Apple mail + thread problem

I'm using Mail to view my IMAP account (Gmail).
However, all threads are grouped based on the subject and since there are many emails with the same subject, the whole idea of using "organize as thread" is totally gone.
Is there some way to "group conversations" like gmail?

As you have found, there is no free iCloud Support unless you happen to have AppleCare. You could try contacting MobileMe Support - a number of people have had problems resolved that way. Go to and select your country. In the next window click on a category to expand it, then on a subject to get a link to 'live chat'.
Presumably after June MobileMe Support will go away as will MobileMe itself, which would leave iCloud with no free support. You might want to consider whether you want to entrust your email to a service which has no contactable support (though to be fair, neither do the other free services such as Yahoo and GMail -  as usual, you get what you pay for).

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  • A new clue to the Apple Mail sending problems?

    In my continuing efforts to fix the SMTP/POP mail failures with Apple mail, I've noticed a glitch that some of you more advanced readers might be able to decipher.
    After lots of fruitless messing around with port numbers, preferences, and keychain fix attempts, what did work for me (temporarily) was a cleaning out of all the servers listed on the mail account options window, and then putting the original names and other info back in. Somehow, the mail app is spontaneously generating multiple combinations of server names, usually the original server name, plus a user name, the server name again, or some other redundant combination.
    As I use mail to manage two separate POP accounts, sometimes it also creates hybrid server names by combining the server/user name pieces across both accounts.
    This appears to happen entirely on its own; I had mail working for about 90 minutes, then it fell into this problem again. I'll probably have to keep cleaning it out, like a boat owner scraping barnacles off the hull, until Apple offers some kind of a patch.
    Has anyone else who has the nagging "can't send SMTP mail" problem seen this phenomenon in their server/account preferences specs? If so, any ideas on how to stop this madness?

    You haven’t said what the problem was in your case, i.e. what error message did you get when sending, if any, whether the mail account and the associated outgoing (SMTP) server were provided by your ISP or by someone else, etc.
    Mail doesn’t spontaneoulsy generate outgoing server entries, but it keeps information about outgoing (SMTP) servers in a separate list independently of the mail accounts themselves. The account settings just associate one of the available outgoing servers with each account. Deleting an account doesn’t remove from the list the outgoing server that was associated with it. Orphaned or dangling outgoing server entries (i.e. not associated with any account) sometimes cause weird sending problems, and could very well have been the problem in your case as well.
    As you appear to have already found out, you may go to Mail > Preferences > Accounts > Account Information > Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP), choose Edit Server List from the popup menu, and delete any servers that shouldn’t be there — the Edit Server List panel shows the account each outgoing server is associated with.

  • Apple Mail & Kalender Probleme

    Unter Mointain Lion zeigt Apple Mail einige Sonderbarkeiten:
    Bei meinem Exchange Konto werden wiederholt die emails im Posteingang nicht dargestellt (keine Mail gewählt), obwohl eine oder mehrere neue Mails angezeigt werden und sich viele mails im Posteingang befinden. Mails in den Unterverzeichnissen werden problemlos dargestellt. Nach einigen Minuten werden die Mails im Posteingang dann auch wieder angezeigt. Die Imap Postfächer machen keine Probleme.
    Bei einer Suche nach Stichwörtern in Mails wird in der Ergebnisliste ein und die selbe mail 10 fach angezeigt mit dem Ort Trash und das obwohl der Papierkorb leer und gelöscht wurde.
    Es ist im professionellen Umfeld nicht akzeptabel, dass Windows Anhänge als winmail.dat angezeigt und nicht geöffnet werden,
    das kann jedes open Source und Webmail Programm schon besser. Ich kann von meinen Kunden nicht verlangen, dass sie ihr email Programm umkonfigurieren nur, dass ich ihre mails lesen kann - Apple, das ist ein NOGO !!!
    Und ja ich hab die App zum öffnen gekauft, das kanns aber nicht sein..
    Dass im Kalender immer noch keine Aufgaben angezeigt werden ist ebenso für einen Firmenanwender ein Unding.
    Termine, Aufgaben und Mails bilden eine funktionale Einheit und sollten in einem Programm vereint sein.
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    Und das allerschlimmste, die Kalender werden nicht zuverlässig über die iCloud synchronisiert: Mac & iPad ja, iPhone nein
    Den Umstieg von Windows hab ich mir erfreulicher vorgestellt,
    bei Mail und Kalender besteht noch deutlicher Aufholbedarf.

    I tried Force Quitting Mail, then Restarting my MBPro.  As soon as I launched Mail, it popped open the message it had been working on and resumed processing on it again.  The rows of the spreadsheet slowly began appearing -- starting over at the top -- one row every several minutes.
    All this while, the RRPoD prevents anything else to be done in Mail, and every other app is slowed dramatically.
    What on Earth could Mail be doing in there?
    Activity shows Mail getting between 96.4 and 100.2 % of the CPU, modest disk activity and almost no network activity.
    You Have Been Warned.

  • Apple Mail sending problems

    I have a Macbook and it's working fine in my home office.  I purchased a Macbook Air and set it up for traveling internationally.  It was sending and receiving emails fine in the USA.  I have three email acccounts including fastmail IMAP, gmail IMAP and a company Exchange account.  About a week into my travels in Central Asia, I was not longer sending emails from Apple Mail.  If I save a draft, it shows up in my Mail folders.  But once I "send", the message is completely lost.  The message is not in my folders.  I've tested by sending to myself.
    I've tried the following:
    1)  Deleting Envelope Index and reloading files. 
    2) Deleting Accounts and reloading preferences
    3)  Changing ports to 25, 465, and 587
    4)  Connection Doctor shows green light for all accounts.
    5)  Deleting com.applemail.plist and reloading
    6) I use SSL and the above ports
    7) My current setting for all three accounts is "Store sent messages on the server"
    I can use Webmail but I would like to send from my email client - Apple Mail. 
    Any suggestions?

    I have now identified the source of this problem. 
    I changed the title of my original Mail file by Old Mail.
    I opened Mail and added only IMAP accounts (three).  They all send and receive. 
    The Smart Mailbox files and Rules are still intact. 
    I copied Mailboxes into Mail.  And now I cannot send emails.  So there must be some corruption in the Mailboxes (On My Mac) that prevents sending. 
    Any thoughts on how to keep Mailboxes and get rid of corruption?

  • Apple mail printing problems

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    Anybody else faced up to this screw up yet?
    Follow up:
    Apple Mail with new OS X Ver. 10.9.3 is having problems scaling messages to print in portrait mode. It will only print headers in some messages, unless you set the page to print in landscape mode.

    Others have reported this issue:
    paypal receipts won't print in mac mail
    Select the message, then select
         File ▹ Export as PDF...
    from the menu bar. Print the exported message in Preview.

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    This is confusing.  I don't know where to go with this issue.

    What is the domain for the email address? You need to get help from the email provider.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.
    "All knowledge is worth having."

  • Apple mail-shutdown problem

    i was wondering if anyone could help-i check my mail everyday for my pop account but yesterday and today when i got to retrieve mail the app shuts down and says an error occured and mail has shut down please try again
    ive tried resetting the whole acocunt restarting the computer etc nothing has fixed it
    there is a report ive sent to apple but i dont understand any of them error notes
    any help at all?

    Hi, first I'd check your Mail via the Webmail interface, sometimes a bad one will have to be removed there.
    Not certain, but this can fix myriad Mail problems...
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), it will try to repair your Disk Directory while the spinning radian is happening, so let it go, run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, then move these folder & file to the Desktop.
    Move this Folder to the Desktop...
    Move this file to the Desktop...
    /Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail/Envelope Index
    If that doesn't do it and you can afford to redo all your Rules, try these & reboot...

  • Apple Mail Application Problems - Cannot connect to Server

    Hello Apple Community.
    For the past two days my Mail application on my iPad and MacBook do not. It is as if there is a problem with the internet but my internet it working fine. The app opens and loads and continues to load but then says it Cannot Connect to Server.
    Is there any way to fix this problem. I do not have OSX Mavericks.
    Please help.

    If the problem exists on two different devices (different operating systems), your router or ISP is probably the reason. Contact your ISP for help.

  • How do you correct the  apple mail "offline" problem

    Do a "P" "R" (Ram) Reset. Turn your computer off. Then as you turn it on immediately hold the P , R , Option, Command keys down all at the same time  ( all four) and keep holding until you hear two dong sounds and the screen go black for second and the Apple reappears. Then let off the keys.
    OS X Yosemite: Reset your computer’s PRAM
    If your Mac doesn’t seem to be remembering your speaker volume, display resolution, or the disk it should be using during startup, you may need to reset your computer’s PRAM.
    Resetting PRAM may change some system settings and preferences. Use System Preferences to restore your settings.
    Important:   To print these instructions, click the Share button in the Help window, then choose Print. 
    Choose Apple menu > Shut Down.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Option, Command (⌘), P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on your Mac.
    Immediately press and hold the Option-Command-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.Continue holding the keys down until your Mac restarts, and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.
    After resetting your computer’s PRAM, you may need to update your speaker volume, display resolution, and startup disk preferences. For more information about PRAM, see the Apple Support article About NVRAM and PRAM.

    Hi, Jordan -
    Welcome to Apple's Discussions.
    If the original drive in the newer Mac is a Western Digital, its jumpers may be set to Single, which WD drives often use when there is only one device on the bus. When a second drive is added, the jumpers on the original must be reset to Master.
    OS 9's utility is named Drive Setup - you should find it in the Utilities folder on the hard drive. Run that. Select the added hard drive in the list, then select Mount Volume from the Functions menu.
    You can also check with that utility to see if the OS believes the drive has been set to automount at boot. Again, select the drive in the list. Then select Volume Settings from the Functions menu - there's a checkbox in that screen to set automount (for freshly initialized drives, that's turned on by default).
    Also, try running Disk First Aid (should also be in the Utilities folder). Let it have a look at the second drive, and repair anything it can.
    Apple System Profiler should report the format of all drives it sees. Is the format of the drive from the old Mac stated as Mac OS Standard, or as Mac OS Extended?

  • Problem with gmail not working with apple mail..

    i'm trying to set up a gmail account to the apple mail program on mac (still works in iphone and ipad). after many diffrent approaches,
    i think i have all the right setnings. But i still cant connect to the google IMAP, both with or without SSL.
    i guess perhaps that the problem could be within the google settings.
    does anyone have another solution i could try?

    it dosn't work.. have tried that at least 5 times..
    this is what i get:
    CONNECTED Jan 30 20:09:18.605 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- -- port:993 -- socket:0x7fce3bf06260 -- thread:0x7fce3a6cd620
    CONNECTED Jan 30 20:09:18.690 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:993 -- socket:0x7fce3a2b9470 -- thread:0x7fce3a6cd620
    INITIATING CONNECTION Jan 30 20:09:25.862  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x0 -- thread:0x7fce3a2d2e20
    INITIATING CONNECTION Jan 30 20:09:25.862  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x0 -- thread:0x7fce3bc695a0
    INITIATING CONNECTION Jan 30 20:09:25.862  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x0 -- thread:0x7fce3bd1ec80
    CONNECTED Jan 30 20:09:26.218 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3b9a06a0 -- thread:0x7fce3bd1ec80
    CONNECTED Jan 30 20:09:26.219 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3a16d680 -- thread:0x7fce3bc695a0
    CONNECTED Jan 30 20:09:26.220 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3bd1a5e0 -- thread:0x7fce3a2d2e20
    READ Jan 30 20:09:26.252 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3b9a06a0 -- thread:0x7fce3bd1ec80
    220 ESMTP ns7sm1237401lab.5 - gsmtp
    READ Jan 30 20:09:26.254 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3a16d680 -- thread:0x7fce3bc695a0
    220 ESMTP tm10sm1235019lab.10 - gsmtp
    READ Jan 30 20:09:26.255 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3bd1a5e0 -- thread:0x7fce3a2d2e20
    220 ESMTP go4sm805859lbb.16 - gsmtp
    WROTE Jan 30 20:09:26.298 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3b9a06a0 -- thread:0x7fce3bd1ec80
    EHLO []
    WROTE Jan 30 20:09:26.311 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3a16d680 -- thread:0x7fce3bc695a0
    EHLO []
    WROTE Jan 30 20:09:26.322 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3bd1a5e0 -- thread:0x7fce3a2d2e20
    EHLO []
    READ Jan 30 20:09:26.333 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3b9a06a0 -- thread:0x7fce3bd1ec80 at your service, []
    250-SIZE 35882577
    READ Jan 30 20:09:26.346 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3a16d680 -- thread:0x7fce3bc695a0 at your service, []
    250-SIZE 35882577
    READ Jan 30 20:09:26.358 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3bd1a5e0 -- thread:0x7fce3a2d2e20 at your service, []
    250-SIZE 35882577
    WROTE Jan 30 20:09:26.364 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3b9a06a0 -- thread:0x7fce3bd1ec80
    WROTE Jan 30 20:09:26.380 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3a16d680 -- thread:0x7fce3bc695a0
    WROTE Jan 30 20:09:26.391 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3bd1a5e0 -- thread:0x7fce3a2d2e20
    READ Jan 30 20:09:26.402 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3b9a06a0 -- thread:0x7fce3bd1ec80
    220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
    READ Jan 30 20:09:26.415 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3a16d680 -- thread:0x7fce3bc695a0
    220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
    READ Jan 30 20:09:26.426 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:587 -- socket:0x7fce3bd1a5e0 -- thread:0x7fce3a2d2e20
    220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
    INITIATING CONNECTION Jan 30 20:10:24.026  -- -- port:993 -- socket:0x0 -- thread:0x7fce3a2cc440
    CONNECTED Jan 30 20:10:24.095 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- -- port:993 -- socket:0x7fce3b8337a0 -- thread:0x7fce3a2cc440
    CONNECTED Jan 30 20:10:24.399 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone]  -- -- port:993 -- socket:0x7fce3b9c90d0 -- thread:0x7fce3a2cc440

  • Mail thread in Apple mail not working after updating to Yosemite

    I just upgraded to Yosemite a couple of days ago and I noticed that my mail threads are not working properly. Instead of having threads categorized by the subject line, I have thousands of emails in just ONE thread that are completely irrelevant to each other. I have deleted my email accounts completely and reinstalled them from scratch and they still have the same problem after my emails are dowloaded from my IMAP server. I have also tried to rebuild the email account and the same problem happens. I get around 700 - 800 emails a day so the thread function is extremely crucial for me to be able to track all of my emails, but there is no way to do it now when everything is bunched together.
    Anyone else running into the same issue? I am using a third party host (Bluehost) as my hosting service, but this problem never came up on the previous operating systems or my IPHONE. Those still work just fine.

    The longest thread about this seems to be this one: LINK
    Best course of action now is to describe the problem to apple in the feedback form: LINK

  • Problems with Apple Mail attachments not showing in Outlook

    I am experiencing problems when using the new Apple Mail 5.0 (with OSX Lion) to send PDF attachments. The recipient using MS Outlook on a PC will see the email, see the attachment icon (paper clip) but they cannot click to open the attachment.
    It's like the attachment was stripped off the email.
    Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

    I also have this problem, it seems to be something to do with this: but I cannot find the "View in Place" or "View as Icon"  options. Anyone had any luck?
    This however, maybe the cause (with no real solution but to switch to plain text format): 98ae640-9091-44c9-b663-63152eb2f0fe/

  • Font size problems in Apple Mail (Snow Leopard)

    Dear all
    When I send messages in large font, e.g. size 18 or size 24, the recipient complains of the text being too small, e.g. size 8 or 9. This is happening on everyone who I send mail too... It's problematic for me because I then have to write emails using gigantic letters so that the recipient receives mail with an average size.
    Does anyone know how this can be addressed?
    Thank you

    you're not alone. see a similar thread:
    i just tried this and for now, it seems to work. i'm waiting for feedback from other Win PC & Mac users.
    Change Message font to Lucinda Grande 12 (seems to be the only font that works to solve this problem)
    Signature - change font to 10
    Uncheck "Always match..."
    if it works for you, please let us know.

  • Attachments problems with eudora mailbox imported to apple mail.

    i am considering moving from eudora to apple mail. i've done a test of importing one of the eudora mailboxes and am having a problem with the attachments.
    the attachments to the messages in the eudora mailbox appear to be recognized by the apple mailtool. however, apple will not display the attachments. my test is with a mailbox i keep messages from a friend who travels a lot and sends me jpegs of his trips. the import gave no error messages.
    after the import, i can see all the message are in the new mailbox. i can open them fine. however, when viewing messages in apple mail that had attachments, mail shows the message and also shows a list of the pics attached, but it doesn't display the jpgs.
    "This message has the following attachments:
    .../Library/Mail/Attachments/xxx.jpg, etc..."
    i can go to the attachment directory and find the jpegs there. they open fine in preview... but there seems to be no way to view or double click the filename to open it.
    i've searched the local help and this forum and haven't found this thread yet...
    does anyone have any experience with importing email with attachments?
    is there some setting i need to change in mail to display the attachments or open them?
    i appreciate any suggestions or pointers to the solution if somewhere on web...

    ok, i think i found something that fixes this problem...
    Eudora Mailbox Cleaner
    i found it on:
    this software seems to bypass apple's "import" and does it's own method of getting the mail files into apple's mailtool... in addition to allowing apple's mail to display the attachments (jpgs, pdfs, etc) this also looks like it preserved the message status... the read messages are marked "read" instead of "unread" also...
    i wonder if there is a way to transfer them back, if i decide to go back to eudora after trying apple's mail... my next quest... i will be very flexible to try apple's mail if it is not a 1 way journey, since i'm looking for some solutions in apple's mail... thanks for reading-

  • Huge problem using apple mail while sending email to a group...

    Hey - I am quite confused... apple mail has huge problems using groups with about 150 addresses when writing and sending an email... the writing of emails is nearly impossible. Once the group name is inserted in the addressline (address book in iCloud!), apple mail uses nearly 100% CPU and further writing is nearly impossible. When sending such an email, all addresses are suddenly visible - though the box is NOT checked and the addresses should be hidden... what can I do? I use this feature (sending mails to groups) on a daily basis and cannot accept visible addresses...
    Greetings and sorry for inconvenient english...

    How about next time you send to the group, cc yourself, or include yourself in the group. Then receive the email on the iphone, you can "reply all" in order to send to the group. If you use an imap account, you can make a new folder, call it something like "groups", and save different group emails there for the next time you need to "reply all".

Maybe you are looking for