Airport extreme won't recognize internet

My airport extreme continues to flash amber and the internet will not work but if I plug the ethernet cable directly from the router to my macbook, the internet works.

I have been having a problem with the extreme dropping the connection for the past two weeks and could not figure out the problem until I reinstalled the original wireless router and got that back up and running. I then did an install with the apple extreme setup disk and indicated I was "replacing my router" instead of "installing a new one". During the setup, the airport software will allow you to select which router you are replacing which is the old one I had currently running. Make sure you have the old router installed and connected to your modem. Once you do the replacement, you can change your ethernet wire from the modem to the apple extreme. Also make sure you reset the apple extreme before you start to do the replacing. Good luck

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    thoughts on a postcard?

    All that you need to do is insure that all 3 networks have exactly the same wireless network name, use exactly the same wireless security setting, and the same password. Then everything will behave as one "big" single network.
    If your devices are capable, they will automatically "switch" to the access point with the strongest signal as you walk them around the house.
    The AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express both need to be in Bridge Mode (they probably are), but you need to check on this as the last item before you update the settings.
    The tricky part of this is the wireless security setting.....because you must know exactly what type of wireless security setting your cable service modem/router is using to provide the exact same setting to the AirPorts. I assume that you know the name of the "main" wireless network and password.
    The AirPorts use WPA2 Personal by default, so check and see if your modem/router is using that setting. If not, you will need to change the modem/router to either WPA2 Personal (preferred) or WPA/WPA2 Personal (next best setting).  If you change the modem/router to WPA/WPA2 Personal, then you must also change it to the same setting on the AirPorts.
    If the security settings do not match up exactly on all wireless access points, then the network will not behave as one "big" single network.
    The settings for both AirPorts should look like this:

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    If you've not yet tried, unpower the AppleTV for a minute or so and restart - this occasionally corrects issues.
    If not and the software update seems to have caused an issue, go to the Settings menu and choose to Restore it (this will erase all settings) to reapply current firmware.
    Alternatively try to do so via iTunes:
    If you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen on your Apple TV - Apple Support

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    Yes. Unfortunately the stereo is too far from the wired ethernet connection   My iMac is connected to the internet using an ethernet cable from the DSL modem (plugged into the wall, not wireless).  The Airport Express is plugged into an outlet 25' away from the iMac and connected to my speakers.  I've turned on the iMac Airport wireless Internet Sharing, hoping to stream iTunes to the Express connected to the stereo.  The iMac Airport picks up several neighborhood networks so I know it's working (and I connected my iPhone wifi to it just to check as well).
    When I use Airport Utility to set up the Express, the only time Utility recognizes the Express is when the iMac Airport is off.  When I turn on the iMac Airport, the Airport Utility immediately loses the Express and asks to rescan.
    Maybe that explains my problem better.

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    I suspect I'll just have to take it to the Genius Bar or something. But anybody got any ideas? I really want to join the 'n' generation....

    atotheb, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Did you power off the cable modem when switching the Ethernet connection from laptop to AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS)? This is usually required.

  • Connects to Airport extreme but not to internet

    Whenever I close my laptop and reopen, I lose internet connection thru the airport extreme and I won't get it back. It seems that I will have connection to the Airport Extreme, but not the internet.
    Sometimes what fixes it is turning the airport off and then on again (sometimes multiple times). Usually restarting the computer fixes it (but not always).
    What happens is this (viewing Sysprefs/network/airport/network status and "internet connect"): the internet connect will report connecting...then will announce "connected", but show no "time elapsed" at the same time the Net status will read "airport is connected to it's own IP address and may or may not be connected to the internet" And I won't be.
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    Also, whenever I use "internet connect" to turn the airport off, when I turn it back on again I will not have internet access, just the messages I list above. The "strenth meter" will say my signal is good (which it should be) and it says I am connected but doesn't show "elapsed time" nor will I have actual internet access.
    Again, restarting the computer will usually work (less often, logging out then back in).
    Another strange symptom-- When I hit the "disconnect" button under the airport section of "internet connect" it disconnects, then reconnects immediately. When I hit the disconnect button w/ in the Sysprefs/network/airport...etc, it does nothing but bring to the front window the "internet connect" window. So the only way to "disconnect" is to turn off the airport (which results in the above problem).
    Side note--I am in the habit of turning off the airport (not the base, but from the computer) when I don't plan on using it for security-- am I being excessively paranoid? I do have my firewall in operation. Should I just leave it (being the airport) on all the time (in your humble opinion?
    Sorry if this makes no sense or rambles, it is now 5:30 am and She Who Must Be Obeyed will be getting up in about an hour wanting to know if I fixed the computer yet. I'm tired.
    Thank you in advance.
    17" powerbook 1.5 PPc G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    17" powerbook 1.5 PPc G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Try the following:
    Delete Preferred Network(s)
    - System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Configure
    - In the "By default, join:" pull-down menu, select "Preferred networks"
    - Delete the network(s) you regularly use from the list
    Delete AirPort Keychain Entries
    - Launch the "Keychain Access" application located in Applications/Utilties.
    - Click on the "Kind" filter at the top, and look for any "AirPort network password" entries...and delete them.
    - Restart, or log out then back in.
    Add Preferred Network(s)
    - System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Configure
    - In the "By default, join:" pull-down menu, select "Preferred networks"
    - Add the preferred network(s) using the "+" button.
    - Restart or log out then back in.

  • Airport Extreme no longer recognizes my Express when I try to password protect the network

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    I think the initial problem is that your iPhone was connected to an open network that wasn't yours.
    Go to Settings > WiFi and "Forget" the network created by that AirPort Extreme, it's older than dirt. Forget your neighbor's network also.
    Perform the equivalent actions with your Mac: System Preferences > Network > Wi-Fi > Advanced... Delete every network that appears, including your own.
    Then, connect to your own network on all your devices, after which you ought to be able to use any of them and configure your Extreme without any difficulty. You may need to start over with a "hard reset" on both the main AirPort Extreme and the one extending its network.
    Does this have anything to do with the fact that 'Back to My Mac' is probably enabled?
    Not exactly, but using iCloud Keychain will populate all your devices with the names of preferred networks that any of them connect to, no matter where they are. I don't know why Apple considers that a beneficial feature.

  • Windows - Airport Utility won't recognize Express plugged into Home stereo.

    I am trying to set up the express to stream music to home stereo exclusively. I currently have a NETGEAR 108 Mbps (WGT624 v2) router set up on a Windows XP. Airport Utility won't recognize the device. Any ideas on how to make this thing work while keeping existing network? Thanks so much.

    Let's double-check your AX's configure to receive audio via AirTunes.
    Please reconnect the AX back to the Netgear before running the AirPort Utility.
    Ok, compare your settings to the following within the AirPort Utility using Manual Setup:
    AirPort > Base Station
    o Base Station Name: <rename or leave default>
    o Base Station Password: <enter desired password>
    o Verify Password: <re-enter desired password>
    o Remember this password in my keychain: (optional)
    o Set time automatically: (unchecked)
    AirPort > Wireless
    o Wireless Mode: Join a wireless network
    o Network Name: <existing Netgear's wireless network>
    o Wireless Security: <select the encryption type of the existing wireless network>
    o Wireless Password: <enter the existing wireless network password>
    o Verify Password: <re-enter the existing wireless network password>
    o Enable AirTunes (checked)
    o iTunes Speaker Name: <enter desired speaker name>
    o iTunes Speaker Password: (optional)
    o Verify Password: (optional)
    o Click Update to write the new settings to the AX
    In iTunes:
    iTunes > Preferences... > Advanced > General
    o Look for remote speakers connected with AirTunes (checked)

  • Airport Extreme won't connect

    We have had our airport extreme connected to the internet for a year but recently it will no longer send out a signal with out modem. The modem has been checked by several techs who say it's in working order, and will allow internet when plugged directly into the computer. The airport as well has been tested and will work when connected to a different modem. How do I get this thing to start working again with the modem? It sends out a signal that all three of our apple computers pick up but when they open safari it say under network diagnostics that the airport, airport settings, network settings, and ISP are all working but only the internet and the server fail. What should I do? any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks!

    Hello Nosylla,
    Can you confirm me, the model of your airport extrem base station, the firmware version (-> airport utilities) ?
    Have you recently updated your base station to the v5.7 firmware ?
    I think i have the same problem like you...!
    Sorry for mystakes, i'm a french mac-user

  • My brand new out the box airport extreme won't let anything connect to it.

    My brand new out the box 5th gen (2013) airport extreme won't let anything connect to it. I've tried several setups from sratch by the book. multiple resets and restores still nothing. It just keeps telling mt that the password is in correct even though it is 100% right.
    My curren set up is as follows. Phone Line -> ADSL2+ router -> Airport extreme. There is also an old airport express running of the router, this was done because the airport extremem was failing to work.
    Trying to connect:
    2x iPhone 4s
    2x macbook air
    2x Mac Pro.

    You will want the Extreme to be in bridge mode if it is currently disabled. (see image below)
    This will allow the ADSL2+ router to perform two important functions for your entire network: 1) Provide both the DHCP & NAT services, and 2) Provide PPPoE support to allow access to your ADSL ISPs network.
    If the Extreme is left in its default state, a router, it will conflict with the first item and you will have want is known as a "double NAT" condition. Something you will want to avoid.

  • Help setting up using my airport extreme to share my internet connection

    I want to use my built-in airport extreme to share my internet connection with my PS3. I have a verizon aircard and have read on the internet that this can be done (but not necessarily with airport). I turned on internet sharing with airport and my ps3 reads my connection and obtains my ip address, but then it says could not connect to internet due to DNS server error.
    Could someone run me down the process step-by-step so I can see what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for your help.
    P.S. I have a iMac running on leopard if that matters.

    ll959reds, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Unfortunately the Internet Sharing provided by OS X does not provide nearly the configuration possibilities as even a very inexpensive wireless router.
    Also if the firewall is enabled on the iMac, it applies equally to all ports including the AirPort (wireless) connection to the PS3. Therefore the firewall will block many of the requests from the PS3. To solve this issues, you would either need to disable the iMac's firewall or configure the iMac's firewall to allow connections via the AirPort side.
    A much simpler solution is to use a wireless router instead of your iMac to provide the connection for the PS3.

  • How do I connect Airport Extreme to U-verse Internet Gateway: Motorola Model NVG510

    I tried to set up a new network with the Airport Extreme and get no Internet connectivity from the AT&T gateway.  The Extreme network sets up fine and I can access it from all my devices, but no Internet.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Mick Jones

    It will only take a minute to check the Ethernet cable. Just connect it from a LAN <-> port on the Uverse gateway to  the Ethernet port on a computer. Turn off the wireless on the computer and see if you can get a good Internet connection that way.
    If you can, great. You cannot, then you either have a bad Ethernet cable or the port on the gateway may not be working correctly.
    Power up the AirPort Extreme for a few minutes
    Then, hold in the reset button on the AirPort Extreme for 10-12 seconds and release
    Allow a full minute for the AirPort to restart
    Connect the Ethernet cable from a LAN <-> port on the Uverse gateway to the WAN "O" port on the AirPort Extreme
    Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
    Click on Other WiFi Devices
    Click AirPort Extreme
    The utility will open up automatically, take a minute to analyze things, then suggest that the AirPort will be configured to create a new network.  The window will look like the example below, except that you will see an AirPort Extreme instead of an AirPort Express.
    Network Name......type in a short, simple name that you want to call your wireless network
    Base Station Name.....type in a short, simple name that you want to use to identify the AirPort Extreme
    Password......type in a password that will be used for both the Base Station and Wireless Network
    Verify the password
    Click Next
    You should have a green light on the AirPort Extreme in a minute or two, and you should be able to log on to the new network and get an Internet connection.

  • New Airport Extreme, Green Light,  No Internet

    Trying to get wifi connection so my mom can use her new ipad I bought her for Christmas and so guests can use wifi when they visit. I connected this new airport extreme 802.11n Wi_Fi to their comcast modem. After connecting get green light on airport extreme but now no internet connection on mac desktop computer. Have tried resetting modem, powering off airport and computer... still no internet. Internet works fine using comcast modem but does not connect to internet at all with airport extreme. Help. Extremely frustrated and ready to return this airport extreme.

    Welcome to the discussion area!
    It's likely not the AirPort Extreme that is causing your issue. It is the cable modem.
    Perhaps you were not aware that a cable modem must be completely reset whenever there is a change in the device that the modem is connected to? Your ISP should have made this clear to you. A good reset often takes 30 minutes or more.
    Push the reset button on the modem
    Power off the modem for 30 minutes
    Pull the battery if it's easily accessible
    Power down the AirPort Extreme and your computers
    After the wait period, power up the modem first and let it run for 3-4 minutes by itself.
    Then power up the AirPort Extreme the same way
    Then power up your other devices the same way
    Please post back on your results.
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • Just purchased Airport Extreme ac and lost internet connection 3X. Reset to factory settings and worked for 2 days then lost connection and remedied by unplugging power supply. Anyone else having problems?

    Just purchased Airport Extreme ac and lost internet connection 3X in less than one week. Fisrt time, reset to factory settings and fixed problem. Has occurred 2 additional times and connection re-established by unplugging AP extreme. Anyone else having these problems?  Do I have a bad router?  Thanks.

    I definitely think this is a Mavericks issue.  My iMac running Mavericks is the ONLY system in the house that drops the network randomly while all other systems never lose the network.  No idea how to resolve this, but here is the workaround I'm posting: 
    I've had the 'network drop' issue with my Airport Extreme for the last 2 months.  It reconnects when I pull the ethernet cable and plug it back in.  I've tried downgrading the AE firmware, resetting to factory, etc.  Nothing worked.  I finally threw in the towel and created a script that monitors my network connectivity and restarts my interface if it senses it has dropped:
    while true
      yup=`ping -c1 -t2|grep from`
      if [[ -n $yup ]]
         then echo "Internet is connected!"
            ifconfig en0 down; ifconfig en0 up
            echo "Down at `date +%m%d%Y%H%M%S`">>./dropped.out
      sleep 5
    I know its a workaround, but its saving me the headache of constantly pulling my cable and putting it back in!
    Good luck!
    -Mike Gray

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