APC UPS and the Quad

Hy, soory, again another ups thread
I'm about to buy this one
-APC Back-UPS RS 1500 (Line-interactive)
I'would like to know if it is a good choice to secure my Quad ?
I also found some MGE 1500va ups with Off-line tech, is it a good way to go, or, is th line-interactive is the tech to go for ?

Check what your needs are going to be; watts, run-time; as the Quad on full-throttle (all four cpus), depending on even how much RAM, PCIe cards, can get much closer to the 865W of the RS-1500. The nice thing is you can extend run-time with an additional battery.
Kill-A-Watt should give you an idea of what you are using.

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    Most APC Smart-UPSs will work with the Mac, you don't necessarily need to get such a big unit as the SMT2200I, it's probably overkill. You're probably better off going with something like a SMT1500 for your Mac. It's pretty much the biggest unit you can get without having to install a custom power line. You can set the shut down settings in the options to safely shut down your Mac if the power goes out.

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    That is not good news... for me.
    Just to be sure, do you not hear any buzzing when your BR1500LCD is in battery mode?
    I noticed that my adapter for the Airport Base Station also buzzes (low hum) when the BR1500LCD is in battery mode.

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    It depends on what you are doing.
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  • APC UPS not recognized after 10.4.9

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    After booting my APC RS1500 UPS is not recognized - ie does not show up in the energy saver section of the prefs.
    Unplugging the USB cable and reinserting will restore the presence of the UPS, and the system will make 3 loud pops over the external speakers. Annoying, as if I forget this step, the UPS will not trigger a shutdown on low battery settings.
    Anyone seen this or know of a fix?

    I experienced a similar problem on my PPC Mac with an APC UPS, and there was a user on another forum with an Intel Mac that had the same problem with a Belkin. Different Mac architectures, different brands UPSs so I suspect something is wrong with the update.
    In my case, resetting PRAM, NVRAM, the SMU, doing a "safe boot" had no effect.
    However, installing the "Combo" updater seems to a solved the problem.

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    I performed the following trouble-shooting steps:
    1) after running About This Mac | System Report... the UPS does show up in the System Report, under Hardware | USB:  Back-UPS BR1500G FW:865.L2 .D USB FW:L2:
         - this exonerates the Mac Pro hardware as the cause of the problem
    2) changed the USB port receiving the cable from the UPS.  result: no change
    3) uninstalled/reinstalled agcagent.  result: no change
    4) performed a port scan using Network Utility.  It did not report port 3551 on localhost as open (should it?)
    5) deleted the Energy Saver preference files com.apple.PowerManagement.plist, com.apple.AutoWake.plist.  result: no change
    6) unplugged and turned off UPS, waited three minutes, replugged it and booted up.  result: no change
    7) unplugged USB cable for UPS from my Mac Pro, and plugged it into my PowerBook G4. result: Energy Saver preference pane properly reports the APC UPS
         - this exonerates the UPS and the USB cable as the cause of the problem
    So short of doing a clean re-install of Yosemite, I am out of ideas.  I would appreciate some help!
    http://apcupsd-ups-control-software.10985.n7.nabble.com/Yosemite-apcagent-td8675 .html

    APC's software was not installed.  That said, I uninstalled apcagent and rebooted.  Results were the same: Energy Saver doesn't detect the UPS.
    An earlier thread on this topic hints that this may very well be a Yosemite software bug:  Yosemite doesn't detect my UPS
    A user reports that a clean reinstall of Yosemite did not fix their problem.

  • APC UPS question

    I can't seem to find an answer to this question.
    At my work we are switching from local files to a single file server. The setup is a PowerMac G5 Dual 1.8 with two harddrives (one for the OS and the other for TimeMachine) with a Drobo hooked up via Firewire 800 (w/four 1TB drives) that will be holding all the files (even has a network backup every night) all running on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Server. The only thing the server is doing is filesharing for 6 mac users (no windows sharing), so the system isn't overly taxed on bit.
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    So I guess the real question is that will the Mac properly shutdown when running on UPS battery during a powerfailure even if the Mac is currently logged out?
    Yes. Servers are designed to run headless (without a monitor attached, let alone someone logged in) so as long as the UPS is correctly configured and recognized by the system, it will shut down appropriately, regardless of whether anyone is logged in or not.

  • APC UPS (uninterruptible power supply) not restarting after power restored

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    -- (2) external Seagate FreeAgent Pro 750GB USB drives
    -- (1) external MacGurus Burly Firewire enclosure with (4) 1TB Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 drives
    -- DSL modem
    -- Ethernet hub
    -- Airport Express (b/g-model, not the new n model)
    The UPS is connected to my Mac via USB cable. The UPS shows up in System Profiler as "Smart-UPS 1500 FW:601.3.D USB FW:8.1". It also appears in System Preference Energy Saver pane.
    I have configured the Energy Saver preferences pane to shut down the computer when 75% of the UPS battery remains. And to restart after power failure (both on power adapter and on UPS).
    So I cut the power to the UPS and the computer properly shuts down when the battery reaches 75%. A couple of minutes later, the UPS turns itself off. All good so far.
    PROBLEM 1: When utility power is restored, the UPS does not restart. APC's documentation says it should. Is the Mac sending some sort of shut-down command to the UPS over the USB cable that is preventing the USB from restarting?
    PROBLEM 2: After I manually start the UPS (by turning it on after utility power is restored), the Mac ignores its setting to "automatically restart after power failure." I want the machine to restart itself because it is my backup server, music server, and provides file sharing access for other computers on my home-office network.
    Anyone else having trouble getting their UPS or Mac to restart after a power failure? Any thoughts? Any configuration settings I'm not getting right?
    Many thanks.

    The "Restart automatically after a power failure" option only restarts if the computer was running when power failed. Since you had it shutdown before the power failed, it's not going to restart. Maybe Mac servers, or the server version of OSX, have more options.
    Instead of shutting down when the UPS battery is almost dead, you could just stop all the applications that write to disk, so there won't be any disk operations in progress, then wait for the power to fail. It will then restart when the power come back. You should have something running to monitor the UPS, in case power returns, and the UPS doesn't shut off its output. In that case you should have it restart your applications.

  • UPS and 2 power supplies

    Out of curiosity, what happens if only one of the two power supplies is kept on UPS and the power goes out?

    What do you think will happen?
    The power supply connected directly to the main power will go offline.
    The power supply connected to the UPS will stay up (as will your RAID).
    Your UPS will start to drain.
    Ultimately, if the power stays off long enough, the UPS will be unable to sustain sufficient voltage and the second power supply will go offline, bringing down your RAID.
    Is that what you mean?
    Note that the XServe RAID can have a fairly significant power draw. You need to make sure your UPS is sized sufficiently for your expected runtime.

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    Two weeks ago I updated to Mountain Lion (10.8.2). Since then I've returned to my machine to find that it had rebooted itself. After logging in, the system tells me that there was a problem and asks if I want to send the error report to Apple.
    Yesterday, I tried unplugging the Mac Pro from the UPS, plugging it directly into a wall outlet, and disconnecting the USB-UPS cable. So far, I've had no problem with system restarts.
    Has anyone had a similar problem? If so, did you solve it? How?
    Thank you.

    Hi, macjack. Thanks for your response.
    So far, with the MP plugged directly into a wall outlet I've had no system initiated reboots or shut-downs.
    I looked in the console log and there's so much stuff in there, I'm simply lost. Are there one or two keywords I should search for that might help in debugging the problem?
    Again, thanks.

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    Has anyone configured their APC UPS network managment cards to authenticate to ACS. The cards support radius, and I have that working, but the user only works as read only. How can I get them to work at at admin level ? I am not sure how to pass the attibutes back to the UPS.
    Thanks for any tips.

    Save the following into an ini file and use the CS Utils feature to import the UDF / VSA
    Don't include the lines "====" bits!
    You can rename the Admin/Device/ReadOnly to what ever you like as the interger value is what is important, the name is only used byt the ACS interface for displaying the options in the HTML.
    [User Defined Vendor]
    Name=APC Devices
    IETF Code=318
    VSA 1=APC-Service-Type

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    Good afternoon, I am running a 4507 with the Power Supples PWR-C45-2800ACV
    Can I plug this power supply into this UPS unit?

    My guess is that 2800w power supply is looking for two legs of AC in to make the DC stable on the switch.   I've installed a lot of 45XXx over the years but I never have more than 100 ports of active POE on them as most buildings have lots of computers and printers and a few VOIP phones and access points.  
    Now, those power supplies are pretty fault tolerent and well built.  They can take (probably) swing voltage from 40-240V and 50-60Hz.    You can wire up the L6-30 into the TWLK cable and only have 20A of 120V on one leg from the output of your UPS.     You just have a single 30A hot, neutral and ground and a dead leg for hot into the power supply.   You use half the power supply.  
    The capacitors on the power supply will just have to absorb that and deal with it.   That's their job.  Short term batteries. 
    One thing you need to realize is that you don't have to have two full-capacity 2800w circuits for the switch.   The 2800 is a reference number and that's based on a lot of inneffiencies in the entire system.  
    You've got at max a 2800w load and either 1 or two power supplies will feed it.    Two power supplies will be slightly less efficient than one but you're not pulling 5600w.   
    If you could, answer the questions above on the number of POE devices you've got and we can work a solution to solve the power to the switch and to your nodes.  
    You've got a lot of expensive, quality gear and the best solution isn't always to double up and re-buy what you've got.  
    I am going to recommend a metered PDU so that you can watch the amperage as when you approach the limit of what your wires can haul, you need to pay attention to the national electric code.
    If you can PM me, do.

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    I had the Mac Defender malware and I have used apple jack but still having issues.

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