ADLink DAQ card generates an error

I am using a PCIe9842 DAQ card from ADLink. I am trying to simply get an analog signal from a function generator but for some reason it is not working. I have attached the code and the error that appeares. The error says "The configuration API is failed"! Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
l.JPG ‏82 KB

Right. I just wanted to see if someone else has this issue by any chance.

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  • How to generate a pulse waveform 90 deg phas shifted with respect to a pulse generated using a counter in PXI 6070E daq card ?

    I ma using 6070E daq. I am generating a infinite pulse train using one of the counters. I want to generate another pulse train which should 90 degress phase shifted with respect to the previsously generated pulse. How to implement this using the counters in the DAQ card.

    Hi Gopal,
    1) yes the frequency generator is programmable. You have 2 timbebases (10MHz and 100kHz) and you can divide down by any integer between 1-16. Those are the only frequencies you can use.
    2) The way counters work is that you can apply a gate signal to the counter which will cutoff the output. Therefore, you can have a second counter generating a pulse train of an equivalent frequency to the frequency generator (fout) but you don't want it to start immediately. You want it to start only after a short delay (equivalent to a 90d phase). Therefore, you need to "gate" or prevent the output on this counter for that small delay period of time. The way you can do this is by using a second counter to create a delayed pulse. You would
    connect the output of that counter to the gate of your pulse train function. That way, during the delay period of the pulse, you won't be outputing your pulse train yet. When the pulse (high-time) of your pulse reaches the gate, then your pulse train will start generating its pulse train (which is consequently delayed by the amount of delay used in the single delayed pulse counter). Since you don't want your pulse to go back low, you will have to turn off or clear your pulse counter while it is high. That way the signal on the gate will remain high forever.
    Your better solution is to use a PCI-660x card to perform this action. You will have more counters which will give you a greater range of frequencies to choose from and you will have more accurate timing of the signals.
    Anyway, hope that clears things up. Have a good day.

  • Generating a tri state waveform pattern and writing into DAQ card

    I am using LV8.0 and NI-6259 DAQ card.
    I want to generate a waveform pattern which initially goes to +5v and goes to 0v and then again goes to -5v
    and finally goes to 0v. 
    I have used the waveform pattern generator and have generated 4 kinds of waveform with some particular samples
    and I will be appending all the 4 waveform patterns(+5, 0, -5, 0) and the appended waveform will be written into DAQ card.
    The problem is:
        When I probe CRO at the Analog output pin of the DAQ card, the pin level will be always at +5v and sometimes
        it goes to 0 and back to +5v. But I am expecting a waveform with 3 voltage levels i.e.., +5( some 100 samples), 0v(for some 1000 samples.
        -5v(same as +5v) and 0v( 2000 samples). 
    How to get this kind of waveforms in NI-6259 DAQ(M Series) card.
    Please find the attached VI which I have created.
    Letme know the loophole in the VI and correct way of generating a tristate waveform.
    Thanx in advance, 
    Attachments: ‏43 KB

    Hello YogeshaYS,
    Thanks for your post!
    I see that you are wanting to output a waveform that goes from 5 to 0 to -5 and then back to 0. It looks like from your code that you want to do this in a continuous fashion? If this is so you will need a while loop to output the waveform. Take a look at one of our shipping examples that shows how to do analog output waveform. Go to Help >> Find Examples. When here go to Hardware Input and Output >>  DAQmx >> Voltage >> Cont Gen Voltage Wfm-Int Your VI works great but it only does the output once so that may be why you see some interesting results on your output. Let me know if any of this information helps you with your program. I was able to run it in a continuous mode and see the voltage levels go from 5 to 0 to -5 just like you were wanting. Have a great day YogeshaYS and please reply if you have any other questions on this. 

  • How do i generate the TTL pulse from PCI 6024E DAQ card

    Hi, I'm trying to write a program which generates a single TTL pulse when it is run. My goal is to generate the pulse, send it to the output channel of my PCI 6024E DAQ card, and then use a BNC cable, to display the signal on the oscilloscope. I have written the code and I think it appears fine but when I try to view the signal on the scope I am unable to see the pulse. I have tried slowing down the sweep on the scope and have adjusted the voltage and time scales but have not seen any response. After examing my DAQ card, I noticed that none of the PFI/TRIG terminals on the card are wired; the output channel connects to terminals for DAC0OUT and Ground. I'm wondering if this pin needs to be wired in orde
    r to generate the pulse since PFI0/TRIG1 is the start trigger terminal. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
    Attachments: ‏26 KB

    You are looking for a retriggerable pulse generation. Please check the Generate Retriggerable Pulse (DAQ-STC).vi example that ships with LabVIEW.

  • Error 1003 - The vi is not executable​. Simulated DAQ-cards.

    Hi all,
    I am updating an application written in LabVIEW 7.1 for a customer. The code is not made by my company and is pretty horrendous but it works. I can not develop the code on the machine that it is supposed to run on so I have to do it on my own computer which means that I have to simulate two DAQ-cards that the program needs. I have pretty much finished the program and I want to test if I can build an exe-file. This is where I run in to trouble an get the error message:
    Error 1003 occurred at \\Server1\Users\martinh\LabVIEW Data\app\internal.llb\
    Possible reason(s):
    LabVIEW:  The VI is not executable.
    I know that this has been discussed at length here and that one has to look out for global variables, dynamically loaded VI:s etc. My question is, does anyone think that the simulated DAQ-cards give me trouble? Do they use some VI:s placed somewhere odd which I need to include when I build the application?

    Hi Martin,
    I suggest you try what is suggested in this link, some of the information is already covered in the posts above but some might be new.​F3C7986256C0F00559B02?OpenDocument
    If you are using the office toolkit, it might be an idea to masscompile the _office folder and you might also need to uncheck the "Disconnect type definitions and remove unused polymorphic VI instances".
    Good Luck
    Andreas E
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Error 10401 when switching to a new DAQ Card

    I am running LabVIEW 7.1. Initially the computer had a PCI-6024E DAQ card installed with Traditional NI-DAQ 7.2 and NI-DAQmx 7.2. The card worked fine.
    Recently I replaced the 6024E with a PCI-6225 DAQ card and it was not recognized by MAX. I then downloaded a newer version of DAQmx, 8.6.1 (I chose this because it is compatible both with the new 6225 and also the old version of LabVIEW, 7.1). Once I installed this, MAX recognized the 6225 and it passed all of the MAX tests, so I think the hardware is fine. However, when I run I get an error 10401. I then removed the 6225 and replaced it with the 6024E again, and the old card still works fine.
    With the 6225, the error 10401 occurs in 2 different subVI’s. I've attached a screenshot of the error and the subVI "DIO Port Config" where it occurs. The other subVI where there is the same error is "AI Group Config".
    I have a guess for why the error 10401 is occurring. I read on this forum that these two subVIs are Traditional DAQ subVIs, which can't be used if the board (6225) is setup to use DAQmx. Is this true?
    In addition to the error screen shot, I've attached a screen shot of MAX with the old card and a screen shot with the new card. You can see that the 6024 is setup to use the Traditional DAQ, but the 6225 uses the DAQmx. If the code is written using Traditional DAQ functions therefore it makes sense that there would be errors with the new card. When installing DAQmx 8.6.1 I was told that "a newer version of Traditional DAQ was suggested". MAX shows that my Traditional NI-DAQ is version 7.2. Recall this was also the version of DAQmx I had prior to installation of 8.6.1.
    Could installing an updated version of the Traditional NI-DAQ and then setting up the 6225 to use this instead of the DAQmx remove these errors? If this is a solution, does the 6225 support Traditional DAQ?
    I appreciate any help,
    Error.GIF ‏153 KB
    MAX_new_card.GIF ‏48 KB
    MAX_old_card.GIF ‏70 KB

    It takes a little getting used to if you have never done anything but Traditional. I find that it is easier after using it for a few years now. It may be a bit of work depending on how complicated your code is. If you need help we can point you in the right direction. Look at the examples and work from there.
    Johnson Controls
    Holland Michigan

  • Problems using well-configured ADLINK PCI9111 DAQ card

    I don't know why but my ADLINK PCI9111 don't work with LabView 6.0. It is recognized in Windows2000, and I have installed the PCIS-LVIEW driver from Adlink. When I run a VI taken from the exemples of this driver to generate a waveform, I have an error message. Can you help me ?"

    Hello Pierro,
    Unfortunately I do not have a lot of experience working with ADLINK boards. Is the error you are getting generated by LabVIEW or ADLINK driver software. If it is generated by ADLINK's driver software, please contact ADLINK support Engineers. However, if the problem keeps occuring after you have taken out the ADLINK board, please post the question with the LabVIEW error code and we will be more than happy to help you.
    Thanks for calling National Instruments
    Serges Lemo
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How do I use two DAQ cards in one Labview code? Current I'm getting error " error 200558 occurred at DAQmx Create One task cann't contain multiple independent devices". Can someone help me?

    The two DAQ cards are NI PCI-6070E & NI PCI-6052E. The Labview I'm using is labview 7 Express and the Window system is Window XP. I'm using NI SCXI-1000 chasis and SCXI-1102 & 1102B two modules plus a feedthrough SCXI-1180. 1102 is connected through SCXI-1349 cable to DAQ card 6052E while 1102B is connected through SCXI-1349 cable to DAQ card 6070E. SCXI-1180 is connected to 6070E through SCXI-1349 adaptor on the back of 1102B.

    Sarah, thank you for replying my question. It seems that I'm making progress everyday (smile). I'm able to run the test using both daq cards in my code now. But as I'm moving forward, I'm getting new questions too. How do I use one STOP button to control both tasks and how can I save data into one single file?
    I attached my code here hoping you can get the specifics on my application by looking at the code. Thanks very much!
    Attachments: ‏416 KB

  • Capturing data instantane​ously after condition is met using 2 DAQ cards

    Hi all,
    I am wanting to sample a pulse and a sine wave at a low frequency of 1 kHz point by point sampling and upon a condition being met - the leading edge of the pulse being greater than a certain value - I the want to take a certain number (here 270) of samples of the sine wave at 50 kHz, multiple samples. I am doing this within a case structure and using a separate DAQ card. 
    The problem is that when the conditon is met is does not capture the data at the higher frequency straight away. It misses part of the sine wave before commencing capturing the 'window' of the 270 samples of the sine wave at 50 kHz. I want to know if there is any way of speeding this up? I am aware that using an FPGA could help but I don't have access to one. 
    The other solution would to advance the condition, i.e advance the pulse train by a certain amount so that I compensate for the delay in activating the high freq capture. I would need to set up this advance of the pulse train so that, after the delay in activation, it captures the data exactly where it is required to. What would be the best way to do this? I could delay the pulse train by a certain number of samples/ or delay the sine wave, or I have read that you can use the sample timer/counter within the DAQ card to change the 'trigger of the pulse train'. How would I implement this?
    Attached is my vi. I would be very appreciative if you could help. 
    2 DAQ cards Low and High Freq ‏29 KB

    I do not have DAQmx or any suitable DAQ devices so I have not tested this.
    This is a start on cleaning and speeding things up. Note that writing to the front panel indicators at 1 kHz will not work because the screen update rate is on the order of 50-100 Hz. Also charts take a considerable amount of computation beacuse they need to (1) store data in the internal buffer, (2) erase old data if the buffer is full, and (3) (slowest) recalculate all the pixels in the display for the updated data. The cart should be moved to the parallel loop. The condition True boolean will only be true for about 5 ms out of each 100.  Look at the 5 ms  attached. It runs close to 1 ms per iteration. The boolean is true about 5% of the time but I never see it change. Remove that boolean from your VI.
    With continuous sampling on the pulse channel and reading 1 sample every millisecond (assuming you get that fast) when the high speed sampling occurs it takes 5.4 ms to acquire the 270 high speed samples. So, ten times per second the loop takes >= 6.4 ms for an iteration. The next sample it reads from the pulse channel is the one which was measured (acquired) at 1 ms after the previous sample. Thus, this data point is read ~5.4 ms after it actually occurred. The next time you detect a pulse, it will be 5.4 ms late. The second one will be 10.8 ms late. Eventually you will get a buffer overflow, but your data will be useless long before the error occurs.
    The Dual Sampler shows a possible approach to the issue. It simulates sampling both channels at high speed.  I generate both a sine wave and a square wave and sample both at 50 kHz. It simulates reading 4000 samples at a time (equivalent to reading 12.5 times per second or every 80 ms). The square samples are then processed for the transition using the boolean Implies function. I do not recall whether the Conditional terminal was available in LV2012. I did not get an error when saving for previous version so I think it will be OK. The same thing can be done with a while loop with some extra logic.  This does not handle the case where the transition occurs at the boundaries of the 4000 sample segment. To handle those cases use a shift register on the outer loop to pass the needed samples to the next iteration. The 800 ms Wait makes it run slower than "real" time but allows you to see what is happening.
    2 DAQ cards Low and High Freq ‏26 KB
    5 ms ‏10 KB
    Dual sampler ‏15 KB

  • Which DAQ card can give accurate specified sampling rate

    Dear friends:
    I have an application to sample the data from an analogue device with user specified sampling rate, e.g.171KHz. May I know which NI DAQ card can specify any sampling rate below 200KHz within tolerance  of inaccuracy of 1KHz? Appreciate for your help

    Do you need both accuracy *and* precision?  
    Precision will largely be determined by quantization effects as the sample clock must be an integer divisor of the board's master timebase.  For example, the 6259 M-series board that I commonly use has an 80 MHz master timebase which can be used to generate the sample clock.  In fact, I'm pretty sure it *is* used by default.   The nearest integer divisor when requesting 171 kHz will be 468, producing an actual nominal sample rate of 170.9402... kHz.  (A divisor of 467 would produce a nominal sample rate of 171.3062...)     The quantization doesn't really scale linearly over wide ranges of target sample rate, but for rates in the vicinity of 171 kHz, quantization steps are a bit less than 0.4 kHz, so you can expect to hit your target to within about +/- 0.2 kHz.
    Next you need to consider clock accuracy.  The 6259 board is rated at 50 parts per million accuracy at nominal temperature of 25 C.  I don't know the temperature effect or whether you need to concern yourself with it in your app.  But 50 parts per million on a target of 171 kHz amounts to less than 0.01 kHz accuracy error.
    So it would appear that the 6259 would be a candidate.  There are likely other cheaper M-series boards that could also work.  The older E-series had only a 20 MHz timebase, which would lead to quantization error of about 1.5 kHz.  Don't recall their accuracy specs, but quantization already puts you over your error budget.
    -Kevin P.

  • I use labview 8.0 and i can not run daqmx driver for pcmcia 6062e daq card

    i use labview 8.0 on window xp .when i installed a PCMCIA daq card 6062E, i could not run daqmx driver.It is fine to see that the traditional version is working well.When i install daq card sometimes it is working well with traditional driver  but mostly i see error on reading an analog input from PCMCIA daq device.An error called 'base adress' occures .I use last version of driver that is daqmx 8.0.1. and i have installed this correctly but again i could not  see any signal on the test panel for daq-mx driver.I don't know what is the problem.Also when i install PCMCIA daq card Please reply this message.I need your helps.

    Thanks for your reply.I will try to answer your questions.
    I have checked the Device Mananger and I have seen that the device is detected by Windows  XP.  For another question the card shows up under both NI-DAQmx Devices and Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) Devices consistently in the Measurement & Automation Explorer.I use a way that I reset the driver for traditional NI-DAQ in MAX,and then i reset the device for NI-DAQmx driver in MAX and again i tried to run the test panel of DAQmx driver but again i saw a wrong signal or noise signal on the test panel i could not see the sinusoidal signal that i connected. i do get the test panels to run with the card using the DAQmx driver,  But could not run the DAQ diagnostic utility.The error was as i specified below.
    03.05.2006 09:49:35
    Results saved to:  C:\Documents and Settings\serkan\Desktop\Diagnostic Results.txt
    Selected Device: Dev1
    Device Type: DAQCard-6062E
    Serial Number: 107509E
    Device Support: (PASS)
    NI-DAQmx Version: 8.0 (PASS)
    Device Reset: (FAIL)
    Error -50002 occurred at an unidentified location
    Possible reason(s):
    The specified device is not a valid device. The operation could not be completed as specified.
    And for your last question i can say that i have used the DAQ card on other laptops.But the results were the same.İ hope to see your reply
    Serkan Buhan
    Electrical-Elecronics Engineer

  • Need an enable/disable Labview VI for SC-2062 relay board using PCI-6503 DAQ Card.

    I am using Labview 6i, and I need to write an enable/disable VI that will enable and disable 6 of the 8 relays at any time while keeping the whole vi running. Therefore one or more positions may be changed at a time, but positions that don't change cannot be interrupted when changing others (no port resets allowed). I was wanting to maybe send a 1 by 6 array of some sort out but I can't figure out how to use the array to communicate with the DAQ card, relay board and SC-2051 adaptor. There also needs to be error handling in and out. Thanks for your help. Any examples would be very helpful.

    The best way to go about that is to disable the data points correspondent to the channels you want to disable. Meaning that you can ignore the datapoints of the channels you want to disable on the fly. That is the only way to disable channels on the fly.
    Filipe A.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • What is the maximum number of samples that can be acquired with a single trigger using PCI-6036E DAQ card?

    1. My PCI-6036E card has a FIFO of 1024 bytes in AI. Maximum how many samples can be acquired with single trigger for digitizing a waveform?
    2. PCI-6036E DAQ card has got a AO with 10ks/s update rate? Can I generate a pulsed output with the AO of this card? I need a pulse of, say, 5 V and 1 kHz frequency.

    1.The trigger is usually for enabling the acquisition. I mean, when it is logic zero, you acquire nothing; however, when it is logic one, you start acquiring your waveform,and you can acquire continuously without having to worry about how many samples, unless you want to set your program for doing so. You can acquire continuously by implementing buffer acquisition. Finally, the FIFO that is in the board will not affect the buffer acquisition.
    2.Yes, you can do that! You can generate your 5V signal with that specific frequency, and you should not have any problems, because the freq fits in the update rate.
    I hope this information is helpful.
    L Aguila
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Mac G4 crashes using continuous generation with PCI-1200 DAQ card

    I've been trying to use a PCI-1200 DAQ card with a Mac G4 to create a continuous analog output signal. The problem is that the computer locks up after a while (a few minutes). I have been using the Generate Continuous Sine Wave vi, but the problem remains.
    I've tried slow signals (10Hz) and fast signals (2kHz) but the computer still seems to crash. I have no clue what is going on!

    The first thing I would recommend is making sure you have the latest version of the driver: > Support > Drivers and Updates > Current Versions > Multifunction DAQ
    Another you could try is to determine what component is causing the computer to lock up. Use a process explorer utility to try to see what processes are locked up. A search in google might turn up utilities like this one: (
    Keep in mind heat or speed issues. It may sound funny, but you may want to try opening the computer case and making sure the board has enough air flow to keep it cool.
    These are just some ideas for now, I hope they help.
    Alejandro Asenjo
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • I need to interface SCC-TC02 with help of SC 2345 and PCI-6024E DAQ Card.please tell me the procedure and if possible send me the program

    Dear Friends,
               I need to interface SCC-TC02 with help of SC 2345 and PCI-6024E DAQ Card.But i can not understand example program.please send me the procedure to interface these three componnets and if possible send me the program.
    With Regards,
    Eswaramoorthy K V

    nce of nth triggering pulse. i need to know when the when the ist trigger occurs and when the nth trigger occurs . please tell me how to to . what i know is that event triggering has to be done with start and stop trigger. please tell me how it has to doneSuresh;
    What you will need to do is to set up a digital start and stop triggered Analog Input acquisition. Then you will need to have a counter set as event counter, having the specific number of pulses you need configured as the preset value, configured to count down, and generating a pulse after the terminal count has been reached. That counter output will be the stop trigger of the Analog Input operation. In summary, you will have the external pulse being both the digital trigger of the Analog Input operation and the source pin of the counter, and the counter output being the digital stop signal for the analog input.
    I'm attaching a Labview VI that does the start and stop analog input acquisition. You will need to include the counter part and set the stop s
    ignal to be the counter output.
    Hope this helps.
    Attachments: ‏25 KB

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