Adobe Explains it All: Photoshop (article)

We've just had a heads up about this article, the first in a series that will cover Adobe's key products.  I guess it is no surprise that they kicked off with Photoshop
Adobe Explains It All: Photoshop
One thing that came into perspective after reading the article, was answering the question in the last paragraph, which boiled down to what did we do before Photoshop?  Well for me — and it's a safe bet I won't be the only one here — I was doing OK before Photoshop, and didn't even start using it until version 4!  When I did start using Photoshop, in many respects it was not as good as what I had been using for a good few years before. 
I started computing with a BBC Micro, and I was kind of proud that mine had the serial number 000050, but it was not until I switched to an Amiga 1000 and Deluxe Paint that I could really start seriously getting into graphics.  It could do 3D animated text in (what we thought at the time) 256 wonderful colours (you have to smile at that now), and with the addition of a cheap Genlock, you could superimpose your Amiga graphics onto video.
Deluxe Paint V was definitely ahead of its time.  So who else remembers it?

Adobe Frowns on Photoshop Verb
Google had the same issue Official Google Blog: Do you "Google?"
My understanding is that they have to be seen to publicly protect their brand by publishing guidelines on correct use of trademarked terms.
If they allow "photoshop" as a verb to slip into common vernacular (even though that horse bolted long ago) without protest (published guidelines on correct usage) then they risk losing the trademark if a challenge arises.
Or something like that.

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    I'm having problems searching out any updates. It's like they silently retired it after CC.
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    Adobe Exchange Panel – 1.1 Update for CC apps now available
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    Photoshop: Spring Cleaning | PHOTOSHOP.COM BLOG
    Photoshop CC 2014/HTML5 Compatible Extension Panels
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    Hi Bernard,
    The version of Photoshop and Bridge you are using is way too old.
    What MAC OS version are you uisng?

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    Thanks for the screenshots, Martin! 
    Do you happen to use Suitcase Fusion to manage the installed fonts on your computer?  We have recently identified a bug in the program which inteferes with fonts synced from Typekit. More information and a workaround is available here:
    If not, would you please send your recent sync logs to [email protected], so we can look into this further?
    On OS X:
    * Open the Finder
    * under the Go menu, select "Go To Folder"
    * in the windows that opens, type:  /Users/(username)/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CoreSync/
    Note that you need to replace "(username)" with your own account name; for instance, on my computer I am "galle".
    (Or if you are comfortable working from the Terminal, cd to $HOME/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CoreSync/)
    On Windows:
    C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CoreSync\
    Attach the recent CoreSync-yyyy-MM-dd.log files to an email. Please don't send a zip file, as they often get flagged as spam.
    Thank you again,
    -- liz

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    I can speak only for Windows systems and there I currently know:
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    2007-01-17 13:10:37.996 Safari[6634] * -[NSCFString stringByAppendingString:]: nil argument
    (event handler):Null value
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    Wow... thanks for trying out those feeds that I suspected. It's a wierd problem, because it does not occur consistently.
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    2007-01-20 16:42:11.587 Safari[227] starting sample tool
    2007-01-20 16:42:39.834 Safari[227] * -[NSCFString stringByAppendingString:]: nil argument
    2007-01-20 16:42:44.918 Safari[227] sample tool output written to /tmp/SafariSample-2007-01-20-164211.sample
    The file is at
    I also have excerpted my news feeds bookmarks folder, so if you like, you can try importing it into Safari and loading all of it at once (a bit over 1,000 articles). It's here:
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    If you select the image in Adobe Bridge you can choose File > Open in Camera Raw. Adobe Camera Raw will open the image using Bridge as the host application and you won't have to start Photoshop. There's no way to open Camera Raw without a host application.
    If you can't find Adobe Bridge on your computer and you are a Creative Cloud subscriber, Bridge is one of the programs you can install using the Creative Cloud application.

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    If I were you I would first make sure CS6 was deactivated or signed-out. Then download Adobe's cleaner and remove cc, CS6 and any other creative  application installed including Creative Cloud desktop application.  Then install CS6 and use your CS6  serial number during the install to activate CS6 standard or extended which ever the serial number is for.   CS6 Version 13.0 should the be activated. That level of CS6 is extremely bug ridden so be sure to the use CS6 menu Help>Updates to get CS6 updates.  Windows should update to version Mac to version 13.0.6.  Not Subscription CS6 version 13.1.2...
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6

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    Try to follow below steps
    Click on Finder and then hold Command + Shift + G keys on your keypad
    It will open Go to folder window, type  exactly ~/Library and click on Go
    Then open Application Support > Adobe folders
    Trash AAMUpdater and OOBE folders.
    Now click on finder and hold Command + Shift + G keys on your keypad.
    This time type /Library and click on Go.
    Make sure to remove ~ symbol.
    Then open Application Support > Adobe folders.
    Trash AAMUpdater, Adobe Application manager, OOBE folders.
    Now Click on Finder and then hold Command + Shift + U keys on your keypad.
    It will open utilities folder.
    Trash Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Application Manager folders
    Download and Run CC cleaner tool from below link nt/main-pars/accordion_container_1/accordion-par/accordion-item-1/accordion-item-par/proc e dure/proc_par/step_3/step_par/download/file.res/
    Accept the license agreement and click on Adobe Application Manager
    Then click on clean up selected
    Close the window
    Download and install Creative Cloud App from below link
    Free Creative Cloud | Download Adobe Creative Cloud free trial

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    Thanks for the tip. It worked out perfectly.
    De: ssprengel [email protected]
    Enviada em: terça-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2014 19:14
    Para: Aecio Paes Leme
    Assunto: Why I cannot open camera raw files from camera Nikon 3200 through Adobe Bridge and/or Photoshop?
    Re: Why I cannot open camera raw files from camera Nikon 3200 through Adobe Bridge and/or Photoshop?
    created by ssprengel <>  in Adobe Camera Raw - View the full discussion <

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