An addendum to Scrolling text problem

Please, if anyone knows some basic component stuff, I'm
really stuck, and I don't know why. When I add a UI scrollbar to
the side of my text field, it appears without the scrolling arrows.
It will work horizontally at the top of the text field, but not
while anchored to the side. I need to find out how to create a
vertical-scrolling text field, either with the scrollbar component,
or Actionscript. I am a beginner, but I have been trying different
things for a couple of hours now. Please, any suggestions would
Thanks for your time.

You need to hit the return key to create a new line.

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    TextAreas suck in general, this has been discussed many time in the forum. As a duct-tape fix, you might play around with setCaretPosition() after inserting your new text. Good luck

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    That video is accurate. After you paste the content frame into the container frame, select the container frame (not the content frame), and then the Scrollable Frames option should appear in the Overlays panel when you scroll down.

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    Render Settings - Motion Blur Samples: 8; Shutter Angle: 360; Output Antialiasing Method: Best
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    My first guess would be the font itself. Geneva is a pretty thin font and it's not likely to look good interlaced and on a TV. Can you try a thicker font?
    I'd also turn off Field Rendering. It looked much worse with it on than off. Keep Frame Blending though.

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    Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 & 16 GB Ram 
    Final Cut Pro Quit Unexpectedly
    Process:         Final Cut Pro [4123]
    Path:            /Applications/Final Cut Cut Pro
    Version:         10.1 (238755)
    Build Info:      ProEditor-23875005025000000~5
    App Item ID:     424389933
    App External ID: 223682791
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [175]
    Responsible:     Final Cut Pro [4123]
    User ID:         501
    Date/Time:       2013-12-28 12:37:04.233 -0500
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  E080EF73-4EC7-F729-7343-2C37817936C6

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    10--is this possible?

    Well, I decided to have the most current information at the
    top of the display. For instance, if it were a chat, the most
    current chat info would be on top instead of on bottom. That fixed
    the problem adequately.

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    Thanks in advance! :-)

    check out the overflow:scroll command in the css - I'm not sure how this works with grids, however - but it could be a starting point....
    hope this helps

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    Note: The problem seems to have fixed itself. I do not know what the problem was, but I was messing around with the text and I noticed the missing lines were back. If anybody knows what the problem was, or wants to contribute to this post, please do so.
    Contact: jomskylark [AT] gmail [DOT] com
    Message was edited by: sky_lark

  • Flicker on Scrolling Text

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    The movie was encoded and burned all with up-to-date Apple software. The text is san-serif and plenty large enough.
    Thank you,

    Yeah, I know what you mean.
    You using the Scrolling Text from FCP or in Live Type?
    My experiences using Scrolling Text from Video Generators>Text>Scrolling Text from FCP hasn't been too great. To minimize the flicker, I drop a de-interlace filter on the text, and that seems to help a bit.
    Another thing that I do is keyframe individual texts (created in either FCP or Live Type), and fake the scroll that way. FCP or Motion can do this.
    And I've been wanting to try this, but haven't yet. Create a Photoshop document with the dimensions of the width of the video screen (720 Pixels Wide for DV) and make it as long as it needs to be. Be sure to have a transparent background, and begin laying out the text as you want it. then import it into FCP. Keyframe the .psd to make it scroll how you want it.
    Don't know if those will help, but those are things that I do.
    Quad G5, Coded Named: Mistress   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

  • Horizontal Scroll Text

    I found a cool new font and would like to scroll text like a
    news ticker. I have created my dynamic text box, set it up the way
    i want the text to look, and set it to scroll. I know how to write
    the code for a vertical scroll, how would i set it up to scroll
    the text in the text box wants to set itself up as vertical
    lines instead of horizontally as well. How can i change that?
    Thanks for the help.

    Here's some code for a horizontal text scroller I just threw
    horizontal_txt.autoSize = "left";
    horizontal_txt.text = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of
    the printing and
    typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's
    standard dummy
    text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a
    galley of type and
    scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived
    not only five
    centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting,
    essentially unchanged.";
    var intervalId:Number;
    function scrollMe():Void {
    horizontal_txt._x -=20;
    if (horizontal_txt._x <= -horizontal_txt.textWidth) {
    horizontal_txt._x = 550;
    intervalId = setInterval(this, "scrollMe", 100);
    Basically, I'm just moving the text box -20 pixels in the _x
    position each
    time the function is called (you can mask it if you'd like).
    Once it determines that the inverse of the width of the text
    in the textbox
    is less than or equal to it's _x position, it resets the
    textbox back to the
    right edge of the play area.
    To test, just make a dynamic, single line textbox named
    horizontal_txt and
    place it at 550 on the stage.
    You could get more sophisticated and have an array of news
    that it cycles
    through, and have it pause if the mouse of over, etc. I'm
    sure you've seen
    those things before.
    Anyway...let me know if you have any problems implementing.
    - Chris

  • Scroll text in layers stack...

    I got problem with scrolling text in layers stack. Is there some solution?

    You can bring your Animation to webdynpro by using a UI element Called <b>IFRAME</b>
    Create a context attribute with the type
    Create a UI element called
    your Image/Animation file in you Project Path
    Set the
    of your file in the context attribute
    the context attribute to the source  property of ur iframe
    For More Information please visit this Link,
    <b>Ramganesan K</b>

  • "Set the text of member" stutters scroll text...

    I have a presentation with some text members and a scroll
    The scroll text is scrolled like this:
    if scrollMessageActive = "True" then
    scrollPos = scrollPos + scrollSpeed
    if scrollPos >= member ("TXT_ScrollMessage").height -
    Sprite(52).height then
    scrollpos = 0
    end if
    member ("TXT_ScrollMessage").scrollTop = scrollPos
    end if
    This is scrolling fluently as long as I don't change any of
    the other
    text members. If I do so, the scroll message starts to
    stutter - looks
    line the update of the texts takes too much time.
    Is there a solution for this?

    Changing the text of a member is a reasonable thing to do.
    You could
    also just change members. The problem is most likely in the
    way that you
    are doing the changing.
    If you are running a repeat loop then the that will stop
    everything else
    that is going on in your movie. In Lingo, repeat loops don't
    simultaneously, they take over and stop every other Lingo
    action until
    they have finished.
    If you post your code, it might be possible to suggest an
    Rob Dillon
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Green shadows when scrolling text after calibration

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    What happens is that when the screen is correctly calibrated I get annoying green shadows when I'm scrolling text. This actually happens whenever there's a "moving-high contrast" situation (for example, if i'm opening a folder and screen pixels change luminance quickly) and of course in a multitude of different applications.
    I also uploaded a video to youtube to show the situation.
    As you may notice, when I choose the standard color profile (uncalibrated) the behavior disappears (0:32 in the video). When I revert to the calibrated profile it comes back.
    I think something might be wrong with my screen (which, by the way, is out of its applecare warranty since two weeks ago...).

    Does this still happen if you run Firefox in Safe Mode?
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window or otherwise make changes.

  • N8 Internet Radio no scrolling text since Belle up...

    Since I have updated my N8 to Nokia Belle (v.111.030.0609) the scrolling information text no longer functions in Nokia Internet Radio v.3.05(0). It scrolled song titles etc on each station screen and within the widget. I have tried deleting and reinstalling the app but still no scrolling text. 
    Any advice of how to solve the problem of the missing text would be very much appreciated.

    romatou18 wrote:
    Hi Guys,
    Funny AND very revealing of the current change of politics in Nokia:
    Yesterday I wanted to find a safe way, using small roads therefore,  to commute to work by bike, using NOKIA Maps on my N8 running Belle. I thought I’d use waypoints on the route to make it easy to choose small auxiliary roads. And oooooh surprise ! a bad surprise : the route points feature has disappeared ! then I look deeper and the useful weather, or Michelin, travel advisor widgets have disappeared too !
    So my question, more general than just specific points i.e route points in maps or Artists name in Internet Radio, Is Mr Nokia making a fool of their users by providing a shinny brand new system, Symbian Belle, but with a decreasing software quality ???!!!
    I will place an enquiry on that to the Dev team of Maps too, but I’m seriously upset, I just invested in a new Nokia not because they are sooo much better but because I believe in Made in Finland == made in Europe (minimum relocation) + free software politics unlike apple ie Nokia maps etc…
    But seriously now, Im just tempted to selle my Nokia and buy an Android phone on which I’ll buy a proper GPS or use a free one.
    Last but Not least I tried installing Google Maps (latest version 4.1.1) that crashed at every attempts after about 2 seconds running… Utterly upsetting !
    Is Symbian Belle so good then ???? 
    Route points did get removed (for whatever reason) in maps 3.08, but has been reintroduced in the current Beta version which is available at, which also includes the guides. Also available is a homescreen weather widget at (you would need maps suite 2 installed first). My experience of these Beta apps is that they are stable but it's up to you whether you choose to install or wait until they complete testing and get released.
    There does seem to be an issue with Google maps, in that WiFi must be enabled even if not connected in order for it to run. Hopefully Google will release an update.
    I'm also considering getting rid of my N8, but only because the 808 looks so good. Belle may not be perfect, but if there was a way to hack my android tablet in order to get belle running on it, I would do so
    N8-00 pc059C9F6 Belle
    808 PureView pc059P6W5

  • Quality of scrolling text

    I am entering a contest that only allows for 250mb max. When I look at the scrolling text in the film once the movie has been uploaded to the contest's website, it looks pretty bad. Can I alter any of the expert settings above (or not mentioned) to specifically increase the quality and appearance of the scrolling text?
    I compressed the movie using expert settings:
    Movie to Quicktime Movie
    VIDE0: H. 264, Quality: best, encoding mode: multi pass; dimensions: 320x240, scale: letterbox
    AUDIO: Format ACC; sample rate: 32,000kHz, Channels: stereo (L R); bit rate: 80 Kbps
    FAST START (Prepare for Internet Streaming).

    If that's the only problem, another option is to use a thicker, san serif font like Arial so there's less to degrade during the video compression process.
    If they allow Flash or DivX formats, both of those can be high quality but small file size.

Maybe you are looking for

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