ALV GRID Report is not showing all records which is in internal table

hi all,
have one doubt. please clarify me. ALV Report is working fine since long tiem. But suddenly this report is showing few records only for the given input.   Example:   it_main table have 50 records, but output is showing only 10 records only. (we have not made any modifications in this report).
temporarily i have given excel output file from it_main table. excel file is showing all records.
here it_main have all the records. but output is showing few records only. it is not showing any error. i have tested with REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY function also. but it also showing same results(few records only.)
please give me some idea.
FORM display_alv_report.
      i_buffer_active          = 'X'
      i_callback_program       = sy-repid
      is_layout                = wa_layout
      it_fieldcat              = it_fcat
      it_events                = it_events
      i_save                   = 'A'
      is_variant               = wa_variant
      t_outtab                 = it_main
      program_error            = 1
      OTHERS                   = 2.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE text-204 " 'Error in Display the list'
    TYPE 'I'.
ENDFORM.            .                    "DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT
Best Regards,

Please study this program and give me suggestions.
ALV Declaration
DATA : it_events TYPE slis_t_event,               "ALV event
           it_fcat   TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,        "Field catalog
           it_list_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader,
           c_tabname  TYPE slis_tabname   VALUE 'IT_MAIN'.
DATA : wa_layout  TYPE slis_layout_alv,
            wa_event   TYPE slis_alv_event,
           wa_fcat    TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
           wa_variant TYPE disvariant.
  PERFORM material_pass.
  PERFORM data_retrieval.
  PERFORM sub_display_report.
FORM sub_display_report .
  DATA status(1).
  IF r1 = 'X'.
    PERFORM build_fieldcatalog USING :
      '1'  'ERDAT'     'S.O DATE'             '' '10'  'X',
      '2'  'VBELN'     'SALE ORDER'           '' '10'  'X',
      '3'  'POSNR'     'SALE ITEM'            '' '6'   '',
      '4'  'BSTKD'     'CUSTOMER PO'          '' '35'  '',
      '5'  'BEZEI'     'REASON FOR REJECTION' '' '40'  '',
      '6'  'PLNUM'     'PLANNED ORDER'        '' '10'  '',
      '7'  'AUFNR'     'PROD.ORDER.'          '' '12'  '',
      '8'  'MATNR'     'MATERIAL NUMBER'      '' '18'  '',
      '9'  'MAKTX'     'MATERIAL DESCRIPTION' '' '40'  '',
      '10' 'WERKS'     'PLANT'                '' '4'   '',
      '11' 'KWMENG'    'SALE ORDER QTY'       '' '15'  '',
      '12' 'VRKME'     'UNIT'                 '' '4'   '',
      '13' 'GAMNG'     'PROD.ORDER QTY'       '' '13'  '',
      '14' 'IGMNG'     'CONFIRMED ORDER QTY'  '' '13'  '',
      '15' 'GMEIN'     'UNIT'                 '' '4'   '',
      '16' 'MENGE'     'G.R QUANTITY'         '' '13'  '',
      '17' 'SOBAL'     'S.O BALANCE'          '' '13'  '',
      '18' 'PRDBAL'    'PROD.BALANCE'         '' '13'  '',
      '19' 'GSM'       'GSM'                  '' '4'   '',
      '20' 'SIZE1'     'SIZE1'                '' '10'  '',
      '21' 'SIZE2'     'SIZE2'                '' '10'  ''.
        filename              = pathname
        filetype              = ftype
        append                = 'X'
        write_field_separator = 'X'
        data_tab              = it_mains
        file_write_error      = 1.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      status = 'S'.
      status = 'E'.
  ELSEIF r2 = 'X' OR r3 = 'X'.
    PERFORM build_fieldcatalog USING :
      '1'  'ERDAT'     'S.O DATE'             '' '10'  'X',
      '2'  'VBELN'     'SALE ORDER'           '' '10'  'X',
      '3'  'POSNR'     'SALE ITEM'            '' '6'   '',
      '4'  'BSTKD'     'CUSTOMER PO'          '' '35'  '',
      '5'  'BEZEI'     'REASON FOR REJECTION' '' '40'  '',
      '6'  'PLNUM'     'PLANNED ORDER'        '' '10'  '',
      '7'  'AUFNR'     'PROD.ORDER.'          '' '12'  '',
      '8'  'MATNR'     'MATERIAL NUMBER'      '' '18'  '',
      '9'  'MAKTX'     'MATERIAL DESCRIPTION' '' '40'  '',
      '10' 'WERKS'     'PLANT'                '' '4'   '',
      '11' 'KWMENG'    'SALE ORDER QTY'       '' '15'  '',
      '12' 'VRKME'     'UNIT'                 '' '4'   '',
      '13' 'GAMNG'     'PROD.ORDER QTY'       '' '13'  '',
      '14' 'IGMNG'     'CONFIRMED ORDER QTY'  '' '13'  '',
      '15' 'GMEIN'     'UNIT'                 '' '4'   '',
      '16' 'MENGE'     'G.R QUANTITY'         '' '13'  '',
      '17' 'SOBAL'     'S.O BALANCE'          '' '13'  '',
      '18' 'PRDBAL'    'PROD.BALANCE'         '' '13'  '',
      '19' 'GSM'       'GSM'                  '' '4'   '',
      '20' 'SIZE1'     'SIZE1'                '' '10'  '',
      '21' 'CUT1'      'CUT1'                 '' '11'  '',
      '22' 'SIZE2'     'SIZE2'                '' '10'  '',
      '23' 'CUT2'      'CUT2'                 '' '11'  '',
      '24' 'SIZE3'     'SIZE3'                '' '10'  '',
      '25' 'CUT3'      'CUT3'                 '' '11'  '',
      '26' 'SIZE4'     'SIZE4'                '' '10'  '',
      '27' 'CUT4'      'CUT4'                 '' '11'  '',
      '28' 'SIZE5'     'SIZE5'                '' '10'  '',
      '29' 'CUT5'      'CUT5'                 '' '11'  '',
      '30' 'SIZE6'     'SIZE6'                '' '10'  '',
      '31' 'CUT6'      'CUT6'                 '' '11'  ''.
        filename              = pathname
        filetype              = ftype
        append                = 'X'
        write_field_separator = 'X'
        data_tab              = it_mainall
        file_write_error      = 1.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      status = 'S'.
      status = 'E'.
  PERFORM build_layout.
  PERFORM build_events.
  PERFORM sub_comment_build USING it_list_top_of_page.
  PERFORM sub_set_variant.
  PERFORM display_alv_report.
  IF status = 'S'.
    MESSAGE 'Excel Output file Downloaded to Given Path' TYPE 'I'.
    MESSAGE 'Download Not Possible' TYPE 'I'.
ENDFORM.                    " SUB_DISPLAY_REPORT
FORM build_fieldcatalog USING  p_col_pos
  wa_fcat-row_pos        = '1'.
  wa_fcat-col_pos        = p_col_pos.
  wa_fcat-fieldname      = p_fieldname.
  wa_fcat-tabname        = c_tabname.
  wa_fcat-reptext_ddic   = p_text.
  wa_fcat-datatype       = p_datatype.
  wa_fcat-ddic_outputlen = p_outputlen.
  wa_fcat-key            = p_col_freez.
  APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
  CLEAR wa_fcat.
ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
*&      Form  BUILD_LAYOUT
FORM build_layout.
  CLEAR: wa_layout.
  wa_layout-window_titlebar   = 'LIST OF GSM WISE OPEN SALE ORDERS'.
  wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
  wa_layout-totals_text       = 'CUMULATIVE'.
ENDFORM.                    "BUILD_LAYOUT
*&      Form  BUILD_EVENTS
FORM build_events.
  CLEAR wa_event.
  REFRESH it_events.
      i_list_type     = 0
      et_events       = it_events
      list_type_wrong = 1
      OTHERS          = 2.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    READ TABLE it_events INTO wa_event
         WITH KEY name = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      wa_event-form = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
      APPEND wa_event TO it_events.
      CLEAR wa_event.
ENDFORM.                    "BUILD_EVENTS
     -->P_IT_LIST_TOP_OF_PAGE  text
FORM sub_comment_build  USING it_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader.
  DATA ls_line TYPE slis_listheader.
  CLEAR ls_line.
  ls_line-typ = 'H'.
  ls_line-info = str1.
  APPEND ls_line TO it_top_of_page.
  CLEAR ls_line.
     it_list_commentary = t_header[].
ENDFORM.                    " SUB_COMMENT_BUILD
*&      Form  SUB_SET_VARIANT
-->  p1        text
<--  p2        text
FORM sub_set_variant .
  CLEAR wa_variant.
  wa_variant-report = sy-repid.
  wa_variant-username = sy-uname.
wa_variant-variant = c_variant.
wa_variant-variant = p_layout.
ENDFORM.                    " SUB_SET_VARIANT
*Display Report Using ALV GRID
FORM display_alv_report.
      i_buffer_active          = 'X'
      i_callback_program       = sy-repid
     i_callback_pf_status_set = c_pf_status
     i_callback_user_command  = c_user_command
      is_layout                = wa_layout
      it_fieldcat              = it_fcat
     it_sort                  = it_sort[]
      it_events                = it_events
      i_save                   = 'A'
      is_variant               = wa_variant
      t_outtab                 = it_main
      program_error            = 1
      OTHERS                   = 2.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE text-204 " 'Error in Display the list'
    TYPE 'I'.
ENDFORM.            .                    "DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT
*ALV Report Header
FORM top_of_page.
  DATA : t_header TYPE slis_t_listheader WITH HEADER LINE,
         wa_header TYPE slis_listheader,
         t_line LIKE wa_header-info,
         ld_lines TYPE i,
         ld_linesc(10) TYPE c.
  wa_header-typ  = 'H'.
  wa_header-info = str1.
  APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
      it_list_commentary = t_header[].
ENDFORM.                    "TOP_OF_PAGE
here it_main internal table having all data. but output is showing few records only.
pl. give some idea.
Thanks & Regards

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    Any help appreciated

    Sorry Alexander. I missed the last line where you clearly say it is runtime.
    A few more questions:
    - Which CR SDK are you using? The Report Designer Component or the CR assemblies for .NET?
    - What is the exact version of CR you are using (from help | about)
    - What CR Service Pack are you on?
    And a troubleshooting suggestion:
    Since this works on some machines, it will be a good idea to compare all the runtime (both CR and non CR) being loaded on a working and non working machines.
    Download the modules utility from here:
    and follow the steps as described in this thread:
    The download also includes instructions on how to use modules.

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    Hi Arun,
    In the following code: public SelectItem[] getAllPrinters() {
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    PrintService[] printers = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null);
    allPrinters = new SelectItem[printers.length];
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    new SelectItem(printers.getName(), printers[i].getName());
    allPrinters[i] = printer;
    return allPrinters;;;
    Variable allPrinters is not defined. what type of object it is?
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    Neha Patel

    just use this procedure it will solve your problem:
    Firstly export  the data to memory using the FM LIST_FROM_MEMORY.
    listobject = t_listobject
    not_found = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE e000(su) WITH text-001.
    then i converted it into ASCII using LIST_TO_ASCI,
    listasci = t_xlstab
    listobject = t_listobject
    empty_list = 1
    list_index_invalid = 2
    OTHERS = 3.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    MESSAGE e003(yuksdbfzs).
    This gives the data in ASCII format separated by '|' and the header has '-', dashes. If you use this internal table directly without any proccesing in SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1, then you will not get a good excel sheet attachment. To overcome this limitation, i used cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline and cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab to add horizontal and vertical tabs to the internal table, replacing all occurences of '|' with
    Set the doc_type as 'XLS', create the body and header using the packing_list and pass the data to be downloaded to SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 as contents_bin.
    This will create an excel attachment.
    Sample code for formatting the data for the attachment in excel format.
    u2022     Format the data for excel file download
    LOOP AT t_xlstab INTO wa_xlstab .
    DESCRIBE TABLE t_xlstab LINES lw_cnt.
    CLEAR lw_sytabix.
    lw_sytabix = sy-tabix.
    u2022     If not new line then replace '|' by tabs
    IF NOT wa_xlstab EQ cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
    WITH cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
    MODIFY t_xlstab FROM wa_xlstab .
    CLEAR wa_xlstab.
    wa_xlstab = cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
    IF lw_cnt NE 0 .
    lw_sytabix = lw_sytabix + 1.
    u2022     Insert new line for the excel data
    INSERT wa_xlstab INTO t_xlstab INDEX lw_sytabix.
    lw_cnt = lw_cnt - 1.
    CLEAR wa_xlstab.
    Sample code for creating attachment and sending mail:
    FORM send_mail .
    u2022     Define the attachment format
    lw_doc_type = 'XLS'.
    u2022     Create the document which is to be sent
    lwa_doc_chng-obj_name = 'List'.
    lwa_doc_chng-obj_descr = w_subject. "Subject
    lwa_doc_chng-obj_langu = sy-langu.
    u2022     Fill the document data and get size of message
    LOOP AT t_message.
    lt_objtxt = t_message-line.
    APPEND lt_objtxt.
    DESCRIBE TABLE lt_objtxt LINES lw_tab_lines.
    IF lw_tab_lines GT 0.
    READ TABLE lt_objtxt INDEX lw_tab_lines.
    lwa_doc_chng-doc_size = ( lw_tab_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( lt_objtxt ).
    lwa_doc_chng-obj_langu = sy-langu.
    lwa_doc_chng-sensitivty = 'F'.
    lwa_doc_chng-doc_size = 0.
    u2022     Fill Packing List For the body of e-mail
    lt_packing_list-head_start = 1.
    lt_packing_list-head_num = 0.
    lt_packing_list-body_start = 1.
    lt_packing_list-body_num = lw_tab_lines.
    lt_packing_list-doc_type = 'RAW'.
    APPEND lt_packing_list.
    u2022     Create the attachment (the list itself)
    DESCRIBE TABLE t_xlstab LINES lw_tab_lines.
    u2022     Fill the fields of the packing_list for creating the attachment:
    lt_packing_list-transf_bin = 'X'.
    lt_packing_list-head_start = 1.
    lt_packing_list-head_num = 0.
    lt_packing_list-body_start = 1.
    lt_packing_list-body_num = lw_tab_lines.
    lt_packing_list-doc_type = lw_doc_type.
    lt_packing_list-obj_name = 'Attach'.
    lt_packing_list-obj_descr = w_docdesc.
    lt_packing_list-doc_size = lw_tab_lines * 255.
    APPEND lt_packing_list.
    u2022     Fill the mail recipient list
    lt_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
    LOOP AT t_recipient_list.
    lt_reclist-receiver = t_recipient_list-address.
    APPEND lt_reclist.
    u2022     Finally send E-Mail
    document_data = lwa_doc_chng
    put_in_outbox = 'X'
    commit_work = 'X'
    sent_to_all = lw_sent_to_all
    packing_list = lt_packing_list
    object_header = lt_objhead
    contents_bin = t_xlstab
    contents_txt = lt_objtxt
    receivers = lt_reclist
    too_many_receivers = 1
    document_not_sent = 2
    document_type_not_exist = 3
    operation_no_authorization = 4
    parameter_error = 5
    x_error = 6
    enqueue_error = 7
    OTHERS = 8.
    Hope it will help you
    Rahul sharma

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    What version of Visual Studio and the Crystal for Visual Studio SDK are you using?

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    Anyone can help? it is weird.....
    Kevin T

    Hi Kevin,
    I am not able to replicate the problem u r facing.I created a report with Group on country and  added a subreport in the Group Footer. My subrepor has more than 270 records. I'm able to see all of them. They are spread across pages.
    Please check whether records are spread across pages or the link between Main Report and Subreport is filtering out some records. Other than these two things I dont see any other reason for records being truncated.
    Hope this helps!

  • Report not showing all records

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    I have made a report but when i execute the report only the first page comes with 18 records but when I execute the same query from SQL*Plus then it shows 30 records.
    Please suggest me how to solve ?

    what do you use to view the output? The Live Previewer in the Reports Builder? One idea ist that you have not seen the button for going to the next page; other reasons can be format triggers which supresses records or frame properties which doesn't allow more records (not expandable) or a group filter in the data modell ...

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    Plz help..  I need to configure a LSMW for ROH material.. so I made recording, n then create a structure.. accordingly.
    the problem is.. at the time of reading data from .txt the step of Display Read Data it showing only 50 records, rest are not displaying.. but not showing any error.. so my question to our expert that is their any limitations for reading data... if their.. then how could it be elasticated...
    plz suggest..

    the read step has a selection screen where you can define from which to which record you want read.
    make sure this selection is empty for a test.
    Further check if your source file has more than 50 records.
    then make sure that you really read this source file and not any other version  (check path and file name in step 7 of LSMW)

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    When viewing the Item Changes for a requisition in ME53N, I don't always see all the records that are contained in tables CDHDR / CDPOS. The missing records are related to release strategies. Does anyone have any ideas why this happens?
    Thank you,

    Hello Jackie,
    check flag "Change document" is set for the data elements.
    Start transaction SE11, enter database table, push button "Display".
    Check register "Fields" In the following screen, doulbe click on "Data element" for the field you want to check.
    Select register "Further Characteristics" in the following screen, here you can find flag for "Change document".
    Best Regards, Dirk

  • Crystal isn't showing duplicates / not showing all records

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    As far as I can tell, I do not have any other suppress settings on. I can hide/unhide and drill down just fine. This is an export from my Access file:
    I'm very new to CR and I've done a lot of online searching for this but it seems to be most people want to hide duplicates or show only duplicates and I can't seem to get it to work. This is my report but you can see that all of the heat treat from that one invoice is missing.

    5 1/4" floppies or 3 1/2"? 
    you can try to change all of the join types in the Database Expert linking dialogue to use Left Outer Joins between job materials and vendor invoices or a right outer join.
    and do eliminate any filters in the Report > Select Expert or Report > Selection Formulas as per above as well. when you add a filter based on a certain field, it can then lead to records dropping off that you think should be there, but it's actually an addition to the SQL 'WHERE' clause that is filtering records.
    what is the result set from access based on? is it just one table, or is a combination of tables?
    and more importantly, what is the name of the software / erp program you are using? perhaps someone out there has actually used it or is still using it and may be able to help you on the schema.

  • Report is not showing all elements

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    In a capital budget expenditure report we made changes and they were working (the structure is Projects contains many WBS elements) fine upto quality. when it is moved to production it is just showing only Projects not WBS elements which are exising under projects.  Please advise.


  • Save as PDF not showing all records?

    BOXI31 SP3
    Users are saving as PDF, no errors,  very fast, however,  the result set saved as a PDF is about 10% of the actual report data set.  Exporting to excel is OK...  but PDF seems to have a limit.
    Is there a setting (webi processing server/Adobe?) we can change that will allow users to return their total report resullts?

    Change webi preferences to interactive,  all results came through!

  • Microsoft Excel Icon in ALV Grid Report

    Hi all,
    We have a customized report. When we execute that reports, it open in ALV Grid format. When we choose "Microsoft Excel" Icon to change layout to Excel, it then shows the report in excel without any data.
    Can any one please tell me that why there is no data? should i need to do any settings in excel for this?
    Please respond.
    Best Regards,

    Refer these:
    Microsoft Excel Icon in ALV Grid Report
    Re: Not able display the Excel Icon in ALV List Display
    Hope it helps

  • Not showing all equipment order in zreport ( SAP-PM)

    Dear Sir,
    I am working monthly perfomance report related of SAP -PM. which that show data of equipment order wise. these order is  create plant wise.
    i am fetching data through plant code and order final date .
    t001w-werks OBLIGATORY,
    p_spmon TYPE s115-spmon OBLIGATORY,
    in this program i am using tables  AUFK, AFIH, and EQUZ.
    My problem is that  this report is not showing all data for only one plant.  becoz only two line item show in Table EQUZ according order date and plant. and  in table AFIH showing 10 line time. whenas  63 order has been created in that date .
    so, i want know that where is problen either my program or standard table EQUZ
    Plz guide me ......................
    Moderator Message: Basic Question . Thread Locked.
    Edited by: kishan P on May 12, 2011 12:39 PM

    Dear sir,
    I want fetch equipment no. of order from EQUZ. when i pass date from 01.03.2011 to 31.03.2011 then showing only one equipment number in EQUZ table.
    when as  63 orders has been created  between 01.03.2011 to 31.03.2011 which are showing in table AUFK and AFIH.
    in my z report  i am using table EQUZ for equipment no.
    so, i don't understand that why not showing all eqipment number in EQUZ table between 01.03.2011 to 31.03.2011
    this problen for only one plant (459B), rather than other plant (like 460A, 470A....................)  all data are showing in my report.
    Plz guide me......................

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