Any opinions on Focusrite Trackmaster Pros?

Well, the title says it all. I know it's not necessarily about Logic but...
I've been getting really quite excited about this, and a pal of mine uses one in his studio. Ultimately, I'm looking for more opinions if anyone has some... I'm particularly interested in the compressor, for bass and vocals, and possibly the preamp for vox too.
Thanks! Fred

Guys, thanks for the replies! I really want it for my portable setup, so know that it won't be the best out there... I'm still quite stuck on whether I want too use its preamp, as I really do like to PreSonus ones. To be honest, it's the compressor that I guess I'm most interested in. I understand that it's a channel strip, so won't have things like sidechaining, but I've been hearing some pretty good reviews about it, and so would also like to hear if anyone has anything negative to say about it. What about it set to squash?
Thanks again for replying, Fred

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    Hi Amar
    This is Rohit Pradhan , I am currently studing MA in Audio Production at University of Westminster , I used to work at Lakdawalas sound city and also use to freelance for small bands as a live soudn engineer in mumbai . good to see you on this forum and first of all Let me tell you one thing I showed Sarkar to my class as a Study subject on sound design and your work was very much appreciated than any thing else.
    I work here at discovery channel mastering division as i am studing . Amar. i have seen and used the ensemble and it rocks i would certainly suggest you go for the ensemble its just stands out of the options which you are lookign at. the Sound is awesomely tranparent and you dont hear that 'Tinny' Mid n high freq emphasised sound which u normally hear out of these boxes.
    the apogee convertors are really good as is the digital clock . ( we had it connected to the DM 2000 and it had a stable digital clock .
    Please dont go for motu 896 has a lota problems with osx. The focusrite is a good option coz i am usign the saffire and i am happy with it.
    Another good option if you r looking at good sound is a METRIC HALO 2882dsp Its a rocking but very underated product many mastering engieneers recommend this particular sound card.
    I guess i have anwered your queries if you need any further help do revert back . [email protected]
    ibook G4 1.42   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

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      Model Identifier:          MacBookPro8,2
      Processor Name:          Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed:          2,2 GHz
      Number of Processors:          1
      Total Number of Cores:          4
      L2 Cache (per Core):          256 KB
      L3 Cache:          6 MB
      Memory:          4 GB
      Boot ROM Version:          MBP81.0047.B27
      SMC Version (system):          1.69f3
      Firmware Revision:          3APE
      Interconnect:          ATAPI
      Burn Support:          Yes (Apple Shipping Drive)
      Cache:          2048 KB
      Reads DVD:          Yes
      CD-Write:          -R, -RW
      DVD-Write:          -R, -R DL, -RW, +R, +R DL, +RW
      Write Strategies:          CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
      Media:          To show the available burn speeds, insert a disc and choose View > Refresh

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    Boot Camp allows you to install Windows on its own, bootable partition. When you boot to it, you are of course running Windows in every sense of the word. Just on Mac hardware rather than typical PC gear. Your Windows version of QB will work there without issue. The problem is having to boot back and forth between Windows and OS X, depending on what software it is you need to use at the time.

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    About a year ago I got a Mac pro with this reference, from an advertising agency. It was a series of computers that [they] were going to throw out, and a fellow already offered him one. From what I've read is the year 2006/2008.
    The issue is that I have tried switching connecting to a screen but I do not get anything out. The furthest I've gotten has been to see me for a password that I have not connecting to my Mac Book Pro with a FireWire cable (my partner is no longer in the company and do not know the password but I read that you can reset all that).
    I wonder if it's worth it to fix it or take it to look at it because if you could update it would be great to install Logic Pro to produce music.
    looking forward a reply.
    many Thanks
    That SMC number is for the original Mac Pro 1,1 from 2006. It is worth about US$600 in working condition. Its technical Specs are here:
    If you hear the chime, that means it passed its Power-On Self Test, and it is working, but it could need a new Hard Drive.
    It shipped with a 7300 graphics card, and many of those are dead by now. To use it, you would need to buy an Apple-firmware 5770 card, about US$250.
    That machine can run Mac OS X 10.6 or 10.7, but not higher.

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