Alternatives to Abiword

This program hates my computer.  First, I couldn't get it to print without it crashing.  After I thought I got that fixed I discovered that I couldn't insert from the clipboard.  When I did this and tried to print/preview -- crash.
All I want is a simple word processor.  I'd rather not go the OO route because I don't need all those boat anchors.  Just a nice simple word processor for simple formatting, spell check and printing. 
BTW, when I tried puppy, I had similar problems with Abiword so there must be something in the hardware that it doesn't like.  I have a plain vanilla dual-core, 2G RAM and a few drives.  Nothing unusual.  Don't have problems with other programs (knock on wood).

I myself don't like the "hybrid-ish" nature of what I'm about to recommend, since I prefer to edit TeX, LaTeX, and related types of files in a plain text editor; but LyX ( ) is worth looking at. It gives a sort-of-wysiwyg (not truly) view of latex files. For letters (you'd get automatic correct formatting with fill-in-the-blanks for the various sections), mailing labels (especially if you only need a few sizes of labels), and notes to yourself (assuming you don't require outlandish formatting for those) it would be great.
Obvious drawbacks:
- Making poster- and handbill-style items or doing other free-hand visual layout are difficult with LyX. If you're constantly needing to make new kinds of documents, or if you like to create various fancy layouts, then having to do it in LyX would waste a lot of time. LyX works best when you have formats that you want to keep re-using (letter, mailing label, envelope, research paper, presentation, etc etc). If you work with your own standard documents but you stick to them and don't have to keep changing them, then LyX could in fact save you some time.
- LyX doesn't open the Word files that you probably receive from others. There are extra programs and work-arounds that can be more or less successful depending on what you need, but they are not the real thing (at least in my limited experience).
The above comments are more or less true for LaTeX and friends as well. LyX is (I guess) just a way of harnessing LaTeX differently by giving it a visual aspect.

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    v_BClick     to store the number of clicks on B-option
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    dummy Text Caption 'Option B' (will be replaced later on with question text)
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    Hide VinkB
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    increment v_AClick/v_BClick with 1
    hide the other clickbox, thus ClickB1/ClickA1 to avoid that the user could click on both options
    show AVink/BVink
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    Using scriptdir "/disks/.mountscripts".
    Running mount... [ok]
    [Disk ST3250620A_5QE4M336]
    group0-root -> /disks/250gb: [ok]
    38067a33-0556-4cab-a5c5-c96b313bd174 -> /disks/250gb/boot: [ok]
    21D4-2E62 -> /disks/250gb/data: [ok]
    group0-home -> /disks/250gb/home:
    == mount error ==
    mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/group0-home,
    missing codepage or helper program, or other error
    In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
    dmesg | tail or so
    [R]etry/Skip [P]artition/Skip [D]isk/[Q]uit? q
    /disks/ + fsck.jfs /dev/mapper/group0-home
    fsck.jfs version 1.1.15, 04-Mar-2011
    processing started: 11/10/2011 20:28:10
    Using default parameter: -p
    The current device is: /dev/mapper/group0-home
    Block size in bytes: 4096
    Filesystem size in blocks: 52099072
    **Phase 0 - Replay Journal Log
    Filesystem is clean.
    /disks/ + ./domount
    Using scriptdir "/disks/.mountscripts".
    Running mount... [ok]
    [Disk ST3250620A_5QE4M336]
    group0-root -> /disks/250gb: (already mounted)
    38067a33-0556-4cab-a5c5-c96b313bd174 -> /disks/250gb/boot: (already mounted)
    21D4-2E62 -> /disks/250gb/data: (already mounted)
    group0-home -> /disks/250gb/home: [ok]
    group0-var -> /disks/250gb/var: [ok]
    partition1.vfat -> /disks/250gb/home/backup/80gb/mnt/partition1.vfat: [ok]
    partition2.vfat -> /disks/250gb/home/backup/80gb/mnt/partition2.vfat: [ok]
    partition3.vfat -> /disks/250gb/home/backup/80gb/mnt/partition3.vfat: [ok]
    partition4.ext3 -> /disks/250gb/home/backup/80gb/mnt/partition4.ext3: [ok]
    data2 -> /disks/250gb/home/backup/32gb-2/mnt/data2: [ok]
    [Disk ST340014A_5MQ4HB90]
    0854-08DE -> /disks/20gb-1/data-1: [ok]
    4846-D7E2 -> /disks/20gb-1/data-2: [ok]
    3070DB1E70DAE99C -> /disks/20gb-1/winnt: [ok]
    38BB-158D -> /disks/20gb-1/pool: [ok]
    [Disk WDC_WD800BB-22J_WD-WCAM9H677098]
    e336c404-fca8-4f2b-9c75-81c22f339741 -> /disks/80gb: [ok]
    4738-E723 -> /disks/80gb/vfat: [ok]
    a827cfa1-08cf-4a24-a989-aae94ea0801b -> /disks/80gb/boot: [ok]
    7bb5df89-3a90-4c92-8aa7-a94271806087 -> /disks/80gb/var: [ok]
    09b652b7-4f5e-4895-8464-6f972a44fdd6 -> /disks/80gb/home: [ok]
    a2534aa6-b70f-442d-805e-365ee626d4be -> /disks/80gb/tmpspace: [ok]
    4871-993D -> /disks/80gb/tmpspace2: [ok]
    386a2a83-22e2-425c-bd48-cb0a1fad8a87 -> /disks/80gb/pool: [ok]
    /disks/ +
    Here's the script! (I can pastebin it if neccessary)
    # ohai from i336 :P <[email protected]>
    # Oct-Nov 2011
    # Public domain, no warranty. Be sure to use the "t" flag on the first run!
    # This program has two modes: scan mode and run mode.
    # Configuration
    # =============
    # You first need to create/go into the directory you want to mount your disks
    # in, such as /mnt (I use /disks), and create the subdirectory ".mountscripts", or
    # alternatively "programname-mountscripts" (the second directory bearing the
    # name of the program/symlink, a simple mechanism to implement some flexibility).
    # You can substitute any created symlinks whereever "./domount" is mentioned.
    # The existance of this directory indicate that this is the work directory.
    # (For added flexibility, the program will look for the second directory, the
    # one bearing its name, first, then fall back on ".mountscripts" if this is not
    # found.)
    # Scan Mode
    # =========
    # After creating this directory for the first time you will want to run
    # "./domount s" to generate the mountscripts into the mountscript directory
    # (which is selected as specified above).
    # Run Mode
    # ========
    # At this point, go into the mountscript directory, open all the files you find
    # there in a text editor, and add in the mountpoints you want to use after the
    # UUID parameter to 'partop' (an internal function defined in this file for the
    # scripts).
    # ** The first time you simply MUST run "./domount t" in order to see that the
    # 'mount' commands are correct! **
    # After this is done, run "./domount" and it will go ahead and mount the disks.
    # Run "./domount u" and it will unmount everything. (No options exist for
    # individual partitions as yet).
    # Limitations
    # ===========
    # * If you use domount to mount loopback images inside real partitions and the
    # real partitions are also mounted by domount, well, domount will try to
    # unmount them in the same order as when it mounts... and it will break.
    # Simple solution: skip however many real [p]artitions you have, then
    # re-run domount again. :)
    # * If you change a disk (eg add a partition), well, you'll have to delete the
    # file for that disk, re-scan (domount will not touch the other scripts) then
    # re-add your partitions back in. This program wasn't really designed to deal
    # with that kind of situation :)
    # * This program does not support LVM partitions - quite frankly, it doesn't
    # even realize such things exist. Thus you will not find any LVM partitions
    # listed in the generated scripts, or any "LVM partitions ignored"
    # messages - indeed, if you only have LVM partitions on a given disk, the
    # resulting syntactically incorrect script will contain an 'if' block with
    # no content and the shell will produce an error.
    for tool in find lsblk blkid cfdisk xargs grep tail mountpoint; do
    type -P $tool > /dev/null 2>&1
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    toollist="${toollist} ${tool}"
    toollist="${toollist} [${tool}]"
    if [ $needtool -eq 1 ]; then
    echo "This program requires the following tools in order to run. Those marked with"
    echo "brackets cannot be found (using \`type') and their containing packages"
    echo "likely need to be installed."
    echo $toollist
    exit 1
    sizes=(bytes KB MB GB TB)
    progname=$(basename $0)
    if [ -d ".mountscripts" ]; then
    elif [ -d ".${progname}-mountscripts" ]; then
    if ([[ ! -d "${scriptdir}" ]] && [[ "$1" != "s" ]]) || [[ "$1" == "h" ]]; then
    cat << EOF
    usage: $0 [s] [t]
    s = scan
    exit 1
    if [[ "$1" = "s" ]]; then
    echo -n "Scanning disk tables... (by name)"
    parttable=(); while IFS= read -r line; do parttable+=("$line"); done < \
    <(find /dev/disk/by-id/ -name "scsi-SATA*" -name "*-part*" -type l | xargs stat -L -c "%t-%T %n")
    echo -n ", (by UUID)"
    uuidtable=(); while IFS= read -r line; do uuidtable+=("$line"); done < \
    <(find /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -type l | xargs stat -L -c "%t-%T %n")
    echo -ne " [ok]\nRunning blkid..."
    blkidtable=(); while IFS= read -r line; do blkidtable+=("$line"); done < \
    echo -ne " [ok]\nRunning lsblk (uno momento)..."
    lsblktable=(); while IFS= read -r line; do lsblktable+=("$line"); done < \
    <(lsblk -bro name,size,fstype,model | grep -v group | tail -n +2)
    echo -e " [ok]\n"
    if [ ${#parttable[@]} -ne ${#uuidtable[@]} ]; then
    echo 'Something is very wrong with either this program'
    echo 'or your disk configuration. O.o'
    exit 1
    echo -e "Using scriptdir \"${scriptdir}\".\n"
    echo -ne "\e[1GCompiling mapping table... [ ]\e[?25l"
    for ((i = 0; i < "${#parttable[@]}"; i++)); do
    devname="$(readlink -f ${partsplit[1]})"
    for uuid in "${uuidtable[@]}"; do
    echo -ne "\e[29G"
    if [ $c -gt 0 ]; then eval \printf "%.s#" {0..$c}; else echo -n '.'; fi
    if [ $c -lt 43 ]; then eval \printf "%.s." {$[c+1]..43}; fi
    if [[ "${partsplit[0]}" = "${uuidsplit[0]}" ]]; then
    for entry in "${blkidtable[@]}"; do
    if [[ "${entry:0:$[${#devname}+9]}" != "${devname}: LABEL=\"" ]]; then continue; fi
    partlabel=$(echo -n $(echo $partlabel | cut -d'"' -f1))
    for entry in "${lsblktable[@]}"; do
    if [[ "/dev/${entry[0]}" != "$devname" ]]; then continue; fi
    if [ ! partsize ]; then
    echo "$0: error: cannot determine partition size for $devname"
    exit 1
    devline="${partsplit[1]:26} ${uuidsplit[1]:18} ${partsize} ${parttype}${partlabel:+ $partlabel}"
    if [ $devok -eq 0 ]; then
    checkparttable[${#checkparttable[@]}]="${parttable[$i]#* }"
    echo -e "\e[?25h\e[75Gdone.\n"
    if [[ ${#checkparttable[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
    cat << EOF
    Warning: The following partitions do not have matching UUID entries
    in /dev/disk/by-uuid/.
    Linux seems to be quite smart, and won't list UUIDs for LVM
    members, partitions \`mount' cannot mount without the -t flag,
    or extended partition headers, but /dev/disk/by-id/ will still
    list them. So these are probably not a problem but may still
    warrant a double-check; if these contain valid filesystems you
    will need to insert them manually since their UUIDs cannot be
    for partition in "${checkparttable[@]}"; do
    echo " >> $(readlink -f $partition) (/${partition:26})";
    find /dev/disk/by-id/ -name "scsi-SATA*" -not -name "*-part*" -type l | while read disk; do
    rm -f "${scriptfile}"
    if [ ! -f "${scriptfile}" ]; then
    echo -ne "No mountscript found for disk ID \"${disk:26}\", creating one...\nRunning cfdisk... "
    cfdtable=(); while IFS= read -r line; do cfdtable+=("$line"); done < \
    <(cfdisk -Ps $disk | grep -v "Free Space" | grep -v "Unusable" | tail -n +6)
    echo -ne "[ok]\nRunning smartctl... "
    smartctlinfo="$(smartctl -i $disk)"
    diskdevname="$(readlink -f ${disk})"
    for entry in "${lsblktable[@]}"; do
    if [[ "${diskdevname}" != "${entry[0]}" ]]; then continue; fi
    devicename=$(echo -n $(echo "${entry[@]}" | cut -d' ' -f3-))
    echo -e "# Script generated by domount at $(date +'%T on %D (MM/DD/YY)') for disk \"${devicename}\"\n" > "${scriptfile}"
    echo '# '$(echo "$smartctlinfo" | grep '^Model Family:') >> "${scriptfile}"
    echo '# '$(echo "$smartctlinfo" | grep '^Device Model:') >> "${scriptfile}"
    echo -e '# '$(echo "$smartctlinfo" | grep '^User Capacity:')"\n" >> "${scriptfile}"
    for part in "${map[@]}"; do
    if [[ "${part:0:$[${#disk}+1]}" != "${disk}-" ]]; then continue; fi
    mapfile -t diskparttable < <(echo -ne "${diskparttable%%\\n}" | sort -n -k1.$[${#disk}+6]n)
    echo -ne "if diskexists ${disk}; then\n\t\n" >> "${scriptfile}"
    for part in "${diskparttable[@]}"; do
    for line in "${cfdtable[@]}"; do
    if [[ "X${partsplit[0]:${#disk}+5}X" != "X${line[0]}X" ]]; then continue; fi
    if [[ "X${parttype}X" = "XX" ]]; then
    echo "$0: error: Cannot parse cfdisk output"
    rm -f "${scriptfile}"
    exit 1
    echo -ne "\t# Partition: #${partsplit[0]:${#disk}+5} (${parttype}, ${partsplit[3]}" >> "${scriptfile}"
    if [[ "${partsplit[3]}" = "swap" ]]; then
    echo -n " - Skipping" >> "${scriptfile}"
    echo -n "); Size: " >> "${scriptfile}"
    while [ $size -gt 0 ]; do
    sizetext="${size}${sizes[$sizeidx]} ${sizetext}"
    for ((i = 0; i < 2; i++)); do
    if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then echo -n ' (' >> "${scriptfile}"; fi
    if [[ "${sizetext[$i]: -1:1}" = "s" ]]; then
    echo -n "${sizetext[$i]:0:-5} bytes" >> "${scriptfile}"
    echo -n "${sizetext[$i]:0:-2} ${sizetext[$i]: -2:2}" >> "${scriptfile}"
    if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then echo -n ')' >> "${scriptfile}"; fi
    if [[ "X${partsplit[4]}X" != "XX" ]]; then
    echo -n "; Label: \"" >> "${scriptfile}"
    echo $(echo -n "${part}" | cut -d' ' -f5-)"\"" >> "${scriptfile}"
    echo >> "${scriptfile}"
    if [[ "${partsplit[3]}" != "swap" ]]; then
    echo -e "\tmountpart /dev/disk/by-uuid/${partsplit[1]} \n\t" >> "${scriptfile}"
    echo -e "\t" >> "${scriptfile}"
    echo "fi" >> "${scriptfile}"
    echo -e "[ok]\nSuccess!\n"
    #echo ---; cat $scriptfile; echo ---
    echo "Script found for disk ID ${disk}"
    trap 'echo; exit' SIGINT
    echo -ne "Using scriptdir \"${scriptdir}\".\nRunning mount..."
    mapfile -t mounttable < <(mount)
    echo -e " [ok]"
    function spin() {
    trap 'echo -e "\e[?25h"' SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGKILL
    echo -ne "\e[?25l"
    if [[ $unicode -eq 1 ]]; then s=$(printf \\u2580\\u259C\\u2590\\u259F\\u2584\\u2599\\u258C\\u259B); m=8; d=0.03; else s='/-\|'; m=4; d=0.07; fi
    ("$@" & pid=$! ; c=1; while ps -c $pid 2>&1>/dev/null; do echo -ne "\e[s${s:c:1} \e[u"; c=$[c+1]; test $c -eq $m && c=0; sleep $d; done)
    echo -ne "\e[?25h"
    function diskexists {
    if [[ ! -L $disk ]]; then
    echo "(Disk $0 is not installed)"
    echo "[Disk ${1}]"
    function partop {
    if [[ $mode -eq 1 ]]; then
    while true; do
    echo -n "Unmounting ${1##*/}... "
    if ! mountpoint > /dev/null 2>&1 $2; then
    echo "(Not mounted, or not a mountpoint)"
    if [ ! -d $2 ]; then
    echo "error: Not a directory!"
    cmd="umount $1"
    if [[ ! $testmode ]]; then
    output="$(${cmd} 2>&1)"
    echo "{would run: ${cmd}} "
    if [[ $err = 0 ]]; then
    if [[ ! $testmode ]]; then echo "[ok]"; fi
    echo -e "\n== umount error =="
    echo -n "${output}"
    echo -e "\n=================\n"
    while [[ ! $c =~ (R|r|P|p|D|d|Q|q) ]]; do read -sn1 -p"[R]etry/Skip [P]artition/Skip [D]isk/[Q]uit? " c; echo $c; done
    case $c in
    D|d) skipdisk=1; break ;;
    P|p) break ;;
    Q|q) exit ;;
    if [[ $skipdisk = 1 ]] && [[ $newdisk = 0 ]]; then return; fi
    while true; do
    echo -n "${1##*/} -> $2: "
    if mountpoint > /dev/null 2>&1 $2; then
    echo "(already mounted)"
    if [[ $testmode == 0 ]]; then echo echo -n "Mounting"; fi
    if [ ! -d $2 ]; then
    echo -n " (creating dir $2"
    cmd="mkdir -p $2 2>&1"
    if [[ ! $testmode ]]; then
    output="$(eval $cmd)"
    echo -n " {would run: $cmd}"
    echo -n ') '
    if [[ $err = 0 ]]; then
    if [[ $testmode == 0 ]]; then echo -n '... '; fi
    cmd="mount $@"
    if [[ ! $testmode ]]; then
    output="$(${cmd} 2>&1)"
    echo "{would run: ${cmd}} "
    if [[ $err = 0 ]]; then
    if [[ ! $testmode ]]; then echo "[ok]"; fi
    echo -e "\n== mount error =="
    echo -n "${output}"
    echo -e "\n=================\n"
    while [[ ! $c =~ (R|r|P|p|D|d|Q|q) ]]; do read -sn1 -p"[R]etry/Skip [P]artition/Skip [D]isk/[Q]uit? " c; echo $c; done
    case $c in
    D|d) skipdisk=1; break ;;
    P|p) break ;;
    Q|q) exit ;;
    if [[ $1 = "u" ]]; then mode=1; else mode=0; fi
    if [[ $1 = "t" ]]; then testmode=1; fi
    for ((i = 0; i < ${#scripts[@]}; i++)); do
    . ${scripts[$i]}
    if (($i < ${#scripts[@]} - 1)); then echo; fi
    echo -ne "\e[?25h"
    Hopefully someone else finds this helpful. I am aware of udev/automount; that was overkill, since the disks are always installed, and I don't need a system whose focus is on-the-fly detection of newly inserted media of whatever kind.
    Last edited by i336 (2011-11-10 04:42:08)

    Thanks. I might use it soon...
    Does it automatically make folders named after the volume labels? And does it handle the conversion of spaces and non-alphanumeric characters to octal codes?
    I could read the script but it would be faster for everyone reading, if you leave the answer as a reply.
    I also think that there should be some major work done on modernizing the fstab, either by replacing it with a better implementation of file system mounting or changing the file structure and adding in better handling of non-alphanumerics. I don't want to have to look up a stupid octal table every time I type in my labels.

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    I just purchased Adobe Creative Cloud and when went to sign in all it would do is sign me out in which I never got to sign in lol is there alternative way to download this software as I have Photoshop and Lightbloom

    Finally, after- how long? - two months? I have uploaded the new Creative Cloud. Only to find that all the programs have been upgraded from CS6 to CC.
    This ranks as the worst piece of customer-relations I've ever come across. Even though I asked for instructions the Staff member dealing with me got fed-up and just dumped me.
    I kept trying - and today - finally I got it fixed.
    It took 20 minutes to download, at 20Mbps! There were no intermediate instructions, I wasn't told what was happening. Suddenly the Install screen disappeared - the new Creative Cloud didn't open, I had to go find it.
    Adobe - this is not good. I suggest you find the boss of this team and quietly boot them out of the door.

  • Lync Reverse Proxy Alternatives

    When migrating from OCS 2007 to Lync 2010, we balked Microsoft’s recommendation to deploy Forefront Threat Management Gateway (or ISA) just to get the reverse proxy services. 
    TMG is way too expensive and complex for such a limited, simple use case.
    I didn't find much information on what people are using as free alternatives to ISA/TMG, so I decided to post this discussion in case there are others out there who are interested.
    We decided to use Apache 2.2 on Windows Server 2008 R2. 
    Here's how we configured it:
    Read here to understand what features require a reverse proxy, and follow the steps to configure your FQDNs, Network Adapters and (maybe) obtain an SSL Certificate for the reverse proxy.
    Download and install the latest stable release of Apache with OpenSSL on your reverse proxy server.
    We're using the same certificate on the reverse proxy that we use on our front end server (it has the appropriate SANs), so we need to convert it to PEM format for use with Apache:
    Use the Certificates MMC on your front end server to export the certificate and include the private key.
    Transfer the resultant .pfx file to your reverse proxy server.
    Use OpenSSL to convert your .pfx file to PEM:
    openssl pkcs12 -in c:\pathto\yourcert.pfx -out c:\pathto\yourcert.pem –nodes 
    Separate the private key from the certificate using notepad: 
    Open the new .pem file and cut the text from the beginning of the file through the end of the “----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----“ tag. 
    Save that text to a new file named
    yourcert.pem, which should now only include the certificate.
    Copy (or move) the certificate and private key to the Apache configuration directory. We like to use: C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\extra\ssl
    for storing the certificates.
    Edit httpd.conf (typically in
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf) to enable and configure the proxy and SSL features:
     for more information on each directive)
    Uncomment the following lines, which will enable proxy and SSL:
    LoadModule proxy_module modules/
    LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
    LoadModule ssl_module modules/
    Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
    Add the following lines to configure reverse proxy behavior:
    #Be a reverse proxy, not a forward proxy
    ProxyRequests Off
    #Accept requests from any client to any URL
    <Proxy *>
    Order Deny,Allow
    Allow from all
    #Set the network buffer to improve throughput
    ProxyReceiveBufferSize 4096
    #Configure the Reverse Proxy to forward all requests to your front end server on 4443
    ProxyPass /
    ProxyPassReverse /
    #Preserve Host Headers for Lync
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    Optionally, configure logging directives, bindings and server name.
    Save and close httpd.conf
    Edit httpd-ssl.conf (typically in conf\extra):
    Configure the session cache:
    SSLSessionCache “dbm:C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/logs/ssl_scache”
    Comment out:
    SSLSessionCache “shmcb:C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/logs/ssl_scache(512000)”
    Locate the <VirtualHost _default_:443> tag and configure the following:
    Add the following directive:
    SSLProxyEngine On
    Configure the path to your SSL Certificate saved in step 3-5 above:
    SSLCertificateFile “C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\extra\ssl\yourcert.pem”
    Configure the path to your private key saved in step 3-5 above:
    SSLCertificateKeyFile “C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\extra\ssl\yourcert.key”
    Optionally, configure the SSLCACertificateFile (you can download the appropriate bundle from your CA).
    Optionally, configure logging directives.
    Save and close httpd-ssl.conf
    Restart the Apache2.2 service
    Configure public DNS records and appropriate firewall rules to allow public http/https traffic to the external interface of your reverse proxy, and to allow the internal interface of
    the reverse proxy to talk to the front end Lync server on 8080 and 4443.
    From an external connection, test connectivity through the reverse proxy:
    Test (friendly URL for getting dial-in information, if you’re using voice conferencing)
    Test the Lync Web App by setting up an online meeting and following the URL to join the meeting. 
    You can force the use of the web app by appending ?sl= to the end of the link. 
    See this for more information
    Hope this information is helpful and saves some of you some money and trouble.
    Please contact me if you need further clarification or see any mistakes in my notes.
    Best regards,
    Kenneth Walden
    Enterprise Systems Supervisor
    Austin, TX

    I'd like to thank you for this article.  We were setting up Apache RP for Lync .... needless to say they weren't too excited to learn this new (and highly complex with lots of specific undocumented requirements) Microsoft product.  Anyways, your
    blog saved me a LOT of headache.  I owe you big time. 
    Decided to come back in there and post good information.  We had issues with EXTERNAL and ANONYMOUS users being able to attend a meeting.  The "DIALUP" url was working fine but the "MEETING" url was broken.  On our WFE servers we were getting
    the event error as below.   Turns out that our reverse proxy was not set to "PROXYPRESERVEHOST ON".  Once we put that in there ALL was good.
    Notice that the MEET portion was the only thing that was really broken.  So, if you can get DIALUP to work, but MEET doesn't ... your RP is working to FW the 443 to the 4443 correctly but you're RP is sending the wrong HEADER.  Look for
    http://10.x.x.x/meet/ or soemthing in the event logs. 
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0
    Date:          11/16/2011 1:26:35 PM
    Event ID:      1309
    Task Category: Web Event
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      OneofMyInternalWFEservers.local
    Event code: 3005
    Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred.
    Event time: 11/16/2011 1:26:35 PM
    Event time (UTC): 11/16/2011 6:26:35 PM
    Event ID: b2039ecd0a62482284030f62e1e639d8
    Event sequence: 129
    Event occurrence: 28
    Event detail code: 0
    Application information:
        Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/34578/ROOT/meet-1-129658725547585993
        Trust level: Full
        Application Virtual Path: /meet
        Application Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Web Components\Join Launcher\Ext\
        Machine name: MYWFE.local
    Process information:
        Process ID: 14204
        Process name: w3wp.exe
    Exception information:
        Exception type: HttpException
        Exception message: Server cannot append header after HTTP headers have been sent. 
    Request information:
        Request URL:
        User host address: gatewayIP
        Is authenticated: False
        Authentication Type: 
        Thread account name: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
    Thread information:
        Thread ID: 7
        Thread account name: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
        Is impersonating: False
        Stack trace:    at System.Web.HttpHeaderCollection.SetHeader(String name, String value, Boolean replace)
       at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.WebServicesAuthFramework.OCSAuthModule.EndRequest(Object source, EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
       at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
    Custom event details:
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="32768">1309</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2011-11-16T18:26:35.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>An unhandled exception has occurred.</Data>
        <Data>11/16/2011 1:26:35 PM</Data>
        <Data>11/16/2011 6:26:35 PM</Data>
        <Data>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Web Components\Join Launcher\Ext\</Data>
        <Data>Server cannot append header after HTTP headers have been sent.</Data>
        <Data>   at System.Web.HttpHeaderCollection.SetHeader(String name, String value, Boolean replace)
       at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.WebServicesAuthFramework.OCSAuthModule.EndRequest(Object source, EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
       at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean&amp; completedSynchronously)

  • What is a quick alternative to launching an enterprise DPS app if Apple Store rejects the App? We are under a major deadline and can't wait for Apple. We want to host the app elsewhere. How do we host our DPS app on our client's website?

    What is a quick alternative to launching an enterprise DPS app if Apple Store rejects the App? We are under a major deadline and can't wait for Apple to approve. We want to host the app elsewhere. How do we host our DPS app on our client's website? Thanks.

    Unless I misunderstand the question, you can't do what you're asking to do. Apple doesn't allow you to bypass their store and host public apps on a website. The exception is an enterprise app, which requires an Enterprise account with both Apple and Adobe. This type of enterprise app can be distributed only within the company. If that's what you want to do, you can learn more here:
    Digital Publishing Suite Help | Creating viewer apps for private distribution
    Distributing enterprise iOS viewer applications with Digital Publishing Suite | Adobe Developer Connection
    Another option is to add the development app to several devices and use those for your demo.

  • What is the use of Alternative Calculation Type =2 and 4

    Dear Friends
    In pricing procedure in gross value, Net value for Item and Net value has Alternative calucation type is 2.
    What is the use of it?
    Without using it these value line are also fetching net value then what is the work of it. Please give me detail information with its effects in pricing condition tab page in sales document.
    Thanking You

    Arun biswal,
    Correct Biswal. We have at varoius stages within Pricing procedure the "net value" which is calculated. Not only the alternative calculation type "2" is used if you notice carefully they are stored as subtotals at various levels.
    For Ex Gross Value  --> Subtotal =1 --> Calc type = 2
    similarly for Net value for Item --> Subtotal =2 --> Calc type = 2
    Net value 2 --> Subtotal =3 --> Calc type = 2
    See, these are used to calculate the net value at various levels in pricing. The calculation Type has got a set of routines that will facilitate us in pricing. SAP has provided certain clauclated formulas or routines to facilitate us during calculation within pricing . Here the "2" is used for calculation without tax and store it as subtotal and display it or use it for further calculations.
    We can use this "netvalue" amount for further calculations. It is used for clarity purpose when you issue a statement to customer. (like Confirmation order) at various levels like discount amt involved, Freight involved, Rebate amount invloved.....
    Even without this Calc type or using sub total u can proceed....
    Finally we have  TOTAL  --> Subtotal =A --> Calc type = 4
    In the above line we have Calc type as 4, which means when you use TAX this calc type is used .
    Routines are used to facilitate your process....

  • Like we have If Not Exists in T-SQL, Is there any alternative in MDX

    Hi All,
    I am a newbie in MDX. I am trying to execute MDX query through SSIS Execute SQL Task. I have set Single Row as a result set. Every thing is fine, But the problem arise when the query does not return any result.
    Because , this is the property of Execute SQL Task that it fails , If result set is SET and query does not return any value.
    This occurance is handle in T-SQL by used of If Not Exits/If Exists , Do we have something over here i.e. MDX ?
    If not then what might be the alternative for this.

    Hi Shadab,
    Try writing iif() (if and only if) to handle this situation.
    Check this for syntax and examples:
    If you have any issues please let me know.
    Please vote as helpful or mark as answer, if it helps Regards, Anand

  • Kubuntu Linux alternative to Win7 on NB505-N508BN

    Hi, here's a quick summary on installing Linux on my NB505-N508BN netbook (Win7 Starter, Atom Processor, 2GB RAM), If you're looking to have some fun with the netbook and are bored with Windows, try it out. Linux is free, open source sw and there are various linux packages. I chose Kubuntu (Ubuntu linux packaged by KDE).
    Pros: nice alternative to Win 7 (starter or otherwise)
    Cons: Battery gets drained faster than in Windows, and if you're looking for long hours of use, linux may not be for you.
    From Windows, open a browser, and find/download Kubuntu 11.04, nicknamed "Natty Narwhal". Unzip it and find and run an installer called 'wubi'. It'll install Kubuntu alongside Win 7. You'll have to 'restart' to finish the installation at the end of which you restart once again. This time, hit F12 and you'll have the option to boot from Windows or Kubuntu. Choose Kubuntu. If you really want, you can also download and install an image file onto a USB drive (get the Universal-usb-installer-; look up and run Kubuntu from the usb drive itself.
    Raw Kubuntu 11.04 needs tweaks. Open its Rekonq browser, and download Firefox 4 (for Kubuntu/ubuntu)) and install. Then install Flash and Java. You'll need to open a terminal window and type commands to download. Here's the site for Java: Also, you can improve the Firefox setup by downloading the Oxygen theme:
    Install Skype (the webcam video turns out a bit darker than in the windows version) and Dropbox to share files in the Cloud. For audio and video play, fire up and configure the Amarok and Dragon Player that come with Kubuntu. You'll lose the  Fn-#3 and Fn-#4 key volume control but use a volume control app called KMix instead.
    Connect to Wifi by finding your home or hotspot wifi (note: it saves your wifi passwd in sleep/hibernate, but not if you reboot; you have to reenter it).
    The file organizer "Dolphin" is the equivalent of Windows Explorer. Find all your Windows files by clicking on Local Disk and drilling down. Kubuntu comes wih free LibreOffice that is like MS Office. I've opened and used Excel and Word files and saved them in MSOffice ('97 - 2000) formats.
    Download Avast! anti virus for linux (it's a 1 yr free subscription for a home workstation). Don't get the free AVG anti virus for linux -it doesn't install right. Note: you don't really need antivirus for linux, because linux is open source sw which is no safe haven for viruses. But I transfer files between my linux and windows folders, and so want to prevent ransferring a virus inadvertently). Download the Avast! DEB package: and use right-click to open and install with GDebi package installer. Also setup a firewall (UFW or 'uncomplicated firewall'):
    The look and feel of Kubuntu linux is quite inuitive, it boots fast, runs fast, even on my netbook with just 2GB RAM and an Atom processor. Right now, I'm posting this from my Firefox browser in Kubuntu. I haven't gone back to Windows except to backup my files onto a portable drive using EaseUS Todo software (since I can't find that sw for linux).
    Hope this gives you an idea of what you need to do to setup a linux alternative to Windows. Note: there are other flavors of linux like plain Ubuntu or others like Xubuntu and Edubuntu, openSUSE etc. Check out what they're about. Overall, if you are willing and able, you can have linux up and running and customized in a day or two. It's pretty cool. See some of the screenshots I have posted below as png graphics files.
    The only downside I see: the battery doesn't last as long as it did running Win 7 starter, for the same kind of tasks. I think I get about 2/3 rd the number of hours that I would get with Win 7 starter. Someone did a detailed study ( and discovered that other flavors of linux - even supposedly 'lighter' ones, fare no better wrt battery life and that the culprit might be excessive hard drive access (and, consequently, I suspect, the fan, which works harder to keep the drive and other components cool). But otherwise, my Kubuntu 11.04 install on my netbook is fast, stable and great to work with.
    nb505-n509bn-KubuntuLinuxInterface1.png ‏472 KB
    nb505-n509bn-Kubuntu-DragonPlayer.png ‏204 KB
    nb505-n510bn-Kubuntu-WindowsCdrivefiles.png ‏88 KB
    nb505-n508bn-Kubuntu-PostingthisnoteinFirefox.png ‏103 KB

    Hi, just a quick update. The 11.04 (K)ubuntu linux distro drains the battery significantly faster than Win 7. I recently learned that the kernel in 11.04 is far more power consuming than kernels used in previous distros such as 10.10 and that it is not clear why or how to overcome this. In this regard, the kernel in 11.04 is a step back from the earlier kernels, which is not a good thing for linux if it is to continue competing with Windows or the Mac's OS, particularly for very mobile devices such as laptops and netbooks that one wants to use unplugged and on battery alone for many hours -that's the whole point of being mobile. This is unfortunate, because Linux is otherwise a very viable and capable OS.
    My advice to folks on this forum who still would like to play with linux is to try the older versions such as (K)ubuntu 10.10 or just hang on to Windows 7 for now.

  • SP Foundation 2010 - ViewFormPagesLockdown alternative

    We have an internet facing site on SharePoint 2010 Foundation. We have anonymous access enabled (mandatory), but we need to lock down access to the _layouts, _catalogs, etc directories. By lock down, I mean we don't want the user to be able to 'View All
    Site Content' and see the lists. We need their user to have 'access' to them so the content is rendered/ran appropriately.
    Is the only alternative to lock these directories down in the web.config?

    Hi TBeam, 
    Yes, I have one !
    I had released a version of the lockdown feature for SharePoint Foundation that you can download on Codeplex.
    Hope that helps...
    Marc Charmois -

  • CUCM 8.6.2 alternative ringtones

    I have a number of 7940 and 7960 phones and they are failing to pick up the alternative ringtones that are available on the tftp server.  I have checked the Ringlist.xml and the DistinctiveRingList.xml file and they are both pointing to the correct .raw files.  In researching this issue I keep reading that these phone when running in SCCP should be able to locate either a .cnf or .cnf.xml file of the format SEP<mac address>.cnf or .cnf.xml and I'm unable to locate these on the tftp server (CUCM primary).
    The only ringtone available on the phones is drums1 and drums2.  The CUCM has been recently upgraded to 8.6.2 but I'm not sure of the previous version.  Should I be able to see the .cnf files on the tftp server or should the phones at least be creating one?  I feel that due to the fact the the phone is not able to create the .cnf file may be the reason that the ringlist.xml is not being read and the .raw files are not available to the users.  I'm probably just missing something simple so if anyone can assist I would be very greatful.

    Thanks for that, I didn't read your response correctly.  I'm still stuck as to why the phones are not able to see the additional ringtones that are available.  From what I have been able to find, during the tftp process there is an address setup that tells the phone where to find these additional tones, but for the life of me I can't work out where in the boot process a file or directory is loaded that tells the phone where to find the ringtones.  As I mentioned before, all the extensions for this site were imported into the CUCM via BAT during a system upgrade.
    Any Ideas will be appreciated

  • Is there a alternative to Plugin-container (or a way to disable It)?

    == Issue
    I have another kind of problem with Firefox
    == Description
    Is there a alternative to Plugin-container? It just showed up In my system processes when I updated to Firefox 3.6.6. I've never had problems with plugins crashing but ever since plugin-container.exe crashes have happened more frequently and plugins like Adobe Flash are now taking a lot longer to load. I have an older computer and I noticed plugin-container Is a different process and takes up a large amount of memory, didn't have that problem before. Is there a way to disable It? Even though Its suppose to resolve problems, I've never had any before and now that I have It I'm having problems. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    == This happened
    Not sure how often
    == I upgraded to Firefox 3.6.6 and for the first time had plugin-container.exe on my computer.
    == Troubleshooting information
    Application Basics
    Profile Directory
    Open Containing Folder
    Installed Plugins
    Build Configuration
    Adblock Plus
    Classic Compact Options
    [email protected]
    Java Console
    Java Console
    Java Console
    Java Console
    Java Quick Starter
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    Remove New Tab Button
    [email protected]
    Java Console
    Adobe DLM (powered by getPlus(R))
    Modified Preferences
    Dell Photo AIO Printer 924
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    Windows XP
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6
    == Plugins installed
    *-Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
    *The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.5
    *Google Updater plugin

    You can set the prefs dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.* to false on the about:config page to disable the plugin-container process.
    dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npctrl.dll (Silverlight)
    dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npqtplugin.dll (QuickTime)
    dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npswf32.dll (Flash)

  • Error for open process order when BOM alternative is not found

    Dear colleagues,
    When I open process order. BOM alternative is selected according to the production version. But when  BOM alternative is not found system gives only information message and I can open process order, I want to prevent open process order when there is no BOM alternative according to the production version. Because the Bom can be deleted after creation production version.
    Thanks for your helping,

    U need to use an enhancement at the creation of order to check the active status of the bom and restricting the order creation when BOM status is inactive.
    see whether following enhancement is useful for your scenario:
    PPCO0006 Enhancement & EXIT_SAPLCOZF_003
    Please confirm.

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