Additional Details on HOTFIX for KB2639824

We have an environment running win2008r2 SP1 across multiple servers which have recently begun experiencing multiple dropped multicast packets at the server. We have determined that it is not the NIC card or network infrastructure in anyway. We have applied
the hotfix to 3 servers and at this point in time it appears to have resolved the problem.
Does anyone have any additional details regarding this hotfix? The listed details are a bit sparse. Before we roll it out to additional servers, we are trying to assess the risk of the rollout:
1. Is there a performance hit by applying, on processing multicast data?
2. Are there any other 'unintended' consequences that may be expected from applying this patch?
3. Why isn't this a broad fix being implemented via Windows server 2008 R2 updates?
4. What issue was specifically fixed? What were the cases where the issue would present itself?

1) test and you will know. Note that in any case the kb indicates teh aptch as a solution for the issue and the issue itself has potential performance impact.
2) none that MS is aware of. otherwize it would be listed as a known issue
3) hotfixes are not widely distributed as per definition.  the intent of a hotfix is to resolve an incident asap. therefore a hotfix is not tested as rigourouslyas a patch.
4) see the linked kb
If you need more detailed info (as in: info that is not already publicly available) I would recommend contacting Microsoft support and opening a support case.

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  • Image gallery approach for additional details and add to cart option?

    With efficiency and minimalist downloads for smartphone users I would appreciate advice on a product image gallery.
    Currently I have an intro page and other simple information pages. My gallery pages ( four distinct pages for different leather goods) need  either a pop up or a link to a new page for additional details and an option to add to cart.
    Within the image gallery, How should I link each photo to the new detail/cart page? Can clicking  the image itself be the action or do I need a button?

    I made a mistake. I think I got it right this time. The pop up of the title box works but the images are all gone.
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    <section class="about">
    <p>There are several styles and sizes of purses available. Custom orders can be arranged but most of these purses are unique and with limited runs of art styles.</p>
    <p>Please click on the detail button for larger and additional views and the opportunity to add the item to your cart.<strong></strong></p>
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  • Modify field description for IN9030/Subtype 04 (additional Details)

    The field description for IN9030/Subtype 04 (additional Details) need to be modified from "Role" to "Role Title".
    Pls guide where the Field Text can be changed.

    One doubt,
    do you want to change the subtype text like for IT 0006 we have subtype 1 = Permanent address, 2 = office address etc
    or do you want to change the description of the field that describes the subtype.
    If it is the second case then you will either have to change the name at the structure level in PM01 or on the screen on your custom infotype using SE51.
    Give your program name and screen number.
    Go to layout
    double click on the text field which you want to change
    change the text and save and activate
    hope this helps

  • Additional Details details for Receipts

    We need to capture some additional details as per Trade Compliance before/during receipts can be made, for imported goods. How can we achieve this, apart from DFF?
    Any suggestions, pls?

    If you don't want DFF, you can consider using the following fields during receipt.
    Comments (free flowing text - no validation)
    Reason code (is restricted to reason codes you have setup in Inventory)
    There is a comments field on the Receipt Header as well.
    Hope this helps,
    Sandeep Gandhi

  • 'No detailed information exists for this person'  while adding new reviewer

    Hi All,
    <b>This is an extremely urgent issue.</b>
    We are getting the following message in SRM while adding a new approver to the Shopping cart once the - 'No detailed information exists for this person'
    <b>We have implemented the following OSS Notes in the SRM 5.5 system, Release 700 after rasing a call with SAP.
    SAP Pilot OSS note - 1002957
    Other OSS Notes -
    999528 Adding Ad Hoc Approver fails due to comit erro...
    722357 Ad hoc: Commit control with ad hoc enhancement...
    990467 Commit Problem with AdHoc Agents...
    984582 Problems with Posting Container Data (ad Hoc
    947296 Inserted/changed approver is not transferred...
    910925 SRM Workflow: Ad-hoc agent not found...
    803628 BADI workflow: You cannot add an approver</b>
    Here are the details
                          <b>Cannot add additional approver</b>
                            We are now on SRM 5.5 and a document attached shows the
                            patch levels
                            from SPAM.
                            In shop transaction, it is possible to change the
                            default approvers,
                            but not possible to Add.
                            When we add, the system shows the list of available
                            approvers, allows
                            selection, but "transfer" button does not actually
                            When the cart is saved, the added approval shows as "no
                            We are using the standard workflows for 2 step approval.
                            A document is attached to show what happens and the
                            results of checks
                            we have performed.
                            BUS2121 also shows as ok when checked.
    Any pointers what could be possible reasons.
    <b>Points for sure. !!</b>
    - Atul

    Hi Atul,
    Here is the list.
          |-----     0000702787 EBP 4.0: Message "Enter a country"
          |-----     0000732828 E-mail messages for work items with incorrect line break
          |-----     0000735026 Memory problems at BBP_GETLIST_INDEX_FILL
          |-----     0000804317 SRM40/SUS/PO: PO inbound with error BBP_PD 147
          |-----     0000862851 PO not ordered due to different locations error
          |-----     0000902956 Changing Account assignment category BE Limit service PO
          |-----     0000911446 No reservation is created
          |-----     0000917869 SRM 5.0: PPOMV_BBP - Vendor address tab page
          |-----     0000919553 SRM 5.0: Termination of output preview for invalid partner
          |-----     0000920363 Shopping cart transfer: Sourcing indicator is not set
          |-----     0000924218 SRM 5.0: wrong error message for non existant auth. PurchOrg
          |-----     0000924811 SRM5.0: Javascript error on document screen
          |-----     0000926750 Shopping cart: Unit of measure is not restored
          |-----     0000926878 Link for expanding details in the shopping cart too small
          |-----     0000927142 SRM5.0: Browser hangs up during attachment upload
          |-----     0000938168 SRM50: Message "No default value from vendor master"
          |-----     0000938296 JavaScript runtime error in the bid invitation
          |-----     0000940805 BBPS_SC_APP_SOS cannot be enhanced
          |-----     0000941935 External requirements displayed as a reference
          |-----     0000942742 Update is cancelled if new source of supply is found
          |-----     0000944592 No location when vendor has changed
          |-----     0000944918 ECS: Find back end purchasing group as a responsible group
          |-----     0000945601 Termination when you display purchase order item detail
          |-----     0000948425 Shopping basket changeable although already approved
          |-----     0000953238 Shopping cart history in the sourcing cockpit
          |-----     0000954066 Follow-On Documents Tab does not get Highlighted
          |-----     0000954409 Error message during approval of a confirmation
          |-----     0000955377 Long runtimes for workflows with blocks
          |-----     0000956108 Empty worklist after clicking button 'Find'
          |-----     0000956723 BBPMAININT:Bus. partner display switches to maintenance mode
          |-----     0000956797 RUSRM50: Limit Purchase Order Functional Area Error Message
          |-----     0000957884 Category Management: Data disappears after program SAVE
          |-----     0000958045 BBPSC04: Delete icon not hidden despite screen variant
          |-----     0000958349 Final delivery with quantity 0
          |-----     0000959528 During PO creation wrong error message BBP_PD 428
          |-----     0000960169 Favorites not saved for 'Purchase for'
          |-----     0000961422 BBP_MON_SC: No search help for 'Created By'
          |-----     0000962093 BBP_VENDOR_CREATE: Refresh BP data
          |-----     0000962252 BBP_GETLIST_INDEX_FILL: Incorrect processing statistics
          |-----     0000962474 Error after changing partner data
          |-----     0000964132 Approval Preview for Rejected Items: Wrong User's Inbox
          |-----     0000964361 Cannot find employee of vendor
          |-----     0000964455 Country for the PO box is initial
          |-----     0000964911 Kopieren von Alertkategorien: Containerelemente verschwinden
          |-----     0000966072 Download of material fails - set type COMM_PR_UNIT
          |-----     0000966323 Service Item: Not able to create PO in ERP backend
          |-----     0000967429 Approval buttons not updated after release
          |-----     0000967615 Performance of BBP_PD_PO_GETDETAIL may be poor
          |-----     0000968110 Transfer canceled, account assignment acc. to value/quantity
          |-----     0000968251 BBPSC02:In source of supply preferred vendor not validated
          |-----     0000969091 SRM does not support passwords longer than 8 characters
          |-----     0000982293 Ext requirements: Purchasing group data not transferred
          |-----     0000982448 Impossibility to delete an item in PO
          |-----     0000982674 Change PO quantity does not update account assign quantity
          |-----     0000983130 Search for back-end purchase orders using the requester name
          |-----     0000984184 BADI BBP_ALERTING active but its implementation isn't called
          |-----     0000985179 Delete button active for backend service entry sheets
          |-----     0000990264 Multiple confirmations cannot be posted for service & limit
          |-----     0000996104 No catalog when confirming back-end blanket purchase orders
          |-----     0001003408 BBPCF: Cannot Add Catalog Item to Confirmation for Limit PO
         0001010791 Flag Confirmation based Invoice Verification set erroneous
    Kind regards,

  • Issue w/ Partition Structure Hotfix for Yoga

    I tried running Lenovo's Partition Structure Hotfix for Windows 8 on Yoga ( and it ran into an issue. After the command script runs for a little bit, I get the following problem:
    "New File  131072    001.dat
    ERROR 32 (0x00000020) Copying File d:\System Volume Information\001.dat
    The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
    Waiting 30 seconds... Retrying..."
    It continues to do this over and over until I close it. I have no idea what that file is nor which process is using it, and I was hoping someone could help me understand if there's a way to shut that process down and successfully do the hotfix.

    there may be virus/anti-virus process/windows update or windows service so i'm not sure. can you try to re-install the windows by pressing one key recover button then run the hotfix? it will take just a few minutes to re-install the system if you can.

  • Error in FB60 - Additional account assignment required for field BSEG-HBKID

    Hi Experts
    While posting an Invoice for a particular company code in FB60, we are facing the following error :
    "Additional account assignment required for field BSEG-HBKID"
    Message no. F5A122
    Additional account assignment has to be carried out for some fields on the detail screen.
    System Response
    Error message
    Select the relevant items and call up the detail screen.
    We are unable to post any Non PO Based Invoices in this company code.
    Kindly guide us on possible methods to rectify this error.

    First Check the setup as described by Atif,
    Also in OBC4 you will not find HBKID field, for this u need to select appropriate FSG, Under Payment Transaction Group please check if own Bank field is optional or not. by doing this as optional system will show House ban Field in Payment Tab of FB60, will be enabled and there will be two field one for House Bank and Other will be for Account ID.
    Hope this helps.
    Br, Vivek

  • Interest frequency of Additional Details in Oracle Treasury Transaction

    Dear all,
    We are using Oracle Treasury. Our client request to input the time deposit with interest payment period so that the system can generate the interest payment per frequency. i.e. a 2 year time deposit with annual interest payment.
    We found that there is a field "Interest Frequency" of additional details in Short Term Money's transaction form.
    We try to update the value but it is not effect on calculation of interest rate.
    Please advise
    1. The use of Interest frequency of Additional Details.
    If it is only reference field?
    2. how the system can generate interest payment per term period

    Can you please elaborate more on your requirement.
    In the FI document, you will not contain the transaction type value filled because not all documents arising from Treasury need to have the transaction type.  There may be derived documents also.  Same is the case for flow types.  For derived documents, you will not have any flow type.  But all these document line items will have update type in their item text as default. 
    For documents relating to transaction types, contract number will be filled, which is the treasury transaction number.  Using this you can pick the transaction type from the table VTBFHA.

  • Custom Attributes In Additional Details

    I created a couple of custom attributes for services supplied by two of our service organizations. One attribute is associated with our custom ticket entry form our IT department and the other is on a different custom entry form for our Property Management folks. I have a hidden attribute called Category on each form defaulted to the appropriate value so we can separate the  tickets. When I look at the Additional Details for the tickets, I see both of the service attributes even though one of the attributes does not pertain to the ticket at all. Is there a way to control what shows up in the additional details?  The different categories are worked by different groups and I do not want to confuse them with information that does not apply to their ticket.
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    Please see the below link. This might help you.
    Thanks and regards,

  • Need hotfix for BUG Check reboots for 2012R2

    I have 5 Node cluster of 2012R2 which will go to production in next few days, but am struck with the Bug check issue, which reboots atleast 3 nodes frequently. Am aware of this bug check and know the hotfixes for 2012 and 2008. However am not able to find
    the hotfix  or steps to resolve this issue on 2012r2.
    Need assistance to fix this problem.
    Thanks in advance, below the debug report.
    3: kd> !analyze -v
    *                        Bugcheck Analysis                                   
    One or more critical user mode components failed to satisfy a health check.
    Hardware mechanisms such as watchdog timers can detect that basic kernel
    services are not executing. However, resource starvation issues, including
    memory leaks, lock contention, and scheduling priority misconfiguration,
    may block critical user mode components without blocking DPCs or
    draining the nonpaged pool.
    Kernel components can extend watchdog timer functionality to user mode
    by periodically monitoring critical applications. This bugcheck indicates
    that a user mode health check failed in a manner such that graceful
    shutdown is unlikely to succeed. It restores critical services by
    rebooting and/or allowing application failover to other servers.
    Arg1: ffffe8010a271900, Process that failed to satisfy a health check within the
     configured timeout
    Arg2: 00000000000004b0, Health monitoring timeout (seconds)
    Arg3: 0000000000000005
    Arg4: 0000000000000000
    Debugging Details:
    ***** Kernel symbols are WRONG. Please fix symbols to do analysis.
    ***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
    ***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
    ***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
    ***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
    ***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that   ***
    ***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
    ***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
    ***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
    ***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
    ***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
    ***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
    ***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
    ***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
    ***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
    ***    work.                                                         
    ***    Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB                                    
    ***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
    ***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
    ***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
    ***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
    ***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that   ***
    ***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
    ***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
    ***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
    ***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
    ***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
    ***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
    ***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
    ***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
    ***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
    ***    work.                                                         
    ***    Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB                                    
    ***    Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger   ***
    ***    doesn't have full symbol information.  Unqualified symbol      ***
    ***    resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a   ***
    ***    fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
    ***    of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that   ***
    ***    enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol     ***
    ***    server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to     ***
    ***    appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect      ***
    ***    symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down.     ***
    ***    For some commands to work properly, your symbol path           ***
    ***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
    ***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
    ***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
    ***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
    ***    work.                                                         
    ***    Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB                                    
    You can run '.symfix; .reload' to try to fix the symbol path and load symbols.
    MODULE_NAME: netft
    FAULTING_MODULE: fffff80021089000 nt
    PROCESS_OBJECT: ffffe8010a271900
    ANALYSIS_VERSION: 6.3.9600.17237 (debuggers(dbg).140716-0327) x86fre
    LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from fffff800a291ac08 to fffff800211dcfa0
    ffffd001`d60c6938 fffff800`a291ac08 : 00000000`0000009e ffffe801`0a271900 00000000`000004b0 00000000`00000005 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
    ffffd001`d60c6940 fffff800`a291a892 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffd001`d601c180 ffffe001`1f716ec8 : netft+0x2c08
    ffffd001`d60c6980 fffff800`210e2810 : ffffd001`d60c6b00 ffffe001`1f716ec8 ffffe001`24e7d220 ffffd001`d601c180 : netft+0x2892
    ffffd001`d60c69b0 fffff800`211e0aea : ffffd001`d601c180 ffffd001`d601c180 ffffd001`d6028dc0 ffffe001`24e7d080 : nt!KeRemoveQueueEx+0x3b80
    ffffd001`d60c6c60 00000000`00000000 : ffffd001`d60c7000 ffffd001`d60c1000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeSynchronizeExecution+0x2efa
    fffff800`a291ac08 cc              int     3
    SYMBOL_NAME:  netft+2c08
    FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner
    IMAGE_NAME:  netft.sys
    FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING:  km:wrong_symbols
    FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {70b057e8-2462-896f-28e7-ac72d4d365f8}
    Followup: MachineOwner

    Try to install all recommended cluster hot-fixes to stop further BSODs. Bug check ID 0x9E is recorded for this shutdown & image name netft.sys cause of server shutdown.
    As suggested in
    similar kind of thread netft.sys is driver of MS Cluster Virtual Adapter. Try to to update firmware/drivers of NICs.
    Here is another useful link for your reference 
    Regards, Ravikumar P

  • I have 2 iCloud accounts. Can I delete one account so I can make use of additional space I purchased for the secondary account? Also iPhoto seems to only connect to the primary account? How do I send files to the secondary account?

    I have 2 iCloud accounts. Can I delete one account so I can make use of additional space I purchased for the secondary account? Also iPhoto seems to only connect to the primary account? How do I send files to the secondary account?

    Both accounts are completely independent from each other. In order to use the space that you have purchased for your secondary account, you must change it to become your primary account. Yes, as you said, services like photo stream only work with the primary account. Unfortunately, there is no comfortable way to just transfer data from one account to another one, but you can do it via a third party application e.g. via Dropbox: e.g. for photos: photos stored with your current primary account > manual transfer to dropbox > after you made your secondary account to the primary account,  transfer the photos back to your new primary account etc.

  • Where can I find detailed, systematic HELP for advanced topics relating to Thunderbird?

    In moving from XP to Windows 7, I opted for Thunderbird as email client in order to bypass Microsoft's hyper-intrusive Windows Live Mail (I used Outlook Express for years).
    I have a very complicated email structure, and it's taken me weeks (seriously) to learn how to replicate it in TBird. Now I'm trying to customize TBird further, but none of the TBird articles/forum Q&A's/Google searches address my questions.
    There is no live tech support for TBird, and I'm just about ready to leave it for good. However -- one last effort: where can I find detailed, systematic HELP for advanced topics relating to Thunderbird?

    I am no expert, but I don't know of any authoritative reference as to what elements of HTML and CSS are supported in Thunderbird. However, as I believe you appreciate, it's more than just what Thunderbird supports, but one must also think about what is likely to work in other email clients. Keep it simple. Avoid ancient deprecated tags that other email clients may not support, and for similar reasons, avoid cutting edge technology. Remember that recipients using tablets or smartphones won't appreciate large fancy email documents.
    The only thing ''guaranteed'' to work in email is plain text. ;-)
    If you haven't already discovered it, the Stationery add-on is designed specifically to support OE stationery in Thunderbird. Your existing stationery may "just work" in this add-on. It makes switching between various stationery templates much easier, but I'm not confident that it will affect interpretation of your CSS or HTML coding.
    Your code is at least clean and minimal. Most times my involvement with troublesome templates and signatures centres on the horrible bloat and mso custom code generated by Word or Outlook.
    Having said that, you and I are mortal enemies, as I don't have much patience with what you aspire to achieve. I specifically don't like background images, nor being obliged to suffer other folks' bizarre choice of typefaces and colours (but your simple 12pt black Tahoma is quite inoffensive. ;-) ) I'm of an age where my tolerance and eyesight are easily offended.
    Nonetheless, I'm intrigued by how to parse the tag for the background image, as it doesn't look like a legitimate pathname to a graphics file. Does the background image actually appear as required?

  • Is it possible to see the photo details (CMD+I for e.g. Aperture, ISO etc.) in fullscreen view?

    Based on I decided to add each question seperately:
    Hello, I'm quite interested in buying Lightroom 5.2. I tried the RC which ran out now. Yet, I have a several questions that I can't really find good conclusive answers to, that I'd like to get answered before buying LR. Please don't write maybe like this or that (assumptions), since I don't want to start my whole workflow and then realize that I have to change everything around, so please answer, if you know for sure that something works and you are, preferably, using that method too.
    Is it possible to see the photo details (CMD+I for e.g. Aperture, ISO etc.) in fullscreen view?

    Note that if you invoke Full Screen Preview (F) from Grid Mode, then Cycle Info Display (I) doesn't work at all, no matter how many times you press "I": k_in_full_screen_preview
    It appears that Adobe originally designed Full Screen Preview to be a special viewing mode of the underlying mode.  So if you invoke Full Screen Preview from Grid Mode, Cycle Info Display doesn't work and the arrow keys work with selections just as they do in regular Grid Mode, not as in Loupe Mode.  But according to employee Becky Sowada, Adobe is reconsidering this design; see the 9/17 thread in this topic: y_with_selections

  • Where can I find the latest security hotfix for CF 9.0.2?

    ZDNet announces there is a security hotfix for ColdFusion but provides no link to where I can read about it or download it. I go to the Adobe site and look for it by browsing and searching and can't find it. It's been hidden well.
    Maybe the ZDNet announcement was made prior to Adobe updating their website? Or maybe I just can't find what is obvious for others.

    Adobe published it yesterday, you just have to know where to look: is always updated with the latest from the Adobe Security team. More specifically you are looking for this:
    Pete Freitag
    Foundeo Inc. - Makers of HackMyCF 

  • How can i show item schedule line details in Tableview for each line item

    Hai all,
      I need to display schedule line details  in Tableview for each line item.for example in each row i need to put one column along with button , if i click on this table that row  should be expand vertically and must show all schedule line details in that.if i click my button again the visible expanded row should disappear...
    if anybody works on this previously plz send some sample code...

    To modify rows the best way is with the Iterator (do a search in the weblogs for "Iterator")
    However for what you want to do I've only seen this really work successfully with a standard HTML table not using the tableView.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Error when opening a VO xml file

    I am starting to look at using the framework extension capability for some changes to the Oracle Sourcing module. I have used an enhanced version of Luke's script to generate my server.xml files. I have successfully loaded these into my project in Jd

  • Homing switch causing motion control problems

    I am controlling a dome for a telescope. I have a home position switch and motion control using one of NI's motion controllers. Everything works fine except for one bug. The dome just goes around and around. I can run a Home type reference search and


    My ipod wont do anyting...When I tried to restore it on itunes it said to continue the process I had to plus it in something and plus it into an outlet. It has a picture of some sort of device needing to be plugged into an outlet. Anyway to get aroun

  • Illustrator CS5 Netzwerk Problem

    Hallo Miteinander, bin gerade neu hier und hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Habe seit kurzem das Problem das Illustrator gefühlte 40-60 Sekunden braucht um Dateien zu öffnen und zu speichern selbst bei Dateien ohne Inhalt. Dabei ist egal ob diese Lokal au

  • New PC, Old Inactive Serial for CS4

    I recently purchased a new PC with Windows 8, and no longer have access to the old one to deactivate Photoshop on it. I believe the version I was using was CS4, which I couldn't reinstall. I think my serial number pre-dates the Creative Cloud system