Advice concerning sharing by DVD or other method

I'd like some advice concerning saving/sharing my projects by DVD or other method.  The short question is whether storing projects on DVD is the best way to store projects with high quality that, at the same time, are easy to transport and view.
I've got a fairly large number of projects, some created/edited in FCPX and others exported from FCE, imported into FCPX and edited.  I often upload the projects to YouTube, but I'd like to save them on something easier to use and more dependable than YouTube.  The projects are primarily home movies, three to fifteen minutes in length.  I can use the share for DVD function in FCPX, but it's unclear to me if the quality is the best it can be (I don't know if there's compression or something else at play, but the files I've shared for DVD seem smaller than I would have expected).  On the other hand, even at these smaller file sizes (150MB to 1GB), it won't take long to fill a DVD.  I'm working on an imac i7, so BluRay, with its greater storage capacity, isn't an option unless I were to obtain an external BluRay drive. 
Any other suggestions?  I haven't actually burned my DVD projects to a DVD, so they might actually be the high quality that I want.
Thanks for any thoughts.

You don't have to convert them to DVD files.... you could just dump them as "data" files onto a DVD disc. e.g. as .mov files with their original quality.

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    Unless your iMac is still covered by AppleCare, get an external DVD burner.
    You can get perfectly good ones from Amazon for less than $40.

  • EJB 3.1 @Asynchronous and calling other methods from within

    Hey all,
    I am helping a friend set up a test framework, and I've turned him on to using JEE6 for the task. I am decently familiar with entity beans, session beans, and such. One of the new features is @Asynchronous, allowing a method to be ran on a separate thread. The test framework generally needs to spawn potentially 1000's of threads to simulate multiple users at once. Originally I was doing this using the Executor classes, but I've since learned that for some reason, spawning your own threads within a JEE container is "not allowed" or bad to do. I honestly don't quite know why this is.. from what I've read the main concern is that the container maintains threads and your own threads could mess up the container somehow. I can only guess that this might be possible if your threads use the container services in some way.. but if anyone could enlighten me on the details as to why this is bad, that would be great.
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    851827 wrote:
    Hey all,.. from what I've read the main concern is that the container maintains threads and your own threads could mess up the container somehow. I can only guess that this might be possible if your threads use the container services in some way.. but if anyone could enlighten me on the details as to why this is bad, that would be great.
    Yes since the EE spec delegated thread management to conatiners, the container might assume that some info is available in the thread context that you may not have made available to your threads.
    Also threading is a technical implementation detail and the drive with the EE spec is that you should concentrate on business requirements and let the container do the plumbing part.
    If you were managing your own threads spawned from EJBs, you'd have to be managing your EJBs' lifecycle as well. This would just add to more plumbing code by the developer and typically requires writting platform specific routines which the containers already do anyway.
    None the less, EJB 3.1 adds the async capability and I am now looking to use this. From my servlet I use @EJB to access the session bean, and call an async method. My servlet returns right away as it should. From the async method I do some work and using an entity bean store results, so I don't need to return a Future object. In fact, my ejb then makes an HttpClient call to another servlet to notify it that the result is ready.
    My main question though, is if it's ok to call other methods from the async method that are not declared @Asynchronous. I presume it is ok, as the @Asynchronous just enables the container to spawn a thread to execute that method in. But I can't dig up any limitations on the code within an async method.. whether or not it has restrictions on the container services, is there anything wrong with using HttpClient to make a request from the method.. and making calls to helper methods within the bean that are not async.
    Thanks.If you want to be asynchronous without caring about a return value then just use MDBs.
    The async methods have no restrictions on container services and there is nothing wrong with calling other non async methods. Once the async method is reached those annotations don't matter anyway (unless if you call thhose methods from a new reference of the EJB that you look up) as they only make sense in a client context.
    Why do you need to make the call to the servlet from the EJB? Makes it difficult to know who is the client here. Better use the Future objects and let the initial caller delegate to the other client components as needed.

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    in crm web ui  i created one component named "A" which has several component usages. One of the usage component is named "B".
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    My Problem is not about Popups.
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    call method super->wd_usage_initialize
           iv_usage = iv_usage.
       case iv_usage->usage_name.
         when 'CUBP_HEAD_SEARCH'.
             iv_usage->bind_context_node( iv_controller_type  = cl_bsp_wd_controller=>co_type_component
                                          iv_target_node_name = 'PARTNER2'
                                          iv_node_2_bind      = 'PARTNER' ).

    Very Good ! thanks for this, i also analysed a little bit yesterday and achieved to really call the window controller:
    What i wanted to do is to call the clear_all of BP_HEAD_SEARCH - component, which i always specified as component B.
    In Component A using BP_HEAD_SEARCH, i hooked some coding into method DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT of the only View, which is an overview Page
    Hooking up this method, i'm sure that the initialitation of all context nodes etc. of component B took place and i'll be able to successfully call the inbound plug:
    if me->prepared_output <> 'X'.
      data lr_usage type ref to cl_bsp_wd_component_usage.
      data lr_if_window type ref to cl_bp_head__searchhelpwin_impl.
      data lr_if_window_abstr type ref to  cl_bsp_wd_window.
      lr_usage      ?= me->comp_controller->get_component_usage( 'CUBP_HEAD_SEARCH' ).
      lr_if_window ?= lr_usage->get_interface_view_contr( 'SearchHelpWindow' ).
      lr_if_window->ip_clear_all(  ).
    the clue was not to use the interface if_bsp_wd_component_usage, but to use the class cl_bsp_wd_component_usage as type of the usage object.
    Doing so, i'll be able to call method get_interface_view_contr which will give me the window controller finally.
    But your solution is good as well !

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    Interestingly, when setting up for sharing to DVD, it said '2 files' on the bottom settings bar. Not sure if this relevant?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Burning to DVD is a test run only, but would like to rectify any problems before mastering.

    Set up the Share again and in the Settings window, do you see the video as six minutes short?
    Try marking an In point at the beginning and an Out point at the end of the project. Try making a disk image rather than burning a disc. You can burn the disc from the disk image.
    Yes, two files is normal, one for the MPEG-2 video and the other for the AC3 audio.

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    Rob Harris

    Just curious, why would repairing permissions, rebooting ( rebooted 2 times already today) or creating a new user possibly fix this.
    I cannot create a new user, that is way too much work.  I will repair permissions again,  I repaired permissions just a few days ago. Then I will reboot, login and turn off App Nap and rerun the Share DVD.
    There must be something seriously wrong with the OS if your are suggesting creating another user.   WOW!
    Rob H.

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    Sharing to DVD all my projects stops att 66 % - without error messages.
    I'm a beginner in Final Cut Pro X. Not good at ¨computer terms¨ and computers so please take it easy when explaining.
    My first three project was succesfully . (I then had no background image.)The fourth project (about 59 minutes) was at first successfully even with a background image. (But when I played the DVD on my DVD-player it stopped completely after 45 minutes, but went on when I tried to play it again, from the place where it stopped.) Then I replaced the background image with another and after that it stopped at 66 %. I read about the error -29 and made my image ¨smaller¨  but nothing happened. I also made the project shorter, about 57 minutes, nothing happened.
    I tried a couple of completely new project from 2 – 20 minutes long – the same happened, it stopped at 66 %. (Read about deleting render files and tried that too without results.)  I have a Mac OS X 10.8.3 Mountain Lion
    Grateful for help after a week with problems. It’s a dancing project and people are waiting for the DVD…

    "What finally got it to work for me was Share>DVD>Settings>Backround; added a small jpeg, then removed. For whatever reason, it seemed to jar Create Disk awake."
    Using this idea I didn't even add or delete an image, just opened the the Background window and closed it again.
    This made one stubborn Project work/burn even with some retimed clips in it.
    This action must flick an internal ON switch somewhere????
    It's something simple but annoying. I have no idea where to look.
    At least with a couple of extra clicks it's now working as expected.
    Annamatilda might try the same to confirm the above??

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    of history and data.  Also I am not certain I still have the installers for some of my applications, I know I can get them but again its the time it would take.
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    So what are my options?
    Thanks peeps.
    JK MCP

    Isn't that only used when a PC will not boot?
    What options does booting with this give me?
    JK MCP
    USB recovery disk was used to recover your system when it encounter problem. You can try to use it to fix your problem instead reinstall system. However, there is no method to keep your program whenreinstall system.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Sharing iTunes library with other users (on Vista)

    I'm posting this for my sister who just purchased a new computer running Vista. She's set up a user account for herself as well as one for each of my two nephews. We've successfully moved over her iTunes music folder from her laptop and can now access it and listen through her account.
    However, we'd like to set it up so that my two nephews can also listen to the music from their user accounts. My oldest nephew also has a shuffle that would sync to it.
    I've found a link to information about sharing, but I still need to clarify a few things.
    Here's the link:
    On this page, it describes how "to share your music with other accounts on the computer" and also how "to listen to another account's music files".
    Exactly how are these two things different? I'm pretty sure that I probably want the first of the two, but I'm not positive.
    And once we successfully set this up, would we have to sync the shuffle via my sister's main account or could it be synced from any of them?

    Let's answer your second question first ...
    And once we successfully set this up, would we have to sync the shuffle via my sister's main account or could it be synced from any of them?
    Any of them.
    ... and your first question second.
    Exactly how are these two things different?
    The first part - sharing your music with other accounts - makes the music available to the other users on the computer.
    It is then up to the other users to decide whether or not they want to make use of the available music, hence the second part - listening to another account's music files - which, as the article says, must be repeated "for each account that is listening to shared music."

  • Guide: How to rip and convert DVDs or other videos to iPod

    Hi guys, we ofter met problems in using iPod, such as when we meet with a beloved movies we are in trouble to enjoy it on our iPod. Thus I write this document that shows how to rip and convert DVDs or other videos to your iPod MP4.
    1. First of all, please download ImTOO DVD to iPod Converter at
    2. Install it and open your local DVD by clicking "Add DVD Folder" button under "File" menu.
    [img] 95thyCXsC4EtgTtirQuELGZZxQoSSAxk3UnPd4L85jC3rQcdkQ[/img]
    3. Click “Show Chapters” button to see all the chapters within the file.
    4. Set output format: In “Profile” drop down list box, you may select output format. The software allows setting different output formats according to different files.
    Tips: by selecting iPod MPEG-4 Movie format (*.mp4) in “Profile” drop down list box, the software will produce iPod mp4 formats.
    5. Set conversion mode (Optional)
    After selecting certain output format, the right column will show its general standard. By clicking certain settings such as 'Zoom', 'Split', 'Destination' and ‘Title’ etc, you may set it.
    Please note: you can set "Bit Rate" by choosing the rate given, such as "512". Certainly, you can keep all the above options default without any change.
    [img] Ev5u-INctCxDm6iwLDLfadLmHS3bhlcQFwYMy2XIYVRMkGE7OpKq1J7AZy[/img]
    6. Start conversion:
    Finally, selected the chapter you want to convert and start conversion by right-clicking the chapter name and selecting ‘Rip Selected’ under the menu.
    [img] e774REhjfFDEHB-6zQ9kZj0dK2dD0wJDYkjW7mU7hNy3FQyrLlkuWYr2mH[/img]
    After a short while, you will get a file that is ready to be played on your iPod. But how do you add it to your iPod? Here is the way:
    1. Please click ‘Open’ button after the conversion is completed.
    [img] sCDNqJfkmd9ICVL-EUtuvMkBV5bSA7IAxfqO0LT5diei4KmIVxkzBruxVI[/img]
    2. Find the converted file in the destination folder and pull it to your iTunes.
    [img] -MbPi4gw4oCHSH3Nq4pJ0tVcZ60Uf5YIW5xpllwzzouu8JRcnZ[/img]
    If you don’t have an iTunes yet, please download it freely here:
    3. Pull the file list under the iTunes to your iPod. Then you will see the file name under ‘Recently Added’ list of your iPod menus.
      Windows 2000   Windows9x/xp/me

    Thanks! But when I visit the site recently, I found the program was upgraded. Now it has 2 optimized output formats specially made for iPod 30G and 60G players! Thus it is easier and more convenient to use without complex settings as other software. Try it at
    Another good news: there was a new discount suite ImTOO DVD to iPod Suitethat contains both the DVD to iPod Converter and iPod Movie Converter. It saves newly $20! Hope this can do some help

  • Two separate iPhones got merged into one iTunes account. How to separate them. We are sharing all of each other's contacts at this time. Thanks for your help.

    Two separate iPhones got merged into one iTunes account. How can I separate them in iTunes???????. We are sharing all of each other's contacts at this time. Thanks for your help.

    The reason you are receiving each other's text messages is because you are both using the same Apple ID for iMessage.  To prevent this you need to use different IDs.  (Note: you can still share the same ID for iTunes.)  On one of the phones, go to Settings>Messages>Send & Receive, tap the ID, sign out, then sign back in with a separate ID.
    To migrate your 3GS to a new iCloud account, start by saving any photo stream photos that you want to keep on the phone to your camera roll.  To do this, open the my photo stream album, tap Edit, tap the photos, tap Share, tap Save to Camera Roll.  Next, if you have any notes that you are syncing with iCloud that you want to keep, you'll need to email these to yourself so they can be recreated after moving to the new account.
    Once this is done, go to Settings>iCloud, scroll to the bottom and tap Delete Account.  (This will only delete the account from this phone, not from iCloud.  The phone that will be keeping the account will not be effected by this.)  When prompted about what to do with the iCloud data, choose Keep On My iPhone.  Next, sign back in with a different Apple ID to create the new account, turn iCloud data syncing preferences and when prompted about merging with iCloud, choose Merge.  This will upload the data to the new account.
    Finally, if you have merged data in the two accounts that you want to separate you will have to go to from your computer, sign into each iCloud account separately and manually delete the data you don't want from each account.

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    If you backed up your iPhone in iTunes on your computer -
    Open iTunes - Edit - Preferences - Devices - See Device Backups in the Window.
    Hover mouse/curser on any backup. Read IMEI and Serial no. your of iPhone.

  • How do I rip a dvd to other formats?

    How do I rip a dvd to other formats so that I can store them on my networked hard drive and stream them around the house?

    HandBrake will do it for you.

Maybe you are looking for