American English not a dictionary option?!

I'm new to iWork and trying to do simple things. But I can't find American English as an option for the dictionary! I am a Brit in France producing a big document for an American audience. So ideally I want British English as my default on the computer but American English for iPages (or at least for this document). Can anyone help?

In Inspector > Text > More > Language you need to set it to English.

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    * You can see which dictionary is selected if you right-click in a text area and open the Languages submenu.
    * Open the "Add Dictionaries" link to install a dictionary if you do not have one.
    * Make sure that [X] "Check Spelling" in the right-click context menu is check-marked.
    You can enable or disable spell checking globally:
    * Tools > Options > Advanced : General: Browsing: "Check my spelling as I type"
    You can look here for dictionaries:
    See also:

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    Tom Gewecke wrote:
    Go to system prefs/international/languages and move British English to the top of the list (use the Edit button if necessary).
    Yeah. It was the first place I looked. The /languages says ‘English’ - not British-English or US-English. Just ‘English’. There are no options.
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    Kindly suggest how to submit request with default language as 'American English' in other language sessions (Ex: Arabic).
    R12: 12.1.3
    The issue is we created function using 'arabic' text in it, which runs perfect in the english session, but doesnt gets value in the arabic session.
    So we decided to make the submit request with default language as 'American English'.
    Below is the function. Kindly note that SEGMENT1 is not linked to any valueset.
        INTO V_DAYS
          FROM (
      --            NVL(SEGMENT5, 'تجاوز') Late_type,
      --             SEGMENT1 NOTES,
      --            ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,
    WHEN NVL(SEGMENT5,'تجاوز') not in ( 'تجاوز' ,'إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment1 not in ('إجازة غير مدفوعة') THEN 0
    --WHEN SEGMENT1  like 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' THEN
    --TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    --TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') +1
    when segment1 not in('بدل نقدي','إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment4 is null then
    TRUNC(to_date(ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,'DD/MM/RRRR'))- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')-1 
    when segment1 in('إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment4 is null then
    TRUNC(to_date(ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,'DD/MM/RRRR'))- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
    WHEN SEGMENT1 <> 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  <
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') 
    THEN 0
      WHEN SEGMENT1 <> 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  <=1
    THEN 0
    WHEN SEGMENT1 like  '%بدل نقدي%' then 0
               -- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  
      WHEN SEGMENT1 like '%إجازة سنوية%' and segment5 in( 'إجازة غير مدفوعة','تجاوز')and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  >=2
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -1
    WHEN SEGMENT1 like '%إجازة حج%' and segment5 in('إجازة غير مدفوعة','تجاوز') and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  >=2
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -1
    when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')<=1
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
    when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND SEGMENT5 NOT IN('تجاوز','إجازة غير مدفوعة') AND
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')>=2
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')+1
    when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND SEGMENT5  IN('تجاوز','إجازة غير مدفوعة') AND
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')>=2
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
               EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))  <>
               EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) 
       TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') -
       TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') - 2
            to_char(to_date(SUBSTR(SEGMENT3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/YYYY') =
            to_char(to_date(SUBSTR(SEGMENT4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/YYYY')
            THEN  0
    EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))= 31
         TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
      TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')-1
    --------------------------------------------when enddate is NULL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- WHEN segment3 IS NULL THEN round(TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    --  TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR'))
    WHEN segment3 IS NULL THEN ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 30) +
             (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))
    -----***********************************when segment1**********************************--------------------------
    WHEN SEGMENT1  like '%صادف%' THEN ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 0) +
             (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))
        EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) =
        EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))
          ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 30) +
           (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))-1
             ELSE 0
             END )EXCD_DAYS
                   PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F         PPF,
                    PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE PPPS,
                   PER_PERSON_ANALYSES      T ,
                   fnd_id_flex_structures_vl f
                 WHERE 1 = 1
               AND PPF.PERSON_ID = T.PERSON_ID
               and ppps.PERSON_ID=ppf.person_id(+)
              and   ppps.ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE           BETWEEN  ppf.effective_start_date and nvl(ppf.effective_end_date, to_date('31/12/4712', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
              -- AND C.ID_FLEX_NUM = 50318
               and c.id_flex_num = f.id_flex_num
        AND f.id_flex_code = 'PEA' 
          and f.ID_FLEX_STRUCTURE_NAME =  'XX_Old_Leave_Details'
        AND PPF.person_id = P_PERSON_ID
    AND T.DATE_FROM>=( select
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(xx.global_value, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
    ff_globals_f xx
    and substr(c.segment1,1,10)>=
               select substr(xx.global_value,1,10)
    ff_globals_f xx
      RETURN NVL(V_DAYS, 0);
        RETURN 0;
    Thanks in Advance.

    Dear All,
    I found the solution for the above function.
    In the same function I removed the static arabic values replacing with code values from the value set.
    In my scenario there is a value set where some of these values exists, and other we can add there.
    Kindly let me know if someone was successful by using the arabic text in the coding and defaulting the language in conc prog as English.
    Thanks a lot.

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    I tried deleting Service book and resending it is not working..
    I took backup and then Wiped the Handel, restored the backup. Still no luck..
    Pl advice. Thx
    My carrier is LoopMobile

    Only some mail? Most likely that email not giving you that option was enabled by the service book(s) you deleted.
    Try sending your Service Books again.
    On your BlackBerry device, go to:
    1. Options > Advanced > Host Routing Table > Menu > Register.
    2. Resend your service books from your carrier BIS site:
    From your handheld device:
    Go to the Personal Email Set Up icon and log in. Then under Help!, select Service Books, then select Send service Books.
    From your desktop PC:
    North American Carriers - scroll down to select your carrier
    WorldWide Carriers - Find your carrier on the list
    3. With the BlackBerry device powered ON, remove the battery a few seconds and then reinsert the battery to reboot. This reboot, even if you have already done this, is often needed to install the service books.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
    Join our BBM Channels (Beta)
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    PIN: C0001B7B4   Display/Scan Bar Code
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  • System Spell Checker 'stuck' on American English

    Running OS X 10.8.3.
    I have my language settings set to Australian English. How ever, when typing in system applications such as Mail, or Notes, the OS X System Spell checker is spell checking based on American English.
    For example;
    when typing an email, it picks up the word "colour" as being spelt incorrectly (with the squiggly red line under the word).
    Amerian English = Color
    Australian English = Colour
    Please see attached pics where i have Australian English set.
    Trouble Shooting I have tried;
    • verifying & repairing priveliges
    • resetting P-RAM
    • change language to American English, restarting, setting to Australian English, restarting
    Spoke to AppleCare, they basically ended up telling me to re-install the OS.
    Any input or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

    blakkas wrote:
    This was already set to Australian English. See my first picture attached in original post.
    Sorry, missed that.
    I can't duplicate your problem:
    Perhaps try setting up a new user account and see if the problem persists when you are logged into that.

  • Difference International English/North American English

    When I recently re-installed Mac OS 9 and downloaded the updates, I wondered (again) what's the difference between the International English and North American English versions. Are there just some spelling differences? Or are there other changes as well? Encryption software that may not be exported, or something along that line?

    I did pick up an OS9.2.1 retail CD when in the US a few years ago (as I didn't have an OS9.2.1 retail CD at home in the UK - my PBG4 came with OS9.1 and my PMG4 with OS9.2.2). Installed it on my old PBG3 when I got home and found it to be a lot more different that just keyboard layouts. Too different from the International English version for me to want to stick with it, I reinstalled OS8.6 on the PBG3.
    Don't ask me about other differences, it had a totally different "feel" about it, and it wasn't on long enough for me to document what was different. I do remember that all my OS update downloads wouldn't work, ie. my International English OS9.2.2 was useless.

  • Why do Americans think that American English is English?

    Hi, I've managed to change my basic English to British English (I am in Australia and it's the closest). Why does my iphone still think that British English spells organisation with a z?? This really annoys me, I'm not American and don't use American English.

    I have no problem with that, I believe the closest to the original 18th Century English is in Nova Scotia which is close to 18th Century Cornish (I seem to remember). .
    English has always changed rapidly, that is a strength of the Language, however that is not the issue here.
    The issue is that in England, the English are referred to as English and sometimes as British but never as British-English. It does not seem unreasonable to be able to call your own language by its name withou an externally enforced label.
    We don't distinguish French as spoken in France (as opposed to Canada or various African nations) be referring to it is "Francais Francais". It is just Francais because that is what they speak in France.

  • Japanese-English SAP terms dictionary

    Do any of you maintain some sort of SAP English-Japanese  terms dictionary?
    Does SAP provide this?
    We are working on Japanese documents and find it difficult to map it to standard SAP terms so we have difficulties in understanding.
    Some thing like Sales Area, Purchasing Organization should have their counterpart in Japanese.

    Not sure if SAP has this or not but you can try translator from

Maybe you are looking for

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    Acrobat XI Pro for Mac  (Mac OS X  10.10) 1) What Error Code 1 mean? 2) Cannot  un-install Acrobat XI Pro, and re-install. Need help. Thank you.

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