Apex in iframe broken in 4.1?

I am experiencing a strange problem after I upgraded Application Express to 4.1.
Every new application I create, will not work in an iframe. The frame shows up as empty (with chrome's element inspector showing the content as simply <html><head></head><body></body></html>
But older applications (created in 4.0 and earlier) they show up fine without problems.
I have tried all the themes in 4.1 they all do not work in an iframe and if I create new pages in an older application the new pages work fine in an iframe.
So there is some change in the 4.1 that seems to be breaking apex apps within iframes.
I looked at the sequence of events in the Chrome Network tab of the Developer Tools. I see a request for "f" with a response of "302" (temporarily moved), which is fine, its the session mechanism redirecting.
Then I see another request for "f" which gets the response of "Canceled".
I can get an apex error message to show by pointing to a non-existing page in a new 4.1 app, but that is the only response I have been able to get..
Any ideas anyone?

That's interesting, tried the Sample Application with the following HTML file
<h1>iFrame public page</h1>
<iframe src="http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=29393:99:0" width="100%" height="300">
  your browser doesn't support iframes
<h1>iFrame protected page</h1>
<iframe src="http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=29393:1:" width="100%" height="300">
  your browser doesn't support iframes
</html>The first iframe works fine which loads a public page with using session zero.
The second iframe which tries to include page 1 which is an authenticated page fails in IE8.
I assume it must have something to do with redirects which are not correctly working in the iframe. It has definitely nothing to do with the new security settings to prevent click hijacking, because that's not enabled for that application.
Will continue investigation.
My Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
APEX Plug-Ins: http://apex.oracle.com/plugins
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickwolf

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    Any APEX app requires authentication (even if that authentication is 'No Authentication') of some kind. Are you trying to access it from another web page or using SSO, or is your custom authentication scheme referencing something tabular within your database?
    Cookie management is handled by the browser and therefore not necessarily applicable to the APEX app that you are trying to access unless you are already authenticated within the same session.
    I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to achieve in your web page, accessing an Apex region or page within an iframe without any kind of authentication within the Apex app itself?
    Sorry, if I have misunderstood, maybe you could post an example on apex.oracle.com and show me what you are trying to do and we should be able to help.

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    Hi Christian,
    Thanks for looking in to this...
    This did not fix it :-(
    However, I used    to inspect the response headers and found that unless the page I was attempting to access was LOGIN_DESKTOP then the response was : 302 Moved Temporarily
    Content (encoded: 0.24 KiB / decoded: 0.37 KiB)
    <html><head><title>302 Moved Temporarily</title></head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <p>This document you requested has moved temporarily.</p> <p>It's now at <a href="https://production001-demandanalysis.db.em1.oraclecloudapps.com/apex/f?p=20300147:111:0:::::">https://production001-demandanalysis.db.em1.oraclecloudapps.com/apex/f?p=20300147:111:0:::::</a>.</p> </body></html>
    This may have been causing the error in the iFrame...
    So I changed the Home URL and Login URL to : f?p=&APP_ID.:111:0
    and it now appears to load fine :-)
    Thanks again

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        for (var i=0;i<11;i++){
          $( "#tabs"+i ).tabs();
              ''width''         : ''60%'',
              ''height''        : ''70%'',
              ''autoScale''     : true,
              ''transitionIn''  : 200,
              ''transitionOut'' : 200,
              ''type''          : ''iframe'',
              ''onClosed''         : function() {
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    10 - Execute PL/SQL Code and Return Content [Plug-in]
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                  <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Email.inputValue}"
                    <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Email.validator}"/>
                  <af:commandButton text="commandButton 2"
                                    id="cb2" action="passing">
                    <af:setActionListener from="#{bindings.Email.inputValue}"
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    You can show the documents in an iframe only if your browser has an appropriate plugin (like to most browsers have it for pdf documents). Otherwise you will be forced to either save the document or open it with the appropriate programm. Means, your application will probably fail to show the documents in an iframe for all other document types other than pdf.
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    (1) With Internet Explorer, just go to File > Open > (check "open as webfolder")
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    Hi Dan,
    thank you for your answer. I have the solution now from Kleber_M, this works.
    Dan McGhan wrote:
    1. Use bind variables in my query. It would look something like:
    SELECT *
    FROM region
    WHERE region LIKE '%'|| :P3_REGION ||'%'
    AND country LIKE '%'|| :P3_COUNTRY ||'%'
    AND city LIKE '%'|| :P3_CITY ||'%'
    This was only a mistake when writing the post, i forgot the colon. I use bind variables of course.
    2. Make sure you have a comma separated list of item names that the report depends on beneath the SQL Query where it says Page Items to Submit. This will make sure that the value of those items on the page are bound into session state prior to the query executing.I tried this, too, but without success...
    3. Use Dynamic Actions to perform the refresh action when any of the three items changes. This would be both more performant and a better experience for the end user than a full page refresh.How can i do this. This sounds good, because when refreshing the page often some items oder actions are done that i don´t want to.

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    How it will work?
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    Page 1
    [Common layout]
    [Team A page 2 (iframe)] or [Team B page 3 (iframe)] or [Team XPTO page N (iframe)]
    [Common layout]
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    Thanks in advance,

    I think i coldn´t explain what I´m trying to do, and my picture doesn´t help either! (Well, it´s already done :C)
    Sorry for that guys, let me try to be more specific:
    I´m developing a issue tracker system. That application is used by many teams in my company. Every team use the same interface. I made some authorization schemes, and other DB logics to make the data accessible only for those who can access that data, like, Team A cannont access/see/modify Team B data.
    The new chalenge: Some teams need aditional/different fields.
    What we already have, for example:
    Page "BUGS"
    [Creation_TS] [LastDiffe_TS]
    [Add comments]
    [Choose STATUS]
    What we need?
    Page "BUGS" that Team A will see
    [Creation_TS] [LastDiffe_TS]
    [Problem ID][Probaly Solucion]
    [...] <-- here we have anything that Team judge to be necessary to have here
    [Add comments]
    [Choose STATUS]
    Page "BUGS" that Team B will see
    [Creation_TS] [LastDiffe_TS]
    [Problem root][Afected subsystems]
    [Solution Roadmap]
    [Estimed time to solution]
    [Responsible][Detected in version]
    [Correction PKG ID]
    [...] <-- here we have anything that Team judge to be necessary to have here
    [Add comments]
    [Choose STATUS]
    [Creation_TS] [LastDiffe_TS]
    [Dynamical content using iFrames]
    [Add comments]
    [Choose STATUS]
    That´s what I was trying to show in that picture. Do you understand now? :)
    Thanks in advance,

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    pulling whatever is sitting in the columns.
    The primary language for this page and all pages in the application is English.
    How does one get around this display error?
    Thank You

    This is frequently caused by failing to meet APEX installation and configuration requirements. Ensure the DAD character set is AL32UTF8 and the correct version of the PL/SQL Web Toolkit is used.
    The DAD may be at the location indicated in the documentation link below, or it may be somewhere else depending on the local configuration. The PL/SQL Web Toolkit can be checked using the query <tt>select owa_util.get_version from dual</tt> in the SQL Workshop.

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    The broken lin in APEX 4.0 API Reference has been corrected. The latest updated version of this document is now available on the Oracle Technical Network (OTN).
    Thanks for reporting the bug,
    Drue Swadener
    Principal Technical Writer

  • Apex in an iframe - only allow access from specific parent page

    I have a simple, unauthenticated Apex 4 application which lets users enter search terms and return records using a classic report. I wish to publish the application within an iframe, so that my organisation's communications department can maintain control over the rest of the page content. A side effect of this solution is that it will be possible for users to lift the application URL from the page source and reuse it elsewhere. I would prefer to avoid this, since I don't want our main website traffic to be diverted. Is there a way to restrict access to an application based on the parent page of the iframe in which it is embedded?
    Thanks in advance,

    I'm sure there might be better way than this and this might have some holes , but anyway
    Create HTML region "After header" without template to page zero
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var u="my_ifarme_url_here";
    </script>Replace "my_ifarme_url_here" with URL your iFrame is located

  • Display apex page inside iframe........

    Im trying to put the apex page(http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=44015:3:2304706657174469:::::) inside a iframe. but i cant achive it. when i run the below code the page cant able to display inside the iframe.
    <title>HTML Test</title>
    <iframe src="http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=44015:3:2304706657174469:::::" width="800" height="400">
    </html>i.e, i want to display a page(google) like below,
    <title>HTML Test</title>
    <iframe src="http://www.google.com" width="800" height="400">
    </html>what's wrong in my code?
    Thanks in advance...

    What kind of error does the page give?
    I see that you have your session info in your url.
    If you put it like this:
    <iframe src="http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=44015:3" width="800" height="400">does that work?

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    I have two instances of APEX v3 running. One was an upgrade from HTMLDB v2.0 the other is the version that came with 11g. The 11g version seems to be fundamentally broken and buggy. It continually asks me for an XDB login, the applications that I can import into the upgraded v3 version, import into this version missing half of the components. This list of bugs and fixes is becoming endless.
    I have read the notes, this forum, and have an SR on the matter. Most people seem to be aware of the APEX 11g issues and I have been able to fix some of them. I am wondering if I should uninstall the version that came with the database and install the stand-alone version. Thoughts?

    When you installed 11g, did you do a clean database install or did you do an upgrade? I tried doing the upgrade process 5 times and they all had problems, so I finally settled on a clean install (software only), then created a database with all of my tablespaces, then exported and imported all of the data from my 10g database. The upgrade process was (once again) unusable for me.
    If you did a process similar to mine above, when you imported, did you export and import the Apex schemas? That doesn't work at all, and does lead to numerous problems. The Apex schemas need to have the applications exported and the imported back through the Apex interface. That is the only way it works if you are changing versions like going from 10g with Apex to 11g with (I probably got the Apex versions wrong). Otherwise, you wind up with some of the older Apex 'data' (tables, data, etc.) overwriting the newer version in 11g, and that causes problems. This is exactly like the case of not importing the system (system, sys, sysaux) schemas into a newer version.
    If you're not the DBA, ask your DBA how the 11g install was performed. It could be that they did the 11g install the wrong way. I know this was my most difficult upgrade process yet, and I've been doing this since version 5, about 16 years now.
    Anyway, the point of all of the above is that when done properly, Apex itself doesn't have any problems. Actually, the Oracle database didn't have any 'major' problems either (a few minor ones, but I worked through those finally). But, when done improperly, the data migration from an old version to a new version can cause all kinds of problems. Based on what I experienced when I migrated my system from 10g to 11g, it sounds like this may be what you are experiencing. And none of this has anything to do with Apex.
    I would suggest uninstalling Apex, then install it fresh (so you know you have a working, clean install), then import your applications through the Apex interface. You shouldn't have any problems if you do it this way.
    For the record, I would also trust what Tyler, Joel, Scott Spadafore and Carl say a lot more than Oracle Support, especially when it comes to Apex.
    My last experience with Oracle Support was with a problem I had in 11g with views that use the ANSI join syntax. I used the USING clause, since I was performing the join between three tables that had a common column name (per all of the documentation), but I kept getting a 'unabiguous column' error message. The 'fix' was to change all of my views to use the ON syntax instead. Oracle Support insisted that this is the correct behaviour, even though all the documentation I've seen everywhere states otherwise. In short, Oracle Support is good in that they will eventually get you working again, but they are not experts.
    Send Joel the SR# so he can investigate further. I'm pretty darn sure that he'll discover in this case Oracle Support was wrong (again), and have a solution for you if the above uninstall, import process doesn't fix your problem.
    Bill Ferguson

  • Why do i lose my session  in apex 4.1 when viewing (public) page in iframe?

    When i view another apex page in an iframe from my current page using "0" session or leaving the session blank (new session) , i will lose my session and i am redirected to the login page.
    This doesn't seem right?
    Is there a workaround for this behaviour as this is really messing up the functionality of my application.
    In 4.0 everything was working fine.

    Hi behteam,
    the only workaround which would come into my mind would be to
    1) put the pages you call in your iFrame into a separate application
    2) Go to shared components > authentication and specify a unique name for the cookie name
    This will make sure that your main application and your lookup application will use different session cookies and will not overwrite each other when a new session is created.
    Question: Why don't you include all the necessary page items into the URL when you call the page in the iframe, so that a refresh will set the correct session state again?
    My Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
    APEX Plug-Ins: http://apex.oracle.com/plugins
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickwolf

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