book for Premiere Pro CS__, Adobe Press. That series will introduce one to the program, its interface, the location and official names (really pays off, when one goes to Search the Help Files), and how to do most things in PrPro. I once complained that the CiaBseries was too heavy on the "how," and not so much on the "why," but as of at least the CS3 version, the author covered the "why" very, very well.
    Now, I will probably get flamed for this next statement, but I feel that this forum is a great resource for finding out how to do things in the program. Many of the folk here have done almost everything that can be done in PrPro, and that is a bunch! With the Help Files, a copy of CiaB, and the gained knowledge of what each aspect is called in PrPro, when you add this forum, one's abilities are almost limitless.
    Here is another great resource, the PrPro-Wiki, and especially the FAQ's section and the tutorials.
    Good luck,

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