Apple Mouse - Mavericks scrollen

Hallo Community,
Ich besitze folgendes Problem an meinem Mac mini. Wenn ich in den Mauseinstellungen die Scrollgeschwindigkeit auf Schnell einstelle, also der maximalen Geschwindigkeit, verliert sich diese Einstellung nach einem Neustart des Computers. Die Scrollgeschwindigkeit stellt sich immer auf die zweit höchste Geschwindigkeit zurück. Ist das nur ein Bug oder kann die Apple Mouse (ehem. Mighty Mouse) nicht auf das Maximum eingestellt werden?

Which mouse are you using, MightyMouse or MagicMouse?

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    Try setting the scroll wheel scaling manually, by running the following command in the Terminal and then logging out and then back in to re-load the settings:
    defaults write -g -float VALUE
    In this case, try values of 1, 0.5, 0.25, etc, decreasing in half each time to see how the scroll wheel sensitivity responds, and then use the one that works best. Alternatively, you can use the system preferences to set the sensitivity to the two values you have used so far, followed by running the following command between each to see what the value is for each:
    defaults read -g
    Then you can determine some intermediate value to use, and use the first command above to set it to that value (again followed by logging out and then back in so the value will load).

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    *" Will the wired Apple Mighty Mouse work with Windows Vista SP1?"*
    In reality... probably. Why would you want it anyway? There are many many better mice out there.

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    <Email removed by Host>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    sounds more like Bluetooth rather than moue, but w/o knowing w/o posting mac model type/year we... will... not... know... what you have
    All computers are personal computers, a PC though is also "non-Apple" in common usage.
    Mac also is platform and OS.
    Very confused reading what you are trying to tell us.

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    kaz-k's post about the ball being shiny and stiff initially reminded me, so I just wanted to be sure you were not stuck in a rut thinking that you had to click the little ball.
    I do not find mine much different in the pressure required for any other mouse I have around, including some PC mice. Are you sure the mouse you have is not defective?
    I suppose it is possible the design has changed a little, but I think of click pressure as very important and not subject to random design change. (Unlike automotive ignition switch turning pressure.)
    If you don't like the pressure required to click to the left of the ball, then this mouse is not for you, especially not for working with art.

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    If you have a Magic Mouse go into the System/Mouse preference pane and set the scrolling and swiping settings there.  If you click on an item there will be a demo of that feature in the window at the right.

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    Thank you very much.
    I wonder if you can help me with a different problem.
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    Go to Systems Preferences and click on the Mouse icon. You have a choice of how fast you want to track, scroll and the double click speed. It also gives you some choices of one-finger and two-finger operations. Change the settings (maybe one at a time) and see what best fits you. What I have my mouse setting on are comfortable for me; they might not be comfortable for you. Try changing the settings in Systems Preferences until you come up with a configuration that meets your needs.
    There is a "mouse" chapter in the "Everything Mac" manual that came with the computer. It has more information on use, settings, etc.

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    Best regards...
    iBook G4 1.42 GHz & iMac G4 Flat Panel 800 MHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Unfortunately, this could be any number of things.
    One likely suspect is the batteries. If you're using
    rechargeables, try good new regular ones for a while.
    The rechargeables are 1.2 volts, regular AAs are
    1.5. Sometimes that makes a difference.
    I've thought of using those, but I don't. What I do -- though -- is take out one battery when I'm not using it. I don't use the mouse but every few days (or so), and maybe for up to a week or so. So, that way I figure I keep the battery in good shape.
    Even brand new ones sometimes don't work, or don't
    work right. Try cleaning the contacts in the mouse,
    and the top and bottom of the batteries with alcohol,
    acetone (carefully), or the like. Try other new
    batteries. I've had brand-new ones test fine with a
    volt meter, but just not work. Never did figure out
    why. Others in the same pack were fine.
    Well, I do carry a set of brand new ones, so that I'll be ready to replace them. And I've tried the new ones before, to see if that was the problem. I still encounter this kind of "tracking" problem. Now, mind you the "clicking" always works okay. So, I'm getting a Bluetooth connection always. However, it's only the tracking (and not the "clicking") that is not working. It's always that way without any variation (if there is any kind of problem at all).
    Interference is another common problem. Airport,
    cordless phones, etc., can interfere. Try turning
    off everything you can find for a while. If you see
    improvement, turn one at a time back on.
    Now, I'll be (usually) in public places when I do use the mouse (like Starbucks or McDonalds), so that might be difficult to isolate any others that are using Bluetooth. However, I do use another Bluetooth device (but not at the same time). It's a Bluetooth GPS receiver. It always works (although it's the only bluetooth connected at the time).
    If all else fails, I recommend a double Scotch.
    Won't help, but you may not care!
    Well..., it's irritating, but I can usually get it to working in about three to five minutes by taking the battery in and out and/or flipping that switch back and forth. It's never been any longer than about five minutes for me to get it to fully working again. But, since I've seen several others here mentioning this problem, it seems to me that it's some kind of hardware or software problem -- especially since the Bluetooth connection is made and is functioning with the mouse clicks (always without fail).
    Good luck.
    Thanks -- but say..., do you know what that "switch" is -- underneath the battery cover?
    Best Regards...

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    Try going to settings, reset , reset network settings.

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    I wish I was a student!
    As a retired teacher, am I eligible for educational rates?
    Incidentally, it's not all good news as your "educational" FCS can't be upgraded but it should keep you busy for the next few years.

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    It's a matter of preference.  I like the Magic Mouse for the additional gestures that Lion gives it.

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    Hi Stephen,
    If you are having issues with Mail in Mavericks, you may want to make sure you have updated to the most recent release. You may find the following article helpful:
    OS X: About Mail Update for Mavericks
    - Brenden

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    Try cleaning the sensor with a damp (but not wet) cotton bud.
    How to clean Apple products

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