AIR - CameraRoll browseForImage() problem on Lollipop

I am building an mobile app for Android.
One of our features enables users to import existing images using the CameraRoll() Class from the Photo Gallery.
On Kit Kat and below, this works great.
On Lollipop vs. 5.0.2, I get an ERROR - "no apps can perform this action".
Is there any way around this?

If you install something like Quickpic app, does it work?  You might want to try the most recent SDK as well, there was a fix with a description "Cameraroll API doesn't work with Android Photos applications"

Similar Messages

  • Cannot select videos in iOS CameraRoll.browseForImage()

    Well, obviously, because it's browseFor-Image-, however I -have- to have this functionality for our software and I don't see -any way whatsoever- in the documentation, via CameraRoll or otherwise to open the CameraRoll and filter for Videos.
    I can use the camera to take videos.  I can use the camera to take pictures.  I can use the CameraRoll to browse photos already on the device and select one, but I cannot see a way to locate, display, and allow the user to select (and perhaps preview) a video for my software to use.
    The ironic thing is that if I use the iOS Camera app and take video (which appears as an entity in the CameraRoll in the 'Photos' app), it uses the first frame of that for the folder preview... i.e., if I browseForImage() from Flex/AIR, when it opens the CameraRoll browser, the top "Folder" in the photo browser (named "Camera Roll") shows as it's icon a thumbnail taken from the first frame of the video I just took using the Camera App.  However, if I enter that folder to see the contents, it shows only photos and not the video from which it displayed the thumbnail.
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <c:LightboxBase xmlns:fx=""
                                            open="openHandler(event)" xmlns:myLibrary="components.myLibrary.*">
                                  import spark.components.BusyIndicator;
    //                              import com.eyecu.ane.ios.videoroll.VideoRoll;
    //                              import com.eyecu.ane.ios.videoroll.VideoRollEvent;
                                  private var choosePrompt:String = "Choose from one of these sources";
                                  private var cancelButtons:Boolean = true;                    // cancelButton/cancelSpacer
                                  private var buttonsEnabled:Boolean = true;                    // All buttons disabled while timer is running.
                                  private var showStatus:Boolean = true;                              // status message
                                  private var videoCameraActive:Boolean = false;          // status message
                                  private var acquisitionButtons:Boolean = true;          // Camera/Roll/Library buttons
                                  private var busy:Boolean = false;                                        // Busy Indicator
                                  private var libraryOpen:Boolean = false;                              // Show the library chooser
                                  private var bmpData:BitmapData;
                                  private var video:Video;
                                  private var timer:Timer = new Timer(3000,1);
                                  private var camera:CameraUI;
                                  private var roll:CameraRoll;
                                  private var loader:Loader;
                                  private var mediaPromise:MediaPromise;
                                  private var data:Object = new Object();
                                  protected function openHandler(event:Event):void
                                            // Reset state for re-entry
                                            statusText.text = choosePrompt;
                                            busy = false;
                                            showStatus = true;
                                            acquisitionButtons = true;
                                            cancelButtons = true;
                                  protected function clickButton(which:String):void
                                            cancelButtons = acquisitionButtons = false;
                                            statusText.text = "";
                                            busy = true;
                                                      case "myLibrary":
                                                                busy = false;
                                                                libraryOpen = true;
                                                      case "cameraPhoto":
                                                                if (CameraUI.isSupported)
                                                                          camera = new CameraUI();
                                                                          camera.addEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE,          cameraImageEventComplete);
                                                                          camera.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                                                          camera.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                                                          statusText.text = "Camera not supported on this device.";
                                                      case "cameraVideo":
                                                                          camera = new CameraUI();
                                                                          camera.addEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE,          videoMediaEventComplete);
                                                                          camera.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                                                          camera.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                                                          statusText.text = "Camera not supported on this device.";
                                                      case "rollPhoto":
                                                                if (CameraRoll.supportsBrowseForImage)
                                                                          roll = new CameraRoll();
                                                                          roll.addEventListener(MediaEvent.SELECT,          cameraRollEventComplete);
                                                                          roll.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                                                          roll.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                                                          statusText.text = "Camera roll not supported on this device.";
                                                      case "rollVideo":
    //                                                            showVideoRoll();
                                            } // End switch case
                                  protected function showVideoRoll():void
                                            trace("ChoosePictureLightbox FUNCTION showVideoRoll()");
    //                                        var videoRoll:VideoRoll = VideoRoll.instance; // Acquire an instance
                                            trace("ChoosePictureLightbox FUNCTION showVideoRoll() instantiated");
    //                                        videoRoll.addEventListener(VideoRollEvent.ON_VIDEO_SELECT, handleVideoSelect); // Dispatched on video select
                                            trace("ChoosePictureLightbox FUNCTION showVideoRoll() addedEventListener");
    //                                        videoRoll.openVideoRoll(); // Open the video roll
                                            trace("ChoosePictureLightbox FUNCTION showVideoRoll() opened");
                                  private function handleVideoSelect(e:VideoRollEvent):void
                                            // this will not return a thumbnail or video ByteArray
    //                                        var f:File = new File(e.videoUrl); // The location is returned in the event
    //                                        var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); // Create a ByteArray to load the video into
    //                                        var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
    //                              , FileMode.READ);
    //                                        fs.readBytes(ba, 0, fs.bytesAvailable); // Read the video into the BA
    //                                        fs.close();
                                  protected function cameraCanceled(event:Event):void
                                            statusText.text = "Camera access canceled by user.";
                                  protected function cameraError(event:ErrorEvent):void
                                            statusText.text = "There was an error while trying to use the camera.";
                                  protected function onMediaPromiseLoadError(event:IOErrorEvent):void
                                            statusText.text = "There was an error while loading the media.";
                                  protected function videoMediaEventComplete(event:MediaEvent):void
                                            statusText.text="Preparing captured video...";
                                            camera.removeEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE,                    videoMediaEventComplete);
                                            camera.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                            camera.removeEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                            var media:MediaPromise =;
                                            data.MediaType = MediaType.VIDEO;
                                            data.MediaPromise = media;
                                            data.source = "camera video";
                                  private function initHandler(event:Event):void
                                            var loader:Loader = Loader(;
                                            var info:LoaderInfo = LoaderInfo(loader.contentLoaderInfo);
                                            trace("initHandler: loaderURL=" + info.loaderURL + " url=" + info.url);
                                  private function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void
                                            trace("ioErrorHandler: " + event);
                                  protected function cameraImageEventComplete(event:MediaEvent):void
                                            data.MediaType = MediaType.IMAGE;
                                            data.source = "camera image";
                                            camera.removeEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE,                    cameraImageEventComplete);
                                            camera.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                            camera.removeEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                            statusText.text = "Loading selected image...";
                                            mediaPromise =;
                                            loader = new Loader();
                                            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaderCompleted);
                                            loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onMediaPromiseLoadError);
                                  } // End FUNCTION mediaEventComplete
                                  protected function cameraRollEventComplete(event:MediaEvent):void
                                            data.MediaType = MediaType.IMAGE;
                                            data.source = "roll image";
                                            roll.removeEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE,          cameraRollEventComplete);
                                            roll.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL,                              cameraCanceled);
                                            roll.removeEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR,                    cameraError);
                                            statusText.text = "Loading selected image...";
                                            mediaPromise =;
                                            loader = new Loader();
                                            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaderCompleted);
                                            loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onMediaPromiseLoadError);
                                  } // End FUNCTION mediaEventComplete
                                  protected function imageLoaderCompleted(event:Event):void
                                            var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo;
                                            loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaderCompleted);
                                            loader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onMediaPromiseLoadError);
                                            bmpData = new BitmapData(loaderInfo.width, loaderInfo.height);
                                            data.bmpData = bmpData as BitmapData;
                                            data.event = event as Event;
                                  } // End FUNCTION imageLoaderComplete
                                  private function startTimer():void
                                            buttonsEnabled = false;
                                            busy = false;
                                            timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timerComplete);
                                  private function timerComplete(event:TimerEvent):void
                                            statusText.text = choosePrompt;
                                            acquisitionButtons = true;
                                            cancelButtons = true;
                                            buttonsEnabled = true;
                                  private function clickLibraryCancelButton(event:Event):void
                                            statusText.text="Library access cancelled by user.";
              <s:VGroup id="vg" creationComplete="insertIntoContainer(vg)" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <s:Label id="statusText" width="100%" color="#ff3333" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="40" textAlign="center" paddingTop="20" paddingBottom="20" text="{choosePrompt}" visible="{showStatus}" includeInLayout="{showStatus}"/>
                        <s:VGroup id="myLibraryVGroup" visible="{libraryOpen}" includeInLayout="{libraryOpen}" height="85%" width="90%" horizontalAlign="center">
                                  <myLibrary:ChooseFromMyLibrary id="myLibraryPanelGroup" visible="{libraryOpen}" includeInLayout="{libraryOpen}" height="90%" width="{myLibraryVGroup.width}"/>
                                  <s:Button label="Cancel" click="clickLibraryCancelButton(event)" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/>
                        <s:TileGroup id="acquisitionGroup" requestedColumnCount="4" visible="{acquisitionButtons}" includeInLayout="{acquisitionButtons}">
                                  <s:Button id="takePhotoButton"                              width="220" height="160"          label="Take Photo"                    click="clickButton('cameraPhoto')" icon="@Embed('assets/icons/Digicam.png')" iconPlacement="top" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/>
                                  <s:Button id="cameraRollPhotoButton"          width="220" height="160"          label="Choose Photo"                    click="clickButton('rollPhoto')" icon="@Embed('assets/icons/Photos.png')" iconPlacement="top" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/>
                                  <!--s:Button id="cameraRollVideoButton"          width="220" height="160"          label="Choose Video"                    click="clickButton('rollVideo')" icon="@Embed('assets/icons/FilmStrip.png')" iconPlacement="top" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/-->
                                  <s:Button id="takeVideoButton"                              width="220" height="160"          label="Take Video"                    click="clickButton('cameraVideo')" icon="@Embed('assets/icons/movie-camera-th.png')" iconPlacement="top" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/>
                                  <s:Button id="myLibraryButton"                              width="220" height="160"          label="My Library"                    click="clickButton('myLibrary')" icon="@Embed('assets/icons/folder_images_64.png')" iconPlacement="top" enabled="{buttonsEnabled}"/>
                        <s:Group id="videoGroup" visible="{videoCameraActive}" includeInLayout="{videoCameraActive}"/>
                        <s:BusyIndicator rotationInterval="50" symbolColor="#cd0000" id="busyIndicator" visible="{busy}" includeInLayout="{busy}"/>
                        <s:Spacer id="cancelSpacer" height="10"          visible="{cancelButtons}" includeInLayout="{cancelButtons}"/>
                        <s:Button id="cancelButton" label="Cancel" click="close(false)" visible="{cancelButtons}" includeInLayout="{cancelButtons}" enabled="{cancelButtons}"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx=""
                        <s:Fade id="imageButtonsFadeIn"                                                            target="{imageButtonsGroup}"          duration="500"          alphaTo="1"   />
                        <s:Fade id="imageButtonsFadeOut"                                                  target="{imageButtonsGroup}"          duration="500"          alphaTo="0"   />
                        <s:BevelFilter id="bevelFilterUp" distance="4" blurX="4" blurY="4" quality="{BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH}"/>
                                  import flash.display.BitmapData;
                                  import flash.filters.BitmapFilterQuality;
                                  import spark.components.Image;
                                  import classes.CustomVideoClient;
                                  import classes.ImageResizer;
                                  import classes.ResizeMath;
                                  private var buttonScale:Number = 1;
                                  private var imageButtonsActive:Boolean = false;
                                  private var data:Object;
                                  private var selection:Boolean = false;
                                  private var thumbBmpData:BitmapData;
                                  private var bmpData:BitmapData;
                                  private var busy:Boolean = false;
                                  private var timer:Timer;
                                  private var delaySaveTimer:Timer;
                                  private var choosePictureLightbox:ChoosePictureLightbox;
                                  private var fileStreamXML:FileStream;
                                  private var fileStreamImage:FileStream;
                                  private var fileStreamThumb:FileStream;
                                  private var libraryThumbBmpData:BitmapData;
                                  private var xmlFilename:String = "";
                                  private var mediaType:String = "";
                                  private var netConnection:NetConnection;
                                  private var videoFile:File;
                                  private var video:Video;
                                  public function getXmlFilename():String
                                            return xmlFilename;
                                  public function getSelection():Boolean
                                            return selection;
                                  public function getMediaType():String
                                            return mediaType;
                                  private function creationCompleteHandler():void
                                            buttonScale = (width-(5*10)) / (64+64+48);
                                            if(buttonScale > 2)
                                                      buttonScale = 2;
                                  private function fullscreenImageLightboxClosed(event:PopUpEvent):void
                                            busy = false;
                                            imageButtonsActive = false;
                                  private function choosePictureLightboxClosed(event:PopUpEvent):void
                                            trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION choosePictureLightboxClosed("")");
                                            imageButtonsActive = false;
                                             = as Object;
                                                      filters = new Array();
                                                      selection = true;
                                                                case MediaType.VIDEO:
                                                                          trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION choosePictureLightboxClosed() CASE VIDEO");
                                                                          busy = true;
                                                                          mediaType = "video";
                                                                          var timestamp:String = new Date().getTime().toString();
                                                                          statusMessage.text = "Saving Video to Library...";
                                                                          var sourceFile:File = new File(data.MediaPromise.file.url);
                                                                          var destinationPath:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("User" +parentApplication.userid);
                                                                          if(destinationPath.exists && !destinationPath.isDirectory)
                                                                          destinationPath = destinationPath.resolvePath("Videos");
                                                                          if(destinationPath.exists && !destinationPath.isDirectory)
                                                                          videoFile = destinationPath.resolvePath(parentApplication.userid+"Video"+timestamp+".mov");
                                                                          trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION choosePictureLightboxClosed() "+sourceFile.url);
                                                                          trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION choosePictureLightboxClosed() MOVE VIDEO TO APPSPACE");
                                                                          trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION choosePictureLightboxClosed() "+videoFile.url);
                                                                          // testing w/o moving
                                                                          //videoFile = sourceFile;
                                                                          xmlFilename = parentApplication.userid+"VideoInfo"+timestamp+".xml";
                                                                          var videoXML:XML =
                                                                                              <videoFilename>{}</videoFilena me>
                                                                          var destinationXMLFile:File  = destinationPath.resolvePath(xmlFilename);
                                                                          statusMessage.text = "Saving Video to Library: Info...";
                                                                          var fileStreamXML:FileStream = new FileStream();
                                                                , FileMode.WRITE);
                                                                          statusMessage.text = "";
                                                                          busy = false;
                                                                case MediaType.IMAGE:
                                                                          mediaType = "image";
                                                                          this.bmpData = data.bmpData as BitmapData;
                                                                          var canvas:BitmapData;
                                                                          var rect:Rectangle;
                                                                          var pt:Point;
                                                                          // Correct non 4:3 proportions by letterboxing if too wide, and pillarboxing if too narrow.
                                                                          if(.75* bmpData.width != bmpData.height)
                                                                                    if(.75*bmpData.width > bmpData.height) // Letterbox
                                                                                              canvas = new BitmapData(bmpData.width, .75*bmpData.width, false, 0xff000000);
                                                                                              rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpData.width, bmpData.height);
                                                                                              pt = new Point(0, ((canvas.height-bmpData.height)/2));
                                                                                    else // Pillarbox
                                                                                              canvas = new BitmapData( ((4*bmpData.height)/3), bmpData.height, false, 0xff000000);
                                                                                              rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpData.width, bmpData.height);
                                                                                              pt = new Point( ((canvas.width-bmpData.width)/2), 0);
                                                                                    canvas.copyPixels(bmpData, rect, pt);
                                                                                    bmpData = ImageResizer.bilinearIterative(canvas, 1024, 768, ResizeMath.METHOD_LETTERBOX , true, 3);
                                                                                    //var pngEncoder:PngEncoder = new PngEncoder(bmpData,png,true);
                                                      filters = new Array(bevelFilterUp);
                                            busy = false;
                                  private function playVideoFile():void
                                            trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION playVideoFile");
                                            netConnection = new NetConnection();
                                            netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
                                            netConnection.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
                                  private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
                                            trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION netStatusHandler code: ";
                                            switch (
                                                      case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
                                                      case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound":
                                                                trace("Stream not found: "); // + videoURL);
                                  private function securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void
                                            trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION sercurityErrorHandler");
                                            trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event);
                                  //                              private function onStageVideoState(event:StageVideoAvailabilityEvent):void      
                                  //                                        var available:Boolean = (event.availability == StageVideoAvailability.AVAILABLE);      
                                  //                                        trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION onStageVideoState "+available);
                                  private function asyncErrorHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void
                                            // ignore AsyncErrorEvent events.
                                  private function connectStream():void
                                            // stage.addEventListener(StageVideoAvailabilityEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABILITY, onStageVideoState);
                                            trace("ChoosePictureButton FUNCTION connectStream");
                                            //          You can get metadata using a function, instead of creating a custom class. The following suggestion, provided by Bill Sander

  • IOS cameraRoll browseForImage() opens image library popup that shrinks, different image being loaded

    The app is published with Flash builder 4.6 + AIR 3.6, and the device is a iPad retina (probably 4 gen)
    If cameraRoll.browseForImage() is called, the native photo library popup appears, but when an album is selected, it shrinks like in this video (both landscape and portrait):
    As you can see, it starts well but then it shrinks and the loaded image is actually the one in the left of the selected image, not to mention that some images are cutoff after this shrinking
    Has anyone else experienced this or is there a fix to this?
    Under iPad 1 and 2 everything is ok

    Hi reglogge, it sounds like LaunchServices:
    Try this, quit any open apps, then navigate to /Library/Caches/ You may have more than one with different negative numbers. Delete all of these.
    Then navigate to ~(yourHome)/Library/Preferences/ and delete this also.
    Then log out and back in. Or restart. Let us know.
    [email protected]

  • I get error (-15006) when I try to connect air play true Apple TV. No problem with my old with my Mac i get that error.

    Hi, I get error (-15006) when I try to connect air play true Apple TV. No problem with my old PC. with my Mac i get that error.
    It is true the Ithunes I get the problem.
    What can I do to fix this.
    I also have problem some times to conect to my Ipad to Apple tv. Some time I have to restart my Ipad to get conection to Apple t. whay is that ?
    can some one help me ?

    Hi whitwick,
    If you are having issues with your network connection when attempting to use AirPlay, you may want to use the steps in this article to troubleshoot -
    iTunes: Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L

  • I bought my Mac Air 13' in August. Black screen problems constantly happens. I asked some of my friends who also use Air. They share the same experience. Overall, it is a pretty good computer. But it bothers me when I do work and it suddenly goes black.

    I bought my Mac Air 13' in August. Black screen problems constantly happens. I asked some of my friends who also use Air. They share the same experience. Overall, it is a pretty good computer. But it bothers me when I do work and it suddenly goes black. What should I do about it?

    without more information, I assume you mean a blackout from sleep issue.
    Go to system preferences > energy settings > raise the "turn display off" setting up to as needed, say 5 mins. or 10 mins.
    AND ...
    unchecked the "Put hard disks to sleep when possible" in both the battery and power adapter tabs.
    test it and check back

  • I cannot connect to FaceTime, encountered "error processing registration, please try later" message on my Macbook Air, but I don't have this problem on my IMac. Can anyone help?

    I cannot connect to FaceTime, encountered "error processing registration, please try later" message on my Macbook Air, but I don't have this problem on my IMac. Can anyone help?

    I have the same problem on my iMac. My facetime has been working, but now I'm getting the same error as You. I've been through the following:
    The stuff that Linc Davis suggested, new profile on iMac, moved iMac into DMZ zone with no firewall rules, tested with other Apple-ID, checked hosts file, checked different timezone settings, tried to connect to 2 mobile APs (with diferent providors), changed DNS servers (ISP's DNS + Google DNS + Open DNS) - Nothing helped. Also talked to Apple Support, since i have Apple Care, but the seem to be a bit clueless also Well I've mailed them the results of my different tests, so lets see what they come up with - Unfortunately I'm sure it will be the same suggestion as all the major PC manufactures suggests, reinstall and test - RIGHT !!!!!!
    If I get solution, I'll post it here.
    Kind Regards

  • Hi i have an apple macbook air, and i have a problem the starting my mackbook air i dont know that whats the problem, i wana share a video clip 4 u see the clip and tell me that what i do or resolve this problem 1st tell me ho can i post hre my video clip

    Hi i have an apple macbook air, and i have a problem the starting my mackbook air i dont know that whats the problem, i wana share a video clip 4 u see the clip and tell me that what i do or resolve this problem 1st tell me ho can i post here my video clip ?

    Which Mac OS X is installed.
    Troubleshooting advice can depend on that information.
    Without seeing a video, tell us exactly what happens when you startup your Mac?

  • CameraRoll.browseForImage() does nothing

    I'm developing on an iPad Mini with iOS 8.1.3 and using Adobe AIR When I call browseForImage() the screen seems to flicker (only the first time I call it) but do anything. Touching anywhere on the screen will trigger a CANCEL event from the CameraRoll as if it were open but hidden. Is anyone else seeing this? I hope this can be fixed soon.

    A few suggestions...
    1. Try restarting your computer.
    2. Move the preferences to your desktop. You can find them at <yourhomefolder>/Library/Preferences/ This will require you to setup you accounts again, but any download messages from a POP account will remain.
    3. If these don't work, let me know if Safari will open.

  • Macbook Air random freeze and reboot, plus other problems

    I've had my Macbook Air for about 6 weeks and am having several issues. It is the 13" model, special ordered with 8GB of ram so it came straight from the factory. I copied all my data over from a mid-2010 15" Macbook Pro using migration assistant, and for the most part it has been a wonderful machine. There are a few problems, however, and now it is getting more serious.
    First, I visited my closest Apple store to have them look at the wifi and bluetooth connection. It was not picking up wifi after waking up, and the same for my bluetooth mouse. They replaced some files and tested it out and it appeared to be fixed, but the problem persists. At least 50% of the time when I wake it up after leaving for 30-60 minutes, I click the mouse and it wakes up, but then there is no response when I move or click the mouse again. I often have to turn the mouse off and on several times to get it to connect.
    Wifi is the same, though not as bad. Probably 10% of the time, it will not connect to a known wifi spot after wake. Sometimes it even tells me that none of my trusted networks are available, even when the network I use everyday is listed as available. This is a minor inconvenience, but it is a problem I never had with the macbook pro. Instead of picking up wifi within 10 seconds of wake, it can take as long as 60-90 seconds.
    Now the real issues begin. Yesterday morning I stepped away from the computer for a few minutes, and when I returned it had rebooted itself. I do not know why. Only a few programs were running, nothing like system update that would restart the computer. I did a search online but could not find anything recent enough to point to a possible problem.
    Then this morning it froze while I was using it. Mouse and keyboard (both external and the ones on the laptop) stopped responding. After a few minutes of waiting I finally shut it down by holding the power button until it turned off. This was alarming, especially less than 2 months after buying the machine. I will likely make an appointment at the Apple store again but these issues happen randomly and if I can't reproduce it they have little hope of diagnosing the problem.
    Has anyone else had similar issues? I have run system update and nothing else is pending. This weekend I may restore it to factory settings and load all my data manually instead of copying from timemachine, but that is a royal pain. I'm looking for any suggestions of what to do because I planned to use this computer for years and the first 6 weeks have been very frustrating.

    It is probably best to return to the Apple store for assistance, however, you do have 90 days of phone (in the US 800-275-2273) access to Apple which you can use too. If you buy Applecare anytime in the first year of ownership, the warranty and phone access is extended for a total of 3 years coverage  (warranty and phone).

  • Cannot open links/hyperlinks in my Ipad Air email. This is a new problem! How do I fix back to norm as it was new?

    Just recently I tried to click on a link in my email on my Ipad Air, click on menu headings did not respond? This is a new problem! Stores send me emails on sales with menu headings to access "Clearances", "Men's Wares", etc. I click on them to see the offerings BUT THEY DO NOT RESPOND? Is there a setting turned on or off that prevents me accessing these email links? Appreciate help...Thanks, VFP

    Hi Steeloid
    click on the Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > General panel > Startup > Show my windows and tabs from last time .
    see for more info :
    see also: [ Restore previous session - Configure when Firefox shows your most recent tabs and windows]
    thank you

  • Cannot suddenly air print, but has not been a problem previously

    Have not had a problem air printing, but suddenly not able to.  Have checked printer settings and works fine from iPhone and laptop but will not work from ipad.  Any one any clues please.

    Reboot iPad and/or router.

  • New mac air running hot!  Anyone having same problem?

    I downloaded Lion last night on my Mac Book Air (purchased Feb of this year).  The fan would hardly run before as computer would rarely get hot.  Now it is running constantly since download.  Anyone else having similar issue?  Is there a solution to this?

    I had the same problem Mac late 2010, 2.13 Intel core duo 4GB RAM 2
    Lion was installed as update.
    as result:
    CPU on 80 °C and to keep it between 70 and 80 °C fan had to work on 6500 RPM.
    I used Istat.
    repaired permissions, no result, reset the SMC and so on... no results.
    lately reading also other posts, I started to disable 1 by 1 the start up items.
    the antivirus Sophos +  the time machine auto back up -on off was quite successful
    now I have a 4000 RPM = quite decent as noise level and CPU at 40-47 °C.
    had nothing to do with the flash or browsing, and so on.
    Spotlight, yess is pushing the temp up, but is not running 24/7
    Check your startup items, the answer can be there
    Maybe helps
    Good luck!

  • App in Air unable to load to IOS certificate problems

    Hey Guys,
    We have built and App using Air (i am not the tech bod so excuse if i make mistakes).
    We are pretty sure the flash side is good, in fact 99% sure as we had it checked, but, everytime we try to upload we get this error
    The bundle 'com.zootcard.zootcard" at bundle path '' is not signed using and Apple submission certificate.
    The icon issues we had before are resolved, we have only this problem and it has been rolling on and killing us for over a week.
    Any help or advice would be super appreciated.
    It is converted using the P12 extension from Flash to Apple Connect
    Save us, you are our only hope!!!
    Many thanks!!!

    Hello there, scott_arrow.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great information for your particular message:
    iTunes for Windows: "Unable to load data class" or "Unable to load provider data" sync services alert
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • IPad Air Not Calculating Available Storage Correctly / Restore Problem?

    Just purchased a 16gb ipad air, restored apps and data from a backed up/no longer functioning ipad 2.  After all apps loaded settings is saying I have 0 of the 12.8 GB available. It also appears that the job finished but the software update page indicates restore is still in progress.     After adding up all the apps and data from the list there is <10gb. 
    Could the restore action be using up allocated space?  
    How can I tell what process is running and whether that is consuming the memory?   And, can I kill/cancel it (if it's still the restore)?
    What makes me more suspicious is that after I delete a handful of apps the available storage increases "temporarily", then reverts back to 0 available. 
    I really do not want to reset all apps and data settings and reload manually since I have a few key apps from the old ipad 2 that I need to retain.  An suggestions or are there any known problems?

    I think I figured it out.  I went through my iPhone and turned off a lot of the apps that were slotted to backup and it appears to done the trick as the phone is backing up to iCloud.
    The language needs to be broken down where it makes more sense of what's happening behind the scenes during these backups as I think it can be easily miscontrued that it's the data the various specific apps are using which is the issue at hand and not them apps themselves is what's causing the increase in size; some people may think that if they turn these apps off, they are deleting the apps from their devices so they leave them all switched on which ends up bumping up the size and ultimately eating up storage space.
    I admit to not really paying attention to what the explanation was saying when I initially got the error message which made me initially post this.  Now that I'm rationally thinking, I can see the problem of the disappearing space and am off to turn off a handful of apps on the Air to reduce the storage allotment even more

  • Mail on my MacBook Air will not open - have had no problems for 18 months

    My mail on the MacBook Air show 1 on the icon, but I cannot open it.  I have not had a problem for 18 months, no changes to anything.

    Hey lynnieg26,
    Thanks for the question. I understand that you are experiencing issues with Mail in OS X. Let’s see if we can isolate this issue further by following the steps in these resources:
    Mac OS X: How to troubleshoot a software issue
    Isolating an issue by using another user account
    Matt M.

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