Animated racetrack

I am trying to create an animated race track in which odd car or balls in my case have to ride around the course. The problem is once i split the program up and create a ball class which handles the positioning of the ball color etc... it does not appear. I am able to get it to work when it is all in the one class.
If anyone could give me some pointers it would be greatly appreciated
Here is my code
//raceTrack class
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class raceTrack extends JFrame implements ActionListener
raceTrack racetrack = new raceTrack();
JButton startButton = new JButton("Start");
JButton stopButton = new JButton("Stop");
private Image offscreenImage;
private Graphics offscr;
private Graphics bufferGraphics;
private Image offScreen;
private Dimension dim;
private Ball ball[]=new Ball[1];
public raceTrack()
setSize(1024, 700);
JPanel pane = new JPanel();
BorderLayout border = new BorderLayout();
pane.add(racetrack, "Center");
JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
pane.add(buttonPanel, "South");
}//close constructor
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
{//open method
if (evt.getSource() == startButton)
private Ball ball[]=new Ball[1];
int ballCounter = -1;
++ ballCounter;
int x = 30;//1 + (int)(Math.random()*400); // startX
int y = 50;//1 + (int)(Math.random()*400); // startY
int d = (int)(Math.random()* 8); // start direction
int b = 10;// + (int)(Math.random()*40); // globe size
int z = 23; // ball speed (or use 500/b to set ball speed according to size)
String name ="Ball: " + ballCounter;
ball [ballCounter] = new Ball (x,y,d, z, b, name);
}//close action performed
}// close class
class racetrack extends JPanel implements Runnable
private Thread runner;
void playAnimation()
if (runner == null);
runner = new Thread(this);
}//end if
}//end play animation
void stopAnimation()
if (runner != null);
runner = null;
}//end if
}// end stopAnimation
public void run()
Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread();
while (runner == thisThread)
try {
}//end try
catch (InterruptedException e)
{ }//end catch
}//end run
public void paintComponent(Graphics comp)
Graphics2D comp2D = (Graphics2D)comp;
int xPos=25;
int yPos=25;
int xMove=5;
int yMove=1;
//Car cam = new Car();
//bufferGraphics.clearRect(0,0, dim.width, dim.height);
Color c = new Color(0,135,98);
comp2D.fillRect(0, 0, 400, 768);
comp2D.fillRect(400, 0, 600, 768);
comp2D.fillOval(50, 10, 580, 440);
comp2D.fillOval(140, 75, 400, 300);
comp2D.fillRect(300, 90, 100, 20);
comp2D.drawLine(700, 768, 700,0);
comp2D.drawLine(0, 500, 700,500);
setFont(new Font("century gothic",Font.BOLD, 54));
setFont(new Font("century gothic",Font.BOLD, 16));
comp2D.drawString("Car #",30,520);
comp2D.drawString("Gap to Leader",100,520);
comp2D.drawString("Lap #",250,520);
comp2D.drawString("Postion after Pit",300,520);
//this is the code for the leaderboard on the left hand side
comp2D.drawString("Car #",820,20);
//numbers along side
//*****************Ball Class****************
public class Ball extends Thread{
private int currentX;
private int currentY;
private int sleepTime;
private int direction;
private int size;
private String ballName;
private boolean started;
private int [ ] row = new int [8];
private int [ ] col = new int [8];
public Ball (int x, int y, int d, int e, int b, String name)
currentX = x;
currentY = y;
direction = d;
ballName = name;
sleepTime = e;
size = b;
row [0] = -1;
row [1] = -1;
row [2] = 0;
row [3] = 1;
row [4] = 1;
row [5] = 1;
row [6] = 0;
row [7] = -1;
col [0] = 0;
col[1] = 1;
col[2] = 1;
col[3] = 1;
col[4] = 0;
col[5] = -1;
col[6] = -1;
col[7] = -1;
started = true; } // end constructor
public void run ()
while (started)
currentX += col[direction];
if(currentX <= 0 || currentX >= 400)
changeDirection ();
currentY +=row[direction];
if(currentY <= 0 || currentY >= 400)
changeDirection ();
try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { }
} // end while
} // end run
public void setCurrentX (int x)
currentX = x;
} // end setCurrentX
public void setCurrentY (int y)
{        currentY = y;
} // end setCurrentX
public void setDirection (int d)
direction = d;
} // end method setDirection
public void setBallName (String a)
ballName = a;
} // end setBallName
public void setSize (int a)
size = a;
} // end setSize
public int getCurrentX ()
return currentX;
} // end getCurrentX
public int getCurrentY ()
return currentY;
} // end getCurrentY
public int getDirection ()
return direction;
} // end getDirection
public String getBallName ()
return ballName;
} // end threadName
public int getSize()
return size;
} // end getSize
public void changeDirection ()
// set new X direction
if (currentX <= 0 && direction == 5)
direction = 3;
if (currentX <= 0 && direction == 6)
direction = 2;
if (currentX <= 0 && direction == 7)
direction = 1;
if(currentX >= 800 && direction == 1)
direction =7;
if (currentX >= 800 && direction == 2)
direction = 6;
if (currentX >= 800 && direction == 3)
direction = 5;
// set new Y direction
if (currentY <= 0 && direction == 0)
direction = 4;
if (currentY <= 0 && direction == 1)
direction = 3;
if (currentY <= 0 && direction == 7)
direction = 5;
if(currentY >= 400 && direction == 4)
direction =0;
if (currentY >= 400 && direction == 3)
direction = 1;
if (currentY >= 400 && direction == 5)
direction = 7;
} // end changeDirection
} // end class b
///****************Driver class to run the program ******************
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class driver extends raceTrack
     // instance variables - replace the example below with your own
     public static void main (String[]args)
     JFrame racetrack=new raceTrack();

It will compile now so you can play with it and figure out what you want to do with it.
I put the main inside RaceTrack to make things easier. So use RaceTrack to compile and run this.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class RaceTrack extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    RacePanel racePanel = new RacePanel();
    JButton startButton = new JButton("Start");
    JButton stopButton = new JButton("Stop");
    private Image offscreenImage;
    private Graphics offscr;
    private Graphics bufferGraphics;
    private Image offScreen;
    private Dimension dim;
    private Ball ball[] = new Ball[1];
    public RaceTrack()
        setSize(1024, 700);
        JPanel pane = new JPanel();
        BorderLayout border = new BorderLayout();
        pane.add(racePanel, "Center");
        JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
        pane.add(buttonPanel, "South");
    }                                                      //close constructor
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
    {                                                      //open method
        if (evt.getSource() == startButton)
            int ballCounter = -1;
            ++ ballCounter;
            int x = 30;//1 + (int)(Math.random()*400);     // startX
            int y = 50;//1 + (int)(Math.random()*400);     // startY
            int d = (int)(Math.random()* 8);               // start direction
            int b = 10;// + (int)(Math.random()*40);       // globe size
            int z = 23; // ball speed (or use 500/b to set ball speed according to size)
            String name ="Ball: " + ballCounter;
            ball [ballCounter] = new Ball (x,y,d, z, b, name);
    }                                                      //close action performed
    public static void main (String[]args)
        new RaceTrack();
}                                                          // close class
class RacePanel extends JPanel implements Runnable
    private Thread runner;
    void playAnimation()
        if (runner == null);
            runner = new Thread(this);
        }                                                  //end if
    }                                                      //end play animation
    void stopAnimation()
        if (runner != null);
            runner = null;
        }                                                  //end if
    }                                                      // end stopAnimation
    public void run()
        Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread();
        while (runner == thisThread)
            }                                              //end try
            catch (InterruptedException e)
            }                                              //end catch
        }                                                  //end run
    public void paintComponent(Graphics comp)
        Graphics2D comp2D = (Graphics2D)comp;
        int xPos=25;
        int yPos=25;
        int xMove=5;
        int yMove=1;
        //Car cam = new Car();
        //bufferGraphics.clearRect(0,0, dim.width, dim.height);
        Color c = new Color(0,135,98);
        comp2D.fillRect(0, 0, 400, 768);
        comp2D.fillRect(400, 0, 600, 768);
        comp2D.fillOval(50, 10, 580, 440);
        comp2D.fillOval(140, 75, 400, 300);
        comp2D.fillRect(300, 90, 100, 20);
        comp2D.drawLine(700, 768, 700,0);
        comp2D.drawLine(0, 500, 700,500);
        setFont(new Font("century gothic",Font.BOLD, 54));
        setFont(new Font("century gothic",Font.BOLD, 16));
        comp2D.drawString("Car #",30,520);
        comp2D.drawString("Gap to Leader",100,520);
        comp2D.drawString("Lap #",250,520);
        comp2D.drawString("Postion after Pit",300,520);
        //this is the code for the leaderboard on the left hand side
        comp2D.drawString("Car #",820,20);
        //numbers along side
//*****************Ball Class****************
class Ball extends Thread
    private int currentX;
    private int currentY;
    private int sleepTime;
    private int direction;
    private int size;
    private String ballName;
    private boolean started;
    private int [ ] row = new int [8];
    private int [ ] col = new int [8];
    public Ball (int x, int y, int d, int e, int b, String name)
        currentX = x;
        currentY = y;
        direction = d;
        ballName = name;
        sleepTime = e;
        size = b;
        row [0] = -1;
        row [1] = -1;
        row [2] = 0;
        row [3] = 1;
        row [4] = 1;
        row [5] = 1;
        row [6] = 0;
        row [7] = -1;
        col [0] = 0;
        col[1] = 1;
        col[2] = 1;
        col[3] = 1;
        col[4] = 0;
        col[5] = -1;
        col[6] = -1;
        col[7] = -1;
        started = true;
    } // end constructor
    public void run ()
        while (started)
            currentX += col[direction];
            if(currentX <= 0 || currentX >= 400)
                changeDirection ();
            currentY +=row[direction];
           if(currentY <= 0 || currentY >= 400)
               changeDirection ();
           try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); }
           catch (InterruptedException e) { }
        }                                              // end while
    }                                                  // end run
    public void setCurrentX (int x)
        currentX = x;
    }                                                  // end setCurrentX
    public void setCurrentY (int y)
        currentY = y;
    }                                                  // end setCurrentX
    public void setDirection (int d)
        direction = d;
    }                                                  // end method setDirection
    public void setBallName (String a)
        ballName = a;
    }                                                  // end setBallName
    public void setSize (int a)
        size = a;
    }                                                  // end setSize
    public int getCurrentX ()
        return currentX;
    }                                                  // end getCurrentX
    public int getCurrentY ()
        return currentY;
    }                                                  // end getCurrentY
    public int getDirection ()
        return direction;
    }                                                  // end getDirection
    public String getBallName ()
        return ballName;
    }                                                  // end threadName
    public int getSize()
        return size;
    }                                                  // end getSize
    public void changeDirection ()
        // set new X direction
        if (currentX <= 0 && direction == 5)
            direction = 3;
        if (currentX <= 0 && direction == 6)
            direction = 2;
        if (currentX <= 0 && direction == 7)
            direction = 1;
        if(currentX >= 800 && direction == 1)
            direction =7;
        if (currentX >= 800 && direction == 2)
            direction = 6;
        if (currentX >= 800 && direction == 3)
            direction = 5;
        // set new Y direction
        if (currentY <= 0 && direction == 0)
            direction = 4;
        if (currentY <= 0 && direction == 1)
            direction = 3;
        if (currentY <= 0 && direction == 7)
            direction = 5;
        if(currentY >= 400 && direction == 4)
            direction =0;
        if (currentY >= 400 && direction == 3)
            direction = 1;
        if (currentY >= 400 && direction == 5)
            direction = 7;
    }                                                  // end changeDirection
}                                                      // end class b

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    If you use XML to get data from the server, then unmarshalling of data to create objects takes a heavy toll on the processor.
    If you use Blaze DS or LCDS, deserialization from binary data is a breeze and it doesn't hit the processor as much.
    Now, if you don't want to change your service, consider using TimeSlicing:
    Good read about the Flash Player "elastic racetrack":

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    CS4 Premium Design Edition, Win XP
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    None, None.

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    Thanks Barbara!
    Barbara B. wrote:
    ... then bring it to PSE.
    I can't drag the single frames from Preview to PSE, because PSE 6 doesn't run in window mode.
    (Is this improved in the current version?)
    I can only drag the single frames to the desktop (as TIFF files, I guess transparency info is lost then?).
    Barbara B. wrote:
    ... there's a bug beginning in PSE 6 where you can't change the frame delay rate from the default when you save an animated gif.
    What's the default frame delay rate? Maybe it's just what I need.
    Barbara B. wrote:
    You might  want to look into a free program like giffun from instead.
    Yes that's maybe a better idea. It doesn't have to be free software. Can you recommend something good?
    Thanks again!

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    Although Jaguar and Panther Mail renders HTML received, they do not support composing HTML which also includes when forwarding a message received that was composed in HTML including animated gifs.
    Although you cannot compose complex HTML within the body of a message with Tiger Mail, RTF with Tiger Mail is HTML and supports forwarding a message received that was composed in HTML including animated gifs.
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    Copied from Why HTML in E-Mail is a Bad Idea:
    "Because it introduces accessibility problems. When you write in plain text, the receiving mail client renders the text in whatever font the reader chooses. When you format email with HTML, the sender controls the formatting. But this is a trap: You only think your message will render the same way to the viewer as it appears to the sender. In reality, the receiver can end up squinting because the font looks so tiny, or vice versa. HTML is not rendered the same way from one viewing client to the next - all guarantee of accessiblity goes out the window. This is especially problematic for visually impaired persons."
    Because it can introduce security issues and trojan horses -- it's a gateway to danger as any Outlook user can tell you. HTML can include any number of scripts, dangerous links, controls, etc.
    Powerbook G4 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    > But the original image is an animated GIF and it's less
    than 1KB big! So
    > how
    > does it increase in size 100 times when I save it
    even if I don't
    > change
    > anything about the image before saving? There is no
    PNG file but I can
    > link
    > you to the original 650 Byte Animated GIF:
    I'm confused. What is this I am looking at. What have you
    done to it to
    make it increase in weight?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Quircus" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g6fohk$mip$[email protected]..
    > But the original image is an animated GIF and it's less
    than 1KB big! So
    > how
    > does it increase in size 100 times when I save it
    even if I don't
    > change
    > anything about the image before saving? There is no
    PNG file but I can
    > link
    > you to the original 650 Byte Animated GIF:
    > Is it something to do with my settings perhaps? Like
    telling it to save
    > extra
    > information in the file?

  • Gif not animating when on the Internet

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    The problem only appears to be with animations I have made.
    I have tried making a really small animation (about 110kb)
    then uploading it to myspace but again it doesnt animate (so its
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    Flash - I have tried exporting movie as a gif and publishing
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    action script and I have tried every combination of gif option i
    can think of i.e loop animation, loop twice, changing the frame
    rate, size , colours, transarency etc
    Please help as im so confused as to why this doesnt work.

    Perhaps Safari isn't quite what you require, too much work involved all the time making it easier to see
    Take a look at my customized Firefox:
    it always opens to the same size window (or full screen if you like)
    it always zooms all web pages 160% (or whateve you like)
    it always has large type on the menu bar area. (to whatever you like)
    it's very highly customizable,  (or use the plain default settings)
    has more add-ons than anyone (a real plus when you need it)
    has more themes and personas than anyone (make it YOUR browser)
    Easier surfing option for hard of seeing users
    Safari is about the absolute worst browser since Internet Explorer, it's because Apple has already got your money so there isn't any incentive for them to make a better browser.

  • Gif Animations

    First off, I'd like to say I've been making gif animations in Photoshop Elements since 2.0, and I've had no problem with 6.0 either--- when I was on Windows.
    For whatever reason, when I open a .gif animated image, I get an error message that says:
    "This is an animated GIF. You can only view one frame. Saving over this file will result in a loss of information."
    EVERY single time I open a gif, and as soon as I hit okay, it opens to the single frame locked. As I said, I've never had this problem with Photoshop Elements 6.0 in Windows... Any suggestions/ help please?

    Your post is unclear on some important points. When you say "when I was in Windows" does that mean you are talking about a mac now? What version of PSE are you talking about?
    If you mean PSE 8 for mac, you would be better off downloading a program like the free Giffun from and using that for animated gifs. For one thing the frame rate has been broken in the mac version of PSE in both 6 and 8.

  • Animated gifs in PS CS6

    Hi all, I am trying to save animated gifs from PS, I can get it to work fine when the layers are just flat layers, but I need to create the animated gif when I have layer folders... Ie layer 1 will have a graphic and some text, layer 2 different graphic and different text. But I have to create lots of banners each with a slight change on the text. So I want to keep the text editable so its quick to just chnage the text and then save another animated gif. But when I try and create frames from layers its bringing all the bits from the layer as different frames ie the graphic is one frame then the text is one frame etc. Is it possible to create the animated gif while still having layer folders or does it just work if they are flat layers?

    Hi thanks for the reply, i didnt think it was really working, but now I have had a play, it does work and its pretty easy to change the text, it does pop open another photoshop file to edit the text, but it works ok.

  • Importing .GIF into Fc will not play the animated gif in output

    I imported a animated .gif  (attached video.gif) into Fc (of a sequence of pics I took saved as an animated .gif)
    It inported as a "bitmap image" and upon export to swf it did NOT show the .gif as an animated .gif but just shows the first frame..
    (It did not put this file into an assests folder...)
    So I converted the "bitmap image" into an optimaized graphic...and NOW it DOES put the original animated gif into the "assets" folder with a Graphic1.fxg and video.gif in that folder.. and If I open the gif in the assest folder it plays it as the animated .gif it is..
    BUT SADLY upon export to SWF it still DOES not play the gif as an animated gif.. just the first frame...
    Can I do anything in the code to tell the swf file that is exported to play the gif in the assest folder as an animated gif not just show the frame?
    I did the animated gif approach becasue I setup a photoshop cs4 file with a quicktime video as a layer and Fc only brought in the first frame of the quicktime layer..
    Could the next beta of Fc include the ability to import and play animated gifs as artwork as well AND/or to import Ps Cs4 video layers as videos
    So I would have to created a video page in flash pro and import that as a object? into a state?
    (no experience with flash pro but just bought cs4 and will try to learn FlashPro overweekend)

    Interesting. I don't think this is somethign you can do in Flash Catalyst. We have .GIF support in the Flash Player but I don't think you can use a GIF asset inside Catalyst. If you need that GIF to play you'll have to embed it using Flash Builder.
    But Flash Catalyst will support video version 1.0. I don't think you can turn arbitrary layers into "video" layers but you can bring in video files (like .FLV) and then attach components to behaviors (like play, stop, etc).
    [email protected]

  • Load/import images into layers to create animated gif in PE4

    I'm trying to make an animated gif using Photoshop Elements 4.0.
    I have numerous images (photos) that I need to insert into separate frames of one image.
    (photo1, photo2 ..... photo10 - all combined in layers to create the frames of the animated gif)
    I can open each photo separately, copy it, go the the animated gif image, create a new layer, and paste the image into the layer to create a frame in the animated gif.  This is very time consuming.
    Does Elements 4.0 allow for just opening/importing the separate images (photos) into the layers (frames) of the gif direclty?  I remember having software that came with Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0 in 2000 that made this simple and straight forward.

    We are not the right people to ask.  The Touch forum (for tablet) is at
    Adobe Photoshop Touch for tablet
    There's a long list f video tutorials here, but I can't see anything about animation
    Learn Photoshop Touch | Adobe TV

  • How can I make a transparent animated gif?

    I'm using CS2. I have an animated gif that I want to take the black background out of so that the animated part of it is all that remains.
    Here is a link to the image:
    I basically want to remove all of the black background from the image so that the animated tesseract is all that remains. I know how to open the gif to expose the layers using ImaegeReady, then edit them in PhotoShop. But when I made the black areas of each layer transparent (by selecting the RGB channel, inverting the selection, and hitting delete), saved a copy, and tried viewing it, it seems to just display all of the transparent layers constantly instead of cycling through them.
    Can someone please help me figure out how to make an animated gif with a transparent background? If I lose some of the black areas of the animated part (since they seem to get deleted when I remove all of the black background) it's no big deal. I just need to know how to do this so that it plays correctly.
    Thank you!!!

    <b>"I have to wonder why the black background was included on every frame of the moving shape."</b>
    <br />
    <br />Well, George...the only reason I can think of is because it's an animated GIF, and GIFs only support one layer.
    <br />
    <br />Whatever application it was created in should have been able to render it out with a transparent BG. But I suppose the creator had his/her reasons for going with the black BG.
    <br />
    <br />(Full disclosure: I ran across
    <s>that same</s> a similar animation back in December, and the version I grabbed only had the black showing through the inside of the tesseract. I opened it in ImageReady and
    </b> a black BG so the edges didn't look jaggedy.)
    <br />
    <br />
    <a href="" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="" border="0" />

  • Help with exporting as an animated gif

    I've created a small banner ad and need to export it as an animated gif.  The problem is, when I open the gif after exporting it, there's no animation.  The way the animation is set up is 1 frame on the main timeline, and a scrolling movie clip as the background.  There is no actionscript at all in the file.

    instead of converting your movieclip to a graphic:
    1.  copy the movieclip frames
    2.  create a new graphic
    3.  paste the frames to the graphic timeline
    4.  drag the graphic to the main timeline and remove the movieclip
    5.  extend the main timeline enough frames to reveal the graphic animation
    6.  make sure your gif publish settings are for an animated gif

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