Adding wildcards to an existing find folders macro?

I found Michael Bauer's excellent find folders script early last summer and applied it to my Outlook 2010 at that time.** It's been a godsend, most esp. since it also has ability to activate the found folder.  It's super great and I'd like to take that
into sublime by adding wildcards to before and after the spot where the user input text would go.  I can't figure out in the code how that would go, however.
This is the FindFolder portion where I suspect adding a "prefix" and a "suffix" wildcard would make the user's life easier.  I remember I always ran into trouble in an Access solution until I added just such a thing.  Then the
user only needs to worry about adding the search term they're concerned with and it'll work (currently, typing in a search term yields zero results even when one knows the folder exists.  And there is also no error message.)
Public Sub FindFolder()
Dim Name$
Dim Folders As Outlook.Folders
Set m_Folder = Nothing
m_Find = ""
m_Wildcard = False
' Name = InputBox("Find Folder Name (you must use wildcards, this does not search for parts of a folder without them):", "Search Folder")
Name = InputBox("Find Folder Name:", "Search Folder")
If Len(Trim$(Name)) = 0 Then Exit Sub
m_Find = Name
m_Find = LCase$(m_Find)
m_Find = Replace(m_Find, "%", "*")
m_Wildcard = (InStr(m_Find, "*"))
Set Folders = Application.Session.Folders
LoopFINDfolders Folders
If Not m_Folder Is Nothing Then
If MsgBox("Activate Folder: " & vbCrLf & m_Folder.FolderPath, vbQuestion Or vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = m_Folder
End If
MsgBox "Not Found", vbInformation
End If
End Sub
Earlier today I added the text to alert user to add wildcards but it would be better to add it into the code itself.  I commented that particular line out and put the regular line back in.
Also, besides adding a prefix and suffix wildcard, if I can call them that, would there be a way to also add wildcards in between words???  Can that be included?
What I mean is that say the user typed this into the search box:
fiscal year end activities
that Outlook would then search for this, instead, successfully:
Thank you!  Very much appreciated.
** (I have this as listed source URL, but it doesn't give his name.  But I now there are quite a few references to the macro as it's posted a lot as a solution:

Oh, um, thanks, Eugene <sigh>.
Thanks for everyone's advice re learning vba.  I've been slowly learning over the years but I've really been there and done that with all those "learn vba"" sites I've ever looked at.  One gets bogged down so very quickly. 
You have to sift through so much, you see, and weed out what is relevant and what is not.  I handle other more intuitive scripting and macro languages just fine, it's vb that just has something that makes it tough.  I also have a full time job that
requires an hour to 3 of unpaid overtime every workday for me to keep up (they don't have enough staff).  And this all takes away from the time I do have (though this is that important).
This is a macro that impacts me all the time.  I'm trying to find a way to find things fast and reliably as the "new" Outlook's features are not as strong as they used to be to either navigate quickly around Outlook or to find things quickly
and reliably.  I just need to find out syntax to allow me to add a wildcard before and after where the user would input text.
Have a good day, everybody.  Going to have to leave this for now and to try to remember to add the wildcards in myself every time I use it.  Also, hopefully my next google searches for this will provide me with more information and if I'm very
lucky, actual example syntax.  Well, it does happen sometimes though the searching takes a long time.
Thank you.

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  • Export Aperture library objects to Finder folders

    Inspired by the posted message by user I wrote a script that will do the following:
    1. Sync Folders/SubFolders/Albums/Projects..etc hierarchy tree from Aperture to a Finder folders tree
    2. At run-time the script will creates/append to a log file under (home directory)\Library\Logs\AppleScriptExportApertureLibrary.log
    3. Exports all projects images versions with embedded metadata
    4. Create a file system "hard links" for each photo in the respective Albums pointing to the project folder location in order to preserve space.
    5. Compare modification date on the image files and modification date within Aperture and export only modified images in order to save time for a full sync/export.
    6. In interactive mode you can select Export Folder location, Aperture Library location and Projects List (project list will contain project name and internal aperture project id).
    7. In non-interactive (from command line) mode there are two arguments:
    7a. "quiet" - exports all projects
    7b. "quiet" "Project Information" - export only certain projects. the project information can be found in the log file.
    8. Remove any images or folders from Finder export directory that do not exist in Aperture database any more.
    Hopefully this would help anyone who is looking to export from Aperture on a regular basis. I am not sure how it will handle large amount of photos. I tested it with 3k+ photos.
    Please note that you use this script at your own risk.
    Here is the script code:
    global theFoldersTree_G
    global theLibraryPath_G
    global theProcessedProjects_G
    global theSelectedProjects_G
    global theAllAlbums_G
    global theScriptName_G
    global Sqlite_G
    global ApertureLibrary_G
    global numExports_G
    on run argv
    set Sqlite_G to "/usr/bin/sqlite3"
    set ApertureLibraryPath to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Pictures/"
    set ApertureLibrary_G to ApertureLibraryPath & "Aperture Library.aplibrary/Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb"
    set exportFolder to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Pictures/Aperture Exports/"
    set theScriptName_G to "ExportApertureLibrary"
    set theSelectedProjects_G to "ALL PROJECTS"
    set theFoldersTree_G to {}
    set theProcessedProjects_G to {}
    set theAllAlbums_G to {}
    set numExports_G to 0
    set theArgv1 to {}
    set theArgv2 to {}
    if (count of argv) ≥ 1 then
    set theArgv1 to item 1 of argv
    end if
    if (count of argv) = 2 then
    set theArgv2 to item 2 of argv
    end if
    logEvent("Passed ARGV 1: " & theArgv1)
    logEvent("Passed ARGV 2: " & theArgv2)
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    set theFile to (choose file with prompt "Please choose the Aperture Library file" default location POSIX file ApertureLibraryPath) as string
    set ApertureLibrary_G to POSIX path of theFile & "Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb"
    set exportFolder to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Please choose the export folder" default location POSIX file exportFolder) as string
    end if
    logEvent("ApertureLibrary_G path is set to: " & ApertureLibrary_G)
    logEvent("exportFolder path is set to: " & exportFolder)
    tell application "Aperture"
    logEvent("Getting list of project path information...") of me
    set SqlStatement to "
    select replace(A.ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject',''),A.ZUUID
    set SQLProjectUUIDPath to DB_execute(SqlStatement) of me
    set theProjectsOptions to SQLProjectUUIDPath as list
    set end of theProjectsOptions to "ALL PROJECTS"
    logEvent("Projects list: " & theProjectsOptions as string) of me
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    set theSelectedProjects_G to choose from list SQLProjectUUIDPath with prompt "Please choose a project(s):"
    end if
    if theArgv2 is not equal to {} then
    set theSelectedProjects_G to theArgv2
    end if
    logEvent("The selected projects : " & theSelectedProjects_G as string) of me
    logEvent("Getting list of libraries...") of me
    set theLibraryList to every library
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theLibraryList) & " libraries") of me
    repeat with theLibrary in theLibraryList
    set theLibraryName to name of theLibrary
    logEvent("Processing library: " & theLibraryName) of me
    set LibraryFolders to {}
    set theProcessedProjects_G to {}
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (exportFolder & theLibraryName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theLibraryName & " at " & exportFolder) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file exportFolder of me) with properties {name:theLibraryName}
    end if
    end tell
    set theLibraryPath_G to exportFolder & theLibraryName & "/"
    logEvent("Getting list of folders...") of me
    set theFolderList to every folder of library id (id of theLibrary)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderList) & " folders") of me
    set theRootFolderList to {}
    if theFolderList is not equal to {} then
    processFoldersTree(0, theFolderList) of me
    repeat with theFolder in theFolderList
    if (id of theFolder) is not in theFoldersTree_G as string then
    logEvent("Found root folder : " & (name of theFolder) as string) of me
    set end of theRootFolderList to theFolder
    set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theFolder)
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    if theRootFolderList is not equal to {} then
    processFolders(theRootFolderList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me
    processFolders(theRootFolderList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    set theProjectList to every project of library id (id of theLibrary)
    set end of LibraryFolders to processProjects(theProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me as list
    processProjects(theProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    end if
    logEvent("Getting list of projects...") of me
    set theProjectList to every project of library id (id of theLibrary)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theProjectList) & " projects") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of albums...") of me
    set theAlbumList to every album of library id (id of theLibrary)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumList) & " albums") of me
    set theRootProjectList to {}
    if theProjectList is not equal to {} then
    repeat with theProject in theProjectList
    if (id of theProject) is not in theProcessedProjects_G as string then
    logEvent("Found root project : " & (name of theProject) as string) of me
    set end of theRootProjectList to theProject
    set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theProject)
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    set theRootAlbumList to {}
    if theAlbumList is not equal to {} then
    processAlbumsTree(theProjectList, theFolderList) of me
    set theRootAlbumList to {}
    repeat with theAlbum in theAlbumList
    if (id of theAlbum) is not in theAllAlbums_G as string then
    logEvent("Found root album : " & (name of theAlbum) as string) of me
    set end of theRootAlbumList to theAlbum
    set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theAlbum)
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    if theRootProjectList is equal to {} then
    processAlbums(theRootAlbumList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    processProjects(theRootProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me
    processProjects(theRootProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    if theRootAlbumList is not equal to {} then
    processAlbums(theRootAlbumList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    end if
    end if
    cleanup(LibraryFolders, theLibraryPath_G, "all") of me
    end repeat
    logEvent("total exports : " & numExports_G) of me
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    display dialog "Total image exports : " & numExports_G buttons {"OK"} with title "Aperture Library Export" with icon note
    end if
    end tell
    on error s number i partial result p from f to t
    set s to "Error: " & s
    logEvent(quoted form of (s))
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    display dialog "ERROR : " & s buttons {"OK"} with title "Aperture Library Export" with icon note
    end if
    end try
    end run
    on cleanup(theObjects, thePath, theSelection)
    logEvent("Cleaning export folders...") of me
    logEvent("# Objects: " & (count of theObjects)) of me
    logEvent("Export Folder: " & (thePath as string))
    tell application "Finder"
    logEvent("Getting list of folders...") of me
    set theFolderList to every folder in folder (POSIX file thePath of me)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderList) & " folders") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of files...") of me
    set theFileList to every file in folder (POSIX file thePath of me)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFileList) & " files") of me
    repeat with theFolder in theFolderList
    set theFolderName to name of theFolder
    if theFolderName is not in theObjects as string then
    logEvent("Moving folder " & theFolder & " to trash...") of me
    move theFolder to trash
    end if
    end repeat
    if theSelection is not equal to "folder" then
    repeat with theFile in theFileList
    set theFileName to name of theFile
    if theFileName is not in theObjects as string then
    logEvent("Moving file " & theFile & " to trash...") of me
    move theFile to trash
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    end tell
    logEvent("Cleaning completed...") of me
    end cleanup
    on logEvent(logMessage)
    set theLine to quoted form of (((current date) as string) ¬
    & " : " & logMessage)
    do shell script "echo " & theLine & ¬
    " >> ~/Library/Logs/AppleScript" & theScriptName_G & ".log"
    end logEvent
    on DB_lookupProjectPath(puuid)
    set SqlStatement to "
    select replace(rtrim(ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject'),'/',':' )
    from ZRKFOLDER
    ZUUID ='" & puuid & "'"
    set SqlRecords to DB_execute(SqlStatement)
    return DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 1)
    end DB_lookupProjectPath
    on processFolders(theFoldersList, theFolderPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processFolders... : " & theFolderPath) of me
    set arrayOfFolders to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theFoldersList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
    set foldersOfFolder to {}
    set theFolderName to name of theFolder
    logEvent("Processing folder : " & theFolderName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    set end of arrayOfFolders to theFolderName
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theFolderPath & theFolderName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theFolderName & " at " & theFolderPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theFolderPath of me) with properties {name:theFolderName}
    end if
    end tell
    logEvent("Getting list of album...") of me
    set theAlbumsListOfFolder to every album of folder id (id of theFolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumsListOfFolder) & " albums") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of folder...") of me
    set theFolderListOfFolder to every folder of folder id (id of theFolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderListOfFolder) & " folders") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of project...") of me
    set theProjectsListOfFolder to every project of folder id (id of theFolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theProjectsListOfFolder) & " projects") of me
    if theProjectsListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processProjects(theProjectsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    if theFolderListOfFolder is equal to {} then
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    if theAlbumsListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processFolders(theFolderListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & ":"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    cleanup(foldersOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), "all") of me
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processFolders completed...") of me
    return arrayOfFolders
    end processFolders
    on processFoldersTree(theParent, theFoldersList)
    logEvent("processFoldersTree...") of me
    tell application "Aperture"
    repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
    if theParent is not 0 then
    set end of theFoldersTree_G to (id of theFolder)
    end if
    set theFolderListOfFolder to every folder of folder id (id of theFolder)
    if theFolderListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
    processFoldersTree((id of theFolder), theFolderListOfFolder) of me
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processFoldersTree completed...") of me
    end processFoldersTree
    on processAlbumsTree(theProjectsList, theFoldersList)
    logEvent("processAlbumsTree...") of me
    set theAllAlbums_G to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
    repeat with theAlbum in (every album of project id (id of theProject))
    set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
    repeat with theAlbum in (every album of every subfolder of project id (id of theProject))
    set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
    repeat with theAlbum in (every album of folder id (id of theFolder))
    set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processAlbumsTree completed...") of me
    end processAlbumsTree
    on DB_lookupImageInfo(puuid)
    set SqlStatement to "
    SELECT replace(A.ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject',''),strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',datetime(B.ZDATELASTSAVEDINDATABASE, 'unixepoch', '+31 years','localtime'))
    B.ZUUID ='" & puuid & "'"
    set SqlRecords to DB_execute(SqlStatement)
    return {theImagePath:DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 1), theImageDate:DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 2)}
    end DB_lookupImageInfo
    on processProjects(theProjectsList, theProjectPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processProjects... : " & theProjectPath) of me
    logEvent("processOrder: " & processOrder) of me
    set arrayOfProjects to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theProjectsList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
    set ProjectFolders to {}
    set theProjectName to name of theProject
    set end of arrayOfProjects to theProjectName
    set theContinue to 0
    if "ALL PROJECTS" is not in theSelectedProjects_G as string then
    if (id of theProject) is not in theSelectedProjects_G as string then
    logEvent("Skipping project: " & theProjectName) of me
    set theContinue to 1
    end if
    end if
    if theContinue = 0 then
    -- set theProjectPath to theProjectPath & DB_lookupProjectPath(id of theProject) of me
    logEvent("Processing project : " & theProjectName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theProjectPath & theProjectName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theProjectName & " at " & theProjectPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theProjectPath of me) with properties {name:theProjectName}
    end if
    end tell
    if processOrder is equal to "projects" then
    set end of theProcessedProjects_G to (id of theProject)
    logEvent("Getting list of images...") of me
    set theImageList to every image version of project id (id of theProject) as list
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theImageList) & " images") of me
    set end of ProjectFolders to processImages(theImageList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "project", "JPEG - Original Size") of me as list
    end if
    logEvent("Getting list of subfolders...") of me
    set theSubfolderList to every subfolder of project id (id of theProject)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theSubfolderList) & " subfolders") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of album...") of me
    set theAlbumList to every album of project id (id of theProject)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumList) & " albums") of me
    if theSubfolderList is equal to {} then
    set end of ProjectFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    if theAlbumList is not equal to {} then
    set end of ProjectFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    set end of ProjectFolders to processSubfolders(theSubfolderList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    if processOrder is equal to "projects" then
    cleanup(ProjectFolders, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "all") of me
    cleanup(ProjectFolders, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "folder") of me
    end if
    end if
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processProjects completed...") of me
    return arrayOfProjects
    end processProjects
    on exportImage(imageUUID, imageName, exportFolder, imageType, isAlbum, exportSettings, imageExt)
    set imageInfo to DB_lookupImageInfo(imageUUID) of me
    set imageTime to theImageDate of imageInfo as Unicode text
    set imageDate to date imageTime
    set isExported to 0
    set imageName to imageName & imageExt
    set theFile to POSIX file (exportFolder & imageName)
    tell application "Finder"
    set isUpdate to 0
    if not (exists theFile) then
    logEvent("Image does not exist in folder : " & exportFolder) of me
    set isUpdate to 1
    logEvent("Get image modification date") of me
    do shell script "ls -l " & quoted form of (exportFolder & imageName)
    set imageFileDate to modification date of (info for theFile)
    if imageDate ≥ imageFileDate then
    logEvent("Image file date: " & imageFileDate as string) of me
    set isUpdate to 1
    end if
    end if
    if isUpdate = 1 then
    if exists theFile then
    move theFile to the trash
    end if
    if isAlbum is equal to "album" then
    logEvent("Creating a link for image: " & imageName) of me
    set theProjectFolder to theImagePath of imageInfo
    do shell script "ln " & quoted form of (theLibraryPath_G & theProjectFolder & "/" & imageName) & " " & quoted form of exportFolder
    set isExported to 1
    logEvent("Exporting image: " & imageName) of me
    tell application "Aperture"
    if imageType is "master" then
    set settings to exportSettings
    export {image version id imageUUID} using settings to POSIX path of file exportFolder metadata embedded
    set settings to exportSettings
    export {image version id imageUUID} using settings to POSIX path of file exportFolder metadata embedded
    end if
    end tell
    end if
    end if
    end tell
    return isExported
    end exportImage
    on DB_execute(SqlStatement)
    set SqlScript to Sqlite_G & space & "-separator '|'" & space & (quoted form of ApertureLibrary_G) & space & (quoted form of SqlStatement) & " 2>&1"
    set SqlResult to do shell script SqlScript
    set theARray to {}
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character 13
    set SqlRecords to text items of SqlResult
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    return SqlRecords
    on error s number i partial result p from f to t
    set s to "SQL Error: " & s
    logEvent(quoted form of (s)) of me
    end try
    end DB_execute
    on DB_record(SqlRecords, row, col)
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|"
    set SqlCols to text items of (item row of SqlRecords)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    return item col of SqlCols
    on error
    return {}
    end try
    end DB_record
    on DB_lookupRecord(SqlRecords, theReturnCol, theText, theCol)
    set theResult to ""
    repeat with theRow in items of SqlRecords
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|"
    set theFields to text items of theRow
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    if item theCol of theFields is equal to theText then
    set theResult to item theReturnCol of theFields
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    return theResult
    end DB_lookupRecord
    on processImages(theImageList, exportFolder, isAlbum, exportSettings)
    logEvent("processImages... : " & exportFolder) of me
    if exportSettings contains "JPEG" then
    set imageExt to ".jpg"
    set imageExt to ".ANY"
    end if
    set arrayOfImages to {}
    with timeout of 6000 seconds
    set theCount to count of theImageList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theImage in theImageList
    set imageUUID to id of theImage
    set imageName to name of theImage
    set end of arrayOfImages to imageName & imageExt
    logEvent("Processing image : " & imageName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set numExports_G to numExports_G + (exportImage(imageUUID, imageName, exportFolder, "version", isAlbum, exportSettings, imageExt) of me)
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    end repeat
    end timeout
    return arrayOfImages
    end processImages
    on processAlbums(theAlbumsList, theAlbumPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processAlbums... : " & theAlbumPath) of me
    set arrayOfAlbums to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theAlbumsList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theAlbum in theAlbumsList
    set theAlbumName to name of theAlbum
    logEvent("Processing album : " & theAlbumName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    set AlbumObjects to {}
    set end of arrayOfAlbums to theAlbumName
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theAlbumName & " at " & theAlbumPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theAlbumPath of me) with properties {name:theAlbumName}
    end if
    end tell
    logEvent("Getting list of images...") of me
    set theImagesList to every image version of album id (id of theAlbum)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theImagesList) & " images") of me
    if processOrder is equal to "albums" then
    set end of AlbumObjects to processImages(theImagesList, (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName & "/"), "album", "JPEG - Original Size") of me as list
    cleanup(AlbumObjects, (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName & "/"), "all") of me
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processAlbums completed...") of me
    return arrayOfAlbums
    end processAlbums
    on processSubfolders(theSubfoldersList, theSubfolderPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processSubfolders... : " & theSubfolderPath) of me
    set arrayOfSubfolders to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theSubfoldersList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theSubfolder in theSubfoldersList
    set theSubfolderName to name of theSubfolder
    logEvent("Processing subfolder : " & theSubfolderName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    set end of arrayOfSubfolders to theSubfolderName
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theSubfolderName & " at " & theSubfolderPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theSubfolderPath of me) with properties {name:theSubfolderName}
    end if
    end tell
    set SubfoldersFolders to {}
    logEvent("Getting list of albums ...") of me
    set theAlbumsListOfSubfolder to every album of subfolder id (id of theSubfolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumsListOfSubfolder) & " albums") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of subfolders...") of me
    set theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder to every subfolder of subfolder id (id of theSubfolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder) & " subfolders") of me
    if theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder is equal to {} then
    set end of SubfoldersFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    if theAlbumsListOfSubfolder is not equal to {} then
    set end of SubfoldersFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    set end of SubfoldersFolders to processSubfolders(theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    cleanup(SubfoldersFolders, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), "all") of me
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processSubfolders completed...") of me
    return arrayOfSubfolders
    end processSubfolders

    If you do externalize your Masters to folders anywhere (same drive, internal/external drive, multiple drives, whatever), never be tempted to use Finder to mess with them.
    As Frank said, use Relocate Masters.  Otherwise you'll confuse Aperture when it wakes up expecting Masters to be in certain places when they have moved elsewhere.
    It's possible to fix up the mess, but it's no fun!

  • Spotlight indexes and then doesn't find folders.  Need boolean folder search by name.

    I have re-indexed (via adding and removing from the list at " ▹ System Preferences ▹ Spotlight ▹ Privacy") an external HD twice, and still Spotlight fails to return positive hits on many Finder folders.  (I've even watched the indexing progress in the status bar that shows in the Spotlight HUD in Yosemite.)
    EasyFind, the free program from the makers of the DevonThink family of products, finds them.
    The external drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled).  I have used it for a few years.  Less than 1/5 full.  It is a FW800 drive connected via an Apple FW<—>Thunderbolt adapter.
    OS 10.10.  MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013).
    Bonus:  what I need to do is search and rename thousands of folders containing tens of thousands of files.  In order to do this efficiently, I need to perform boolean searches on folder names.  (These searches are straightforward:  "Contains X and Y; Contains X and not Y; and, if available, Starts with X and contains Y.)  EasyFind allows boolean searches of file _content_ but not (quizzically) file or folder names.  Suggestions?

    (Sorry — could not figure out how to edit my OP.)
    I should have mentioned that both Spotlight and Finder's search have the exact same problem.  (As I understand the OS, this is expected, as Finder uses the Spotlight indices.)

  • How do I best integrate existing laptops for a new server?  Can I use the existing home folders on the laptops and make them into Network Users?

    How do I best integrate existing laptops for a new server?  Can I use the existing home folders on the laptops and make them into Network Users?

    Yes it will work.  I've done it for a few users in my small office.  As with anything, there are quirks that you may or may not experience.  Most quirks are app-related, due to app developers hard-coding absolute paths into their apps for things like temp files (Photoshop).  Strategies for resolving these sorts of quirks can be found via google.  You would probably have seen these quirks already when using server-based home folders for your kids.  If you haven't noticed them, then you're probably fine.
    The tech note you cited should be fine.  It doesn't explicitly say so, but you'll need to enable ssh on your server, at least temporarily, so you can upload your home folder to the server using scp, rsync, etc.  Don't try to copy the files up to the server via Finder.
    Once all your files are transferred to the server and in the right place, make sure to chown them on the server, so they are owned by the userID you created for yourself on the server.
    As with anything this involved, make a good backup of your laptop first.
    Note I have one user that isn't too happy with the responsiveness of the periodic mobile home syncing.  She has about a decade of e-mail in her home folder, probably 50 to 100 emails per day, many with attachments.  Mobile home syncing takes a long time to check and sync this huge tree of itty-bitty files, eevn with server-side file tracking turned on.  The other users are happy.
    The nice thing about mobile home syncing is that when a user "graduates" to an age where they've earned their own laptop, you can change them from a server home user to a mobile home user, with a minimum of fuss.  Also, if you lose or break a laptop, you can add a new replacement laptop to your network, and pull-down a replica of the home folder from the server, with almost no downtime.

  • Issue in adding Space to the existing Virtual Machine from added repository

    I'm facing issue in adding Space to the existing Virtual Machine (Guest OS) from added repository.
    Environment details :
    VM Server : /OVS => 130GB
    /OVS/935970F2CC2D4B4391701397517F1001/ => 512 GB
    Things I have done :
    •     I created a VM (Guest OS) in the VM Server with 120 GB
    •     After creating the VM (Guest OS) , When I tried adding a VIRTUAL DISK of size 150 GB , I got an error “Maximum available Disk space is only 10GB”.
    My query :
    •     Will I be able to add space to Existing VM from the added Repository ( /OVS/935970F2CC2D4B4391701397517F1001/ ) , whose system.img is stored in path /OVS/running_pool/34_rhel/ .
    Kindly help me out in this.
    Thanks in advance.
    -- Sri

    Hi all,
    I checked with Oracle on the above and got the info currently , the we can utilise only the space available in the existing repo and cannot extend to additional repo.
    Work around is : Clone it to the other repo , or Use Symbolic link .

  • Trying to move files into a new folder and th finder folders disappear and show latest open application

    I did not have this problem running the beta. I upgraded to the shipping version yesterday and whenever I try to move a file or application into another folder, both folders disappear, the desktop screen flashes, then I see the finder folders behind whatever application I had open last sitting on top of the finder window. If I let go of the mouse nothing moves and the windows close.
    2013 MacBook Pro 13" retina, 10.10 shipping version

    I'm having the same or similar issue...  I think...  trying to do a little house cleaning in the file structure.  For example, in our events folder I'm creating archive folders (i.e. - 2004, 2005, ect...) and when I use the Files Panel to drag and drop the past event pages into the newly created archive folder, the pages loose all their links.
    Image link prior to and after moving are the same (../images/logo1.gif)
    It does ask me to confirm that I want to move the file but nothing about updating the links.  Is it due to the way the files are linked in the original files?
    Thanks in advance for any help!!!

  • Why don't my existing bookmark folders show up in the edit bookmark window? How do I put a new bookmark in an existing folder in one step?

    When you create a new bookmark by selecting the 'bookmark this page' command or clicking on the star next to the address, existing bookmark folders don't show up anywhere in the window. The only folder options are 'bookmarks toolbar', 'bookmarks menu' & 'unsorted bookmarks', non of which expand to show existing folders.

    Try this extension:
    Add Bookmark Here ² :

  • Install new OS, but use existing User folders

    I'm going to buy a SSD for my Mac Pro. I would like to install a fresh OS on that drive, but use the existing User folders on my HD.
    I assume there's an easy way to do this, but I *suspect* that the install will make default User folders and accounts?
    Any advice?

    Maury Markowitz wrote:
    I'm going to buy a SSD for my Mac Pro. I would like to install a fresh OS on that drive, but use the existing User folders on my HD.
    I assume there's an easy way to do this, but I *suspect* that the install will make default User folders and accounts?
    Any advice?
    If you are the only user of your system you may be able to do this fairly easily.  If there is more than one account it still may be be possible but there's a potential "gotcha".
    If you intend to keep your home dir on a separate drive from your boot ssd, depending on how many of your own apps and data you intend to put on the ssd for faster access you really only need a 60GB to 120GB ssd.  Assume the OS itself will need up to about 25GB of that ssd. 
    Assuming your are the only user then install the new OS on the ssd and create an account with the same account name of the one you had for the original system.  Once that is up and running you can use the standard procedures to move an account to another drive.  In other words use the Account system preferences to modify the account (account's Advanced Options) home dir info to point to your old home dir on the other drive.  In this case you don't have any current home dir to actually move since you intend to use your old one on your other drive.  Now reboot.  Hopefully your reboot will come up using your old home dir.
    The "gotcha" here is the userid.  If you are the only user it should remain 501.  So doing what I suggest above hopefully will work -- "hopefully" in that it has to be assumed your old account also had userid 501.  With more than one account, if your old account wasn't 501 then I think you are in for ownership problems.
    If you try this don't even attempt this without full backups of your original home disk(s).  Best you create a bootable backup of your newly created ssd too so you don't have to reinstall and you can revert it from the backup if something goes wrong.  Doing it this way doesn't write to new ssd cells if you don't have to (I am always concerend about this with ssd's even with possible TRIM or garbage collection).

  • Adding Index server to existing farm, "Server Farm Product and Patch Status" returned 34 Missing Locally required products and patches

    Once I connected my new server to my farm's config db, it returned all of the following missing locally. I stripped out any redundancies and Headings, and I'm left with 43. I'm looking for a efficient strategy. Should I start with the lowest version number
    and work my way up? Current DB version is 14.0.7015.1000. IIRC, SP2 is cumulative, so can I ignore the first two (SP1 and Hotfix), install SP2, and then the Language packs and etc on top?
    Sorted by version:
    Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) (14.0.6029.1000)
    Hotfix for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (KB2775353) 64-Bit Edition (14.0.6105.5000)
    Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 (KB2687453) 64-Bit Edition (14.0.7015.1000)
    Service Pack 2 for Microsoft 2010 Server Language Pack (KB2687462) 64-Bit Edition (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Office Server Proof (English) 2010 (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Office Server Proof (French) 2010 (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Office Server Proof (Russian) 2010 (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Office Server Proof (Spanish) 2010 (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft SharePoint Portal (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft User Profiles (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft SharePoint Portal English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Shared Components (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Shared Coms English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Slide Library (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft InfoPath Forms Services (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft InfoPath Form Services English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Word Server (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Word Server English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint (14.0.7015.1000)
    PerformancePoint Services in SharePoint 1033 Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Visio Services English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Visio Services Web Front End Components (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Excel Services Components (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Document Lifecycle Components (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Excel Services English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Search Server 2010 Core (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Search Server 2010 English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Document Lifecycle Components English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Slide Library English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Access Services Server (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Access Services English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Web Analytics Web Front End Components (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Web Analytics English Language Pack (14.0.7015.1000)
    Microsoft Excel Mobile Viewer Components (14.0.7015.1000)

    Thanks guys. I was able to get through all of the patches except for
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - English   missing locally
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 -
    Spanish/Español missing locally
    This was my process:
    Config Wizard:
    Adding Index server to existing farm, "Server Farm Product and Patch Status" returned 34 Missing Locally required products and patches.
    SKIP installing the following two, as SP2 is cumulative
    Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) (14.0.6029.1000) (officeserver2010sp1-kb2460045-x64-fullfile-en-us.exe)
    Hotfix for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (KB2775353) 64-Bit Edition (14.0.6105.5000)
    install SP2 oserversp2010-kb2687453-fullfile-x64-en-us.exe
    install oslpksp2010-kb2687462-fullfile-x64-en-us.exe
    Got "There are no products affected by this package installed on this system."
    Uninstalled Sharepoint 2010 Server
    WIll try to install again, without skipping #2, and reorder installation of oslpksp2010-kb2687462-fullfile-x64-en-us.exe
    Retry (the long way):
    Run SharePointServer.exe, get Missing Locally...
    Install oslpksp2010-kb2687462-fullfile-x64-en-us.exe SUCCESSFUL
    Install officeserver2010sp1-kb2460045-x64-fullfile-en-us.exe SUCCESSFUL
    Install oserversp2010-kb2687453-fullfile-x64-en-us.exe SUCCESSFUL
    Rerun Config
    Download oslpksp2010-kb2687462-fullfile-x64-es-es.exe, run, "there are no products affected..."
    Re-retried, only got through the first couple:
    Run SharePointServer.exe, get Missing Locally...
    Install SP1 officeserver2010sp1-kb2460045-x64-fullfile-en-us.exe, SUCCESSFUL
    Install English Lang Pack oslpksp2010-kb2687462-fullfile-x64-en-us.exe, "There are no products affected by this package installed on this system."
    Install Spanish Lang Pack oslpksp2010-kb2687462-fullfile-x64-es-es.exe,
    Install SP2 oserversp2010-kb2687453-fullfile-x64-en-us.exe, run Config Wizard
    I'm now downloading 462150_intl_x64_zip.exe, going to try and install it as step three.
    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

  • Remove existing share folders in windows domain client machines

    Hi Team,
    I used sysinternals tool shareenum & found in our Windows domain network many users have shared folders in their local machine which is highlighted by auditor. Now i have found a way through GP to block Filesharing but how can i remove existing shared
    folders from all windows client machines.
    Please help.

    This is Exchange 2010 forum, suggest you to post this in Windows forum to get faster responses...
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  • Spotlight fails to find folders

    On a new iMac running 10.7.2 with two separate disks (SSD for Lion and apps and hard drive for user data) I have trouble to kick Spotlight into finding folders when searching by name. Spotlight indexed the hard drive twice but searches for folders by name for instance "lab" won't bring up any results, same for "lab folder" - only a search for "lab kind:folder" finally brings up the looked after folder. On a Macbook Air also running 10.7.2 I don't have this problem. What's wrong here? Is this a bug in Spotlight related to having user data on the secondary disk...?

    Same here. I'd think that this is a bug. Did you file a bug report?

  • InDesign CC 2014 version adding pages to an existing document keeps crashing, why?

    InDesign CC 2014 version adding pages to an existing document keeps crashing, why?

    Because there's a problem in the file. See Remove minor corruption by exporting

  • Adding portal to an existing domain

    Hi I have a JSP/Servlet web applicatin and
    I want to make it a portal application.
    I was following Weblogic Portal Development
    Guide 7.0. I found the section
    "Adding portal to an existing domain" is very incomplete
    or confusing and I cannot do it. Is there any better document
    for this?

    Judging from the dates between these two entrries and no answers, I'd
    guess that there isn't anyone from BEA monitoring this group? I am in a
    similar situation. What I want to understand is how one can "portalize" an
    existing web app. I understand there are implications to some of the
    presentation, but specifically, I want to deploy a Servlet based app that
    uses EJBs and deploy this as an EAR in the same domain as the portal
    (perhaps under the /applications directory). I can make everything work
    except the webflow where I reference the Servlet.
    Specifically, I have a presentation page that is defined to be my servlet.
    When I try to build a webflow URL referencing this event, I get errors from
    the portal because it presumes it may be located somewhere else or in a
    different namespace. It leads me to believe that I can't reference a
    servlet unless it is under the /framework or /portal directories under the
    portal web-app directory. I'm convinced there must be a way to reference
    other web components that aren't specifically part of the portal web app,
    but can't figure out how to propagate the webflow element to the actual
    servlet I want.
    Any ideas from the community at large? This must be something other
    people have wrestled with since I can't imagine that only new apps will be
    put into portals.
    "Sara" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I'm facing similar problems too. I have an ear file in an existing domainthat
    I want to use to create a portal. The documentation on this is quiteconfusing
    and the steps require so many manual steps that it is bound to beerror-prone.
    What's BEA's recommended way to expose an existing Weblogic application asa portal
    Thanks in advance
    "David Zhang" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi I have a JSP/Servlet web applicatin and
    I want to make it a portal application.
    I was following Weblogic Portal Development
    Guide 7.0. I found the section
    "Adding portal to an existing domain" is very incomplete
    or confusing and I cannot do it. Is there any better document
    for this?

  • Adding replication to an existing database.

    I am looking at adding replication to an existing database. This database has lots of existing containers many of them are 1G in size. How will this be handled when the master and client initially start? Will the master just start sending to the client? Is there another option?

    Yes. This, and the alternatives, are described in the Ref Guide, on the page entitled "Initializing a new site".
    Alan Bram

  • IPhoto and Finder folders don't agree

    I have several albums in iPhoto that for some reason are different to the ones in my Home Finder folders. When I print (Canon PIxma) the printer always selects photos from the Finder and displays them on my desktop.
    How can I get my albums to show correctly in the Finder?

    There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto:
    For 10.5 users: You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Apple-Click for selecting multiple pics.
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    To upload to a site that does not have an iPhoto Export Plug-in the recommended way is to Select the Pic in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export and export the pic to the desktop, then upload from there. After the upload you can trash the pic on the desktop. It's only a copy and your original is safe in iPhoto.
    This is also true for emailing with Web-based services. If you're using Gmail you can use iPhoto2GMail
    If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto. With 10.5 you can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    Or, if you want to access the files with iPhoto not running, then create a Media Browser using Automator (takes about 10 seconds) or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser
    Other options include:
    1. *Drag and Drop*: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    2. *File -> Export*: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
    3. *Show File*: Right- (or Control-) Click on a pic and in the resulting dialogue choose 'Show File'. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.

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