Any Comments on this one

Went to the Apple store today. They had about 20 iPhones (4.0) on display all with strong 5 bars signal. I placed my iPhone (4.0) right next to one of them (no touching the phone), 3 bars only. Waited at least 10 minutes, it never went above 3 bars. All this while display piece had 5 bars.
Then I grabbed mine in the death-grip. Immediatley complete loss of signal while in the Apple store. Then I tried holding at least 5 display phone in death-grip or various other grips. Could not move the signal from a full 5 bars.
Whats going on ?

del_monte1 wrote:
Went to the Apple store today. They had about 20 iPhones (4.0) on display all with strong 5 bars signal. I placed my iPhone (4.0) right next to one of them (no touching the phone), 3 bars only. Waited at least 10 minutes, it never went above 3 bars. All this while display piece had 5 bars.
Then I grabbed mine in the death-grip. Immediatley complete loss of signal while in the Apple store. Then I tried holding at least 5 display phone in death-grip or various other grips. Could not move the signal from a full 5 bars.
If theirs were connected to a power source, as they usually are, and yours was not it makes a huge difference in reception. You really cannot compare the two situations.

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    WHen I connect my iPhone 5C to my laptop containing my iTunes Library, nothing happens for a couple of minutes and then I get an error message saying phone timed out. Can anyone shed any light on this problem please?

    Hi 23Orchard,
    If your iPhone is timing out when connected to your computer, it sounds like a connection issue.
    Please try the things listed in
    iOS: Troubleshooting USB-related alerts when syncing
    Where one of the errors it addresses is
    An alert messages indicates "iPhone has timed out" during syncing.
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.

  • Any comments about this code regaarding naming conventions and flow and e

    /* Description : This procedure will start the process step for moving
    data from staging to live table for Append and Replace paradigms
    /**************** Change History ***********************************/
    /* Date Version Author Description */
    -- Global Specifications.
    package_name_in VARCHAR2(50) :='ODS_APPEND_REPLACE';
    v_location INTEGER := 10;
    v_cntl_schema VARCHAR2(20):= 'SCNTL02';
    -- Procedure Specifications.
    schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    bch_dte_in IN DATE,
    fl_nbr_in IN VARCHAR2,
    verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
    pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
    error_code_1_in IN VARCHAR2,
    ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
    proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
    sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2);
    schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    bch_dte_in IN DATE,
    data_grp_cde_in IN VARCHAR2,
    verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
    pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
    ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
    proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
    sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2);
    schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    bch_dte_in IN DATE,
    fl_nbr_in IN VARCHAR2,
    verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
    pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
    error_code_1_in IN VARCHAR2,
    ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
    proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
    sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2)
    /* Local Variables Declaration*/
    v_curr_date DATE := CURRENT_DATE;
    v_procedure_name VARCHAR2(100):= 'APPEND_REPLACE_INSERT';
    v_stg_tbl VARCHAR2(100);
    v_act_tbl VARCHAR2(100);
    v_whr_clause_out VARCHAR2(1000);
    option_in VARCHAR2(30);
    v_common_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_stg_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_act_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_thrshld_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_actl_inpt_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_proc_step_stat_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_error_msg_in VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_part_val_out INTEGER;
    v_row_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_cmit_nbr NUMBER(10);
    v_actl_inpt_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_rec_inserted_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_rec_errored_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_thrshld_nbr NUMBER(10);
    v_data_grp_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_data_grp_cde VARCHAR2(30);
    v_proc_step_upd_out NUMBER(1);
    proc_step_start_out NUMBER(1);
    proc_step_status VARCHAR2(30);
    handled_exception EXCEPTION;
    /* Enable the logging if verbose log flag is 0*/
    IF verbose_log_flag_in = 0 THEN
    END IF;
    /* Start the Append/Replace Update process step after all the predecessor process steps are complete */
    ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.PROC_STEP_START( proc_cd_in => proc_cd_in,
    proc_step_cd_in => proc_step_cd_in,
    ibd_id_in => ibd_id_in,
    bch_dte_in => bch_dte_in,
    job_name_in => job_name_in,
    verbose_log_flag_in => verbose_log_flag_in,
    pred_chk_reqd_in => pred_check_req_in,
    proc_step_stat_out => proc_step_start_out,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF proc_step_start_out = 0 THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('Process Step '|| proc_step_cd_in ||' started for Process '||proc_cd_in);
    /*If process step is successfully started then get the active and stage table names */
    ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.GET_TABLE_NAME( proc_cd_in => proc_cd_in,
    proc_step_in => proc_step_cd_in,
    ibd_id_in => ibd_id_in,
    actv_tbl_out => v_act_tbl,
    stg_tbl_out => v_stg_tbl,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF v_act_tbl IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Active table name is null. Please check the parameters passed';
    option_in := 'others';
    RAISE handled_exception;
    /* If Active table is not null then get the active partition of the table*/
    dbms_output.put_line('Active table name is : '||v_act_tbl);
    v_data_grp_query := 'SELECT data_grp_cde
    FROM '||v_cntl_schema ||'.proc
    WHERE proc_id = '||chr(39)||proc_cd_in ||chr(39)||
    ' AND ibd_id = '||ibd_id_in;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_data_grp_query INTO v_data_grp_cde;
    ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.GET_ACT_PART(tbl_name_in => v_act_tbl,
    data_grp_cde_in => v_data_grp_cde,
    meta_data_in => 'VIEW DYN METADATA',
    part_val_out => v_part_val_out,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF v_part_val_out IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Incorrect table name ' || v_act_tbl;
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 20;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Active partition for the table '|| v_act_tbl ||' is : '||v_part_val_out);
    /*Get the list of active table columns*/
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
    table_name_in => v_act_tbl,
    col_name_out => v_act_col_list,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    v_act_col_list := SUBSTR(v_act_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_act_col_list)-1);
    IF v_act_col_list IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_act_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 30;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    /*Get the list of active table columns and concatenate the columns with 'stg_array(i)' */
    dbms_output.put_line('Active Table Columns List: '||v_act_col_list);
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
    table_name_in => v_act_tbl,
    identifier_name_in => 'stg_array(i)',
    col_name_out => v_common_col_list,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    v_common_col_list := SUBSTR(v_common_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_common_col_list)-1);
    IF v_common_col_list IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_act_tbl || ' and get concatenated with ' || 'STTG_ARRAY' ||'. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 40;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
    table_name_in => v_stg_tbl,
    col_name_out => v_stg_col_list,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    v_stg_col_list := SUBSTR(v_stg_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_stg_col_list)-1);
    IF v_stg_col_list IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_stg_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 50;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    /* Form the WHERE clause on the primary key columns to update the proc_flag
    column of appropriate record in stage table */
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_WHERE_CLAUSE( schema_nme_in => schema_name_in,
    tbl_nme_in => v_stg_tbl,
    trg_id => 'stg_array(i)',
    whr_clause_out => v_whr_clause_out,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF v_whr_clause_out IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'No columns fetched for ' || v_stg_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 60;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    dbms_output.put_line('Where Clause is : ' || v_whr_clause_out );
    v_thrshld_query := 'SELECT proc_step_thrshld_nbr FROM '|| v_cntl_schema ||'.proc_step
    WHERE proc_id = '|| chr(39) ||proc_cd_in|| chr(39) ||
    ' AND proc_step_cde = '|| chr(39) ||proc_step_cd_in|| chr(39) ||
    ' AND ibd_id = ' || ibd_id_in;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_thrshld_query INTO v_thrshld_nbr;
    dbms_output.put_line('Threshold number for the process step '||proc_step_cd_in||' is '||v_thrshld_nbr||' for the process '||proc_cd_in);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    v_query := 'SELECT proc_cmit_nbr FROM '||v_cntl_schema||'.proc
    WHERE proc_id = '|| chr(39) || proc_cd_in || chr(39) ||
    ' AND ibd_id = '|| ibd_id_in;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query INTO v_cmit_nbr;
    IF v_part_val_out = 999 THEN
    /* Execute the dynamic pl/sql block to append the data to the active table*/
    dbms_output.put_line('Executing Dynamic Insert Block for Append Paradigm');
    v_location := 80;
    v_rec_inserted_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
    error_msg_in VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_dyn_proc_step_upd_out NUMBER(1);
    v_rec_updt_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
    v_actl_inpt_cnt NUMBER(10):=0;
    v_rec_errored_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
    v_dyn_option_in VARCHAR2(30);
    v_dyn_sp_hier VARCHAR2(30);
    v_dyn_handled_exception EXCEPTION;
    v_dyn_verbose_flag NUMBER(1):=0;
    SELECT }' || v_stg_col_list ||
    ' FROM ' || v_stg_tbl ||
    ' WHERE fl_nbr = ' || fl_nbr_in ||
    ' AND proc_flag = ' || chr(39) || 'N' || chr(39) ||
    ' AND to_date(bch_dte,'||CHR(39)||'DD-MON-YY'||CHR(39)||') <= '||CHR(39)|| bch_dte_in || CHR(39)||q'{;
    stg_array array;
    /* Enable the logging if verbose log flag is 0*/
    IF v_dyn_verbose_flag = }' || verbose_log_flag_in || q'{ THEN
    END IF;
    OPEN c;
    FETCH c BULK COLLECT INTO stg_array LIMIT }'|| v_cmit_nbr ||q'{;
    FOR i IN 1..stg_array.COUNT LOOP
    INSERT INTO }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}'|| v_act_tbl || q'{( }'|| v_act_col_list ||q'{,crte_pgm, updt_pgm, crte_tstp, updt_tstp, expsd_rec_ind) VALUES }' || q'{ ( }' || v_common_col_list || q'{,'}' || job_name_in || q'{','}' || job_name_in ||q'{','}' || v_curr_date ||q'{','}' || v_curr_date||q'{','N' );}' ||
    v_rec_inserted_cnt_in := v_rec_inserted_cnt_in + 1 ;
    v_actl_inpt_cnt := v_actl_inpt_cnt + 1 ;
    error_msg_in := 'Error in updating PROC_STAT as inserted';
    UPDATE }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}' || v_stg_tbl || q'{
    SET proc_flag = 'I' ,
    updt_pgm = '}' || job_name_in || q'{',
    updt_tstp = '}' || v_curr_date || q'{'
    WHERE }'|| v_whr_clause_out ||q'{;
    error_msg_in := 'Record duplicated';
    v_actl_inpt_cnt := v_actl_inpt_cnt + 1 ;
    v_rec_errored_cnt_in := v_rec_errored_cnt_in + 1;
    IF v_rec_errored_cnt_in >}' || v_thrshld_nbr || q'{ THEN
    error_msg_in := 'Threshold limit }' || v_thrshld_nbr || q'{ Reached';
    v_dyn_option_in := 'proc_step';
    RAISE v_dyn_handled_exception;
    error_msg_in := 'Error in updating PROC_STAT as error';
    UPDATE }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}' || v_stg_tbl || q'{
    SET proc_flag = 'E',
    -- err_code = }' || error_code_1_in || q'{, --need to uncomment once the err_code column is created in stage table
    updt_pgm = '}' || job_name_in || q'{',
    updt_tstp = '}' || v_curr_date || q'{'
    WHERE }'|| v_whr_clause_out ||q'{;
    END IF;
    CLOSE c;

    Any suggestions about this program to improve performance and effective cod

  • Every single time I try to load any page (even this one where I'm asking), it keeps either crashing or taking a very long time with "Not responding" windows status

    Whenever I try to load a page, let's say: Hotmail, or Youtube or even this one ( the window gets frozen and the "Not responding" status displays on the Title bar... then after a minute or two, either loads the page or it just crashes...

    The CrashIDs are what is needed. Do not attempt to attach or paste the reports.
    #Run Firefox in safe mode does that prevent crashes ?<br/>[[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode]]
    #Disable all plugins
    #Repeat and this time try in Windows safe mode. use the F8 key <br />
    So you are saying it works ok as long as you avoid certain pages such as this Forum. That makes me wonder if it could be malware that is blocking access to assistance.Run malwarescans with multipe and up-to-date tools.
    Sometimes a problem with Firefox may be a result of malware installed on your computer, that you may not be aware of.
    You can try these free programs to scan for malware, which work with your existing antivirus software:
    * [ Microsoft Safety Scanner]
    * [ MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware]
    * [ TDSSKiller - AntiRootkit Utility]
    * [ Hitman Pro]
    * [ ESET Online Scanner]
    [ Microsoft Security Essentials] is a good permanent antivirus for Windows 7/Vista/XP if you don't already have one.
    Further information can be found in the [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • Missing from the "Missing Manual"; any ideas on this one?

    Greetings Wizards, Gurus, Freakazoids, and anyone else willing to share their wisdom,
    I recently upgraded to iMovieHD (5.0.2) and have come across a few anomolies; some harmless and some downright debilitating (and stupid, I might add), for instance:
    What is this @%#$ "Updating Files - This could take awhile" message?! It interrupts every process. Sometimes it's just during an edit, but earlier today it interrupted a capture and blew the whole clip (it was a 10 minute clip for time lapse). I had to go back and start over.
    Fortunately, it didn't take "awhile", but in previous sessions it really did. Sometimes 5 minutes or more. What is this process and how can one avoid/work around it?
    Perhaps related, perhaps not, but I was working with large clips today (for a time-lapse project; many 5 - 10 minutes long) and found that it was nearly impossible to scrub through these clips without invoking the Spinning Beachball Of Death. Now I'm guessing that it may have something to do with a really long clip being scrubbed too fast, but here's the issue: I have a 2.5GHz DP G5 and it can't seem to handle the same thing I was able to do with my trusty old 450MHz G4 running iMovie 3.03. I've never had problems like this. In addition, it doesn't seem to depend on length; I can scrub 10 minute clips fine and then it'll hang up on a 6 minute clip. Next I'll try a 12 minute clip - no luck. However, it always has problems with the same clips.
    And they call this an upgrade?!......don't even get me started on the whole "non-destructive editing" thing....
    Any ideas?
    In the immortal words of James Brown,
    Please, Please, Please, Please, a brother out.
    PPC G4 450, 768 MB RAM + G5 2.5DP, 512 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Wow. That's brutal. I think I would have scratched my eyes out by then.....
    We do our own letterboxing, so we shoot 4:3 with tape over the monitor (or the camera's LCD - really) and frame for that. (we call it "ghettoboxing" - I suppose we'll have to stop calling it that at some point.)
    Anyway, it's easier to deal with in post because we never have to worry about squeezing or unsqueezing, etc. It always looks right, and well, there's a certain amount of caché when one walks around with a $4000 camera with tape stuck all over the monitor....
    Even classier, I have a china marker in the edit suite so I can draw the lines on the monitor and line up the letterboxing. Nothing but the best for our clients....."Wait, we have clients?! Where?!"
    If you've got a lot of clips it can be a drag, but I usually select a screen-length's worth in the timeline and render the letterbox on all at the same time, scrub forward and do it again to the next batch. The settings usually stay the same from the last time you used the effect, so it works out.
    The more I think about it, the more I think it has something to do with the drop-frame time code. I don't think the Quicktime engine is able to deal with it effectively, especially if there are dropouts on the tape. Which in this case, ther seemed to be on a couple of clips.
    Not sure why 16x9 would cause an issue, unless it's somesort of rendering or conversion issue. When you view your clips back onscreen, are they squeezed, or does IM accomodate the format and stretch the preview monitor?
    - Chris
    PPC G4 450, 512 MB RAM + G5 2.5DP, 512 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.3.7)  

  • What happened to the thumbnail photo in an event?  Previously all I had to do was to drag the thumbnail photo to a folder, now I need to drag each individual photo to that folder.  If that means a few or several, it's a hassle. Any help for this one?

    What happened to the thumbnail photos for an event?  Previously when I wanted to transfer an event to a specific folder all I needed to do was drag the thumbnail.  If there were multiple events, I only needed to pick the one I wanted and drag it.  Simple and it worked very well.  If there was an event with several, I only neede to drag the one thumbnail and it was done.  Now I need to drag each individual photo to the new folder.  Sometimes that could mean 10, 20 or more. Doing one at a time is can be a very slow process.  If there are events that need to be split, it can be even slower.  Any positive ideas will be greatly appreciated.

    You need to follow iPhoto terms since we only know what you tell us
    what are you calling folders - in iPhoto folders can not hold photos - albums hold photos and folders hold albums or other folders
    The basic default view of photo is by event (iPhoto '08 and later)
    Exactly what you you trying to do?

  • Error message "the ipad 'ipads name' cannot be synched. You do not have enough access priviledges for this operation" Any one got any ideas on this one?

    This error message only come up on my ipad since the shift to ios7. It doesn't happen on my iphone 5, just my ipad. It's a 3rd generation. If I uncheck sync photo's it works fine? If check photo's it comes up with the error message. Its a real pain as I want to have access to my photo stream. Any ideas?

    iPhone - not enough access privileges: Apple Support Communities
    Have you looked at the previous discussions listed on the right side of this page under the heading "More Like This"?

  • Is there any application like this one??!!

    Hi everybody,
    I'm looking for an application for developing shopping process by mobiles (J2ME). who can help me? I need to see the source code or at least the executing application.

    Can anybody reply this post, I really need the similar application which I've mentioned previously in this thread. I'm trying to find one, on blogs, search engine. But still has a hope to find the solution from here. Thanks again!
    If my post helped you, click that white Kudo star, Thanks!
    Year 2007: Nokia 1600........ Year 2010: E63(May), E72(Jun, Jul), N97 mini(Aug - Dec), Year 2011: N8(Jan- May), E7(Jun - Sep), N9(Oct,11 - Present), 808PureView(Oct,13 - Present)

  • Any body recognize this one?

    Description : Cannot access tree "LIBERTY" Code : 0
    Build : 1.0.0
    File : frmContextImpl.cpp
    Line : 204
    Repository Version : $Revision: 1248 $
    I got this running Kongueror from Gnome ,
    while trying to browse my tree.
    Os: suse 10.0 w\Gnome + multimedia enhancements
    Client 1.1 installed via CLI

    On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 23:24:07 +0000, Mark Robinson wrote:
    > On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 23:21:48 +0000, Mark Robinson wrote:
    >> On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 03:24:40 +0000, James Tremblay wrote:
    >>> Description : Cannot access tree "LIBERTY" Code : 0
    >>> Build : 1.0.0
    >>> File : frmContextImpl.cpp
    >>> Line : 204
    >>> Repository Version : $Revision: 1248 $
    >>> I got this running Kongueror from Gnome ,
    >>> while trying to browse my tree.
    >>> Os: suse 10.0 w\Gnome + multimedia enhancements
    >>> Client 1.1 installed via CLI
    >>> JT
    >> Nope, but I'll pass it along...
    > Just a thought. Did the novfs compile go ok? Any odd output?
    it seem to go fine, I can login from the desktop menu and tray and it
    doesn't happen, but If i haven't logged in, browsing the tree gives this
    error after trying to login.
    Does it have an install log?

  • Any ideas on this one??  textpane weird thing

    I need to search through the document in a jTextPane and color certain words...I had it working but it skipped a character on every new line. I searched and found this, but it does not help with a solution. Can someone please help.
              StringTokenizer sT = new StringTokenizer( textArea.getText() );
                   int numberOfTokens = sT.countTokens();
         int startpos = 0;
              for( int j = 0; j < numberOfTokens; j++ )
                        //System.out.println("After For Loop");
                        String token = sT.nextToken();
                        if( token.equalsIgnoreCase( "test" ) )
                             //System.out.println("in if loop");
                    textArea.getText().indexOf( token,startpos ), ( textArea.getText().indexOf( token,startpos ) + token.length() ) );
    int start = textArea.getSelectionStart();//textArea.getText().indexOf("test",startpos);
    int end = textArea.getSelectionEnd();//start + 3;//
    startpos = start+1;
    System.out.println("after start,end "+start+" "+end);
    if (start != end)
    MutableAttributeSet attr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    doc.setCharacterAttributes(start, end-start, attr, true);

    Here's an idea that should work...
    int start = textArea.getSelectionStart();//textArea.getText().indexOf("test",startpos);
    int end = textArea.getSelectionEnd();//start + 3;//
    // CHANGE
    // right here, check if you've crossed a newline
    // if you have, update startpos, and subtract 1 character
    while (int x = textArea.getText().substring(startpos,start).indexOf('\n')!=-1) // there is a newline character
    startpos = x + 1;
    start -= 1;
    startpos = start+1;
    that should fix it

  • HT2577 This is not the first time I have woke up to finding my Mac in the sleep mod, and the airport on and connected. Any ideas about this one?

    Is it possible to access and not leave a calling card of access in the system? I had a service result that went bad, and required another service result that reinstalled the Mt.Lion. Bad being that they did not install as the paper work stated. OSX 10.8.5 questions my ability to protect access. Any thoughts on technical support being to technical with personal information?

    Go here:
    and follow the instructions to report the issue to the iTunes Store.

  • You shouldn't have any problems answering this one :)

    Is the Intel INF driver the updated version of the chipset drivers included with the mobo ? what i'm trying to say is that i have a CD-ROM wich came with my mobo (875P NEO-FIS2R)wich includes drivers for my chipset, but i came accross the intel INF driver on the download section and now i'm wondering if it's the same, with the only diffirence that the intel INF driver on the download page is more up to date off course

    Mine came with the version 5.00.1012.  It was the same as listed on Intel site.  I am now using the version that people have found over at Gigabyte's website.  It seems like it's made my machine a bit more stable when pushing directX games to their limits.  Maybe intel updated the AGP GART control in that release.  That may be one reason why not all drivers may change version or date, if only certain components therein the inf update utility were changed and others left alone.
    Drivers just suck!  The problem is that we're not given a chance to uninstall the inf utility before installing a newer chipset inf.  What it says and what it is are sometimes two VERY different things.  It's like installing your video card drivers.  If you have an ATi card with Catalyst 3.4 installed and install 3.6, there sometimes are possibilities (happens quite often really), that the drivers won't fully update.  Only some components will, so when you go look at your driver details, some are still being used from 3.4.  Maybe because the driver failed to unload?  And if it's in memory (i.e. used by Windows), windows will not release permission to the resource and dis-allow overwriting/updating of the file.  Like having a file open in Excel and trying to go delete it from explorer.  You can't!!!  At least not until you close the document out in Excel!!!
    I think the same thing happens with chipset drivers.  Sometimes it takes two installs to get it right.  It shouldn't be that way, but sometimes it is...   ?(
    P4 3.0G 800FSB @ 3.45 G/230(924)FSB
    MSI 875P Neo FIS2R Bios v1.74b
    Kingston HyperX3500 1GB Dual DDR433
    ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB @ 441/371
    WD1200JB Primary Drive
    Pioneer DVR-105 (unlocked firmware 1.33b)
    2xWD2000JB on IDE in RAID-0
    Antec TrueControl 550
    Sandra MAX3! CPU: 11696
    Sandra MAX3! Mem: 5565
    3dMark2001SE: 20995
    3dMark2003: 6848

  • My ipod freezes when i goto play music or any apps with music any answers for this one?

    ever since update 4.2.1 my ipod has not played music or videos and when i try to play either music or videos it freezes, help me......

    - Resetting the iPOd. Nothing will be lost.
    Reset iPod touch:  Press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home
    button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restoring the iPod from backup
    - Restoring the iPod to facttory defaults/new iPod.

  • I have an iphone 5 which has recently been updated with IOS 107.  Voicemails come in but I cannot access them.  Has anybody any answers to this one.  I have also had to stop iMessages as they don't get sent out, I can only text in the normal way.  Help.

    Help please.  Following the most recent update my voicemail receives incoming messages but I cannot play them.  I cannot access visual voicemail either.  Also imessaging no longer sends messages.  So I have had to resort to text with my work colleagues. 

    Contact your phone carrier for visual voicemail issues.

  • My time machine 3 TB HD was encryption enabled and it took forever.  I tried reformattiing, it is online, but, get this Partition map repair failed while adjusting structures to fit current whole disk size.  Any comments appreciated.

    My time machine 3 TB HD was encryption enabled and it took forever.  I tried reformattiing, it is online, but, get this Partition map repair failed while adjusting structures to fit current whole disk size.  Any comments appreciated.

    This issue has been in discussion (actively) since last August here:
    After months and months of new reports, it's pretty clear that this is an Apple Mountain Lion problem and one that Apple needs to address.  As one frsutrated user noted :
    >>There is no consistent solution for a user.  Apple has to supply it.  All you can do is submit a bug report to
    Please, if you are encountering this problem you will save yourself a lot of wasted time and energey simple by joining me and others in asking Apple to fix this problem: Make a bug report.

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