Aperture Destroying Raw Images!?

There are countless posts or threads about this particular issue but none have seemed to garner much concern. These threads all seem to mention their cameras. I have found 2 to 3 different brands including NIKON, CANON, PENTAX. So, I have concluded from this... ITS NOT THE CAMERA!!! It is something in Apertoys Raw capabilities.
Raw images are having some sort of "PRESET" added to them after import. What is causing this? How can it be fixed, and why has apple not responded to this?
I have seen many helpful responses to some of these threads but nothing close to an answer other than maybe countless hours of troubleshooting. Although this seems to be a fantastic place for helpful individuals and I am grateful for Apple giving us this forum, one question still looms?
This is directed to Apple and Aperture engineers: How do I know as a consumer, that or if you people whom wrote this software, acknowledge that there is a flaw or possible bug that you are aware of that NEEDS attention? The software is fairly inexpensive when you compare it to my financial losses while using it!
That being said: Anyone have any helpfull suggestions?

Thank you CalxOddity! This is occurring with two of my cameras D70 and D5000. This is an exact example of what is happening in kb8wfh's thread. I am referencing this thread because of the utube video. He is shooting with a Pentax but this is down to the T what I am experiencing. I have No presets applied. Thank you in advance!
I have had a huge issue since upgrading to 3.3.2 and the upgrade to the RAW decoder. I shoot Pentax platforms (K-7, K-200 & K-x). I only shoot RAW and this problem NEVER happened before the Aperture update/RAW update. I stop the automatic processing, otherwise, it goes through each photo and darkens and shift the colors significantly. If I open a previous library (ones I created even years ago) it will preprocess the master images AND all the subsequent versions - Thus I refuse to even open my old libraries for Aperture ruining my work.
Here is a brief view of exactly what it is doing:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VTMedUrhVo&feature=share&list=UU2vsk3mVVJnIJ83v1 rFo7aw
Also, when Aperture "Processes" the image, it is clear it that it as a JPG master/original image. The data simply isn't there anymore to use adjustments like "recovery." When you try and do so, it just dulls/grays The entire image instead of adjusting the highlights.
I need to know where I can get previous version of the RAW engine and install it into Aperture. How can this be done?
Apple really screw this thing up...infuriating since it was working just fine before. My livelihood is on hold because the app I use and am bound to has turned form a pro tool to one of the iToy applications

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    RAW support - for any camera - comes from the "Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update" components. These provide central support for any application that reads photo files. The currently supported cameras are listed here:
    In case you're interested, the most recent releases are:
    http://support.apple.com/downloads/#digital%20camera%20raw%20compatibility%20upd ate%203
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    For Canon, almost certainly. Unfortunately, your only recourse is patience - nobody here can tell you when the next release will be made.

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    Welcome to the Discussions.
    In addition to any update to Aperture, have you also installed the update for Camera RAW 2.7? It is the update that includes the D300s -- it updates iPhoto as well as Aperture. It was released in December, and distributed via Software Update.

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    Ok, it sounds like you installed the dng converter and not the 8.3 camera raw plugin.
    Do you see a shortcut on your desktop or Start>All Programs menu for the Adobe Application Manager?
    If so, turn your internet on and double click on that shortcut and see if that finds the camera raw 8.3 update.
    Sometimes the Adobe application Manager needs to be updated and it doesn't do that when using Help>Updates.

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    Just don't forget to preview the book as described here:
    iPhoto, Aperture: Previewing an order in iPhoto or Aperture
    Check, if you are happy with the way the RAWs have been developed, and keep the pdf file  of the preview, until you'll receive the printed copy.

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    I actually first place my images onto a remote drive and import them into iView Media Pro and do ratings and keywords. That gives me total flexibility. images that require Photoshop modifications are dealt with first to avoid the dual Version/Master issue in Aperture. For these images I do my RAW processing in Photoshop. I then import the folder into Aperture and live happily ever after.

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    Using some techniques that I found in various places in these forums, I am going to give step-by-step instructions to get Aperture and iPhoto to recognize Pentax *ist DL RAW images natively.
    Note: This worked for me using 10.4.6 with the latest iPhoto 06 and Aperture updates. I do NOT know if this will work on older versions of OS X, iPhoto, or Aperture.
    Note: If you also use a Pentax *ist DS camera, these instructions will probably disable support for that particular device due to the modifications made to a system file. Only complete these instructions if you want to use a *ist DL camera.
    ** These instructions involve modifying system level files using a HEX editor. If you are not comfortable with this, do NOT attempt to do this or you could kill your system. Remember, BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP. These steps worked great for me but follow at your own risk!! **
    Ok, lets begin...
    1) Download this great patch by macintosh_tech
    This patch contains an updated raw.plist file which includes the RAW information for the *ist DL. This patch also contains an updated libRaw.dylib file and an updated Raw Presets file for Aperture.
    ** Do NOT copy the libRaw.dylib file from this patch to the folder listed in the patch Read_Me. This file did not work on my Intel-based Mac and crashed my system!!
    I was able to modify my original libRaw.dylib file using a HEX editor to get it to work on my system. Instructions for this modification will follow.
    2) Open the .dmg of the patch in a Finder window
    3) Open a new finder window and browse to /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ImageIO.fra mework/Resources
    *4) Backup the libRaw.dylib and Raw.plist files. Copy them to a safe location. For extra safety, you can just copy the whole Resources folder to a safe location (Make sure that you COPY it and dont MOVE it)*
    5) Right-click the libRaw.dylib file and select "Get Info". Look at the bottom of the info window and expand the "Ownership & Permissions" tab. In this section, expand the "Details" tab. If the lock icon is in the locked position, click it to unlock it. Change "Owner" to your user name. If requested, enter your system password at this point. Close the info window. This step lets you modify the libRaw.dylib file.
    6) Complete step 5 for the Raw.plist file.
    7) Copy the Raw.plist file from the "Place In System Folder" folder from the patch to the Resources folder. It will ask you if you wnt to overwrite the existing file. Click "Replace".
    8) Open a new finder window and browse to the /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Application Support/Aperture/ folder.
    * 9) Backup the "Raw Decode Presets.plist" file *
    10) Copy the "Raw Decode Presets.plist" file from the "Place In Home Directory" folder from the patch to the /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Application Support/Aperture/ folder. Click "replace" if it asks you.
    11) Here's the tricky part. Download a HEX editor if you don't have one. I used 0xED. It is free and can be downloaded from
    12) Open the libRaw.dylib file from the Resources folder in your HEX editor.
    Note: This is your original libRaw.dylib file from your /System/Library/...../Resources/ folder, NOT the file from the patch.
    Use the Find function and search for the string "Pentax *ist DS". Make sure you are using "Search Type: Text" (or equivilent in your editor) and that you use proper case. When you find this string, change the "S" in the "DS" to an "L". The string should now look like "Pentax *ist DL". Use the "Find Next" function to find the next instance of "Pentax *ist DS". Again, change the "S" to an "L". There should be two total instances that you need to change. Save the file and exit the editor.
    13) Open Disk Utility and repair permissions. This will set the raw.plist and libRaw.dylib files back to their original permissions.
    14) Reboot the system.
    15) You should now be able to view .PEF files natively in Aperture and iPhoto. I appologize in advance for any typos. Let me know how this works, as this is my first tutorial of this nature.
    Macbook 2.0   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    It would appear that my last post was a moot point as the 10.4.7 update adds support for the *ist DL. It's nice to have it biult into the operating system now.

  • Has anyone had trouble manipulating Nikon D750 raw image (NEF) in Aperture version 3.6 on Yosemite?

    Has anyone had trouble manipulating Nikon D750 raw image (NEF) in Aperture (version 3.6 500021000000000.3, Digital Camera RAW 6.0 - Build 761.5, Digital Camera RAW support 6000 - Build 136.1)
    I used to be able to manipuplate Nikon Raw (NEF) images from a Nikon D70 and D3200 using Aperture, until the 70 died and the 3200 was stolen about 18 months ago. Recently I did two things: (1) I upgraded OS X to Yosemite and (2) purchased a Nikon D750.  I have successfully imported NEF files from the camera to Aperture, but the images do not render/ cannot be opened/ manipulated. Instead, I see a black thumbnail for each imported image with a cassette recorder play icon in the center of each image. 
    I can view the NEF image in Finder preview mode, either directly when viewing the images on the camera SD card or after exporting the previously imported NEF image from Aperture to my desktop or user folder.  Previously imported NEF image seem unaffected.

    The current Apple OSX 10.10 Yosemite and the current Aperture version 3.6 do not have support yet for importing Nikon d750 nef/raw files. It usually takes Apple six to eight weeks to release a new digital camera raw update file for new Nikon dslr models. Once that digital camera raw update file is finally released, update your current version of Aperture and that will allow you to import your d750 raw files. In the meantime, you have many workarounds. In my opinion, the easiest is to save images in duplicate nef/raw and jpeg image files to your SD cards.
    And for now, just import the jpegs to Aperture 3.6 from your d750.  Process your jpegs in Aperture - and hope your clients are happy with the jpegs and can wait for later nef/raw image processing. Be sure to save and do not erase your original SD cards that include the nef/raw and jpeg files - then when Aperture finally releases a new digital camera raw file update that includes the d750 - just insert your original camera SD cards into the computer platform and import the old d750 nef/raw files and edit/process them.
    There are many other ways to proceed in the interim as well. You can always import your d750 nef/raw images into Lightroom (if it has been updated to convert the d750 nef files) and process them there. But for the time being, if you can afford to save and hold onto your original SD cards and wait for the inevitable Aperture digital camera raw update, this is a very easy and simple way to proceed.

  • Blurred S-RAW images in Aperture 3.3.2

    Beginner here so please have patience if I'm doing something stupidly wrong :
    I downloaded some holiday photos from my new EOS7D into Aperture 3.3.2 (latest update) running on OSX10.8, the images are canon S-RAW format which I believe is supported by this version of aperture. The images imported fine but when I view them in viewer they are very blurry. So much so that I thought the camera or lens were at fault or that I was viewing a low resolution version of the photo. All the photo's exhibit the same problem but some are more obvious than others.
    To check my equipment I imported the same photos direct from the camera into Canon's own Digital Photo Professional. The images are pin sharp.
    Any suggestions to what I could be doing wrong :
    1. I don't think I'm importing low res images from the camera into Aperture, the aperture image info says the images are RAW (but not S-RAW), and 13MB in size which seems to be correct for S-RAW.
    2. Could my version of Aperture be set to view low res or JPG versions of the S-RAW images, if so how do I change it.
    3. Are there any known issues with S-RAW (CR2) files and aperture ?
    I believe this is a new problem, I looked back at some S-RAW images from my old 40D (same L series 16-35mm lens) viewed in aperture and they look fine
    Any help most welcome.
    Mike B.

    Plenty of testing but even more confusion I'm afraid :
    1. updated OSX to the latest version 10.8.1, no change to the blurred effect.
    2. updated the 7D firmware to latest version 2.0, no change to the blurred effect.
    took some new photos in various formats and imported using the new updated versions :
    3. new photo's in RAW, blurred effect dissapeared. Images from DPP viewed at 100% were identical when compared to Aperture at 100%
    4. new photos in M-RAW, blurred effect was present quite noticeable when images were compared at 100% size.
    5. photo's in S-RAW, blurred effect was very obvious at all zoom levels especially 100%
    6. imported the same photo's into iphoto 9.3, iphoto mimicked Aperture ie :
    RAW photos were identical in iphoto and DPP, but M-RAW and S-RAW both viewed blurred in iphoto compared to Canon DPP. This one threw me, I had expected iphoto to view correctly in all instances.
    If iphoto hadn't given me the same problem I was going to attempt to re-install Aperture (not quite sure how), but if both iphoto and aperture give the same results, I suspect something more fundamental is going wrong.
    Mike B.
    I tried getting a screen grab for you, I'm not sure if it will work, image on the left is DPP at 100%, image on the right is AP3 at 100%, I cannot get the image on the right to look any better than this in AP3.

  • Viewing RAW images from a Canon 450D in Aperture

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    Apple's list of supported cameras is at
    Historically Apple loses market share due to poor support for newer cameras.
    Workarounds include shooting RAW+JPEG and just using the JPEGs until Apple gets to supporting your camera or using Adobe's RAW to DNG converter. Apple canread the DNGs.

  • RAW image import (problem in iphoto and aperture)

    either the problem is me (my understanding of what I am trying to do) or something has gone awry with both aperture and iphoto...
    when importing RAW images (canon 40d camera) many of which are shot in monochrome and show up as such on the camera (they even show up in b/w on the preview import in iphoto and aperture) ALL images once imported to both iphoto and aperture are in full color. This was not the case on two previous imports (shots taken in b/w RAW imported as b/w RAW images) but now seems to happen every time. I have restarted computed, reimported, checked all settings and nothing is working.
    I am missing something, yes? Thanks for any help.

    no ... you will have to export it as a .tiff or .jpeg ...
    and then import into aperture ...
    although aperture does have a great monochrome tool worth checking out ...
    something to consider is to shoot your monochromes in RAW+JPG and import into aperture ...
    see here for working with RAW+JPG:
    when stacked you will have the B&W from in camera and the colour RAW file ... tweak the monochrome mixer until the RAW is to your liking ... you can use the B&W JPG for a baseline ...

  • Is there any way to invert raw images in Aperture.

    I am "scanning" a lot of old slides and negatives with a SLR camera using an old professional slide duplicator.
    It is very fast and effective with slides and I have tried with negatives. It goes very well except for I have to invert the negative image in Photoshop and even in 16 bit theres at lot less quality left when I save it back in Aperture for the last color correction.
    The solution would be to be able to do the inversion from negative to positive image i full raw quality inside Aperture.
    Does anyone know if there is at "trick" to invert the raw-image in Aperture?

    There is not.  Inversion is more a rewrite than an adjustment -- best done between the scan and importing, imho.
    See this link for further suggestions:

  • I have my camera (Canon 5D MARK 2) set to take both JPEG Large and Raw files with each shot. I uploaded the images from the card to my Pro (Aperture 3) and while the import info said 1500 images were uploaded, I can't find the RAW images.  Aperture put ab

    I have my camera (Canon 5D Mark 2) set to take both JPEG Large and Raw files with each shot. I uploaded the images from the card to my Pro (Aperture 3) and while the import info said 1500 images were uploaded, I can't find the RAW images.  Aperture put about 700 images in an untitled project folder, but all the images are the JPEGs.  What am I missing?

    Have you checked your "Import" settings for "Raw&Jpeg" pairs in the "Import" panel?
    You can set Aperture to import raw, jpeg, or raw&jpeg.
    If you imported Raw&Jpeg, but have set Aperture to use the Jpeg as original, you will see the imported image as Jpeg image, not as a raw image, even if the raw has also been imported. You can switch between Raw and Jpeg originals for selected images from the Photos menu:
    Photos > Use Raw as original.

  • RAW Images show colour spots (Nikon Capture NX 2 vs. Aperture 2)

    Hi All,
    if I compare my RAW images in NX 2 and Aperture 2.1 then Aperture is loosing that game in terms of image quality. After playing around since yesterday I see more details and much more sharpness in NX 2. To find out whats going on I did some comparisons. If I enhance sharpness in Aperture I see sooner or later artefacts, not really comparable.
    But there is one more issue: I see colored spots (blue, green, orange). I didn't apply any changes to the RAW, just import and view "original file". I can't see those spots in NX 2. I disabled everything in NX, even all camera/lens adjustments.
    Please see some example images there: http://home.arcor.de/stocky2605/
    picture.jpg: an overview, the whole image
    crop aperture.jpg: screen shot of Aperture import, no changes made
    crop nx.jpg: screen shot of NX 2 import, no changes made
    crop nx brighter.jpg: screen shot of NX 2 import, a bit more light to the shadows
    Are there any ideas or hints what's going on here? What are these little spots?
    Thank you very much.
    Kind Regards

    OK, time to say good-bye, I like Aperture in terms of managing my images, but today I switched over to CaptureNX 2. Over the last 15 months I learned a lot about developing RAW images, thanks to Aperture. Now it's time for a change, my images look much better with less time to develop then in Aperture. On the other hand, it takes me more time to organize them now. It seems, it's not possible to have the best of all "worlds" within one app.
    So, thanks to Aperture and good bye.

  • Import raw images from canon eos 1000d to aperture 3

    Raw images from Canon EOS 1000D appear garbled tried using  all (?) import methods without success. Camera on firmware version 1.0.7

    Running Aperture Trial 3.1.2  all updates completed.
    May have solved one problem & got another!
    I can now import RAW images by selecting 'Raw' rather than 'Raw + L' on camera menu.This leaves me with all large files - potential future storage problem.  Looking into this.
    Thanks for reply though

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