APPLE: PLEASE make VPN exit conditional on closing shares!!!!

This just happens too often: I connect to a customer via VPN and when I disconnect, if I haven't closed the open shares I opened during the session, my MBP COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY LOCKS UP!!!!
I've waited up to 10 minutes for things to settle, but there's nothing that can be done except a hard reset. It simply doesn't respond to any of the normal key commands used to regain control of the system.
And when I do close the shares: I disconnect and everything is just peachy.
It would make perfect sense to either ask the user to eject the shares before closing the VPN, or even better, have the system automatically close the shares before disconnection.
This is a really big oversight for anyone doing VPN, and it has a really simple solution. Some searching shows this is in fact a common problem. If someone know WHERE I can send this to Apple tech support more directly, please let me know; I couldn't find a direct email on the main support page.

If you want to report this to Apple, better, IMO, is to send bug reports and enhancement requests via its Bug Reporter system. To do this, join the Apple Developer Connection (ADC)—it's free and available for all Mac users and gets you a look at some development software. Since you already have an Apple username/ID, use that. Once a member, go to Apple BugReporter and file your bug report/enhancement request. The nice thing with this procedure over submitting feedback is that you get a response and a follow-up number; thus, starting a dialog with engineering.

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    Thank you so much,

    Try Apple Feedback
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    Exactly.  Which is what I was leading to.  Not sure why the OP is having issues with using on an iOS device.
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    A) We are not Apple.
    B) Apple can't publish anything on iTunes unless they are licensed to do so.

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    This is a user-to-user technical support forum. You're not addressing Apple here.
    Submit your feedback directly to Apple using the appropriate link on the Feedback page:

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    Message was edited by: boredracer

    You are NOT addressing Apple here. This is a user forum, we are iphone users like you.
    You may leave feedback for Apple at:

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    Which screen are you using now ?   I have a 27 and no problem of course but I do not have this problem even on my MacBookPro 15.
    Anyway I agree with you, yours is a good suggestion because we have to be free to resize as much as possible.
    Here we are only users, no Apple people reads.
    Put your suggestion here

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    Good Luck, Musicheads.

    I think you misunderstand this forum. Apple Tech Support has essentially no presence here. It's a user-to-user forum. It's possible that one of your fellow users may take it upon themselves to summarize things but, then again, they may be too busy answering questions.
    You also have to keep in mind that people come here with problems so, it sometimes seems as if everyone in the world is having a problem. But, the people who aren't having problems, aren't posting here.
    So, you're going to have to do some of the work yourself to solve your problem. You might start by posting exactly what happened, what your seeing and what error messages your getting. If you've already done that in another thread, that's great.
    Best of luck.


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    IMO a Mac Pro-type system would be vast overkill. A mini has all the performance you need for a media playback system.
    But if you really want to suggest it to Apple, use the feedback pages. Don't hold your breath waiting, though. I think the number of people who would be interested in paying the premium price is going to be too small for Apple to consider.

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