Adobe holiday shutdown week

Hi All,
Next week is Adobe's holiday shudown week so you might not see any answers from the Scout engineering team until the 2th of January 2013.
But we encourage you all to keep asking questions as and when you have them. This is a great community and other members can help you out. We will respond to the questions when we get back.
Thanks for your continued interest in Scout.
Happy holidays and have a great new year,

It is better to use the Outlook function Save Attachments, than opening it in Reader and save it from there.
Anyway, Reader disappearing: try to disable Protected Mode [Edit | Preferences | Security (Enhanced)].

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  • Adobe Holiday next week

    Hello Everyone,
    There is Adobe Holiday for next full week. So, most of our team will be on vacations. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible, but there may be some delays.
    We will definitely get back to all pending forum mails on next to next week.
    Keep up the good work! It feels great to deal with all your practical problems. Your feedbacks help us strengthening our SDK.
    Hironmay Basu

    Put your phone in Airplane mode. This turns off all iPhone radios, but you can go back into settings & turn both WiFi & Bluetooth back on.
    No nasty surprises if you do that.

  • Can't print pdf new Adobe X last week

    Last week my Adobe reader disappeared.  All my pdfs were blank and the program seemed to be blank as well.  I  tried to reinstall/update using firefox,  but was unable.  I installed using explorer.  I can't print my pdfs now!  What should i do?

    Hi Kappy, thanks for your response.
    I have downloaded adobe reader 7 and got it on the Panther system (version 8 won't download from Adobe's site.) I looked in preferences and can't see anything about printers, but maybe I'm missing something? In Printer Set-up Utility, when I go to add, still no appearance of a pdf printer..

  • Adobe Reader shutdown while "Saving As" PDF from email.

    I have some annoying problem. While I'm trying to "Save as" PDF document (opened from email - Outlook) I can see "Save As" widnow for few seconds and then whole program just shutdown... I don't know what to do. I had Reader IX and the problem occurs, now I reinstalled software to XII version and for few hours it works fine but then it come back...
    I tried also to accept license again and it doesn't work form me.
    I have go Windows 7 32bit, Outlook 2007, Adobe Reader XI.
    Thanks in advance

    It is better to use the Outlook function Save Attachments, than opening it in Reader and save it from there.
    Anyway, Reader disappearing: try to disable Protected Mode [Edit | Preferences | Security (Enhanced)].

  • Holiday Calender/Weekly off

    I am new to time management,
    As per the requirement, every second and last saturday is weekly off. Please help me in configuring this.

    Hi Bhairav
    Configure PWS as follows
    53 TEST     test     001     GENR     GENR     GENR     GENR     GENR     GENR     OFF
    53 TEST     test     002     GENR     GENR     GENR     GENR     GENR     OFF     OFF
    53 TEST     test     003     GENR     GENR     GENR     GENR     GENR     GENR     OFF
    53 TEST     test     004     GENR     GENR     GENR     GENR     GENR     OFF     OFF

  • Adobe Connect 9 for hosted accounts

    We have a hosted Adobe Connect account. We were notified that our hosted account would be upgraded to AC9 automatically on December 9th, but AC9 features are not enabled. What does our Administrator have to do to enable Adobe Connect 9 new features?

    You asked durrning Adobe's shutdown week, so the answer is slow in comming. As I recall, I had to log out and log back in for the new version 9 features to wake up, but it may have been a browser cookie issue. If you truly don't have Connect 9 (you can double check by mousing over the "Help" link on the login page and it will show your version of Connect), then you should call support at 800-945-9120.

  • Features missing from Adobe Connect 9, 16x9

    I saw a preview of Adobe Connect 9 at the Adobe Connect Federal User's Group meeting yesterday. Product looks great and well worth the trouble to upgrade. Unfortunately, two of my wish list items weren't addressed. For Adobe Connect 9, it's still a 4x3 world for video and for Share Pod presentation of PDFs (they can't fill the screen on a 16x9 display). The PDF issue is especially irritating, since it should be a really easy fix for Adobe. I work in an organization where bandwidth is a problem and 50-60" conference room displays and spreadsheets are popular, so I really need PDFs to fill the screen. I asked Peter Ryce to intercede, but I'll take any help I can get from any corner. Can someone at Adobe, or anywhere else, PLEASE produce a PDF viewer pod that will go full screen on a 16x9 display?

    You asked durrning Adobe's shutdown week, so the answer is slow in comming. As I recall, I had to log out and log back in for the new version 9 features to wake up, but it may have been a browser cookie issue. If you truly don't have Connect 9 (you can double check by mousing over the "Help" link on the login page and it will show your version of Connect), then you should call support at 800-945-9120.

  • New Adobe Connect Announcement for Adobe Hosted APAC customers

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    This means our customers have a truly global hosted platform and service. It also means much faster network latency for APAC customers who used other servers in the US or Europe.

    You asked durrning Adobe's shutdown week, so the answer is slow in comming. As I recall, I had to log out and log back in for the new version 9 features to wake up, but it may have been a browser cookie issue. If you truly don't have Connect 9 (you can double check by mousing over the "Help" link on the login page and it will show your version of Connect), then you should call support at 800-945-9120.


    I am currently shut down by Adobe. I can't use any products on the Creative Cloud. Adobe has had a gun to my head for the past 7 days and just pulled the trigger. I am currently unable to work. I have used 3 credit cards with Adobe on this account and all have failed at some time over the years that creative cloud has been in existence with one having to be terminated because of the hack issue. I've spent 3 days with Adobe support this week and now I'm on my fourth day of several hours each day trying to get this solved. It started on December 12th when my auto payment wasn't accepted and I received an email to please update my payment information. I checked and nothing had changed and just re-entered the same correct information. The cloud apps still worked but I was getting the dreaded countdown timer. On December 15th I had 27 Days left. On December 15th on another machine I had 26 Days left. On December 16th, I didn't get the countdown timer on any machines. On December 17th, I had 25 days left. Then after speaking on the 4th day with Adobe Support (800-833-6687) and being assured that everything is fine, ignore the timer, your payment has gone through and been accepted, I received an email from Adobe Creative Cloud that my Creative Cloud membership has transitioned from Paid to Free. What happened to the 25 days I had 4 hours ago? That made me have to call Adobe Support again that day and listen to another agent (names are available if needed) tell me that everything is fine your payment has gone through ignore all emails and messages. I will check back with you tomorrow to make sure all is ok.
    December 18th - TODAY MY CREATIVE CLOUD ACCESS HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN. That means none of the Adobe applications will work. All that happens is the Application Manager opens with the countdown timer two big red 00's saying "Please Check Your Billing Info." anytime I try to open an Adobe application This means nothing works. I can't perform any business design functions. NO ACCESS TO CLIENT FILES ON THE CLOUD. Supposedly you have 30 days to take care of billing problems. I went from 25 days to 0 days in one day. Shutdown. The Adobe Customer Service Agent has not called back yet today. By the way my bank paid Adobe $53.14 on December 15th. Adobe also charged a temporary authorization on December 17th of $1.00. It's very hard to keep my true feelings suppressed about the past 6 days events.
    Thanks for the special holiday present Adobe.

    This is an open forum with a mix of program users and Adobe staff, not Adobe support... you need Adobe support
    Adobe contact information - may help
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

  • Here's why Adobe closed for the week

    June 30, 2009
    Adobe is closed this week (and what that means)

    Could anyone object to getting four weeks' holiday in a country where that could seem generous? The problem is that Adobe's reasons for the shutdowns – its attempts to cope with the economic slowdown that has, in turn, reduced demand from its core customer base in the "creative knowledge worker business" – don't mean that it's easing up on staff.The office closures didn't mean that deadlines were pushed back by a week for those developing software. And for those preparing for a conference, such as the RSA conference in April, which came immediately after one of Adobe's one-week breaks, there was simply no let-up.
    People in the UK, of course, may have a better reason than any for pausing, as the – an increase that was announced earlier in June but that is still not documented on the company's UK website. That has pushed the disparity between the pricing of CS4 in the UK and US to 39.7%.

  • For weeks I've been trying to download the upgrade to Adobe Acrobat.  I tried your MAC details.  NOTHING WORKS and I'm totally frustrated.  I need a human being to to walk me through the process.  PLEASE.  Sincerely, Sandra Bertman

    PLease, PLEASE give me a phone number for tech support.  I've tried to follow your suggestions to download the Adobe upgrade for weeks and NOTHING WORKS.   I admit to being technically challenged, but this is not fair and taking far too much time with zero results.

    Hi Sandra,
    Please Contact Customer Care to seek help for your issue.
    Hope this will help you.

  • Day by Day Data exluding week ends and holidays.

    Can any give me solution for below requirement...
                                    13/06/2007 14/06/2007 15/06/2006 18/06/2007 .. till 20 days
    of Lines Processed   15               18               13            19           .........    
    of Units Processed   17               14               10            11           .........    
    of Lines P Received  16               19               20            16           .........    
    of Units P Received  19               22               40            17           .........    
    here the user will give the input of first value(13/06/2007), now we have to display 19 days after user input(13/06/2007) value and we need to skip the holidays and week ends in the report.
    In the above report 16/06/2006 & 17/06/2006 are week ends thats why those 2 days data is not there.
    Please suggest me how can we do it this requirement.
    Thanks & Regards

    before you get a dozen of answers using artifice like all_objects or connect by, I post you this one
    create table date_table(d date primary key);
    exec for d in 0..10000 loop insert into date_table values(date '1980-01-01'+d);end loop;commit
    select d,count(hiredate) from date_table left join emp on (d=hiredate) where d between date '1980-12-01' and date '1980-12-31' group by d order by d;
    D         COUNT(HIREDATE)
    01-DEC-80               0
    02-DEC-80               0
    03-DEC-80               0
    04-DEC-80               0
    05-DEC-80               0
    06-DEC-80               0
    07-DEC-80               0
    08-DEC-80               0
    09-DEC-80               0
    10-DEC-80               0
    11-DEC-80               0
    12-DEC-80               0
    13-DEC-80               0
    14-DEC-80               0
    15-DEC-80               0
    16-DEC-80               0
    17-DEC-80               1
    18-DEC-80               0
    19-DEC-80               0
    20-DEC-80               0
    21-DEC-80               0
    22-DEC-80               0
    23-DEC-80               0
    24-DEC-80               0
    25-DEC-80               0
    26-DEC-80               0
    27-DEC-80               0
    28-DEC-80               0
    29-DEC-80               0
    30-DEC-80               0
    31-DEC-80               0
    31 rows selected.Message was edited by:
    Laurent Schneider
    primary key added for integrity and performance

  • Fed up with Adobe's customer service

    I have to say that Adobe takes the cake as the most inept company in the US, along with AT&T. I filed my application for the free upgrade from CS5.5 in early May, right away they asked me for the invoice, even though I had sent them PDFs of the order confirmation, and shipping confirmation which had all the information they needed, but OK, I went to my account on B&H and downloaded the invoice on PDF and sent that to Adobe. Several weeks went by and no news. In late May I sent them an inquiry through the open case they had opened for me, and they replied that they were working on it. Several days later I called, but their phone menu system is obviously designed to wear people out and get nowhere, so I started a chat online with one of their "agents". This was two Saturdays ago.
    As usual I was greeted with a lot of fake politeness that those poor Indian guys are forced to shower the customer with to the point of making you sick, and the guy, after requesting my information told me that my upgrade had been approved and I was going to have it ready within 24 hours. 72 hours later and still no email or any news, so I started another chat, and this guy told me that he approved my order and that it was going to be ready again in 24 hours. Two days later, still no order link, and they close the case saying that the order had been closed and that "The order is currently processing and the download will be available in your Adobe account in 24-48 hours."
    Well, two days later still no order, so again another frustrating chat session with another very polite Indian guy (I don't mean that in a demeaning way, since I like Indian people very much), who again told me that my order was going to be ready in 24 hours.
    Yesterday after work, still no order, so another pointless chat session with lots of apologizing and condescending and the assurance that he was going to "escalate" this to a superior.
    Absolutely fed up I called their number to see if I could -very naively of me, I admit- reach someone at their headquarters that could actually give me my serial number and download link.
    After talking and being placed on hold by another guy in India, and adding another 20 minutes of wasted time to the already over two hours I wasted on chat sessions, the guy came back to tell me that he was going to investigate further and call me back, which he never did.
    Today, well over a month after I submitted all the requested paperwork, and weeks after most people are happily using Adobe CS6, I'm still waiting for the upgrade I was promised.
    The only other time I had to deal with such an extreme level of ineptitude was a year ago with AT&T. Different products, but same terrible customer service, and the obvious realization that these are really chaotic companies where the different departments don't communicate at all with each other, or do so very poorly. I don't blame those poor Indian guys that are probably overworked and underpaid, I blame the American executives that outsource their support to other countries, force them to be unbearably polite to where they actually waste a lot of your time saying "thank you", "I apologize" and repeating what you tell them a million times, and basically read from a script.
    In other words, I'm really fed up with Adobe. I understand the fact that they have a lot of these upgrades to process and that takes time. But I'm fed up with their reps telling me that my upgrade is going to be ready in 24 hrs and ten days later it's not, and they keep telling me that over and over. That's just plain bad customer service.

    I don't know why the Adobe forums suddenly asked me to sign up for the forum again, even though my registered address with them remain the same, but I mention it so you know I'm the OP.
    Just a day after I posted this I had a great customer service experience from a Tier 3 manager, so I want to mention it as well. On Wednesday on my way home from work I called the Adobe headquarters in California (you can google the number easily) and I explained my problem to the woman that answered the phone, so she transferred me to a guy that she said was overseas but was a manager that would help me. I thought to myself, here we go again. After explaining my case to this manager, a very nice guy called Gautam Garg, he asked me to give him 24 hours so he could check on my case, and that he was going to call me back at the same time the next day. I told him that he was telling me the same thing all these other reps had told me before, to give them 24 hours and one of them even told me he was going to call me back and never did. Gautam told me that this was different, that he was going to send me an email right away to prove it and work on my case. I thought to myself, yeah right, like this guy is going to call me back.
    Less than an hour later, he calls me back at my home number and tells me that the problem seemed to be that my address was in Kenya. The street address, state and zip code were the real ones, but the country showed as Kenya instead of the USA. I told him it was obviously a glitch in their system. So he told me that instead of the download, he was going to send me the boxed product. I still had my doubts it was going to happen, but I told him I would much rather have the boxed product than the download, so I thanked him for it.
    Having seen the previous bureaucracy at Adobe I figured it would take me a couple of weeks to get that box, but still I was happy I was getting the box instead of the download, so I decided to wait. But not even a day after I talked to Gautam, I got an email from Adobe saying that my CS6 had shipped already, using Fedex overnight and gave me a tracking number.
    On Friday I came home from work and my CS6 box was already here. I sent an email to Gautam to thank him and I told him that he should get a big raise along with a promotion, because I talked to all those other people using open cases, chat and one phone call before him, and none of those ten people or so did enough to solve my problem, while he went into the system and checked what was wrong with my order and solved me problem in less than an hour. I don't know if the other people that worked on my case were incredibly negligent, but maybe they're not, maybe the support methodology Adobe has for their customer service centers is what's really negligent. Perhaps what Gautam was able to do in less than an hour, all the other people didn't have access to. I don't have a way to know that, but it can't be possible that I have to waste so much time to get the free upgrade I had requested over a month earlier. Still, I'm happy that out of this I got the box instead of the download, so at the end I'm happy with their customer service, but they have to go a long way to make it better so people don't have to go through lots of chats and phone calls to get what they need.

  • Printing from Lightroom (2.5 - 3) into Adobe Acrobat 9

    I just wanted to post that I have been searching for an answer about errors when printing from Lightroom to Acrobat. When I went to Win7 64 bit Professional and CS5 Design Premium two weks ago - all the problems started.
    Looking at the forums - I found several others with similar problems in a 64 bit environment. I tried their suggestions and none helped. I called Adobe this past week and spent 3 hrs on the phone to be told they didn't have a solution but would get back with me (one can only hope). I upgraded to Lightroom 3 hoping that would solve it and it has not.
    When collecting images and going to Print, then printing into Acrobat as a 2/2 cell contact sheet, no images are embedded. In Lightroom 3, a clean sheet appears. Has anyone else experienced this? Even when using a new tiny catalog, the same result occurs.
    I am running a PC with quad processor, 4 Gigs of RAM, NVidia graphics card that is two years old - all newest drivers for 64 bit. SATA drives, dedicated scratch disk... etc.
    The catalog is new and tiny.
    The images are small for testing purposes (only about 6 at 300 dpi).
    Luckily, I can do a work-around using Bridge but I use Lightroom for processisng photos and sending contact sheets to clients and need this function. Any help would be much appreciated. If you are having the same problem, please call Adobe and report it.

    Ok, I've run some tests: files with full native Canon 30D images (RAW) that had been edited in LR 3 and followed the set up given by Adobe. It failed. Some of the pics came in and retained their file names and some showed just file names and blanks for the pic space. Ok, I'll run more tests and come back to this.
    I tend to edit, make JPGs (6 x 4 at 300dpi) and then import those and set up the contact sheet. Running full bore - as explained above, it doesn't work.I'll try multiple JPGs to see if that works.
    I'll go back into discussions with Adobe. Their support page is convoluted and expensive. I began under the upgrade of CS5 and Lightroom 3. I'll try again.
    I do recommend, if possible, that you edit/resize and control your resolution (I set up the printer box in LR for 200 dpi) and then make your contact sheets as per their instructions. You also might try limiting how many sheets your make to see how that works. Create one sheet, then two, etc. so you can see where the cutoff is for your system. I'm afraid some of this may be hardware and how much info you are asking to be transferred from LR to the PDF.
    It is very odd that some are coming in and some are not. There is definitely something flaky in Lightroom to Acrobat. I suspect the coding may not be set up to handle 64 bit and that's why it's failing. As far as I know, the only software that is full 64 bit, at present, if Photoshop. The others are running under the 32 bit environment within a 64 bit OS of Win7.
    Is this not true?

  • Unable to print to pdf after adobe update

    Hi All,
    After an adobe acrobat last week, I am unable to print word documents as pdf. I get the following error message:
    Invalid "ADOBE PDF" printer properties:
    Do not change spooler settings.
    Please select "Print directly to the printer" option (from adobe PDF printer properties "Advanced" tab).
    Could somebody please help

    I have a similar problem. I have adobe 9.0 pro and word 2007. Everything was fine until a couple of days ago. Now when I try to create a pdf, it doesn't work. When I try to print to pdf I get the following error
    Adobe PDF Settings file read error in :
    C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings\Standard.joboptions
    I have tried repairing the program, recovery to an earlier date, updating, removing and reinstalling both adobe and word 2007 and still get the same error. Anyone have an idea what I should do next. I have gone into the add-ins and adobe is enabled.
    Thanks, I hope someone has an idea.

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