Adobe CC For Linux NEEDS to happen.

Surely there's a way we can make them notice how much profit is available if they introduce CC for Linux?
Is there simply NO way of getting the Adobe software on Linux?

Seems like there is no market for it at the moment. Linux adoption rate is a fraction compared to operating systems such as Windows and Mac.
This question was posted on adobe forums roughly 2 years ago, I would say Adobe has no plans to roll out compatibility for Linux anytime in the near future.

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    Hello Sousa,
    64-bit native version of Acroread is currently not available (see point 6 in the FAQs page We will let the user community know if in case there's such a plan in the future.
    Thanks for your query.

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    Let me try this again ...
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  • Adobe reader For Linux

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    Check in Synaptic OR Software Centre that the 'partner' software repository is enabled.
    At terminal type:
    (if required) update your system
    ~:   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade  <Enter>
    install latest Acrobat Reader (for Ubuntu Linux), AND font packs
    ~:   sudo apt-get install acroread acroread-fonts  <Enter>
    Then look for in applications menu OR under 'Dash', for Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric).

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    Lars Borg

    You could try posting in the Flash forum; this is the Flash Player forum.

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    Thanks a lot,

    Hello Andreas,
    Thanks a lot for your enquiry about Adobe Reader for Linux 9.x version for Spanish language.
    Unfortunately, 9.x was never released for Spanish language.
    The latest Reader to serve your purpose will be 8.1.7
    You may download it from
    Thanks and Regards
    Atanu Dhar
    Email: adharATadobeDOTcom

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    There are a lot of differences going from PDF 1.2 to PDF 1.4. But
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    Adobe have some Linux software. For example, FrameMaker and the
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    Aandi Inston

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    Here is the Recommended Path
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    Please slso consider the article mentioned below for Reader Deployment

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    That's going to be a ridiculous waste of money and energy.
    First of all, the current ATI drivers don't support multiple GPUs, so at the moment even a single 4870X2 would be only a 'normal' 4870 (which is quite a speed beast already). GFX drivers evolve rapidly, so things might look different next month, but when it comes to Linux and hardware there's one Golden Rule: stay away from the newest stuff and wait for proper support to get coded.
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    I kind of understand that you want to get it done and not worry about hardware for the next 10 years or so, but that's simply not how the hardware world works and never did. At least not for the average consumer.

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    Hi, … linux.html
    How long until someone cuts Flash out of Chrome and provides the PPAPI for the other browsers? Or better yet, how long until this awful Flash will be a thing of the past and will be replaced by open concepts like HTML5.

    No. Companies don't need to change OS for this. They can always use Google Chrome (for Linux). However why should they discontinue providing a standalone plugin. They can provide a standalone plugin which any PPAPI implementing web browser can use (in the future if firefox or webkit based ones support the API). Why restrict it to chrome?
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    Besides Mozilla said that they're not interested in support PPAPI right now...
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