An annoying little "Writing tags ... " problem

Has any one else run across this problem? I try to edit track information for any mp3 or mp4 by right clicking the title and using the Get Info tab. A popup window with the tabs SUMMARY INFO VIDEO SORTING OPTIONS LYRICS ARTWORK appears. I try editing one field, like adding my own album art, or changing or adding a composer or genre and iTunes takes upwards of 2 minutes "Writing tags ..." for each track. Has anyone experienced this problem? Is there a known work around? Is there a config file somewhere that I can do a batch edit?
as always TIA .... JON

This method did not work for me.
I have used iWeb for my business' website since I can do it myself for MUCH cheaper than paying someone. However, these white lines make a professional image impossible.
This is not the kind of problem I would expect from Apple. I am considering returning my iLife software (even though I know they won't let me) because it's defective. I've even tried reinstalling it... didn't work.
Sometimes the resizing will work for me but most of the times it won't. Please help.

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    This topic has been moved to Operating Systems.
    [Athlon64] Annoying little problem! PLease help

    Hi Ben.
    Thank you very much vor your replay
    but I still can get it
    Here the code
    on testAlphaChannels sourceImage, cNewWidth, cNewHeight,
    newImage = image(cNewWidth, cNewHeight, 32)
    newImage.useAlpha = FALSE
    newAlphaImage = image(cNewWidth, cNewHeight, 8)
    repeat with i=1 to pRects.count
    newImage.copyPixels(sourceImage, destRect, pRects
    newAlphaImage.copyPixels(cSourceAlphaImage, destRect,
    end repeat
    newImage.useAlpha = TRUE
    textMember = new(#bitmap)
    But the result is not correct. O my example
    image to the left is
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    code above
    What is wrong in the code, I quoted above?
    Any help will be appreciated
    "duckets" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ekhekq$c6g$[email protected]..
    > I think this is what you'll have to do:
    > Do the copypixels command as per your 2nd result example
    (where "no
    > image is used") using destImage.useAlpha = false.
    > Create a new image as a blank alpha channel image (8
    bit, #greyscale)
    > Repeat the same copypixels commands for each number, but
    this time the
    > image is 'sourceAlphaImage', and the dest Image is this
    new alpha image.
    > the crucial part, use: [#ink:#darkest] for these
    operations. This is
    > you are merging greyscale images which represent the
    alpha channels of
    > letter. The darker parts are more opaque, and the
    lighter parts are more
    > transparent, so you always want to keep the darkest
    pixels with each
    > command.
    > hope this helps!
    > - Ben

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    Pages treat table cells as a _*TEXT BOX*_
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    2. _*Select all*_ on your table
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    Obviously you are one of the fortunate ones who has never had to deal with the dreaded little box with an X in it!
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    because they were probably getting *SEA SICK TOO* trying to get some work done
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    ( I miss my Östermalmstorg FIKA in the afternoon)
    Big Al

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    Thank you for your answer.
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    Is there a way of speeding this up.

    I still have this issue as well (I posted a previous thread with about the same response you got here). I'm ripping my DVD collection to an external drive to play through my xBox360 and although I don't get 30 minutes, it's at least 10-15 minutes.
    The goofy thing is once I change one attribute and after the beach ball goes away, I can change all other attributes instantly.
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    I REALLY hope Apple addresses this sometime soon.

  • Writing Tags

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    I have been writing tags for my tv shows. Sometimes they show up in Apple tv and sometimes they don't. Is there a way to get them to always show up.
    Newly added shows should show up immediately in the tv show list on the tv when viewed by date, peculiarly if the show is a show that you don't already have previous listings for, you will need to disconnect your library (choose another source) and reconnect to it before the show will show up under tv shows when listed by show and not date.
    Also make sure you are adding data to the correct fields in the info window.
    I have two series of the same show both starting with a W but they are not appearing alphabetically on my itunes. Is there a way round this one.
    In itunes you can sort your media in many ways, to list shows alphabetically by show, click on the heading 'show', if you want to list them by episode name for example click on the heading "name"
    Message was edited by: Winston Churchill

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    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for giving it a shot. No its not something that happens after a while. It happens right away. I dont know what it is. Tomorrow in the morning I will revert back to the old font and see if I have a problem or not. It is rather weird. I dont remember experiencing this before. Would you suggest I do a clean install of JDeveloper?

  • Simple annoying little problem..

    Alright - I'm getting the class, interface, enum expected error. I really don't see how, everything is bracketed correctly: it was JUST working fine and I dunno what I did to get this error. Any help is appreciated
    public class JBank extends JFrame implements ActionListener
        private static double totalMoney = 0;
        private static final String BANK_MENUITEM = "Bank";
        private static final String NEW_ACCT_MENUITEM = "New Account";
        private static final String OPEN_ACCT_MENUITEM = "Open Account";
        private static final String DELETE_ACCT_MENUITEM = "Delete Account";
        private static final String TRANSFER_ACCT_MENUITEM = "Account transfer";
        private static final String WITHDRAW_ACCT_MENUITEM = "Withdraw Funds";
        public static void main(String args[])
            new JBank();
        public JBank()
            //Login First
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0)
            String command = arg0.getActionCommand();
            if (command.equals(BANK_MENUITEM))
                title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
            else if (command.equals(NEW_ACCT_MENUITEM))
            else if (command.equals(OPEN_ACCT_MENUITEM))
                title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
            else if (command.equals(DELETE_ACCT_MENUITEM))
                title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
            else if (command.equals(TRANSFER_ACCT_MENUITEM))
                title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
            else if (command.equals(OVERVIEW_ACCT_MENUITEM))
                title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
            else if (command.equals(LOGIN_BUTTON))
                Scanner loginFile = null;
                String currentFileLoginName;
                triedLogin = loginField.getText();
                   loginFile = new Scanner(new FileInputStream("logins.txt"));
                   currentFileLoginName = loginFile.nextLine();
                   if  (processLogin(currentFileLoginName, triedLogin, loginFile)) //Send Logins&File | Return boolean
                       loginFile.close(); //Close File
                       loginFrame.dispose();//Close frame
                       getUserInfo(); //Get user's account info
                       mainFrame(); //Show main window
                       break; //Login true. Break out of while loop
                  while (loginFile.hasNextLine() == true);
                catch(FileNotFoundException e)
                    System.out.println("Internal Error");
            else if (command.equals(REGISTER_BUTTON))
            else if (command.equals(NEW_USER_REGISTER_BUTTON))
                if (checkFields() == false)
            else if (command.equals(CHECKING_RADIO_BUTTON))
                savingsSelected = false;
                checkingSelected = true;
                retirementSelected = false;
            else if (command.equals(SAVINGS_RADIO_BUTTON))
                savingsSelected = true;
                checkingSelected = false;
                retirementSelected = false;
            else if(command.equals(RETIREMENT_RADIO_BUTTON))
                savingsSelected = false;
                checkingSelected = false;
                retirementSelected = true;
            else if (command.equals(NEW_ACCT_OK_BUTTON))
                double doubleInitialMoney = Double.parseDouble(initialMoneyField.getText());
                if (savingsSelected)
                    currentUserAccount.deposit("savings", doubleInitialMoney);
                else if (checkingSelected)
                    currentUserAccount.deposit("checking", doubleInitialMoney);}           
                else if (retirementSelected)
                    currentUserAccount.deposit("retirement", doubleInitialMoney);
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No account type selected");
        private void loginFrame() //Right here is where it's saying class expected
            loginFrame.setTitle("JBank -- Login Required");
            JTextField login = new JTextField("User ID");
            JTextField password = new JTextField("Password");
            loginFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2));
            //Button Panel
            JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
            buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,0));
            JButton okButton = new JButton("Login");
            JButton register = new JButton("Register");
            //Text Panel
            JPanel textPanel = new JPanel();
            textPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,0));
            JLabel userIDLabel = new JLabel("User ID:");
            JLabel passwordLabel = new JLabel("Password:");
            loginField = new JTextField(14);
            passwordField = new JPasswordField(14);

    pls check the code below.I've commented the lines tht i think is causing the problem
      else if (command.equals(NEW_ACCT_OK_BUTTON))
                double doubleInitialMoney = Double.parseDouble(initialMoneyField.getText());
                if (savingsSelected)
                    currentUserAccount.deposit("savings", doubleInitialMoney);
                else if (checkingSelected)
                    currentUserAccount.deposit("checking", doubleInitialMoney);}    // two closing braces 
                }           // now did u really mean this??    
                else if (retirementSelected)
                    currentUserAccount.deposit("retirement", doubleInitialMoney);
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No account type selected");

  • ITunes not writing tag info to file

    Recently iTunes hasn't been writing the tag info to the mp3 files when I import a new cd. I've never had a problem with this until recently.
    I'm using iTunes 6.0.5 on a Intel Mini 1.66 with OS 10.4.6. When I insert a new disc it shows the proper track, artist, album, etc info. It titles the tracks correctly and puts them in my iTunes library correctly. However, when I check the tag info in MediaRage it shows nothing! I don't think it's a problem with MediaRage because I tried to import the cds on my Powerbook and they import fine.
    I discovered this when I recently needed to reformat my music harddrive. When I copied the files back into iTunes a bunch of tracks came up as unknown artist and album. When I checked them furhter I found they were the last 6 or 7 cds I had imported. So they went into iTunes initially with the correct info, but the tag info hadn't been written, so when I reimported them iTunes organized them into the unknown folder.
    I've been able to work around this by using the convert id3 tags command immediately after importing a new cd. Then all the info shows up correctly in MediaRage. But I shouldn't have to do this extra step! I've updated to the latest version of iTunes in case the last version was corrupted somehow. That didn't help. I've looked for the iTunes preferences file but can't find it.
    So sorry for the long ramble but I've searched everywhere and can't find a solution or even anyone else mentioning this problem.
    G4 Titanium Powerbook, Intel Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   ext WD 320gb

    It's difficult to say what's causing this problem, although at this moment in time there still seem to be a lot of bugs with various software when running on Intel-based Macs.
    Unfortunately, for some odd reason, iTunes writes ID3 v. 2.2 tags by default rather than the more acceptable v. 2.3 (or even 2.4). You might try ripping your CDs with Max using the provided (LAME) MP3 encoder. You should get more accurate rips to start with (using the paranoia ripper), and the highest qualtiy MP3s using the superior LAME encoder. Your files will have ID3 v. 2.4 tags written to them. You can also configure Max, in its preferences, to add files directly to your iTunes library upon encoding for perfect integration with iTunes. Hopefully this will work well for you and your files will retain their metadata.

  • Two small but annoying 4.2.1 problems

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    Problem 1 is the album art. I've never had any problems with the album art. But now there are some albums for which the art displays correctly when the iPod is on, but I'm listening in standby mode and hit the Home button, all I get is my wallpaper. The really weird thing is that this is happening ONLY to albums which I've tagged and added album art in iTunes SINCE THE 4.2.1 UPDATE. All the albums that were already on the iPod continue to display fine in both modes.
    Problem 2 is videos tagged as TV Shows. They also always worked just fine, but since the 4.2.1 update not only can I not sort them by episode number, the iPod doesn't even seem to SEE the episode number - every video in the iPod is labeled "Episode 0". But all the info displays correctly in iTunes.
    These problems aren't the end of the world, they're just annoying. But if anyone else is having these problems and knows how to correct them (or at least if they've been seen elsewhere and are being addressed by Apple) I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

    Hi there,
    I've got a 3G 16GB and seem to have a similar problem. I've installed 4.2.1 and my GPS is not working. Triangulation is working, but I can't get a lock with the GPS. I've done some research on the net and it seems many are experiencing this. I've tried many suggested methods to fix it but nothing is working. If you find anything out please let me know! Is triangulation working for you?

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