Adding variables to LoadVars

I have an application that reads a PHP script and populates
the Flash applets using the following on frame 1:
if (_root.c.n <= 0) {
c = new LoadVars();
c.onLoad = showContent;
A combobox (created with the returned data) is created on
frame 61. When a selection is chosen in the combobox I need to add
the value returned from the combobox to the variable catvar, add
this variable to the LoadVars object and run the script again. It
seems to set c.catvar initially but when I use the 'sendAndLoad
command the second time c.catvar isn't included.
Is it possible to add variables to a LoadVars object created
on frame 1 from frame 61?

You are not using
You need TWO LoadVar variables. One for the sending and one
for the return values. You do not have an onLoad method attached to
the send LoadVars object but rather for the return LoadVars object.
Look at the example in help for
. It is a perfect model to do what you want to do.

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    The title of your question is bit confusing. Why should you have to add variables to match question slides?
    The content of your question is totally different: each D&D slide can act as a question slide. It doesn't really have all the features of a question slide but most of them: Reporting, Score (only black/white, not partial score/penalty), Attempts, Actions On Success/Failure. When it is configured as a question its score will be reset when the user 'Retakes' a quiz with multiple attempts on quiz level etc. Progress quiz indicator will not be included however. And defining the correct answers is a breeze with the wizard or with the button Correct Answers.
    The best part about D&D are IMO the 'Object actions': you can specify an advanced action for each drag&drop act and that is what you need. Do not use a simple action, because it will release the play head. That action can show a feedback text/object that was previously hidden, it can apply an effect to an object like flashing, etc. This blog post was written for CP8, but can help maybe:
    Drag&Drop tips - Captivate blog

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    First step is the check the data insde P table ( example /BIC/PXXX which will be there in the in master data and text tab)
    if you find the data for newely added attributes then it works fine.
    or else
    Delete the master data
    programs for individual IinfoObject  master data deletion:
    then delete the transformation and recreate the transformation followed by DTP once again
    activate all atributes individually once again
    load data to the infoobject and check it.
    you should be able to relove the problem

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    Go to Global Parameters Definitaion in report painter, variable will be used only along with the field, just in global paramerters enter your desired field and click in next column, system will show you a pop up select your variable for that field...
    now its just done run the report and test it!
    If you still not make it refer to standard report of such kind, you will surely get it....

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    Restarting an Application is just restarting the website - yes restarting the entire service will work, but is complete overkill.
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    Yes you can refer variables in the Header and Footers properties.
    like for session , @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.CURRENT_YEAR']}
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    Dear Darius,
    Instead of Variable why dont you restrict that Characteristic with ONE value ?
    If it is variable > create that with processing tyep Customer exit and write the code.

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    To make a transient View-attribute SQLDerived, set the "Selected in Query" checkbox on and enter a valid Query Column: Expression.

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          How to add variables in Scripts
    example : &J_1IEXCHDR-EXBED(16.2R)& and &V2& in layout
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    are you getting from print program ?
    if so add under text element
    P1  &J_1IEXCHDR-EXBED(16.2R)& ,,&V2&
    here p1 is the paragraph format  maintain tab space
    if you are getting from form routine then use below perform routine

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    if (currentLanguage == "English") {
         myMovie.gotoAndStop ("English%n", currentPage);
    else if (currentLanguage == "Spanish") {
         myMovie.gotoAndStop ("Spanish%n", currentPage);
    Then each frame of myMovie will be named "English1" "Spanish1" "English2" "Spanish2" etc to correlate with page numbers.
    Is this possible in Actionscript 3.0?

    sure.  you can use a variable in place of the frame label and/or the scene name.  from your code, you're using a variable in place of the scene name.  that should work (if you're using scenes).
    if you want to go to frame label english1, when currentPage is 1, you should use:
    and because i don't think you're using scenes, just use:
    or, even easier:
    var currentPage:int;  // defined somewhere;
    var language:String;  // defined somewhere;

  • Adding variables

    this seems so simple and i've done this stuff before, but the
    variable 'total' keeps returning $0.00. i'm sure it's something
    stupid but i've been staring at the code so long i'm just going in
    circles. can someone please take a look at this and let me know
    what i need to do to make 'total' add up any items that have been
    selected on a form (all form data is being sent properly into the
    db, i've checked that).
    <!--- TOTAL FORM VALUES --->
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.Event1") IS "Registered">
    <cfset Event1cost=125>
    <cfset Event1cost=0>
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.Event2") IS "Registered">
    <cfset Event2cost=90>
    <cfset Event2cost=0>
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.Event10") IS "Registered">
    <cfset Event10cost=15>
    <cfset Event10cost=0>
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.Event11") IS "Registered">
    <cfset Event11cost=40>
    <cfset Event11cost=0>
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.Event12") IS "Registered">
    <cfset Event12cost=5>
    <cfset Event12cost=0>
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.Event14") IS "Registered">
    <cfset Event14cost=25>
    <cfset Event14cost=0>
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.cocktailparty") IS "Registered">
    <cfset EventCPcost=20>
    <cfset EventCPcost=0>
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.Event26") IS "Registered">
    <cfset Event26cost=40>
    <cfset Event26cost=0>
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.Event29") IS "Registered">
    <cfset Event29cost=15>
    <cfset Event29cost=0>
    total=DollarFormat(Variables.Event1cost+Variables.Event2cost+Variables.Event10cost+Variab les.Event11cost+Variables.Event12cost+Variables.Event14cost+Variables.EventCPcost+Variable s.Event26cost+Variables.Event29cost)>
    <!--- --->

    This will always return false
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.Event1") IS "Registered">
    You probably meant this
    <cfif IsDefined("Form.Event1") and form.event1 IS

  • Adding Variables to ArrayCollection

    I cant get the Varaibles into my addItem.
    This works if I hardcode the qCUSN05:50
    public function handleQueryResult2(event:ResultEvent):void{
    myChart=event.result as ArrayCollection;
    myChart.addItem({qBRAD53:"Competition", qCUSN05:50,
    But this does NOT:qCUSN05:sResult6
    public var sResult6:Object;
    public function handleStringResult2(event:ResultEvent):void{
    public function handleQueryResult2(event:ResultEvent):void{
    myChart=event.result as ArrayCollection;
    myChart.addItem({qBRAD53:"Competition", qCUSN05:sResult6,
    Any Thoughts? Thanks

    I think this is a timing issue. You are setting the variable
    in a ResultEvent handler, and also using the variable in a
    ResultEvent handler. Maybe the variable is not set yet. Uncomment
    the line of the following code setting the variable in the other
    ResultEvent handler and you will see.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    private var service:HTTPService;
    public var myChart:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
    public var sResult6:Object;
    //This works if I hardcode the qCUSN05:50
    public function handleQueryResult(event:ResultEvent):void{
    myChart.addItem({qBRAD53:"Competition", qCUSN05:50,
    //But this does NOT:qCUSN05:sResult6. I cant get the
    Varaibles into my addItem.
    public function handleStringResult2(event:ResultEvent):void{
    public function handleQueryResult2(event:ResultEvent):void{
    // sResult6=50;
    myChart.addItem({qBRAD53:"Competition", qCUSN05:sResult6,
    public function init():void {
    myChart.addItem({qBRAD53:"Test1", qCUSN05:10, qCATG53:00});
    // This function just serves to fire a ResultEvent object.
    // We don't actually use the result.
    public function useHttpService(parameters:Object):void {
    service = new HTTPService();
    service.addEventListener("result", handleQueryResult);
    service.addEventListener("result", handleQueryResult2);
    service.addEventListener("result", handleStringResult2);
    service.addEventListener("fault", httpFault);
    public function httpFault(event:FaultEvent):void {
    var faultstring:String = event.fault.faultString;;
    <mx:Button label="Use Service"
    <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{myChart}" width="100%"
    <mx:TextArea id="txtArea" width="100%" height="50%"/>

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