Ajax and DisplayTag implementations

I am using Struts & Ajax in my Web layer. The problem is in my jsp pages, based on some selections I need to fill Display Tag, I did this by using Action by assigning list to Display tag as it is API's default procedure, but now the problem is after leaving from the text component I need to fill the DISPLAY TABLE with Ajax Async call XML values,
1. How to fill Display Table (DisplayTag) with Ajax Async call
We are not to introduce new jar AjaxDisplay Tag..
Thanks in Advance

Define "entire page". Ajax actions don't happen for specific components, they are triggered by specific components. Generally that results in a form submit that is handled through an Ajax call and specifically marked parts of the page tree are re-rendered as a result of the action, in stead of the whole view.
But that is only the general case, it is completely open what happens after something is triggered through Ajax, especially when you incorporate your own event listeners and you include a third party API like Richfaces.

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        "mobile": [
                "Name": "Micromax",
                "Model": A310
                "Name": "samsung",
                "Model": grand 2
    for above example how can i call ajax..please anyone explain with small example because it'll help me a lot.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Palsaran,
    As i understood, your requirement is to POST data from UI to backend.
    The above code you given is not correct if you want to use model based implementation.
    In UI5 you don't need to do an explicit Ajax call, for which we can use Models like OData, JSON etc.
    For your JSON example, you can use like,
    var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
    var oData = "YOUR JSON DATA";
    For ref, you can use the below link
    JsDoc Report - SAP UI development Toolkit for HTML5 - API Reference - sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel

  • Architecture question: Integrating AJAX and STRUTS

    I'm slowly growing in familiarity with STRUTS and I have the basics of AJAX down, certainly as far as the request-response-parse-do something useful with the data paradigm goes.
    My question is more about best practices in using an AJAX enable front-end with a STRUTS-based back-end.
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    With AJAX, we are (generally) making specific data requests. We are essentially asking for data based on a set of parameters passed through on the request.
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    What should handle that data request?
    I was thinking about a specific "data-server" set of classes which STRUTS can pass AJAX requests to.
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    Thoughts, anyone?

    So let me broaden the question slightly? What are the
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    STRUTS? I have looked around on the net but not found
    anything that constructive yet.
    Suggestions and/or pointers welcome.I have played around with AJAX just to understand how the technology works and how ajax can be integrated into a j2ee (or any other for that matter) web application. I havent worked on a project which has analyzed the best practises/pitfalls of ajax and implemented a solution.
    Having said that, here's my take -
    Ajax, as far as I know and have seen is a 'view' thinggy - enhanced user experience, lesser clicks, blah blah. The underlying XMLHttpRequest technology is just another way to hit the server with a request. And as I said before, once the server receieves a request, it really doesnt/shouldnt matter where and how the request originated from - it could a tunelled http request (as from an applet/swing app), a normal http request from a browser or a XMLHttpRequest (read ajax). The server validates incoming params if any and performs business logic.
    And here's when the similarity ends. The response (or the view) is entirely dependent on the 'requestor'. For browsers, the server would emit html, wap for cellphones, objects to a swing/applet program (possibly).
    The point I am trying to make is that this (the view part) is where you'll have to concentrate on tweaking (using the so called best practises) for ajax requests. For instance, there are a set of ajax tags already that you could reuse in your jsps which help developers build cool ajax enabled apps.
    (See http://ajaxtags.sourceforge.net/)
    There however are a few standard best practises for using ajax itself (and this is at a general ajax as a technology level) - see for example

  • The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS, Ajax, and PHP by David Powers

    The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS, Ajax, and
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    this book. Thanks.

    ahsenabro wrote:
    > 1. Do I have to be a developer/programmer in order to
    learn from this book or
    > can a tech-savvy entrepreneur can also get some gems out
    of it and direct his
    > programmer?
    You don't need any prior knowledge of Ajax or PHP, but you do
    need to
    know the basics of HTML and CSS. As I say in the
    introduction, "You
    don't need to be an expert, but you do need to have an
    inquiring mind.
    It doesn't teach the basics of web design, nor does it
    attempt to list
    every single feature in Dreamweaver CS3. There are plenty of
    other books
    to fill that gap. However, by working through this book,
    you'll gain an
    in-depth knowledge of the most important features of
    > 2. I am interested in purchasing this book mainly to
    implement cool Ajax/Spry
    > stuff on my e-commerce site. I am asking about PHP
    because the book's content
    > mentions making a PHP site. Now I realize this book is
    not about shopping
    > carts, but the Ajax/Spry stuff can be implemented on
    e-commerce sites, right?
    The book provides detailed coverage of the Spry 1.4 features
    Dreamweaver CS3, which can be applied to any site. With minor
    adaptation, you can also use Spry 1.6. It's important to
    though, that the Spry/Ajax features in Dreamweaver CS3 do
    *not* cover
    asynchronous requests to the server. The ability to
    asynchronously with the server was added in Spry 1.6. If it's
    asynchronous server calls and responses that you're after,
    programmer will need to dig around in the Spry 1.6
    documentation on the
    Adobe Labs site, and hand-code it.
    The Spry features covered in the book are Spry Effects, Spry
    UI widgets
    (menu, accordion, tabbed panels, and collapsible panels),
    Validation Widgets, and Spry XML Data Sets.
    > I just want to know if I can learn and implement
    Ajax/Spry apps on my
    > simple HTML/CSS-based pages, on a server which allows
    server-side PHP scripts
    > but the pages themselves are not with .php extension. Is
    this book still going
    > to be applicable?
    Yes. All the Spry techniques can be used on any web page. It
    need to be a PHP one.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

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    Hi all,
    We need to implement a fast solution for reporting to our existing web application. Application is totally based on stored procedures written in PL/SQL.
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    named Chartdirector (http://www.advsofteng.com/)
    This library can create chart images in memory.
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    reports by using loadjava in real life. I mean not in theory, in real life?
    2. Is there any experiments of the audience about this method?
    3. Would it be any performance problems about this?
    4. Should i prefer to use any Java container and jsps instead of this method?
    I will continue to research for necessary steps after i could see the light :)
    Thank you to all,

    > 1. Is this safe to include classes to database and create
    reports by using loadjava in real life. I mean not in theory, in real life?
    > 2. Is there any experiments of the audience about this method?
    Experiments and actual implementation - yes. It works. Granted, it does not always work as easy as running the Java code from the command line. But it does work.
    > 3. Would it be any performance problems about this?
    This is a potential problem with any software code.
    4. Should i prefer to use any Java container and jsps instead of this method?
    To be honest, I prefer not using Java for web graphics as I'm not impressed with the quality and flexibility of the graphs generated. I prefer using (and paying for commercial use) for the JPGraph classes for PHP - and using that from PL/SQL (via Zend Core for Oracle).
    Another option is to use SVG and generated SVG directly from PL/SQL. But this requires a browser plugin and SVG also does not look that great. (this is btw what Oracle's HTMLDB does and uses)

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    Here are some starting points, but the list is only a subset of published collateral:
    1. MetaLink Note 315928.1 - HRMS for France - Public Sector Updates FP K - June 2005
    2. MetaLink Note 315927.1 - HRMS for France - Commercial Sector Updates FP K - June 2005
    3. MetaLink Note 273558.1 - P11D Implementation and User Guide 2005-2006
    4. MetaLink Note 356684.1 - UK: Payroll Statutory Deductions User Guide incorporating End of Year and Start of Year 2005-2006
    5. MetaLink Note 236455.1 - Teacher''s Pension Extracts in Oracle HRMS
    6. MetaLink Note 236454.1 - Occupational Sick Pay and Occupational Maternity Pay in Oracle HRMS
    7. Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide B14466-01
    8. Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide (UK) B15575-01
    9. Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide (US) B15548-01
    10. Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide (Global) B14467-01
    11. Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide (UK) B15579-01

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    check the tables for BADI

  • Online project progress and status implementation.

    Hi friends,
    What are the different methods availalbe in SAP for integrating project Sites with Project office for online progress and status implementation.
    Thank you,

    Hello Prashanth,
    SAP xAPPS provides this feature. xRPM and cProjects are web based applications which are tightly integrated with SAP PS.
    The configuration is done in R/3 backened for the same and front end is web based application. But note that they are not a part of SAP PS soln and are seperate apllications.

  • PS and CPROJECTS implementation

    We are running SAP since 1998, and already implemented many modules in the R/3 system and other SAP systems as CRM. We would like to implement a solution for project Management for our projects division, Which is a group that manage a big projects that involve a lot of logistics (material and Service purchasing) a lot of integration with MM and CO and involve a lot of contracting companies that should be managed. Currently they are doing the GANT in MS-Project with no link to R/3 and mange all material demand in R/3.
    I would like to know if we should try to implement full project management in PS or to move forward to the direction of cProjects linked to our R/3 system.
    We afraid that since the cProjects is out of the R/3 there will be integration problems we also not sure if the tool was originally designed for heavy scale projects with a lot of logistics.
    What would you recommend?
    Are there any reference sites with a similar profile to us that have implemented a solution based on cProjects?

    Its would be good if u implement PS first and then slowly move to c-projects. This would be good in your case as u have already implemented others modules.
    The reasons why i'm supporting the implementation of PS is:
    1)c-projects is generally used for new product development and program management(managing large scale small projects under a single program.
    2)The account integartion for c-projects is again depends on either internal order/WBS element (CO/PS) which are to be created in R/3
    3)U can assign only resource cost(overhead) to c-projects all other cost are to maintain the internal order/WBS Element and shown in c-project.
    4)All the funcionalities of c-projects are possible in PS.
    5) For heavy scale projects with lot of logistics and accounting its suggested to have PS.
    But if u want to use the unique functionalities of c-projects such as FMEA, control plans etc. which are very important for automobile industry (R&D), its better to go for c-projects
    All the best
    enjoy SAP PS

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    Red --> Yellow Ready
    Yellow ---> Green Move
    Green --> Red Stopped


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    I hope this is the correct forum for this.
    We have two html select lists where I would like to display the values of second list based on what is selected in the first list (e.g., country and states). I was hoping to achieve this using AJAX and PL/SQL.
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    You don't really need AJAX to accomplish your task. Call this procedure via your browser to see how it works:
       HTP.title ('AJAX/PLSQL');
          ('<select name=dept onChange="document.location.href=''p?i_deptno='' + this[selectedIndex].value">'
       FOR c IN (SELECT *
                   FROM dept)
          HTP.p ('<option value=' || c.deptno
                 || CASE
                    WHEN c.deptno = i_deptno
                       THEN ' selected '
                 END || '>'
          HTP.p (c.dname);
       END LOOP;
       HTP.p ('</select>');
       HTP.p ('<p/>');
       IF i_deptno IS NOT NULL
          HTP.p ('<select name=emp>');
          FOR c IN (SELECT *
                      FROM emp
                     WHERE deptno = i_deptno)
             HTP.p ('<option value=' || c.empno || '>');
             HTP.p (c.ename);
          END LOOP;
          HTP.p ('</select>');
       END IF;
    END p;

  • HUM and SUM implemented together

    Can HUM and SUM implemented together  , if so what are the advantages and the disadvantages .
    can some one help me on this .
    thanks ,

    it is possible to use handling unit management together with warehouse management. You activate handling unit management independent from storage unit management. Only in case if storage location is full-WM- AND HU-managed, the storage unit management is always active and HU numbers are taken over as SU numbers. In all other cases HUM and SUM are independent from each other and number ranges must be set a way that they are not overlapping.                                                                               

  • Costing and an implementation timeframe

    Hello Every one,
    I'm planning to implement Oracle Dataguard on Enterprise Edition.
    Does someone advice me a rough cost and the implementation timeframe?
    By boss is looking for that to make decision.
    Thank you in advance

    the OS is Windows Server 2000
    the Database is Oracle 10g Release 2

  • Composition and aggregation implementation

    how to write composition and aggregation implementation in java ?
    As both of them contains another objects, how do we code to differentiate them ? I'm worried about implementation.
    Are they same in implementation-wise but differ in concept-wise ?

    user575089 wrote:
    how to write composition and aggregation implementation in java ?
    As both of them contains another objects, how do we code to differentiate them ? I'm worried about implementation.
    Are they same in implementation-wise but differ in concept-wise ?I really think you nailed it and there is nothing more for me to add.

  • Difference between Enhancement Implementation and BadI Implementation

    What is the difference between Enhancement Implementation and BadI Implementation?

    Hi Rajendra Prasad,
    Enhancement spot : It is the point where you can add your code. It can have multiple implementations. All the implementations can active at a time but the sequence of executions of the implementations can be anything.
    Enhancement points are regions where can insert our code to suit customer needs...Spots are subsets of points and created inside these points..for an enhancement point multiple active spots can exist.
    For enhacement-sections : the main idea is to provide a spot to customise the existing process..eg:SAP has done a select criteria..but you need to filter it more by adding a where condition..in that case SAP suggests using Enhancement sections..At any time the first active enhancement section works...even if multiple sections are created(though ideally multiple sections are not allowed to be created)..if you do the procedure below you can see that enhancement-section when a spot is created for it...the code in the parent section is copied and given in the editable mode
    Creating spots implementations for points/sections are given below................................................................
    to Create a spot in the standard code...click on the spiral icon..screen changes to a different color...place cursor on ENHANCEMENT-POINT/ENHANCEMENT-SECTION keyword of the spot you require to create implementation for...righ click -> "enhancement implementation -> "create" -> a table control comes -> at the bottom "CREATE" button to be clicked" ...give a name and text in customer name space and save -> select the same name just given in the table control ..press 'Tick' .....you will get a space where code can be written..write the code.....save and activate
    Also check the following blogs on enhancement framework
    The new Enhancement Framework Part 2 - What Else You Need to Know Before Building an Enhancement
    How To Define a New BAdI Within the Enhancement Framework - Part 3 of the Series
    How to implement a BAdI And How to Use a Filter - Part 4 of the Series on the New Enhancement Framework
    Source Code Enhancements - Part 5 of the Series on the New Enhancement Framework
    Please go through this link also.
    implicit enhancement and explicit enhancement
    Reward points if it helps you
    Swamy Kunche

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