Admin Gone

I have lost the admin rights to my MacBook, I had 1 account for me which was admin, my girlfriend one with limited rights, everything was fine til 2 days ago when all of a sudden there was another account showing up saying Other at the login screen but no recoed of it in the accounts pref pane.
Then yesterday my girlfriends account logon has gone but her files are still there and now i only have limited rights to mine and when i try to change or install anything the permission box comes up with no admin name in, when i try to put my name and password in it it say wrong combination.
Any ideas?

Why this happened I cannot say, others who intervene may ask you more to find out.
The account "other' is a name for the root account not to be confused with the start up admin or any other admin.
Go into the Utilities application, Netinformation Manager and see if the root account is enabled or not, by noting wether it presents an option to 'enable' or to 'disable'.
In general you should have root disabled but with a strong password set. Don't use root as a day to day admin. You could use the enabled root as an admin to sort out the machine only but only if you know the password for it.
Be careful using Netinfo Manager. Wrong use can wreck things. Search in the Apple KB under say 'enable root' for info on root.
On the issue of the lost admin, do a similar search on 'lost admin'. There are several detailed sets of instructions from Michael Conniff and others on the solutions. What you will find will be that the user data is still there but the Netinfo database has been bent and you can't get to it. The general approach is to use some Terminal commands to find out the ordered user numbers for the various accounts and then re create those accounts as need be using the appropriate numbers and precisely the same shortusernames. There are variants.
Kenrich, once the problem is sorted, I suggest you ensure that in addition to the main admin, you set up a reserve admin that you only use in emergency or test quarterly to see if it still works. Further set up a non admin for yourself to use for browsing and day to day work. Keep the main admin just for admin tasks. If you shy away from that because a lot of your user data is already in the lost admin account, then you could when it is rescued, demote it to a non admin, having FIRST set up a replacement main admin.

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    Message was edited by: Name Withheld

    Name Withheld wrote:
    So what are we looking for with these "nicl" commands? I take it that the above is probably bad news somehow.
    nicl is the "NetInfo Command Line" interface. I wanted to see why you were getting the "ni_listprops: No such directory" message, and it is telling me that although the /users part of the NetInfo hierarchy exists, it seems to have lost the entries for your two real users.
    We could put them back, tediously, using nicl, but who knows what other "users" are missing. So your best bet is to restore the NetInfo Database. Funnily enough I just posted how to do this for another user. You might want to read Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server: How to Replace the NetInfo Database to help understand the instructions that follow (this is a more-or-less standard post I keep for this situation). Note you've already got your list of UIDs versus Users: 501 is Ghostmeat, and 502 is Guest.
    Your NetInfo database is corrupt. so we will need to give you a new one. This involves re-creating the user accounts, and the order in which they are created matters. I recommend you print this out in a largish mono-spaced font so you don't miss any spaces (or add extra ones). Note that case is important.
    Start up in Single User Mode and type carefully, with a return at the end of each line:/sbin/fsck -y
    Repeat the above until it says your disk is OK. Then:
    /sbin/mount -uw /
    cd /var/db/netinfo
    mv local.nidb/ local.nidb.bad
    rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
    ls -ln /UsersThis last command will give you one line for each user, plus one for the "Shared" directory, which doesn't interest us. Each user will have a line like one of these:
    <pre>drwxr-xr-x 29 501 501 986 Jan 17 18:38 michaelc
    drwxr-xr-x 14 520 20 476 Sep 10 2004 jdoe</pre>The second numeric field (501, 520) is the user ID (UID) and you need to list the uids against the shortname s given in the final column. Make sure you get the name right for UID 501! Then continue with
    rebootWhen you restart, you should get the Setup Assistant, just as if it was a new machine. You will be prompted for all of your user information. Be careful to use the same short name as previously for user 501.
    If there are any further users, these can be added, in the order of their UIDs, i.e. 502, 503 …, using System Preferences > Accounts. Again, be careful to use the same shortname. If there are any gaps in the UID sequence 501, 502, … you will need to create dummy users to fill them. These can later be deleted.
    Post back if you need further help, and to let us know how you get on!

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    I've got the DVD original.
    Any help very much appreciated
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    Check these links 
    Windows 7: Built-in Administrator - Enable from WinRE 
    What to do if you forget your Windows password
    Hetti Arachchige V Aravinda | Network &amp; System Administrator | |(B.Sc, Microsoft Small Business Specialist, MCP, MCTS, MCSA, MCSE,MCITP, CCNA, CEH, MBCS)

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  • Admin account gone

    Here's the situation… stick with me
    1) I had two user accounts: one standard, one admin. I had "hidden" the admin account from prying eyes using some Terminal commands (see here if you're interested:
    2) some months later, I enabled the Open Firmware Password (hence, I can no longer boot into single user mode, boot from CD, etc)
    3) at some point, I inadvertently reinstalled OS X (don't ask… or do, I'll explain if necessary)
    4) when logging in, I ONLY have my standard account. My hidden admin account seems to be gone. OS X won't even accept the login/pwd when attempting to execute admin-only commands from within the standard account
    With the combo of no admin access/enabled Open Firmward Password, I can't even get to the point where I can do a clean install on the machine (where I would then restore from Time Machine). I'm really stuck… any advice?
    "If you are unfortunate enough to delete your only admin user, or remove his admin capability, then as long as you have another user with login capability, you can give that user admin rights as shown below. You can then re-create the original user or reinstate the admin capability using NetInfo Manager.
    Print this post out in a mono-spaced font, and type carefully, paying attention to spaces and punctuation, since you cannot copy/paste in Single User mode.
    Caution: in single user mode you have root privileges. Be careful! Substitute the name of 'youruser' below.
    Boot into single user mode (Command-S) at startup which will eventually get you a shell prompt (ending in #). Then type the following
    *fsck -fy*
    Repeat the above until it says your disk is OK. Then continue with
    *mount -uw /*
    *nicl -raw /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb -merge /groups/admin users youruser*
    f you get a message saying "invalid path", then type these two commands first:
    *nicl -raw /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb -create /groups/admin gid 80*
    *nicl -raw /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb -create /groups/admin passwd ''
    and then repeat the "nicl ... -merge" command. Then:
    You will now be able to login as 'youruser' and have administrative privileges.
    Membership of the 'admin' group is the only thing that distinguishes administrative users from ordinary users"
    Message was edited by: macjack because my formatting got all messed up.

Maybe you are looking for