AMD R9 270X ISSUE !!!

i got my AMD R9 270X yesterday and since yesterday its been giving me a huge headache, at first it wasn't working, so after a bit of error and trial finally got it working, but it crashes after every 2-3 minutes and all i get is a Grey Screen of Death with Vertical lines, i have to hard reset my PC, What could be the problem?? Kindly help!!
Win 7 64 bit Ultimate
Gigabyte PSU GX500 (500Watts)
Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700
Gigabyte P43-U3Dl Motherboard

Are you able to test the card in different PC?
Do you have latest BIOS for your motherboard?
Though your PSU seems to be sufficient enough, I suggest testing something stronger.

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    After stuggling with UEFI I have pretty much everything up and running, but I have a problem with the system locking up. 
    So far I have found 2 ways that can lock the system up consistently:
    1.  Open XMMS and right click inside to pull up the menu.  Originally I wanted to add the Playlist to the screen, but everytime I right clicked to try and add the playlist the system would lock up.
    2.  Running xscreensaver settings and clicking on previews of different screen savers.
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    There also appears to be an issue with artifacts.  If I bring a window too close to my wbar and I hover over my wbar causing the icons to grow, I will lose a chunk of my window where the wbar overlapped.  The only way to get the chunk back is to close and reopen
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    Since I am able to recreate the error repeatedly, are there any troubleshooting steps that I can take to narrow down the problem and verify?  Or am I stuck waiting for the Volcano drivers to come down the pipe?
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Alright, all of my copies have finished and I did a little more testing.
    To lock up the system I started xscreensaver and clicked on Settings.  I then went down to the XSpiroGraph and clicked on it to see the preview.  This locked up the system, except the mouse was still moving.  Orignally I thought that nothing was happening, but while I was running my tests, I noticed that the xscreensaver preview window was populating with the XSpiroGraph screensaver, although it was extremely slowly.  It was taking around 60 - 90 seconds for one line to be drawn.
    While in xscreensaver settings, the UnknownPleasures preview works at normal speed and just fine, nothing is locking up.
    As for the tests, the lights on my keyboard did not blink during this test.  Although I forgot to test the caps and num locks. 
    I was still able to ping the PC, and I was able to SSH into the locked up PC as well.  The SSH appeared to be working without issue.  I checked journalctl and there was nothing in there, other than my SSH connection.  I'll run a verbose in a couple of minutes.  Also there weren't any new logs in dmesg during the lockup.
    I tried to do pkill xscreensaver, but nothing happened.  xscreensaver was still running on my screen but it wasn't part of of ps -ef thorugh SSH.  So the process was killed, but nothing changed on my monitors, and the PC was still locked up.  The preview window was still slowly populating as well.
    Finally, I decided to just do a reboot through SSH and it rebooted without issue.  So now I know how to gracefully shutdown the PC while it is locked up.
    On another note, I run Synergy through SSH on this PC (it's the server).  When the lockup occurred there were no errors on the client or server for Synergy, but I was unable to use my mouse or keyboard on my other PC.  The SSH tunnel that I use for Synergy continued to be up and running.
    Even though I now have a better grasp, I still do not know what to do next.  Without an error message, or a log for me to check, I don't know where to go from here.  I will try locking up the system again, and then run journalctl in verbose and see if it tells me anything, but past that I will try to Google again and see if I can come up with anything.
    Any suggestions?

  • AMD R9 270X and Asus 1440p monitor Unrecognized Through DP, OK w/ HDMI

    I upgraded from Sapphire AMD R7 260X to Sapphire R9 270X and am having issues with the DisplayPort. I get the wrong resolutions and unknown monitor only when connecting through DP, but everything works fine through HDMI. I am using an ASUS PB278Q 27" monitor at 1440p. The DP worked fine on the R7 260X. I was able to manually add my resultion using this xrandr guide but of course this does not persist through reboot,  is quite annoying, and should not be necessary. Does this sound like a hardware bug to anyone? Should I be contacting Sapphire? This issue persists through the 3.19.3 kernel.
    $ xrandr
    Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 2560 x 1440, maximum 16384 x 16384
    DisplayPort-0 connected primary 2560x1440+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
    1024x768 60.00
    800x600 60.32 56.25
    848x480 60.00
    640x480 59.94
    2560x1440_60.00 59.96*
    HDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    DVI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    DVI-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    The EDID info seems really messed up...
    $ sudo get-edid
    This is read-edid version 3.0.1. Prepare for some fun.
    Attempting to use i2c interface
    Looks like no busses have an EDID. Sorry!
    Attempting to use the classical VBE interface
    Performing real mode VBE call
    Interrupt 0x10 ax=0x4f00 bx=0x0 cx=0x0
    Function supported
    Call successful
    VBE version 300
    VBE string at 0xc0244 "AMD ATOMBIOS"
    VBE/DDC service about to be called
    Report DDC capabilities
    Performing real mode VBE call
    Interrupt 0x10 ax=0x4f15 bx=0x0 cx=0x0
    Function supported
    Call successful
    Monitor and video card combination does not support DDC1 transfers
    Monitor and video card combination supports DDC2 transfers
    0 seconds per 128 byte EDID block transfer
    Screen is not blanked during DDC transfer
    Reading next EDID block
    VBE/DDC service about to be called
    Read EDID
    Performing real mode VBE call
    Interrupt 0x10 ax=0x4f15 bx=0x1 cx=0x0
    Function supported
    Call successful
    PT@qOV^)P0 5UP!E2LMTF003173
    Lc@8<ASUS PB278
    EDID claims 1 more blocks left
    *********** Something special has happened!
    This happens a lot with TV's, and other devices
    with extension blocks. If you have a TV, don't bother.
    Otherwise, please contact the author, Matthew Kern
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Please include full output from this program (especially that to stderr)
    Reading next EDID block
    VBE/DDC service about to be called
    Read EDID
    Performing real mode VBE call
    Interrupt 0x10 ax=0x4f15 bx=0x1 cx=0x0
    Function supported
    Call successful
    PT@qOV^)P0 5UP!E2LMTF003173
    Lc@8<ASUS PB278
    EDID claims 1 more blocks left
    EDID blocks left is wrong.
    Your EDID is probably invalid.
    Looks like VBE was successful. Have a good day.

    So today I tried the 4.0-rc6 kernel using the linux-git pack in the AUR repository. I can now use my DisplayPort! However, `get-edid` still throws errors and my display is 'unknown' to Cinnamon.
    Update: It's not always reliable. Sometimes I reboot and it's back to it's old tricks
    Last edited by HarlemSquirrel (2015-03-30 23:41:37)

  • CS6 Not Responding - AMD Radeon 6630m issues

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    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Windows NT
    Version: 6.2
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
    Physical processor count: 4
    Logical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 1995 MHz
    Built-in memory: 8140 MB
    Free memory: 6135 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 7173 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 60 %
    Image tile size: 128K
    Image cache levels: 4
    The GPU Sniffer crashed on 8/13/2013 at 9:21:27 PM
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Basic
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    Video Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
    Video Card Renderer: Radeon (TM) HD 6630M
    Display: 1
    Display Bounds:=  top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1050, right: 1680
    Video Card Number: 2
    Video Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
    OpenCL Unavailable
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 20120815000000.000000-000
    Video Card Driver: igdumd64.dll,igd10umd64.dll,igd10umd64.dll,igdumd32,igd10umd32,igd10umd32
    Video Mode: 1680 x 1050 x 4294967296 colors
    Video Card Caption: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
    Video Card Memory: 547968 MB
    Video Rect Texture Size: 16384
    Video Card Number: 1
    Video Card: Radeon (TM) HD 6630M
    OpenCL Unavailable
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 20120815000000.000000-000
    Video Card Driver: aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,aticfx32,aticfx32,aticfx32,atiumd64.dll,atidxx64.d ll,atidxx64.dll,atiumdag,atidxx32,atidxx32,atiumdva,atiumd6a.cap,atitmm64.dll
    Video Mode:
    Video Card Caption: Radeon (TM) HD 6630M
    Video Card Memory: 547968 MB
    Video Rect Texture Size: 16384
    Serial number: 91198469304989699951
    Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\
    Temporary file path: C:\Users\Kris\AppData\Local\Temp\
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
      Startup, 465.7G, 54.7G free
    Required Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Required\
    Primary Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Plug-ins\
    Additional Plug-ins folder: not set
    Installed components:
       A3DLIBS.dll   A3DLIB Dynamic Link Library  
       ACE.dll   ACE 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       adbeape.dll   Adobe APE 2012/01/25-10:04:55   66.1025012   66.1025012
       AdobeLinguistic.dll   Adobe Linguisitc Library   6.0.0  
       AdobeOwl.dll   Adobe Owl 2012/06/26-12:17:19   4.0.95   66.510504
       AdobePDFL.dll   PDFL 2011/12/12-16:12:37   66.419471   66.419471
       AdobePIP.dll   Adobe Product Improvement Program  
       AdobeXMP.dll   Adobe XMP Core 2012/02/06-14:56:27   66.145661   66.145661
       AdobeXMPFiles.dll   Adobe XMP Files 2012/02/06-14:56:27   66.145661   66.145661
       AdobeXMPScript.dll   Adobe XMP Script 2012/02/06-14:56:27   66.145661   66.145661
       adobe_caps.dll   Adobe CAPS   6,0,29,0  
       AGM.dll   AGM 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       ahclient.dll    AdobeHelp Dynamic Link Library   1,7,0,56  
       aif_core.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       aif_ocl.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       aif_ogl.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       amtlib.dll   AMTLib (64 Bit) (BuildVersion: 6.0; BuildDate: Mon Jan 16 2012 18:00:00)   1.000000
       ARE.dll   ARE 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       AXE8SharedExpat.dll   AXE8SharedExpat 2011/12/16-15:10:49   66.26830   66.26830
       AXEDOMCore.dll   AXEDOMCore 2011/12/16-15:10:49   66.26830   66.26830
       Bib.dll   BIB 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       BIBUtils.dll   BIBUtils 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       boost_date_time.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       boost_signals.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       boost_system.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       boost_threads.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       cg.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   3.0.00007  
       cgGL.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   3.0.00007  
       CIT.dll   Adobe CIT
       CoolType.dll   CoolType 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       data_flow.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       dvaaudiodevice.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvacore.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvamarshal.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvamediatypes.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvaplayer.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvatransport.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvaunittesting.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dynamiclink.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       ExtendScript.dll   ExtendScript 2011/12/14-15:08:46   66.490082   66.490082
       FileInfo.dll   Adobe XMP FileInfo 2012/01/17-15:11:19   66.145433   66.145433
       filter_graph.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       hydra_filters.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       icucnv40.dll   International Components for Unicode 2011/11/15-16:30:22    Build gtlib_3.0.16615  
       icudt40.dll   International Components for Unicode 2011/11/15-16:30:22    Build gtlib_3.0.16615  
       image_compiler.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       image_flow.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       image_runtime.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       JP2KLib.dll   JP2KLib 2011/12/12-16:12:37   66.236923   66.236923
       libifcoremd.dll   Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler   10.0 (Update A)  
       libmmd.dll   Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler   10.0  
       LogSession.dll   LogSession  
       mediacoreif.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       MPS.dll   MPS 2012/02/03-10:33:13   66.495174   66.495174
       msvcm80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.6910  
       msvcm90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.1  
       msvcp100.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010   10.00.40219.1  
       msvcp80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.6910  
       msvcp90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.1  
       msvcr100.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010   10.00.40219.1  
       msvcr80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.6910  
       msvcr90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.1  
       pdfsettings.dll   Adobe PDFSettings   1.04  
       Photoshop.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS6   CS6  
       Plugin.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS6   CS6  
       PlugPlug.dll   Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlug Standard Dll (64 bit)  
       PSArt.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS6   CS6  
       PSViews.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS6   CS6  
       SCCore.dll   ScCore 2011/12/14-15:08:46   66.490082   66.490082
       ScriptUIFlex.dll   ScriptUIFlex 2011/12/14-15:08:46   66.490082   66.490082
       tbb.dll   Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows   3, 0, 2010, 0406  
       tbbmalloc.dll   Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows   3, 0, 2010, 0406  
       TfFontMgr.dll   FontMgr  
       TfKernel.dll   Kernel  
       TFKGEOM.dll   Kernel Geom  
       TFUGEOM.dll   Adobe, UGeom©  
       updaternotifications.dll   Adobe Updater Notifications Library (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: BUILDDATETIME)
       WRServices.dll   WRServices Friday January 27 2012 13:22:12   Build 0.17112   0.17112
       wu3d.dll   U3D Writer  
    Required plug-ins:
       Accented Edges 13.0
       Adaptive Wide Angle 13.0
       ADM 3.11x01
       Angled Strokes 13.0
       Average 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Bas Relief 13.0
       BMP 13.0
       Camera Raw 8.1
       Camera Raw Filter 8.1
       Chalk & Charcoal 13.0
       Charcoal 13.0
       Chrome 13.0
       Cineon 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Clouds 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Collada 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Color Halftone 13.0
       Colored Pencil 13.0
       CompuServe GIF 13.0
       Conté Crayon 13.0
       Craquelure 13.0
       Crop and Straighten Photos 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 13.0
       Crosshatch 13.0
       Crystallize 13.0
       Cutout 13.0
       Dark Strokes 13.0
       De-Interlace 13.0
       Difference Clouds 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Diffuse Glow 13.0
       Displace 13.0
       Dry Brush 13.0
       Eazel Acquire 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Embed Watermark 4.0
       Extrude 13.0
       FastCore Routines 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Fibers 13.0
       Film Grain 13.0
       Filter Gallery 13.0
       Fresco 13.0
       Glass 13.0
       Glowing Edges 13.0
       Grain 13.0
       Graphic Pen 13.0
       Halftone Pattern 13.0
       HDRMergeUI 13.0
       IFF Format 13.0
       Ink Outlines 13.0
       JPEG 2000 13.0
       Lens Blur 13.0
       Lens Correction 13.0
       Lens Flare 13.0
       Liquify 13.0
       Matlab Operation 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Measurement Core 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Mezzotint 13.0
       MMXCore Routines 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Mosaic Tiles 13.0
       Multiprocessor Support 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Neon Glow 13.0
       Note Paper 13.0
       NTSC Colors 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Ocean Ripple 13.0
       Oil Paint 13.0
       OpenEXR 13.0
       Paint Daubs 13.0
       Palette Knife 13.0
       Patchwork 13.0
       Paths to Illustrator 13.0
       PCX 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Photocopy 13.0
       Photoshop 3D Engine 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Picture Package Filter 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Pinch 13.0
       Pixar 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Plaster 13.0
       Plastic Wrap 13.0
       PNG 13.0
       Pointillize 13.0
       Polar Coordinates 13.0
       Portable Bit Map 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Poster Edges 13.0
       Radial Blur 13.0
       Radiance 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Read Watermark 4.0
       Reticulation 13.0
       Ripple 13.0
       Rough Pastels 13.0
       Save for Web 13.0
       ScriptingSupport 13.0.1
       Shear 13.0
       Smart Blur 13.0
       Smudge Stick 13.0
       Solarize 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Spatter 13.0
       Spherize 13.0
       Sponge 13.0
       Sprayed Strokes 13.0
       Stained Glass 13.0
       Stamp 13.0
       Sumi-e 13.0
       Targa 13.0
       Texturizer 13.0
       Tiles 13.0
       Torn Edges 13.0
       Twirl 13.0
       Underpainting 13.0
       Vanishing Point 13.0
       Variations 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Water Paper 13.0
       Watercolor 13.0
       Wave 13.0
       WIA Support 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       Wind 13.0
       Wireless Bitmap 13.0.1 ( 20130522.r.24 2013/05/22:21:00:00)
       ZigZag 13.0
    Optional and third party plug-ins: NONE
    Plug-ins that failed to load: NONE
    Flash: NONE
    Installed TWAIN devices: NONE

    You need to update that old video card driver, from AMD's website (not Microsoft, and not the system builder).

  • AMD Graphics Card Issue

    This past year I switched to CC.  I then discovered the 2014 version of Adobe Premiere Pro required me to upgrade my video card.  I have Intel i7 920 running at 2.67 with 4 core with 16 GB installed and 32 GB total virtual memory on a board.  My computer guy installed AMD R9 290X. It never worked right.  In the initial testing it looked fine.  The software that came with the card showed solid performance,  when I took it home and started to use intensive video applications such as Warp Stabilizer after a few minutes the whole computer would slow down and the computer would literally stop.  We went through replacing three video cards.  All did not work.  We switched out to a R9 285.  (He sold AMD)  It worked, but I didn’t try doing the warp.  I finally did try using the Warp Stabilizer on a video last Sunday and the computer shut down.  Now the computer is acting as if it doesn’t have any accelerated video card at all. Windows says the card is operating fine.
    Before I switch brands I want to make sure I have done everything. I am not excited on dropping unexpected dollars here.  The video card is listed by Adobe as approved.
    Is there a diagnostic program that will show that Adobe programs are working properly with the video cards?   I am not going back to my same computer because this is over his head. If you have any suggestions, I am all ears, but this is out of my technical league.  I just want to do video.
    Here is my event log bug check: and below that are the settings for the video card
    Critical            12/1/2014 1:06:16 AM         Kernel-Power           41        (63)
    Log Name:      System
    Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
    Date: 12/1/2014 1:06:16 AM
    Event ID:      41
    Task Category: (63)
    Level: Critical
    Keywords:      (2)
    User:          SYSTEM
    Computer: Owner-PC
    The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power" Guid="{331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}" />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-12-01T09:06:16.972413100Z" />
        <Correlation />
        <Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="8" />
        <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
        <Data Name="BugcheckCode">74</Data>
        <Data Name="BugcheckParameter1">0x7760132a</Data>
        <Data Name="BugcheckParameter2">0x2</Data>
        <Data Name="BugcheckParameter3">0x0</Data>
        <Data Name="BugcheckParameter4">0xfffff88002d86ca0</Data>
        <Data Name="SleepInProgress">false</Data>
        <Data Name="PowerButtonTimestamp">0</Data>
    Message was edited by: ROBERT UNETIC
    Update 12/11/14 - Finally was able to have Adobe syc with computer.  Answer is graphics card works. Heavy graphics use such as Warp Stabilizer may cause shut down.  "Oh",  Maybe a cigarette warning would be helpful on the app. Maybe an app to signal that's what occurred or suggested techniques of maybe breaking up large clips into smaller ones. Anything would have save me hours of investigating.  I mean do we all have to be techies to use this product?

    hi Ashish1793,
    If you're running on Windows 7 64bit, can you consider the following:
    1. Navugate to the Control Panel (icon views) > Display Adapters and uninstall both the Intel and AMD Display driver then reboot.
    2. Install the Intel Display Driver first then reboot.
    3. Install the AMD Dislpay Driver (the files will be extracted drivers to the C:\Drivers\VGA folder - overwrite if prompted and reboot if necessary)
    When finished,  you should now have both the Intel HD Graphics 4600 and AMD R5 M230 in the Device Manager > Display Adapters
    If you get a Code 43 error on the AMD Display Device Manager, try to install the AMD R5 M230 driver directly from AMD website and observe.
    If you have Windows 8.1, download the Intel and AMD Display driver from the G50-70 drivers page and install them respectively.
    Similar threads:
    Issues while installing graphics card (ATI Radeon R5 M230 - 1GB) 
    AMD R5 M230 on G510 windows 7
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • AMD Graphics driver issue

    so i installed the newest build and i receive an error from AMD saying there's no driver or isn't responding correctly so i reinstalled the driver for it 3 times and still no success i will attempt to uninstall the current drivers for it and reinstall but
    i need some assistance on this

    Try this: Download AMD Catalyst Omega 14.12 for your Hardware. Extract its content. Go to Control Panel -> Devices manager -> Choose device Update driver for this device -> Give exact pathway for extracted content of Catalyst 14.12 -> Wait until
    driver is installed. Reeboot.
    After reeboot U should have your radeon listed in Device Manager. But there will be no Catalyst Suite. To install it, start normall installation process of AMD Catalyst Omega 14.12 (choose customized install) Thick to instal Catalyst Suite.
    Now U have device and Suite installed. Works like a charm with AMD 7700M, Intel 4000HD switchable graphics & Windows 10 Technical Preview v. 9926
    Best Regards

  • Msi z97 Gaming 7 mobo & msi r9 270x issue

    I bought both mobo and gpu last week for an i7-4790k build.  I cant seem to have both mobo and gpu to work together.
    I troubleshooted using an old Radeon 6770 gpu with the new mobo and it worked.
    I also tried the new gpu with the old mobo and it worked fine as well.
    Upgraded the bios to v1.6 already.
    So what could be the issues?
    What should be the recommended minimum psu wattage if i have both these mibo and gpu?  Currently using a 650W psu.

    Quote from: Bogardo on 08-November-14, 06:00:57
    Post LED shows '94'
    0x94 PCI Bus Enumeration

  • KT4 Ultra board and AMD XP2800+ boot issues

    This is a repost sorry
    I cannot seem to get the computer to run when I set FSB to anything over 163.
    It should be set at 166.  I updated the BIOS to the newest one available.
    At 164 the system simply reboots itself.
    165 or 166 the system boots then freezes.
    Here are the specs on my Power supply:
    400 watt power supply
    +5 38A max 1.5 Min
    +12 18A max .8 Min
    +3.3 28A .5 Min
    Running 768MB of PC2100, Chaintech Nvidia FX5600 256 MB, 2 60GB drives, 1 CD-rw and 1 CD.  
    Do I need to tweak any voltages?
    Hope this helps
    Thanks again

    PC2100 memory does not help..., should be at least 2700 (333mhz)
    you are overclocking your memory and that is most probably why you can't get 166 on  your fsb
    take care

  • Xorg black screen after monitor power off, AMD r9 270X & aoc u2868pqu

    Is there a way to get xorg to reset its video settings, and how are we getting more debug messages out of xorg these days? 
    (not any kind of emergency as everything is "working")
    when I power off my monitor for a few minutes xorg goes completely black.
    I can switch to other TTYs and start a second xorg from there
    When I try to get back to the original TTY that xorg's still black.
    these messages show up on the second TTY
    <code>[34181.758006] [drm:si_dpm_set_power_state [radeon]] *ERROR* si_restrict_performance_levels_before_switch failed
    [34181.835519] [drm:radeon_dp_link_train [radeon]] *ERROR* displayport link status failed
    [34181.835526] [drm:radeon_dp_link_train [radeon]] *ERROR* clock recovery failed
    [34181.838937] [drm:radeon_dp_link_train [radeon]] *ERROR* displayport link status failed
    [34181.838942] [drm:radeon_dp_link_train [radeon]] *ERROR* clock recovery failed</code>
    nothing looks relevant in
    these messages also show up if I turn off the monitor when positioned on a console, but the console is still accessible on monitor power up.
    none of these show up if I turn off the monitor when positioned on a KMScon, and the KMScon is still accessible on monitor power up.

    Is there a way to get xorg to reset its video settings, and how are we getting more debug messages out of xorg these days? 
    (not any kind of emergency as everything is "working")
    when I power off my monitor for a few minutes xorg goes completely black.
    I can switch to other TTYs and start a second xorg from there
    When I try to get back to the original TTY that xorg's still black.
    these messages show up on the second TTY
    <code>[34181.758006] [drm:si_dpm_set_power_state [radeon]] *ERROR* si_restrict_performance_levels_before_switch failed
    [34181.835519] [drm:radeon_dp_link_train [radeon]] *ERROR* displayport link status failed
    [34181.835526] [drm:radeon_dp_link_train [radeon]] *ERROR* clock recovery failed
    [34181.838937] [drm:radeon_dp_link_train [radeon]] *ERROR* displayport link status failed
    [34181.838942] [drm:radeon_dp_link_train [radeon]] *ERROR* clock recovery failed</code>
    nothing looks relevant in
    these messages also show up if I turn off the monitor when positioned on a console, but the console is still accessible on monitor power up.
    none of these show up if I turn off the monitor when positioned on a KMScon, and the KMScon is still accessible on monitor power up.

  • [AMD] Overclocking Neo4 Issues

    Let me first start by saying I read the last thread on this topic, and thought it was a little too childish. Maybe we can start over and try to actually get some things fixed?
    I replaced my last system (Athlon XP-M at 2.5ghz) with this new one, and even though clock speeds could touch 2.7 on my XP-M, this is still much much faster. Here's what I got:
    Athlon 64 3000+ Retail Box
    MSI K8N Neo 4 Plat. SLI
    2x512 Kingston Valueram 3200+ CAS 3, 3, 3, 8 1T
    Thermaltake Purepower 480Watt TWV
    Thermaltake Tsunami Dream Case with 2 120mm, 1 80mm Fans
    eVGA Geforce 6600GT at 550 core, 1100 RAM
    I've got to say, once I start playing with this board, the worst thing to me became aparent, and my topic is this:
    When I went to 220mhz FSB, it stops working. OK I understand it's a problem that they'll fix eventually. That's fine. But does everyone have to push the CMOS clear button everytime it locks because of overclocked values? Personally, that button it pretty hard to get to when 3 of the 4 SATA's are occupied down there. My old board would just reboot at low settings and ask you to look at them then try again. Even the MSI K7N2Delta-ILSR would do that.
    Secondly, I would love to see some higher vCore settings, and maybe not so much the +X% adjustment. I usually run at 1.450, with 3.3% added, but clockgen and whatnot only can set the voltage to 1.450. Sometimes I'd rather have it boot up at 1.350 and then up it when I get to a game.
    As for the bitching about this board's overclocking oportunities:
    I never expected to get very good numbers with Valueram at $60 a stick. Not even a matched pair. I read somewhere that Nforce 4's overclock better with the RAM in the 3 and 4 sockets, and it seems to be the truth. These bad boys run at DDR 433 all day, and DDR 440 sometimes. My best PCMark was 4935, here's the link:
    That's with the board running at 300mhz FSB, 200mhz DDR, 2.5ghz CPU, plus or minus 10mhz. Anyways, I saw this board hit over 310mhz FSB, which is just freaking awesome. Once these couple of BIOS things get worked out, it'll be king. Props to MSI for making a kick-butt board.
    Arguably the best features of this setup are the ability to throw just about anything you want at it. At night I run at 800mhz and 1.0 volt. I wake up and it's at 2.4ghz. That is freaking awesome.
    Anyone playing with Linux on this out there? How about 64-bit Windows drivers for the sound? Just a couple of little things that are also out there.

    Using 220 my MAX limit would be 7040mb/s, but at 92% efficiency I was getting 6300mb/s. Changing to PC4400 and my max would by 8800mb/s, but at 80% efficicency I get around 7000mb/s. That's an improvement of only 700 mb/s, or 11%!
    So true...I found that performance was as good as (if not better) in a number of instances with slower, cheaper RAM clocked at 231 MHz (divider used) @ CL2-3-3-6 than expensive, "fast" RAM clocked at 273 MHz (no divider) @ bandwidth only went from ~6400 to about ~7100, which was not enough to make up for the performance hit caused by the much slower timings. 
    I'd say only go for high performance RAM if you can afford the kind that is *both* low latency and high clock speed...and even then, running synchronously at a high FSB probably won't offer the performance gain that all the hype says it does.  I'm running my new RAM with a divider again so that I can push more aggressive timings on it and keep it competitive with the old stuff, but even at 264 MHz @ CL2.5-3-4-6 it only just barely performs better than my previous RAM in most instances (but at least it no longer performs worse than it in any instance).

  • Issue with AMD/ATI 11-3 driver and Photoshop on Windows.

    The latest AMD/ATI drivers for Radeon HD cards (4xxx, 5xxx, and 6xxx series), 11-3, breaks Normal and Advanced OpenGL modes in Photoshop on Windows.
    Note that this does not occur with 11-1 or 11-2 drivers on the same system. We recommend you stick with 11-1 or 11-2 until this problem is addressed.
    We're working with AMD on the issue and there should be a driver update very soon. hotoshop_on_windows?utm_content=topic_link&utm_medium=email&utm_source=new_topic

    Thank you for the follow-through, Jeffrey.
    Any idea what went wrong, specifically (asking as an OpenGL-based Photoshop plug-in software developer)?

  • TS3212 i.m having issues with reinstalling my says that my apple mobile device faild to start and will not go any further

    i'm having issues with reinstalling my says that my apple mobile device faild to start and will not go any further

    Hey there CrazyTC,
    It sounds like you are unable to re install iTunes because the Apple Mobile Device service failed to start. Try restarting it with the following article:
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows
    Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Close iTunes and disconnect the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
    Click the Windows Start button .
    In the Start Search field type Services.
    In the Programs section of the search results, Click "Services".
    Select Apple Mobile Device and click Stop the service as shown below:
    After the service has stopped, click Start the service.
    After the Apple Mobile Device service has started again, open iTunes and connect the device.
    Then if the issue is resolved, set the service to start Automatically with the same article.
    If it is still not working, use these steps from the same article to completely uninstall iTunes and its associated applications and install a fresh copy.
    Remove and reinstall iTunes and AMDS
    If the issue continues after restarting AMDS, then you'll need to remove and reinstall AMDS and iTunes.
    Completely uninstall AMDS, iTunes, and all Apple software. Click the appropriate links below for steps:
    Windows XP
    Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    Restart the computer.
    Download and install (or reinstall) the latest version of iTunes from Installing iTunes will also install AMDS.
    Restart the computer.
    Start iTunes and connect the device. It should be recognized properly in Windows.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

  • AMD 8750M Video Card and Windows 10

    Is Windows 10 really not compatible with the AMD 8750M Video Card and the version (1/21/2004) driver? Or does AMD need to issue a driver update? Thank you

    And if you will turn 8750m off via bios, you might get this issue where you can't turn it ON!here the link to the topic:

  • My Adobe Premiere Pro 2014 shutdown on startup.

         i just downloaded Adobe premiere pro 2014 and after i lunch it, it stays there for a second until i select an old project or create a new one and after that it shut down. I have reinstalled my AMD latest driver but its still shut down.  Adobe Media Encoder works fine.
    Please help me.
    Windows 8 64Bit operating system
    Intel i5 processor
    4GB of Ram
    Asus AMD R9 270X Graphic Card.
    Please help me.

    My issue have been fixed. i found this comment on a website.
    Carefully follow the instructions in readme.txt file
    delete these folders before installing
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SLCache
    Works like a charm...
    I am on windows 8.1 professional x64
    It resolved my issue

  • LR 6/CC GPU accelaration makes healing brush slow?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm happy with my CC abo and LR6 so far. The GPU support improves the responsiveness and is awesome. But I also noticed that cloning/healing brushes are MUCH SLOWER with enabled GPU support. Especially then drawing a line or so it's super fast. Then I'm disabling the GPU it's noticeable faster.
    My system configuration:
    - Intel i5-2500 @3,3GHz
    - AMD R9 270X with driver 14.12
    - 16 GB RAM
    - LR on SSD, catalog and RAW files on a separate SSD
    I know that the CPU is not the freshest but the system is working fine and in Photoshop I have no performance problems, so updating the system is not on a high priority at the moment.
    Can someone else confirm my observations? Suggestions are welcome and some Adobe statement (further GPU improvements in the next couple months as CC updates) too.
    Thanks and regards,

    i noticed that even with my 980GTX the image preview needs a second for updating.
    first i see a noisy image and then the preview is updated and the noise is gone.
    with LR 5.7 i never noticed this.
    the really annoying thing is.... it happens for images where the preview is already rendered.
    i never had issues with the slider perfromance in past versions.
    but the library modul was not the fastest (so to speak)... try photo mechanics and you will notice the difference.
    overall... even with having a 980GTX i am not impressed by what is called "the major feature" of this release.

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